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A10250 Propositions and principles of diuinitie propounded and disputed in the vniuersitie of Geneua, by certaine students of diuinitie there, vnder M. Theod. Beza, and M. Anthonie Faius ... Wherein is contained a methodicall summarie, or epitome of the common places of diuinitie. Translated out of Latine into English, to the end that the causes, both of the present dangers of that Church, and also of the troubles of those that are hardlie dealt vvith els-vvhere, may appeare in the English tongue.; Theses theologicae. English Bèze, Théodore de, 1519-1605.; La Faye, Antoine de, 1540-1615. aut; Penry, John, 1559-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 2053; ESTC S101754 189,778 296

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Sacraments are supplies joined vnto the worde it commeth to passe that in some thinges they agree together and differ in some other For both are instruments which the holie Ghost vseth to make vs partakers of Christ and his benefites yet so as hee may worke without them both in the harts of the godlie when and as often as he will and that he doth not anie wise giue vnto the signes his owne force and efficacie by vertue whereof the thinges signified are receaued They are blasphemous therefore who will haue grace either in whole or in part to bee bestowed by the Sacraments And they are no lesse blasphemous who will haue this to be done by the worke wrought 20 The force of the Sacramentes doth in no wise depend vpon the person of the Minister who deliuereth thē but vpon the ordinaunce of God onlie so that the same be obserued and that by a publick person either rightly called or at the least exercising a publick function by a common errour The Donatists therefore and such like did erre who taught that the Sacramentes administred by euill Ministers were of no force 21 Euen as the Gospell who of it owne nature is the word of life and saluation is yet turned by the wicked vnto the sauor of death so the Sacramentes also which are instituted by God vnto the saluation of men are notwithstanding receaued by the faithlesse the vnworthy communicants vnto their condemnation and judgement and yet do they not desist in respect of God to bee true Sacraments still 22 As the seede of the woord preached dooth not alwaies bring forth fruit at the same moment that it is sowed in the heartes of the faithfull so the fruit of the receauing of the Sacraments dooth not presentlie shewe it selfe in such sort as the faithfull haue receaued the same For that is onelie done at the time appointed by God 23 As the holie Ghost by meanes of the word dooth beget and strengthen faith so dooth he sturre vp and confirme the same by the Sacraments And therefore regarde is to be had that they who are of the age of discretion enjoy the effectuall preaching of the word wherby faith may be wrought in them before they receaue the Sacraments that so they may worthelie participat them which cannot be without faith 24 The word is necessarie saue when it pleaseth God to work extraordinarilie in the harts of his children and sufficient vnto their saluation that are of age but the Sacraments are not absolutelie and preciselie necessarie vnto all For it is not the want of them but their contempt that is damnable 25 The word of promise is without respect to bee offered both vnto the beleeuing and to the vnfaithfull and that generallie But the Sacraments are onelie to be administred vnto those that are taken for the knowne members of the Church and that vnto euerie one of them seuerallie whereby a particular full assurance may be wrought in them 26 The preaching of the word may be offered alone vnto the Church without the Sacramentes but the Sacramentes are neuer to bee administred without the woord preached To conclude seeing the word dooth affect but one of our senses whereas the Sacraments are object vnto manie of them especiallie vnto the sight therefore it is that they are the more effectuall meanes to apprehend Christ so that they be lawfullie administred Defended by PETER CARPENTER a low countrieman PRINCIPLES TOVCHING THE AGREMENT AND THE DIFFERENCE BETVVEN THE SACRAMENTS OF THE OLDE AND NEVV TESTAMENT LVI 1 INasmuch as men can be joined together as AVGVSTINE saith in no Religion be it true or be it false except they be tied by some kinde of visible thinges and sacramentes hence it commeth that the Church either vnder the olde or vnder the new Testament hath neuer wanted the seales of the grace of God that is the Sacraments 2 Of these thinges seeing we haue spoken generallie in the former disputation we may now conueniētly see what agreement and what difference there was between the sacraments of both the couenaunts that by this meanes it may bee declared that the same faith was vnder both of them 3 Vnto this treatise we lay this most true ground as a foundation namelie that the couenaunt of God with his Church was alwaies one and the same which notwithstanding seemed to bee diuers in regard of the diuers circumstances of the dispensation whence did arise the name and the difference of the old and the new Testament or couenaunt Whereas therefore the thinges remained in the same in regard of substance the signes were chaunged according vnto the circumstance of time For the fathers as the Apostle saith 1. COR. 10. did eate of the same spirituall meat and drinke the same spirituall drinke out of the rock that followed them the which rock was Christ 4 But to the end that the whole matter may bee the more manifest we will more particularlie set downe their agreement and difference and first of all their agreement which consisteth in their efficient and finall cause 5 Their efficient cause is one and the same namelie God the authour of the Sacramentes of both the couenaunts who alone as hath beene already set downe hath authoritie to appoint Sacraments as hee onelie is to promise grace 6 The finall also is one and the same For they respect the same end and scope and teach the verie same things to wit Iesus Christ the participation of all his benefites vnto aeternall life 7 The difference consisteth in the manner and measure of signifiyng or applying Christ and also in the outwarde matter forme and number 8 For the Sacraments of the olde Testament did signifie Christ to come and therefore at his comming they ceased and ours came in their place Wherefore they were justlie condemned by the Apostles who taught that Circumcision was to bee joined vnto Baptisme as beeing as yet necessarie vnto saluation And a fewe yeares after the Ebionites who woulde retaine the Iewish ceremonies together with the Christian Sacraments 9 Nowe the Sacraments of the newe Testament doe shewe that Christ is already come and they are therefore established with new signes that are to continue vnto the worlds end whereas the other were onelie appointed for some certaine time 10 The nerer furthermore that Christ hath manifested himself vnto vs by so much the more clearlie doe the Sacramentes of the newe Testament lay him before vs. For things that are past are better knowne then these that are to come And therefore AVGVSTINE hath saide well that wee haue fewer Sacramentes then the Iewes had but yet clearer and a great deale more significatiue and therfore of greater efficacie to confirme our faith and to seale the promises of God in our hearts 11 The which saying of AVGVSTINE is to bee rightlie vnderstood For wee thinke not as the Schoole-men did that they vnder the law had the same grace onely shadowed vnto them in the Sacraments which is offered as present
through Christ aprehended by faith do daily sin and though also that their good works are not every way perfect but defiled by sinne whereof wee haue many remnants stil continuing in vs after our renuing yet those that do beleeue are to feare no condemnation but may assuredly wait and looke for aeternall life wherof they shal be vndoubtedly partakers These Doctrines therefore are to be detested 1 That no man can be assured of his saluation 2 That the naturall remnants of Free-will beeing holpen by preuenting grace do worke together with or further the first grace to beleeue to do good works 3 That Iustification before the tribunall seat of God is to be attributted if not wholie yet in part vnto good workes and that as being meritorious 4 That the essential righteousnes of christ that is wherby Christ was God is powred into vs which was the phrenesie of OSIANDER 5 That we cannot be justified by a righteousnes that is not inhaerent in our selues 6 That our Iustification in the sight of God is an effect of our Regeneration 7 That it is false that wee are justified by faith 8 That Christ dooth purchase the dignitie of merit by our good workes which is a new-coyned falshood of the Iesuits 9 That the law which God hath left to vs in the Scriptures is not the onely rule of good workes 10 That the merrites of Christ onely are not sufficient for vs vnto saluation 11 Thar Christ in regard of the guilt and the punishment hath onely satisfied for sinnes past that is for sinnes going before Baptisme 12 That in the sinnes which follow baptisme the guilt is onelie remitted and not the punishment also 13 That originall sinne is vtterlie taken away by Baptisme and that by the worke wrought 14 That the good works of the faithfull are in no wise sinfull 15 That there may be some workes of Super-errogation Defended by BARTHOLMEVV RHODINGVS of Hafsia PRINCIPLES CONCERNING GOOD WORKES XXVII 1 GOod workes are as necessary for the sound and the vndoubted discerning of true sanctification in a regenerate man wherof we haue spoken as are good fruits in a tree that beareth to shew that it hath bin rightlie graffed 2 We call good works the effects of those actions onelie which in the regenerat by the working of the Spirite of God through faith are squared according vnto the prescript rule of Gods law that in them God might be glorified and our neighbours helped 3 There are foure thinges then to be especiallie obserued in this definition the holy Ghost as the efficient cause Faith the instrumentall the law of God the formall Gods glorie and the edification of our neighbour as the finall 4 Out of these former parts rightlie vnderstoode the whole doctrine of good workes is made cleare and with al the false doctrines both of ancient and new writers in this argument are out of them easily confuted 5 In the first place then to speak of the efficient cause we affirme that we are enabled to doe good workes onely by the grace and assistance of the holy Ghost renuing our harts when as it doth incline our vnderstanding our wil all our members which are turned from God in such sort as we do obey the knowen will of God for the worketh in vs both to will and to do The PAPISTS then are deceaued who leaning vpon their owne strength do brag of their free-will and their naturall abilities as if it laye in them to preuent or go before the first grace by a kinde of Praeparation and as though of themselues they could in a sort bring foorth good workes 6 Secondly as faith cannot be without good workes so good workes can not be where there is no faith Whereupon we condemne their errour who boldlie auouch that good workes were or coulde bee done by profane men or such as were not endued with faith howe just and wise soeuer they were accounted seeing whatsoeuer is done without faith is sinne 7 Although wee professe that good works are no lesse necessarily conjoined with faith then light with the Sunne or heat with the fire yet do we not say that they are therfore respected of God as though by them we deserued either to bee justified before him or to bee made his Children 8 And they are to be accounted to deale no lesse impudentlie then rashlie and ignorantlie who raise vp the slander that we contemne and reject good workes because we hold that men are justified by faith onlie 9 Thridlie seeing the Law of God is the cause which giueth the forme vnto good workes that is the name of true goodnes we auouch that none of those things which haue no other ground then the bare will or reason of man can be reckened among good workes 10 In like manner that a man may bee said to do well it is not sufficient that what he doth be found to be commanded in the Law of God but this also is required that he assuredlie know that what hee doth bee enjoined vnto him by the Lord and that he doe it with an intent to obey God therein For whatsoeuer is done with a doubtfull conscience is sinne 11 And although the good works of the regenerate be not perfect because we cannot in this life no not though we be assisted by the holie Ghost liue according vnto the prescript of Gods law but rather our good works are stained with manie blemishes yet they do please God not for any worthines of theirs but partly because our defects are couered by the holines merites and intercession of christ and partly because GOD dooth of fauour approoue and crowne them not as they are in them selues but as the effects of his Spirite in vs and witnesses of our faith Whence wee gather that the DONATISTS PELLAGIANS PHARISIES ANABAPTISTS MONKS and the rest of that batch are to bee condemned who brag of a perfection of life and obedience and doe securelie rest themselues in their own workes as though they were in euerie point answerable vnto the law of God 12 Lastly although we haue said that the ends of good workes are the glorie of God and the aedification of our neighbours yet doth it not therefore follow that ●…ereby other ends of greatest moment be excluded of which sort are the testimonie of a good conscience the sure token of true Religion or Christian faith the assurance of our aeternall election the auoyding of the punishment due vnto euill workes and the vndeserued obtaining of the good works Wherefore we may justlie accuse all Atheists Antinomians quarrellers with the law as though it were repugnant vnto it self Hypocrits Libertines and impenitent persons as guilty of impietie who either do despise good works as being vnprofitable or condemne them as burdensom vnto the conscience 13 Neither is it to bee concluded in asmuch as in this mater we make mention of rewards as the scripture doth that therefore they are by merite due vnto good workes For whatsoeuer wee doe or
beleeue this 3 We also distinguish this Faith from the assent wherby some haue peculiarlie applied some peculiar promises made vnto themselues that were diuerse from the promises of aeternall life who notwithstanding were neuer made pertakers thereof 4 The Faith therefore whereof we now speake we doe define to bee that assurance whereby beyond the former assent the godlie are caried vnto Christ and so particularlie apply vnto themselues the promise of saluation offered in him We do condemne therefore all such sophistrie as doth confound these two sorts of faith and especially those who taking Faith for the obedience that is yeelded vnto Gods commandements doe by that meanes mingle the one of them with the other 5 We affirme this Faith to be the meere guift of God peculiar only to the elect and such a guift as in no wise cā be repented off or called back or beeing the most sure immoueable remedie vnto the saluation of all the elect Wee detest therefore all those who imagine that Christ and his sauing grace may be receaued by any merite either praeparatorie or fore-seene And especiallie all these who dreame that Christ may be conuaied vnto vs with the hand or mouth of the bodie 6 We denie also that this Faith can euer vtterly be lost although at some times euen in the most holie men it bee a sleepe as the minde is in those that are ouercome with drinke and notwithstanding that some haue as it were a shadow thereof begun in them 7 This faith doth God creat at what time and in what measure it pleaseth him strengthening and increasing the same by little and little though neuer perfecting it while wee are heere yet graunting so much of it in this life as is needfull for the elect to obtaine the victorie Nowe in the life to come he doth fulfill in deede that which we beleeued and hoped for while wee were heere on earth We doe execrate and detest therefore the CELESTINIANS and the ANABAPTISTS who dreame of a perfection of faith and righteousnes in this life and doe abollish the dailye growth of repentaunce and our continuall praiers which euen vnto our last gaspe we are to make for remission of sinnes Defended by BENIAMIN C●ESSONIVS of Burgundy PRINCIPLES CONCERNING THE CAVSES AND EFFECTS OF FAITH XXIII 1 THe efficient cause of faith indeede and to speake properlie is one to wit the mercie of God that is if the Father in the Sonne by the holie Ghost that the same Coessentiall power of the Father and the Sonne by the which man at the first was created in the image of God should restore in vs the same being left 2 The ordinary meanes whereby the same is wrought that is wherby both the vnderstanding of man is framed vnto a sauing knowledge of God in Christ and a particular receauing thereof and also the will powerfullie disposed vnto a right order of the affections is the preaching of Gods worde deliuered vnto vs be the Prophets and Apostles and for that cause so farre as it concerneth the elect appointed to be in the Church 3 But here two extremities are to be taken heed vnto the on of the ENTHYSIASTES who do not only distinguish but also separate the internall word as they call it that is the worke of the Spirite of God in our soules from the preaching of the written word whence followeth not any faith but rather a meere dotage The other is of those who after the manner of Sorcerers do transfer the efficacacie which is the proper and incommunicable worke of God onlie either vnto the ministers which speake or to the Sacramentall elements wheras notwithstanding they haue no other effect then to represent these things to our vnderstanding which according vnto Gods ordinaunce they are appointed to signifie Wheras then the ministers are said to worke together with God it is so to bee taken as they are vsed but for the outward planting watering when as in the mean time the whole force which worketh in the vnderstanding and the will doth flow from God only 4 Now that which we haue spoken of the Ecclesiastical ministerie is so to be taken as in the meane time wee are to know that God as often as it pleaseth him is able in a moment by the inward operation of his Spirit extraordinarily to regenerate his elect 5 But this extraordinarie worke of God is neither to be expected for of vs nor yet rashlie to be admitted 6 Now the most sure way to try it whether it be trulie from God or no is this namelie that whether it be by the ordinarie hearing of the word or which hath beene alwaies most seeldom whether God worketh by extraordinarie inspiration it must needes euermore teach the verie same doctrine which the written word of the Prophets and the Apostles do teach 7 There is not at all times the like majesty of the good order of this sacred Ministerie because the Lord doeth as often and as farre as hee thinketh good reuenge the negligencie and wickednes of the Sheep-heards and the contempt of the sheepe in such sort that sometimes it is darkened by spots of filthinesse and otherwhiles for a time it goeth as it were cleane out of sight as it came to passe in the former ages 8 Yet the Militant Church either priuate or publicke from others or by means of priuate reading hath euer enjoyed and euer shall enjoy the hearing of the worde and the vnderstanding of the trueth that ariseth therefrom 9 Nowe that true and liuely faith whereof wee speake is no lesse made knowen by the perpetuall and necessarie effects thereof then is the life of the bodie by motion and sense 10 But these effects doe not giue beeing vnto faith or informe the same as the Sophisters doe most absurdlie dreame but they are the vndoubted and sure signes of it 11 These effects are partly caried out of vs vnto Christ with whome we are vnited by faith and partly they do beget some things within vs. 12 The outward effects in asmuch as they doe peculiarly apply Christ and his benefits vnto those that beleeue are therefore the most excellent and of greatest account And they are both the full remission of all sinnes as well originall as actuall by the blood of Christ and also the bestowing vpon vs of all righteousnes fulfilled by him together with the most full restoring and repairing of our nature in the flesh of Christ All which are freelie by faith in Christ imputed vnto vs who take holde both of him and his gifts 13 Another effect of our spirituall joyning togeather with him by faith is that he gouerneth by his holy Spirit both our vnderstanding wil being sanctified and broght out of darknes vnto that marueilous light so as we begin to thinke to will and to doe the thinges that are of God This selfe same Spirite encreasing faith in vs being now not vnder the authoritie of the law and the flesh but vnder the grace
of effectuall Regeneration doth teach comfort raise and confirme vs in all our conflictes against Sathan ●…ill wee obtaine the crowne which is giuen of free gift though vnto these onely that do lawfully striue and ouercome Defended by HILARIVS FANTRAT an English-man of Guernzie PRINCIPLES CONCERNING MANS IVSTIFICATION IN THE SIGHT OF GOD. XXIIII 1 THat we may haue a sure foundation of aeternall life and may worship God in this life with a quiet conscience the doctrine of mans justification in the presence of God is very necessary 2 Iustification therefore is a free imputation of righteousnes made of God by and for Christ to saluation vnto euery one that beleeueth 3 But in asmuch as God is exceedingly mercifull and exceedinglie just and that his mercie doth not abolish his justice which remaineth vnviolated it behooued that his justice shuld be fullie satisfied before such time as he could poure forth his mercie vpon mankind and therefore that Christ should be God and man 4 For he who is onelie man cannot be able to sustaine the wrath of God nor on the other side hee who is onelie God because that God can bee subject vnto no kinde of suffering 5 Therefore God the Father beeing drawen in mercie woulde haue his onelye begotten Sonne at the appointed time to become true man without any confusion or mingling of the natures might reconcile men vnto God 6 The efficient cause therefore of the righteousnes imputed vnto vs is the mercie of God the Father and his free loue towards vs for he it is that saueth and justifieth 7 The materiall cause is Christ crucified and risen for vs where three thinges come to bee considered the one whereof consisteth in the punishments whereby hee hath most fullie satisfied for all our sinnes The other standeth in his obedience the fulfilling of the whole lawe by him for vs the third is the most perfect repairing and integritie of our nature in the flesh which Christ tooke vpon him wherby the filthines of our nature is couered that it commeth not into the sight of God 8 The formall cause is the verie imputation of Christs righteousnes by meanes whereof we are accounted to be freed from sinne just holie and heires of aeternall life 9 The instrumentall is of two sortes the one in respect of God that justifieth which is Christ himselfe the other in respect of vs that lay holde vpon imputation of righteousnes and the same is faith imbracing firmely the promises of the grace of God in Christ 10 The finall likewise is two-folde the one in respect of GOD and that is that hee might declare his righteousnes vnto men by partaking the same with them and also the glorye of his name the which hee maketh more cleare in the vessels of mercie the other in respect of vs that wee may at the length enjoy indeed that life which is laied vp for vs in the Heauens which now we possesse by hope onely 11 The effect inhaerent in vs as in a subject is that newe qualitie which is called inhaerent righteousnes or regeneration which in no wise doth absolue vs in the presence of God but is onely a most sure witnes of our engraffing into Christ and therefore of our free absolution in him 12 This righteousnes seeing it cannot bee giuen vnto anie saue onely vnto the elect by faith hath annexed vnto it the gift of perseuerance although by their fault it seemeth sometimes to be ceased 13 Whence we gather that they who haue bene once endued by God with this righteousnes can neuer fal away from his grace and as for them that shall neuer bee partakers heereof they shall perish for euer We do therefore condemne those that gaine-say this Doctrine I The LIBERTINES and the EPICVRES who when they heare that man is not justified by workes nor by his owne righteousnes but by the righteousnes of another namelie by the righteousnes of Christ imputed by faith casting off all care of good workes haue endeuoured and daily do labour to bring a kinde of prophane and godles security ● into the Church II The PAPISTS who denie that wee are justified by Faith onlie but do attribute part of our justification vnto workes and such works as are meritorious III OSIANDER who held that man was justified by the essentiall righteousnes of God Defended by WILLIAM QVARCINVS Tarbiensis PRINCIPLES CONCERNING SANCTIFICATION XXIIII SEING THE EFFECT OF FAITH IS twofold Iustification and Sanctification it followeth that hauing spoken of the former we adioyn the latter vnto it 1 HEre first of al we do especiallie distinguish Sanctification whereof we are now to speak from that most perfite integritie which in Christ is imputed vnto vs as the effect is to be seuered from the cause and the fruit from the tree 2 To expresse this wherof we now speake there do occurre manie diuerse names in the holie Scriptures as are these especiallie in the new testament Sanctification regeneration newnes of life Baptisme taken passiuely Spirite mortification of the olde man and the quickning of the newe with other the like phrases which would be too long to be heere recited 3 Sanctification in this place we describe to be an effect proceding frō the holy Ghost working in the minds of the faithfull wherby by a little a litle euen vnto the end of this life as the naturall corruption is purged so the image of God is repaired in vs vntill after death it be perfitely finished in the other world 4 This guift as also all others which it bestoweth vpon vs dooth the holie Ghost whollie drawe from Christ in whome the Scripture giueth vs speciallie to consider in his death buriall and resurrection the subduing of that originall corruption of ours which was imputed vnto him whence it commeth to passe that wee deuide our whole sanctification into these three members mortification buriall of the old man and the rising againe of the new 5 The mortification of the olde man wee call the effect of that spirituall and most powerfull application of the death of Christ wherby our corruption receaueth a deaths wound so that it is no more so powerful to stirre vp in our minds wicked motions such as are contrary vnto Gods will 6 The burying of the olde man is also an effect of the spirituall application of Christs buriall whereby our olde man being alreadie wounded by that deadly stroke dieth by little and little vntill at the length after the death of this bodie it be brought to nothing For as the buriall of the bodie is a going forward of death so also the burying of the olde man is nothing els but a continuance still proceeding further and further of that mortification which went before 7 The raising againe of the new man is also an effect of the spiritual aplication of the resurrection of Christ wherby it commeth to passe that the new man is raised vp in vs that is that the qualities of our minde to wit our
signified The signes are water and the sacramentall rites which are a dipping into the water and a taking out of the same againe whence washing doth follow The thing signified is the blood of Christ vnto the remission of our sinnes and that spirituall and deuine force whereby wee are regenerated which regeneration consisteth partlye in the abolishing of the olde man which decaieth by little little and partlie in the creating of the new which is to be perfected by degrees 6 The formall cause of Baptisme consisteth in the lawfull vse of the institution the especiall part whereof is the inuocation of the name of the Father of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost together with the rite either of dipping into the water or of the sprinckling of the same 7 For it is not greatlie materiall whether the person that is to be baptised be whollie dipt vnder the water or whether the water bee onelie sprinkled either vppon his head or his face Vaine therefore and void is that washing where either Baptisme is not done into the name of the Father the Sonne and the holie Ghost or water is not vsed 8 Those vaine questions that haue risen from that false absolute necessitie of Baptisme as whether it be lawfull to baptize with distilled water with vrin or stale or with sand where naturall water cannot be gotten wee reject as absurd and ridiculous neither thinke we that any contention ought to be made whether the water is to bee once or thrise applied 9 It is not lawfull no not for any Angell in heauen to ordaine any Sacramentall rites seeing the signification of them doeth respect the promise of grace For it is in the power of GOD alone both to promise what hee thinketh good and also to establishe his promises by what signes it pleaseth him 10 They did greatly offend therefore who not contented with the simplicitie of the Lordes institution thought that they could adorne Baptisme by adding curious rites thervnto where as of the contrarieside the Lord will haue the Sacraments of the newe couenant which are opposed vnto the olde to be therefore most few and simple to the end that wee should so much the more readilie be drawen from these corporall and sensible things to the consideration of spirituall and heauenly matters I Those innumerable added trifles therefore which haue presentlie growen into manifest superstition and wherof some were added by the Papists as chrisme spittle Tapers wee haue justlie abollished though they be of antiquitie as being will-worship II Now as touching Exorcisme if by that name be vnderstood not the solemne couenant of Christianitie but the conjuring of Sathan and Spirites wee altogeather refuse the same as being rashly and foolishly drawen from those that were possessed with Diuels to be applied vnto men that were in their right wits and to the infants of Christians III Yet did not these spots though filthie and loathsom and therefore to be carefully abollished anihilate Baptisme as long as the essentiall forme thereof remained 11 The first that the Lorde appointed to publishe this action was IOHN therefore called the Baptist but the Author hereof is properly Christ who onely hath this authority in the house of his Father 12 Nowe the outward administration of this Sacrament as also the simple preaching of the worde hee hath committed vnto Pastors lawfully called Their error therefore is very greeuous who commit this office vnto priuate men and much more greeuous who giue women leaue to intermeddle in this action in the cause of necessitie as they call it 13 ALTHOVGH they are not to be accounted to haue a lawfull calling who haue inuaded the places of true Pastors either by a common error or by long permission yet are they to be DISTINGVISHED from meere priuat mē Therefore Baptisme administred by them according to the forme appointed by Christ is to stand Yet are not they to be excused who now that the holy Ministerie is in some sort reformed doe as farre as in them lyeth confirme the false calling of these men by giuing their children to be Baptized of them 14 To the end in the mean time that all these things may bee lawfully done they are to be so performed in the Church as it may be vnderstood what is done therfore a certaine forme togeather with meet conuenient praiers is to be vsed in the vulgar tongue which may declare the originall vse and end of Baptisme Therefore also Baptisme is profaned by them who either administer the same without any exposition or depraue the administration thereof by some false worshippe or administer it in a straunge and an vnknowen tongue Although it be true Baptisme as long as that remaineth which is the chiefe thing therein namelie the signe and the right inuocation of the Father the Son and the holy Ghost for Baptisme doth neither depend vppon the faith nor yet is defiled by the sinnes of him that administreth it but is grounded onely vppon the ordinance of the Sonne of God 15 The Analogie furthermore of the signes and the things signified is manifest For the element of water vsed for the washing of the outwarde filthines doth most fitlie represent that blood which was shead for the taking away of the sinnes of the world and applied to purifie vs Briefelie that either dipping into or sprinckling of the water though it bee but done in a short space doth yet clearelie represent the first part of our regeneration that is the sealing of our inward and spirituall ingraffing into Christ his death and buriall whereby our olde man togeather with all our sinnes being by little and little brought to decay is altogeather buried Last of all in that hee who is baptized whether hee bee dipt vnder the water or sprinckled with the same doth yet rise again it laieth open as it were before our eies the remission of our sinnes and the rising againe of our new man 16 The proper end of Baptisme is that by this solemne and holy action wee might bee knowen by the testimony of men and Angels to bee in the number of the visible Church also that by meanes of this action the adoption of the elect might to their full assurance bee more more sealed by the holy Ghost in their hearts 17 The principall efficient cause heereof is the holie Ghost who in his good time doth inwardly performe that which by the word of promise accompanied with outward signes is declared vnto the mind Whence also may be gathered what are the effects of Baptisme 18 Now the instrumental cause of the efficacie of baptisme is the very same that maketh the worde alone to bee powerfull namly faith wrought by the holy Ghost throgh the hearing of the word in those that are of age I Their error therefore is intollerable who dreame that there is any diuine power either in the water or in the rites of Baptisme seeing that whole efficacie is solie the worke of the holie Ghost which can