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A13296 A short compend of the historie of the first ten persecutions moued against Christians divided into III. centuries. Whereunto are added in the end of euery centurie treatises arising vpon occasion offered in the historie, clearely declaring the noveltie of popish religion, and that it neither flowed from the mouthes of Christs holy Apostles, neither was it confirmed by the blood of the holy martyrs who died in these ten persecutions. Simson, Patrick, 1556-1618. 1613-1616 (1616) STC 23601; ESTC S118088 593,472 787

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betwixt Iulius and the Arrians conueened in the Councill of Antiochia are to bee read in the Historie of Socrates Platina in the grandoure of his speeches is inconsiderate as if Iulius had damned the presumption of the Orientall Bisshops who durst conuocate an assemblie without licence before obtained from the Bishop of Rome Noe such thing is contained in the letter of Iulius but onely an expostulation that they did not aduertise him of their Councill to the ende hee might haue sent his Ambassadours and giuen vnto them his best aduise Iulius knewe the Constitutions of the Nicene Councill which gaue power to euery Patriarch within his owne boundes to conuocate Councils To IULIUS succeeded LIBERIUS and continued sixe yeeres some assigne vnto him eighteene yeeres others ninetecne yeeres so vncertaine is the computation of the yeeres of their gouernament Hee gouerned the Church of Rome in the dayes of CONSTANTIUS by whom also hee was banished to Thracia because hee woulde not consent to the depositi●…n of ATHANASIUS which point was seriously vrged in the Councill of Millane THEODORETUS giue●…h ample testimonie of his constancie and freedome of speaking to the ●…mperour not disagreeing with his name before his banishment In his absence FOELIX the second was chosen to be Bishop of Rome to whome THEODORETUS giueth this praise that hee adhered firmely to the Nicene Councill but blameth him for this that hee receaued his ordination from Arrians N●…twithstanding hee was more hated by the Arrians then was LIBERIUS and was put to death by them after he had gouerned one yeere foure monethes two dayes After two yeeres banishment LIBERIUS returned back again to Rome THEODORETUS is silent in the matter of his praises after his returning Hilarius Bishop of Poitiers affirmeth that hee both consented to the deposition of Athanasius and to the councell of Sirmium There is nothing inlaking now to giue out a determinate sentence whether or no the Bishop of Rome may erre in matters of Faith but onely the compearance of the great Aduocate of all euill causes Onuphrius who will needes find out some old partchment or some vnknown manu-script to free the chaire of Rome from all suspition of errour in matters of faith But Bellarmine giues ouer his cause and can finde no sufficient Apologie for him because his letters written to the Emp. Constantius after his returning from banishment smels of Arrianisme After the death of Lib●…rius succeeded Damasus and ruled 18. yeeres in time of the reigne of Iulian of Iouinian and of Valentinian his competitor Ursinus had many fauourers in so much that the question who shoulde bee elected Bishop of Rome was tried by the sword rather then by reasons suffrages and votes so that in the Church of Sisinum were slaine to the number of 137. persons Damasus preuailed and had the vpperhand Hee was friendly to Peter Bishop of Alexandria whom Lucius an Arrian Bishop imprisoned but he escaped and fled to Rome as Athanasius had done before in the dayes of Iulius Hee damned the Heresie of Apollinaris in a Councill conucened at Rome His Epistle written to the Oriental Bishops whereinto he intimates vnto thē the condamnitour sentence pronounced against Apollinaris and his disciple Timotheus is indi●…ed with the swelling pride of a lofty mind breathing soueranity and preheminence aboue all other Churches as if the Romane Church were that onely Apostolicke chaire whereunto all other Churches aught homage and reuerence So that Basilius Bishop of Casarea in Cappadocia complaines of the pride of the West because they cared onely for their own preheminence but not for the estate of their persecuted brethren in the East vnder the Arrian Emperour Valen●… whose estate they knew not neither sent they m●…ssengers to visite them neither woulde they receiue true information concerning the estate of their brethren Yea and Basilius saieth that hee purposed oft times to haue written to the chiefe of them that is to Damasus that hee shoulde not count the splendor of pride to be true dignitie honour Where it is to be marked that whē he speakes of Damasus he calleth him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is the principal of them to wit of the Ch●…rches of the west but not the supreame gouernor of the uniuersal Church neither the souera●…gn cōmander of the Churches of the East It is ignorance of the Ecclesiastical historie that makes men to imagine that the supremacie of the Bishop of Rome is an ancient thing When Damasus damned the Heresie of Apolbnaris in the Council conueened at Rome it was the yeere of our LORD 379. according to the computation of Ierum and at this time the very aiming to supremacie is counted Splendor Supubiae that is the splendor of pride Damasus wrote concerning the liues of the bishops of Rome preceeding his time was familiarly acquainted with Ierom as Ieroms writings clearly proports To Damasus succeeded Siricius and ministred 15. yee es at what time Gratianus and Valentinian obtained the Emperiall gouernamēt he ordained that maried men who were admitted to Ecclesiastical offices after their ordination should absteine from the company of their wiues as if it were great deuotion to a man to transgresse against the wife of his youth the wife of his couenant and his companion in all his wearisome labours His prohibition of the seconde mariage smelleth of the Heresie of Montanus In his time with pride of the 〈◊〉 at Rome was joined vnsatiable auaritiousnes increasing daily by degrees so that the Emperours Valentintan the II. and Theodo●…us were compelled by a law to inhibite widows vnder pretence of deuotion to leaue their houses treasures and house-holde-stuffe to the Church to the vtter impouerishing and vndoing the estate of their children Bishops of Alexandria IN the third CENTURIE wee rested at the name of 〈◊〉 Bishop of Alexandria whose successour was Alexander His accurate disputation anent the unitie in the Tiinitie made Arrius a presbyter in Alexandria to thinke that Alexander was intangled with the er●…our of Sabellius Hereof arose contertious dispu●…ations new opinions exulc●…er te minds open schismes This intestine maladie was not vnknowne to the good Emperour Constantine who sent Hosius Bishop of Corduba a man singularly beloued of the Emperour together with persuasiue letters from the Emperour exhorting both Alexander and Arrius to leaue accurate profounde disputations and keepe inuiolably the peace unitie of the Church But no meanes could auaile vntill this question was desided by the determination of the generall Councill of Nice After the Councill of Nice had damned the opinion of Arrius as Hereticall Alexander continued not aboue 5. monethes aliue In the last period of his life hee called for Athanasius but he was not present Of whom Alexander said Thou hast escaped but shalt not escape fore-prophecying that Athanasius should vndergo that wieghtie charge which he giuing place to nature
this ordinance but the ambassadours of Leo B. of Rome spake against it fearing lest the increasing magnificence of such an Emperiall towne should in ende bring Constantinople to the preheminence of the first seat Supremacie was long agoe the very aple of their eye and they could not abide that afarre off a diminution of this should be once pointed a●… Neuerthelesse this ordinance had alowance of the Councill notwithstanding of the contradiction of the Romane ambassadours In codice Romano saith learned Morneus all this action is lest out In the sixt Session of this Councill the Emperour Martianus with Pulcheria the Emprice were both present and craued of the Councill that ordinances should bee made for restraining the filthie Iucre and ambition of Monks and Clergie men who intangled themselues with seculare businesse for desire of gaine and riches whereupon followed this constitution that men who haue addicted themselues either to the Monasticke life or the Clergie they should not bee promoted to other dignities meaning ciuile offices because that is a distraction of them from their calling TREATISES BELONGING TO THE fourth CENTVRIE A TREATISE Of mans Free-will SVCH is the corruption of mans nature that wee seeke without our selues the fountaine of all euill and within our selu●…s the fountaine of all good whereas good reason requireth that we should transferre the cause of all iniquitie and infirmitie vpon our selues as the forlorne sonne did who blamed no person of his pouertie nakednes and contemptible estate except himselfe who had in most prodigall maner wasted his fathers goods and on the other part we should seeke the fountaine of all good things in GOD. For like as all waters haue their beginning from the Occan Sea and they powre their waters into the same Euen so all good gifts come from the Father of ligh●… and they should bee vsed to the aduancement of his glory No heresie in the fift Centurie aduanced the freedome of mans free-will with so excessiue commendations as the her●…sie of the Pelagians did attributing vnto it power to fulf●…l all the Command●…ments of GOD albert more easily and bett●…r be●…ing supported by the grace of God than otherwise but in so doing as Aug●…stine writeth They did nothing els but hindered the worke of their owne saluation for nature beeing wounded sored vexed and the habilitie of it lost it hath more neede of a true confession than of a false defence But to the end that we may be truely reconciled to our GOD let vs fixe our eyes vpon two things First vpon our owne indigence and miserie and next vpon the abundance of the Lords mercies compas●…ons for the ●…ense of miserie only reduced not the forlorne son vnto his fathers house but with it was ioyned a consideration of the goodnes of his father In this treatise when I endeuoure to proue the imbecillitie of mans nature to doe good I wish no man to open one of the eyes of his minde and to close the other for the sight of our owne miserie without a consideration of the LORDS mercie can worke nothing in vs but desperation In this question if Philosophie were laid aside and our eares were patent to the instruction contained in GODS holy Scriptures doubtlesse wee should knowe GOD and our selues better than we doe But when both the teacher and likewise the auditours are accurate Philosophers I can finde few of the Craecian bishops who can abstaine from the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which Signifieth free-will for desire they haue to conquesse Philosophers to the Kingdome of GOD they giue too much to nature but holy Scripture is the true measuring line of the house of GOD whereunto if we firmly adhere and comprehend the right meaning of it we shall not be deceaued Now to keepe some order in this Treatise three things God●…lling shall be entreated first what was the estate of mans will before his fall secondly what is the estate of mans will after his ●…ll thirdly what is the estate of mans will after his regenerato●… As cōcerning the estate of mans free-wil before his fall no man maketh question but ADAM had a free bent inclination to good which inclination to good notwithstanding it was wel set bently to good yet it differeth frō the free-will whereunto we shall be restored at the blessed appearance of our Lord Iesus Christan this respect because the free-will of man was in the custodie of nature at the first creation but at the second appearance of CHRIT yea and after our regeneration also it is into a surer custodie to wit in the custodie of grace therefore it commeth to passe that albeit a man fall from the first estate of his creation yet at the latter day hee cannot fall because his free will is in a better custodie than it was into before Yea and after our regeneration albeit wee haue an inclination to fall and to wander and to depart from our GOD yet the mightie assistance of CHRIST in whose hands the custodie of our free-will is committed may suffer vs to be moued but not to bee remooued from his eternall trueth and from our sure foundation Now before we leaue speaking of the estate of our first creation let vs remember that remarkable sentence of AUGUSTINE Sed quia nos creavit it a simus grati ut non simus quia sanat ingrat●… that is because hee hath created vs let vs be so thankfull that we bee not vnthankfull because he hath healed vs. The good estate whereinto GOD first created vs should not impaire the goodnes of GOD in our regeneration but rather amplifie and increase the same Like as when GOD builded vp the Tabernacle of DAVID that was fallen and made it large and ample by the calling of the Gentiles no man had iust occasion to extenuat the glory of the second worke in respect of the glory of the first worke euen so let vs so talke of the estate of mans first creation that wee bee not found vnkinde to CHRIST for the worke of our regeneration The estate of a mans free-will after his fall is not to bee doubted of if so be our eares bee not locked vp from harkning to the voyce of GOD speaking to vs from his holy Sanctuarie for it is said in the booke of the Psalmes that The Lord looked downe from heauen vpon the children of men to see if there were any that would vnderstand and secke God and in the next verse he saith All are gone out of the way all are corrupt there is not one that doth good no not one In these two verses the corruption of mans nature after the fall is vtterly damned in so much that in our vnderstanding there is nothing but horrible darknes and in our will and affections nothing but an inclination to euill Who dare now stand vp be a procutour for a sinfull nature corrupt in all the faculties thereof according to a definitiue
of Iudea bestowed by his predecessour CAIVS vpon HEROD AGRIPPA and added thereto all the dominions of HEROD ANTIPAS whom CAIVS had banished Ioseph antiq lib. 19. cap 4. This HEROD AGRIPPA when hee returned from ' Italie to Judea builded the walles of Ierusalem sparing for no cost so high and strong that if the worke had not beene hindered by the procurement of MARSVS gouernour of Syria hee had made them impregnable Hee was not so carefull to build the walles of the spirituall Jerusalem for he beheaded the holy Apostle S. IAMES the brother of IOHN and did cast PETER into prison whome the Lord miraculously deliuered Acts 12. This HEROD and the Iewes made hauocke of the glory of God and blood of his Saintes For hee gratified them by shedding the blood of the Apostles of Christ and againe they gratified him by giuing him the glorie that appertained to God alanerly For which cause he was stricken by the Angel of God and consumed with wormes Acts 12. In this Emperour CLAVDIVS dayes the famine foretolde by the Prophet AGABVS Acts II. afflicted the world One of the causes of this plague doubtlesse was the manifold abuses of the creatures of God in the middes of the aboundance of bread the contempt of the poore which faultes were so vniuersally ouerspread in the worlde that some of the Emperours themselues were not free of the foule spot of intemperancie as the scoffing speaches of the people did witnesse in stead of CLAVDIVS TIBERIVS NERO calling the Emperour CALDIVS BIBERIVS MERO Funct Chron. This is referred to the successour of AVGVSTVS In the yeere of our Lord 48. and in the sixt yeere of the reigne of CLAVDIVS as CHYTRAeVS reckoneth was gathered that famous Councill of Jerusalem described viuely by the Euangelist LVKE Acts 15. whereat were present the Apostles PETER and PAVL and IAMES and BARNABAS a reuerent man of God in whome Apostolike giftes were not inlacking with other worthie men IVDAS surnamed BARSABAS and SILAS notable Prophets and fellow-labourers of the Apostles likewise the Commissioners of Antiochia and Elders of Jerusalem with many others who were beleeuers What was concluded in this Councill I remit to the faithfull narration of the Euangelist LVKE Acts 15. Alwayes if vot●…s bee pondered rather then numbred this is the Councill of Councils more worthie to be called O Ecomenicke then the Councils of Nice of Constantinople of Ephesus and Chalcedon In the Councill of Nice were worthy Bishops who came from all quarters of the world but in this Councill were holy Apostles who could not erre in matters of faith O Ecomenicke Bishops indeede and any one of the holy Apostles was illuminated with more aboundance of cleare light in things pertaining to the worship of God then all the 300. and 18. Bishops conveened at Nice in Bithynia Many Romaine Deputies were sent in the dayes of CLAVDIVS to keepe Syria and Iudea in subjection to the Romaines such as MARSVS LONGINVS CVSPIVS PHADVS TIBERIVS ALEXANDER CVMANVS and FELIX I leaue MARSVS and LONGINVS for desire to open vp in what Deputies time things mentioned in holy Scripture came to passe When CVSPIVS PHADVS was deputie there arose a deceitful man named THEVDAS to whom resorted a number of men about 400. who were slaine and all who followed him were scattered Acts 5. ver 36 IOSEPHVS writeth that PHADVS sent foorth a troupe of horsemen who suddenly charged the people that followed THEVDAS and slew them and tooke THEVDAS aliue and cutted off his head and brought it to Ierusalem Ioseph antiq lib. 20. cap. 2 Euseb. lib. 2. cap. 11 After this man arose one IVDAS of Galile in the dayes of the tribute and drew away much people after him hee also perished and all that obeyed him were scattered Acts 5 37. If GAMALIEL in that narration keepe the order of time as these words After him would import of necessitie the words of the history of the Actes must be vnderstood of another THEVDAS then that man of whome IOSEPHVS writeth in the place aboue mentioned For IVDAS of Galite liued in the dayes of AVGVSTVS and when CYRENIVS was Deputie of Syria and Iudea Ioseph antiq lib. 18. cap. 2. and likewise antiq lib. 20. cap. 3. But I am not certaine whether or no the words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doe absolutely import that IVDAS of Galile was posterior in time to THEVDAS When CVMANVS was Deputie who succeded to TIBERIVS ALEXANDER the insolencie of one Romaine souldier was the destruction of twen●… 〈◊〉 innocent people hee discouered the secret parts of his body vpon a solemne feast day neere vnto the Temple and in the sight of the Iewes they counted this a contempt done to God in the porch of his owne house CVMANVS drewe the Romaine souldiers to the Castle called Antonia verie neere the Temple and set them in order and the people of the Iewes fearing the inuasion of the souldiers fled and in the narrowe passages ouertro de one another and a great multitude of people were slaine Ioseph antiq lib. 20 cap. 4. After this the people of the Iewes came to Cesarea where CVMANVS was for the time and complained of a Romaine souldier who had casten a booke of holy Scripture into the fire whom CVMANVS beheaded and so pacified the Iewes Ioseph antiq lib. 20. cap. 4. In end CVMANVS through his euill gouernement procured to himselfe the indignation of the Emperour CLAVDIVS he fauoured the wicked cause of the Samaritanes who had stopped the passages of the Galileans and slaine a great number of them They were accustomed yeerely to goe vp to Jerusalem to holy feastes and their way was through the townes and villages of the Samaritanes CVMANVS rather fauoured then punished this wicked fact of the Samaritanes therfore he was remoued from his place and FELIX was sent to be Deputie of Iudea Ioseph antiq lib. 20. cap. 5. Whether CLAVDIVS was impoisoned by AGRIPPINA his wife to prepare an easie passage to NERO her sonne to be Emperour or not I leaue that to be read in authors who haue entreated the lifes of Emperours politickly It contenteth me to write of the estate of the Church in their time Nero. DOMITIVS NERO succeeded to CLAVDIVS hee reigned thirteene yeres and eight months Euseb. lib 3. cap. 5. His mother AGRIPPINA after the death of CNEVS DOMITIVS AENOBARBVS was joyned in mariage with the Emperour CLAVDIVS In the first fiue yeeres of his gouernement he abandoned the insolencie of his wicked disposition so that it was a prouerbe in the mouthes of men Neronis quinquennium in regard of his good cariage for the space of fiue yeeres But a fire long couered in end breaketh out into a mightie flame that no water can sloken it His crueltie against his mother his wife 's OCTAVIA and POPPEA his master SENECA the Poet LVCAN and the vile abuse of his body with persons of his neerest consanguinitie I remit to the reading of learned authors who haue written exactly the
I am the lesse moued with their speaches because it is the custome of lamed creeple men to be mounted vp on horsebacke an euil cause supporteth the own infirmitie by the loude trumpet of rayling wordes yet haue they not cleared to the world that wee maintaine obstinatly any point of doctrine repugnant vnto the articles of true faith and vnto the principall grounds of Christian religion preached by Christ and committed to write by the holy Apostles Let them be as prodigall in their curses as they please crying out against vs 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I answere with simplicitie of a humble mind 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 this word written with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and not with 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifieth a thing hanged vp in the Lordes Temple and dedicat to God Haue we not seene with our owne eyes deepe woundes made in the flesh of man that haue beene needled by skilfull Chirurgians and in end cured and healed and the skinne of man cutted in twaine by the sword vnited againe by the needle medicinable plasters That doctrine which endenoureth to needle the wounded world and to vnite it againe vnto that holy doctrine taught by the Apostles and Euangelistes and professed in the first hundreth yeere of our Lord shall we call it hereticall Shall we be so babish that wee cannot discerne the sword from the needle conjunction from separation healing from hurting welfare from woe If we knew Christ Iesus and the power of God working by his word we had not so rashly condemned the trueth of God The Iewes spake as confidently against Christ as euer the Councill of Trent hath spokē against vs We h●…ue a law according to our lawe hee ought to de because hee made himselfe the Sonne of God Ioh. 19. ver 7 Vnder pretence of zealous keeping of the Law made against blasphemers Leuit 24. 15. they condemned the holy One of God as a blasphemer But his father by loosing the sorowes of death receiuing him into heauen placing him at his owne right hand annulled ipso facto that rash sentence giuen out in earth against the innocent Lamb of God Euen so the Lord in his owne appointed time by receiuing our soules into those celestiall mansions prepared for his owne Saintes shall vndoe the rash decreetes that are giuen out against vs in the earth In all ages this matter hath bene contrauerted and Heretiques haue obstinatly maintained their bad and reprobat opinions and as obstinatly refused the odious and vile name of Heretiques and this question in our dayes is like to a flame of fire which no aboundance of water can sloken The definition of an heresie we haue alreadie set downe in the 3 chap resteth nowe in this treatise to ponder the name it selfe to consider the ground of heresie the propagation and preuailing power of it at sometimes the greater and more preuailing power of the curse of God making heresie in end to wither as the figge tree did that was cursed by Christ And finally to declare what should be the cariage both of Pastours magistrats and people toward Heretiques 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a word of the Greeke language and very ample in signification for it signifieth a choosing Now it is certaine that it is no fault to a man to take a choise when God doth offer it vnto him as when it was offered to SALOMON to aske what hee liked best he choosed rather to craue wisdome then riches from God 1. Reg. 3. and when DAVID choosed rather to fall into the hands of God then of man 2. Sam. 24 ver 14. DAVID in choosing the pest rather then the sworde or famine tooke a choice which was offered vnto him by God And the pondering of the generalitie of the worde may declare that in things indifferent wherinto God hath granted vnto men a libertie free choice such as eating of flesh or abstinence from it marying or not marying a man may take his choice in these things at such times as he findeth it granted by God as well as DAVID and SALOMON and a man is not to be called an Heretique because he marieth because God hath giuen him libertie to marie or not to marie as a man listeth best prouiding alwayes he seeke counsell of God to dispose him in such indifferent things that way whereby he shall be most meete and able to glorifie God For true it is that the Euangelist writeth No man hath seene God at any time the onely begotten Sonne of God who is in the bosome of his Father he hath reueiled him Ioh. 1 which words plainly doe testifie that in matters of faith God hath not giuen vnto a man a free choice to embrace what opinion he pleaseth but God hath tied bound vs in matters of faith to the mouth of his deare Sonne to the ende we should thinke no other thing of God then Iesus Christ hath reueiled vnto vs. Now anent the ground of heresie I followe the opinion of AVGVSTINE in his booke of exposition of some places of the epistie to the Galathian wherein hee compareth Heretiques to the sonnes of KETVRA whome ABRAHAM maried after the death of SARA Gen. 25. These children were procreated of an old father and of a yong mother euen so Heretiques pretending antiquitie of Scripture but forging vnto them a new yong sense whereinto Scripture was not written they become defenders of a false opinion The words of S. AVGVSTINE are these Ex occasione antiquaeveritat●…s in novitio temporalique nati sunt mendacio that is through occasion of antiquitie of the trueth they are borne into the noveltie of a temporall lie so that AVGVSTINE his judgement soundeth to this that Heretiques pretend antiquitie of scripture for their father but they are more like to KETVRA then ABRAHAM following rather the noueltie of error then the antiquitie of veritie In this maner IRENEVS thinkèth that heresies do spring vp of a false vnderstanding of holy Scriptures vsing the comparison of men who breake the golden image of the king after it is molten againe fashion it according to the similitude of a Foxe now it can not be called the kings image any longer albeit it be composed of that selfe same golde whereof the kings image was made euen so when wordes of Scripture are drawen to a new false hereticall sense count that new sense heresie not Scripture Iren adversus Ualent lib. 1. cap. 1. Now these opinions of IRENEVS and AVGVSTINE concerning the originall ground of heresie do well agree with the word of Christ himselfe written in holy Scripture Are ye not therefore deceiued because ye know not the Scriptures neither the power of God Marc 12. 24. The Sadduces knew wel eneugh the wordes of scripture but not the right sense and meaning of them And therfore it is great wisdome to mixe our reading with prayer to the ende that the Lorde who guided the
professing the true faith in his roome Alwayes Agapetus died at Constantinople after hee had beene chosen B. of Rome 11. moneths 21. dayes and his body was put into a chest of lead and transported to Rome Siluerius the sonne of Hormisda sometime B. of Rome was successor to Agapetus Theodatus King of Gothes compelled the Clergie to subscribe to his election he gouerned the Church of Rome at that time when Iustinian sent Belisarius to fight against Vitiges Theodora the Emperour Iustinians wife sent to Siluerius desiring him that hee would condescend to the restitution of Anthemius an Eutychian heretique and to the deposition of Menas B. of Constantinople Siluersus refused to obey such impious commandements Therefore Theodora sendeth a commandement to Belisarius to banish Siluerius and to appoint Vigilius B. of Rome who had promised to fulfill her desires Thus was Siluerius banished to the Isle of Pontia after hee had ruled the Church of Rome one yeere 5. moneths Vigilius succeeded to Siluerius and ruled 17. yeeres 26. dayes His entrie to this office is inexcusable for by open force secret bribes and promises to performe the impious desires of the Emprice he obtained the chaire of Rome so that Onuphrius cannot finde out an excuse for his vnlawfull entrie Theodora the Emprice vrged him to performe his promise to restore Anthemius But Vigilius as appeared repenting of his great temeritie and rashnes answered that euill promises were not to be keeped for this cause he was led away violently to Constantinople and a cord was fastned about his necke he was drawne through the streetes and cast into prison hee indured all this contempt the more patiently because hee confessed that for his sr●…nes he had deserued greater punishment at the hands of GOD than this was In end he was deliuered out of prison by the earnest request of Narses captaine of Iustinians armie in Halie but he died by the way and he whom so many cares could not destroy the sicknes of the grauell destroyed him at Sicile his body was transported to Rome and buried there But now let vs consider the ineptitude of Baronius who keepeth no measure in his historie but as the Poet speaketh of a ship tossed with a vehement tempest Tollimur in coelum sublato gurgite i●…dem Subducta admanes imos descendimus unda When Baronius speaketh of the entrie of Vigilius he calleth him athiefe a brigand a man who entred not by the doore of the sheepe-fold a false bishop an Antichrist yet soone after he calleth him the Vicar of Christ as though by the crueltie whereby he draue his predecessor Siluerius to death hee was incontinent worthy of the name of the Vicar of Christ. Albeit hee restored not Anthemius according to his impious paction with Theodora yet hee wrote vnto the heretiques Anthemius Theodosius and Severus and confirmed their errour by his secret missiue letters as Morneus in his booke called Misterium iniquitatis Proueth His cariage in the fift generall Councill he beeing present in the towne of Constantinople shall be declared God willing in the owne place the cord that was lapped about his necke and drewe him through the streetes of Constantinople could not draw out of his proud stomacke the conceate of supremacie for he sent his opinion in write to the Councill but would not be present to sit in a lower place than Eutychius B. of Constantinople and moderator of the Council AFTER Vigilius succeeded Pelagius 1 hee ruled the Church of Rome 11. yeeres 10 moneths 28. dayes In a very perilous time this charge was committed to him namely when the nation of the Gothes had chosen Totilas to be their King who was a fierce and cruell man and was called for his fiercenes Flagellum Dei that is the scourge of GOD he led a great armie from Taruisium through Italie destroying and wasting the countrie whithersoeuer he went but he set his face chiefly against Campania By the way hee addressed himselfe in the habite of a simple souldier to mount Cassinates where was S. Benedict the father of Monkes not because he inuented the Monasticke life but because the most part of Monkes adhered to the forme inuented by him he was but lately sprung vp in the dayes of the Emperour Iustinus the elder and of Pope Iohn the first yet was his name in great account so that Totilas in a disguised habite went vnto him and conferred with him Platina writeth that S. Benedict knew him notwithstanding of his deepe dissimulation and with terrifying words disswaded him from vsing cruelty against Christians The Counsell was good but Totilas was not obedient vnto it He was slaine in battell by Nases neere to Brixellum and Teias whome the Gothes choosed in his rocme was slaine in battell at Nuceria so the Kingdome of the Gothes in Italic was vtterly vndone by the valour of Narses After the first comming of Theodoricus into Italie they reigned in Italie 72. yeeres Now their name dominion and all their might is vtterly quenched Pelagius depended much vpon the friendship of Narses And when Macedomus B. of Aquileia died Honoratus B. of Millan ordained Paulinus to be his successour Pelagius B. of Rome grieued at this Neuerthelesse hee compl●…ineth not to Narses that Paulinus was made bishop of Aquileia without his consent but rather because this was done without the foreknowledge of the most noble Emperour Iustinian who like as he had deliuered Istria and Venice from the grieuous bondage of Totilas so likewise it became them to expect the Emperours answere before they had appointed a bishop in Aquileia Mark the hypocrisy of the bishops of Rome vnder colour of obedience to the ciuile Magistrate secretly creeping to their owne soueraignity the chiefe marke whereat they continually aimed Iohn 3. succeeded to Pelagius gouerned 12. yeres 11 months 26. dayes In the dayes of Iustinus the younger who was successor to the Emp. Iustinian did he minister in the Romane Church at that time when Alboinus King of Longobards came into Italie with a great armie with their wiues children setled their abode in that part of Italie which lieth about the riuer Padus The Emprice Sophia had irritate Narses that valiant captaine with contumelious wordes and he gaue both to her to the estate of the Empire this hard meeting that hee possessed the Longobards in Italie weauing a web vnto her according as he promised which she w●…s not able all her time to vndoe againe The Deputie of the Emp. of Constantinople kept a part of Italie which was not conquessed by t●…e Lombards this was called Exarchatus Ravenna the B of Rome with assistance of the countrie kept Rome free from the dominion of the Lombards for a short ●…ime At this time did Iohn 3. gouerne the Church of Rome He brought ●…n newe constitutions in the Church that Chorepiscopi otherwise called Vicar●… Episcoporum should haue no power at all of
Romane Church supposeth that the wordes of Consecration are these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 c. that is Take eat this is my bodie And againe these wordes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Drinke all of this for this is my blood of the New Testament which is shedde for manie for remission of sinnes But the Graecian Church thought that the blessing or consecration was not only made by the words afore-saide but also by prayer as Iustinus Martyr calleth the elements 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is The foode blessed by the Worde of prayer Let no man separate the thinges that CHRIST hath conjoyned together to wit prayer and the wordes of the holie institution and wee shall easilie accorde about the consecration of the elementes The time in the which the elementes are thought to be consecrated is not the time in the which these wordes This is my bodie c. are begun to bee vttered but rather when they are ended So that the consecration is not an action fashioned by partes but wholly in one minute and at once perfected when the wordes are ended Albeit I agree to this opinion with full consent of my mind yet I could wish that the Romane Church who haue auouched the same would make no exception against their owne doctrine But when they speake of the intention of the consecrating Priest which is continually vnknowne to the people the people are left in a doubt whether they are partakers of Christes bodie or not And this is not the forme of the teaching of Christ to leaue the people in a suspence and doubting but to manifest clearely vnto them the mysterie whereof they doubt if so bee it bee necessarie to bee knowne as Christ manifested to his Disciples the parable of the sower and the seede and of the husbandrie and the tares c. The first word of Consecration is the principall word impugning Transsubstantiation for the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 is a demonstratiue pronowne and it pointeth out something and Scripture conferred with Scripture is the best Commentarie to declare what is pointed out by the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Apostle Paule in his first Epistle to the Corinthians expoundeth the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is This bread and the seconde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 hee expoundeth it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is This cuppe So we see that the substance of the elementes in the Sacrament of the Supper are neither changed nor euanished but remaining in their former substāce they are honoured with a great honour to bee made Sacramentes of the Lordes blessed bodie and blood but their substance is not changed as saide is The next words of cōsecration are these 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is is my body The bread is the Lordes body because it is the Sacrament of the Lords body like as the Sacrament of faith to wit Baptisme saith August after a maner is faith euen so the Sacrament of the Lordes body after a maner is the Lordes body the wordes secundum quendam modum and quodammodo that is to say after some maner of way so oft repeted by August is forget by papists insomuch that they remember when August saith ferebatur Christus in manibus suis quando commendans ipsum corpus suum ait hoc est corpus meum that is Christ was borne vp in his owne handes when as deliuering his owne bodie hee saieth This is my bodie but they forgette the expositorie wordes in the which Augustine manifesteth his owne meaning namelie these Accepit in manus suas quod norunt fideles ipse se portabat quodammodo cum diceret hoc est corpus meu●… that is Hee tooke into his handes as is knowne to the belieuers and did beare after a maner himselfe in his owne hands when he said This is my body It is better in singlenesse of hart to make a true rehearsall of the words of ancient fathers in that same sense the they spake than with deceitfull speaches to abuse the simplicitie of the Reader who possibly will not take paines to search out in what sense Augustine said that Christ did beare himselfe in his owne hands In like maner Augustine writing against Adimant saieth that the blood is the life euen as Christ was the Rocke Nowe the Apostle saieth not Petra significabat Christum but saieth P●…ra erat Christus quae rursus ne corporaliter acciperetur spiritual●…m illam vocat id est spiritualiter intelligi docet that is the Apostle saith not the rocke signified Christ but hee saieth the rocke was Christ which againe lest it should bee taken in a corporall sense hee calleth it a spirituall rocke tea●…hing vs that wee should spiritually vnderstand it Then if we fellow the exposition of ancient Fathers it cannot be inferred of these wordes this is my bodie that the bread is transsubstantiated into the substance of Christes bodie for such vaine conceits neuer entered into their mindes Papistes doe grant that after consecration Sainct Paule calleth the elementes bread and wine because they haue the shewe and shape of bread and wine as the brasen Serpent was called a Serpent and Angels in Scripture are called men because they so appeared But this is a friuolous shift because the Apostle when he speaketh of bread and wine after the words of consecration he speaketh expressely of bread that is eaten and of wine that is drunken This cannot bee the shape and accidentes of the elementes but their verie substance The Angels did not appeare only in the shape of men but also had mens bodies indeede so that their feete were washed and they did eate and drinke with Abraham and Lot The brasen Serpent was not in shewe but in substance and altogether of brasse These examples helpe not An euill cause hath more neede of a true confession than of a false defence as August writeth and Chrysost. saith most truely that albeit a bitter roote may sende foorth sweete and pleasant fruites yet a roote of bitternesse can neuer produce sweete and pleasant fruites warning vs thereby to beware of men who disseminate and propagate erroures and obstinately striue against the knowne trueth of God The last wordes of the consecration are these Doe this in remembrance of mee Marke the worde 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for albeit Christ only suffered but once yet it is his will that wee should keepe a continuall remēbrance of his death because the death of Christ is the fountaine of our life Now when we offer the Sacrifice of thankesgiuing vnto God in the holy Supper because hee hath saued vs by the death of our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christ. This Sacrifice which wee offer differeth from that which Christ offered vpon the Crosse because that Sacrifice was but onely once offered and was receiued into the most holy place as Chrysostome speaketh but this which we offer is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉
blood of Christ. It is hard to bee a prolocutor for an euill cause for it is like vnto a bulge in a wall which falleth and bruiseth him who woulde sustaine it which cannot sustaine it selfe It is certaine that the bread and wine are not types and figures of Christs body before the words of consecration for it is after the words of blessing that the elements receiue this great honour to be called Christs bodie and blood that is signes externall wherewith Christes bodie and blood is spiritually exhibited vnto vs. And therefore Sainct Ambrose calleth the bread before the wordes of consecration panis usitatus that is common bread but it is after the wordes of consecration that they receiue this honour to beare the names of things represented by them as Theodoreius in expresse words writeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is ●…ee hath honoured the visible signes with the appellation of his bodie and blood not changing their nature but adding grace to nature Which place clearly prooueth that the elementes obtaine not that great honour to bee called Christes body or types of his blessed body vntill the time that by diuine grace they bee consecrated to that holy vse Mailrosius Scotus liued vnder the reigne of Charles the Great about the yeere of our Lord 800. and likewise RABANVS Bishop of Mentz these two had so acquainted themselues with the doctrine of Augustine that they could in no manner of way giue allowance to the doctrine of Transsubstantiation And about the yeere of our Lord 840. Carolus the second the sonne of Ludouicus Pius and brother to Lotharius and Ludouicus Germanicus he writ to Bertramus a Presbyter to haue his resolution concerning the mysterie of the Sacrament and after what manner of way the body and blood of Christ was present in the Sacrament To whome hee returned this answere That in the Sacrament of the holy Supper there were some thinges that were perceiued with bodily senses other thinges were taken holde of onelie by faith And the bread and the wine were to vs the body blood of Christ as MANNA and the waters of the spirituall rock were Christs body and blood to the people of the Iewes in the wildernesse This opinion aggreeth well with the doctrine of Paul that the Fathers in the wildernesse ate that same spirituall food which we eat which they could not doe by corporall manducation of Christs flesh because as yet the word was not made flesh So this opinion of Transsubstantiation did no sooner put out its head but assoone also contradiction was made vnto it About the yeere of our Lord 1020. Berengarius maintained the opinion of Augustine and other auncient Fathers hee was a presbyter of Angiers in Fraunce and denied the doctrine of Transsubstantiation and the Romane Bishops were cōmooued with great indignation as appeareth by the number of Councels assembled against one poore man who durst presume to speake against the opinion once embraced by the Romane Church Leo the ninth gathered a Councel at Rome in the which he condemned the opinion of Berengarius and excommunicated him euen before he was warned to be present at the Councell and before hee was heard Hee assembled also another Councell in Vercellis about the yeere of our Lord 1051. in the which Borengarius was not present but Messengers who came to pleade his cause were imprisoned and casten into bands and the booke of Ioannes Scotus Mailrosius De Eucharistia was condemned By the way if any equitie had beene kept in these Councels looke by what reason they condemned Ioannes Scotus whose opinion Berengarius followed by the like reason they shoulde haue condemned Augustine Bishop of Hippo whose opinion Ioannes Mailrosius followed But the Romane Church cannot erre ' Another Councell was assembled by Pope Victor the successor of Leo the ninth in the which the Decree of the Coūcell of Vercellis was allowed Yet all this coulde worke no contentment in their he●…rtes because the people of Angiers and Towrs in Fraunce liked the doctrine of Augustine Mailrosius and Berengarius about the Sacrament of the Supper Therefore another Councell was assembled at Rome by Pope Nicolaus the seconde anno 1058. in the which Berengarius yeelded to the opinion of the Pope and his Councell and his weaknesse strengthened the errour already receiued in the Romane Church mightily But the number of them who abhorred this newe found out doctrine was exceeding great therefore the Romane Church after the yeere of our Lord 1079 and after the dayes of pope Gregorie the seuenth put hand to worke And being now mightie strong they stirred vp Kings and Princes to persecute with fire and sword and all kind of hostilitie as heretiques all those that spake against worshipping of Images corporall presence and manducation of the body of Christ in the Sacrament of the holy Supper So it is manifest that this doctrine of Transsubstantiation was mightily contradicted vntill the dayes of pope Innocentius the third who in the Councell of Laterane anno 1215. gaue full allowance thereunto But when all this is done r●…member that the vniuersall Catholicke Church dwelleth not in one countrey or city When the Romane Church was miserably infected with this miserable scabbe of pestilent errour what consent gaue the Churches of Asia and all the Grieke Churches They euer dis●…ssented from this doctrine vntill this daye as appeareth by the last Sessions of the Councell of Florence anno 1439. Therefore let the Romane Church bragge of Antiquitie as they please the doctrine of Transsubstantiation shall neuer be found an ancient doctrine but a doctrine newe false absurd and borne out more by might of the preuailing authoritie of men than power of argumentes grounded vpon holy Scripture God teach them to returne to the ancient trueth from which they haue sliden To whom be praise and glory for euer Amen A TREATISE Of the Sacrament of Pennance IN this CENTVRIE it was a receiued custome to men to confesse their sinnes secretly to Presbyters and to receiue from them such forme of injunctions as they counted satisfactions for their faultes as appeareth clearly by the Councell gathered in Fraunce anno 742. in the which Bonifacius bishop of Mentz was Moderator In the first Canon of that Councell it was statuted and ordained That no man of the Clergie should put on armour and goe to warre-fare except one or two bishops with their presbyters and chaplens to prescribe pennance vnto them who should happen to confesse their sinnes By this it is euident that the custome of secret confession of sinnes to presbyter poenitentiarius which was excluded out of the Church in the dayes of Nectarius Bishop of Constantinople yet it returned againe and it was in vse in the VIII CENTVRIE Now in the inseription of this TREATISE I call it a Sacramēt as the Romane church in our dayes call it not as though I were in the opinion that in this age the number of seuen Sacramentes
foure dayes About the yeere of our Lord 854. being Pope she played the Harlot and by the prouidence of God this viilanie of the Romane Church which cannot erre was manifested to the whole worlde For in the time of a solemne Procession as she was going to the Church of Latcra●… she trauelled in birth and died and was buried without honour Onuphrius the Aduocate of all euill causes cannot ouer-passe this matter with silence but hee bringeth an argument from the authoritie of Anastatius a writer of Chronologie to infringe the credite of this historie in this manner Anastatius saith hee liued about this time and knew best who succeeded to Leo the fourth and hee maketh no mention of Ioannes the eight but of Benedictus the thirde as successour of Leo the fourth To this Philip Morney answereth That an argument taken from authoritie negatiuely hath no force Anastatius maketh no mention thereof ergo it was not done It followeth not for hee bringeth in the restimonie of Ranulphus declaring the cause wherefore Anastatius omitted the name of the foeminine Pope to wit Propter deformitatem facti that is For the deformitie of the fact The nature of a short Compend permitteth me not to insist but let them who are desirous accurately to trie out the veritie of this matter reade that worthie Booke of Philip Morney called Mysterium iniquitatis Then followed Benedictus the third and ruled two yeeres six monethes and nine dayes A man in honouring the Funeralles of the Clergie with his presence readie at all times and desirous likewise that the Funerall of the Bishop shoulde bee honoured with the presence of the whole Clergie To Benedict the thirde succeeded Nicolaus the first and gouerned seuen yeeres nine monethes and thirteene dayes Hee subdued the Bishop of Rauenna to his obedience He suffered the Emperour Ludouicke the seconde to light from his horse and to leade his bridle vntill hee came to the Campe which was the space of a mile Hee permitted diuorcement betwixt married persons for Religions cause without consent of partie And that persons in spirituall offices shoulde not bee subject to the justice seates of ciuill Magistrates He ordained also that no man shou●…de receiue the holy Sacrament from a married Priest And that the Emperour should not be present at Ecclesiasticall Conuentions except when questions concerning Faith shoulde bee entraited Likewise hee ordamed That the seruice of GOD in all countreyes should bee celebrated in Latine dispensing in the meane time with the Sclauonians and the Polonians to haue the seruice of GOD in their owne Vulgare Language Hee added vnto the Liturgie of the MASSE GLORIA IN EXCELSIS Hadrianus the second succeeded to Nicolaus the first and ruled fiue yeeres nine monethes and twelue dayes He vsed Antichristian authoritie not onely against Hincmarus Bishop of Rhemes but also against Carolus Caluus king of Fraunce whome hee commanded imperiously to present one Hincmarus Bishop of Laudunum and nephewe to Hincmarus Bishop of Rhemes to the ende that his cause might bee judged by the Apostolicke seate The King tooke these letters in a very euill part and writ vnto the Pope That the Kings of Fraunce had euer beene Soueraigne lordes in their owne countreye and not vice-gerentes and vassalles to Bishops and That hee woulde not permitte any man who had bene damned in a lawfull Councell in his owne countrey to wit in the Councell of Acciniacum to make appellation to Rome In this Popes time the eight generall Councell was assembled whereof I shall speake in its owne time GOD willing Ioannes the ninth succeeded to Adrianus the seconde and gouerned ten yeeres and two dayes This is hee who for rewardes crowned Carolus Caluus to bee Emperour and was casten into prison because hee was more affectionated to Ludouicus Balbus sonne to Carolus Caluus and king of Fraunce than to Carolus Crassus king of Germanie Neuerthelesse hee escaped out of prison and fledde to Ludouicke king of Fraunce whome also hee crowned to bee Emperour But Balbus after his coronation incontinent died and Pope Ihon the ninth must seeke newe acquaintance because his olde friendes were gone therefore hee crowned Carolus Crassus to bee Emperour This was the first Pope who in time of his Popedome crowned three Emperours Martinus the seconde rul●…d one yeere and fiue monethes Hadrianus the thirde succeeded to Martinus the time of his gouernement was also short for hee continued not aboue one yeere and two monethes yet neuerthelesse men who are busie may make much stirre in short time Hee perfected that worke which his predecessours had beene busied in bringing to passe many yeeres preceeding namely That the Clergie and people of Rome should not attend vpon the allowance of the Emperour but they shoulde freely choose whome they thought meetest to bee Pope Hee tooke the greater boldnesse to doe this because the Emperour Carolus was occupied in warre-fare The Nation of the Normandes were now so sauadge and mightie and molested Fraunce with an hudge Armie that the Emperour was compelled to transact with them in manner as is aboue rehearsed in the Historie of the life of Caralus Crassus Another constitution was made by Pope Hadrian to wit That after the death of Carolus Crassus who died without succession the Emperiall Title together with the gouernement of Italie shoulde belong to one of the Princes of Italie This was the grounde of vnsupportable debate and of factions in Italie euery man according to the greatnesse of his power contending to bee King and Emperour But chiefely Albertus Marques of TVSCIA B●…rengarius Duke of FOROVILIVM and Guido Duke of SPOLETO This seditious plotte also perturbed the Ecclesiasticall estate For after this euery one of the Princes of ITALIE stroue with all their might to haue such a man seated in the Popedome as coulde best aduance his faction as will clearelie appeare in the election of Pope Formosus To Hadrian the thirde succeeded Stephanus the fifth and ruled sixe yeeres and eleuen dayes The lesse Holinesse Learning and Vertue that hee had the greater audacitie and boldnesse was founde in him for hee made a constitution whereof GRATIAN recordeth Distinct. 19. Cap. Enimvero Quicquid ECCLESIA ROMANA stat●…ie quicquid ordirat perpetuo quidem irre-fragibiliter obseruandum est that is Whatsoeuer the ROMANE CHVRCH doeth statute and ordaine it 〈◊〉 perpetuallie and without all contradiction to bee obserued After STEPHANVS the fifth whome others doe call the sixth succeeded FORMOSVS and continued fiue yeeres and sixe monethes Hee obtained the Popedome not without strife For one SERGIVS a Deacon was his competitor supported with the TVSCVLAN faction Alwayes FORMOSVS preuailed It was supposed that hee was one of them who conspired against Pope IHONNE the ninth and cast him into bandes After this hee seared the authoritie of Pope IHONNE and fledde into FRAVNCE but Pope IHONNE denuded him of all Ecclesiasticall office and put vpon him the habite of a Laicke
to be counted of according to the greatnes of the promises annexed to the succession as namely the succession of DAVID of whom God said His seede also will I make to endure for euer his throne as the dayes of heauen Psal. 89. 29 againe ver 35. 36. I haue sworne once by my holynesse that I will not faile Dauid saying his seede shal endure for euer and his throne shall be as the Sunne before me Here are ample promises to DAVID his succession confirmed by the Lordes oath by the Sun Moone as faithfull witnesses in heauen And that which was more then all the rest this succession of DAVID was a line leading to the great King Christ Iesus who should sit in the throne of his father DAVID of his kingdome there should be none end Luc. 1. for all these causes the succession of DAVID was greatly regarded Yet it is to be marked that all the promises othes testimonies honors did not carie with them a necessity that euery successour of DAVID should be in faith and religion like vnto DAVID but rather God foreseeing the contrarie faith If his ch●…ldren forsake my Law and walke not in my Judgements if they breake my statutes and keepe not my ordinances then w●…ll I visit their transgression with the rod and their iniquitte with strokes ibid ver 30. 31. 32. I suppone that no succession euer had more glorious and ample promises then the succession of DAVID yet these promises inferred no necessitie that euery king sitting on the throne of DAVID should bee heire also of the religion and faith of DAVID as well as of his kingdome And therfore to inferre vpon this ground that ample promises are made to the Apostles their successours that euery one who succeedeth to the Apostolick chaire shall keepe the true faith of the Apostles it is but a foolish and impertinent conclusion If any man shall replie that this was a succession of ciuill gouernours but the question now contrauerted is anent succession of Bishops and men in a spirituall calling True it is that DAVIDS successors succeeded to a ciuill gouernment yet seeing this succession was ratified by the oath of God and led also to Christ who is soueraine Lorde both of soule and body whatsoeuer priuiledge of standing in a good estate can be alledged in any succession the patterne of it is to be found in the succession of DAVID But this priuiledge that the successors of DAVID cannot erre in the true faith is not found no not in the great succession of DAVID Now to come to ecclesiasticall succession The priesthood of AARON was institute by God Numb 17. ver 5. It was confirmed by the miracle of the budding rodde ibid. ver 23. The vsarpers of AARONS office without a calling were also miraculously destroyed by fire that came downe from heauen Numb 16. Others were debarred from it euen in the dayes of NEHEMIAH Nehem. 7. ver 64. This succession of AARON was personall the son succeeding to the father in the Priesthood except some mutilation of a member or impotencie did hinder or any such like cause After AARON ELEAZAR and his son PHINEAS ABISHVA PHINEAS son and BVKKI HVZZI ZERACHIA MERAIOTH AMARIA ACHITVB ZADOK AHIMAAZ 1. Chron. 6. ver 50. 51. 52. 53. Many others after them were Priests of the stock of AARON yet did not all keepe fast the faith and religion of AARON yea some Priestes of AARONS stocke were notable Idolaters men-pleasers such as VRIAH in the dayes of AHAZ king of Juda who set vp an altar at the kings commandement according to the similitude of the altar of Damascus and offered sacrifices thereon 2. Reg. 16. Anent the succession of the Prophets euen when one good man succeeded to another good man the historie of scripture clearely declareth that men pointed out by God himselfe successours to an office yet by this are they not made succ●…ssours to their giftes for ELIZEVS was pointed out by God as successor to ELIAS in his prophetical office 1. Reg. 19. ver 16. yet by this was he not successor to his gifts as ELIZEVS petition of a double measure of the spirit of ELIAS clearely declareth 2. Reg. 2 ver 9 If the gift did necessarly accompany the succession what needed ELIZEVS to be carefull of the gift seeing he was sure of the succession The holy Apostles of Christ haue had a successiō shal haue vnto the end of the world to whō belōgeth the promise of Christ Behold I am with you vnto the end of the world Mat. 28. 20 But who are to be called true successors of the Apostles we haue declared already in the 1. Centurie taking our groūd out of scripture Act. 20 29. And out of Nazian in laudem Athanasii that darknes succeeding to light is not counted the true successor of lignt for the dissimilitude that is betweene darknes light But heere the question ariseth whether or not al Churches keeping the holy Apostolicke doctrine are bound to shew in write their succession from the Apostles●… as the Priestes of the stocke of AARON after the captiuitie produced in write their lineal descent from AARON Nehem. 7. To this Tertul answereth lib. de pres●…ript adversus baret that Churches truely keeping the Apostolicke doctrine albeit they could not shew in write their succession from the Apostles yet are they to be counted Apostolicke Churches propter consang uinitatem doctrinae that is for their consanguinitie of doctrine But to come neerer and to examine whether the Romaine church hath kept Apostolicke doctrine in their succession without all spot of heresie as they affirme or not And first the chaire of Rome was not free of the heresie of EVTYCHES as clearly appeareth by the sixt generall Councill which was the third of those Councils which were gathered at Constantinople in the 12. yeere of the empire of CONSTANTINVS POGONATVS Ann. 681. Buco●… In this Councill MACARIVS Patriarch of Antiochia and STEPHANVS his disciple stood vp pertinaciously defended the error of EVTYCHES were excommunicate by the Councill yet they had defended their opinion by the Synodicke letter of HONORIVS sometime B. of Rome written to SERGIVS B. of Constantinople Wherein it was clearely knowne that HONORIVS was infected with the errour of EVTYCHES for the which cause HONORIVS B. of Rome after his death in the sixt generall Councill was also excommunicat as an Heretique Tom Concil hist. Magdeb. This is not vnknown to some writers who notwithstanding defend this opinion that the Bishop of Rome cannot erre in maters of ●…aith ONVPHRIVS saith that the Acts of the sixt generall Councill containing a condemnatory sentence against HONORIVS Bishop of Rome were corrupted by the Grecians and that the Canons of this Councill as they are set foorth are supposititious and false Forsooth ONVPHRIVS is a worthy aduocate to pleade such a bad and reprobat cause The faith of the Romanists leaning vpon two
maine and principall grounds vpon the authoritie of the Bishop of Rome and vpon the authoritie of generall Councils ONVPHRIVS to vphold the one vndoeth the other and to cleare HONORIVS of all suspition of heresie he bringeth the generall Councill vnder a suspition of falsification Then let ONVPHRIVS either produce the true and vncorrupt acts of the sixt generall Councill which he will neuer be able to doe or else for all his fectlesse apologie HONORIVS name is spotted with the blame of heresie And of late dayes the Romaine chaire hath not onely renued but also doubled the heresie of the Collyridians damned in the dayes of EPIPHANIVS For the Collyridians gaue onely some piece of diuine honour to the blessed virgin the mother of our Lorde but the Romaine Bishops in suffering by their toleration conniuence or rather allowance the Psalter of our Lady as they call it to be printed diuulgat and vsed by Christian people wherein all the honour due to Christ not excepting the sitting at the right hand of the Father Psal. 110. is all attributed vnto the virgine MARIE In so doing I say they haue not onely renued but also doubled the heresie of the Collyridians In the Councill of Basil gathered Ann. 1431. EVGENIVS 4 then B. of Rome was deposed by the general Councill of Basil as a notable schismaticke and perturber of the peace of Christes Church Yet his name is in the roll of the succession of Romaine Bishops and all these who haue sitten in the chaire of Rome since the dayes of EVGENIVS 4. are successors to a perjured schismaticke justly deposed by the generall Councill of Basil with consent of the Emperour SIGISMVND Now let Romanists advise whether they will blame the generall Councill or the Bishop of Rome EVGENIVS 4. If they blame the general Councill then the generall Councill may erre euen in great fundamentall points of their owne faith for it leaneth vpon the authoritie of the B. of Rome Councils And if they wil blame EVGENIVS 4. as a schismaticke worthy of deposition then is their succession whereof they glorie so much vtterly cut off since the dayes of EVGENIVS the fourth As touching idolatrie I dare boldly set the Romaine chaire in higher degree then the idolarrous Jewes of old of whom IEREMIE speaketh that according to the number of their cities was the number of their gods Ier. 2. ver 28 Nowe there are not so many cities in Juda as there are Angels Apostles martyres and Saints in heauen to whom the Romaine chaire giueth the glory of Christ maketh them mediators of intercestion Therefore it is an impudent presumption to brag of Apostolicke succession when as by heresie schisme and idolatrie they haue so oft fallen and yet continue in falling away from the footsteps of the Apostles Now because commonly like errours haue like grounds let vs consider what was the ground of the error of the succession of AARON and thereby may easily be discerned the ground of the error of the alledged Apostolicke succession The posteritie of AARON beeing reprooued by IEREMIE the Prophet tooke the reproofe in a very euill part supponing that they were exeemed from errour in maters of religion because of the promises of God made to the tribe of LEVI therfore they say Come and let vs imagine some deuise against Jeremiah for the L●…w sh●…ll not perish from the Priest nor counsell from the wise nor the word from the Prophet Cone and let v●… smite him for his tongue and let vs not tak●… heede to his words Ier. 18. ver 18. The promises made to the tribe of LEVI are contained Deut. 33 ver 8. 9 10. 11. And after the captiuitie of Babylon MALACHI making an ample declaration of the promises made to LEVI saith My couenant was with him of life peace Igaue him feare he feared me was afraid before my name The Lawe of trueth wa●… in his mouth and there was none iniquitie found in his l ps he walked with me in peace and equitie did turne many away from iniquitie For the Priests lips should preserue knowledge and they should secke the Law at his mouth for he is the messenger of the Lord of hosts Mal. 2. ver 5. 6. 7. Of this promise of God spoken by MOSES and long after amplified by the Prophet MALACHI many did collect that the successors of AARON LEVI could not erre in religion but how erroneous false this conclusion was the wordes of the Prophet MALACHI immediatly after following do declare But ye are gone out of the way ye haue caused many to fall by the Lawe ye haue broken the couenant of Leui saith the Lord of Hostes Mal. 2. ver 8. If we had no further to alledge but these two testimonies that IEREMIE MALACHI did reprooue the successors of LEVI AARON of great errours defection notwithstanding of the promises made to them their posteritie yet these two witnesses being Prophets of God doe aboundantly prooue that promises made to LEVI and AARON do not exeeme their succession from error in religion But marke another circumstance in the ground of this errour of AARONS succession which was this God made a promise conditionall which they supposing to be absolute tooke libertie to doe what they lifted The conditions are clearely set downe by the Prophet MALACHI cap. 2. If they feared God conuerted others from their wicked waies kept the key of knowledge then they should be counted the Ambassadours of the Lord of hostes but these conditions being broken they hauing gone out of the way hauing caused many to fall by the law hauing broken the couenant of LEVI they were so far from being counted the Ambassadours of God that God made them vile before al the people ver 9 Yea the Lord cursed them cast doung vpon their faces euen the doung of their solemne feastes made them like vnto it ibid. ver 3. This was the tragicall euent of AARONS successours who opened one of their eares to heare the promise of God but closed the other eare from hearing and marking the conditions that were required of them to whom the promise was made The Romaine Church not vnlike to the successors of AARON haue their eare opened to heare the promise of God made to the Apostles their successors in these words Behold I am with you vnto the end of the world Mat 28 ver 20. but they close their eares from hearing the condition required of the Apostles their successours contained in the same verse in these words teaching them to obserue all things whatsoeuer I command you Although they teach a doctrine repugnant to Christs commandement yea and a doctrine of deuils as PAVL speaketh 1. Tim. 4. yet must they be counted the Apostles successors and that Christ is with them that they do not erre But God wil cast their doung in their faces and make them like to