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A03284 The confession of faith contending how the troubled man should seeke refuge at his God, thereto led by faith: with the declaratio[n] of the article of iustification at length. ... Compiled by M. Henry Balnaues of Halhill, & one of the Lords of session, and Counsell of Scotland, being as prisoner within the old pallaice of Roane: in the yeare of our Lord. 1548. Direct to his faithfull brethren, being in like trouble or more ... Balnaves, Henry, Sir, d. 1579.; Knox, John, ca. 1514-1572. 1584 (1584) STC 1340; ESTC S100771 112,936 310

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our iniquities and seeke them of vs who might abyde it Who should stand in thy iudgement and say I am innocent Therefore our onely hope is that helpe mercy and fauour is with thee O ye which are aduersaries to faith prent these wordes in your hartes which yee reade with your mouthes but take no care of them and then yee shall not impung this Article of iustification but saye with vs the wordes of the prophete enter not into iudgemēt with thy seruant O Lorde for in thy sight no liuing creature shalbe found iust THE XIII CHAP. 1 The iustice of a Christian. 2 The questions of the wicked against the manifest will of God taught in the scriptures 3 Tokens declaring the serpentes seede NOw sithēs our forefathers which liued most iust could not be made iust in the deedes of the lawe or in no law could finde this iustice by the which a wicked man is made iust of necessitie we are compelled to seeke the iustice of a christian man without all lawe or workes of the lawe And of another then our self which is iust and innocent that no law may or cā accuse through his iustice we must be maid iust for of our selfes we are not iust Nor no man as the prophet saith the 13. Psalme And the Apost Ro. 3. cha All mē haue left god and altogether are becom vnprofitable none of them is found good except one which is the man Christ Iesu the only begotten sonne of god by whom and by his merits through faith in his bloud we are all receaued into the fauour grace and mercy of God the father accepted as righteous and iust without all our merites or deseruinges to the euerlasting life This is the iustice of a christian which at length shal be declared with gods grace hereafter Here the aduersaries will moue three questions to se if they may impung the trueth The first is wherfore gaue god the law to mā or what auailed the giuing of the same if man of his owne power and strength may not fulfill the lawe The second questiō is if man may not be made iust through the deedes and works of the law wherefore should man do any good works The third is how were the fathers made iust by what meanes To the first question concerning the giuing of the lawe the cause wherefore it was giuen and why we fulfill not the same I will answere vnto it presently And the other two questions shalbee discussed with the Article of iustification That is with the discussing of the iustice pertaining to a Christian man And in the forthsetting of good workes which followed faith as the true fruites thereof But first yee shall note and keepe well in memorie that the wicked euer obiects questions and causes vnto god on this maner when any thing occurres which transcendeth their fleshely wit and reason then say they wherefore did god this or that thing the which sayinges declareth thē to be the serpents seed of whom they learned that lesson For it was his first proposition made vnto our mother Eue in Paradise saying Wherefore hath god commanded you that ye should not eat of all the trees in the paradise thus he perswaded the woman to giue him answere of the cause not perteining her to know so brought her to cōfusion Euē so doth the vngodly sonns of the deuil inquiring at God the causes of his secret iudgements as wherefore hath god chosen one and reiected another with other such vnprofitable questions of the predestination and forescience of God But in all such matters which are aboue our capacitie and reason let vs saye with the Apost O highnes o deepenes o profoūdnes of the riches of the knowledge and of the wisedome of God How in comprehensible are the iudgements of him and vnsearchable are the wayes of him for who hath knowen the minde of the lord or who hath beene his Counsellour or who hath first giuen to him that hee should giue againe to them for of him and by him and in him are all thinges To whome be honour praise and glorie for euer Herefore my well beloued bretheren inquire ye nothing of the workes of god and of his secret iudgementes but as his worde teacheth you and seeke no cause of his workes more then of his diuinitie But be content to knowe those thinges which are in your capacitie and vnder iudgement of the reason of man For as Iob sayth in his booke if God hastely inquire vs who shall answeare vnto him or who may say vnto him wherefore doest thou so He is god whose Ire no mā may resist Read the whole 10. chap. for confirmatiō of this matter And I exhort you by the mercy of god to reade the Scriptures not as they were a prophane historie of Hector Alexander or other gentill histories Nor yet as the manly science of Plato Aristotle the bishop of Romes lawe or others which are but the science of men and may be iudged by the reason of man but with an humble hart submit you to god and his holy spirit who is Schoolemaister of his scriptures and will teache you all veritie necessarie for your saluation according to the promisse of Iesus Christ. For the vnderstanding of the scriptures is not of manly wisedome or knoweledge but the Godly men moued by the holy spirite haue spoken and forth showen the perfite knowledge of the scripture as Saint Peter saith in his second Epist. the 1. chap. Therefore think the scriptures not difficil but to the fleshly man which shal get no vnderstanding thereof They deceaue you which say the scriptures ar difficil no man cā vnderstād them but great clearkes Verily whome they call their clearkes knowe not what the scriptures meane feare nor dread not to reade the scriptures as yee are taught here before And seeke nothing in them but your own saluation and that which is necessarie for you to knowe And so the holy spirit your teacher shall not suffer you to erre nor go beside the right waye but lead you in all veritie And so will we passe forward to the question before rehearsed Wherefore god gaue the law as we are taught by his scriptures THE XIIII CHAP. 1 An introduction to answere the first question of the wicked 2 To what creatures god gaue law and why he gaue the law to man 3 Of Adams gifts before his fall hath no man experience 4 The law giuen to Moyses and why man may not fulfill the law THere can nothing be perfitly vnderstand without the groūd and foūdation be sought knowē So for the true knowledge of this question ye must begin at god and know him as he hath cōmanded in his scriptures and seeke him no other wayes and by him yee shall get knowledge of your selfe God being without beginning as he is without ending in the beginning made all creatures perfite right and good and last of all men to his owne
But beleeued in one god and that the same god had promised a Saueour to redeame the world So god looking vpon the faithfull hūble and simple hart of Cornelius and the feruent desire of his prayers which desire doubtles was conforme to the sayinges of the Proph. Esay O if thou wouldest break a sunder the heauens that thou might come doune would not haue him deceaued to looke for him which was already come Therefore he caused him send for Peter to instruct him in the present faith And to certifie him that Christ was come whome he looked for so ardentlie Yee may read the text thē shall yee perceaue the sermon Peter made vnto him which was only of the opening of the Scripturs testifieing the comming of Christ in the fleshe and fulfilling of all the promises and Prophets sayings spoken of him before and that he was risen from deathe and had giuen Peter and the rest of his Disciples Apostles cōmād to preache repentance and remission of sinnes to all which would beleeue in his name c. To the which words and preaching of S. Peter Cornelius his whole housholde gaue firme faith and receaued by a visible signe the holy spirit The which is no other thing but this article of iustification For hee beleeued the word of god and by faith in Christ through the mercy of God receaued the holy spirit without all working of any deede of the lawe of Moyses but onely being vnder the Law of nature and so was baptised c. Therefore yee can not proue by this authority of scripture that either the works preceeding or following the gift of the holie spirite was the cause of his iustification or yet any parte thereof But first being iust through the faith which the fathers had who had also the holy spirit truely worshipped god and feared him of loue so he was iust And in that righteousnes wrought the fruites of faith in prayers and almes deeds And secondly being taught by Peter beleeued that Christ was comme the sure Sauiour of the world and had fulfilled all which was spoken of him by the prophetes By this faith was hee by the mercy of God made iust and receaued the holy spirite visiblie without all works or deseruings And then in the kingdome of Christ and righteousnesse wrought the fruites of faith vnto life as all perfite Christians should doo They alledge another text Galath the 5. Chap. Faith which worketh by loue c. by these wordes they would inferre of their corrupted maner that faith onely iustifieth not before god but faith which worketh by loue By this maner of vnderstanding they not only make the Apost false but also cast all downe destroye the same thing which hee hath builded for in the fourth Chap. of the same Epist. preceeding with great laboures and inuincible arguments hee setteth forth the article of iustification prouing faith only to iustifie without all deedes or workes of the law And then in the 5. chap. he beginneth to set foorth the fruites of faith saying ye are abolished frō christ which would be made iust by the lawe Ye haue left grace for we by thee spirite of faith beholde or looke for the hope of righteousnes for into Christ Iesus neither is circumcision nor vncircumcision any thing worth but faith which worketh by loue In these words shortly in briefe termes the Apost excludeth all workes and lawes sacrifices worshippings both of Iew and gentill to haue any mixtiō with Christ in the iustificatiō of a christian for if there had bene any more excellēt work or greater in estimation among the Iewes which were the chosen people of god thē circūcisiō no doubt but the Ap. would haue excluded the same so the principall work cōmanded by god and giuē by him as the seale of his promis couenāt made to Abrahā being excluded forth of of this article how can any other worke of lesse or equall estimation haue parte thereinto Therfore the Apost cōcluding shortly cōprehēding the whole estate of a Christian mā saith neither is circumcision nor vncircūcision any thing worth in christ but faith which worketh by loue he saith not loue which worketh by faith but faith whiche worketh by loue that is faith inwardly maketh a mā iust before God who hath no neede of our workes for the whole worlde and all that is therein is his and loue outwardly testifieth of thy inwarde faith towarde thy neighbour who hath need of thy works for whose vtilitie and profite thou art cōmanded to do good workes To whome thy faith auaileth nothing And so this text impungeth not the article of iustification but fortifieth the same Ye read loue greatly extolled by S.P. the 1. to the Corinth the 13. chap. as it is worthy but ye find neuer iustificatiō before god attribute to loue for that is not the office therof But loue followeth faith in the third degree whose office the Ap. setteth forth in the said ch Specially how that loue suffereth all thinges beleeueth all thinges hopeth all thinges and endureth all thinges Yea verily some thinges which faith may not suffer nor wil on no wayes suffer as a light superstitiō repūgning to the word of god loue will or may suffer the same to be in it for the weakenes of the infirme brother But faith may in no maner suffer the same because it may be preiudiciall to the article of iustificatiō and induce the mixtion of works Also Faith Hope and Charitie being reakoned the Apost exalteth Charity to be the most excellent of the thre but giueth her none of their offices But if ye wil vnderstand the text well ye shall know the Apostles mind by the cōclusion saying now we see through a glas darkly but thē we shall see face to face Now I know in part but then shall I knowe euen as I am knowen and nowe abydeth Faith Hope and Charitie but the chiefest of these is Charitie as he would say Now we ar imperfite but then we shalbe perfite Faith and Hope shall both perish and vanishe awaye but Charitie shall remaine in her perfection for then she is in her perfectiō when the other two haue takē effect and are vanished away for in the heauē there is neither faith nor hope but Charitie is in her most excellēt degree there which neuer hath an ende The cause wherefore the Apo. extolleth Charitie yee shall consider in the first to the Corinth the 12. ch the which I pray you reade For in that whole Epist. there is no question of the Article of iustification nor of the office of faith but an instruction how the Christian man should liue reprouing hatred enuy dissentions and opinions amōgst the Corinth which became not to be amōgst christiās therefore he exhorted them aboue all thinges to Charitie which is the band of peace the most excellēt vertue to be had euer kept among the Christians for by that
sight of man and also done by him of a good intent and for a good cause hee offered sacrifice for feare that the people should not passe from him hee being then prepared for battell against the ennemies of god He did show the deede of mercy in sauing of the life of an aged and impotent King And for the loue hee had to the worshipping of god assented to the people and keept the fattest bestiall most pretious cloathing and iewels of gold siluer to offer the same to god in a sacrifice Was this not a goodzeale and intention but ye may read the great punishment which god laide vpon him which shal remaine for an example in all ages to come THE XXVI CHAP. 1 The office of a bishop 2 Bishoppes should not mixt them with worldly matters 3 If the flocke perish their bloud shalbe required of the bishop 4 Bishops should exhort their flock to frequent the reading of the scripture 5 Bishoppes can doe no good workes without they preach the word of God 6 The punishement of bishops which leaue that vndone which God cōmādeth and attende vpon their owne superstitions IF thou bee called to the office of a bishop or minister of the worde of god preach the pure and syncere worde to the flocke committed to thy charge Counsell and confort the weake and feeble Minister the sacramentes in their due forme according to the word of god Exceede not the boundes of thy vocation but walke thereinto conforme to the ordinance of the holy spirite taught thee in the two Epistles of Saint Paull written to the first bishop that he made called Timotheus And to another called Titus There thou shalt finde the workes which thou art bound to doe and what is thy office specially in the first to Tim. the 3. Chapter and to Titus the 1. Chap. There is nothing left vnexpressed that is necessary to thee to work in the scripturs of god Thou art commanded to be a mirrour or example to thy flocke in teaching of the word in good life and honest conuersation in loue and charitie in faith and chastitie euer exercising thy selfe in reading exhorting and teaching the which if thou doe thou shall saue thy selfe and others Thou should not meddle thee with secular affares or busines for that is not thy vocation follow the example of the Apostles in all ryghteousnesse and godly liuing in faith loue pacience meeknes sweetnes as thou art taught If yee wil remember dayly vpon the office yee are called to which are bishops yee shal find you to haue a great charge and worke to doe and not a great dignitie or Lordeshippe But alace now yee take thought of the lordshippe dignitie rent and profite and looke neuer to the worke yee should doe the cause thereof is the neglecting of your vocation The which if yee will vnderstand perfitely yee would not omit the charge and comandement giuen to you by god and inuent vaine superstitious workes not commanded The principall work yee should doe is to preach teach which yee neuer doe because ye can not and to excuse you ye haue as yee say others to whom yee commit the cause and charge Yee are blinde know no thing They to whom yee commit the charge know as litle or lesse So perish the poore people in ignorance for yee are blinde and leaders of the blinde and therefore both fall in the myre Neuerthelesse the bloud of thē shalbe required at your hands as the Prophete Ieremie sayeth the 23 chapter And Ezech. the 34 chapter the which I pray you reade for there yee shall see clearely your deeds laid before you with sore threatnings Yee should not onely your selues cōtinuallie reade and teache the scripturs but also yee should cōmād the flocke in your charge to seeke their spiritual food in the same This was the order in the church of Christ in the beginning The minister of the worde to teache and preache and the auditors to reade That therby they might take the teaching the better as the Thessalonians did at the preching of the Apost as ye may reade and cōsider in the Actes of the Apost the 17. chapter And Christ teacheth vs to search the scriptures for they beare witnesse of him And S. P. sayeth All thinges which are written they ar written to our learning that through patience and consolation of Scriptures we may haue hope that is of eternall life The which is the marke whereat shoote al the faithfull for in the Scriptures of God all things are conteined necessarie for our saluation Alace thinke yee not shame which ar bound oblished vnder the paine of eternall damnation to teache your flocke this maner of doctrine to inhibit and forbid them to looke vpon the scripture either to heare or reade them This is farre differēt from the order of the apost yea and of the holy fathers of the church lōg time after as appeareth clearly by the teaching of Chrisost. writting vpō the 1. chap. of S. Math. the 2. 5. hom where he with a great lamētatiō reproueth the secular mē housholders which alledged the reading teaching of scripturs perteined not to thē Exhorting them to giue attēdance to the scripturs that they might instruct there families and household how they should liue according to the order of the scripture as becōmeth christians but by the cōtrarie yee would that none of your flocke or auditors should know thē lest your misdeeds wer espyed The feeding of your flocke the attēdāce and care yee should take therevpon is so necessary that without the doing thereof yee can doe no good works at all according to your vocation which can please god because in neglecting of this yee neglect faith out of the which all good workes should spring So should all your good workes follow faith And this principal point of your vocatiō is the cause that S. P. departing from Ephe. to Ieru called befor him the ministers of the word in the cōgregatiō certifieing thē he would not returne againe in bodily presence and therefore hee left to them this legacie saying Attend and take heede vnto your selues and to the whole flock in the which the holy spirit hath put you bishoppes to guide and rule the Church of god the which he hath redeamed with his bloud For I knowe after my departing there shall enter in amongst you rauening wolues which shall not spare the flocke And of your selues there shall rise men speaking wickednes that they may leade disciples to follow them Therefore bee diligent and vigilant keeping in memorie that by the space of thre years I ceased not day and night with teares and weeping warning and admonishing euery one of you c. If the Apostle had knowen any better work or more excellent to haue bene left in memorie or legacie to the ministers of the word he would no doubt haue expressed the same And euē so S. P. in his
thereby the strentgh of the flesh somewhat is dantoned and ceaseth to rebell against the spirite And beginneth to seeke god who is a peculiar Father to the faithfull deliuering them from all tribulations Not for their worthynesse but for his own mercie Worldly tribulations are the signe and token of gods loue albeit the wicked and vnfaithfull iudge otherwise which in tyme of tribulation runne from God seeking help at man which is but vaine whereof they being frustrate and deceaued fall in desperation The sommary of the fourth Chapter THe faithfull thanke god in tribulation and albeit our wicked nature teacheth vs to flye from God as did our first parent Adam after his transgression Yet faith in Iesus Christ leadeth vs to the throne of our Fathers grace where we finde goodnes mercy iustice giuen to vs freely by Iesus Christ as they were giuen to Adam Who albeit fled from god yet he moued of loue toward his own handywork followed him and albeit Adam at the voice of god repented not but obstinately excused his sinne yet god made to him the promisse of saluation before hee pronounced his wrath cōtrary sinne which of his righteous iudgement hee must punish And so Adam wrought nothing which might moue god to make this promisse more then hee wrought that of dust and clay hee should be made a liuing Creature to the Image and similitude of god And to Abraham being an Idolater was made the promisse hee should be the father of many nations which hee merite not to whiche promisse Abraham giuing credite was reakoned iust by the which it is plaine that the mercy of god and not our workes is the cause that hee calleth vs by his worde whereto wee giuing credite are reakoned iust all our deseruinges or merites being excluded The Sommarie of the 5. Chapter ADam expelled forth of paradise had no consolation except in the blessed seede promissed By whom hee beleeued him to stande in gods fauour for all bodily consolation which hee had of his two Sonnes was turned in dolour when Cain killed Abell In the which dolour Adam many yeares remained will God hauing compassion vpō him gaue him another sonne named Seth of whome descended the blessed seede For this sonne Adam gaue thankes vnto god taking all afflictions in patience knowing him worthie of greater punishmēt by whose example we should patiently with thankesgiuing vnto god suffer all tribulatiō For none descending of Adā by naturall propagatiō are iuster then hee was after his fall which all his life suffered trouble hauing no confort but that he should ouercome all worldly calamitie yea and also the slightes of Sathan which had deceaued him by the blessed seede promissed And this same should be our confort in all tribulations The sommarie of the 6. Chap. BY bodily afflictions our faith is tryed as gold by the fire They are also a communion with the passions of Iesus Christ. And therefore in them haue we matter and cause to reioyce considering we suffer without cause committed contrarie man Notwithstāding the wicked persecute the faithfull in all ages as if they had beene mischieuous or euill doers as may be seene in the persecution of the prophets Apost of Iesus Christ him self The cause hereof is the neglecting of gods word and taking from faith her due office whereof riseth all dishouring of god for none may or can honour god except the iustified man And albeit in diuerse men there be diuerse opinions of iustification yet they alone in whome the holy spirit worketh true faith which neuer wanteth good workes are iust before god The substance of iustification is to cleaue fast vnto god by Iesus christ and not by our selfe nor yet by our workes And this Article of iustification should be holden in recent memorie because without the knowledge thereof no workes are pleasant before God The sommarie of the seuinth Chap. AS by perswasion of Sathan Adam and Eue seeking wisedome contrarie Gods commandemēt were deceaued and fell in extreame miserie So they seeking iustification otherwise then teach the Scriptures remaine vnder the wrath of god for faith alone reconciliateth man to god which the Lawe whose office is onely to vtter sinne and trouble the conscience as it did to Adam after his transgression may not doe Therefore who list to resist Sathan let him cleaue to faith for it is the onely shield which his dartes may not pearse The sommary of the eight chapter CAin a wicked hipocrit killed his brother Abell For no other cause but that his brothers sacrifice pleased god because it was offered into faith And the posteritie of Cain pursued perpetually them which depēded vpon the blessed seede while god was compelled to drown the whole world 8. persons being reserued amongst whom yet was keept the seed of Sathan in the third sonne of Noe Cham. From the dayes of Noe to Abraham this article of iustification altogether was obscured Idolatry spredding ouer all The cause thereof was they followed the external works of the holy fathers in sacrifice but had no respect to faith without the which all sacrifices ar Idolatrie The sommarie of the ninth Chapter GOd of his mercy prouiding that his Church should not perish altogether renewed to Abraham the promisse of the blessed seede made to Adam whereto Abraham giuing credit is without his workes reakoned iust But shortly after begā sathā newly to pursue the iust by his mēbers stirring vp Ismaell against Isaac Esau against Iacob but the iust at the end shall preuaile as hath done Iesus Christ whose brethrē we ar by reason he is very man of the seed of Adam And also because in him wee are adopted and made the sonnes of god The fleshly mā is euer deceaued iudging the wicked to bee the chosen as Abraham beleeued Ismaell And Isaac beleeued Esau to haue beene their heires But faith iudged righteously which caused Rebecca to labour with diligence that Iacob the youngest sonne should be blessed by his father The sommary of the 10. Chap. THe Iewes hauing a carnall opiniō of the seede promissed that their Messias should rule temporally as did Dauid refused Iesus Christ appearing simple poore But the cause which moued Sathā to stirre vp his members against Christ was that hee plainly taught that by faith without all workes man is reakoned iust For the wicked thinking to make their foolishe workes a part of their iustificatiō may neuer suffer them to bee damned And the true Preacher can neuer but exclude them from the iustification of man as did the prophetes Iesus Christ him selfe and his Apostles for which they suffered death leauing to vs a sure testimonie for confirmation of this article which after Christs death was plainly preached The sommarie of the 11. Chapter SAthan perceauing his crafts wherewith hee deceaued mankinde discouered and his head troden downe by the death of Christ cled him in a new arrayement And finding them whiche should haue truely preached idle perswaded man to inuent new
going about vs as it were a roaring lion seking for the pray to deuour or swolow Against whom we shold resist stoutly into faith taking in our hand the sword of the spirit which is the word of god with the rest of the armour perteyninge to a christian knight specified by S. P. Ephe. the 6. Chapter The substance of the article of iustification is to cleaue and stick fast by our God knowing him our Maker and Creator and to beleeue firmly and vndoubtedly that wee are not righteous nor iust of our selfs nor yet by our workes which are lesse nor wee but by the helpe of another the onely begotten Sonne of God Christ Iesu who hath deliuered and redeemed vs from Death the Deuill and finne And hath giuen to vs eternall life as hereafter at length shalbe declared Aboue all thing the saide article is to be holden in memorie recent among the faithfull And at euery tyme houre driuen and inculcat in their eares as it were a trumpet without the which faith which is the fondation of the christian religion and Church of Christ is made so darke and mistie that no place shalbe founde where vpon to build the the perfite workes of faith THE VII CHAP. 1 What obtained Adam and Eue seeking wisdome contrarie Gods commandement and what they which seekes iustification other wayes then teacheth the scriptures 2 Whereby is the wicked man made iust 3 Where may Sathā enter and where not 4 What wrought the lawe into Adam and the office thereof vnto vs. THe ground stone and sure firme rock whereupon all godly workes and vertues are builded our said aduersarie Sathan vexed in the paradise when in the beginning he perswaded entised our forefather Adam and Eue to leaue their faith into God their Maker and Creator and consent to his false perswasiō which was that through their owne wisedome strength and power they might be made equall and like vnto god who gaue them life promised the same euer to endure with all pleasures commodities in paradise The Deuill perceauing the woman voide and without faith loue and feare of God said howbeit ye eat of the fruicts of this trie ye shall not die the death ye know not wherefore God hath forbiddē you to eate of the same but I shall show you the cause God knoweth that in what soeuer daye yee shall eate of the fruict of this trie your eyes shall be opened and ye shall be like Gods knowing good euill This same persuasion hath all the wicked which perswades man to trust to his owne workes merites power and strength therby to be made iust and to get greate rewarde of god for doing of workes not commanded by God but inuented by mās vaine conceat thinking that God shallbe pleased therewith But surely euen as our forefather was deceaued so shall we be if we consent thairto Heerefore giue trust to no thing in this case or matter but to God and his word keeping euer faith pure and clean without all mixtiō of works in the making of a wicked mā iust And then our aduersarie shall get no place to enter to deceaue vs. Ye shall vnderstande that Adam knew good and euill before the eating of the aple for that teached him the law of nature and the other great wisedome hee was cloathed with as yee may reade in Eccles. the 17. Chap. saying god created them with the spirit of knowledge and with wisedome and vnderstanding hee fulfilled the harts of them and shew vnto them good and euill His iudgementes iustice also he shew to thē What thē was the knowledge Adā got of the eating of the aple onely that he had offended his good god trāsgressed his law the which shew to him his offences and sin By this knowledge he vnderstood that hee was fallen frō the good state in which he was created shuld haue remained if he had obeyed the law of his god into the miserable estate of sin for he had neuer knowen what the trangression of the lawe had bene if he had not sinned The law before taught him what he should doo leaue vndone what was good what was euill and after he sinned the lawe vttered the same to him broght him in knowledge thereof for it can do no other thing to the sinner but trouble his minde and bring vpon him great feare and dread This proues the sayings of god to ADAM inquiring who hath showen vnto thee that thou was naked but that thou hast eaten of the tree of the which I commauded thou shouldest not eat This hatred and enimity is old which Sathan hath moued cōtrary mankind had the beginning at the first creation of man of malice cōceaued to bring man in the same rebellion he was in This persecution of sathan shal endure to the latter iudgement therefore let vs bee walke full and diligent euer armed with our shield faith the word of god euer printed in our hartes taking no care of wordly troubles hoping hastely to be deliuered therfrō cōsidering we haue no permanēt Citie here but as Pilgrimes trauailing to and fro beholding and looking for that heauinly citie and place prepared to vs from the beginning of the world THE VIII CHAP. 1 Wherefore Cain slew Abell howe long god suffered the article of iustification to be pursued by the seede of Cain 2 What paine hee tooke at last and howe Sathan reserued his seede 3 Whereof sprang the Idolatrie whiche abounded betweene the dayes of Noe and Abraham and vnder what pretext it was defended SHortly hereafter the said aduersarie a man killer and lyer perswaded entised the one brother to slaye the other of malice without any cause but that the one brother Abell being iust godly offered into faith a more pleasant and acceptable sacrifice vnto God then the other Cain who was wicked and an hipocrit whose sacrifice pleased not god becaus the person was not acceptable to him Therefore god looked to Abell and to his workes vnto Cain and his workes he looked not There followed against the saide article the perpetuall persecution of Sathan intolerable by the sonnes of Cain while God wes compelled prouoked of his ryghteous iudgement to drowne the whole worlde once to purge the same from sin reseruing defending through his mercy onely the perauthor of faith and righteousnesse Noe. Neuerthelesse Sathan keped his seed in the third sonne of Noe Cham as testifies the historie After this the whole world rysing in a madnes fury impugning this article of iustificatiō finding inuenting innumerable Idols and religions with the which they pretēded to please God with their owne works and inuentions euerie one making to him selfe a particular or peculiare god or gods The which is no other thing but to think that without the help of Christ of their owne power works Inuentions they may redeeme them selues from sin all euils and please
That is in forme of holynes He hath entred in the church in wonderfull subteltie for hee hath cled him with the most honest and shining works inuented this day by mens wit or reason Yea with the same works commanded also by God and by them maintaineth defended him selfe wholy yea verylie he had cled him with the blessed sacramēt of the body and bloud of christ for hee can well disguise him in workes with pride vaine glorie hipocrisie diffidēce dispaire Idle faith as to beleeue the historie onely presumption of the owne merites c. But in perfite faith which is the groundstone of this article of iustification he can neuer enter Therefore vnder colour of holines he hath caused and dayly causeth the prelates of the Church as they call them who should of their vocation haue to the shedding of their bloud defended this Article pursue the same most cruelly with all tormentes inuented by mans wit vnder the false pretence of good workes hauing no respect to faith And so shall Abell dye and Cain liue Ye shall vnderstand that the oft repeating of the death of Abell and the life of Cain is no vaine storie nor purpose but the true similitude of the Church of christ which first watered with the bloud of Abel remaineth example to this houre and shal to the seconde cōming of Christ to the latter iudgemēt In the which two persons is set forth to vs the perfite knowledge of the Church which consistes in the godly and vngodly And euer the perfite and iust Churche is pursued with the wicked neuer pursueth by which the disciples and seruauntes of Christ are knowen as testifie the holy scriptures I exhort you which are aduersaries to this article of iustification consider with your selfe if euer ye red the history in canonical scriptures or prophane histories that euer the true and perfite church frō the beginning of the world to this houre persecuted any but euer was persecuted and the godly glad thereof Herefore the forme order of this tyrannicall persecutiō vsed this day by them hauing the ecclesiasticall power in their handes against the faithfull professours of this article I iudge to be of the deuill and may say truely to them as Christ saide to the Scribes Pharisies all the bloud which is shed from the bloud of Zacha. whome they slew betwene the altare the temple shall come vpon these cruell tirantes which impunge this Article and slaye the faithfull professours thereof Against these sayings the aduersaries of faith and veritie crye The canon Lawe the aucthoritie of the Church the long consuetude the examples of the Fathers the Bishop of Romes aucthoritie the generall Counsels Heresie Heresie So there is no remeady but let Abel dye and Cain liue that is our lawe My hartes yee which haue entered in the Church of Christ by the bishoppe of Romes law and aucthoritie with his faire bulles your shauen crounes smaring you with oyle or chreame and cloathing you with all Ceremonies commanded in your law If yee thinke you therethrough the successours of the Apostles and Fathers of the church ye are greatly deceaued for that is but a politike successiō or ceremonial The successiō of the Church is farre otherwyse the which requireth you to haue knowledge in the scriptures of God to preache and teache the same with the other qualities cōditions cōteined in the scriptures as hereafter shalbe showē in the speciall vocations of the which if ye be expert and your vocation lawefull according to the worde of god doubtles ye are the successors of the apostles haue the same auctority they had committed to them by Christ. And if ye want the saide conditions and qualities Yee are but reauing wolfes clede with shepe skinnes what authoritie that euer the bishop of Rome giue you For it is no more in his power to make a Bishop of him which can not preache nor hath the knowledge to rule the flocke committed to his care according to the word of god then it is in his power to make an asse to speake or bee man or yet cause a blinde man to see Therefore I pray you learne the scriptures that ye may walke in your vocation right for of your succession yee haue no more matter to glorie then the Iewes had to glorie against Christ calling them the sonnes of Abraham whom he called the Sonnes of the deuill They gloried in the carnall succession and ye glory in the politike or Ceremoniall succession And all is one thing God sende you knowledge and vnderstāding of his worde that yee may cease from your tyrannie and the true faithfull may liue in rest and quietnes THE XII CHAP. 1 The diuision of iustice in generall with the definition of euery part thereof 2 The cause that no man is iust by the law 3 Scriptures and examples prouing all me except Iesus Christ to be sinners LEt vs passe forewarde in the discussing of this Article of iustification for knowledge of the which necessarie it is to showe what iustice is of man what of the lawe either of God or man which being shortly discussed wee shall the more easily come to the knowledge of our christiā iustificatio which is a thing farre aboue all law either of god or man for it is the iustice by the which a wicked man is made iust through faith in the bloud of Iesus Christ without the works of the lawe because of the deedes of the law no flesh shalbe made iust before god as the apostle saith This is asmuch to say as because no man fulfilleth the law nor doth the deedes and workes of the same in the pure and cleane estate as the lawe required them to bee done according to the puritie of the same Therfore the law can pronunce none iust before god This worde iustice or rightuousnesse generally by the philosophers is takē cōmonly for the obedience and outwarde honesty according to all vertues of morall maners the which a man may doo and performe of his owne power and strēgth This is called an vniuersall or general Iustice after the philosophicall definition the same S. Pau. called the righttuousnesse of the law or workes because the Transgressours of this iustice are punished as wicked and vnrighteous For whome the Lawe is made and ordinate as Saint Paule sayeth 1. Timoth. the first Chap. for the iust needeth no law These morall maners and discipline is the most excellent rayment or habite wherewith man may bee cled Neuerthelesse they can not make a man iust before God nor is not the Iustice which we speak of here in this treatise The Politike or Ciuill Iustice is the obediēce which euery Subiect and Inferiour estate of mā giueth to their prince and Superiour in all the worlde The which proceedeth of the lawe of nature and is a good worke without the which obedience to the punishmēt of the wicked and defence of the
all to himself saying Come vnto me all yee which labour and are laden with sinne and I shall refresh you And Peter saith there is no saluation but in Iesu Christ Nor no other name giuen vnder heauen by the which mā may obteine saluation Therfore sithēs no other may saue but he we should put all our trust hope in him and in his mercy only and neither in the law nor works for to all them which thinke they may bee safe by workes or made iust Christes death is in vaine or if there had beene giuen a lawe whiche might haue giuen life then righteousnes surely had beene of the law but it is manifest that by the law no mā is made iust before god because the iust shall liue by faith What wordes may bee more plaine then those are to exclude workes foorth of this article Now sithens the scripture teacheth vs so plainely that Christ is our Iustice our Sauiour and Redeamer satisfaction for our sinnes the ende and consommation of the lawe and hath freed vs from the lawe sinne and death and from the kingdome of Sathan our aduersarie and bought vs to the kingdome of righteousnesse without our merites or deseruinges Why will wee vsurpe his office to our selues and spoile Christ of his glorie or be come thrall againe to that thing from the which Christ hath freed vs. The which we do if we wilbe participāt with Christ in the making of our selues iust or mixt any workes with the article of iustication THE XIX CHAP. 1 As the good tree beareth good fruite so the good man worketh good workes 2 But as the fruit maketh not the tree good So workes make not the man iust 3 For as the tree is before the fruite So the mā is iust before the work be good 4 The cause why wee should worke good workes 5 The Captaines in the kingdome of christ his subiectes and reward and of his aduersarie Sathan THis faith which only iustifieth and giueth life is not idle nor remaineth alone Neuertheles it alone iustifieth And then it workes by charitie For vnfained faith may no more abyde Idle from working in loue then the good tree may from bringing foorth her fruite in due time and yet the fruite is not the cause of the tree nor maketh the tree good but the tree is the cause of the fruite and the good tree bringeth foorth good fruite by the which it is knowen goode Euen so it is of the faithfull man the workes make him not faithfull nor iust nor yet are the cause thereof But the faithfull and iust man bringeth forth and maketh good works to the honor glorie of God profit of his neighbour which beare witnesse of his inward faith and testifie him to be iust before man Therefore yee must be iust and good or euer yee worke good workes for Christ sayeth may yee gather grapes of thornes or figges of thrisles no no it is contrary theire nature Euen so it is with man till hee be made iust by faith as it is before writtin Hee may neuer doe a good worke but what euer hee doeth is sinne for al which is not of faith is sinne and christ sayeth to the Pharisies how can yee speake good while yee ar yet euill Therefore or euer we speak good or do good we must be made good that by the mercy of god through faith in christ without al our deseruings Then shal we worke al good works in the kingdome of Christ as his faithfull subiects There is two kingdomes two kinde of subiects which are direct contrary to other because there princes ar as cōtrary as ar light darkenes That is to say the kingdome of Christ and the kingdom of the Deuil To the kingdom of the Deuil mā is of his owne nature a perfite subiect the sonne of ire wrath To the kingdome of Christ man is made subiect through his second birth or regeneration which is by Baptisme in the bloud of Christ. To this kingdome man is bought neither with gold nor siluer but with the precious bloud of the sonne of God Christ Iesus and so is made seruaunt to righteousnes to serue vnto life Therefore who is made iust by faith through the mercy of god and merites of Christ Iesus must in faith which is not idle but euer working in loue serue Christ and embrace him in his hart Then shall he remaine in Christ Christ in him by the which ioyning through faith sinne shall haue no dominion nor shall not rule as a prince howbeit the dregges remaine in vs. They shall not be imputed to vs if we perseuere in faith as our forefather Abr. did euer working by loue and charitie And this is the cause why we shuld work good workes because wee are bought to the kingdome of Christ in the which rule as valiant Captaines faith hope charity working euer righteousnes vnto life The kingdome of the Deuill hath thre valiant Captaines which gouerne the same that is incredulitie dispaire and enuye euer working sinne and vnrighteousnes vnto death because the reward of sinne is death In this kingdome sinne ruleth as a prince hauing dominiō therefore if ye will serue sinne and obeye the same ye are seruants to that thing which ye obeye whither it be of sin vnto death or righteousnes vnto life But Christ hath redeamed vs and bought vs from this Realme that euen as Christ hath risen from death to the glorie of the Father right so we should liue in a new life and let not sin haue more dominion ouer vs. There is no mā so foolish who wil thinke he being deliuered of a vile prisō by the grace and mercy of a great Prince and brought to serue in his hall so made tēder to the prince that he is made participant of his sonnes heritage will say I will passe againe to prison because he is not a part of his owne deliuerance Verily it is euē so of their sayings which say I wil do no good becaus christ hath deliuered me And being deliuered I will sin and follow all libertie of flesh Wherfore should I do any good workes sithens Christ hath redeamed me without my deseruings My hartes ye which obiect these sayinges reade the scriptures and yee shall finde another lesson taught you And attend vpon your Schoolemaister which is the holy spirite who shall teach you the right waye that yee passe neither to the right hād nor to the wrōg but the right kingly way That is to confesse and euer haue prented in your hartes that by faith onely of the mercy and grace of god yee are made safe And then followe the example of our Lorde Iesus Christ giuing your whole studie and cure to loue charitie and all maner of righteous liuing to the glorie of god profit of your neighbour Not that there through ye ar made safe but that ye may be found
may saue you It is writtē all which is not of faith is sinne How then can ye do any worke preceeding faith that it may please God or prouoke him to loue you considering all that ye doo out of faith is sinne Will ye say that he deliteth in sin No no it is a thinge most abominable in his sight therfore all that euer ye do how excellēt the work be in your sight it is sin before God and yee heape sinne vpon sinne which is abomination in his sight as sayeth the Prophete Esay The workes which follow faith make you not iust because or euer yee worke good works yee must be made first iust and thereafter in faith yee worke the works of iustice Neuerthelesse the saide workes may not saue you nor merite the kingdome of heauen to you muchlesse may they merite to others But yee are made safe by the mercy of God and not of workes as S. P. sayeth Not of workes of righteousnesse which we haue done shall we be saued but according to his mercy God hath saued vs Here yee see not onely workes excluded in generall forth of this article but also the workes of iustice which can not be done but by the iustified man where are then your workes which deserue the kingdome of heauen of their worthinesse not onely to your selues but superaboundant to others They are excluded by the Scriptures of God Therefore I exhort you to exclude them also cleaue to faith THE XXI CHAP. 1 The opinion of the wicked seeking their owne glorie 2 The workes commanded by God done without faith ar abomination before him 3 Whereby commeth the new birth 4 Paule refuseth his workes seeking no Iustification thereby 5 The conclusion of all the Scriptures 6 What is giuen to man which hath true faith I Meruell greatlie of your blindnesse which are aduersaries to this article would euer mixt it with works specially of your owne making that yee may bee a parte of your owne saluation But I ought not meruell thereat because yee seek your own glory not the glory of god for euer ye cry the law the law good works good works the which yee neuer doe nor yet it is in your power of your selfe to complete according to the perfectiō that yee may set thē before the iudgement seat of god And this same thing did your forefathers the scribes Pharisies against Christ. And now yee against his faithfull litle flocke of the same blindnesse and ignorance For to establish your owne iustice yee neglecte the iustice of god and will not be subiect thereto as the Apost sayeth And Christ sayeth Yee are they which iustifie your selues before men but god knoweth your harts because that which is of great estimation in mens eyes is abominable before god Euen so it is of your workes not commanded by god how honest or shining that euer they be in the sight of of man for verily God wilbe pleased with no workes of mans innentioun but with the workes commanded by him selfe And the same should be done in faith according to his will and not ours for the which we are commanded and should daylie praye Thy will o heauenly father be fulfilled not ours What better works cā mā doe thē the works cōmāded by god as praiers almes deedes fastings and keeping of holy dayes and others as ye may reade Esay the first Chap. The which god by the mouth of the prophet calleth abomination And Christ called prophecying preaching casting forth of Deuils miracles wonders and signes and many other great and excellent vertues done in his name The workes of iniquitie and the doers of them the workers of iniquitie saying passe away from me all yee which are workers of iniquitie for not all which say vnto mee Lord lord shall enter in the kingdome of heauen But they which doo the will of my Father whiche is in Heauen These workes are contemned by god for no other cause but that they ar wrought by the wicked without faith or mixt with the article of iustificatiō thinking therethrough to be made iust or to be a part of their owne iustification And therefore cannot please God but greatly displease him because the good worke is conuerted into sinne through the iniquitie of man Neuerthelesse they appeare in the sight of man to be most excellent good and should haue a great reward after the iudgement of man but yee see here what rewarde god giueth them And seing the workes commaunded by God to be done are so displeasant in his sight wrought by the wicked without faith What shalbe of your workes which are not commanded by God nor haue no authoritie in his Scriptures but inuented by your selues of your good zeale and intention to make your selues iust by them hauing no respect to faith but to the working of them of the selfe deed yea verily expresse contrarie the scripture and plaine Idolatrie Neuerthelesse he that doth them yee make iust and he that doth them not yee condemne Is this any other thing but to make the death of Christ in vaine and to be iustifiers of your selues for seing the iustice which is of value before God is not of the deedes of the law how can it be of your deeds Therefore Christ wil say vnto you Passe from me all ye workers of iniquitie I know you not Notwithstanding in other places of the scripture yee shall finde the same workes greatly commended by God where they are done by the iust man as the fruites of faith reward promised to the workers of them So they confesse them vnprofitable Seruantes when they haue done all that they can For Christ saide to his Disciples when yee haue done all whiche is commanded you to doe then say wee are vnprofitable seruantes Wee haue done that which wee were bounde to doe And if they which fulfill all the commandements of god are compted or repute by him vnprofitable seruants what haue wee to glorie in which fulfill not one of his commandements Now I pray you lay this text to your assertion if thou wilt enter into life keep the commandements and ye shal thinke shame of your sayings insomuch as yee would impung the article of iustification there with and mixt workes with faith to the making of a wicked man iust Now I trust it be sufficiently prouen by authority of the scripture as is before rehearsed at length to the satisfactiō of a Christian and godly man that works are excluded forth of this article of iustificatiō haue no participatiō therewith but follow faith as the due fruites therof that all glorie may redound to god howbeit the wicked hypocrits and iustifiers of thē selues will neuer be satisfied by any authoritie of the scripture for they cannot nor will not be content with god nor his word but euer impung the same to establish their owne authoritie and glorie And therfore are neuer at rest
Workes iustifie before men onely Heb. 11. Cornelius had faith and thereby wroght good workes Heb. 11. What faith Cornelius had wherefor was Peter sent vnto him Esa. 65. Math. vlt. Mar. 16. Luc. 24. Sophistes would make the holy spirit speaking in S.P. contrarie to him selfe Psal. 49. Note The nature of loue * Why Charitie is called the chiefest Collos. 3. Io. 15. Math. 19. Luc. 18. * The wordes of Christ vttered the hipocrisie of the young man How the wicked doo read the scripturs Rom. 14. Marke diligently Tit. 3 The workes of Iustice is excluded in the cause of iustification The wicked aduance thē of works which they neuer doe Rom. 10. ●ue 16. Esa. 55 56 57. 58. Zach. 1. God neuer was nor wilbe pleased with works of mans inuention Workes which of them self are good done without faith are abomination before god Math. 7. Note well Luc. 17. Esay 48. * Hypocrites are neuer at rest in their conscience A repetition of the article of iustification and substance thereof The salutation of the Apost Rom. 1. Rom. 5. 1. Cor. 1. Galath 1. Ephe. 1. 2. 2. Timoth. 1. 1. Pet. 1. Philip. 3. * Paule wrought many excellent good workes but reputeth them nothing The entresse to good workes The method of S.P. in wreting Ro. 5. 2. Tim 3. Prou. 3. Heb. 12. Apo. 3. Rom. 5. 1. Io. 5. The reward of sinne is death Ro. 6. Philip. 1. The beninning of good workes Iob. 7. Whosoeuer serueth the lord must prepare him self for trouble Rom. 7. * The repungning of the flesh Ro. 8. Rom. ● Rom. 12. Colloss 3. Io. 6. The will of God Ro. 6. To bee crucified with Christ. The sacrifice pleasant to God Psal. 50. Psal. 4. The old man Collos. 3. * That is loue and extoll his magnificence in all kinde of godlie life Ephe. 4. Esa. 1 Mat. 16 Marc. 8. Luc. 14. 1. Pet. 2. Who followeth Christ. 1. Cor. 1. The cros of the faithfull Heb 1. ● Rom. 8. Psal. 30. 70. God will not suffer vs to bee tempted aboue that we may susteine 1. Cor. 10. Esay 53. 1. Pet. 2. * Who goeth before Christ. * Who goeth astray frō Christ. Luc. 16. Math. 7. The punishment of pride Luc. ●8 To follow Christ. Math. 27. All men depēding vpon his own reason is deceaued The cōfutation of good zeale good intētion Gen. 6. Gen. 8. Psal. 43. Deutr. 12. Ier. 11. * The cōmandement of god contrarie our good zeale Psal. 115. Esa. 55. Mich. 6. All which man shold doe is conteined in the scriptures Psal. 93. Who doth workes not commāded by God in his scriptures incurris his malediction Ier. 15. ●9 4. Reg. 21 2. Cro. 33. The fruits of good zeale Ier. 2. The wordes of Ieremie ar true this day 〈◊〉 ●2 11. Exod. 20. Leuit. 26. Deu. 5. Psal. 80.96 113. * Strange worshipping of God is not conteined in the scriptures Good workes Esa. 58. Ier. 7. 26 Ezech. 18. Psal 33. 1. Pet. 3. Tac. 1. Io. 1. Luc. 3. The vocation and office of men of warre Io. 6. Faith is the worke of God Io. 6. There is no perfection but in Christ. 1. Cor. 3. * Christ is the head and foundation of our felicitie vpon whom we should build good workes Coloss. 3. Math. 11 * Wherefore Christs yoke is easie and his burdē light Of generall and speciall vocations Immediate vocation Mediate vocation Vocation generall * Charitie is the bād of peace 1. Cor. 12. Ephe. 4. 5. * Why the faithfull are called one body 1. Cor 3 Ephe. 2. Act. 9.14 20. Rom. 5. 1. Cor. 12. Math. 38. Mar. 16. Iob. 33. Act. 10. Ia. 2. Gal 2. Galath 3 1. Pet. ●● Al faithful are kinges and priests Note well Ephe. 5. * Euery member should serue in his owne vocation Rom. 12. Ro. 13. * Loue is euer debt Men shuld seeke no knowledge but it which is profitable The diuision of the estaits of men The office of kinges and magistrates The king should loue his subiects Pro. 1. Psal. 110. * No man may know god but by his word The king should haue knowledge of gods law Deu. 17. Iosu. 1. Psal. 1. 3. Reg. 3. Iaco. 1. Psal. 19. Sap. 1. 1. Pet. 5. Luc. 1. The king should set forth the true and destroy the false religion of god in his kingdome Deut. 17. Psal. 2. Deut. 4. * To seeke wisedome other wayes but in gods scripturs is foolishnes 1. Cor. 1. Zach. 7. 7. Esay 1. Psal. 81. Exod. 28. Leuit. 19. Deut. 16. Exod. 18. Io. 10. * Iudges should be honoured because they are participant in power with god Deut. 1 Psal. 11. Esay 40. 1. Pet. 1. Iac. 1. Whereof shall iudges be accused whereof not * A iudge of corrupted life cā neuer minister iustice equallie * Subiects follow the vices of their superiour magistrates * God cōmonly punished the wicked by them which are more wicked Ier. 7. Marke diligently 1. Reg. 15 1. Reg. 15. 2. Tim. 4. 2. Tim. 2. 1. Tim 6. The bloud of the flocke perished for fault of spiritual food shalbe required at the bishope Ezech. 3. The cōplaint of Chrisostom * Without a bishope preache truelie he can do no good worke before god * The legacie Paull vnto bishops That is sorrow eterne dānation abideth you 1. Cor. 3. 1. Timoth 6 Tit. 2. 2. Timoth. 2 Malach. 2. Sap. 11. 1. Reg. 2 3. Reg. 2. 1. Reg. 2. * The punishment of Dauid perteineth to bishops aswell as to princes Ephe. 5 Collos. 3. 1. Pet. 3. 1. Cor. 7. Coloss. 3. 1. Pet. 3. 1. Tim. 1. Tim. 5. Psal. 77. Deut. 6. Coloss. 3.4 Ephe. 6. * Right Prayer * The vnfaithles worke no good workes Ro. 14. * The life of the fathers should be cleane because it is a mirrour to the sonnes 1. Tim. 3. Marke diligently Deut. 8. Math. 4. The faithfull lamēt the faults of others