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A00750 The rules and righte ample documentes, touchinge the vse and practise of the common almanackes, which are named ephemerides A briefe and shorte introduction vpon the iudiciall astrologie, for to prognosticate of thinges to come, by the helpe of the sayde ephemerides. With a treatise added hereunto, touchinge the coniunction of the planets, in euery one of the. 12. signes, and of their prognostications and reuolutions of yeres. The hole faithfully, and clerely translated into Englyshe by Humfrey Baker.; Canons & documents tresamples, touchant l'usage & practique des communs almanachz, que l'on nomme ephemerides. English Fine, Oronce, 1494-1555.; Baker, Humfrey, fl. 1557-1587. 1558 (1558) STC 10878.7; ESTC S107419 38,281 107

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after the carrecter of the cōiunction or opposition of the sunne and of the moone do signifye the howre and the seconde and ryghte nombre the mynutes that the said coniunctions or oppositions shall fall vpon Howe the newe and full mones and eclypses maye be reduced vnto what meridiane you will differynge from the same of the Ephemerides ▪ The. 13. FOr so muche that the sayde new and full moones and the eclypses of the sunne and of the moone whiche happen in theim are calculated in the sayde Ephemerides for the meridiane of the afore named cytie of Tubinge in Almaigne it is conueniente ●● reduce for the leste the tyme of the sayde coniunctions oppositions and eclypses of the sunne and of the moone vnto your meridiane wytheoute hauynge care of the other aspectes the whyche you shall easelye doo by the table entituled Tabularegionum prouinciarum et oppidorum insigniorū europae thus as followeth Take the name of youre Citye or of the place most nearest to the same in the table aboue sayde you shal fynd at the ryghte syde vnder this tittle Tempus the howers and mynutes or the mynutes onely whiche you must adde or substra ●rom the howres and minutes of the said coniunctions and oppositions and eclipses of the sunne and of the moone as the ●ettre A. or M. written at the lefte syde of ●he sayde howres and mynutes shall shewe you Of the aspectes of the sunne vnto the planettes and of the planettes amonge theim selues and of the dragon of the moone The. 14. AFterwarde there foloweth vpon the ryghte syde of the sayde face of the Ephemerides the aspectes of the sunne vnto the planettes and of one planet vnto a nother whiche are figured as well by the carracters of the sayde plannettes as by the characters of the sayde aspectes of the which the interpretation hathe beene heretofore declared Consequently amonge the saide aspectes is noted when the moone is in the head or in the tayle of the dragon whiche are their intersections or diuisions of his circle and of the Zodiake as we haue said a● fore When she is in the head she is thus figured ☽ ☊ and whē she is in the taile she is figured after this maner ☽ ☋ ¶ When the planets are oriental or occidental 15. rule FInally is noted ouer the head of euery columpne of the. 5. planets vnder their propre charecters when the sayd planets are orientall or occidentall by these sillables or and. oc and it is to be noted that saturne Iupiter and mars are orientall whiles the sunne departeth frō them after the couiunction of him and of the sayd planets comminge vnto the opposition and occidentall from the said opposition in approchinge him selfe nere vnto them vntill the coniunction nexte ensuing But Venus and mercury are called orientall when they do precede ▪ the sunne from the east parte and are seene before the sunne rising and occidentall when they do folowe the sunne from the west parte and are seene after the sunne is sette For to knowe the quantitie of the artificial daye and of the nighte and at what houre the sunne rysethe and setteth 16. rule ANd too the ende that all menne maye knowe if they canne see the eclipses of the sunne or of the moone which happen nere vnto the horizont aboute the sunne settinge or the sun risinge it is necessarye to knowe the quātitie of the dayes and of the nightes artificiall and at what howre the sunne ryseth and setteth There is than before the table of the Ephemerides a table intituled Tabula quantitatis dierum that is to saye a table of the quantitye of the dayes the whyche conteyneth in the hedde the latitudes or eleuations of the pole of al places vpon the earth from 36. degrees vntill 55. degrees and at the left hand there are 6. sygnes of the zodiack other 6. at the righte hande whyche are distributed from 3. degrees to 3. in the middes of the sayd table are comprehended the houres and mynutes of the halfe of an artificial daye whyche are from the sunne risyng vntyll noonetide or from noonetide vntyl the sunne settyng when the sunne is in the signes septrentionalles or eles the howres minutes of half of the nyghte whyche are from the sunne settynge vntyll mydnyghte or from mydnyghte vntyll the sunne rysyng whan the sōne is in the sygnes meridionalles knowe then in what signe and degree the sunne is and howe muche the poole is eleuated aboue your horizont as before hath be●sayd And take the sayde sygne and degre at the ryghte or lefte syde of the aboue sayde table and procede ryghtelye in the same table vntyll that you be ●ustelye at the nombre of youre pole and there you shall finde the howers and minutes of the halfe of the artificiall day if the sunne be in the septentrionall parte of the zodiacke or elles of the haife of the nyghte if he bee in the meridionall parte what sygnes are septentrionalles and what meridionals hath beene declared in the fifte Rule The whiche is likewise euident by the sayde table by these woordes Sig ▪ Bor. fig. Aust Yf you double then the sayde howres and minuttes of the halfe of the artificiall daye you shall haue the whole day and if you do substra them from 24. howres there resteth the nyghte Or yf you double the howres and mynutes of the halfe of the nyghte you shall haue the nyghte wholye and if you substra them from 24. howres there restethe the artyfyciall day and by thys meanes you maye knowe at what howre the Sunne rysethe or settethe euerye daye in the yeare For the daye artificial dureth from the sunne risinge to noone vntill the sunne setting and the night artificial from the sunne setting vnto midnight and so vntil the sunne rising And the natural day of 24. houres dothe comprehend them both ¶ Of the 12. houses of heauen and of their nature accidentall accordinge vnto the iudgement of the astrologians 17. rule FOr to gather any sruyt of the thynges abouesayd according to the habilitie that god hath geuen vnto mē it is conuenient to treat of the. 12. houses of heauen and of their accidentiall nature and how they must be distingued and erected in all regions In leauinge then a heape of superfluous and vnprofitable wordes whiche are in the latine rules of the Ephemerides and the varietis of the opinions of the Astrologians touching the said houses I wil declare the opinion and maner howe to do them according vnto the which the Tables are calculated which are in the Ephemerides and that all men do commenlye vse now adayes To come then vnto the poynt you muste note that as the sunne and the moone and the. 5. planettes makinge their reuolution by their propre mouementes vnder the Zodiake doo cause diuers effectes and sensible mutacions in earthly thinges according vnto the diuers proiection of their beames and diuers dispositions of natural thinges here belowe in makinge their peregrinacion
from signe to signe and according vnto the nature accidentale of the 12. signes of the Zodiake likewise the sayd lightes and planetes in tourninge round about the earthe by the firste and vniuersal mouement of al the world frō the orient by the south into the accident within the time and space of 24. houres whiche we cal a natural daye do cause again euery day of the yeare diuers and perticuler effectes according as they be in the orient or occident and notably eleuated or depressed vnder y ● earth y ● thei haue more stronge or weake irradiaciō vppon the sayde thinges here belowe on earth For this cause the Astrologians haue distingued all the roundnes of the vniuersall worlde into 12. partes after the nombre of the said 12. signes whych are called houses of the which there are 6. aboue the earth and. 6. vnderneth parpetually and in all regions in the maner and forme as foloweth First it is to vnderstande that the meridian circle and the Horizont do deuide them selues into 2. halfes and with right angles towardes the South and North and they deuide the Equinoctiall into 4. quarters whereof there be 2. aboue the earth and 2. vnderneth two lykewise toward the East and 2. toward the West And euery 4. porcion contemeth 90. degrees You must thē imagen euery of the said quarters of the equino to be deuided into 3 egal parts of 30 degrees euery one of them by the pointes of the said deuisions to passe 4. great circles proceding frō the foresaid intersections of the meridian circle of y ● horizont by this menes the said 4. circles with y ● sayd meridian horizont which do make togither the nūbre of 6. do deuid the equl al the sphere of the world into 12. partes which we cal the. 1● houses of heauen the which are or dained distributed accordinge vnto the succession of the 12. lines of the zodiacke of the propre mouement of the lyghtes planets cōtrary vnto the first mouemēt vniuersall as it doeth somwhat appeare by this fygure folowinge MYne opinion notwithstandinge is that the saide 4. circles oughte to passe by the deuisyons of the Circle vertycall whiche doth deuyde the meridian circle with right angles and not by the equinoctial yf it be not in the right Sphere for many good causes and inuincible reasons as is noted in the Cosmographie or Sphere of the worlde publysshed by Orentius and in the. 12. Chapter of the seconde boke of the same ¶ The first house beginneth then in the orientale parte of the horizont and endeth in the next halfe circle which is vnder the said horizont the which house is named the angle of orient or ascendaunt and horoscope and it is the house to iudge of all the beginninges of life the beginninges of all workes For bycause the first and vniuersal mouement beginneth at the east parte and rayseth the sterres and planets aboue the earth in such wise that from the orient cometh all vertue and the heauenly goodnes The second house foloweth after vnder the said horizont The which is the house of substaunce as well of necessary thynges to the life as of other goodes of marchandises of byinges sellinges administrators and helpers ¶ The. 3. house folowinge endeth at the part of the meridiane whyche is vnder the earthe and bath signification vppon brothers and sisters cousynes neighbours and friendes and vpon smal and short viages ¶ The. 4. house beginneth at the sayde parte of the meridiane whiche is vnder the earth The which is called the angle of the point of the earthe or of midnight and of same the bottome or depth of heauen And it is the house for to iudge of diuisions and heritages of treasors hide and of all thynges vnmouable The. 5. house foloweth after the whyche is the house of chyldren of frendshippe legates and messengers The. 6. and folowing house is ended at the occidentall parte of the horizont and hath signification vpon sickenesses lordeshippes membres of the body vpon seruauntes prysoners and domestycall beastes 7. The seuenth house begynneth at the saide horizonte occidentall drawynge toward the south called the angle or point of occident opposite vnto the ascendant whiche beginneth to descende vnder the horizont And it is the house to iudge of women mariages debates and contentions of the one halfe of the humaine lyfe 8. The. 8. house foloweth after approching toward the South The whiche is the house of death and interfection and of the ende of life 9. The. 9. and house folowing is ended at the part of the meridiane which is aboue the earthe and hathe signification vppon long vsages peregrinations fayth religion wisedom and dreames 10. The tenthe house begynneth at the saide meridiane verticall aboue the earth the whyche called the angle or poynte of the south or of the middes of heauen opposite vnto the fourth house which is the angle of the earthe and is the house royall imperiall of exaltacion and honoure noblenesse and good renoume 11. The eleuenthe house foloweth affer drawing towardes the Easte the whiche is the house for to iudge of hope cōfidēce and the fortune of man 12. The twelfe and last house endinge at the oriente is the house of sadnes enuye malice deception and craft And by this maner there be foure angular and principall houses that is to saye the first the fourth the seuenth and the tenth And foure whiche are named succedinge that is to saye The seconde the fyfthe the eyght the eleuenth whiche do folowe the other foure abouesayd The other foure whiche come next after the succedinge houses are called falling or coming after which be these The thirde the sixt the ninth and the twelfth Of the whiche houses this is the figurefolowing after the iudgemente of our Astrologians and as they are accustomed to vse them and to put them in platfourme The Figure of the xii hovvses of heauen after the Iudgementes of the Astrologians The fyrste howse the Angle of Orient ♈ The second house succedinge ♉ The third house fallynge ♊ The fourth house the Angle of the earth ♋ The fyf●e howse succedinge ♌ The syxte howse fallynge ♍ The vii house the Angle of the Occident ♎ The viii howse succedinge ♏ The ix howse fallynge ♐ The x. house the Angle of the middes of heuen ♑ The xi howse succedinge ♒ The xii house fallynge ♓ And it is conueniente finallye to note that the lyghtes and planettes do reioise and haue certeyne power and accidentall vertues in some houses more then in other as dothe heareafter folowe ♄ Saturne doth reioyce in the xii howse ♃ Iupiter xi ♂ Mars vi ☉ the sunne ix ♀ Venus v ☿ Mercury i ☽ the moone iii ¶ Howe to erecte and distyngue the. 12. houses of heauen after the order of the sayd Ephemerides 18. rule TO erect thē or caculate the. 12. houses of heauen is no other thinge but to finde the pointes of the Zodiacke
Virgo Sagietarius Pisces cômune or meane ¶ Of the nature and complexion of the lightes and of the .v. planetes The .xx. rule AFter this it is necessarye to haue the complexion vertue nature as well of the sunne of the mone as of the .v. planetes the whiche is such as foldweth here in orde● The Sunne is hote and drie louing geuynge lyfe and lyghte vnto all naturall vertues And of the members humayne he rulethe the brayne the marowe the sight the syuewes and generally all the members of the righte parte of the bodye ¶ The mone is colde and moist louyng of whome the effectes are manifeste hauing dominatton ouer the stomacke the bellye and of the mother of women and generally ouer the members of the lefte parte of humayne bodye Saturnels colde and drye enemye of nature malitious and enuious destroyer of life and of the bodye he gouerneth the right eare the milte and the bladder and of humors the inclancholye and parte of the fleume Jupiter is hoate and moiste louinge sanguine hauinge regarde ouer the langes the sides the gristels and of the sede or naturall humour of man Mars is hote and drye cruell and of the humaine bodye is attributed vnto him the lefte eare the vaynes the genetories and of the humors the choler and after the opinion of some men he gouerneth the liuer Uenus is colde and moyste louinge flewma●ike and of the bodye humayne he gouerneth the backe bone the buttockes the lower partes of the bellye the matrice with the mone and the fa●te and the sede with the signe of Leo. And it is to be noted that Jupiter and Uenus are called good and fortunate but Jupiter is the greatest good fortune and Uenus the leaste Saturne and Mars are called vnfortunate or euill fortunes but Saturne is the greatest vnfortunate and Mars the leaste The Sunne and the Mone are called meanes or betwene both that is to say neither fortunate nor vnfortunate but indifferent Neuerthelesse Mercury taketh parte alwayes of the nature of the Planete with the whiche he is cont●yned or nearest vnto for with the good he is good principally when he beholdeth him with a trine or sextile aspecte And with the euill he is euill likewise when he is opposite or comoyned with them or when he beholdeth him with a quadrate aspecte Of the force and accidentall nature of the aspectes The. 21. ● ule FOr somuche that the lightes and planets do chaunge their influence accordinge vnto the varietie of the asectes whiche haue ben declared in the 12. rule it is conuenient to note the goodnes and malice comming of the saide aspectes in the fashion and maner as foloweth Fyrst as touchinge the coniunction whiche properlye is no aspecte you must note that although the coninnctiō be defined to be one whan the planetes are vnder one like degree of the zodiake according vnto the longitude of y ● same neuerthelesse in matter of influence one planete is saide to be conioyned with the other when the one is entred vnder the beames of the other although that they be not in one like degre and foreseynge that the distaunce of the one vnto the other be lesse thē 12 degres And the mone or planet so conioyned wyth the Sunne is sayde to be combuste by the beames of the Sunne and such coniunction is not proprely a coniunction And it is to be noted that when two good planetes are conioyned together the same denoteth manifest amitie and good wyl of the one vnto the other encreasemente of their goodnes And the coniunction of the good with the euill diminisheth the malice of the euill planete and weakeneth somewhat the goodnes of the good Planete As touchinge the opposition it is an aspect of manifest discord and inimitie The quadrate aspect is hate and vnper fite inimitie The trine aspect signifieth perfect and manifest loue of the Planetes The sextile aspecte is of hidde secrete beneuolence and vnperfect amitie ¶ A declaration of the table of the fixed sterres whiche is in the Ephemerides The. 22. rule FOr to knowe the aspectes not onely of the one planet vnto the other but also of the sayd planetes fixed sterres you haue before the Ephemerides a table intituled tabula stellarum fyxarum insigniorum That is to saye the table of the mooste notable fixed sterres rectified in the yeare 1499. The whiche conteineth first of al at the left side the names of the most notable fixed sterres after the members dominations of the images con stellatiōs in the which they ar brought The afterward doth containe their lōgitude that is to say their true place distaūce frō the beginning of Aries After the which longitude there foloweth the latitude of the sayde sterres which is the deuiatiō distaūce of y ● same fixed sters from the zodiake or Ecliptike li●e or towarde the parte meridionall Consequentlye foloweth the declination of the sayde sterres from the equinoctial circle and the difference or denominatiō of the saide declination that is to be knowen if she be septentrionall by this lettre S. or if she be meridionall by this lettre M. Afterwarde foloweth the right ascention of the same sterres that is to saye the arche of the Equinoctiall beginninge at the diuision of the springe time and heade of Aries ascending aboue the horizont with the saide sterres in the right spheare and vnder euery merediane For all m●r●dianes are euery one as a right horizonte and euery right horizont is that whiche passeth by the poles of the worlde finally is noted the greatnes or magnitude and then the nature of the sayde sterres referred vnto the Planetes as the titles inscriptions and characters of the saide table doth shewe plainely inough Of the 28 mansions or abidinge places of the mone The 23. rule COnsequentlye is to be noted that euen so as the sunne doth passe the 12 signes of the zodiake in 365 days and almost 6 houres whiche maketh the whole yeare doth cause here below vpon the earth diuers effectes according vnto the nature of the 12 signes the diuers protection of his beames and the disposition and varietie of inferiour thinges so likewise doth the mone as touchinge his influence passinge the saide Zodiake in 27 dayes and almost 8 houres accordinge vnto the metinge together of her with the fixed sterres whiche are principally in the 12 signes of the Zodiake for she causeth diuers alterations and mutations in the elementall region By menes of the which and to discerne and knowe the effectes abouesaide the aunciente Astrologians haue deuided the same time of 27 dayes and 8 houres into 28 egall partes wherof euery one comprehēdeth 2● houres and 25 minutes and almooste 43 secondes and to euerye one of these sayd 28 partes do aunswere 12 degrees 51 minutes and almoost 26 secondes the whiche are called the 28 mansions of the mone of the which the distinctions and beginninges iustified in oure time and vnto the ninthsphere with their natures
seasons of the yeare at their fyrste enterynge ¶ Other rules and generall doctrines for to knowe better and more surelye to iudge of the varietie of the time and weather of the alteration of the ayre by the coniunctions quadratures oppositions of the sunne and of the mone FOr as muche as the mutation of the ayre is one of the most necessaryest thinges as well for the fruits of the earth as for the health of the humayne body and besides that one of the partes of the iudgement of Astrologie more apparent and likest true I haue set here all at ones ouer and besides the thinges abouesayd some lessons and notable rules for to knowe the better and more sbrely howe to iudge of the said alteration of the ayre First you must diligently note the sinifications and general rules which we haue declared in the rule goinge before for somuche that the generall significations do chaunge and surmount the perticuler vertues by reason that the greatest vertue draweth vnto him the lesser and the lesser doth obey vnto the greater and with this the perticuler vertues are not of so great vertue and strength as be the generall It is then necessarye for all men that wyll iudge of particuler thinges to consider and beholde first the thinges whiche be vniuersall and generall As if you wyll prognosticate of the qualitie and disposition of ani day proposed you must diligently consider thestate or disposition of any day proposed you must diligently ▪ consider the state or disposition of the time in the whiche the sayd daye proposed shall chaunce or happen Of the whiche estate and disposition you shal iudge by the lorde of the coniunction quadrature ▪ or oppositiō preceding of the Sunne and she mone and of the signe where she is made The whiche Lorde of the sayde coniunction quadrature or opposition you shal knowe by the figure of the auen that is to saye of the twelue houses and places of the planetes iustlye verefied at the ▪ hour of the same coniunction opposition or quadrature Then when you shal haue the figure of heauen well iustified for the time aboue sayde of the coniunction quadrature or oppositiō of the sunne and of the mone you shall firste consider in whiche of the 12 houses and in what signe shall fal the sayd coniunction quadrature or opposition and the signe and degree ascendent with the signes and degrees of the other angles For the ▪ planet whiche shal haue in the said places more prerogatiue force and domination shalbe principall lorde of the saide time and figure and that whiche shall haue leaste shalbe participant in the said lordeship dominatiō And it is to be noted that the planet which hath most dominatiō vpon the place of the said coniunction opposition or quadrature and vpon the signe degree ascendant doth surmount all the others and ought to be in this place preferred Loke then of what nature the planete is which shall rule in the said figure For the vniuersal disposition of the time shall holde the qualitie of the said planet As if at the time of the said coniunction quadrature or opposition Saturne be founde lorde the time shall be colde and drye And if it be Uenus it shal be moist and so of others after their nature and qualitie excepte the sunne and the mone for the best astrologians do neuer chuse the sunne nor the mone in this place for Lordes nor rulers for because that they do esteme the 5 planetes to be the onelye moderatours of the time and weather that is to saye Saturne Jupiter Mars Uenus and Mereurye And not w toute a cause in the coniunctiō they do chuse the Lord of the place of the said coniunction And in the oppositiō the lord of the place of the same of the lightes which shalbe aboue thearth or in thorient precisely for there is in this place most greatest vertu Likewise in iudging almost as much by the place of the quadrature of the sayde lightes for thei take the place of the same light whiche is aboue the horizont if the other be vnderneth And if they be bothe aboue or both vnderneth the saide horizont as it chaunceth often times they take then for the place of the sayde quadrature the place of the same light whiche is founde to haue most force and dignitie As if one of the planeties were in one of the angles or houses succedinge and the other in the house fallynge the same whiche is in the sayde angle or hoose succedinge shalbe preferred before the same whiche is in the fallinge house The whiche force dignities and other witnesses of the planetes you shall extra out of the table which is expresselye put in the Ephemerides for the same cause the whiche hath ben sufficiently declared in the 24 rule Then when you shall haue the Lorde and dominatoure at the time of the coniunction quadrature or opposition of the lightes you shall fyrste note his nature and qualitie For moost often times the disposition of the tyme shall resemble the same Secondlye you shall considre the signe in the whiche is the sayde lorde and dominatoure for the time shall be disposed vnto the qualitie of the sayde sigue Furthermore you shall haue regarde vnto the signe whiche is then ascendant and vnto his nature and of what mansion of the mone he is with out forgettinge the lord of the sayd signe ascendant Afterward you shal take hede and se whiche planets are in the angles for those whiche do occupie the middeste of heauen or the ascendant shall be better and more stronger then they whiche shall be in the angle of the 7 or 4 house Consequentlye you shall marke with whiche of the planetes the mone cometh to be conioyned or in aspecte after the ●●y●d coniunction quadrature or opposition Likewise you shall note with which of ●he planettes or notable fyxed sterres the lord of the sayd figure i● conioyned or beheld with any aspect These thynges thus cōsidered you may bringe to effect and perfectly iudge as foloweth If the sayd lord of the coniunction quadrature or opposition be of a moyst nature and the places aboue sayd and planettes being in them likewise moyst and with this the sayd lord being conioyned or in any as●●●● with any moyst sterres or planettes And if the moone after the sayd coniunction quadrature or opposition come to be conioyned or in aspect with some moist planet ioyned therunto that the qualitye of the time be disposed vnto moystnes if all the thinges aboutsayd or the most part of them do tend vnto humiditie you may gather and iudge that the time shall be mayste and if they tende vnto drouthe that it shall be drye and if vnto heate that it shalbe hote and if vnto coldnes that it shal be colde and if there be as many witnesses for the one qualitie as for the other the time shalbe indifferent hauing then knowen the general disposition of the time as now presently hath ●ene
sayd you shal discretlye entremingle the applications of the moone vnto the planettes and of the one planet vnto the other for to indge more certeynly of the perticuler days And to make an end of this matter you shall yet note these .ii. lessons wherof the firste is that the sygnyfycation of the tyme thus found as hath bene sayde aboue his effect principally shall appeare and come forth when the moone after the coniunction quadrature or opposition abouesayde shalbe conioyned or comme vnto some stronge planet with the sygnificatour of the sayd time ¶ The seconde is that when the moone shall come vnto the signe ascendant during the sayd coniunction quadrature or opposition the time shalbe disposed vn to the nature and qualitie of the sayde signe And this suffiseth for the disposition of the time and chaunge of the weather ¶ Of the aspectes and constellations which must be obserued and chosen for to beginne and ende happelye all workes and humayne businesse The .xxvii. rule THe dysposition of the heauenly bodyes do grea●lye inclyne the inferiour thinges to bee happely done or begonne and dothe aduaunce theyn or elles make late theyr comminge to perfection and their full and hole effecte to comme forthe for this cause are here sette forthe by order the elections whiche must be obserued or auoyded in these places beginninge at Saturne and then at the other planettes in order Saturne beinge with the moone in Coniunction ¶ Causeth an euell vnluckye daye for all matters and principally it is not good to haue to doo with aged people ne w t rural folkes nor laborers sextile aspect ¶ It is good to haue to doo with olde folkes and of good counsel to edefy castelles and houses and to erecte thinges that are in ruyne to plowe to plant and nought to requyre the loue of women quadrature ▪ ¶ You must beware and kepe your selfe from olde folkes and from labouring or planting it is nought also to iourney and leaue to accomplishe thy desire especiallye if it bee euel trine aspecte It is good to haue to do with aged people to labour y ● earth vines to sowe and to plante trees to fortfye castelles and to make the foundacion of cityes and townes opposition It is neither good to sowe nor to plant nor to beginune any matter what so euer it be it is requisite to auoyde y ● cōuer satiō meting w t olde folkes Iupiter beinge with the moone in coniunction ¶ It is good to be conuersant with noble men with religyous persons and lawyars to giue supplications and requestes and to demaunde right and iustice Sextile Aspect It is good to speake vnto iudges and ecclesiastical and religious persons and to begin all good workes quadrature ▪ It is a mete time to studye in philosophy to mete with iudges and religious persons to require right and iustice Trine aspect It is good to beginn all good matters and to haue to doo with lawyars iudges religious persons and their prelates and to require of theyn the thinge which they would obtayne Opposition It is a mete time to studye in philosophye and to haue conuersation with ecclesiasticall persons and with noble men and to go before Judges Mars beinge with the moone in Coniunction It is good to auoyde warriours and all noises debates and strife sextile aspect It is good to leade and encourage men of warre vnto the battell to haue to do with princes and captaines to buy horses for the warres and thinges of redde coloure and to finish all firy workes quadrature ▪ It is an vnmete time to mete with gentlemen and knightes and to worke in firie workes trine aspecte It is good to be with warriours and to deuise of things perteininge to the warres to buy beastes and to make fyer for the alch●mye opposition It is an vnmete tyme to treate of loue and frendships to take seruauntes and to beginne any thinge whatsoeuer that it be Sol beinge with the moone in coniunction It is good to finishe hidden matters and secrete counsels that one would not haue to be knowen and naught to do any other thinge Sextile Aspect It is good to haue to do with kinges princes wise mē and of counsell and good to require right offices and dignities quadrature ▪ It is not good to mete with princes and noble men Tsine aspect It is good to mete with kinges princes counsellers people of estate and to require of them right and iustice and that thinge which a man wold obtaine of theim and to seke loue and frendship of princes Opposition ▪ It is a very vnhappye daye for all matters therefore at tempte nothinge ne any manner of sute neither plant build nor iourneye Venus be iuge with the moone in ●oniunction It is good to take a wife to treate of loue to haue cohabitation with wemen and good to take seruauntes sextile aspect It is good to attempte mariage to seke the loue of wemen to put on newe apparel and to speak vnto noble men quadrature It is good also to take a wife good to woo and to obtayne sutes of womenne to combe the heade and to putte on newe apparell trine aspect It is lykewise good to take a wife to combe the heade to seke the loue of women to be conuersaunte with theym and to putte on newe apparell Mercurye beynge with the moone in eomunction It is good and a lucky day to bye and sell to iourneye to geue accomptes good to entre children in liberall artes and to demaunde benefices sextile aspect It is good for the versifier to pleade causes to geue accomptes to iourneye to bye and sell to vse marchaundise ▪ and good to entre chyldren to learninge quadrature It is good to calculate and to render vp accomptes to send embassage good to haue to do with penne menne and wryters to bye and sell and to iourneye Opposition It is good to meete with writers to bye and sell to vse marchaundise to send embassage and messengers ●good to set children to studye and learninge Likewise when the moone after her coniunction with anye fortunate planette shal be notably remoued farre from the sayd planet the daye shal be vnfortunate and when she shall be notablye remoued farre from her coniunction with any vnfortunace planet it is the good to worke in all matters especiallye the moone being in the signe of Cancer Taurus Pisces or Sagittarius or in the house of the Sunnne hauynge Trine or Sextil e aspect with the sayd Sunne ¶ Besides this the moone hath certeyne and propre effectes in euery one of the. xii signes in case she bee not then letted by any stronge signification or constellation The whyche are suche as foloweth Aries It is good to begin that which a man would haue sone ended and nought to beginne anye thinge that a man would haue to be firme and stable and to haue to do with kinges and riche men good to bathe nought to clippe heare to scarifye