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A09362 A case of conscience the greatest taht [sic] euer was, how a man may know, whether he be the son of God or no. Resolued by the vvord of God. Whereunto is added a briefe discourse, taken out of Hier. Zanchius. Perkins, William, 1558-1602.; Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590. 1592 (1592) STC 19666; ESTC S110395 35,569 79

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by which they come vnto it And wee beleeue as we are bound to do that we are predestinate to eternal life and therefore wee must also beleeue that we haue bene elected to Faith and good workes that by them as by certaine steppes we might be brought to eternall life And therefore so far must we be from neglecting faith and the meanes of good workes and of a holy life that contrariwise it is rather our dutie to keepe faith in a good conscience to be conuersant in good workes which God hath prepared that we might walke in them And because wee can neither attaine to the ende nor the meanes that bring vs thereunto of our selues Therefore it is our parts to craue them at Gods hands by prayer that hee woulde giue vs Faith and a care to do good workes and encrease them in vs. Nether must we onely ask them but also certainly trust that we shal obtaine them for Christ his cause For if for all them which are predestinated to eternall life God hath prepared faith by which they may beleeue and good workes to walk in therefore if wee beleeue as by Gods commandement wee are bound that wee are in Christ elected to eternall glory we must also be perswaded that before we depart hence hee will giue vs true repētance increase true faith inflame vs with loue lastly that he wil minister vnto vs aboundantly all thinges in Christ to obtaine the end Yea this confidence also and prayer it is one effecte of predestination by which wee get the rest Therefore this doctrin we must hold that predestination to eternall life doeth not take away the meanes of obtaining it but rather establish them And therefore both these principles are true namely that the elect to life cannot perish and vnlesse a man beleeue in Christ and perseuer vnto the end in this faith working by loue hee shall perish The reason is because in predestination the meanes and the end of it are so ioyned together that the one cannot be seuered from the other Wherfore whosoeuer holdeth not the meanes vnto the end amongst which faith is one it is manifest that hee was neuer predestinate and therefore mu●● needes perish as on the cōtrary he which holdeth faith must needes be saued So the truth of these propositions is euident hee which beleeueth in the son hath eternall life contrariwise he which beleeueth not in the Sonne the anger of God remaineth vpon him because as a constant faith is a sign of election so obstinat infidelity is a token of reprobation FINIS Bradfords ansvvere to Careles Careles I Am troubled with feare that my sinnes are not pardoned Brad. They are for God hath giuen thee a penitent and beleeuing hearte that is an heart which desireth to repent and beleeue For such an one is taken of him hee accepting the will for the deed for a penitent and beleeuing heart indeed Trin. vni Deo gloria Profession without practise a note of an hypocrite Sincerity of life and religion a note of communion with God To professe perfect sanctification in this life a note of an hypocrite humble confession of sin to God is a note of remission of sinne An endeuo● to keep th● commandementes a sign of faith Faith without obedience a note of an Hypocrite profession ioyned with hatred and malice a note of an hypocrite Loue of our brother a signe of regeneration Gods spirite dwelling in the heart a signe of perseuerance papists deny Iesus to bee Christ for though in words they magnifie him yet in their doctrin by necessary consequent they denie him to be a king a priest a prophet perseuerance in the knowledge and obedience of the Gospell a sign of communion with Christ. A desire an indeuour to vse good means to cleanse our selues of our corruptions and priuie sins is a mark of adoption Loosnes of life or the practise of sin a note of the child of the deuill for the present time To loue a christian because he is a christian or godly man is a note of Gods chiid Compassion stirring in the heart a note of loue Workes of mercy signs of loue sincere loue a note of sincere profession Boldnes in praier a signe of a pacified conscience The operation of gods spirit in sanctifying vs a sign of communion with God A sincere confession of the Gospel a note of communion with Christ. To be like God in holines of life a signe of his loue to vs particularlie Our loue of God a signe that he loueth vs particularlie An indeuor to keep the commandements a sign of loue of our brother Proofes invinsible that Iesus of Nazaret the son of Mary was the son of God against the Iewes A signe of our praiers granted vs if God do but heare them Sincerity of life in righteousnes holines a note of Gods child Seuen notes of an vpright man 1. Cor. 2.10 Math. 11.27 1. Cor. 2.16 Rom. 12.34 The elect by the testimonie of the holy Ghost are made sure of their election ch 19.13 1. Cor. 2.10 Ioh. 16.13 Rom. 8.15 Gal. 4.6 Rom. 8 9 Vers. 2. The elect out of the word of god their conscience making the assumption at length they may be certainly perswaded of their predestination That wherby a man applies the general promise to himselfe Deut. 27.26 They which do trulie beleeue know that they beleeue 2. Cor. 13.65 Ier. 32.40 Luk. 22.33 Vers. 3. By the effects of predestination a man may gather his predestination Heb. 11.12 The effectes of predestination which are in vs are like seals imprinting the image of Gods electi in vs. Ioh. 10.14 Col. 4.9 1 Ioh 4.10 1. Iohn 4.7 Rom. 5.5 Ephes. 1.4 Rom. 8.30 2. Tim. 2.19 Apoc. 2.3 Ioh. 6.27 2. Cor. 1.21 Eph. 1.13 4.30 The chiefe effects of predestination by which the elect ar discerned from the Reprobate 2. Cor. 13.5 Rom. 8.30 The weaknes of our faith as touching our eternal election by what staies it may be held vp How a man may knowe whether the testimonie which is giuen of the Spirit be of of the spirit or not Whereby a man may knowe whether his faith be a true faith or not The ende of our predestination The means to which we are predestinate how manie they bee Eph. 2.20 The first benefit of god predestnating vs is Christ. Eph. 1.4 c. 2. Tim. 1.5 Rom. 8.30 Iohn 8.47 Rom. 1.7 1. Cor. 1.2 Tit. 1.1 Heb. 11.6 1. Cor. 7.25 Rom. 8.30 Eph. 1.4 Eph. 1.4.5 Iohn 3.6 Rom. 8.1 5. Psal. 45 8. psa 119.113 40.9 101.3 26 5. Rom. 7.22 1. Ioh. 3 7. Eph. 2.10 Eph. 1.4 1 Tim. 1.19 Tit 1.15 2. Pet. 1.10 Rom. 8.29 Gal. 4.6 Psal. 50.15 Rom. 7.27 phil 1.23 2. Tim. 4. 8 Apoc. 22.17.20 Mat. 6.10 Psal. 50.15 Rom. 5.3 8.28 Rom. 8.31 Mat. 24.24 Ier. 32 4● The vse of this doctrin 1. Cor. 7.25 Eph. 1.4.2 Tit 2.11 Ioh. 3.3
in respect of vs he putteth down another seale saying Let him depart from iniquitie vvhich calleth vpon the name of the Lord For with this marke all the elect are branded They call vpon the name of the Lord and depart from iniquitie seeking after holinesse a good conscience And this is that sealing which is so often mentioned in the Scriptures As when in the Apocalypse it is said that an innumerable multitude was sealed to the Lord. For like as the Father sealed Iesus Christ as he was man and Mediatour so also the rest of his children he hath sealed and doth daylie seale with sure notes and seales to distinguish them from other men and the children of this age For God is said to haue annointed vs and sealed vs and giuen vs the earnest of his Spirit in our hearts And againe to haue sealed vs with the holie Spirit of promise and that to the day of redēption As it is easie to discerne a right seale from a counterfeit so the true soules of God by the sealing of the Spirit are distinguished from Hypocrits and lawfull children from bastards It remaineth that wee shoulde declare some effects of predestination by which as by marks and seales the elect may bee discerned from Reprobats The first effect of predestination is Christ himselfe as he is a Mediatour and a Sauiour dwelling in our hearts by his holie Spirite For as we are elected in him and by him redeemed so by the sprinkling of his blood wee are cleansed and sealed and by his dwelling in vs quickned for he is our life and that eternall and therfore we are seuered frō Reprobates which alwaies remaine in death as in the holie Scriptures we are taught We say that this is the first effect of Predestination because we can enjoy none of the gifts of God either of election vocation or justification except in Christ and by Christ For he hath powred out all the effectes of Predestination into vs. In that therefore euery elect faithfull man feeleth Christ to dwell in him and to quicken him he hath a seale in himselfe by which he may knowe that he was elected to euerlasting life in the same Christ A part and beginning of which life is this spirituall life by which wee now liue to God And as euerie man knoweth himself to be the sonne of God in Christ because he calleth vpon God from his heart as a Father So he may conclude that he is predestinated to be the sonne of God for Christs cause And that by this first note the faithfull may know that they are elect to eternall life the Apostle sheweth knovv ye not saith he your selues that Iesus Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates And no doubt a type of this kinde of sealing was that sealng whiche was done in Aegypt by the blood of the Lambe namely when the houses of the Israelites were sprinkled with this blood that they might be discerned from the houses of the Aegyptians and so bee passed ouer vntouched of the Angell And by Christe as by the chiefe effect yea and the cause to of all the effectes which followe all other effects of predestination are put into vs and we are sealed with them The Apostle nameth three principals our calling to wit effectuall our justification and glorification This third effect we shall obtaine in the life to come the two first in this life And to these two may very well be referred all other which we receiue in this life by Christ with the effectuall calling wee joyn a sound hearing of the word of God and the vnderstanding of it accompanied with great and constant delight and joy faith also and a true knowledge of the Deitie humanitie and office of Christ. Vnto iustification wee refer a perswasion of the remission of our sins by Christ for by this we are iustified and regeneration too or sanctification and renouation of life a good conscience loue not faigned a pure hart and cleane patience in aduersitie and boasting in tribulation all good workes and fruits of the spirit ad hereunto the crosse it selfe which wee beare for the trueth of the Gospel wherefore whosoeuer feeleth that he is effectually called that hee doth willingly heare the worde that he doth beleeue the Gospell that he is sure of the remission of his sinnes that hee burneth with true loue to his neighbour that he is bent to euerie good work he cannot but must needes be perswaded of his election for God onely doth communicate these vnto the Elect. Therefore it is plaine that the elect are confirmed in the assurance of their election by the effectes of predestination and that there is a threefold way by which God reuealeth to euery man his predestination But if any shal take an occasion the rather of doubting of his election then of confirming himselfe in it of that which hath bin spoken as concerning the fruits of the Spirit and the effects of predestination and that peraduenture because hee can feele in himselfe few and verie weake fruites of regeneration and election yet let him not bee discouraged neither let him doubt of his election but let him vnderset himselfe with these props First of all if euer he truelie felt in himselfe that testimonie of the Spirite which before I mentioned namelie that he is the sonn of God let him know vndoubtedlie that he is such a one and therfore elected to eternall life For the holie Ghost neuer beareth record or perswadeth a man of that which is false for he is the spirite of truth And they are not the sonnes of God except they haue bene predestinate as the Apostle saith to adoption by Christ And none that is the sonne of God and a man elected can be made a reprobate and the childe of the Deuill Therefore albeit he feele in himselfe both fewe and feeble effects of regeneratiō yet let him not doubt of his election otherwise he shall disgrace the testimonie which he hath receiued of the holie Ghost yea and that to which as yet he enjoyeth although peraduenture by reason that his mind is troubled by euill affections that testimonie of the holie Spirite can scarse be heard in him For the true testimonie of our adoption by the holy Ghost being once giuen vnto our spirit lasteth for euer although it is other whiles heard more plainlie and at other times is more slenderly and scarce perceiued But how say you may I know whether that testimonie doth proceed frō the holie Ghost and therfore whether it be a true and certain testimonie I answer first by the perswasion secondly by the maner of the perswasion lastlie by the effects of this testimonie and perswasion For the first the holy Ghost doeth not simplie say it but doth perswade with vs that we are the sonnes of God and no flesh can doe this Againe he perswades vs by reasons drawne not from our works or from anie worthines in vs but
from the alone goodnes of God the Father and grace of christ In this manner the Deuill will neuer perswade any Lastlie the perswasion of the holy ghost is ful of power for they which are perswaded that they are the sonnes of God cannot but needs must call him Abba Father and in regarde of loue to him doe hate sin and whatsoeuer is disagreeing to his will and on the contrarie they haue a sound and a hartie desire to do his will If at anie time thou hast felt in thy selfe any such testimonie perswade thy selfe it was the testimonie of the holie Ghost and that very true certain to therfore that thou art the child of God predestinate to eternal life This is the first proppe by which wee must vnderset that weake beleefe we haue of our certain election to eternal life Again hold this without wauering whosoeuer thou art that art tempted to doubt of thy election euen as nothing is required at our handes to worke our election for God chose vs of his onlie meer goodnes so that we may trulie know whether we bee elect or not this one thing shall be sufficient namelie if we shal attain to the certain knowledge of this that we are in Christ and partakers of him for he that is nowe ingrafted into Christ is justified it cannot be but that he was elected in Christ before the foundation of the worlde And that wee may be in Christ Faith is both required and is sufficient not perfect faith but true faith though it be so litle that it be like a graine of mustarde seed and feeble like a young borne babe and that sore diseased to Now that faith which is a liuelie and a true faith lasteth alwaies as hath bene before declared neither can it at any time altogether faile And so it commeth to passe that they which once haue ben truly ingrafted into Christ remaine alwaies continue in him according to that saying All that my father giueth me shall come to me he which commeth vnto me I wil not cast forth This is true no doubt that look how much the faith is more perfect so much the greater power it hath to knit vs more to Christ and therefore we must alwayes endeuour to increase in Faith Yet for all that this is most certaine one litle sparke of true faith is sufficient to ingraft vs into Christ. And for that cause we must in no wise doubt of our ingrafting into Christ and of our election to by reason of the weaknesse of Faith and of the small and slender fruits it bringeth out But how shal I certainly know say you whether my Faith be a true liuely Faith or not Out of the same groundes from whence the testimonie of our adoption is perceiued First of all if you shall trulie feele that you are perswaded of the truth of the Gospell yea and that all your sins are pardoned you for Christ and you receiued to fauour Againe if you see that this perswasion is grounded not vpon any merits of yours but on the sole goodnesse of God and grace of Christ. Lastly if you feele such a confidence to approch vnto and call vpon the Father such a loue towards him and his son Iesus Christ that ye do hate and detest whatsoeuer is against his glorie as all sinne and on the contrarie bee caried away with a desire to doe those things which serue for the aduancing of his glorie and therfore that you loue all those which desire and seeke the same as the brethren friendes of Christ. For these be the effectes which can neuer be seuered from true Faith And this is the disposition of true faith therefore as long as thou feelest these effects in thy selfe albeit verie slender and greatlie languishing yet assure thy selfe thou art indewed with true Faith although it bee weake and therefore thou art in Christ yea and in Christ elected to Wherefore thou must not doubt of thy saluation and election by reason of thy daylie slips proceeding from thy weaknesse of Faith no not for haynous crimes like as neither Dauid for his adulterie and murther nor Peter for his threefold deniall did dispair of their election which appeareth in that being plunged in the verie gulfes of their temptations they held fast their Faith as an anchor and called vppon God This is the second propp Lastlie in no wise wee must forget namelie that our election is certaine and immutable and therefore as it is done without respect of any works of ours so in like sort it can neuer be chāged by any of our euill deserts For as it is first proceded from the only free purpose of God so it is grounded thereon True it is we prouoke Gods wrath against vs by our sins and neither wil God let them escape vnpunished but hee chastiseth vs by diuers both inward outward scourges as may appeare in Dauid aboue all other Yet for al that it is his good pleasure that for his goodnes sake and trueth for the obediēce of Christ that his purpose shuld remaine sure and our election So it commeth to passe that he giueth vs repentāce anew to raise vs vp to receiue vs to fauour Therfore although for the present thou feelest thy selfe to be of weake faith and to haue fallen to diuers sinnes Yet whereas heretofore thou hast had many and euident testimonies of thy election as the testimony of the holie Ghost and the testimonie taken from Faith the effects of Faith at this present assuredlie thou canst not doubt of thy electiō for thy sins committed but thou shalt much derogate from this free election and also from the testimonies of thy election heretofore injoyed yea those which yet thou enjoyest For if thy sinnes displease thee thou desirest to liue without blame onely for that thy sins displease thee why now thou hast a new testimonie of thy election For such repentance as this is is onely proper vnto the elect Therefore by these three proppes we must vphold our faith as touching euerie ones particular election And thus much as concerning the certaintie with the which euerie man must bee perswaded that he is elected in Christ to eternal life before the foūdation of the world ASSERTION II. Whosoeuer are predestinate to the end they are also predestinate to the means vvithout vvhich they cannot attaine to the end and therefore as the elect necessarilie at length doe come vnto the end by reason of the certaintie of their election so also by reason of the same certainty it is necessary that they should bee traced through those means vvhich tend to the same end WEe must mark the end to which we are predestinate to which we say that one day wee shal be brought for there is a double end of our election the one concerneth the elect themselues namely their glorification or their eternall life and glorie in heauen Of which is spoken Rom. 8.