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A15388 A confutation of certaine articles deliuered vnto the Familye of Loue with the exposition of Theophilus, a supposed elder in the sayd Familye vpon the same articles. By William Wilkinson Maister of Artes and student of diuinitye. Hereunto are prefixed by the right reuerend Father in God I.Y. Byshop of Rochester, certaine notes collected out of their Gospell, and aunswered by the Fam. By the author, a description of the tyme, places, authors, and manner of spreading the same: of their liues, and wrestyng of Scriptures: with notes in the end how to know an heretique. Wilkinson, William, d. 1613.; Young, John, 1534?-1605.; Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580? 1579 (1579) STC 25665; ESTC S101312 139,324 194

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is Christes spouse not to an harlot and shameles strumpet Ierusalem aboue is frée and is the mother of vs all but your Agar is in bōdage and is cast forth with her children The Lord geue you grace to consider in what case you are There is no fauour of God to them that forsake his truth and cleaue vnto errour Most of your illuminates haue ben professors though now most deriders of the ghospell and skoffers of Religion making a profession of religion but inwardly hauing denied the power thereof The further you walke in darcknes the greater is your daunger An addition to the 4. Article THe same doctrine is in diuers other places affirmed that there is no pardon c. 1. Exhort cap. 11. sent 10. cap. 15. sent 29. c. cap. 18. sent 7. Euang. cap. 41. sent 7. ARTICLE 5. HN. No Ministery WE must haue respect vnto the seruice ministred in the Familie by the Elders thereof For God hath chosen vnto him selfe the Familie of loue and this seruice of the holy and gracious word for their ministration is the safe making ministration Neither is there any minister of the worde rightly called but by their Familie Theophilus BEcause their exercise is obedience and loue accordyng to the requiryng of his word William Wilkinson TRue it is that Gods ministery is an holy and sacred thing in thought not to be violated in word and déede greatly to be had in reuerence For they which are Gods messengers doe bryng the glad tidynges of deliueraunce from sinne and Sathā vnto the people of God. They are Gods watchmen and do warne vs of the commyng of the enemy which like a roaryng Lion goeth about séekyng how hee may deuoure vs. And because their mouthes should kéepe knowledge of them must wee aske for the vnderstandyng of the word and enquire after the will of our God yet doth not all this proue that that ministration which is by you of that faythlesse Familie forged is the true and holy ministration For sometyme as now in your Familie it cōmeth to passe that false Prophetes will say thus sayth the Lord and yet the Lord hath not spoken They will presume to preach without a vision and prophesie without a burthen runne when God biddeth them not go take the testimonies of the holy ones in their mouthes when yet the Lord sendeth them not Heretiques will with a face of the Churche séeke to out-face both the children of God and the truth also Thus then not euery one that pretendeth is called in déede for some come not in at the doore but clyme in at the windowes and as many as come before Christ and set downe a contrary requiryng as ye do he is a Wolfe séeketh but to rauin Not euery one that crieth Christ Regeneration the spirite a perfect and true incorporatyng into the vpright beyng a consubstantiation and counityng with God is a true teacher and faythfull Christian Nor euery that taketh vpon him to expounde knoweth the meanyng of the word For many of you when as ye would be Doctours of the word had néede to be instructed in the very principles of fayth and first grounde of Religion So the true Ministers haue both a publicke and externall callyng by man as also a priuate and internall callyng by God which who so hath not he is an hereticall intruder and no propheticall Minister of God nor Preacher of the most holy one The whiche internall and externall callyng to the Lordes haruest to be a true labourer if any man shall pollute with his lewde life and light conuersation he is at the Lordes hand to be beaten with stripes without number Yet if any man shall say well and doe euill whiche God forefend with man it may discredit him that doth speake well and yet do amisse with God euill déedes doe not disanull the truth of doctrine as good déedes proue not euill doctrine to be true A ring of gold in a swines snowt ceaseth not to be a ryng of gold though a swine weare it pearles are pearles before dogges or swine The broad seale of England is highly to be honored for the Maiestie of the Prince therein appeareth though some tyme the partie that may cary it may bee a lewde person and a Godles Atheiste The word and Sacramentes ministred by wicked men cease not by their administration to haue their force For the wickednes of man can not ouerthrow the institution of god Where I in good conscience testifie that I speake not to defend corrupt life in any man but to vphold the truth of good liquor in an vnsauery vessell and gods good worde and sacramentes in a minister of an euill lyfe and conuersation For that Iudas and Iames in their ministery gaue the same word and wrought to the same wonders yet the one a reprobate the other an holy one and a perfect Saint of God. So then this reason that in corners your froward Familye vseth to whisper agaynst euill men though Gods Ministers is Anabaptisticall Your Ministers liue not as they teach Therefore their doctrine is not true In Scripture I know this reason is often vsed Your lyfe is not according to the law your profession Therefore you are hypocrites and dissemble with me sayth God. The former fond argument I neuer hard of any man that is sound for iudgement and sincere for godlynes The same reason is by your Familye and by your good minded brethren the Papistes alledged agaynst the truth now preached after this sort We worke better then you therefore our religion is truer they yours The first exposition if you know what proposition meaneth I deny and also the argument More than we they marke I graunt so had they néede that will haue heauen by desert or els will-naue none of it but better they doe not Quod non est ex fide peccatum est What is not of fayth c. The Pharisie gaue more almes tithes c. than the Publican yet was the Publican more iust by much then the Pharisie Not to worke but to worke well in Gods sight is commendable Non tam quid quam quomodo operamur inquiret dominus Not so much what as with what fayth we worke that will God demaund Thus haue I obiter and by the way touched your Families Papisticall Anabaptisticall argument whereof the one will be saued by the fulfilling of the lawe the other will haue markes concurre with fayth in the matter of Iustification cleane contrary to S. Augustine who sayth Opera sequuntur iustificatum non praecedunt iustificandum The workes we doe follow as fruites and goe not before as the efficient cause of our iustification And thus much of the worthines of the Ministery and ministers thereof Whome I counsell you to reuerence in better sort both in worde and writing than ye haue done For you know what Christ sayth he that despiseth you despiseth me c. and
waxed so heate and such dayly daūger honge ouer their heades that professed the sinceritie of the Gospel So scorchyng was the flame of those most bloudy tymes that those men whō the world was not woorthy of some of them were tryed by bondes and Imprisomnentes some of them by most bitter tormentes of Fire and Fagot such imminent and present perill abode those who professed them selues to be fauorers of Christes truth Which great distresse and calamitie draue diuers of the Children of God to wander from place to place not hauyng where they durst at any tyme rest long together In the which tyme of their continuall tossing sometymes they had ease and comfort by their feruent Prayers and by the participation of the blessed word Sacramentes they got some space to breath them agaynst that fiery triall which hourely they looked for Neither had this affliction albeit it was mighty bene so greuous if Sathan there had stayd his rage but his priuate hatred long concealed brake forth into open enmitie who beyng an old Dragon and subtle Serpent dayly raysed vp some which priuily spake peruerse thynges entanglyng the simple sorte and drawyng such weakelynges after them as they dayly met withall to be their Disciples The aūcient and famous Towne of Colchester was in the troublesome tyme of Queene Maries persecution a sweete and and comfortable mother of the bodyes and a tender nourse of the soules of Gods children which towne was the rather at that tyme frequented because it aforded many godly and zealous Martyrs whiche continually with their bloud watered those seedes whiche by the preachyng of the worde had bene sowne most plentifully in the hartes of Christians in the dayes of good Kyng Edward This towne for the earnest profession of the Gospell became like vnto a Citie vpon an hill and as a candle vpon a candlesticke gaue great light to all those who for the comfort of their conscience came to conferre there from diuers places of the Realme and repairyng to common Innes had by night their Christian exercises whiche in other places could not be gotten For proofe whereof I referre the Reader vnto that whiche is truely reported by M. Foxe in his booke of Actes and Monumentes that at the kynges head in Colchester and at other Innes in the sayd Towne the afflicted Christians had set places appointed for thē selues to meete at where least Sathan should bee thought to bee idle or his venemous or deadly hatred agaynst Christes poore afflicted members should seeme to bee lesse then his open professed enmitie hee styrred vp diuers Schismaticall spirites whiche euen in that great trouble of the Church sought to be teachers of that wherof they had no vnderstandyng and thereby turned the knowledge of Gods testimonies which in many of them though it was small yet somewhat to vayne and contentious ●anglyng whereby the deare Saintes of God were not a litle disquieted at such tyme especially as some of them beyng cōdemned to death looked to tast of the same cup whiche had bene in full measure powred out vnto their brethren For not onely in the priuate assemblies of the godly did these spider catchers swarme together to peruert the right wayes of the Lord but also in diuers prisons in London they kept a continuall haunt where they scattered their deuilish cocle of abhominable Heresie among such as were committed for the loue of the Gospell For the testimony of the truth hereof vouchsafe good reader to read the booke of M. Foxe before alledged where hee reporteth the letter of a wicked Promoter named Thom. Tye the Popish Priest of Muchebently and Steuen Norish a false Iudas and betrayer of Gods Saintes in the tyme of their trouble where he vseth these wordes There is sayth this popish priest one Iohn Kempe and Henry Harte who is the principall of all those that are called Frewil mē for so they are termed of the Predestinators the sayd Harte hath drawen out xiij Articles to be obserued among his company and as farre as I do beleue there comes none in their brotherhode except he be sworne The other Iohn Kempe is a great trauailer abroad in Kent what his doctrine is I am not hable to say Hetherto M. Foxe And that thou mayest know the better what this Henry Harte was consider I pray thee what is reported of him Where that zealous and faythfull seruaunt of God Iohn Careles in his examination by Doctor Martin verifieth that to bee true whiche in the former place those two were burdened withall by Steuen Norish Of this Henry Harte sayth Iohn Careles it had bene good for him if he had neuer bene borne for many a simple foule hath hee shamefully seduced beguiled and deceiued with his soule Pelagian opinion both in the dayes of kyng Edward and since his departure This Harte write a Confutation of certaine Articles of Christian Religion writte by Iohn Careles and sent vnto William Tyms prisoner in the Kynges Benche The companions also of the same Henry was one M. Gibson who sought to peruert turne frō the truth xij godly Christiās which were Martyred Of this vngracious cōpany also was one Trewe of Kente who albeit before for the truthes sake he lost his cares for perswadyng the people from goyng to Masse yet afterward happenyng into the cōpany of Pelagians he became deadly enemy to good Iohn Careles as appeareth by Careles his examination whiche he with his owne hand penned before he dyed in prison as in this booke of Martyrs is to be sene at large Now if any man will demaunde what is this to the Familie agaynst whom ye purposely mynde to deale I aunswere that from this presēt yeare in the which this happened the doctrine of HN. began to pepe out and although it haue a more louely name then the Heresies of the Libertines Anabaptistes and Pellagians had yet it is to him that is disposed to see very certaine by that cōparison which in this booke followeth of all the sectes that the groūd of all these Heresies were brought into England by Christopher Vitels and his complices out of Delph in Dutchland where it had bene happy for our English Church if with the first Brokers thereof they had bene buryed and forgotten Theire doctrine was then 1. The godly haue in them selues free will to do good 2. They could not away with Predestination Neither cā this Louely Family abide the most blessed and comfortable doctrine of Predestination as is apparauntly to be sene in their first Epistle to M. Rogers where they vtter this deuilish blasphemous speach Your brethren in Christ for their good faythes cause they haue in your licentious doctrine of Predestination and free election fill all the prisons almost in England But to adde somewhat which is hable by the mouth of a liuyng witnes to be iustified who in Q. Maries tyme was present at the brochyng of this doctrine by Vitels the Ioygner his testimonie
vaine and endles Questions which engender strife of wordes more thē godly edifying of the which S. Paule geueth Timothy a straight charge to beware 1. Tim. 1.4 and 4. chap. Titus 1.14 2. Pe. 1.16 1. Tim. 6.4 The which watchword if our Familye had diligently taken hede vnto they had not so mightely ben deceiued with such strong illusions For this is the light vnto the which we must take héede as vnto a candle shining in a dark place so shal we not faile of the reward after lyfe nor in this lyfe make shipwrack of our owne saluation Now followeth the second part of the comparison of D. George his heresies with HN. whereby we shall see the one not to be any whit in impietye inferiour vnto the other THe Familye of Loue in their first Epistle to M. Rogers pag. 72. lin 7. c. very vehemently stomack as their maner is because M. Rogers enlinketh HN. with Iohn a Leyde and the Archheretique Dauid George to haue ben confederates in spreading the heresie of the Anabaptistes at Munster Anno 1533. And least that M. Rogers should scape vntarred with their opprobrious Eloquēce they very louingly as well becommeth their Familye brande him with his marke An egregious vntruth vttered by this new shameles wrighter Furthermore they affirme that many learned wrighters testify the matter vz. of Dauid c to be Anabaptisme and yet say they this man will haue it the Familye of Loue and here they triumph hauing taken M. R. tardye as though the Familye of Loue and the Anabaptistes were such great straungers that at no time they had bin acquainted nor euer yet talked or met together To remoue the which doubt if any shall happen to stand in doubt which I thinke he will not that knoweth throughly what both the opinions meane by laying of the schismaticall opinions of these two heretiques together the Fam. shall not neede to be so straunge with their kinne nor be so nice because their faction is more famous then the other of their Elder brethren I meane the Anabaptistes The first opinion of Dauid George as M. Rogers alledgeth and M. Bullinger in his booke agaynst the Anabaptistes auoucheth to be true was this The doctrine taught by Moses Christ the Prophetes Apostles is vnto saluation but his heresie is perfect as he sayth to saluatiō The reasons which do induce me to thinke the heresie of Dauid George and HN. is in effect all one are because they iumpe both in this They prefer their owne doctrine before the doctrine of Moses Christ the Apostles Prophetes and secondly affirme it is abler to saue those that heare their 's thē the other Now to proue they prefer their doctrine before Moses c. This shal be playne and an vndeniable reason The doctrine which in the Churche of England the Lordes most holy name be praysed for it is by Publike authorie commaunded by all that preache the same approued and by the Fam. of Loue confessed to be the doctrine of Moses c. But they say that this is not sufficient vnto saluation Therefore are they Anabaptistes and Dauid Georges Schollers For proofe of the first proposition that the doctrine by publique authoritie commaunded is the doctrine of Moses c. they will not deny it for so much as they haue in their Cōfession of their fayth published An. 1575. openly protested that they are not iustly to bee blamed accused detected or burthened as transgressors of the law agaynst any of the Queene her Maiesties proceedyng in causes Ecclesiasticall c. But all men know that it is an Ecclesiasticall cause concernyng the truth of doctrine Publiquely preached therfore they are likewise obedient to her therein If they shall here séeke to starte by affirmyng that they meane outward pollicie of the Church that is a thyng of lesse waight then the doctrine of the word of God openly professed for that the truth of the word is alwayes one and immutable it is the same vnto all nations and people of the world But the externall pollicie in gouerning the Church is mutable neither alwayes one but chaunged diuersly in diuers places accordyng to the state of the places tymes and people Therfore they shall aunswere here nakedly if they say that they agrée vnto the pollicie of gouernement not vnto the doctrine of the Churches of England they shall shewe very plainly and that they 1. deale doublely notwithstādyng they pretend in their foresayd Confession that they deale with all men vprightly faythfully and charitably Further more when as in their confession mēcionyng Religion they affirme that they obey our soueraigne Lady the Queene and the Magistrates our foregoers spirituall and temporall c. Whiche by the word of God they should not neither ought to do vnlesse the doctrine by the Prince commaunded were from God therefore secondly I conclude that they confesse the doctrine by vs professed publiquely to be the doctrine of Moses Christ and the Apostles and Prophetes and this is the proofe of my first proposition But cōcernyng the second proposition vz. that the doctrine of Moses is vnsufficiēt is apparaūt For no man in the choyse of two thyngs wherof he must néedes chuse the one will chuse that which is insufficient therefore is the particular Fam. whiche they fayne vnto them selues thought by thē more sufficiēt then the Publique doctrine assembly of our Church Christiā congregation Now least they should shift in saying that our Chruch theirs is all one as some times they do to dazell and deceiue the simple I aunswere that in the third Epistle that is Extant of theirs to M. Rogers they affirme that of such an houshold as we haue challenged to our selues they are straungers Therefore say I they thinke their Fam. to be more sufficient for to attaine saluation in then the open visible Church of Christ is England which doth impugne their Familie And to this purpose very naturally they Exhort such as be wise among vs to looke ouer the Scriptures agayne For if their Fam. of Loue haue founde the true or old way correspondent with all the doctrine of the Apostles of Iesus Christ and therfore s needfull that without it there shall no man finde mercy with God or els through Christ become saued Item read the second Article of HN. pag. 23. and there this is handled at large The places which further at large out of their bookes proue this matter are 1. Exhort cap. 12. sent 42. 20. sent 7. Dictata cap. 9. sent 3. Eu ā cap. 3. sent 3. cap. 23. sent 7. cap. 24. sent 25. in all the which they affirme as Dauid George doth in his heresie that onely their Familie is sufficient vnto saluation whereby is clearely auouched that their Fam. of Loue are guiltie in the first degrée Dauid George his second heresie was that he affirmed himselfe Christ and Messias the beloued sonne of God.