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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A01684 The remedie of reason not so comfortable for matter, as compendious for memorie. Wherein the ignorant may gather instruction, the learned confirmation, all men consolation. By Charles Gibbon. Gibbon, Charles, fl. 1589-1604. 1589 (1589) STC 11820; ESTC S103125 33,960 84

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also on hie and therefore saith the same Prophet To thee haue I lift vp my soule Psal 25.1 That therby we should know if our harts be not farre from terrestriall cogitations wee shall hardly receiue any celestiall consolations our hearts We maie lawfullie in praier aske corporal benefites of God Because wee should thereby knowe that he is the author giuer thereof and should not onelie be thankfull to him for it but thereby to seeke loue and worship him Because we should be perswaded of his good prouidence towards vs in that hee hath not onelie promised he wil neuer faile vs. Ios 7. but also hath an outstretched hand to helpe them that call vpon him Because our faith of reconciliation and remission of sinnes should be exercised through the asking of these corporall things The feruent praier of the righteous much auaileth not onelie for themselues but for others At Moses praier the plague ceased Exod. 8. Helias caused great plentie of raine 1. King 17. Queene Hester deliuered her and her people Hest 14. We ought to referre all our praiers requests and dooings to Gods good pleasure following the example of Christ of Dauid when he was crucified without cause by the Iewes Mat. 26.4 when hee was dispossessed of his kingdom by his sonne 2. Sa. 15.26 when he was afflicted most grieuouslie by Sathan Iob. 2.7 13. of Iob The meanes wherby we are drawne to saluation is Faith Hope Charitie The chiefest of these is Loue because it serueth here and in the world to come 1. Cor. 13.13 The work of a true faith is builded vpon things past things present We beleeue the death of Christ is past Wee beleeue at this present hee sitteth at the right hand of his father Wee beleeue that Christ shall come to iudge the quicke and the dead things to come August Faith doth grow and increase in vs three manner of waies By the hearing of the word of God preached By the reuerent receiuing of the Sacraments Because it laieth before our eyes the promises which God in his Gospell hath made vnto vs in his Sonne Because they being right lie receiued of vs are as pledges and seales of the promises of GOD made vnto vs in his word Because God hath made an especiall promise to vs thereby that he will heare vs whatsoeuer wee aske according to his will By praier and inuocation A true and liuelie faith must be simple sound constant in beleeuing in defending in following The word of God without inquiring or searching in Gods mystical matters by humane reasons The truth thereof without inclining or leaning to the erronious opinions of the aduersaries of the same The same worde without doubting for anie reason of mans braine that seemeth contrary nor to be drawn awaie from it by temptations promises or thretnings either of torment or of death Such as will know whether they haue an effectuall faith must consider The fruits of it The triall of it The ende of it is good works affliction saluation For faith without workes is dead Iam. 2.17 For it is not sufficient for vs to beleue in christ but also to suffer for his sake Philip. 1.29 For he that continueth to the ende hath this comfort shal be saued Mat. 24. A iustifying faith is knowne by these effects It bringeth foorth fruites Mat. 7.18 Iam. 3.18 It worketh by loue Galat. 5.6 It apprehendeth Gods mercie offered in Christ Faith differeth from Hope and yet we hope in things present things past As when I hope I am in Gods fauour As when I hope my sins be forgiuen me As when I hope to haue eternall life things to come Charitie is a singuler vertue for without it what is 1. Cor. 13. Faith Knowledge Martirdome It auaileth little though it moue mountaines It profiteth litle though I speake with tongues of men and Angels It helpeth little though I offer my bodie to be burned We ought to liue in Loue and Charitie Because it is the effect and fulfilling of the Commandement or whole Law 1. Tim. 1.5 Because it is a testimonie vnto vs of our translation from death to life whereby wee are made the children of God and heires in heauen 1. Ioh. 3.14 Because it worketh the cause in vs that God dwelleth in vs for God is loue he that dwelleth in loue dwelleth in God and God in him 1. Ioh. 4.8 Workes of superarrogation are verie friuolous for our works are in no wise auailable to saue vs by reason of Their imperfection Gods election Christes passion Because all our righteousnes is no better than filthie cloutes or as some write menstruous clothes Esai 64.6 Because wee shoulde then chose God rather by our workes than he should elect vs of his mere grace and then grace were no grace Rom. 11.6 Because his Sonne should haue suffered in vaine if wee had anie sufficiencie of our selues Although workes are not the cause of our saluation yet partly they are the effects of it good workes are very necessarie to be vsed amongst Christians That therby God may be glorified Matth. 5.16 That by their good exāple others may be wonne to the word 1. Pet. 3.1 That by them they maie make their election sure 2. Pet. 1.10 Dauid numbreth three degrees of our saluation Psal 40.10 c. Gods mercie His righteousnes whereby he fatherlie pitieth vs. whereby he continuallie protecteth vs. wherby appeareth his constant fauour towards vs. His trueth There bee three causes of our saluation the efficient cause materiall cause GOD the Father is the beginning of our saluation Christ Iesus is hee in whom our righteousnes is resident Faithe is the meane whereby wee apprehend the same instrumentall cause S. Paul approueth the formall cause of our saluation to be the free mercie of God for whom he predestinate he callerh whom hee calleth hee iustifieth whom he iustifieth he glorifieth Rom. 8.30 By grace ye are saued through faith Eph. 2.8 Although there be many reasons whereby wee maie assure our selues to bee elected yet wee may brieflie gather our election By the holie Ghost which testifieth with our spirite that we are the children of GOD. Rom. 8.15 By the fruites of the Spirit in hauing good workes or will to doo well By remorse of conscience ioyned with the lothing of sinne and loue of righteousnes Election is knowne by these testimonies Beza 2. Thess 2.10.11 Faith is gathered by sanctification and by according to the truth Truth is gathered by calling through the preaching of the Gospell The Gospell assureth vs of a certaine hope of glorification Touching Election Reprobation this is to be considered That the onelie will and purpose of God is the chiefe cause of both That his free mercie in Christ is an inferiour cause of saluation That the hardning of the heart is an inferiour cause of damnation This vndoubted perswasion wee ought generally to haue Euerie one is elected or eiected at the beginning Euerie one is an vnprofitable seruant when he hath done his best
Euerie one shal haue reward according to his worke We ought not to condemne or iudge any to bee reprobate albeit to bee without feare of GOD and reuerence of man are signes of reprobation Psal 64. vers 4. c. Because it is a secret only reserued to God therfore he hath said Iudge not that ye be not iudged Matth. 7.1 Iam. 4.12 Because the Lord is not so merciful in forgiuing as he is miraculous in calling making of a persecutor an Apostle as he did by Paule Acts. 9.3 Because the very godly haue been greatly ouergone in this matter as that great Prophet of the Lord Elias in iudging the people of Israel 1. King 19.10 These 3. steppes doo leade vs vnto destruction Barn The dissembling of our weakenes The ignorance of our wretchednes The excusing and perseuering in our wickednes The Scriptures are written for vs That we might knowe the will of God and followe it That wee might beleeue that Iesus is Christ the Sonne of God Ioh. 20.31 That in beleeuing wee might haue life through his name Ioh. 20.31 The whole scriptures are diuided into three parts Bar. Lawe Prophets Gospell The Lawe The Gospel consist in doing in beleeuing This may perswade vs to beleeue the authoritie of the Scriptures to be true Bib. The secret testimonie of the holie Ghost in our hearts which causeth vs to consent thereto The incomprehensible Maiestie of God appearing in the simple and sincere doctrine therein The godlie agreement of all parts together with the orderlie disposition certaintie and successe thereof The Scriptures do set forth vnto vs amongst many other three especiall matters which we ought to remember The frailtie of man and his prone inclination to euill The iustice of God and his seuere punishment appointed for obstinate transgressors The mercie of God and his free pardon promised to penitent sinners Euerie one ought effectually to know and search the holy Scriptures for Knowledge Confirmation Consolation Because the ignorance of them is the cause of all error Because wee must beleeue nothing but that which is approoued by them Acts. 17.11 Because in them is cōtained eternal life We may gather knowledge in the Scriptures three manner of waies By attendant hearing of the same well preached By diligent reading of the same with vnderstanding By continuall conference with such as can open thē Act. 8.30 The word of GOD then draweth vs vnto him Bib. When it is so preached and heard as we vnderstand and learne what is taught thereby When we receiue thankfullie that which is giuen promised and assured therein When we bee moued with desire and diligence to do that which it commandeth The word of God then hath his perfect worke when it is Preached truelie Beleeued faithfullie Followed effectuallie Such as will not beleeue the word of God what followeth If the righteous scarcelie bee saued where shall the vngodlie and sinner appeare 1. Pet. 4.8 Euerie vnfaithfull shall die in his vnfaithfulnes saith Esdras 2. Esdr 15.4 Euerie vnbeleeuer is condemned alreadie Iohn 3.18 and shall be punished with euerlasting perdition 2. Thes 1. Ignorance can no way be excusable For that which maie bee knowne of God is made manifest vnto vs. Rom. 1.19 For those that knowe not the lawe shall perish without the lawe Rom. 2.12 For the offering for ignorant sinnes in the Leueticall law argueth no excuse to be admitted Leuit. 4.2 Our Sauiour Christ describeth by the parable of the Sower three vnprofitable hearers of his word Matth. 13. Such a one as heareth it and vnderstādeth it not by reason the euill one commeth and catcheth it away out of his heart Such a one as heareth it and receiueth it presently with great ioye but when persecution or tribulation commeth by reason of the word hee is offended Such a one as heareth it but the cares of this world and the deceiptfulnes of riches choake it and the same is made vnfruitfull We ought to resort to the Church of God Because his holie mysteries are there laid open which are hid obscure to manie Because we may bee vnited and coupled together by receiuing the Sacraments Because if the Lord hath promised to grant our requestes where two or three bee gathered together in his name how much more will he bee mindfull of a multitude that so assemble themselues The Church of God hath three ancient and excellent ornaments Preaching Praier Sacraments Preaching ingēdreth faith Praier increaseth it Sacraments confirme it The Church or Congregatiō ought to pray for all men without anie difference of Nation kind age or order Beza 1. Tim. 2.3 4. Because the Lord by calling of all sorts yea sometimes those that are the greatest enemies to the Gospel wil haue his Church gathered together after this sort therfore praiers to be made for all Because God should not els bee manifested to be the onlie God of all mē vnles he should shew his goodnes in sauing of al sorts of men Because his Sonne Christ Iesus should not be seen to be the onelie Mediator between God and of all sorts of men by hauing taken vpō him that nature of man which is common to al men vnlesse he had satisfied for all sortes of men and made intercession for all Sacramēts are Signes or badges of christianitie Seales or pledges of our faith Assurances of our saluation whereof there be 2. Baptisme The Lords Supper The Sacrament of Baptisme Bib. Teacheth vs to put on Christ that his righteousnes may couer our sinfulnes Galat. 3.27 Assureth vs wee are so grafted into Christ that all our corruption is cleane washed away Ephes 5.26.27 Chargeth vs to mortifie and die to sinne that wee may become his seruants and liue in mutuall amitie The Sacrament of the Lords Supper Bib. Sheweth vs that the bodie and bloud of Christ crucified is the onelie foode for the regenerate Assureth vs that Christ is whollie ours and that by faith our soules are fed and nourished in him vnto life euerlasting Requireth a thankfull remembrance of his death with vnitie amongst brethrē The Sacrament of the Lords Supper is vnworthelie receiued when we receiue it onelie by the visible signe without regard of the inuisible grace when wee receiue it more of custome than good consideration or more for feare than good affection when we receiue it disorderlie beeing dronken or with a corrupted conscience cōtinuing in malice or enmitie The Sacrament of the Lords Supper must be receiued reuerentlie eaten effectuallie digested thankfullie therefore let euerie one trie and examine his knowledge his faith his repentance Good Ministers are most fit to minister the holie Sacraments yet we may receiue them by the euill Articl Religio 26. Because they do it in Christ his name and not in their owne Because their wickednes cannot take away the effect of the ordinance Because of Christs institution promise so it be receiued rightly by faith These three things are to to bee noted whereof heretofore there hath arrise