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A15035 Aurelia. The paragon of pleasure and princely delights contayning the seuen dayes solace (in Christmas holy-dayes) of Madona Aurelia, Queene of the Christmas pastimes, & sundry other well-courted gentlemen, and gentlewomen, in a noble gentlemans pallace. A worke most sweetely intercoursed (in ciuill and friendly disputations) with many amorous and pleasant discourses, to delight the reader: and plentifully garnished with morall notes, to make it profitable to the regarder. By G.W. Gent.; Heptameron of civill discourses Whetstone, George, 1544?-1587? 1593 (1593) STC 25338; ESTC S119821 126,076 172

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quarrels among the kindred occupieth all the neighhours with slander so the for the most part these forced mariages engendereth sorrowes for the maried disquietnesse to both their friends kindred but which stil renueth griefe the scandal of enemies endeth in neither of their wretchednesse This being said little auayled the further proofes of the contrarie part so ful was the crie Fie of forcement in mariage so that to paint out the inconueniences therof in his proper colours Quéene Aurelia commanded Faliero to confirme his sufficient reasons with the discourse of some rare Historie Whose commandement he willingly satisfied and reported as followeth The History in the reproch of forced Mariage reported by Faltero IN the famous Cittie of Cirene in Affrick dwelled sometims a rich Marchant named Tryfo This Tryfo had a welthy neighbour called Clearches who of long time entertained one another with a neighbourly affection Tryfo to inherite all his liuings had but one onely Sonne named Sicheus and Clearches one onely Daughter called Elisa The parents to establish as they imagined an euerlasting amitie between their houses concluded a mariage for their vnfortunate Children making no doubt but that they would as well inherite their affections as their liuings of which there was hope enough if the order had béene as good to establish their Lone as the haste great to solemnize the Mariage for that in their persons appéered no signe of disagréement nor in their abilities cause of exception but loue that beholdeth no more quicknesse in a Diamond then in a dym Saphyre though he take impression by sight Loue rooteth by contemplation rooteth in contemplation which deuine exercise of the soule smally delighteth gréene youth who intertain their thoughts with a thousand vaine fancies but to my purpose The Mariage day drew néere and as at the very push of Battell the wise Captain animateth his Souldiers with some plausible oration euen so the night before the Mariage Tryfo schooled his sonne Sicheus with this following aduertisement My good sonne quoth he so great are the follies of men Aduise to a booteles purpose and so cunning the deceits of women as they most especially the yonger sort will credite their lookes without looking into their liues beléeue their words and lightly regarde their workes delight to recount their entertainments and disdaine to reckon their shrewde paiments For as the sick patient comforted with the Phisitions woords leaues to examine the qualities of his receites Euen so the wretched louer cured with the yéelding of his beautifull Mistres Loue yeelds neither to wit strength nor learning with negligence both ouerlooks his own benefite and her behauiour Salomon was deceiued Sampson subdued Aristotle derided and Hercules murthered by the illusions of errant honest women King Demetrius notwithstanding he was both wise and valiant An extreame affection was so bewitched with the wyles of the notorions strumpet Lamia as in open Schooles he raised disputations whether the loue he bare Lamia or the Iewels he bestowed vpon her were the greater or whether her merite excéeded them both or no. Yea when she dyed he caused her to be entombed vnder his bed Chamber window to the ende that with dayly teares he might worship her engraued bones who liuing was of him intirely beloued If the wisest and the worthiest be thus ouertaken in their affections what easie baites may beguile thée who in yéeres art yong of substance delicate and lustie and therefore apt to loue ready in conceit and of consideration vnperfect hotte in desire and in discretion colde My sonne by experience I know and to prenent thy ouerlikely mischaunce in choyce I haue chosen thée a wife faire to please thée rich to continue loue her Parents my assured fréends and she thy affected louer loue her well beare with her insmall faults as a woman and the weaker and bridle thy owne euill affections as a man her head and gouernour and in thus dooing God will multiply his blessings vpon you and make your aged Parents to die in peace to sée you liue in prosperitie Yong Sicheus regarded his Fathers tale as Schollers doe their Tutors who giuing them leaue to play admonisheth them with all to kéep good rule which they promise and perferme the contrary With the like affection Sicheus embraced mariage He was not so soone weary of dallying with his wife as he was ready to entertaine a Harlot so that in short space he became a common Louer and a carelesse Husband and withall grew as arrogant in defending his liberty The title of Mariage maketh youth arrogant as dissalute in his actions and behauiour If his fréends did gently aduise him he was of age to counsell himselfe if his Parents did sharpely reprehend him he would impudently aunswere he was past correction if his Wife found her selfe agréeued with his hard vsage she might well complaine but he would take no time to amend so that his dayly actions of euill tooke away all after hope of wel doing insomuch as he became odious to his fréends that beheld his lewde inclination and a plague vnto his Wife who was dayly oppressed with his monstrous vices So that the ouercharge of sorrow made her many times passage for these and such like passions O vnhappy and ouer hastie Mariage which in the pride of my youth with discontentments makest me resemble a faire Figge trée Abuse of good things worke euill effectes blasted with the after colde of an vntimely Spring but why blame I Mariage which is honourable alas because the abuse of good things worke euill effectes Roses vnaduisedly gathered prick our hands Bées vngently vsed sting our faces yet the one pleasant and the other profitable so that if there come any euill of that which is good our folly or fortune is cause thereof Ay me That which is blessing to one may be a curse to an other when I was married I was too yong to be a wife and therfore haue no reason to exclaime on folly But fortune fowle fall shée which coursest me with curses in possessing me with those things which others holde for blessings Wealth that bestoweth pleasures on many is the originall of my woe Mariage which giueth liberty to many inlargeth my Fetters and demaundeth death for my raunsome Beauty that aduaunseth many is to me a disgrace for that inioying her forme Carelesnes of the husband breedeth in the wife I am of Sicheus not fantasied of whom euery foule and common Trull is beloued But therein Fortune thou doost me no wrong for my hate towards him ouerpoyseth his light regarde of me O but my hart is continually afflicted with his euil and his finger neuer akes with my malice Yea Choller is soone quieted but forbearāce increaseth malice but Forbearance edgeth the swoord of Reuenge when Choller though it often strikes it wounds not much Raine falleth euery where yet beateth but the leaues the thunder Boult lighteth in one place but yet teareth
of the most faire Felice Macrello was sent for to whom Marino deliuered both the Iewell the letter without instructions to doe his message for Protheus could not change himselfe into moe shapes then Macrello as well to auoyd suspition as to compasse his purpose who behaued himselfe so cūningly in Marinoes errand as to be short vertues dames after many perswasions Felice returned him with this answere Felices answere to Marino Georgio I Am not cruell although with difficultie I consent to loue and for that your passions are so extreame I keepe your Picture in my bosome But with what thought I blush to write though pittie be my warrant so that I leaue the euent of our Loue to your consideration and my yeelding to Macrelloes Reporte who in bewraying your passions let fall more teares then I could drye vp with a thousand sighes So that ouercome with rueth to see your affection so great and your passion so daungerous I can not but commit my loue my honour my selfe and all to the Affection and wise gouernement of Marino Georgio FELICE THis Letter was subscribed Life to Marino Georgio and deliuered to the faithfull Macrello with charge that he should make knowen his great importunities before Felice would graunt so hie a fauour which Prouiso might haue béen spared for Macrello partely for his glory but chiefly for his owne benefite vpon deliuery of this Letter willed Marino to receiue it as a Conquest as hardly gotten as Hercules labours if quoth he I had indured not your torments by Imagination it had not béen impossible to haue mooued Felice to rueth Marino heard these circumstances with no better remembrance Sodaine ioy or sorrow dulleth our sences than if he had béen in an Extasie The Subscription Life to Marino ouercame him with such a sodaine passion of Ioy who read and a hundred times ouer read this Life letter and for that it came from Felices swéet hand he a thousand times kissed the Paper Which done by the direction of Macrello this Conquerour Golde made such a passage into a reputed honest Citizens house as without suspition Marino Georgio and fayre Felice there many times mette but to what purpose Gold maketh passage into difficult places I leaue to your constructions and yet thus much I say this Fortune followed Marino in shorte space recouered his former Complexion and it was not long before Felice was richer then either Father or Husband But O that Furie Ielousie enuying this Accord sent slie Suspition to infect Malipieroes heart who prying with Lynx his eyes presented him a thousand causes of mistrust Thevenemous nature of Ielousy which loue straite supprest with as many contrarie imaginations of his Wiues good behauiour insomuch that with the sharpe uicounter of Loue and mistrust poore man he was continually afflicted A shrewd suspition In conclusion séeing his Wife to excéede in brauery and knowing himselfe to decline with pouerty be resolued vpon this certainty this cost could not come from the empty Coffers of her vndone Parents Suspect is more cunning then Argus was wary and then procéeding from others it was impossible to be the fauoures of honest curtesie so that armed with furie he deferred reuenge but to intrap the friend of his wiues follies and the enemie both of her honour and his delight In fine as héedeful as these Louers were in their dealings Ielousie directed suspecte to Marino Georgio and moreouer Neapolitans are most seuere in reuenge made him an eye witnesse of the iniuries done vnto Malipiero which when he assuredly knew hee studied a while of a torture equall to this trecherie for who hath not heard the Neapolitan to be the seuerest reuenger of dishonor in the world To be briefe his bait was this hee fayned a iourney far from home and furnished himselfe with such an apparance of trueth A Iudas kisse as tooke a way all colour of suspition which done with a dissembling kisse he committed his wife to God and the charge of his house to her good gouernement and so set forward towardes Rome Malipiero was no sooner a mile on his way then Macrello certified Marino of this wished opportunitic and Loue made both him and Felice so bolde as in his owne house they determined the following night to exercise vpon Malipiero their wonted iniurie A fit time to deceiue mistrust but about midnight when mistrust was at repose Malipiero entered the house with such a sodaine violence as these two vnfortunate friends were surprised amids their imbracements before they had warning to shifte I sorrowe to tell the rest but trueth will haue passage Malipiero in his reuenge like a Lyon hungring after his praye with his Rapyer and these bitter wordes nayled Marino vnto the Bed Thou Couch quoth he soyled with dishonor washe out thy staynes Death is too easie a scourge for a disloyall wife with the Adulterers blood But holding death too easie a scourge of his wiues trespasse he condemned her to this torture more extreme then death He made an Anatomie of her welbeloued Marino and set him in a fayre Chamber within which hee inclosed his wife without dooing her any bodily iniurie saue the cutting of her haire and to say trueth Haire the ornaments of Chastitie this beautiful ornament of haire beséemeth not an Adultresse head And to punish her the more Malipiero caused her euery dinner and supper to take her accustomed place that at meales she might bee tormented with the sight of her liuing enemie and all the day with the bones of her martyred friend neither could shée quench her thirst but out of a Mazar made of Marinoes skul But to tell her vertue The bounden office of a Writer with her vice her patience was such as she was neuer heard to complain of this cruelty and yet her penitent sorrow so great as the plenty of her teares sometimes moued her iniured Husband to pittie But least he should be ouercome with compassion Iustice must not yeeld to the teares of Trespassers many times from dinner hee commaunded her to her prison who after an humble reuerence went behinde the Tapestry hangings and so vnto her solitary Chamber barred from other company thē the gastly bones of vnfortunate Marino which penance she patiently indured vntil God who saw that her repentance was vnfayned sent Segnior Cornaro to be a peace maker betwéene her husbands iniurie God regardeth repentance and her offence who when Supper was set vpon the Boorde séeing from behinde the Tapistrie Hangings a fayre Gentlewoman to appeare somewhat pale with sorrow her head bare both of attyre and hayre apparelled all in black and in her hand her drinking Boule of Marinoes skull and saying neuer a word with a sober reuerence sitting downe in the chiefest place was stroken with such amaze as on the sodayne he wist not what to say Dinner being ended which was longer than pleasant either to husband wife or
not other Fryers vsed milde and plawsible requests in his behalfe they would surely haue buried him aliue for threatning increaseth a tumult whē faire words may peraduēture stay it The poore Fryer discharged from the hands of these vngentle people learned afterwardes to be more warie but for al this punishmēt was nothing the honester For among men of his Habit remayneth an opinion that the faultes which the Worlde séeth not God punisheth not After the company had well laughed at Fryer Ingannoes penance Quéene Aurelia asked master Doctor the Archdetracter of Women how many such stories he had read of the religious Dames None quoth he that hath béen so sorely punished but of a number that haue as highly trespassed What quoth Helena Dulce by such subtil practises Men offend subtilly women simply No quoth the Doctor but through simple affection Well quoth Aluiso Vechio their euils are written in their foreheads Womens euils are writ in their foreheads that slanderous mens tongues may reade and inlarge them And your great euils are buried in the bottome of your heartes that vnlesse the Diuel meane to shame you the world knoweth not how to blame you Mens faults lie hid in their hearts This was the Gentlewomens day wherefore the ciuill Gentlemen would not offer to crosse them much so that following their aduantage A ciuil curtesie in a Gentlemā Madame quoth Isabella with your fauour and patience I will reporte an Historie that open such a haynous trecherie done by a man as shal take away all possibility from a woman to commit so impious an Act. Quéene Aurelia willed her to procéede and the whole cōpany séemed to be attentiue whereupon Isabella reported as followeth The rare History of Promos and Cassandra reported by Madame Isabella AT what time Coruinus the scourge of the Turkes This history for rarenes thereof is liuely set out in a Comedy by the reporter of the whole worke but yet neuer presented vpon stage raygned as King of Bohemia for to well gouerne the Cities of his Realme he sent diuers worthy Magistrates Among the rest he gaue the Lord Promos the Lieutenantship of Iulio who in the beginning of his gouerment purged the Citie of many auncient vices and seuerely punished new offenders In this Citie there was an olde custome by the suffering of some Magistrates growen out of vse that what man soeuer committed Adultery should lose his head A hard lawe for incontinent persons the womā offender shuld euer after be infamously noted by the wearing of some disguised apparell For the man was helde to be the greatest offender and therefore had the seuerest punishment Lord Promos with a rough execution reuiued this Statute and in the highest degrée of iniurie brake it himselfe as shall appeare by the sequell of Andrugioes aduentures This Andrugio by the yéelding fauour of fayre Polina trespassed against this ordinance who through enuie was accused by Lorde Promos condemned to suffer execution The wofull Cassandra Andrugios Sister prostrates her self at Lord Promos féete and with more teares then words thus pleaded for her brothers life Most noble Lord and worthy Iudge vouchsafed me the fauour to speake whose case is so desperate as vnlesse you beholde mée with the eyes of mercie the frayle trespasse of condemned Andrugio my Brother will be the death of sorrowfull Cassandra his innocent Sister I wil not presume to excuse his offence or reproch the Law of rigor for in the generall construction Lawe adiudgeth by the generall offēce hée hath done most euill and the Law hath iudged but what is right But reuerent Iudge pardon that necessitie maketh me here tell that your wisdome already knoweth The most Soueraigne Iustice is crowned with Laurell although she be girt with a Sword And this priuiledge she giueth vnto her Administrators that they shall mitigate the seueritie of the Law Iustice is more renowmed by lenitie then seueritie according to the qualitie of the offence Then that Iustice be not robbed of her gratious pittie listen good Lord Promos to the nature of my Brothers offence and his able meanes to repayre the iniurie He hath defiled no nuptiall Beb the stain whereof dishonoureth the guiltlesse Husband He hath committed no violent Rape In which Act the iniured maid can haue no amends But with yéelding consent of his Mistresse Andrugio hath onely sinned through Loue and neuer ment but with Mariage to make amendes I humbly beséech you to accept his satisfaction A good cause to moue pittie and by this Example you shal be as much beloued for your clemencie as feared for your seueritie Andrugio shal be well warned and he with his Sister wofull Cassandra shall euer remaine your Lordships true Seruants Promos eares were not so attentiue to heare Cassandras ruethful tale as his eyes were settled to regarde her excellent Beauty And Loue Loue fauoureth no degree that was appoynted Headsman of Andrugio became nowe the Soueraigne of his Iudges thought But because he would séeme to bridle his passions he answered fayre Damsel haue patience you importune me with an impossibilitie he is condemned by Lawe then without iniurie to Lawe he cannot be saued Princes prerogatiues are aboue Law Princes and their Deputies Prerogatiues quoth shée are aboue the Lawe Besides Law truelie construed is but the amends of iniurie and where the fault may be valued and amends had The true intét of the Law the breach of the law is sufficiently repayred Quoth Lord Promos your passions mooueth more then your proofes and for your sake I will repréeue Andrugio A good turne vpon an euill cause and studie how to doe you ease without apparant breach of Law Cassandra recomforted Authority in euil Magistrates is a scourge vnto the good with humble thankes receiued his fauour and in great hast goeth to participate this hope with her dying Brother But oh that Authoritie should haue power to make the vertuous to doe amisse as well as through correction to inforce the vicious to fall vnto goodnesse Promos is a witnes of this priuiledge who not able to subdue his incontinent loue and withall resolued that Cassandra would neuer be ouercome with fayre wordes A monstrous request large promises or rich rewards demaunded the spoyle of her Virginitie for raunsome of her Brothers libertie Vnlesse they be reprobate good example may reforme the wicked Cassandra imagined at the first that Lord Promos vsed this spéech but to trie her behauiour Answered him so wisely as if he had not béen the Riuall of vertue he could not but haue suppressed his lewde Affection and haue subscribed to her iust petition But to leaue circumstances Promos was fiered with a dicious desire which must be quenched with Cassandraes yéelding loue or Andrugio must die Cassandra moued with a chast disdaine departed with the resolution rather to dye her selfe then to stayne her honour And with this heauie newes gréeted her condemned
reioycing I graunt as much quoth Soranso but this will follow The euil of Ielousie the Husband will turne his owne mistrust to his Wines sorrow and receiue her good vsage to his owne priuate comfort Indéede quoth Aluisa Vechio the loue of a ielous husband is sauced with such froward motions as I had rather be matched with him that regardeth me not at al then with him that loueth me too much for of the one though I am not beloued yet I shall not be much crossed of the other I being too much beloued I shall neuer be in quiet I am not of your minde quoth Helena Dulce I had rather haue my Husband ielous Hard is the difference betweene a carelesse and a ielous Husband then carelesse for being carelesse no good vsage will reconcile him and being ielous the wife may study out how to please him Yea but quoth Katharina Trista Men are so easie conceited that if they perceiue a woman studieth how to please them they straightwayes imagine she will likewise study how to deceiue them and therefore God shielde me from a ielous husband I haue heard the white streaked Carnation Gilleflower was the Metamorphos of a fayre Gentlewoman beheaded by her husband vpon this ielous thought that his wife being so fayre could not but bee beloued of the Gods Ouid. Metam lib. 10. although he had no cause to suspect men And where haue yée a larger example of Loue then the aduenture of Orpheus who by extreame sorrow and sute recouered his Wife out of hell Eurydice and by ouer ielous Loue sent her thither agayne Doctor Mossonigo was smiling out a scoffe Preuent a scoffer and he becommeth a Sotte vpon this tale which Quéene Aurelia intercepted by ending of the Gentlewomens contention By your talke of hell quoth she I sée we are out of the way to Platoes Paradise therefore good we turne back agayne Indéede Madame quoth Fabritio if we trauell still to choose the least of euils it will be long before we come to the Fountaine of goodnesse Me thinkes quoth Isabella the Sonet which moued the late Question A Commendation of lofty Loue. directs a fayre way to happinesse in mariage for it commēdeth lofty Loue And if according to the olde Prouerbe The best is best cheape this aduenture giueth hope and promiseth good Fortune It is true quoth Soranso and I dare vndertake to approoue it the happiest estate in mariage Dondolo because he would not be disgraced by marying a Burgoys fayre Daughter of Rauenna offered to prooue the contrary Quéene Aurelia licensed them to shew their reasons Whereupon quoth Soranso to giue great Ladies and Gentlewomen of calling their true right and honour who lightly marry not their Inferiours in reputation but for some especial vertue that doth commend their choyce and cleareth the blemish of her husbands basenesse I must confesse hat he which raiseth his thought so hie vndertaketh no doubt a tedious suite his delaies will bee grieuous and his Soliciters will be well rewarded in what sorte so euer he be regarded But what of this Quo quid difficilius eo pulchrius Perill maketh honor perfect the stinging of the Bée mends the swéetenes of Honie Roses best refreshe oursences when we prick our hands to reach them The euill of a thing commendeth the goodnesse He that crackes the Nut thinkes the kernell swéetest The reason is not for that the goodnesse of a thing is the better for the euil thereunto belonging but for that the remembrance of the euill maketh vs holde the good in more reputation especially in loue The affection which is forced with teares wonne with sighes gaynd with expence compassed with sorrow is held most pleasant most perfect and of longest continuance Againe easie gotten good-wil becommeth in a while lothsome the cause is as I conceiue for that the pleasure was neuer seasoned with paine Once a man in louing his better to increase his passion shal lack no occasion both to séeke sue sigh serue and yet to féede his hope hée shall want neither faire lookes good words nor possibility of fauour For for to obtain a great Lady acquireth many circumstances not for that she is precise to loue but for that she is wise or would be so thought in her procéedinges But whether shee loue or no Ouid sayth there is no womā but will indure the demand she is contēted w e seruice to be courted Loue spareth no degree and in recompence rewardeth with good countenance But which most sustayneth hope the example is in continuall vse that loue spareth no degrée transgresseth euery law bringeth the mightiest in bondage to the meanest King Cofetua the Affrican became enamoured of a Begger fayre Venus espoused ill fauoured Vukane Pigmalion doted vpon an Image Narcissus was drowned in embracing his owne shadow and mighty Ioue many times cast aside his diuinitie to dally with simple country trulles then why should the affected how bace soeuer his estate be despayre to attempt a great Lady when his warrant is signed with so large Authorities But whether he spéede or faile be accepted or reiected well entertained or ill intreated the imagination that time will inuest his desire with delight Hope to compasse great matters comforteth more then the possession of trifles is to the affected a Paradise farre excelling the possession of equall loue But if in the end her affection or his good fortune concludeth his wish in desire her loue which cannot choose but be great in that she marieth beneth her calling And her Abilitie which allured at the first with his inabilitie to realish both cannot but make the Husband fortunate and the Wife well pleased for that in recompence of this aduancement she may presume somwhat to rule her head Reproofe of lofty Loue. but which most contents she shall haue the satisfaction of her fancie a bed If a house were as soon builded as the Plot is drawen qd Dondolo Shepheards would disdain to liue in Cotages euē so if euery man could as soone compasse a Lady for himselfe as he can reporte the fortune of other there must be an Act to make Ladies or Lords must be glad of meane women But admit by the example of other mens aduancements that the meanest may be raysed by the yéelding fancie of the mighty I prophesie that such an vpstart had more néede of ten eyes toward the malice of his Wiues kindred thē one tung to moue her to kindnesse A woman cannot mislike affectionated proffers One kinsman hath an interest in anothers honor because they procéede of loue But her kindred disdaineth his attempt for that the conclusion tendeth both to their her dishonour A woman séeing her seruants passions cannot but sustaine him with pittie her kindred séeing him in good way to be beloued wil lye in waite for his life For though she may dispose of her affection her kindred hath an interrest in her
left his victualles to inlarge his feminine praises In the end tasting the goodnesse of the meate hée found prating very vnsauerie and therefore to recouer his losses his lippes laide on loade which Faliero and some other of the pleasant company perceiuing assayed to reward the Frier for his good Sermon with Tantalus dinner and to that end busied him with many questions Questions answered by monosillable which he euer answered in a monosillable so that his tongue hyndred not his féeding as quoth Faliero a question or two Master Frier I pray say quoth he who strikes with the sharpest rod God of all other who is most euill Diuell in distresse who deserueth most ruth Truth who is charged with most crime Tyme what holds the world in most imprice Vice who is the greatest lier Frier desire without flame what maketh the greatest fire Ire what sin is most accurst Lust what bread is best to eate Wheat what drink is worst for the eyne Wine when they could deuise no talke to put life in the Friers tongue doctor Mossengio demaunded why hée was so briefe in his answeres O quoth he Pauca sapienti Then quoth the Doctor it is good taking away this plenty of meate for cloying Frier Bugiardoes wit The whole company hearing the Frier beaten with his owne sentence turned into a contrary sence burst out into such an immoderate laughter as choller that rose to the very throat of the Frier would not suffer him to swallowe one bit more of meate in so much as the boord was taken away and the Frier driuen to say Benedicite with an empty stomack an intertainement as fit for a flatterer as a reward for a faithful seruant The office of courteous reuerence A good reward for Flatterie fully discharged the company retired towards the fire to pause a little after their dinner obseruing therein an olde health rule After dinner talke a while After supper walke a mile Where the pittifull Gentlewomen moned the disgrace of their praise master the Friar but murmured more that he was crossed without a blessing by their enemy the Doctor And to put them out of this matter Bargetto said merisy that the friar had taught him such a cunning way to woo as to melt a woman into pitty he would wish but the oportunitie of thrée howres two to loue and one to praise the thing they like Yea quoth Franceschina Santa his Mistres since women are so mercifull it is necessarie to bridle the subtilty of men and to giue example I enioyne you these thrée dayes to speake no more of loue and questionlesse this paine set vpon Bargettos head was no greater then his ouersight deserued for in doing of these thrée things is great danger and smal discretion to play with fire to striue with water A profitable Note and to giue a woman knowledge of our power therefore he that will discouer his owne secret aduantage is worthie to haue his haire cut with Sampson Quéene Aurelia by this time was ready to walke into the drawing chamber to continue her established exercise and for the execution thereof shée called certaine of her chosen attendants whose appearance being made to obserue her former course for ancient customes profitable are better then new lawes incertaine she commanded the Eunuke to set their witts in an order by the vertue of some swéete harmony who taking his Lute after a dutifull obeysance played and sung this following Sonnet in Italion TO realish Loue I taste a sowrie sweete I finde Repose in Fancies fetters bound Amid the Skies my wish I often meete And yet I lye fast staked to the ground My eye sees Ioy my heart is gripde with paine I know my hurt and yet my good refraine But how these hang the faithfull Louer knowes And yet can giue no reason for the cause The power of Loue mans reach so farre outgoes As bound perforce he yeelds to Cupids Lawes And yet we finde this Libertie in Loue As bard from Ioy Hope dooth our griefes remooue Then Loue sitte crownde as Soueraigne of my thought And Fancie see thou other motions chace To doe whose will Desire in me hath wrought A strength to runne in Gyues sweete Pelops race And those to charme that studie me to stay It may suffise the wisest past my way The double effectes of this Sonet made them freshly to remember the doubtes they left yesterday vnresolued And to auoide digression which raiseth many difficulties and resolueth few Quéene Aurelia caused a repetition of Platoes opinion of Mariage which was She was a Paradice on earth where her Statutes were kept and a Hell in the House where her lawes were broken Whereupon quoth Dondolo with the libertie of Quéene Aurelias fauour I demaunde the causes why that the Male and Female of bruite and wilde creatures loue cherish and take comfort in one anothers companie onely by the impression of nature and man and woman that are beautified both with the vertues of nature and reason many times matches together make a hell of this holy institution By Quéene Aurelias commaundement Reason giueth man souerainty ouer al creatures to answere Sir quoth Faliero the aduantage of reason with which you haue priueledged man and woman is the onely cause thereof no man will denie but that there is a difference of conditions There is diuersitie of condition in euery kinde in creatures of euery kinde some horse an vnskilfull horseman can hardly disorder and some in despite of his rider will haue a iadish tricke Some Bauke though she be euil serued wil not straggle forth some do the Faulkener what he can wil continuallie flie at checkes some hound by no meanes will be rated from riot and some will neuer forsake his vndertaken game euen so some man will filch if his hands be fast bounde and some hauing the aduantage of a bootie will rather starue then steale some woman with an houres libertie will offend and ten yeares louing sute cannot ouercome some other Reason findeth out the imperfection of nature Cause of misliking in mariage But the vice and vertue in euery creature by the opinions of many sage Philosophers procéedeth from the purenesse or the imperfection of nature which is not to be found but by reason and the vse of reason onelie belongeth to man now if by ouer sight in choice maried are deuided in desire differ in life and delight in neithers loue Reason that findeth out this contrarietie Causes of comfort in mariage soweth contention betwéene the vnfortunate couple in Matrimonie thus matched Againe when betwéene the married there is equalitie of byrth yeres and manners no difference in loue nor suspition of others behauiour reason that delighteth in vnitie maketh the ioyes of Mariage innumerable Therefore think I the opinion of Plato may be imbraced as a sound iudgement The whole assembly allowed Falieroes reason and Dondolo himselfe was reasonably well satisfied But quoth he since Mariage bringeth with her
Brother poore man alas what should hee doe Life was swéet but to be redéemed with his sisters Infamie could not but be alwayes vnsauerie To perswade her to consent was vnnaturall to yéelde to death was more grieuous To choose the least of these euils A hard choice of two euils was difficult to studie long was dangerous Fayne would he liue but shame closed his mouth when he attempted to perswade his Sister But Necessitie that mastreth both shame feare brake a passage for his imprisoned intent Swéete Cassandra quoth he that men loue is vsual but to subdue affection is impossible and so thorny are the motions of incontinent desire The force of necessitie as to finde ease the tongue is only occupied to perswade The purse is euer open to entice and where neither words nor Giftes can corrupt with the mighty force shall constraine The force of Loue. or dispight auenge That Promos doe loue is but iust thy beauty commaunds him That Promos be refused is more iust because consent is thy Shame Thou mayst refuse and liue but hée being reiected I die For wanting his will in thée he will wreake his téene on me This is my hard estate My life lyeth in thy Infamie and thy honour in my death Which of these euilles be least I leaue for thée to iudge The wofull Cassandra answered A hard fortune that death was the least whose darte we cannot shunne when Honour in deaths despight outliueth time It is true quoth Andrugio but thy trespasse will be in the least degrée of blame Death is to bee preferred before dishonourable life For in forced faultes Iustice sayth there is no intent of euill Oh Andrugio quoth she intent is now adayes little considered thou art not condemned by the intent but by the strickt word of the Law The venemous nature of Enuy. so shal my cryme be reproched and the forced cause passe vnexcused and such is the venome of Enuy one euil déede shal disgrace tenne good turnes and in this yéelding so shall I be valued Enuy Disdayne Spight The vertuous are assured of many enemies and incertaine of any frendes Malice Slaunder and many moe furies will endeuour to shame me and the meanest vertue will blush to help to support my honor so that I sée no liberty for thée but death nor no ease for me but to hasten my end O yes quoth Andrugio for if this offence be knowne thy fame wil be enlarged because it will likewise be knowne A cause that may excuse the breach of honour that thou receiuedst dishonr to giue thy brother life If it be seceret thy conscience will be without scruple of guiltinesse Thus knowne or vnknowen thou shalt be deflowred but not dishonested and for amends we both shall liue This further hope remayneth that as the Gilliflower both pleaseth the eye and f●edeth the sence euen so the vertue of thy chast behauiour may so grace thy beauty A faint hope as Promos filthy lust may be turned into faythfull loue and so moue him to salue thy honour in making thée his wife Or for conscience for beare to doe so heynous an iniurie Soueraigne Madame and you fayre Gentlewomen quoth Isabella I intreate you in Cassandraes behalfe these reasons well weyed to iudge her yéelding a constraynt and no consent who weary of her owne life and tender ouer her brothers with teares of her louely eyes bathed his chéekes with this comfortable sentence Liue Andrugio and make much of this kisse A louing kisse which breatheth my honour into thy bowels and draweth the infamie of thy first trespasse into my bosome The sharpe incounters betwéene life and death so occupied Andrugioes sences that his tongue had not the vertue to bid her farewel To gréeue you with the hearing of Cassandraes secret playnts were an iniurie vertuous Ladies for they concluded with their good Fortune and euerlasting fame But for that her offence grew neither of frayltie A good consideration in Cassandra frée will or any motion of a woman but by the méere inforcement of a man because she would not stayne the modest wéedes of her kinde she attyred her felfe in the habite of a Page and with the bashfull grace of a pure Virgine she presented wicked Promos Andrugioes precious ransome This diuel in humane shape more vicious then Heliogabalus of Rome A damnable offence and withall as cruell as Denis of Sycil receiued this Iewell with a thousand protestations of fauour But what should I say In the beginning of his loue Promos was Metamorphosed into Priapus and of a Féende what may we expect but vengeance heaped vpon villany And therefore let it not séem straunge the after this Hel hoūd had dishonored Cassandra he sent his warrant to the Gayler priuily to execute Andrugio with his head crowned with these two Briefes A villainous ingratitude in Promos name to present Cassandra Fayre Cassaudra as Promos promist thee From Prison loe he sends thy Brother free This was his Charge whose cursed will had béen executed had not God by an especial prouidence at the houre of his Death An especiall prouidence of God possessed Andugio with the vertues of the two braue Romanes Marcus Crassus and Marius the one of which by the force of his tongue and the other by the motions of his eyes caused she Axe to fal out of the Headsmans hand and mollified his cruel minde With like compassion the Gayler in hearing Andrugioes hard aduenture left his resolution And vpon a solemne oath to liue vnknowen yea to his deare Sister hee gaue him life and in the dead of the night betooke him to God and to good fortune A signe of an honest nature which done this good Gayler tooke the head of a young man new executed who some what resembled Andrugio and according to leawd Promos commaundement made a present thereof to Cassandra How vnwelcome this Present was An vnwelcom present the testimonie of her former sorrowes some what discouer but to giue her present passion a true grace were the talke of Prometheus or such a one as hath had experience of the anguishes of hel O quoth she swéete Andrugio whether shall I first lament thy death exclayme of Promos iniurie or bemone my owne estate depriued of honour and which is worse cannot die but by the violence of my owne handes Alas the least of these griefes are too heauy a burden for a man then all ioyned in one poore womans heart cannot bee eased but by death and to be auenged of iniurious Fortune I will foorth with cut my Fillet of life But so shall Promos lewdnesse escape vnpunished what remedie I am not of power to reuenge to complaine I expresse my owne infamie but withall proclaime his villanie and to heare his lewdenes reproued would take away the bitternesse of my death I will goe vnto the king who is iust and mercifull he shall heare the ruthfull
she comprehendeth in her thrée dignities to wit Intendment Wit and Memorie And as the sonne is ingenered of the Father Three dignities of the soule and the holy Ghost procéedeth from both euen so Will is ingendered of Intendment and Memorie procéedeth from both and as the thrée persons of the Trinitie are but one GOD so the thrée powers of the soule are but one soule and in that man is created in this sort Man is formed straight because he should behold heauen and contemplate on great matters according to the Image of God because he should resemble his creator in excellencie hee is formed straight and not curbed to behold the earth not thereby to shew a difference betwéene him and other brute Beastes but only because he should rayse his spirite and heaue his eyes to heauen his originall to contemplate of diuine and durable thinges and not of earthly and such as perishe And sure the Monuments that to this day renowme heathē Alexander Iulius Caesar Scipio Haniball and many other stout warriours Plato Pythagoras Socrates Solon and many thousand graue Philosophers were the exercises of the soule who in her function is alwayes occupied to make men shine like Angels And doubtlesse the exploits of man would be wonderfull and glorious Three euils or defects of the body were not the passages of the thrée powers of the soule Intendment Will and Memorie stopped with these thrée euils or defects of the body Ignorance of that which is good Couetousnes of that which is euil and the Infirmitie and languor of the body These be the euils that eclipse the excellencie of many who other wise would appeare more glorious then the Sunne Moone Starres and Christall Firmament into whose motions reuolutions and influences his knowledge foreséeth or the earth with all her fayre furniture which he gouerneth and therefore he is called Microcosmos for that in excellencie he egalleth the beauty of the whole worlde Sir quoth Soranso you haue enchaunted my eares with such a pleasing regarde as if you were as tedious in discourse as I would be attentiue in hearing we should both lose our dinners without any great repining but in adnantage I beséech you what may bee the remedie of these thrée euils which thus obscure the excellencie of man Thrée soueraigne remedies quoth Ismarito to witte Three remedies against the 3. euils of the body Wisedome Vertue and Necessitie which to chase the other thrée euils are thus ordered Wisdome against Ignorance Vertue against Vice and Necessitie agaynst Infirmitie Wisdome is to be vnderstoode according to the condition of the things wherein we be ignorant Vertue is an habite of the soule which without great difficultie cannot be shaken out of his place and subiect By Necessitie The original of al Artes and Sciences absolutely is intended a supplie against those wants with which Infirmity hath charged vs as if we be lame to haue horse to ride if we be sicke to haue medicine if our bodies be weake to haue nourishing meates c. And by these thrée remedies all Artes and Disciplines haue béene inuented to acquire Wisdome Theorique which is contemplatiue Theorique and consists in these thrée partes Practise Theologie Phisicke and Mathematique was found for Vertue Practise which is actiue and deuided Mechanichall craftes into Solitarie Priuate and Publike was put in vse And for Necessitie all Mecanicall craftes were inuented These thrée vertues if we imbrace them will chase the other thrée both out of our body soule and remembrance You haue giuen me a short swéete reason quoth Soranso And a long remēbrance of my weak vnderstanding quoth Ismarito but for that I haue made this Sermon vpon your importunitie your courtesie I hope will pardon me as well as your wisedome will correct my errours I had thought Ceremonies had béen in disgrace Curtesie is commēdable but superfluous sauours of flatterie among you Englishmen quoth Soranso but I finde you superstitious in courtesie and therefore will take no example by you but let it suffice I am your friend and will deserue this fauour in any resonable seruice By this time Dinner was ready to bée set vpon the Boorde and Quéene Aurelia came agayne vnto the open view whose presence was as welcome vnto the generall company as the cleare Sunne after rough stormes to the wether-wearied Saylour After she had acquited the courteous salutations of the whole troup she first took her place then the rest as they pleased or were accustomed At this Dinner there passed much pleasant Table talke impertinent for this reporte which being done at the accustomed houre Quéene Aurelia sent for the chosen cōpany who placed in the drawing chamber the Eunuch knowing his charge tuned his Lute and sung this following Sonet WHo prickles feares to pluck the louely Rose By my consent shall to a Nettle smell Or through faint heart who dooth a Lady lose A droyle I wish or to leade Apes in Hell On Thornes no Grapes but sowre Slowes do growe So from base loue a base delight doth flowe Then minde crowne thou my thoughts aboue the skie For easie gaynde the Conquest is not sweete My sancy swift with Icarus wings doth flie Yet fastned so as fire and frost may meete For pleas'd am I if hope returne but this Grace is obtaynde thy Mistresse hand to kisse A Grace indeede far passing all the ioy Of egall loue that offereth wish in will For though her scorne and light regard annoy Despaire of grace my fancie cannot kill For why this ioy all passions sets in rest I dayly see my mistresse in my brest Whoso inuented this Sonet quoth Quéene Aurelia deserueth to be well fauoured of his Mistresse in that hee kept her so carefully in his bosome Nay quoth Dondolo if his eyes were so subtil as absent he could sée her behauiour his affection were more dangerous then his seruice necessary We giue you to know quoth Isabella that we wey not though our Husbands a hundred miles off know our behauiours at home I thinke so quoth the playne Doctor for so farre off they may sigh at their owne mischance but not chasten your amisse Perchance they should not be charged with such iniurie as this company should be quoth Maria Belochi if we would offer to answere your enuious suggestions Ladies I speak not with intent quoth Soranso to make a question of your behauiours but admit you of al creatures the most perfect yet for that you haue motions as wel bad as good you may many times make shew of euill and yet not doe amisse which if your husbands be so quick sighted as to perceiue they will iudge by their owne eyes and not by your heartes and so from shadowes may growe euill effects If their sight bée so quicke quoth Francheschina Sancta then though by anegligent trespas their wiues sometime giue them cause to sigh with a number of louing vsages they will giue them dayly occasion of
maried as you haue with precious authorities set forth the excellencie of mariage and the diuine operations of her blessings with a ful performāce of your promise you shall binde vs all to be your Debters Madame quoth Philoxenus you set me to a very harde taske the Rose is Hostesse as well for the Butterflie as the Bée the Sunne shineth both vpon the good and bad yea Christ himselfe was aswell Master to a Théefe as to a true Disciple Euen so diuine Mariage cannot haue but some Deuilish Subiects whome Examples will not feare much lesse may Lawes kéepe in vnitie I graunt quoth Quéene Aurelia the euill are fearelesse of the Law vntill they bee scourged with the vengeance therof The Law is a scourge to the euil comfort to the good but the good embrace Lawes as their Directors in Vertue and defenders from danger for whose benefite I intreate you now with as large a power as I lately commaunded you that in this behalfe you will commit some counsailing Lawes to our attentiue memories Madame quoth Segnior Philoxenus to shew that your Vertues haue as great power to commaund me as your authoritie to enioyne me I will set downe my owne imaginations to preserue and multiply Loue peace wealth Ioye among the Maried leauing the same to be perfected by the hearers better iudgments Housholde Lawes to keepe the Maried in Loue Peace and Amitie Reported by Segnior Philoxenus THe satisfaction of fancie is the sowrce of ioy in Mariage But there be many meanes to damme vp the course of delight betwéene the Maried if the match be not made aswell by foresight as frée choice The Office of forsight is to preuent following mischāces Mariage consisteth as well in foresight as free choise and aduisedly to consider if present abilitie wil support an Housholde and according to their calling leaue a portion to their posteritie In this point the experience of the Parents is to be preferred before the rash imaginations of the sonne for the aged Married by proofe know that in time many accidents of mischance will hinder the indeuours of the best husbands The office of Foresight is like wise to considrr Equality in yeeres of the equalitie in yéeres least the one growing and the other declining in perfection after a while repent whē remedie comes too late the Rose full blowne séemeth faire for a time but withereth much sooner then the tender Bud. It is the office of foresight Equality in manners to consider of the equalitie of bringing vp least a diuersity in manners betwéene the maried make a deuision of desires for Spanielles and Curres hardly liue together without snarling And it is the office of foresight Consent in religion to sée that there be a consent in Religion betwéene the maried for if their loue be not grafted in their soules it is like their Mariage will be infirmed with the defects of the body The office of frée choise is the roote or foundation of Mariage Free choise in satisfaction of Fancie which consisteth onely in the satisfaction of fancy for where the fancie is not pleased all the perfections of the world cannot force loue and where the fancy delighteth many defects are perfected or tollerated among the maried When mariage is selemnized there are many things to be obserued on the parte both of the husband and the wife The Husband is to consider A mans house is a pettie common weale his house is a petty Commō wealth whereof himselfe is chéefe and his seruants Subiects therefore for the welfare both of himselfe and householde it is néedefull that he set downe such orders as God may be glorified himselfe profitably serued the good seruant wel rewarded The office of a Wife the euil chastened and the neighbour pleased And as it is the Husbands office to set downe these orders so it is the Wiues duetie to sée them executed The charge of the Husband The husbands care apportaineth to things abroad is to get abroad for the prouision of his householde and the Wife is bound to spare at home towards the maintenance of her Children The office of the Husband is to sée his ground tilled his Cattell cherished his fences sound his labourers work and their wages paide The dutie of the Wife is to sée her Garden wéeded The Wiues charge is huswifery within doore her Vines cut and in her Orchard her fruit trées pruned within doores her house well ordered her Maidens busied her Children instructed the fréend entertained and the Tables well furnished And in this Oeconomie many women haue so excelled as Socrates affirmeth that he learned of women more Morall Philosophie Morall Philosophie to be learned by women then naturall reason of Anaxagoras and Archelaus wherein Socrates testifieth no more then their worthy sexe deserueth for many women gouern their Families with such Prudence Temperance Pietie and other commendable vertues as may well instruct the wisest The Husband ought to beware Lasciuious talke to be shunned of the husband that in the presence of his wife he vseth no filthie lasciuious talke for besides the witnes of his owne indiscretion he maketh her a passage for many an vnhappie thought The Wife ought to be nice in occasion of suspition The wife ought to be nice in cause of suspition for her husband that sée'th open cause of mistrust cannot but feare that in secret he receiueth iniurie and ielowsie though she procéeds from excéeding loue yet is she the greatest enemie of the maried The Husband is bound to kéepe his wife in ciuill and comely apparell Comely apparell the Husband should giue his wife as well to make her séeme beautifull vnto himselfe as to preuent the reproche of the neighbour for this hath béen an ancient custo me among the Romaines and it is to be feared that if the Husband breake it to spare his Purse the Wife will repaire it though she gage her person The Wife that will please her Husband Cleane linnea commendable in a wife and make a great showe of a little though her Gowns he plaine in her linnen she must be curious and fine for otherwise were she attired all in Silke if her sléeues Partlet and other Linnen be coorse torne or sluttishly washed she shall neither be praised of strangers nor delight her Husband The Husband after householde iarres The Husband must beware of sullennes if the wife séeme to be sorie he ought not to be sullen for if she perceiue him of a froward nature it is like in other such squares she will be negligent to please him The Wife if she offend her Husband The wise must be amiable towards her husband by some ignorant trespasse she must please him with a louing countenance least if he finde her of a crooked condition he wil take delight to crosse her with continuall foule vsage The olde Husband A law for a yong womans old Husband is to