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A20752 The Christian warfare wherein is first generally shewed the malice, power and politike stratagems of the spirituall ennemies of our saluation, Sathan and his assistants the world and the flesh, with the meanes also whereby the Christian may vvithstand and defeate them : and afterwards more speciallie their particvlar temptatiions, against the seuerall causes and meanes of our saluation, whereby on the one side they allure vs to security and presumption, and on the other side, draw vs to doubting and desperation, are expressed and answered : written especially for their sakes who are exercised in the spirituall conflict of temptations, and are afflicted in conscience in the sight and sense of their sinnes / by I. Dovvname ... Downame, John, d. 1652. 1604 (1604) STC 7133; ESTC S1536 575,484 731

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vnrepentancie and therefore if the assurance which we haue of our election and saluation be not ioyned with a desire to leaue our sinnes and with an earnest endeuour of seruing God in the duties of holines and righteousnes then it doth not proceed from the testimonie of Gods spirit but from carnall securitie and fond presumption Lastly presumption no longer perswadeth men of Gods loue and fauour than they enioy the outward benefits of this life but when the Lord laieth vpon them any grieuous affliction either outwardly in bodie and state or inwardly in mind then this perswasion vanisheth and nothing remaineth but doubting which commonly endeth in vtter despaire but the testimonie of the spirit is constant and permanent and howsoeuer wee cannot by reason of the grieuousnesse of afflictions and the violent noise of our own passions heare the voyce thereof at some times yet afterwards againe it crieth alowd in our hearts Abba father and witnesseth vnto our spirits that we are the sonnes of God So that the chiefe meanes whereby wee are assured of our election is the spirit of God But seeing we haue it not naturally in our selues how may we attaine vnto it Surely we are to haue our recourse vnto the Father of lights by earnest prayer Iam. 1.17 Matth. 7.7 Luk. 11.13 from whom descendeth euery good and perfect gift hauing our faith grounded vpon Gods gracious promise namely that if we aske we shall receiue and more especially that hee will giue his holie spirit to them that aske it as it is Luk. 11.13 § Sect. 2 The second meanes whereby wee may attaine to the certaintie of our election The second meanes the hearing of the word is the hearing of the word wherein the Lord manifesteth his grace and goodwill to all beleeuing and repentant sinners and whereby also he ordinarily begetteth this faith and repentance in all his children For howsoeuer Paul may plant and Apollos may water but God alone giueth the encrease yet Gods blessing ordinarily accompanieth his owne ordinance making it effectuall by the inward operation of his spirit for those ends for which he hath ordained it And though the word may long sound in our eares before it pearce the heart or beget any sauing grace in vs vnlesse the Lord open our hearts and make the seed of his word fruitfull yet those who make conscience of hearing the word with diligence reuerence and attention and pray for the assistance of Gods spirit whereby it may become profitable to their saluation may constantly expect the blessing of God vpon his owne ordinance which they carefully vse in obedience to his will whereas those who neglect and contemne Gods word haue no such assurance because it is the meanes and instrument which is ordained of God for this purpose without which the spirit of God doth not ordinarily beget faith or any sauing grace in vs. Though therefore we doe not after long hearing of the word feele this assurance of Gods loue and our election yet let vs not giue it ouer but expect Gods blessing vpon it and waite his leasure assuring our selues that in the end hee will make this his owne ordinance effectuall for those ends for which he hath ordained it § Sect. 3 The third meanes whereby we may attaine to the assurance of our election The third meanes the vse of the Sacraments is the frequent and religious vse of the Sacrament of the Lords supper whereby our faith is more and more confirmed the in truth of Gods promises For the Lord to the preaching of his word which is the couenant of grace hath added these seales that we might be the more throughly assured of his loue and fauour and therefore if we conscionably frequent this holy Sacrament the Lord will blesse also this his owne ordinance Moreouer they who worthily receiue these holy misteries doe receiue Christ Iesus and haue the vnion and communion which is betweene him and them more and more strengthned and confirmed for hee that eateth his flesh and drinketh his blood dwelleth in Christ and Christ in him Ioh. 6.56 As it is Ioh. 6.56 Now there is no condemnation to those that are in Christ Iesus Rom 8.1 Rom. 8.1 and therefore they neede not doubt of their election and saluation § Sect. 4 The fourth meanes whereby we may be assured of our election The fourth meanes the effects of our election Zanch. de Attrib l. 5. c. 2. are the effects of Gods predestination which are the vndoubted signes thereof for the effects argue the cause as the cause the effects and that not onely in naturall things but also in those which are supernaturall and spirituall and therefore as certainely as we know that there is fire because it casteth forth heate and the sonne by his casting forth of bright raies whereby the world is lightned and that a tree is good by the good fruits which it bringeth forth so also may wee as certainely be assured that we are elected of God when wee finde in our selues the effects and vndoubted signes of our election Neither are these effects bare signes onely of our election but also manifest seales which by their plaine impression doe euidently assure vs thereof so that though we doe not directly and immediatly know Gods election predestination and eternall decree of our saluation in God himselfe electing predestinating and decreeing that we shall be saued yet we may plainely see apparant seales and impressions hereof in our selues liuely resembling that which is secret in Gods hidden councell and as we not seeing the seale which maketh the impression doe easily discerne the forme fashion and quantitie thereof by the print which it hath made so wee not seeing Gods secret decree of predestination may notwithstanding attaine to the euedent knowledge thereof by that impression which it maketh in vs. This also may further be illustrated by a familiar similitude namely as the sunne shining vpon vs with his bright beames doth imprint as it were in our eyes the image of his light whereby we see the sunne and the light thereof the beames of the sunne which are cast vpon vs being reflected backe againe to the sunne it selfe so the foreknowledge of God whereby he hath decreed that we shall be saued before all eternitie is secret in it selfe so that we cannot see not vnderstand it directly but yet whilest God doth acknowledge vs for his elect he doth expresse the image and forme of this his foreknowledge in those whom he hath elected whereby we doe also acknowledge him our gracious God who hath elected vs and so it commeth to passe that by the true knowledge of God which is communicated vnto vs whereby we acknowledge him for our God and father wee also know his foreknowledge whereby he knoweth and acknowledgeth vs for his sonnes and children For first God knoweth vs and then by the light of this knowledge communicated vnto vs he inlightneth our hearts with the true knowledge of himselfe as
faire volume of the creatures so as none can behold them but he must needes know and acknowledge it yet that this God being one in nature should be distinguished into three persons the Father Sonne and holy Ghost without any diuision of substance or confusion of persons mans reason cannot conceiue though the Lord hath reuealed it and much lesse could inuent it seeing now it cannot comprehend it So that the world and the creatures therein contained were created the light of nature sufficiently teacheth vs seeing they haue an end and therefore had a beginning a time of corruption and therefore a time of generation also and as is the nature of euery seuerall part so is the nature of the whole vniuersall seeing also one effect brings vs to his cause and that cause to a superiour cause and that to another vntill we come to the highest and supreame cause which is God who hauing his being of himselfe giueth being to all things but that all this goodly order should bee brought out of confusion this light out of darknes that al these excellent creatures should be created of nothing by the alone word of their omnipotent Creator it passeth the conceit of humane reason therefore his inuention also So that we are wretched and full of miserie not only our reason but euen our senses can teach vs but how wee should be freed out of this miserie and attaine vnto euerlasting happinesse is a thing aboue the reach of mans wisedome And that we are vnable to performe those duties we ought and leaue those sinnes vndone which we should omit and by both offend God the law of nature written in our hearts and the checks and feares which euery one feele in their owne consciences doe sufficiently teach vs but the meanes whereby wee should be reconciled vnto God whom we haue offended as they are set down in his word namely that the second person in Trinitie should take vpon him mans nature and be borne of a pure virgin that in this nature hee should for vs perfourme perfect obedience to Gods law and suffer affliction miserie yea death it selfe to reconcile vs to his Father and procure his loue to free vs from euerlasting death and damnation and to purchase for vs euerlasting life and happinesse and that his obedience and merits should become ours by reason of that vnion whereby hee becommeth our head and wee his members which vnion is made principally by his spirit and instrumentally by faith doe all seeme strange yea absurd to humane reason and therefore the Apostle saith that the natural man perceiueth not the things which are of the spirit of God 1. Cor. 2.14 for they are foolishnes vnto him neither can hee know them because they are spiritually discerned as it is 1. Cor. 2.14 And if he cannot know and conceiue them when in the preaching of the Gospell they are reuealed vnto him how much lesse could hee inuent them hauing neuer heard of them or who can imagine that in policie he would haue deuised such a religion to keep the world in awe and obedience as to euery worldly man seemeth foolish and absurd yea contrary to his nature For what can be more against the haire than to deny our selues and to take vp our crosse and follow Christ than to reiect our owne workes and worthinesse and to seek for iustification in Christs death and obedience alone than to imagine that manifold afflictions and great miserie is the high way that leadeth to glorie and endlesse felicitie and that pleasures honours and riches make vs vnfit to enter into Gods kingdome And therefore seeing the doctrine of the Scriptures are not onely aboue the reach of humane reason but also flat contrary to naturall wisedome it plainly prooueth that they are not the inuention of mortall man for then the effect would bee like the cause but the word of the euerliuing God which sauoureth of his hidden and spirituall wisedome § Sect. 5 The eluenth argument The eleuenth reason taken from the prophecies of holy Scriptures to proue that the Scriptures were indited not by man but by Gods spirit are the prophecies therein contained which were fulfilled in their due time as that there should be enmitie betweene the seed of the woman and the seed of the Serpent and that the promised seede Christ Iesus should vanquish the diuell that the posteritie of Cham should be accursed that Abraham should haue a sonne by his wife Sarah when they were both old and she past the time of child-bearing that his posterity should be bond men in Egypt foure hundred yeres foretold before hee had Isaac of whom they came that Iudaes posteritie who was but the fourth sonne should haue soueraigntie and dominion ouer the rest that the scepter should not be taken from him till the Messias should come that the tribe of Ephraim should excell the tribe of Manasses that hee who should ree difie Iericho after it was destroyed Iosh 6.26 should be punished with the death of his sonnes as appeareth Iosh 6.26 which was fiue hundred yeeres after fulfilled in Hiel the Bethelite 1. King 16.34 as it is 1. King 16.34 that Iosias by name should destroy idolatrie and the idolaters and restore the true religion 1. King 13.1.2 2. King 22. and 23. foretold almost 300 yeeres before he was borne 1. King 13.1 2. 2. King 22. and 23 that the people of Israel should bee led captiue into Babylon and be set free by Cyrus by name Esa prophecied of aboue an hundred yeeres before Cyrus was borne Esa 44.26 27 28. And to these we may adde the prophecies of Ieremy concerning the taking of Ierusalem and their captiuitie into Babylon and the time of seuentie yeeres limited for their abiding there the prophecies of Daniel concerning the foure Monarchies which are so cleere and perspicuous as if hee had seene them in his time the prophecie of Christ concerning the destruction of Ierusalem the prophecies contained in the Reuelation of S. Iohn many of which we see fulfilled in our time especially that concerning the Antichrist of Rome his manner of comming his increasing his workes seate and place of residence and which are so manifestly and plainly described as if the Apostle had written an historie and not a prophecie Which plainly proueth that the Scriptures were not deuised by man but penned by the inspiration of Gods spirit who by his prouident wise dome foreseeth all things and by his wise prouidence ruleth all things § Sect. 6 But here Sathan will be readie to obiect That the Scriptures were penned by the holie men of God which are in them mentioned and not forged in their names by some polititian that we are not able to prooue that these prophecies were written by any such Prophets and holy men as are mentioned in the Scriptures so long before the things contained in them were done and that for ought wee know they might be forged
spirit working in vs for by nature wee are dead in our sinnes and the children of wrath as well as the vnbeleeuing heathen or most prophane worldling Eph. 2.1.3 Eph. 2.1.3 By nature we are not able so much as to thinke a good thought or to will that which is good no more than those who remaine in the state of condemnation as appeareth 2. Cor. 3.5 Phil. 2.13 but it is our Sauiour Christ 2. Cor. 3.5 Phil. 2.13 Eph. 3.25.26 who so loued his Church that he gaue himselfe for it that he might sanctifie it and cleanse it by the washing of water through the word c. as it is Eph. 5.25.26 So that when we haue attained to the highest measure of sanctification that wee can possibly attaine vnto we must in all humilitie confesse with Paul 1. Cor. 15.10 that by the grace of God we are that we are as it is 1. Cor. 15.10 Neither must wee attribute any thing in the worke of our saluation vnto our sanctification and good workes but ascribe all to the free grace and vndeserued loue of God in Christ whereby we are sanctified and stirred vp to new obedience who were altogether polluted yea dead in our sinnes so that our sanctification and worthinesse is not the cause of Gods loue and mercie towards vs but his loue and free goodwill is the cause of our sanctification and maketh vs who were vnworthie in our selues worthie in Christ of his loue and fauour And therefore we must not measure Gods loue by our worthines and abundance of grace as being a cause thereof nor despaire of his fauour and mercie when wee see our vnworthines and weaknes in sanctifying graces for these are no causes of his loue but effects and consequently when wee want them altogether though there be no cause of hope whilest we remaine in this state yet wee are not vtterly to despaire for the time to come seeing the Lord in his good time may begin his good worke in vs and when it is begun and we haue receiued the least measure of sanctification euen a desire and holie endeuour to liue in holinesse and righteousnesse wee may be assured that it is Gods worke which he hauing begun will finish and accomplish Phil. 1.6 according to that Phil. 1.6 In the meane time let vs possesse our soules with patience and with a quiet and peaceable minde labour after the increase of grace vsing all good meanes ordained of God for this purpose submitting our selues in regard of the measure of grace which wee doe desire to his good will and pleasure who will dispose of all so as shall be most for his glory and our good And in any case let vs beware that wee doe not so impatiently and violently desire encrease of more grace as that in the meane time we forget to be thankfull to God for that wee haue turning our songs of praise for Gods great benefits into murmuring and repining Let vs not be like vnto rich misers who haue their mindes so intent vpon the getting of that riches they haue not as that they forget to enioy and take comfort of that they haue let vs not resemble those vnthankful men who when they haue receiued many benefits doe still desire more and when their desires are not presently satisfied vngratefully murmure against their benefactors as though they had receiued nothing but let vs make vse of those graces which we haue receiued to Gods glory our comfort let vs desire more that we may more glorifie him with his own gifts and though our desires be not presently satisfied let vs not fall into impatiencie but submit our selues vnto his goodwill and pleasure and be truly thankfull for that portion of grace which it hath pleased him of his abundant mercie to bestow vpon vs. § Sect. 6 Lastly Our owne worthinesse no cause of our saluation Rom. 6.23 Eph 2.8 Tit. 2.11 our saluation it selfe dependeth not vpon our owne worthinesse but vpon Gods free mercy and vndeserued loue for saluation is the free gift of God and not the wages of our owne worthinesse as death is the wages of sinne as appeareth Rom. 6.23 And wee are saued by grace through faith and that not of our selues it is the gift of God as it is Eph. 2.8 And the Apostle telleth vs Tit. 2.11 that the grace of God bringeth saluation and teacheth vs to denie vngodlinesse and worldly lusts and that wee should liue soberly and righteously and godly in this present world so that our forsaking sinne and imbracing holinesse and righteousnesse is not the cause of our saluation but the grace of God by which all these effects are also wrought in vs. But most plaine is that of the Apostle 2. Tim. 1.9 where he excludeth our owne workes and worthinesse 2. Tim. 1.9 to the end he might ascribe the whole worke of our saluation to Gods grace and goodwill Who hath saued vs saith he not according to our workes but according to his own purpose and grace So Tit. 3.5 Not by the works of righteousnesse which we had done Tit. 3.5 but according to his mercie he saued vs by the washing of the new birth and renuing of the holy Ghost Seeing therefore Gods loue is not grounded vpon our owne worthinesse seeing he electeth redeemeth calleth iustifieth sanctifieth and finally saueth vs of his meere mercie and free goodwill without any respect of our owne merits or good workes let vs not restraine the infinite loue of God to our deserts nor measure his vnmeasurable goodwill by the short ell of our owne merits but as the Lord hath freely loued vs so let vs acknowledge his free and vndeserued loue and relie wholy thereupon notwithstanding our vnworthinesse seeing our worthinesse is no cause of his loue but it is his loue which maketh vs and will surely make vs worthie to be beloued if we rest wholy vpon him in Christ by a true and liuely faith For so much as we despaire in respect of our own vnworthinesse so much would wee ascribe to our owne worthinesse and looke how much we attribute vnto our selues in the worke of our saluation so much wee detract from Gods free mercie and Christs merit and therefore let vs humbly acknowledge our owne vnworthinesse and become nothing in our own eyes that we may wholy rely vpon God that hee may bee all in all For well worthie are we to thirst if wee leaue the fountaine of liuing waters and dig vnto our selues broken cesternes which will hold no water Iere. 2.13 well worthie are we to fall into the gulfe of despaire if we forsake the firme pillar of our saluation Gods mercie and Christs merit relying and resting vpon the broken staffe of our owne righteousnesse well worthie are we to be damned if wee enuie the Lord the praise and glorie of our saluation desiring rather to ascribe it vnto our selues § Sect. 7 But here the tempter wil obiect that God is iust and
not the cause of Gods election for Gods election was from all eternitie and the cause of Christs merits which were in time and the effects of Gods election and therefore that which came after could not be the cause of that which was from all eternitie neither can the effect produce the cause but the cause the effect Moreouer we are not said in the scriptures to be chosen for Christ but in Christ Eph. 1.4 And the Apostle Iohn affirmeth that Gods eternall loue was the cause which moued the Lord to send his sonne to redeeme vs by his death and not that his death was the cause of his loue Ioh. 3.16 And so much concerning the efficient cause of our election The materiall cause thereof was the purpose or counsaile of God himselfe whereby hee determined to elect vs. The formall cause was the seuering and setting apart of certaine men which were to bee saued § Sect. 2 selected from the rest who were reiected The end of Gods election was two-fold the first and chief end was the glorie of God set forth by manifesting his grace and mercie in the saluation of the faithfull And this the Apostle plainly expresseth Rom. 9.23 namely that the end of Gods election is that he might declare the riches of his glorie in the vessels of mercie which he hath prepared vnto glorie And Eph. 1.4 5 6. he saith that he hath chosen vs in Christ and predestinated vs to the praise of the glorie of his grace The second end which is inferiour and subordinate to the other is the saluation of the elect and this also is expressed by the Apostle Rom. 9.23 where hee saith that the elect are prepared vnto glorie And Act. 13.48 the holy Ghost saith as many as were ordained to eternall life thereby implying that the saluation of the elect is the end of Gods election And these are the causes of Gods election The effects which inseparably follow-hereupon are Christ the Mediatour and the whole worke of his mediation and our redemption wrought by him our adoption effectuall calling iustification sanctification and glorification and these are the degrees and meanes of our election which are as well contained in Gods decree as our saluation it selfe The subiect in which we are elected is Christ Iesus our Mediatour and head not in regard of his deitie alone for so he is the efficient cause nor in respect of his humanitie alone but as he is God and man And wee are therefore elected in him both because in our selues we were not capable of such glorious dignitie as also because hee alone is a fit Mediatour in whom we should be elected seeing with our election there is an vnion coniunction of vs with God who hath elected vs. The obiect of Gods election are all those who are preordained vnto euerlasting life and whom the Lord will eternally saue which being considered in themselues are a great number but yet in respect of the number of the reprobates but a small and little flocke for though many be called yet few are chosen as Christ himselfe affirmeth Matth. 22.14 The last thing which also is expressed in the definition are certaine properties attributed to Gods election namely that it is eternall free and immutable That this decree is eternall it appeareth Eph. 1.4 He hath chosen vs in him before the foundation of the world So Rom. 9.11 Secondly that it is free and of his meere grace it is manifest Rom. 9.18 He hath mercie on whom he will and whom he will he hardneth So Eph. 1.11 In whom we are chosen when wee were predestinate according to the purpose of him which worketh all things after the counsaile of his owne will Lastly that it is immutable and most firme and certaine it plainly appeareth 2. Tim. 2.19 The foundation of God remaineth sure and hath this seale the Lord knoweth who are his Where we may obserue that this immutabilitie and certaintie of Gods decree doth not depend vpon vs or our perseuerance but vpon Gods good pleasure and foreknowledge for it is a foundation in it selfe firme and stable and hath not the seale of our worthinesse or perseuerance in grace but of Gods foreknowledge whereby he knoweth who are his CHAP. V. Sathans temptations concerning Gods election answered and first those wherewith he assaulteth carnall worldlings § Sect. 1 Sathans temptation whereby he perswadeth worldlings that all in the end shall be saued answered NOw concerning this decree of election and the assurance thereof there are two sorts of Sathans temptations the first he suggesteth into the minds of carnall worldlings to nourish in them fond presumption and carnall securitie the other into the minds of weak christians whereby he moueth them to doubt despaire of their electiō to euerlasting life The worldly man he assaulteth with two principal temptations first he perswadeth him that there is no election at al or reprobation but that all in the end shall be saued Which grosse absurditie that hee may make more plausible and probable hee setteth before them the infinite mercie of God and the generall promises and consolations in the Gospell Ezech. 13. and 18. 1. Tim. 2.4 as that he will not the death of a sinner and that he will that all men shall be saued in both places cunningly dissembling that which followeth for to the first place is added but that he repent and in the latter that they who shall be saued must also come to the knowledge of the truth But this temptation is so palpably absurd that it becommeth not Sathans policie to vse it to any but those onely whose hearts are hardned their eyes blinded their consciences seared and who hauing not beleeued and loued the truth are giuen ouer of God to beleeue strong delusions and therfore I will not spend much time in answering this temptation onely let such men as are seduced with Sathans lyes know thus much that Gods mercie is a iust mercie as his iustice is a mercifull iustice that God is infinite in both and no lesse glorified in the manifestation of the one than of the other Let them know that there are no promises of the Gospell so generall which are not limited with the condition of faith and the fruite thereof vnfained repentance Let them know that God who is not onely mercifull but also true yea truth it selfe hath in his word reuealed his will as well concerning the eternall death and destruction of the wicked as the saluation of the godly he hath said Matth. 22.14 and 7.13 that many are called and few chosen that the gate of heauen is so straight that there are few who finde it that he will say to the workers of iniquitie Goe your waies I know you not 23. that hee will make a separation betweene the sheepe and the goates and as hee saith to the one Come ye blessed of my father inherit ye the kingdome prepared for you from the foundations of the world Mat. 25.34.41
3 But as this temptation is foolish Sathans temptation grounded vpon the vnchangeablenesse of Gods decree false and impious so also it is false for whereas he saith that though we liue in our sinnes without repentance yet we may be elected and therefore shall be saued and though we take neuer so great paines in Gods seruice and most carefully indeauour to spend our liues in holinesse and righteousnesse yet we may be reprobates and therefore shall bee condemned this is vtterly vntrue for whomsoeuer the Lord hath ordained to euerlasting life those also he hath ordained to vse the meanes whereby they may be saued and consequently whosoeuer carefully vse these meanes may be assured of their saluation whosoeuer neglect and despise these meanes they manifestly declare that they are not in the number of the elect so long as they continue in their neglect and contempt for the end and the meanes tending to the end are inseparably ioyned in Gods decree so that they who vse the one shall obtaine the other they who neglect and contemne the meanes shall neuer attaine vnto the end The end of Gods election two fold Eph. 1.5.6 Now the end of Gods election is two fould The chiefe and principall is his owne glorie as appeareth Ephes 1.5.6 Who hath predestinate vs to bee adopted through Iesus Christ vnto himselfe according to the good pleasure of his will to the praise of the glorie of his grace And this end the Lord will not suffer to be frustrate for his glorie shall shine in all his elect and therefore we also are most carefully to labour that we may further this end for the more that the praise of Gods mercie doth shine in vs the better assurance we haue of our election And seeing God is most glorified when as our lights shine brightest before men in a godly and christian life Mat. 6.16 1. Pet. 2.21 therefore let vs be most carefull to spend our time in holinesse and righteousnesse that thereby we may glorifie our heauenly father and also make our owne election sure Eph. 1.4 for he hath chosen vs that we should be holy and therefore if we be holy it is a most certaine signe that he hath chosen vs. The second end of Gods election The second end of Gods election is the saluation of his elect for the iust accomplishing whereof he hath preordained diuers subordinate causes or meanes which are the inseparable effects and fruites of his election all which are so linked one with another as that the precedent meanes is the cause of that which next in order followeth and Gods decree the cause of all The effects of Gods election which are the subordinate causes or meanes of our saluation are principally three Vocation Iustification and Sanctification By vocation we are separated from the world made members of the Church ingrafted in to the body of Christ and this is ordinarily done by the preaching of the word being made effectual by the inward operation of Gods spirit or extraordinarily by some other meanes or immdiately by the illumination of the holy Ghost In our iustification we haue the pardon and remission of all our sinnes by vertue of Christs merit and are adorned with his righteousnesse imputed vnto vs and this is done principally by God himselfe instrumentally by a liuely faith Our sanctification consisteth in our dying to sin and rising vp to newnes of life which is begun increased and finished in vs by Gods spirit Whosoeuer therefore are predestinate to saluation they also are effectually called that is separate from the world and ingrafted into the body of Christ and this they attaine vnto by diligent and attentiue hearing of the word Whosoeuer are effectually called are also iustified and therefore haue obtained a true and liuely faith Whosoeuer are iustified are also sanctified that is die vnto their sinnes and rise againe to newnes of life and consequently whosoeuer are still meere worldlings and no true members of Christs bodie as all those are who make no conscience of hearing Gods word diligently reuerently and attentiuely nor of treasuring it vp in their hearts they are not truly called whosoeuer haue not Christs righteousnesse and obedience imputed and applied vnto them which none haue that are destitute of a true and fruitfull faith are not iustified whosoeuer liue in their sinnes without repentance without any earnest desire and hartie endeuour of seruing the Lord in holinesse and righteousnesse of life are not sanctified and whosoeuer are not called iustified and sanctified shall neuer be saued for the end and the meanes tending thereunto are ioyned together in Gods predestination So that where the one is there the other is where the one neuer is there the other shall euer be wanting And therefore as by our sanctification iustification and vocation wee may certainly conclude that we are elected and shall be saued so if we be without these wee may as certainly inferre that wee are reiected and shall be condemned if wee liue and die in this state Seeing then this is Gods truth let not Sathan lull vs in securitie with that sophisticall cauill if wee be elected we shall be saued liue how wee list if we be reprobates wee shall be condemned be we neuer so earnest in labouring after godlinesse for these principles may well stand together it is impossible that the elect should perish and as impossible also that any who beleeue not in Christ and bring not foorth the fruites of their faith in a godly and Christian life should bee saued it cannot bee that the reprobate should attaine vnto euerlasting happinesse and that any should not attaine thereunto who desireth and endeuoureth to serue and feare the Lord because predestination and saluation are so coupled together with the meanes that come betweene them that they cannot possibly be seuered from one another nor the meanes from either of them nor yet amongst themselues euen as the first lincke of a chaine is ioyned with the last by those which are betweene them and these which are in the middle one with another CHAP. VI. Sathans temptations whereby he moueth the weake Christian to doubt of his election answered § Sect. 1 ANd these are the temptations where with Sathan assaulteth the worldling The causes which moue Sathan and his instruments to perswade the weake Christian to doubt of his election but if he haue to deale with a true Christian who is indeede elected of God and sheweth the fruites of his election by desiring and endeuouring to serue the Lord in holinesse and righteousnes then he perswadeth him to doubt of his election and to hang as it were wauering in the ayre sometime lifted vp with hope sometime deiected and cast downe with feare till at last he being wearie and tired with his doubtful thoughts and hauing no where to rest himselfe is swallowed vp of desperation like vnto a sillie bird which flieth ouer the maine Ocean and one while hopeth
his iustification So Rom. 4.2 Rom. 4.2 If Abraham were iustified by works he had wherein to reioyce but not with God and ver 3. and ver 3.4 Abraham beleeued God and it was counted vnto him for righteousnesse 4. Now to him that worketh the wages is not counted by fauour but by debt 5. But to him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnesse § Sect. 6 And so much cōcerning the testimonies of scripture which manifestly proue that we are not iustified by our works Reasons to proue that w● are not iustified by our workes Rom. 8.1.33 34. The reasons which may be brought to the same purpose are exceeding many but I wil briefly touch some few only First iustification is manifestly opposed to cōdemnation they are both iudiciall words vsed in ciuill courts therefore to be vnderstood both iudicially not after a diuers maner But to condēne signifieth not to infuse any fault or crime in to the person cōdēned but to pronoūce him guiltie faulty And therfore to iustifie signifieth not to infuse righteousnes into the person iustified but to declare pronoūce repute him as iust righteous Secondly by the same meanes whereby we obtaine the remission of our sins we are also iustified made righteous but wee obtaine the remission of our sinnes not for our workes or inhaerent righteousnes or any vertue that is in our selues but by and for the alone merites obedience and full satisfaction of Christ apprehended and applyed vnto vs by a liuely faith as appeareth Rom. 3.25 And therefore by this meanes alone we are also iustified Rom. 3.25 Thirdly whosoeuer are iustified freely by grace they are not iustified by their owne merits works or inhaerent righteousnesse Rō 3.23.24 but the scriptures testifie that all the faithfull are iustified freely by Gods grace as appeareth Rom. 3.23.24 All haue sinned and are depriued of the glorie of God Eph. 1.7 2.8 And are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus So Eph. 1.7 By whom we haue redemptiō through his bloud euen the forgiuenesse of sinnes according to his rich grace Tit. 3.5.7 and 2.8 By grace are you saued through faith and that not of your selues it is the gift of God and Tit. 3. not by the works of righteousnesse which we had done but according to his mercy he saued vs c. 7. That we being iustified by his grace should be made heires according to hope of eternall life And therefore none are iustified by their owne merits workes or inhaerent righteousnesse Lastly the apostle Paul himselfe gathereth many absurdities which would follow this doctrine of iustificatiō by works first that our faith should bee vaine and the promisse of God voide Rom. 4.14 Rom. 4.14 Secondly that Christ Iesus should die in vaine if we haue righteousnesse by the law Gal. 2.21 Gal. 2.21 Thirdly that wee should haue cause of boasting and glorying in our selues Eph. 2.9 Eph. 2.9 for if a man were iustified by his owne inhaerent righteousnesse hee should haue whereof to glory and so God should be robbed of the whole praise of our saluation Rom. 4.2 Rom. 4.2 But the Lord of purpose hath iustified vs freely of his grace and not for our workes and inha rent righteousnes that all glorying in our selues might be excluded as appeareth Rom. 3.27 Eph 2.9 Rom. 3.27 Eph. 2.9 Fourthly it would follow hereupon that we should still be vnder the curse of the law which is denoūced against all who continue not in all that is written in the booke of the law to do them as the Apostle reasoneth Gal. 3.10 Gal. 3.10 Fiftly that the obedience and satisfaction of Christ should be maymed and imperfect vnlesse it were patched vp with our owne righteousnesse the contrary whereof the Apostle affirmeth Heb. 7.25 namely that hee is able perfectly to saue all them who come vnto God by him Lastly Heb. 7.25 hereupon it would follow that wee should continually wauer in doubting in respect of our manifold corruptions and imperfect righteousnesse and should haue our soules depriued of that peace of conscience which followeth iustification by faith as it is Rom. 5.1 Rom. 5.1 Lastly with the Iewes we shall bring our selues into most certaine daūger of being reiected and cast of from being the people and Church of God if with them we goe about to stablish our owne righteousnesse in the meane time not submitting our selues to the righteousnesse of God Rom. 10.4.6 which is of faith in Iesus Christ as it is Rom. 10.4.6 CHAP. L. That faith alone iustifieth § Sect. 1 ANd thus much concerning the first point How it is to be vnderstood that faith alone iustifieth namely that wee are nor iustified by workes the second is that we are iustified by faith alone whereby we are not to vnderstand that faith by it owne vertue or as it is a facultie habite worke or action in vs doth iustifie vs but as it is the alone instrument whereby we doe apprehend apply vnto vs Christ Iesus his righteousnesse obedience by which onely righteousnesse which is out of our selues in Christ as the proper subiect thereof being offered in the word and Sacraments and applied by faith we are iustified in Gods sight Phil. 2.9 as appeareth Phil. 2.9 Secondly whereas we say that faith alone iustifieth we do not vnderstand such a faith as is alone without workes charitie and other sanctifying graces which were nothing els but imaginarie dead and but as it were a carkase of faith which breatheth not but that amongst all other graces vertues faculties of the soule faith alone and not any of thē is the instrument whereby we apply Christ Iesus vnto vs who being thus applied doth iustifie vs. That though workes do not iustifie vs yet they are necessarily required as fruits of our iustification Otherwise we affirme that other graces of Gods spirit and euen good workes which is a fruite of them all doe necessarily accōpany our iustification not as instruments or causes thereof but as inseparable effects and fruits thereof So that howsoeuer we exclude workes from the act of iustifying yet wee necessarily require them in the subiect or person iustified we affirme that faith alone iustifieth but wee denie that such a faith which is alone doth iustifie vs we maintaine that we are iustified by faith alone without works but with all we affirme that faith which is without workes doth not iustifie vs as being dead false and imaginarie This may bee made plaine by some similitudes to the being of an honest man there is necessarily required honest actions not as causes but as effects neither are his honest actions the cause of his honesty but his honesty the cause of his honest actions to a liuing man there is necessarily required as well breathing which is an action or effect
of life as the soule which is the cause thereof and so to a iustified man there is necessarily required as well good works which are the effects of iustification as faith which is the instrumentall cause thereof for faith and workes are neuer seuered in the subiect or party iustified although they are disioyned in the act of iustifying So the eye onely seeth and not the forehead but yet the eye seuered from the forehead seeth not because it is but a dead eye the hand writeth and not the body but the hand seuered from the body writeth not because it is a dead hand The foote goeth and not the head or heart but the foote which is seuered from the head or heart goeth not and so faith onely iustifieth and not hope not charitie not workes but the faith that is seuered from hope charitie and workes iustifieth not because it is but a dead faith as therefore when we say the eye onely seeth the hand onely writeth the foote onely walketh our meaning is not that these parts being alone and seuered from the rest see write and walke but that amongst all other parts the action or function of seeing belongeth peculiarly vnto the eye writing to the hand walking to the foote so when we say that onely faith iustifieth our meaning is not that the faith which is alone and seuered from other graces and the fruites of them good workes iustifieth but that amongst all other graces this act of iustifying peculiarly and properly belongeth vnto faith and not to any other grace vertue or workes § Sect. 2 Now that that faith alone in this sense vnderstoode iustifieth appeareth plainely Testimonies to proue that faith alone iustifieth vs. Rom. 3.28 both by testimonies of scripture and apparant reasons For the first it is manifest Rom. 3.28 where after long disputation concerning this poynt the Apostle expresly concludeth thus Therefore we conclude that a man is iustified by faith without the workes of the law And chap. 4. vers 5. To him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is counted for righteousnes and 4.5 So Gal. 2.16 Know that a man is not iustified by the workes of the law but by the faith of Iesus Christ Gal. 2.16 euen we I say haue beleeued in Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the faith of Christ and not by the workes of the law because by the workes of the law no flesh shall be iustified And cap. 3.11 And that no man is iustified by the law in the sight of God it is euident Gal. 3.11 for the iust shall liue by faith 12. And the law is not of faith And hence it is that the righteousnes of Christ whereby we are iustified is called the righteousnes of faith Rom. 9.30 because faith is the onely instrument which appehendeth and applieth this righteousnesse vnto vs for our iustification § Sect. 3 The reasons to proue that faith alone iustifieth are diuers Reasons to proue that faith alone iustifieth First that which alone applieth vnto vs Christ Iesus and his righteousnesse that onely iustifieth vs but faith alone applyeth vnto vs Christ Iesus and his righteousnesse and not hope charitie or any other grace and therefore faith alone iustifieth Secondly that which onely maketh the promises of the Gospell firme and sure vnto vs that alone iustifieth vs but faith alone resting vpon Gods mercie and Christs merits maketh the promises of the Gospell firme and sure vnto vs which would be most vncertaine if they should depend on the condition of our workes and worthinesse seeing they are most imperfect and we most corrupt and vnworthie of Gods least mercie as the Apostle plainely sheweth Rom. 4.16 Therefore it is namely the couenant of grace by faith Rom. 4.16 that it might come by grace and the promise might be sure to all the seede and therefore faith alone iustifieth vs. Lastly Ioh. 3.14.15 our Sauiour Christ Ioh. 3.14.15 maketh this comparison As Moses lift vp the serpent in the wildernesse so must the sonne of man be lift vp that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life From which we may thus reason As the Isralites who were stung with fierie serpents were cured not by any outward meanes of physicke and surgerie or any thing in themselues saue onely by looking vpon the brasen serpent which for this purpose was set vp by Gods commaundement so we being stung of the old serpent with the sting of sinne cannot be cured by any meanes without or within our selues but by beholding the true substance Christ Iesus signified by this shadow with the eye of faith And thus haue I proued first that we are not iustified by our workes and inherent righteousnesse and secondly that we are iustified by faith alone not as it is the chiefe and principall cause for in this respect God iustifieth not as it is the matter or meritorious cause of our iustification for in this respect the merits and righteousnesse of Iesus Christ iustifieth vs but as it is the alone instrument and onely cause in vs which applyeth that meritorious cause vnto vs whereby alone we are iustified in Gods sight § Sect. 4 Secondly the tempter will obiect that this imputed righteousnesse wee speake of is but imaginarie That the imputatiō of Christs righteousnesse is not putatiue and imaginarie and a vaine phantasie as if a man who were defiled with durt should be reputed cleane by the imputation of anothers cleanesse or as if a begger should be esteemed rich by imputation of anothers wealth To which we are to answere that the imputation of Christs righteousnesse vnto vs is no imaginarie dreame but a matter plainely expressed in Gods word as also the not imputation of our sinnes is therein specified In the fourth of the Romanes this word is vsed by the holy Ghost an eleuen times Rom. 4 3.4 So vers 3. Abraham beleeued God and it was imputed vnto him for righteousnesse And vers 4. To him that worketh not but beleeueth in him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is imputed for righteousnesse And vers 6. Euen as Dauid declared the blessednesse of the man vnto whom God imputeth righteousnesse without workes And vers 8. Blessed is the man to whom the Lord imputeth not sinne c. § Sect. 5 Yea will the tempter say That not our own but Christs righteousnesse is imputed vnto vs for our iustification it is true that we are iustified by imputed righteousnesse but not by the righteousnesse of Christ which is out of our selues but our faith which is formed and perfected with charitie and other graces and good workes is imputed for righteousnesse or more plainely God accepteth of the workes of the faithfull and their inherent righteousnesse though imperfect and vnworthie in themselues for and through Christ for such righteousnesse which may iustifie vs in his sight For the answering of which obiection we are to
alreadie plainely proued though we neuer haue any speciall reuelation And therefore without any such particular reuelation we may attaine vnto the certaine assurance that we are iustified in Gods sight Thirdly that which the Gospell assureth vs of we neede not to make any doubt thereof or once call it into question but the Gospell assureth vs that whosoeuer beleeueth in Christ Iesus and truely repent them of their sinnes shall be made partakers of all the gracious promises of life and saluation therein contained So Ioh. 3.16 Ioh. 3.16 God so loued the world that he hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue euerlasting life And chap. 5.24 Ioh. 5.24 Verely verely I say vnto you he that heareth my word and beleeueth him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come into condemnation but hath passed from death to life Matth. 11.28 And Matth. 11.28 Come vnto me all ye that labour and are laden and I will ease you And therefore whosoeuer beleeue in Iesus Christ approuing their faith to the world and their owne consciences to bee true and vnfained by the fruite thereof vnfained repentance he may assure himselfe of all the gratious promifes of the Gospell and consequently of the remission of his sinnes and his iustification for the merits and righteousnesse of Iesus Christ Lastly the Lord hath not onely after a generall manner propounded these promises vnto vs and left vs to our owne libertie to beleeue or not to beleeue them but hee hath bound vs to the performance of this dutie by his expresse commaundement Mark 1.15 1. Ioh. 3.23 Mark 1.15 Repent and beleeue the Gospell And 1. Ioh. 3.23 This is his commaundement that we beleeue in his sonne Iesus Christ that is that we doe not onely after a generall manner beleeue that he is the sauiour of mankinde but that we beleeue that he is our sauiour who hath redeemed iustified and wil most perfectly saue vs and rest wholy vpon him alone for our saluation And he that thus beleeueth needeth no other arguments to assure him that he is iustified and shall be saued for he hath the witnesse in himselfe euen the testimonie of Gods spirit crying in his heart Abba father and bearing witnesse vnto his spirit that he is the childe of God and not to beleeue this is to make God a lyer because wee will not beleeue the record that hee hath witnessed of that his sonne 1. Ioh. 5. 10. as the Apostle speaketh 1. Ioh. 5.10 Yea as before I haue shewed at large he hath added vnto the hand writing of his word which containeth also his oath for our better confirmation his sacraments whereby he particularly conuayeth and giueth vnto euery beleeuer as it were proper possession of Christ Iesus and all his benefits to the end that there should bee no place left to doubting nor any neede of any particular reuelation for our further assurance § Sect. 2 Secondly Sathan will suggest that those who are iustified are made iust That we are made iust not by infusion but by imputation of righteousnes and those who are made iust doe continually the workes of righteousnesse but thou will he say to the humbled sinner continuest still in thy corruptions and thy wickednesse cleaueth fast to thee and compasseth thee about and in stead of doing the workes of righteousnesse thou continually heapest vp the full measure of thy sinnes yea thy best actions are so stained with imperfections and so full of infirmities that they iustly prouoke Gods wrath against thee To which we must answere that indeede whosoeuer is iustified is made iust but not by infusion of inherent righteousnesse into our selues but by imputation of Christs most perfect righteousnesse as before I haue shewed for hereby our sinnes are pardoned he hauing taken them vpon himselfe and satisfied Gods iustice by suffering those punishments which wee had deserued and also he hath perfectly fulfilled the law that hee might make vs partakers of his actiue obedience and so imputing both vnto vs hath made vs perfectly iust and righteous in Gods sight So that now the Lord doth not require obedience to his law at our hands to the end that wee should be iustified in whole or in part by our owne righteousnesse neither are we to this end to obserue Gods commandements that we may offer vnto God our workes and inherent righteousnesse desiring thereby to be iustified for as I haue shewed our best righteousnesse is imperfect and mingled with manifold corruptions so as it would rather condemne vs then iustifie vs if the Lord should examine it according to the exact rule of his most perfect iustice but we offer vnto God for our iustification the most perfect righteousnesse and full satisfaction of Iesus Christ which by his merits and sufferings he hath once made for vs desiring thereby wholy and onely to be iustified and saued § Sect. 3 As for our workes and inherent righteousnesse That our works are not causes but effects of our iustification they are not causes but effects and fruites of our iustification neither is it possible that we should doe any good worke acceptable in Gods sight till we are iustified and reconciled vnto God in Iesus Christ for our workes cannot please him till our persons please him and whatsoeuer we doe before faith hath purified the heart it is sinne and odious in the sight of God but as soone as we haue faith begotten in vs presently it apprehendeth Christ and his righteousnes whereby we are iustified and then being iustified faith worketh by loue and bringeth forth in vs the fruites of sanctification which though they bee mingled with much corruption and manifold imperfections yet God in Christ accepteth of them as perfect and will crowne them with glorie and immortalitie That now the Lord doth not require of vs perfect righteousnesse Neither doth the Lord now require of vs that wee perfectly at once shake off all our corruptions but that we labour as much as in vs lieth to mortifie and subdue them according to the measure of his grace and holy spirit which he hath bestowed on vs he doth not straightly commaund that we should instantly banish and expell sinne from dwelling in vs but that we doe not suffer it to raigne in vs nor willingly obey the flesh in the lusts thereof submitting our selues vnto sinne as seruants and vassals to their Lord and maister he doth not inioyne vs that we should wholy vanquish our corruptions and obtaine a full victorie ouer them but that we proclaime open warres against them and manfully fight and striue vnder the conduct of his spirit against the flesh and the sinfull lusts thereof and when we are taken captiue of sinne that we labour to attaine vnto our former freedome in the meane time sorrowing and groning vnder the heauie waight of our corruptions and crying out with the Apostle Rom. 7. wretched man that