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A10615 The golden chayne of salvation. Written by that reverend and learned man, maister Herman Renecher. And now translated out of Latine into English; Aurea salutis catena. English Rennecher, Hermann.; Allibond, Peter, 1559 or 60-1628. 1604 (1604) STC 20889; ESTC S101212 181,755 288

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vnderstood rightly expounded it is the effectual wholesome instrumēt of the holy spirit to convert save mē So that the word of God his spirit is the singular and inestimable treasure and the excellent peculiar goods of the Church of which the Church according to that promise ought never to be deprived but to be alwayes begotten of it and to be continually directed and preserved by it Therefore the Holy Ghost is the begetting cause of faith he doth create and worke it in the hearts of the elect and by the dayly proceedings and increase thereof doth augment and preserve it vnto the end of their lives But the stedfast apprehension and applying of the promises of God and the merit of Christ is the expresse forme and lively image of faith in this consisteth the whole force and efficacy of faith Gal. 2.20 So S. Paule doth in expresse words set downe saying The sonne of God loved me and gave himselfe for me So true faith doth behold the generall promise of God and apprehendeth it and maketh particular application to it selfe certainely setting downe this that that promise of grace and salvation doth no lesse appertayne vnto it then vnto the rest of the beleevers For then the promise of God is effectuall in men and commeth to the proper end and issue of it selfe when it is apprehended by a true faith Againe the word publikely preached in the ministery of the Gospel is the instrumentall cause of faith and therefore that word is called by Paul the power of God vnto salvation Rom. 1.16 Rom. 10.17 vnto every one that beleeveth because that the holy ghost worketh by it in the hearts of the elect so that faith springeth from the preaching hearing of the Gospell Therefore whatsoever the elect do heare with their outward eares from the publike preaching of the word that doth the Holy Ghost make fruitefull and effectuall in their hearts Furthermore a stedfast confidence and a true hope in Christ a fervent love towards God also a sonne-like feare and reverence of God a sincere love of our neighbour and other honest and holy actions are such effects of the holy spirit which do accompany and attend vpon true faith as naturall and inseparable vertues So true fayth doth rest selfe vpon the fatherly love of God and doth heartily reverence and worship God as a good and loving Father and doth continually study how to please him and cleave vnto him and carefully avoydeth whatsoever may offend him and lastly doth steadfastly hope that it shall be partaker together with Christ of everlasting life and heavenly glory But the finall cause of fayth is 1. Pet. 1.9 the comprehending and conceyving of good thinges to witte life eternall and blessed immortalitie And if any shall here subtily obiect vnto a man and say that fayth is alwayes here lame and vnperfect and therefore cannot make a man perfect and happy For that which ought to save one must be every way perfect and absolute wee must answere him that fayth as farre forth as it abideth in the heart of man as in the subiect thereof is alwayes imperfect here and scarce deserveth the name of vertue But as it beholdeth and apprehendeth Christ so it is effectuall and maketh men of the sonnes of perdition the children of God then great power and saving actions are ascribed vnto it by the Scripture as that it iustifieth men that it quikneth them and saveth them So that fayth doth not save and make happy any man in regard of the subiect in which it remayneth but it is sayd to save and iustifie a man in regard of the obiect whither it tendeth and which it apprehendeth For Christ being layd hold on by fayth saveth a man whether that fayth be great or small And that Christ being apprehended with a little and slender fayth doth yet save and iustifie a man the examples of the holy Scripture declare manifestly enough For that Ruler in Iohn although he were endued with a very slender and weake fayth in Christ Iohn 4.49.53 yet for all that Christ reiecteth him not but iustified and saved both him and his sonne with all his houshold So likewise he in Marke Marke 9.24.25 although he was sayd to have a meane and a weake fayth yet Christ being layd hold on by it tooke pittie vpon him and healed his sonne that was possessed of the divell Here is notwithstanding diligently to be marked that in these manner of speeches wherein in the vertue of saving is attributed vnto fayth the power and force of the efficient cause is attributed vnto the instrument by which it worketh and is effectuall So that when iustification salvation is ascribed vnto faith as vnto the cause then the obiect of fayth is vnderstood For Christ cannot be apprehended but by sayth onely as by the instrument wherewith it is done Furthermore here is carefully to be considered that this saving Calling is produced and wrought more by the inward working of the spirite then by the outward preaching of the word For although God by his Ministers should speake and call vnto vs a thousand times by the voyce of his word in the Ministery yet vnlesse wee be drawne inwardly by the spirite of God we shall never come vnto him Many and most wonderfull examples of all ages have sufficiently declared this and do yet at this day declare it Whereby it may bee gathered that this Calling is placed in the good will and hand of God onely farre out of our owne reach For he alone can illuminate vs and convert and change vs into new creatures For in this calling the whole man is repugnant vnto God that calleth Iohn 6.44 Psal 51.12 Therefore Christ in S. Iohn vseth this word drawing David vseth this word creating speaking of the conversion of man Christ by the word drawing sheweth that this heavenly grace cannot bee conceyved of the naturall man but that there must be a new mind and a new vnderstanding to conceive it And David by the word creating would teach vs that the renewing and amendement of man is so difficult hard a worke that it can be wrought or brought to passe by no creature Bara This he sheweth by the Hebrew word Bara he created which properly signifieth hee made a thing of nothing which which was not before Secondly it signifieth to bring to passe some singular and wonderfull worke out of some matter already created which cannot possibly be imitated by any creature So that this regeneration of man is a certayne spirituall creation by which the regenerate are transported into a newe life and prepared for that heavenly glory which never shall have ende Here is refuted the errour of the Papists concerning the strength that is in man and shewed in what things an vnregenerate man hath free-will and in what not and how farre free-will stretcheth it selfe And the grosse ignorance or manifest impietie of the Papists is disclosed
holy although he willeth those things which the vngodly do because God willeth them with a farre other manner of counsell and end then the vngodly do will and do them So in the death of Christ the action of the wicked was so evill that in respect of them it could not be worse nor more vile for they slew the innocent and killed the Lord of glory and intended in that one consent and outrage of theirs to hinder the salvation of mankinde yet that very same action in respect of God was so good and holy that no other coulde bee better nor more holy because he by the death of his sonne would redeeme miserable sinners from eternall death and translate them into heavenly glory and eternall life Wherefore wicked and vniust men oftentimes vnwittingly and intending some other thing doe fulfill and performe the good and righteous will of God Yet notwithstanding afterward God iustly punisheth condemneth them because they pursue their owne wicked desires and vngodly enterprises and respect not nor regarde Gods will at all They preferre their owne perverse affections before God and before his will So the actions of Almighty God and of wicked men differ by their diverse purposes and are distinguished one from another in their diverse ends So also at this day God suffereth many sinnes to bee committed of wicked men throughout sundry Nations and in the greatest kingdomes where he doth not vouchsafe them his word nor reforme them by his spirite and doth not enlighten their mindes with the knowledge of himselfe nor governe and incline their willes and affections so that they may propose to themselves this principall end as their onely marke namely to endevour to execute Gods knowne will earnestly and continually and to frame and fashion themselves their life and their manners vnto it as vnto a continuall rule to walke by and to honor God by their obedience in eschewing of evill and dooing of good these things except God worke in them by his word and spirite whatsoever they intend or doe howsoever before men it may seeme good and iust yet all that in the sight of GOD is nothing else but vglie and execrable sinne For God doth not at all regard nor respect the outward workes except the integrity of the heart go with them and appeare in them therefore where that wanteth there sinnes are accounted for no sinnes and vertue with vices and one thing with an other are confounded and so there will be but little difference betweene honesty and dishonesty Heere the author returneth to his purpose and ioyneth the third degree of praedestination then the causes of praedestination are vnfoulded next the definition of it is given and lastly praedestination is distinguished from providence CHAP. 7. THese things it seemed good to touch by the way and lightly to handle concerning permission which is the second degree of predestination now we must come vnto the third degree of predestination Thirdly to predestinate heere is nothing els then to purpose to choose some and to adopt them for sonnes in Christ out of the vniversall company of wicked men For God by his mercifull foresight did ordayne and appoynt from amongst sinfull men and such as were past cure in respect of themselves to receive some vnto mercy without any merit of theirs to redeeme them through Christ and by him also to bring them vnto eternall life But heere more properly and peculiarly is meant the other acceptation of this word election as in the definition heereof a little before we have declared This word election is taken diversely in the scripture so that sometimes it hath reference vnto some office or duty and sometimes to life eternall After the former manner Saul and Iudas were elected the one of which was chosen to a Kingdome and the other to an Apostleship neyther of them to eternall life But seeing that no definition can rightly be made or vnderstoode vnlesse the causes of which it is compounded and made be well perceived and knowne therefore I thinke I shall not do amisse if first I lay open the causes of predestination before I set downe the definition of it As for the efficient and first moving cause of predestination there can no other be set downe and appoynted but onely the eternall and onely purpose and good pleasure of God For God onely is hee which by his most wise counsell and iudgement doth discerne betweene men and men and hath decreed from everlasting what shall become of every man God hath lively expressed and declared this in his word manifestly and playnely for men considered in themselves and by themselves are all alike corrupted so that some are no whit better then other some Therefore in the iudgement of man some cannot be preferd before others because there is one and the selfesame condicion of all But God the highest iudge of all hath elected some men to eternall life in Christ and hath in his iust iudgement appoynted others to everlasting destruction and whome he hath chosen vnto salvation those hath he chosen by his owne meere mercy and vndeserved grace hee regarded nothing that is without himselfe but whome he hath elected he did onely for himselfe and in himselfe and not for any other cause Moreover he could finde nothing in those whome he hath chosen that might be worthy of election because they were all defiled and strangers from God also he could foresee no good thing in them as proceeding from them for which they should be chosen If he foresaw any good thing in them himselfe wrought it wholy and altogether in them For there can be found no good thing in them nor elsewhere of which God is not the sole author and onely effector Therefore what good thing so ever is and abideth in them that God himselfe wholy beginneth and finisheth in them And he beginneth and finisheth nothing in them but he decreed from everlasting that he would begin it and finish it in them For if in time he should worke any thing in them how little soever which he decreed not before time then should there be found manifest change in God which should do some thing by a new will and not by his eternall will Those things which the Papists pratle of here concerning workes foreseene whose cause and beginning should be man are vayne and frivolous fictions which after in their places shall more largely be confuted and reiected seeing the efficient and first moving cause of election is onely and alone Gods mercy and goodnesse hee by his bountifull and more then fatherly good will hath from everlasting made and finished the whole decree of Election Ephes 2.5 moreover Election is altogether the free and vndeserved favour of God For all men by nature were wholy corrupt and the children of wrath therefore in them God could foresee nothing at all but extreame and most absolute wretchednes They also which take the name of election which is found in many places of the
scripture for a certaine singular excellency whereby a man may be worthy to be chosen so that he should be called elect which is excellent and singular they I say are the authors of fables and trifle with toyes seeing that every man is esteemed farre otherwise in this civile and earthly court then he is or iudged to be in the court of heaven Moreover no other cause of reprobation can be alleaged or produced out of the scriptures but the iust and vnchangeable will of God for as much as he in that his eternall and secret counsell hath of himselfe and by himselfe adiudged some men vnto eternall death destruction and that before they were and had done any evill For sinne can in no wise be the cause of reprobation For all have sinned and are alike polluted Ephes 2.3 and by nature the children of wrath so that all even every one should have perished if sinne had bin the cause of reprobation Sinne verily is the cause of those things that necessarily follow reprobation of which we shall speake more hereafter Although sinne that is committed of man be in it selfe a iust and efficient cause of damnation yet the cause of reprobation is not to be sought for in man but the first and chiefest cause thereof is even the free and righteous will of God But in as much as the reprobate are damned that they have deserved by their owne sinne this is the iust cause of damnation for if they had not sinned they should not have beene punished For God is every way so iust that he punisheth none except he be inthralled to sinne and most worthy of punishment And now seeing that it is proved by evident testimonies of the scripture that there is praedestination and that the doubtfulnes of the word and divers signification thereof is playnely discussed and that the causes thereof are produced and layd open it remayneth that wee should playnely define what this praedestination is which except it be done those things which follow to be handled cannot be conceaved and vnderstood Praedestination therefore is the eternall free iust and vnchangeable purpose of God by which of his mercy he hath determined to adopt some men for sonnes through Christ and hath appoynted them to eternall life and glory and hath not vouchsafed othersome that grace and favour but hath reiected them by his iust iudgement and appoynted them to eternall death This definition many places of the scripture do deliver and prove Rom. 9.13 Malac. 1.3 but chiefely the example of Iacob and Esau do wonderfully declare it These two although they were bretheren borne of the same parents although they were sinners both alike and by nature the children of wrath yet the wisedome of God did so discerne betweene them that by his free grace he loved and elected one of them and by his iust iudgement hated and reiected the other and that not according to the good or evill workes foreseene eyther of the one or of the other but according vnto his purpose he did choose Iacob Rom. 9.11 and hated Esau and that when as yet neyther of them were borne and had done neyther good nor evill The scriptures have set forth these two persons as it were two opposite and contrary arguments from which it inferreth two generall propositions namely that Almighty God from everlasting before all ages hath so discerned betweene men by his firme and vnchangeable wisedome that some without any merit of theirs should obtayne vndeserved grace and that some should have and vndergoe deserved iustice and due punishment This praedestination is distinguished from providence as a speciall thing from a generall or as a part from the whole seeing that predestination is not so common nor so large as providence For predestination hath his operation and working eyther in the saving or condemning of men although the created spirits namely the Angels may not vnfitly be referred herevnto But providence reacheth further spreading and extending it selfe vnto all the workes of God So that praedestination is as well the iust councell of God in forsaking the reprobate and casting him off into eternall punishment as the voluntary purpose of God in the salvation of the elect to be begun in this life and finished in the life to come Also providence is the eternall counsell of God and such an order and ratified governement in things that are created according to which all things are directed and do fall out to the glory of God and for the profit and salvation of the elect To this his governement even the temptations and sleights of Sathan are held in subiection which are so guided by the most wise God that they still turne to the good of his Saints although his devises are hurtfull in themselves yet God knoweth how to prevent them and to turne them to a contrary event Therefore although the endevours of Sathan are in their owne nature most pernitious yet by Gods direction they become wholesome vnto his children For God is such a workemaister as is able to alter and withdraw the effect from the cause so as the effect by an accident becommeth good and helpfull whose cause was most ill and hurtfull This providence of God although it reach vnto the creation of all things and to the ordering and governement of them yet it chiefely intendeth the counsels and actions of reasonable creatures and is so intentive about them that although they be very much confused and out of order yet it doth most wisely turne and bring them to those ends which from everlasting were foreordayned and appoynted for them So that all those things which God from everlasting by his vnsearchable wisedome did foresee and know before they were those things by his wonderfull and mervailous providence in the instant and moment of time appointed he doth create ordereth them being created maintaineth them being ordered governeth them being mayntayned and in governing them he doth so draw forth the course and line of his providence in this world that nothing can happen or be done in it then that which God from all eternity did fore-ordayne and appoynt All things do so depend and hang vpon this providence and power of God that without it not one action can be done nor one motion be produced in any creature For God is he by whose power and working is brought to passe all in all and that so as without this power and working of God neyther the godly can do that which is good nor the wicked commit that which is evill This providence of God is so ioyned and combined with his foreknowledge that the one of them seemeth as it were to shake hands with the other For what things soever God by this his vnsearchable foreknowledge did from all ages and from everlasting determine to doe those things being created in time he doth by his infinite providence bring vnto those appoynted ends even as he had decreed from everlasting What and how many are the
iustification and salvation that without it God will not be mercifull and favourable no not to any one They therefore which do behold this victory of Christ with a true faith have wherewith they may fortifie themselves against the assaults of Sathan they have whereby they may set light by his sleights and subtilties they have wherein they may place their faith and hope in Christ alone and in his merit onely In this iustification howbeit we are iustified and acquitted of our sinnes by the onely merit of Christ yet there is no let but that the three holy and inseparable persons of the Trinity may have and execute their severall actions in it For the Father is therefore sayd to iustifie vs because that of his owne meere grace and free love 1. Pet. 1.20 Gal. 4.4 he hath from everlasting fore-appoynted his onely begotten Sonne to redeeme vs and sent him at the time appoynted The Sonne is therefore sayd to iustifie vs because that for his incomprehensible and vnspeakeable goodnes sake towards vs vouchsafing by the power of the holy ghost to take mans nature vpon him he was obediēt vnto his Father even vnto the death of the crosse Phil. 2. and so satisfied the iustice of God for vs and delivered vs from all the power of the Devill by making amends for our sinnes The Holy Ghost also is sayd to iustifie vs as farre forth as he doth beget in vs true and stedfast faith by which we may apprehend and apply vnto our selves the righteousenes that is purchased by the obedience of the death of Christ Therefore this free remission of sinnes is the onely very fourme of iustification by which iustification is that which it is and is distinguished from all other false and fained satisfactions and sacrifices of which sort the Papists doe invent many and offer them vnto God And the finall cause of iustification is the prayse and glory of Gods goodnes and the everlasting happines and excellent blessed estate of those which are thus iustified Now there was nothing else which moved God to iustifie vs but his owne love towards vs and the obedience of Christ and our misery But the instrumentall cause is a true and a lively faith laying hold on and applying to it selfe the obedience of Christ and righteousnes purchased thereby and relying with a good conscience vpon the sole mercy of God and the onely merit of Christ This iustification is then avayleable and acceptable vnto vs whenas every of vs doth stand as guilty before the heavenly iudge and being carefull of his acquitall doth of his owne accord humble and prostrate himselfe as vnworthy And this is profitably done when a man doth seriously weigh and consider with himselfe the perfection and severity of Gods iustice on the one side and the multitude and greatnes of his sinnes on the other side For by such a consideration hee is seriously humbled with the feeling of his misery and rightly prepared to desire and embrace the mercy of Christ So that by how much the more every of vs shall be severe in condemning himselfe by so much shall we finde God more mercifull and more easy to be intreated for then will a man be capable of the grace of God and benefite of Christ when hee shall knowe himselfe and his whole nature to bee full of vncleanenes and filthines and shall condemne it For he which iudgeth himselfe vnworthy of the grace of God as one sayth him doth God receyve into favour and maketh him worthy through Christ But they which swell and are filled with the opinion of their owne righteousnes and hunger not after the righteousnes of God they perish in their miseries and never come vnto true righteousenes Againe they which being hardned with the custome of sinning and drunken with the delight of their vices do extenuate their faults and securely despise the iudgement of God they shut vp from themselves the gate of mercy What manner of thing Iustification is where are set forth the three proprieties thereof namely that it is free perfect and everlasting and withall there is refuted the opinion of the Papists concerning the merit of works being contrary to the first propriety CHAP. 27. NOw we must lay open what manner of thing iustification is and the quality thereof consisteth especially in three things first that it is free for the remission of sinnes is not for any merits of man but it is a meere grace and an vndeserved mercy promised for Christ his sake alone For God findeth nothing in a man whom he iustifieth but an horrible sinke of sinne and extreame misery The scripture every where affirmeth that Christ only is the author of all grace and the whole hope of our salvation consisteth in the bloud of Christ alone Without the merit of Christ there can be no iustification for he alone hath deserved righteousenes for vs and having deserved it he giveth and imputeth it vnto vs. They therefore which desire to be righteous without the merit of Christ are altogether without God and prophane And they which dreame that they are iustified partly by grace and partly by merit are Pelagians or Papists the followers of their heresie but they which beleeve that they are iustified by the onely merit of Christ are true Christians These by beleeving and receiving the righteousnes of Christ purchased by his death as the righteousnes of an other are iustified indeede but they which by theyr workes and merits do affect theyr owne righteousnes shall never attayne vnto it The Papists therefore have forged a certaine kinde of merit which is weake of it selfe but when it is dipped in the bloud of Christ it is effectuall and forcible and so they say that a man is partly iustified by grace and partly by workes But this cannot be because that grace and merit are two manifest contraryes from which one and the selfe same thing cannot be brought forth For this is the nature and rule of contraryes that from contrary causes contrary effects proceede likewise Moreover wee are all debtors for wee are obliged and bound vnto God so that he may iustly challenge as his due whatsoever good thing can proceede or be perfourmed of vs. Now that which may be demaunded of vs as duty that can not merit But Christ sayth that what good thing soever we do or can do Luk. 17.10 all that how much soever it be is our duty wherefore there is no merit at all Agayne the cause of iustification to wit eternall election in Christ is free therefore likewise iustification it selfe must needes be free for there cannot be more in the effect then there is in the cause thereof Therefore the Papists whilest that they dreame of any merit in vs they do commit a manifest fallacy from that which is no cause as if it were a cause for they remove the merit of Christ which is the perfect and true cause of iustification and set in the roome thereof the merit
and exercise the strength thereof in the very act of administring them Agayne they doe offend and sinne exceedingly and out of measure agaynst the office of the holy Spirite and the blood of Christ For the holy Spirite is the onely efficient cause and principall worker of regeneration and the bloud of Christ is the meritorious cause thereof therefore they attribute that vnto the outward water of baptisme which is due only vnto the holy spirit the bloud of Christ so fall into a fallacy from that which is no cause as if it were a cause for they do cast that vnto the false and fayned cause which ought to be attributed vnto the true and proper cause and so as much as in them lyeth do overthrow and vndermine the principall heads of Christian religion And whereas they inferre that the purer and preciser sort of Divines do deny that Baptisme is the washing of the new birth Tit. 3.5 as Paul to Titus speaketh This is an vnsavory and a vile cavill for they doe not onely admit and like of those words of Paul in their true and naturall meaning but do receive them as a most sound confirmation and strengthening of our cause for Paul there playnely pronounceth that the power of the holy spirit doth effect and worke regeneration in vs. But our adversaryes do misvnderstand those words of Paul and do abuse them whilest they wrest them into an other sence as seducers vse to do and apply them amisse and so do fall into a fallacy of the ambiguity of a word whilest they interpret that ill which they apply worst of all Among true and sound Divines it is a thing firmely resolved and agreed vpon that the Sacraments do not bring grace but do for the strengthening of faith seale vp that which was bestowed before as we may see in Abraham Rom. 4.10 as in the common example and father of all them which beleeve Lastly they erre not a little by this their most vayne fiction whilest that they place the first beginning of salvation and the ground thereof in the water of baptisme for so they forge and frame the causes of salvation from the instruments that are vsed as meanes and from the manner of applying them but with deepe silence they do passe by and with wonderfull craft neglect the true and proper cause of salvation namely everlasting and free election and the onely merit of Christ that they might the more easily deceive and cast a mist before the eyes of the ignorant For there is no greater nor more plentifull occasion to beguile and deceive then where false and imaginary causes are supposed for true and proper causes Moreover this regeneration heere is alwayes defective and imperfect and a small beginning of a new life and a certayne onset vnto it This is prooved by manifest testimonyes of Scripture and also by dayly experience of the godly The testimonyes of Scripture say that we ought to be changed into the image of God from glory to glory 2. Cor. 3.18 Rom. 1.17 and to go forward dayly more and more from faith to faith Also that the children of God ought to walke in his commaundements Eze. 36.27 Tit. 2.14 and to keepe his statutes and to be zealous of good workes These and the like places of Scripture doe teach vs that the elect are not the first day polished vnto the highest perfection but that by little and little as it were by degrees they are brought from one vertue vnto an other vntill after this life they shall come vnto the highest perfection for they are not perfect which must be changed from one glory to another and goe forward from faith to faith Secondly they which walke in the commaundements of God are yet in the way and are not come vnto the end of theyr race therefore they are vnperfect For wayfaring men are often weeryed and now and then stumble and fall by reason of these or these lets and hindrances so also the regenerate men beeing as it were weeryed in the course and study of godlines doe slip often and fall into these and these sinnes Therefore the Apostle Saint Iohn sayeth playnely 1. Iohn 1.8 that they which say they have no sinnes deceive themselves and the truth is not in them Also the most holy Prophets do playnely and freely confesse of themselves that theyr best workes are poluted and stayned with many and great imperfections Esay 64. for in them alwayes the dregges of sinfull flesh remayne and abide and very often the sparkles of theyr lewde affections doe breake forth and shewe themselves but these hinder them not because they have a promise of a pardon These things the testimonies of Scripture teach vs that the children of God do onely obtayne some beginnings of a new life heere so that regeneration heere is maymed and vnperfect For the holy spirit doth so illuminate and renew the mindes of the elect 1. Cor. 13.9 that heere they doe know but in part and doth so change and refine their wills that they can will and do that which is good but in part as long as they live in this life So that whether a man respect the vnderstanding of the regenerate or whether a man consider theyr will hee shall easily finde that they are vnperfect for they which are renewed still day by day are not as yet wholy renewed but the children of God as long as they live heere are renewed day by day therefore they are not as yet perfect nor wholy renewed Besides these there are many other tokens whereof the scripture is very plentifull as which are wrought successively by the children of God eyther in reioycing at the benefites of God or sorrowing at theyr owne sinnes and surely these do bewray theyr imperfections So that infirmity alwayes abideth and dwelleth in them with which they must strive even vnto the death of the body with an entercourse of going backward and going forward as Augustine sayth in one place Secondly dayly experience it selfe doth convince and prove the imperfection of the godly For the most holy men of all ages have offended and sinned very often which they could not have done if they had not bin vnperfect for they which by regeneration are quite perfected are set out of all danger of sinning any more furthermore God hath no where promised that he will indue his children in this life with exquisite perfection therefore they cannot be made perfect heere for God doth not perfourme more in this worke of regeneration by the power of his spirit then he hath declared in the revealed word of promise and they themselves by their owne power cannot make themselves better and more holy then God will have them to be Also the most holy Apostles themselves say Iames. 3.2 that in many things they sinne all Iohn also in his Epistle pronounceth most plainely saying 1. Iohn 1.8 If we say that we have no sinne we deceive
severall branches having bin by a divine order conceived before time are set downe in time by an Apostolike method and ordered and ranged with excellent skill And if a man should more intentively and deeply consider all the linckes of this chayne the only will of God shall be the efficient cause of all the rest for vpon it the summe of all the rest dependeth and consisteth Therefore the freewill of God is the first and most generall cause for from it proceedeth the first motion and whole power of working so that without it in this matter nothing can be wrought or brought to passe And heere is a most excellent and artificiall order of the causes of salvation for from the first and highest cause vnto the secondary causes and from thence vnto the effects there is a continuall gradation vntill we come vnto the last end whether all and every of them tend and have recourse What are the effects of predestination and how great benefits come from it vnto every beleever Next there is shewed that this cheyne of salvation is made of the meere benefites of God CHAP. 35. HEre now remayneth briefely to be handled what and how great effects and benefits doe arise and come vnto vs by the free grace of predestination These effects may be declared and enlarged by sundry and severall degrees and they are in number tenne all which are set downe in order The first of them is Christ the Mediator the head and beginning of all the elect Hee in this doctrine of election is to be esteemed the onely foundation and ground-worke of salvation for without him there can be no election vnto salvation so that of him dependeth the election of all the rest for hee vouchsafed to come downe from heaven and to become man that by his sacrifice and bloud he might redeeme and save others for ever The second effect is the creation and bringing forth of every of the elect into this world The third is an effectuall calling vnto Christ by the holy Spirit and the word of the Gospell and a true conversion vnto God The fourth is iustification a stedfast faith and a certaine hope which layeth hold vpon and applyeth vnto it selfe Christ and his merits and relyeth wholy on him not desiring nor longing after any thing else The fift is regeneration and the good workes which necessarily follow it for whome God hath appoynted vnto any end he also ordayneth and sheweth him certayne meanes by which he may attayne vnto the end that he is appoynted vnto Therefore good workes are not the beginning and cause of election as the Papists dreame but they are onely the effects and meanes by which as by certayne succeeding degrees the elect are brought vnto life everlasting The sixt is the dayly increase and accesse of faith and sanctification so that the workes of charity and effects of faith doe one after an other dayly growe greater and better for a man is not good except he have a desier to be made and become better And he that goeth not forward in the wayes of God goeth back from them as Saint Barnard sayth else-where The seaventh is invincible patience and courage in induring adversity quietly The eight is vndaunted and perpetuall constancy and finall perseverance in faith and sanctification daily increasing The ninth is resurrection from the dead and the reuniting of body and soule The tenth is glorification life eternall that is to say spirituall ioy in God with thanksgiving and everlasting gladnes in Christ By these things we may see cleerely what great and saving gifts and benefits are included in predestination onely They therfore which feele the effects of the grace of god within themselves ought with great admiration to have them in continuall remembrance to consider of them within thēselves for they which do acknowledge how greatly they are bound vnto God for so great a benefit which hath vouchsafed to choose them from out of such a number of wretched persons and being elected to reforme and renew them into his owne image and heavenly glory Let them then with certaine hope found confidence rely vpon that free goodnes of God and that his vnchangeable counsell concerning their salvation and let them be as surely perswaded and made as certayne of their salvation as if they had it already layd downe vnto them in theyr hand and did enioy it in full and present possession So that these gifts of God and merits of Christ are to be thought vpon seriously and religiously and to be preferred before all the riches of the whole world for they do bring with them everlasting life and blessed immortality But they which turne aside vnto transitory and fading good things are not wise for themselves for they perish at the last with certayne destruction Moreover these effects are some of them of one only respect and sort which are such effects as can never put on the nature nor take vpon them the turne of an efficient cause of which sort are all the secundary effects from the first effect vnto the last end Others are of a two-fold respect and sort which may sometimes be effects and sometimes efficient causes Such is the first effect namely Christ Iesus which though he be God eternall and in this respect can be an effect vnto nothing when as he maketh all things yet as he is man and a mediator he is the first effect of predestination and he is such an effect thereof as notwithstanding may neverthelesse be an operative and efficient cause of all the rest for hee is the cause of all the effects which are placed betweene predestination and glorification which is the last of all for it is he which hath called which hath iustified which hath glorified vs. So that all the linckes of this whole chayne are the meere benefits of God and no merits of man are found in it Therefore he that reckoneth vp mans merits among these free benefites of God as he doth derogate from the bountie and glory of God so also doth he hazard his owne Salvation But all they which love God and doe seeke for theyr Salvation in his goodnesse and in the Sacrifice of Christ doe know for an assured trueth that all the lincks of this Chayne are the very effects of Christ and the meere benefites of God himselfe Therefore to him only ought they to be thankefull for them Moreover out of this Chayne wee may see that in the whole course of Salvation the Scripture mentioneth and speaketh of nothing but the grace of God onely and many other gifts which proceed from that Therefore also the true fayth of the godly ought to receyve and acknowledge nothing besides them The Linckes of this Chayne ought to be considered by an Antithesis that the goodnesse of God may the more appeare and be magnified so that wee proceede from the enioying of the one contrary vnto the remooving of the other Secondly the Linckes hang together with an inseparable
the onely strong anchor which fastneth and preserveth the ship of Christian fayth in the heavenly Sanctuary as in an haven most sure from all the dangers of stormes agaynst all the rage of hell and the turbulent motions of the world So that no floods nor no tempests can arise and swell so great as by which this anchor may be loosed and the ship broken and drowned Also this Chayne is as a strong engine to destroy all the loftinesse of men which doth arrogate any thing as proper vnto it selfe and it is as a sharpe sword to stabbe and quell theyr presumption and pride which doth extoll and lift vp it selfe more then it should Lastly it is as a long and golden line which stretcheth it selfe from one part of the heaven vnto an other that every of the Elect wheresoever may lay sure holde vpon it and very well apply it vnto themselves Therefore as is sayde before in a word or two he that desireth to profit in the knowledge of this Chayne and to confirme himselfe in it fruitfully must above all things take heede that he begin not at the highest cause of Predestination that lieth hidden in the counsell of God but that hee ascend by little and little as it were by degrees from the last effects thereof vnto the first cause so that he begin at regeneration from thence that hee goe to iustification from thence vnto true faith from that vnto vocation from this vnto eternall election from that let him passe and ascend vnto the gratious will of God that effecteth all these things There must hee settle and ground the anchor of his fayth But God beginneth a contrary way in descending vnto vs For hee beginneth at the first cause and proceedeth through meanes vnto the last effect vntill he bring and draw vs vnto himselfe Of the effects of reprobation which are contrary vnto the effects of Election Also what benefites of God the Elect and reprobates have common and what not And that the iudgement of God concerning both is stedfast and eternall CHAP. 38. NOw the effects of Election being set down and declared the effects of reprobation are briefely to be set forth For the effects of Election cannot rightly bee vnderstood vnlesse the opposite effects of reprobation be likewise weighed and considered that so one contrary may be more illustrated and made more playne by an other Now certaine effects are common vnto the reprobate with the Elect as namely Creation and other both many and great temporall blessings and helpes of this life as food and apparel and the rest of the blessings of this life which belong rather to the body then the soule But of those blessings that belong vnto Salvation the reason is farre otherwise they are in a continuall opposition and contrariety For the Elect are called vnto Christ by grace the reprobate are deprived of that grace whereas the Elect are inlightned conuerted vnto God there the reprobate are blinded and hardened whereas these hate sinne and depart from it there they give themselves over vnto it and continue in it where these are raysed vp vnto heavenly glory and are indued with everlasting life there they arise vnto iudgement and are cast into everlasting torment So that the reprobates remayne hardened in their sinnes and strangers from God Therefore by these notes and infallible tokens God doth poynt at as it were with his finger what manner of iudgement is prepared for them and doth distinguish them from his children whom hee hath begotten agayne This is in a generallitie true of all but it is a dangerous thing to conclude this of any one in particular For many of the Elect beeing oftentimes indued with fayth even in the agony of death are converted vnto Christ in the last gaspe of life Both these come to passe thus God so willing and disposing them hee bringeth some vnto repentance through his compassionate goodnesse and bringeth not others according to his iust iudgement that in the one we may perceive his vndeserved grace in the other his iust iudgement and theyr deserved punishment as Augustine sayth In Epist ad Sixtum This condition on both sides is stedfast For God is eternall so likewise the decrees of Election and reprobation are everlasting and vnchangeable therefore none of the Elect shall perish neyther shall any of the reprobates be saved Let no man hence take occasion to live licentiously because the condition of both is vnchangeable for that Predestination is a cause to every man why hee should stand fast Tom. 7.1244 but vnto none a cause why he should fall sayth Augustine These things come necessarily to passe on both sides God so disposing the matter and cannot happen otherwise because no other efficient cause can bee found in them but onely the free and righteous will of God For there is nothing without God which may moove him to this or that thing So that God willeth a thing and directeth it vnto the end because it so pleaseth and seemeth good vnto him So he alone and none other is the onely cause of his will for none can prescribe any thing vnto him because no man is superior or equal vnto him Therefore in as much as he saveth some by grace and condemneth others in iustice wee ought to seeke no other cause hereof but onely his determinate will and absolute good pleasure And that hee hath ordayned certayne vnto destruction it is as certayne as God himselfe is God For if he were willing simply and absolutely to save all and every one then surely he would give all men all things necessary vnto Salvation but he giveth not all men all thinges necessary vnto Salvation therefore hee will not save all and every one For he that denies a man the meanes to attayne vnto some end doth much more deny him the end it selfe For he that bestoweth not the lesser vpon a man how will hee bestow that which is greater A short conclusion of this worke shewing the chiefe vse thereof and exhorting every of the godly vnto thankefulnesse and sinceritie of life CHAP. 39. THe vse of this doctrine is very great and above all most wholesome First that all the prayse and glory of our Salvation should bee wholy attributed vnto God onely in that he of his mercifull goodnes hath vouchsafed to chuse vs miserable sinners vnto everlasting Salvation and to adopt vs for children through Iesus Christ when as hee had a thousand most iust occasions for which he might worthily condemne vs and whenas there was not one cause in vs wherefore hee should give vs no not the least droppe of cold water So that by choosing vs altogether most vnworthy hee hath made vs worthy through the worthinesse of his Sonne Therefore this free and everlasting Election hath the goodnesse of God and the merite of Christ and the worthinesse thereof for his sure foundation and ground For if the Sonne of God had not beene willing to suffer and satisfie for our sinnes and if God had not beene willing to impute this his satisfaction vnto vs for righteousnesse not one of vs had beene elected vnto Salvation but every one had beene condemned vnto everlasting death So that in this Election the great and incredible goodnesse of God and the most vehement and affectionate love of God towards vs doth appeare as in a most cleere mirror Secondly all that embrace the pure doctrine of the Gospell and doe by a true fayth beleeve in Christ and persevere in him have strong and excellent consolation from hence in that they are elected from everlasting vnto eternall Salvation without any merite eyther foregoing or following and that this blessed and saving Decree concerning our Salvation is vnchangeable and therefore that they can no more fayle and be prevented of Salvation and heavenly glory then God can be separated from his Godhead For as God is everlasting and vnchangeable by nature so also that his Decree and good pleasure concerning the Salvation of the Elect is everlasting and vnchangeable For the vnchangeablenesse sake of this Decree all and every of them which truely beleeve in Christ have most strong and certaine consolation with which they may comfort and refresh themselves in adversitie and other spirituall temptations Wherefore all idolatrie and superstition all hypocrisie and vnbeleefe all false doctrine and desperation being condemned and set aside let vs from the bottome of our heartes and inward affections give thanks vnto God and to his Sonne because that wee are freely elect by God from everlasting and fully redeemed by Christ from all evill and shall so remaine elected and redeemed for ever without any disturbance Let vs therefore all and every of vs with the whole affection of our minde heartily with one mind and one mouth beseech the most merciful Sonne of God our Redeemer that hee would purge vs from the filthinesse of our sinnes by the power of his spirite and renew and fashion vs dayly more and more vnto his owne Image that by living holy and without blame here we may walke faithfully and constantly in his holy commandements and in the true path of the Elect vntill we come vnto the price of our high Calling and to that heavenly Glory and blessed Life to come where abounding in great and vnspeakeable gladnesse no trouble or sorrow beeing mixed with it wee shall triumph with gladsome countenances and ioyfull hearts and possesse vnspeakeable ioyes world without end Amen * ⁎ * To God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost be given all praise and glorie for ever Amen