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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16087 The Epistles and Gospelles with a brief postil vpon the same from after Easter tyll Aduent, which is the somer parte set forth for the singuler co[m]moditie of all good Christen men and namely of prestes and curates.; Bible. N.T. Epistles. English. Taverner. Selections. 1540. Taverner, Richard, 1505?-1575. 1540 (1540) STC 2968; ESTC S718 99,411 186

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be For the christen man hath the same power wyth Christe Christ is a cōmunitie he is sette in the same goodes wyth Christ. Furthermore Christ gaue them power agaynst wycked spirites to cast them out to heale al maner of syckenesses as it is redde in the tenth of Matheu Also in the. xix psalme ye rede Thou shalt walke vpon Lions and Dragons Wherfore where a christen man is the power to worke these sygnes myracles is not taken awaye as by many exemples it hath ben proued But no man ought to do them onles it be necessarie and the case requyre it For the Apostles thēselues wrought not these myracles but only to the testification of gods worde that so by my racles the Gospell myght be confirmed as the texte sayeth They went and preached euery where the Lorde workynge wyth them and confirmynge the worde wyth myracles folowynge But nowe after y e the Gospell is spred abrode and opened to the hole world myracles be not necessary as they were in the Apostles tyme. 〈…〉 loweth whan the Lorde had spoken vnto them he was receyued into heauen That is to saye he went vp to begyn hys spirituall and heauenly kyngdome and drewe wyth hym oure hopes into heuen that thyther whether we sawe him ascende we shulde also folowe And he sytteth on the ryght hande of God Thys is a maner or fygure of speakynge and it sygnifyeth he is God ●●all and of lyke power wyth the father And as the prophete sayeth he ascended vp on hygh hath led captiuitie a prisoner So that nowe we be no longer in thraldome for Christ hath caryed it awaye wyth hym and made vs the chyldren of hys father to lyue eternally wyth hym in heauen To whome be glorye for euer and euer Amen The Epistle on the sonday after the Ascension daye The. i. Epistle of Peter the. iiij chap. Thargument ☞ An exhortacion to do good workes according to thexemple of Christ. MOost deare beloued brethren Be ye therfore sober and watch vnto prayer But aboue all thinges haue feruent loue amonge your selues For loue shall couer the multitude of synnes Be ye herberous one to another wythout grudgynge As euery man hath receyued the gyfte euen so minister the same one to another as good ministers of the manyfolde grace of God Yf any man minister let hym do it as of the abilitie whych god ministreth vnto hym that god in all thynges maye be glorifyed thorow Iesus Christ. GOod brethrē and systers in our sauiour Christ the lection of the epistle of thys daye redde in y e church is taken forth of the. iiij chapter of the fyrste epist●e of y e Apostle messanger of Christ S. Peter Ye shall therfore vnderstande that forasmuch as thys holy mā S. Peter had now in the chapters go ynge before thys place sufficiently taught the Iues and others whome he wrote thys epistle vnto of the fayth and iustification whych cōmeth by Christe he doth now in the chapters folowynge monysh them of good workes accordynge to the maner of syncere and pure preachers whych before they gyue any pre ceptes of good maners woll fyrst intreate of y e causes of new lyfe Wherfore thys present lesson is nothynge but an exhortation to good workes after the exemple of Christe Thus than he sayeth Be ye therfore sobre and watch vnto prayer Thys texte contayneth a generall exhortacion to all such thynges as become christen men to do in this lyfe For modesty and sobrenes be not so greatly good workes as they be the selfe rules wherby al good woorkes be tempered Ye shall therfore vnderstand here by modestie and sobrenesse fyrst those ciuile vertues whych haue contrary vyces arrogan ●ye and pryde In lyke wyse doth also Paule vnder stande them in the. xij to the Romaynes where he wryteth I saye vnto you by the grace whych is gyuen me to euery one of you that none thynke proud ly of hymself aboue that it becōmeth hym to thynke but lette hym so thynke that he be demure and sobre euen as God hath bestowed to euerye one the measure of fayth Seconde ye shal vnderstande by modestye and sobrenes here also the soūdnes of mynde so that ye thynke modestly soberly of gods worde lest through your owne ymaginations and good in tencions ye go awaye from the true vnderstandyng of gods worde or suffer your selues to be plucked away wyth any maner wynde of new doctrine Now whā we be modest and sober as well in lyfe as in doc tri●e it foloweth consequently that we muste nedes watch and gyue our selues to prayer It foloweth But afore all haue feruent loue amonges youre selues for loue shal couer the multitude of synnes As though saynt Peter shuld saye It may hap pen peraduenture that a man may fayne wyth hym selfe that he is sober modest and busye in prayer Therfore before al thynges se ye haue charitie with out whych youre demurenes youre sobernes your prayer maye be but fayned and cloked workes with out whych charitie also they be nothynge worth nor yet thankfull to God accordynge to the sayenge of Christ. Whan thou shalte offer thy offerynge at the aulter and remembrest that thy brother haue ought agaynst the leaue there thy offeryng and go and be at one wyth thy brother first and then come and of fre thy oblation Doubtles my brethren charitie is to be preferred before all other workes for wythout it none of all oure other workes can please God as Christ hymselfe wytnesseth Math. v. And also the prophete Esay in the fyrst chapter Thou shalt nomore offer to me sacrifice and so forth but learne to do ryghte helpe the nedye c. And saint Peter wyl that our charitie be vehement or feruent not colde and negligent such as theyrs is whych wyth theyr mouth make as though they loue a man but wyth theyr harte they hate hym as euel as a tode And he addeth the cause for loue or charitie couereth y e multitude of synnes Thys sentence is taken forth of y e x. chapter of the prouerbes For the moost proper office of charitie is to hyde the infirmities of the neghboure Furthermore hospitalitie and harbourynge wythout murmurynge or grudgynge is also one of the effectes of charitie It foloweth in the texte As euery man hath receyued the gyfte euen so minister the same one to another as good dispensours or stewardes of the manyfold grace of god Here good people the Apostle Peter exhorteth euery man particularlye to do hys office in hys callynge He that is a preacher of gods worde oughte to be content wyth hys gyfte and to execute his dutie in hys vocatiō that is to wyt he ought to preach not hys owne dreames but the sermōs and wordes of God and so of all other offices in Christes cōgre gation whych yf they were done accordynge to S. Peters aduyse here we shuld both haue gods word more purely set forth and also the churche
shall testifye of hym to the worlde and shall make mē mete and apte to receceyue his gospel and shall teach none other thynge than that whyche he hymselfe hath taught But these tryflers bable that the holy goost ought to teach some thynge of more excellencye than that whych is comprysed in y e holy gospell Surely I wolde thynke it moost conueuient that we shulde obey and beleue hym to whom the father of heauen bare wytnes sayenge Thys is my welbeloued sōne in whom I am right wel pleased heare ye hym But they that can not be satisfied wyth Christes doctrine to whome not only thapostles but also the holy goost hath borne wytnesse let them at theyr parell chose them other doctrines Certes I wyll not counsayle you lyke owles to wāder in darkenes but rather to fyxe stedfastlye youre fete in the ●yght Last of all ye shall consyder and note good chri sten brethren and systers in thys gospell y t the word and institution of Christ of whych the spirite the apostles do testifye can in no wyse b gratefull and acceptable to the worlde For those that wol admyt thys worde the worlde wolle caste them out of al ho nest mens company as they call honeste men they woll as heretykes dryue them out of theyr churches and assembles they woll excommunicate them they woll curse them wyth boke bell and candell Yea yf they may wyth all kynde of punyshment and death persecute the true Apostles and messēgers of Christ they wyll thynke to do a hygh seruice to God that theyr zeale hath hyghly serued gods wyl But what sayeth Christ in the meane season Therfore I wyll be wyth you They shal so handle themselues towar des you bycause they knowe nother me nor my father Here ye se wyth what successe and fortune in thys wycked world the moost precious worde of the gospell wyth the imbrasers therof be commonly receyued For thou mayst not loke to lyue a swete an ydle and a delicate lyfe yf thou wolte confesse Christ for he that woll lyue after a godlye sorte as sayeth saynt Paule must nedes suffer persecution And in an other place he sayeth Yf I wolde please men I shulde not be the seruaunt of Christ. Wherfore yf persecution shall inuade vs for cōfessynge of Christ it is good that we be armed wyth goddes worde that we maye knowe how persecutiō hangeth ouer our heades by the proper wyl of God to thyntent our fayth myght thus by such persecution be clarifyed tryed and purged For yf we be ful certifyed hereof we can not easely be offended wyth temptation but wyth a pacient mynde we shall suffer all the wronge that the world for Christes cause woll put vs to And surely thys shalbe a comforte vnto vs that oure persecuters for all theyr proude bragges and vauntes neyther know Christ nor his father Fynally we be ryght well assured that y e trouble and affliction of thys tyme as Paule sayth can in no wyse be cōpared wyth the glorye to come that shalbe disclosed vnto vs. Wyth thys our knowlege comfortynge our selues we shall remayne quyet in our conscience styll awaytynge wyth stedfaste hope for the immortall crowne of the sayd glorye whyche the father of heauen hath prepa●ed for vs. To whom wyth the sōne holy goost be al glorye and prayse for euer and euer AMEN The Epistle on wytsondaye The. ij chapter of the actes of the Apostles ☞ The holy goost is here gyuen accordynge to Christes promyse before WHan the fyftye dayes were come to an ende they were all wyth one accorde together in one place And sodenly ther came a sounde frō hea uen as it had bene the cōmynge of a myghty wind and it fylled al the house where they sate And there appeared vnto them clouē tonges lyke as they had ben of fyre and it sat vpon ech one of them and they were all fylled wyth the holy goost and begā to speake wyth other tonges euen as the same spirite gaue them vtteraunce There were dwellynge at Ierusalem Iues deuoute men out of euery nation of them that are vnder heauen When thys was noysed aboute the multitude came together and were astonnyed bycuase that euery man herde thē speake wyth hys owne langage They wondered al and marueled saynge amonge themselues behold are not al these whych speake of Galile And how heare we euery man hys owne tonge wherein we were borne Parthians and Medes and Elamytes and the inhabyters of Mesopotamia and of Iury and of Capadocia of Ponthus and Asia Phrygia and Pamphilia of Egypte and of the parties of Ly bia whych is besyde Syren and straungers of Rome Iues and Proselytes Grekes and Arabians we haue herde them speake in oure owne tonges the great workes of God CHrist had oftentymes good people promysed vnto hys disciples the holy goost to confirme them in the true doctrine For wythout y e holy goost noman can tyghtly eyther vnderstande or certainly beleue the worde of God neyther can stycke by it costantly wythout staggerynge or shrynkyng from it It is the holy goost doubtles that teacheth al thynges and that putteth men in mynde of gods wyll And therfore Christ sayeth in the .x. Chapter of Mathew It is not you that be the speakers but it is y e spirite of your father whych speaketh in you Wher fore thys often promys● of sendynge the holy goost which was made to the disciples Christ now in this daye of Pentecost perfou●neth But bycause it helpeth lytle to know that the disciples receyued the ho ly goost oules we draw thys receyuyng also to our profyte auanntage therfore it were good to know the causes why the holy goost was sent Ye shall therfore vnderstande good people that the holy gost was not sent to thapostles nor at this daye is sent as some men do dreame to teache a dyuerse or straunge doctrine frome Christes doctrine whych Christ either taught not before or had forgot ten to teache But he was sente and is sente for thre causes The fyrst is that he sh●●de teache and put in mynde expoūde all such thynges as Christ taught And of thys fynal cause and offyce of the holy goost our Sauiour Iesus Christ in the xiii● and .xv. chap ters of Ihon very co●iously and at length speketh The seconde cause that the holy goost is sente is to confirme strengthen and as it were to sease vs to make vs full assured and certayne of the veritie of gods worde Of thys office the epistle of thys day maketh menc●●i● whyle it declareth that the holy goost sat vpō euery of them and fylled them whych thynge betokeneth nothynge els but that the holy goost confirined and certifyed the myndes of the Apostles vpon the veritie of gods word and therfore he is called of Paule the gage and the ernest The thyde cause that the holy goost is sente is that in temptation he myght comforte vs and preserue