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A11078 Testis veritatis the doctrine [brace] of King Iames our late soueraigne of famous memory, of the Church of England, of the Catholicke Church : [brace] plainely shewed to bee one in the points of [brace] pradestination, free-will, certaintie of saluation [brace] : with a discouery of the grounds [brace] naturall, politicke [brace] of Arminianisme / by F. Rous. Rous, Francis, 1579-1659. 1626 (1626) STC 21347.3; ESTC S4449 57,093 98

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no●… seuerally expressed Neither were these Articles commonly called the Articles of Lambeth approued by obscure priuate or Schismaticall persons but by chiefe Fathers of this Church in Eminence and Authoritie Iohn Arch-bishop of Canterbury Richard Bishop of London Richard elect Bishop of Bangor Doctor Whitaker and other most learned Diuines In these Articles we finde the points of Free Election Finall perseuerance and certainty of Saluation embraced by the Fathers of our Church and particularly in these which follow The cause which moued God to praedestinate some to life was not the foresight of their Faith or of their Perseuerance or of their Good workes or of any thing else which is to be found in men praedestinate but Gods meere good will and pleasure A true liuely and iustifying Faith and the Spirit of God which sanctifieth is neither finally nor totally extinct in the Elect it failes them not it forsakes them not A man truly faithfull that is A man indued with a Faith that iustifieth may bee assured by Faith of the Remission of his sinnes and of his eternall Saluation through Christ. And now if I should vndertake to bring forth the sayings of those Doctors and Fathers of this Church that haue taught the Perseverance of the Saints and Regenerate and the Certainty of Saluation ensuing this certaine Perseuerance multitude would ouercome me and exceed the bounds both of this worke and the Readers patience And yet it is also almost an equall difficultie to shew any number that haue publikely without the cry of the Countrie maintained the contrary Doctrine That is the Apostacy of Saints and the Mortalitie of the Immortall seed of God And though some would faine seeke shelter vnder the shadow of Dr. Ouerall yet hee doth not only leaue them open to stormes but his owne drops doe fall downe and batter them For in the Great Famous and Royall Conference at Hampton Court hee is recorded thus to say for Totall and finall Perseuerance Those which were called and iustified according to the purpose of Gods Election howsoeuer they might and did sometimes fall into grieuous sinnes c. Yet did neuer fall either TOTALLY from all the graces of God to bee Vtterly destitute of all the parts and SEEDE thereof not FINALLY from iustification But to set some bounds vnto boundlesse abundance and to auoide both tedious multiplicitie and meere penurie I will bring forth some few of our Doctors as a patterne of the rest Men that cannot be accused for want of skill to know the Doctrine of our Church no●… I thinke of dishonestie that they should want will to shew it and most of them were dead before late questions and dead men are commonly very vnpartiall Iudges The Councell of Trent even that sinfull Counsell in Doctor ●…abington Bishop of Worcester one Canon saith thus c. And in a third Canon thus If any man shall say with a firme Certainty that he shall haue that great gift of Perseuerance to the end vnlesse he hath learned it by some speciall 〈◊〉 let him ●…ee accursed Vnto which three wicked Canons c. Where this Reuerend Father sheweth it to be the Doctrine of Trent and withall a wicked Canon which teacherh this Doctrine that a man cannot be certaine of finall perseuerance Exp●…s on the Cr●…ed Againe By the spirit of Adoption and effects of Gods grace agreeable wee may haue certaine knowledge that we shall inherite Gods kingdome which none shall doe but they that continue to the end and were appointed vnto it before the beginning of the world Ibid. When it pleaseth him to adde that Hee abideth for euer that is the Holy Ghost Ioh. 14. 17. this comforteth beyond the reach of either penne or Heart For hereupon it followeth that sa●…sure is our saluation with him in that 〈◊〉 ioyfull kingdome that wee cannot fall from it finally For this blessed Spirit is the pledge of our inheritance whereby we are sealed vnto the Day of Redemption Hee therefore abiding with vs foreuer needs must wee be sure of that whereof he is a pledge and an earnest giuen which is the very peace of God that passeth all vnder standing O sweet office therefore of a blessed Spirit And O thrice blinded men with darknesse of Rome that will reach vs to doubt of our Saluation Wee haue this Spirit 〈◊〉 a pawne and the promise of his abode for euer with vs though the times may come through grieuous temptations that wee may not thinke so for a while Ibid. Where Finally Hee that is the Holy Ghost is lost he neuer was by Sanctifying grace Ibid. Whence issues a plaine conclusion wheresoeuer the Spirit was by Sanctifying Grace there he is not finally lost As for the Blisse and Glory of Heauen though yet wee Doctor Abbot Bishop of Sa●…isbury know it not yet wee know that God hath giuen to vs the interest and Title of it already and by Faith doe stand assured through the Spirit that hee will in due time giue vs the full sight and fruition of it And a little after out of S. Austin De praedest Sanct. cap. 17. Hee calleth and iustifieth none but whom hee hath praedestinated vnto glory and therefore it followeth that hee giueth them perseuerance for the attainement of the said Glory Certaintie of Saluation against D. Bishop The same S. Austin saith to his hearers If there be in you faith which worketh by loue even now yee belong to them that are praedestinated called iustified Now sith the faithfull by S. Austens iudgement doe belong to them that are praedestinated called iustified it followeth by Saint Austins iudgement that they are to be assured that they belong to them that shall be glorified and therefore shall certainely perseuere because whom God hath praedestinated called iustified them he hath glorified as the Apostle saith and therefore doth S. Austin will the In Psal. 148. faithfull man to beleeue that he shall liue for euer But I need not to insist much on particular sentences of this Right Reuerend and learned Father of our Church seeing he hath whole Discourses of The Certainty of Saluation and of the Perseuerance of Saints to which I would rather remit the Reader that hee may quench his thirst in the Fountaine it selfe Only I aduertise him that in the Epistle Dedicatorie to His De pers●…n Sanctorum Maiestie then Prince of Wales there is a complaint of some of our Divines that following the by-paths of Arminius Dogmate etiannum destruant Articulos Religion is quos prius proprià manu confirmarunt Wherin this Reverend Bishop sheweth vs that Arminianisme wherof falling from saint-ship or the grace of regeneration is a part is the way to destroy the Articles of Religion And if a Minister write Arminianisme he writes against those Articles which he hath confirmed by his owne subscription writing So vpon the matter the same hand writes forward backward for and against the same things yea contrarily and against it selfe
TESTIS VERITATIS 〈…〉 KING JAMES 〈…〉 OF THE 〈…〉 OF ENGLAND OF THE CATHOLICKE CHVRCH Plainely shewed to bee ONE 〈◊〉 the points of 〈◊〉 Free will 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 With a discouery of the Grounds Naturall Politicke of ARMINIANISME By F. ROVS Printed at London by W. I. 1626. To the Reader HAuing heard of a publike declaration Doctor Palca●…quell in his Co●…cio ad 〈◊〉 Febr. 27. made by a reuerend and right worthy Diuine of his Most Excellent Majesties Resolution and Decree to oppose Arminianisme I thought it a fit time to put in order some pieces which being set together might amount to an euident Proofe and Testimonie that his Maiestie herein hath merited most glorious and incomparable Titles euen such as haue in them the Weight and Substance of High and supreame Excellencie For first herein Hee is the Successor of his Father as in Bloud and Royalty so in his excellent Thoughts Designes and Actions for this is a proceeding and going on in the same worke wherein the most learned King and absolute Iudge of Doctrines began a most noble Foundation His zeale in this matter would not bee bounded with the seas but on the wings of an heauenly fire flying beyond them it there consumed the fifties and their Captaines it dissolued the Bands of the Enemies of the truth Secondly herein the Title of Nursing Father of the Church a Title giuen to Religious Kings by the heauenly Oracles more strongly fastneth and spreadeth the Roote of it So that at once the same Person hereby acquireth the Dignitie both of a perfect Sonne and a glorious Father When the Doctrine of a Church is cherished the life of a Church is cherished and when a contrary Doctrine is opposed then the Doctrine of a Church is cherished Thirdly hereby the Title of Defender of the Faith hath still more Realitie put into it and it is made more vnlike to those empty Titles that haue the Word without and not the matter within Each of these I hope shall appeare in that which followeth For though it consists of many seuerall pieces like vnto broken accounts yet I hope being all set together they will arise to make vp the promised summes both in weight and number F. R. The Doctrine of Predestination deliuered and approued by King IAMES our late Soueraigne of Famous MEMORY GOd hath two wills a reuealed will towards vs Medit. on the Lords prayer and that will is here vnderstood hee hath also a secret will in his eternall counsell whereby all things are gouerned and in the end made euer to turne to his glory often-times drawing good effects out of bad causes and lightout of darknesse to the fulfilling either of his Mercy or Iustice c. The first Article of the Apostles Creed teacheth vs that God is Almightie how euer Vortius and the Arminians thinke to rob him of his eternall Decree and secret will making things to bee done in this world whither he will or not Wee doubt not but that their Ambassadors which Declar against Vorstius were with vs about two yeares since did informe them of a fore-warning that we wished the said Ambassadors to make vnto them in Our name to beware in time of seditious and hereticall Preachers and not to suffer any such to creepe into their state Our principall meaning was of Arminius who though himselfe were lately dead yet had he left too many of his disciples behinde him Wee had well hoped that the corrupt seed which that Ibid. enemy of God Arminius did sow amongst you some few yeares since whose disciples and followers are yet too bold and frrequent within your Dominions had giuen you a sufficient warning afterwards to take beede of such infected persons seeing your owne Countrey-men already diuided into factions vpon this occasion a matter so opposite to vnitie which is indeed the onely prop and safety of your state next vnder God as of necessitie it must by little and little bring you to vtter ruine if wisely you doe not prouide against it and that i●… time Thus while his Maiestie is an enemie to the enemies of Praedestination he is a friend and protector to that Doctrine whose enemies he doth oppose The Articles of Ireland agreed on in his Maiesties Articl agreed on anno 1615. Raigne cannot bee thought to containe any other Doctrine but such as was approued by his Maiestie In them we reade The cause mouing God to praedestinate to life is not Num. 15. the fore-seeing of faith or perseuerance or good works or of any thing which is in the person praedestinated but ONLY the good pleasure of good himselfe For all things being ordained for the manifestation of his Glory and his Glory being to appeare both in the workes of his Mercie and of his Iustice It seemed good to his heauenly wisdome to chuse out a certaine number towards whom hee would extend his vndeserued Mercy leauing the rest to bee spectacles of his Iustice. And that wee may yet more punctually know this Doctrine there allowed by Him to bee verily his owne Doctrine we reade thus from his owne Dictates God drawes by his effectuall Grace out of that at Medit on the Lords prayer tainted and corrupt masse whom hee pleaseth for the worke of his Mercy leauing the rest to their owne wayes which all leade to perdition Praedestination and Election dependeth not vpon Conference at Hampt Court any Qualities Actions or Workes of Man which bee mutable but vpon God his eternall and immutable Decree and Purpose THE DOCTRINE OF THE Church of England concerning Praedestination PRaedestination to life is the euerlasting purpose of Article 1●… God whereby before the foundation of the world was laid hee hath constantly decreed by his counsell secret to vs to deliuer from curse and damnation those whom he hath chosen in Christ out of mankinde and to bring them by Christ vnto euerlasting saluation as vessels made to honour wherefore they that be indued with so excellent a benefite of God bee called according to Gods purpose by his spirit working in due season they through grace obey that calling they be iustified freely they be made sonnes of God by adoption they be made like the image of his onely begotten Sonne Iesus Christ they walke religiously in good workes and at length by Gods mercie they attaine to euerlasting Felicitie Vpon the Articles of the Church of England Master Rogers Chaplaine to Arch-Bishop Ban●… See the Epistle Dedicatorie where hee affirmeth these propositions to be maintained by the Church of England there is set forth an Analysis of these Articles resoluing them into propositions which propositions he saith are maintained and approued by the authority of the Church of England and this Analysis vpon this Article of Praedestination thus inferreth Hereby is discouered the impiety of th●…se me●…●…hich thinke that m●…n doth make himselfe eligible for the ●… Proposition kingdome of heauen And that God beheld in euery man
wisdome to bee foolishnesse So the Owle thinkes day to bee night and the sunne to bee a cause of blindnesse but the Night goes for day and the setting of the Sunne to bee the Spring of the morning Therefore the witt of man offended with the purity of this spirituall doctrine hath invented a doctrine of its owne which exceedingly agreeth with the wit of man that bare it for here though not in a better case the Mother is the Nurse The wit of Man hath made a Foard in the depths of God it hath found out the wayes that are past finding out and where St. Paul cryes out O depth there they leade along their schollers that they passe through it allmost with dry feete The plot of Election and Grace is discovered and these men will tell you the reasons of Gods Counsell Neither is it a new devise of mine to accuse Mans wisdome of this folly it hath long since beene done yet will I bring a witnesse whom I may call an Oracle of these last times a man of the most sound and definite Iudgment that these latter Ages haue brought forth And his discovery may very well serue for a remedy The Diuines of greatest name held that Article of free Praedestination for Orthodoxe and the contrary for Hereticall because good writers of the Schoole as Saint Thomas Scotus and others did commonly thus beleeue That God before the foundation of the world out of the vniuersall masse of mankind by his onely and meere mercy did chuse some to glory to whom he prepared effectuall meanes for the obtaining of the same and this is called to Pradestinate And of these there is a certaine and determined number which is not to d ee increased c. Yet this opinion was oppugned by other Diuines but of lower note who called it hard cruell horrible and impious as that which made God to bee an accepter of persons c. The first sentence indeede comprehending a great mystery and secret doth humble the minde of man and while on the one side it presentes to man the deformity of sinne and on the other side the excellency of Gods grace it wholly fixeth him vpon God The second opinion is more plausible popular glittering and agreeable to the pride of mans heart and in this respect it was acceptable to the Fryers professing more the Art of preaching then the sound knowledge of Diuinity It did also seeme more probable to the Courtiers as being agreeable to reasons of policy And indeede those Who defended it because they relyed on reasons meerly humane they preuailed with men of humane wisdome but when the matter came to bee tryed by testimonies of Scripture then their cause soone fell to the ground Hist Concil Trid Lib 2. So wee see here the same Author leades vs to a second Politick grounds of Arminianisme ground of Arminianisme which is Policy It were too long for a worke which I intended to bee short to insist on the seuerall sorts of Policy in which this error hath beene rooted and from which it hath sprung vp and spread abroad the branches of it My Author hath discouered one of the Friers it serues their turne best for Rhetoricall perswasions and plausible declamations And I wish other Clergy-men had not also their Politicke endes and did not seeke to get glory to themselues by selling the glory of God No question it were an outward and seeming glory to them if when a man hath killed the seed of God in him they without any seed of God could make this man to liue againe to enter into heauen not being regenerated that is hauing wholly lost his Regeneration But in these gaines God looseth for his seede looseth the glory of being incorruptible that corruptible man may get the glory of God But I hasten to another Policy and that is The plot of 3 bringing in Popery Whosoeuer will bring in Popery into a country strongly fixed in the Protestant Doctrin must not presently fly in the face of the whole Protestant Doctrine but his onely way is to worke into it by these degres of plausible Arminianisme euen to put in these little theeues they seeme litle to naturall men into the window of a Church then they may vnlocke the dores of a Church and let in all Popery Our Religion is contained in diuers seuerall Articles they run vpon one Thred of Establishment Authority now if you can cut this Thred but in one place and breake through the Authority which established thē you may easily see that all the rest like beades will run out But here a word may serue to the wise Fourthly Arminianisme being a kind of twilight 4 and a double-faced thing that lookes to two Religions at once Protestantisme and Popery hee that is in it is like him that stands in the borders of two adioyning Kingdomes who is ready to dwell in either as either serues his turne best So that an Arminian is like a flying fish if preferment be among the birds he is ready to fly after it with the birds and if it be among the fishes then among the fishes he will swimme after it Fiftly it seemes to be a factious ground wherevpon 5 Politicke men may worke their owne ends that I may vse the wordes of one that perchance will be more pleasing to some and one that seemes to acknowledge such a thing de facto Did no wiser men or man worke vpon perhaps exasperated mindes or exasperate MONTAGVES Appeale p. 42. mindes to worke vpon as it hath hapned else-where in pointes of controuerted Diuinity called into question or maintained on Foote that Religion may serue for a stalking horse to catch fooles and bee pretended to serue Turnes For I yet hasten to a Sixth Policy and that is a fearfull one even a Policy to loose Religion Land and all For there is not a Policy more advantagable to the Spaniard then to bring in Division into a Land by bringing in Arminianisme This is not wordes but deedes which I speake For even this Division had almost forfeited the Low-countryes to the Spaniard And whom the warres of so many yeares did make still stronger the peace of a few yeares with Arminianisme had almost brought to ruine And it is well knowne to some that haue travelled that this very Counsell hath beene given to the King of Spaine by an execrable Author for the destruction of England and the Low-countryes even to bring in this doctrine which now hath gotten the name of Arminianisme But farre bee it from vs so to devide our selues by opinions that wee should make our selues weake and our enemies strong Let vs much rather like brethren which quarrelled before cast away the quarrels and ioyne together against a common Enemy both of Church and State Let vs striue to put our selues into the same Religion into the same vnity wherein God protected and prospered vs against this deuourer of Europe and his Inuincible