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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14879 The plaine mans pilgrimage. Or iovrney tovvards heaven Wherein if hee walke carefully he may attaine to euerlasting life. By W.W. Webster, William, treatise writer. 1613 (1613) STC 25181; ESTC S101835 77,422 180

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glad lustie cheerefull and true-harted vnto God and vnto all creatures so that it is vnpossible to seperate good life and good workes from this faith euen as it is impossible to seperate heate and burning from the fire Therefore take heed to thy selfe and beware of thine owne fantasies and imagination which to iudge of faith and good workes that thou wilt seeme wise when in deed thou art starke blind Pray vnto GOD therefore that hee will in mercy vouchsafe to worke this true faith in thine heart or else shalt thou remaine euermore faithlesse Now it is for euery true Christian to know and vnderstand that they are accepted iustified and at peace with God only through fayth in Christ our sauiour and that workes are to be set apart in the only poynt to bee any cause of our iustification with fay●h yet hope and charity follow the same saith by which we are iustified in the regenerate that are the Children of God yet wee are not iustified by them no nor by fayth as of it owne vertue othervise then instrumentally as apprehending the righteousnes of Christ which is without vs and is no otherwise ours then by imputation for as a good tree hath good fruites necessarily so hath a right fayth good life and good workes but then good workes though they bee not seperated from fayth yet they are seperated from being any cause of iustification with fayth As the Apostle Saint Paul maketh diuers and sundry arguments for the proofe thereof As in the 3. to the Rom 20.21.22 c. where he testifieth that by the workes of the law no flesh could be iustified in the sight of God for by the law commeth the knowledge of sinne But now sayth hee is the righteousnesse of God made manifest without the law hauing witnes of the Law and the prophets To wit the righteousnesse of God by the faith of Iesus Christ vnto all and vpon all that beleeue For there is no difference for al haue sinned and are depriued of the glory of God But are iustified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Iesus Whom God hath set forth to be a reconciliation through faith in his bloud to declare his righteousnesse by the forgiuenesse of the sinnes that are past To shew at this time his righteousnesse that he might be iust and the iustifier of him that beleeueth of Iesus Christ Now the Apostle when he had testified that wee are iustified by grace through faith and not by workes concludeth by posing a question and giuing answer thereunto saying where then is thy reioycing it is excluded by what law of workes nay but by the law of faith affirming with a conclusion wee hold that a man is iustified by saith without the works of the law Againe know this that a man is not iustified by the workes of the law but by the faith of Iesus Christ and we haue beleeued in Iesus Christ that we might be iustified by the faith of Christ and not by the workes of the law because that by the workes of the law no flesh shal be istified Gal. 2.16 For if there had been a law giuen which could haue giuen life surely then righteousnesse should haue beene by the law but the Scripture hath concluded all vnder sinne that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should bee giuen vnto them that beleeue Gal. 3.21.22 Yee are abolished from Christ saith the Apostle whosoeuer are iustified by the law yee are fallen from grace for wee through the spirit waite for the hope of righteousnesse through faith Gal. 5.4.5 Againe by grace wee are faued through faith and that not of our selues it is the gift of God not of workes least any man should boast himselfe for wee are his workemanship created in Christ Iesus vnto good workes which GOD hath ordeyned that wee should walke in them Ephes 2.8.9 The Apostle saith that the promise that Abraham should bee heire of the world was not to Abraham or to his seed through the law but through the righteousnesse of faith for if they which are of the law bee heires then is faith but vaine and the promise made of none effect Rom. 4.13.14 For if righteousnesse come of the law then is Christ dead in vaine Gal. 2.21 Besides many other places in the Scriptures which tend to the same purpose as to the Gal. 3.11 Ephes 3.9 Rom. 4.5.6 Titus 3.5 2. Tim. 1.9 Heb. 2.4 Now it followeth to bring some arguments and reasons to prooue that man is iustified by faith onely and not by workes The first is that whereby man shall liue for euer by that also hee shall be iustified By faith in Christ Iesus man shall liue for euer ergo by faith also man shall be iustified For as wee attaine to eternall life for Christ his sake beeing apprehended by faith So for his sake wee are pronounced for iust and absolued from the guilt and punishment of eternall death therefore these two propositions are conuertible A man iustified shall liue for euer and a man liuing for euer is iustified these effects of iustification is in the holy Scriptures attributed vnto this onely cause Faith for what is more knowne then that saying So GOD loueth the world that hee hath giuen his onely begotten sonne that whosoeuer beleeueth in him should not perish but haue eternall life It is sayd by the Prophet Abacuck 2.4 The iust man shall liue by his faith and what is more manifest then that beeing iustified by faith wee are at peace with GOD. Rom. 5.1 So then if man bee iustified by his faith that is by the righteousnesse of another to wit Christ apprehended by faith then is hee not iustified by his owne righteousnesse For man is saued either by his owne righteousnesse or by the righteousnesse of another But man is saued by the righteousnesse of another namely by the righteousnesse of Christ as is declared by Abacuk Ergo man is not saued by his own righteousnesse wherefore if man should bee iustifyed by his workes then should hee also liue by his workes But by the testimony of Baruk man shall not liue by his workes but by faith onely For workes that are wicked and doe nothing else but prouoke Gods wrath deserue no reward or recompence much lesse doe they deserue righteousnesse and eternall life But the workes of all men are wicked and doe nothing else but prouoke GODS wrath ergo the workes of no man but CHRIST onely deserue any reward or recompence much lesse doe they deserue righteousnesse and eternall life How Faith doth iustifie and how workes GOD doth commend vnto all the world the adioyning of outward workes to inward faith Consonant vnto which is Paul the Apostle when hee requireth a faith that worketh by loue and telleth vs that aswell with the mouth wee confesse vnto righteousnesse as with the heart beleeue vnto saluation Rom. 9. Also our Sauiour him-selfe who requireth to the inward acknowledging of him in the heart the outward
profession of him before men Math. 10 This is that which S. Iames meaneth where hee saith Abraham our father was iustified by works when hee offered Isaack vpon the Aultar seest thou not saith hee that the faith wrought with his workes and through the workes was the faith made perfect c. that is Abraham by this meanes was knowne and declared to be iustified and his faith beeing effectuall and fruitfull by workes was thereby knowne to bee a true faith and not a ded faith for S. Iames speaketh not of the causes of iustification but by what effects we may know that a man is iustified true is the distinction therefore euen of Schoolemen themselues Christ doth iustifie a man effectiue effectiuely by working his iustification faith doth iustifie a man apprehensiue by apprehending because it taketh hold of Christ who is our iustifier And workes doe iustifie also but declaratiue declaringly because they shew that a man is iustified as hath beene said so Christ faith and workes doe all iustifie but diuersly Also it is that Barnard saith workes are via regni but not causa regnandi that is the way to the kingdome but not the cause of the raigning there And now wee see and vnderstand that faith being the onely speciall meane for euery true Christian to attaine vnto saluation and Christ Iesus the speciall cause thereof therefore it behooueth euery child of God to imbrace the benefit of the Gospel seeing God doth so mightely vse the preaching of the same to beget faith to confirm the same in the hearts of the elect so to bring them to saluation We shold greatly therfore esteem of the preaching of the word and haue it in great price as in the 1. Cor. Tim. 4.16 2. Tim. 3.15 Ioh. 5.25 The grace of God and saluation is giuen vnto them onely that haue faith and beleeue in Christ for they onely are iustified Mark 16.16 Therefore neither doth saluation nor the doctrine therefore belong at all vnto infidels or vnbeleeuers Ioh. 3.18 As vnto the beleeuers the Gospel is the power of God vnto saluation so vnto the vnbeleeuers it is the sauor of death vnto death because they either condemn or corrupt it 2. Cor. 2.15.16 The promise of saluation belongeth not onely vnto certaine men as Prophets Apostles but generally vnto all beleeuers Mark 16.16 wherefore no man ought to dispaire or to thinke himself exēpted but repent beleeue only Lu. 8.50 The Maiesty and excellency of the gospell must needs be great seeing in times past it was promised by the Prophets as a singular and admirable guift being thus promised was commended in wryting for the perpetuall nourishing of the hope of the faithfull The Gospel or Euangel by the very sound and signification of the word is discerned from the law the gospell to speake properly is not a doctrine teaching precepts or perfecter Counsels then the law of God but a doctrine bringing from heauen most ioyfull newes touching the sauiour and grace of God in Christ towards all such as by faith lay hold on the Mediator Hereupon Christ said that the eies and eares of his disciples were happie when they had heard the preaching of the Gospell and seene the same confirmed with miracles for that they saw and heard those things which many Kings and Prophets desired to see heare and yet could not But wee at this day are no lesse happy then the Disciples yea we are much more happy now thē they were then for albeit they saw Christ in the flesh and heard him teach yea at that time they had not heard that hee died for vs and that our sins being altogether washed away by his death that he had risen againe frō death ascended into heauen and sat at the right hand of God the father all which are in the gospel declared to vs. By the bookes of the new Testament we bee taught also that Christ afore promised which is God aboue all things most blessed for euer euen he which was shadowed in the bookes of the old Testament and in sacrifices figured that he was sent at the last from the father the self same time which the father did constitute within himself at that time when all wickednesse abounded in the world then he was sent this Iesus our Sauiour being borne in the flesh suffered death and rose again from the dead which acts of his were not done by him in respect of the good works of any man for we are all sinners but that this God our father should appeare true in exhibiting the aboundāt riches of his grace which he promised and that through his mercy he might bring vs to saluation Wherevpon it is euidently shewed in the new Testament that Iesus Christ being the Lambe the true sacrifice of the world putting away the sins of men came into this world to purchase grace and peace for vs with the father washing vs from our sinnes in his blood should deliuer vs from the bondage of the Diuill whom by sinne wee did serue and so we should bee adopted by him to be the sonnes of God and heires with him of that most excellent and euerlasting kingdome Now that we should acknowledge this singular and excellent benefit of God towards vs Almighty God giueth vs his holy spirit the fruit effect of which is faith in God in his Christ for without the holy Ghost by which we are instructed sealed neither can we beleeue that God the father sent Messias nor yet that Iesus is Christ So no man saith S. Paul can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost the same spirit witnesseth to our spirits that we are the children of God and powreth into our bowels that charity which S. Paul describeth to the Corinthians Furthermore that holy spirit doth giue vs hope which is a sure looking for eternall life whereof hee himselfe is the certaine token and pledge Also hee giueth vs spirituall gifts of which Paul writeth to the Galathians therefore the benefit of faith is not to be despised or so little to be set by for by the meanes of this trust and fayth in Christ which worketh by charity and sheweth it selfe forth by the works of harit●●y moouing men therevnto we are iustified and sanctified that is to say God the father of our Lord Iesus Christ which is made our father also by him being our brother doth accompt vs to be iust and holy through his grace through the merit of his sonne Iesus Christ not imputing our sinnes to vs so farre forth that wee should suffer the paines of hell for them Finally Christ himselfe came into the world to the intent that we through him being sanctified and clensed from our sinnes following his will in good workes should deny the things pertaining to the flesh and freely serue him in righteousnes and holines all the dayes of our liues And that by good works which God hath prepared for