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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03839 The Ievves deliverance out of Babylon, and the mystery of our redemption plainely demonstrated in ten sermons, vpon the 126. Psalme, viz. 1. Sions saluation. 2. The saints securitie. 3. The free-mans frankincense. 4. The atheists acknowledgement. 5. Gods goodnesse. 6. The godlies gladnesse. 7. The prisoners petition. 8. The commoditie of the crosse. 9. The captiues case. 10. The Christians comfort. Preached in Yorkshire, by Iohn Hvme, Minister of the Word; and now published by authoritie. Hume, John, minister of religion in Yorkshire. 1628 (1628) STC 13954; ESTC S114146 137,004 180

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a more enduring b Heb. 10.34 substance for that is meant by the godly his bringing of his sheaues with him You haue heard now whither wee shall returne to wit from Babylon to Sion from this wretched world to the Land of promise to the Citie of rest Ierusalem that is aboue You heare how ioyfully wee shall bee receiued and how infinitely wee shall be rewarded Now lest too many should be deceiued in too hastily applying this promise vnto themselues ☜ wee must know that diuers haue nothing to doe with it First all who place their whole happinesse in this world like the rich glutton farsing and fatting their bellies with delicates and dainties like Nabal feasting like a King they have do part herein for Wee be vnto them that are full for they shall c 〈…〉 hunger Nor yet the rich Cormorants who Crasus-like delight onely in their substance Midas-like wish they could change all things into Gold and like the worldling in the Gospell who wished his soule to take rest for it had sto●e laid vp for many yeares They have not to doe with this promise for Woe be vnto them that ●●rich for they have receiued thew d 〈…〉 consolation Againe no backslider nor reuolter hath interest heerein whether hee be a worldly Apostatate with Demas or hereticall with Hym●neus or blasphemous like Iulian or any one that goeth not on his way and perseuereth not vnto the end For it bad beene better for them not to have knowen the way of righteousnesse then after they have knowen it to turne from the holy commandement giuen vnto e 1. Pet. 2.21 them Further all that are plagued for their sinnes and so may seeme to goe weeping have no parcell in this promise for then should Cain and Nebucadonosor claime interest therein Nor yet all they that are humbled with Gods iudgements for then would Pharaoh and Ahab challenge some right heerein Nor yet they who too lately weepe and confesse their errours for then Esan and Iudas might have some hope heerein But such as suffer for the triall of faith as did Ioseph and Iob such as grieue and mourne for their sinnes as did the poore Publican and Marie Magdalen euen vnto them it is said Blessed are yee that mourne for yee shall be f Matth. 5.4 comforted Lastly all that seemingly have faith have no part heerein for the wicked and the deuills themselues have a kind of saith which is only historicall without any confidence or trust in God Others have a better faith then this but it is momentanie and temporarie it falls and failes when tribulation comes like seed sowne in stonie ground which being parched with the Sunne fadeth and withereth for wee must not onely carrie seed but precious seed a sauing faith a liuely hope such a faith whereof the holy Ghost is the efficient cause for Faith is the gift of g Eph. 2. God The Gospell the instrumentall cause for Faith commeth by hearing of the i Rom. 10. Word And our saluation the finall cause for The end of our faith is the saluation of our k 1. Pet. 1.9 soules To conclude such as forsake all things as the Apostles did and desire to depart out of this wretched world as old Simeon did and constantly perseuere vnto death as Saint Steuen did suffer afflictions patiently as Iob did sorrow for their sinnes penitently as Peter did endure constantly as Antipas did and carrie a stedfast faith as Saint Paul did such I say have the onely right to this promise they onely shall find and feele the sweetnesse of this blessing and they and none else shall reape these sheaues for in regard that they have gone on their way weeping they shall doubtlesse come againe with ioy and bring their sheaues with them FINIS Faults escaped Pag. 12. lin 33. read Rimmon p. 22 l. 34. who p. 50. l. 1. exciting p. 66. l. 1. typically expresse the coniunction p. 66. l. 16. Salomons p. 67. l. 17. sanctifies you pag 69. lin 9. approoued Gods children were p. 70. l. 32. obseruations p. 136. l. 2. whilest p. 137. l. 11. conforme Errata in annot Pag 5. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ibid. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 14. iustius est ibid iustum punire iniuste p. 31. d●bilitatum p 55. cupientis p. 71. Ouid. Metam lib. 15 fab 1. ib. exinsideli p. 110. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ibid. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 113. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 pag. 119. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 136. vt eius p. 142. cadentem p. 148. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 ibid. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p. 150. heufuge p. 159. animae
heart but it must bee expressed with the tongue Dauid being in great perplexitie resolued to be silent Ex tris●tia cordis sequitur tris●●tia oris Greg. and to rule his tongue as it were with a bridle but being ouercharged with griese out of the bitternesse of his soule his tongue burst out O Lord let mee know how long I haue to liue let mee know mine end and the number of my dayes for thou hast made them as it were a span long and mine age is nothing in respect of thee and euery man liuing is altogether y Psal 39. 3. to 7. vanuie Whereas elsewhere being deliuered from great danger and therewith greatly ioyed his tongue explaines what ioy his heart containes Thou hast turned sayth hee my mourning into ioy thou hast loosed my sacke and girded mee with gladnesse therefore shall my tongue praise thee and not cease O Lord my God I will giue praise vnto thee for z Psa 30.11 72. euer The Iewes when they sate by the riuers of Babel weeping in great anguish and sorrow of heart their fingers would not frame to strike vpon their sweet sounding instruments their a Psal 137. Ta●●um sait nostrum gaudium vt ipsum caelare corde non potuevinius sed plena etiam facta sunt ex abundantia cor●s ora nostra gaudio siscanticis linguis nostris laudes confessionis exu'tation●● cecinimus redemptori nostro Fr. Tit. in lotum tongues would not vtter any melodious Psalmes of mirth but all their songs were mournfull Elegies dolefull tunes and wofull lamentations But now being permitted to returne from Babylon home to Ierusalem the virgins reioyce in the dance they shout for ioy among the Gentiles and their mouth is filled with laughter and their tongue c. But what were their Songs and what was the subiect thereof They were Cantica Sionis Songs of Sion Cantica Salutis What kind of songs the godly sung at this deliuerance Songs of Saluation Such songs as they were wont to sing in Sion to the honour and glorie of God Such Songs as they vsed to manifest their thankefulnesse vnto the Lord for their deliuerance and saluation So from hence wee may learne two things First what kinde of songs beseemes and befits the godly Secondly the end of the godlyes songs As for the first they must be such as tend to the honour and glorie of God they must bee Psalmes Hymnes and spirituall b Eph. 5.18 19. Songs Such songs did the sweet Singer of Israel sing Such songs did his sonne Salomon penne And such songs were appointed to the Singers of the Temple to c 2. Chr. 25. sing This is that melodie which wee must make to God in our hearts and these are the songs which we must sing with the spirit and d Col. 1.9 understanding I will not heere bee too prolixe in rebuking the baser sort of people whose delight is only in lasciuious ballets Lasciuious songs are to be auoided and wanton sonnets to satisfie lust and content their carnall appetite only this they are vnlawfull and to be abhord by all regenerate Christians First because they proceed from an vncleane and carnall heart as the efficient cause For as a cleare fountaine doth not send foorth muddie streames or filthie puddle no more can the heart be cleane from whence comes these obscoene and filthie songs Secondly they are to be distasted for the material cause the matter and subiect of them being vaine and carnall Thirdly Vide Zanch. in Eph. 5. they are not to be followed in regard of the formall cause because the forme and composition of them is carnall consisting for the most part of words lasciuious and full of lyes Neither are they to bee embraced but chiefly to be reiected because of the finall cause for it is likewise carnall They tend not to Gods glorie nor to edification but their end is either to flirte vp lust or for gaine or to gaine fauour and as we say to deceiue the Time Now I wish vs all onely to remember that vncleannesse filthinesse and foolish talking ought not once to bee named amongst e Eph. 5.3 ● Christians for euery idle word we must giue account at the day of f Matt. 12.36 37. Iudgement and therefore our tongue must be imployed in spirituall singing The end and scope of the godlies Songs and Psalmes The end of the godlies songs should be to shew their thankfulnesse in praysing and lauding the Lord whensoeuer they are deliuered out of any trouble or haue receiued any blessings or benefit of God as here the Iewes did after the Lord had compassion on them and brought againe the captiuitie of Iacobs Tents and comforted the desolations of Sion and made her desert plentifull like g Isa 51.3 Eden then ioy and gladnesse prayse and the voyce of singing was amongst them and the voyce of the ioyfull and thanksgiuing did proceed h I●r 30.18 19. from them Here then in these words and our tongue with singing First wee see what should bee our practice viz. continually to prayse God for all his mercies loue and kindnesse shewed vnto vs. And next that it is the tongues office to be the instrument to shew forth this prayse As for the first Thankfulnesse first practised it hath euer beene practised of all the faithfull After the peoples deliuerance out of Egypt Moses and Aaron and all the people sung Miriam and the Women played vpon Tymbrels songs of prayse and thanksgiuing vnto the i Exod. 15. Lord. Hannah when the Lord opened her wombe and enlarged her mouth ouer her enemies so that Peninnah could no longer vpbraid her for her barrennesse shee sings a song of prayse to shew her k 1. Sam. 1. and 2. thankfulnesse We find the like in Deborah after the ouerthrow of Sisera of the Israelites at the death of Goliah and of Iudith when shee had slaine Holofernes all their songs should serue for examples to stirre vs vp to thankfulnesse for diuers motiues there bee to mooue vs thereunto First it is commanded Thou shalt call upon mee in the day of trouble and I will deliuer thee 2. Commanded and thou shalt glorifie l Psal 50.15 mee Where the Lord promising to deliuer vs out of trouble giues vs a twofold precept first to pray vnto him for it and then after we are deliuered to prayse him 3. Commended Secondly it is commended Noah after his deliuerance from that vniuersall Deluge to shew his thankfulnesse built an Altar and offered an burnt offering therevpon which is so commended that the Lord is said to smell a sauour of m Gen. 8. rest and thereby shewed himselfe appeased and his anger pacified Thirdly the neglect of this ductie is condemned in the old Israelites who to their great ignominic and shame are branded with this blot that they forgate God their Sauiour who had done great things for n