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A12923 The triall of the supremacy wherein is set fourth ye unitie of christes church milita[n]t geue[n] to S. Peter and his successoures by Christe and that there ought to be one head bishop in earth Christes vicar generall ouer all hys churche militant: wyth answeres to the blasphemous obiections made agaynste the same in the late miserable yeres now paste. Standish, John, 1507?-1570. 1556 (1556) STC 23211; ESTC S100970 78,260 315

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the canticles and fourth of Paule to the Ephesiās Corinthians are to be referred to the triūphant church do also now shew y t onlye the good in gods knowledg to be rewarded in glory are christꝭ spouse not withstandinge here in the nomber amōges christes people al are coūted oēs n. sunt de ecclesia numero sed nō merito y t be knit together in one faith one baptim c. Whether the● be good or bad So y t the vnitye agrement here in maketh y e church to be knowē How be it if ye take or count all faithfull people which are sinners to be darkenes y e righteous onlye to be the light so no doubte y ● good bad do not al pertaine to one cōpanye but cōsidering al faithful people as wel sinners as iust mē in that they be knit together ī one faith which is y e light of al faithful soules so they are al coūted to be w t in the cumpany of thunitie of the church militant w t out whiche be al scismatikes al heretikes al y t be excommunicat And here by appeareth y t only vnitye agremēt vnder one head ī one faith in one baptim in one order of sacramētꝭ sacramētalꝭ ceremonies c. in one hope one charity in one spirit ī one reward to be receued of one head in heauē doth make the churche of christ to be knowē but al we both good or bad do depēd of thꝭ vnity vnder one heade in one faith one baptim one hope one loue in one spirit al loking for one rewarde vnder one heade christ in heauē therfore all we whether good or bad not errīg in y e faith are of thꝭ church which thē cōsequētly herby appereth to be knowen Now for the profe of al these for y e first there is one christ ephe i whō God the father ordeined to be head ouer al his church which is his bodi mistical Peter and his successours being immediate vicars therof as is fulli declared in this boke For the second we al are knit in thunity one faith i. co i saie al one thīg let ther be no scisme amōges you for ye are al one gal iii y t is to say in y e faith of christ For y e third we al agre in thuniti of one bapti Vnū baptismacte eph 4 that cōcernīg the matter of bap concerning y e maner forme of bap concerninge also the effect profyt of bap tī For these .iii. ye rede Iohn y e third Mathue y e last Marke y e .xvi. excepte ye be regenerate of water tholy ghoste ye can not ēter īto y e kingdō of god c Go and teache al nacions baptysing them in the name of the father the sonne and the holy ghost c. He that beleueth and is baptised shall be saued c. For the fourthe ye are all called Ephesians the .iiii. vnto one hope of your vocatiō Hoc est in vnā rē speratā que est effectus vocationis vestre For y e v kepe stil one charity phi ii being al of one minde as the apostels were Actes the .iiii. as we are al being the church counted as one lofe i. cor x or one bodye For as one lofe is made of manye graines one bodye of many members so is the church compacte of manye faithfull people knit together in charity For y e sixte i. cor xii the giftes of grace are many but al cōmeth of one holye spirite Be ye therfore carefull ephe iiii to kepe the vnitye of this spirit seing y t as one soule doth quickē norishe al members of the natural bodye So doth one spirit quickē norish al the faithfull mēbres of christes bodi mistical For the last mat 20. We loke al for one peny to be geuen of god whyche is our onely one head Iohels i rewarder of all we being then all brought into one shepecote of hym our onelye one shepeherde and pastour By this aunswere ye maye fullye perceyue the palpable darkenesse wherein these heretikes blindlye do walke which obstinately holde that the church is vnknowen and that none be of it but such as be all pure without spotte and that the smaller number is euer the better concernyng beliefe RHomanꝰ pontifex est caput orbis vniuersi et hierarcha summus ac princeps omnium vbique perpetuo hoc Authoritate diuina necnon iudex summus a quo appellare nō licet sed eius semper est modo sitvere papa catholicus causas fidei ambiguitates omnes iudicio vltimato decidere ac determinare Verum toto tempore quo ignoratur quis sit verus pontifex sacrum concilium authoritatem habet a deo ad sedandum schisma ¶ The conclusion WE maye perceyue now hereby ientill reader howe weake feble all the obiectiōs are which be commonlye made agaynst the Popes authoritye We may perceyue the long cōtinuance of it euen from Peters time hitherto with sufficient profes of the same We may perceyue also that thonly occasion of all heresies and other mischiefes whiche haue bene here in Englande and caused miserable scismes amōgest vs in the late miserable yeres was the forsakynge of the heade of the churche and breakynge the vnity therof We perceyue moreouer that y e only cause of leauinge and forsakyng hym was sinne aduoutrye pride and auaryce but the cause being nought how could the effecte be good Yea howe nought euil and wicked the effect hath bene and what misery we haue both felt and suffered still worse and worse as wel bodily as ghostlye euerye good man doth playnly se We perceiue also by example now to speake that lyke as yf ye take a clue of yearne and let the top thred be fast knit tosse tipe and playe at the ball with it so longe as the toppe threde breaketh not all holdeth faste together but breake ones the toppe threede and then playe with it tosse it vp downe all will sone come to nought euen so it hath chaunsed here in England with christes true religiō after that we ones brake the toppe threde Experience hereby hathe taught vs that amonges christen mē nothing is so sore to be feared as to be deuided from the vnity of christes churche as all they be whyche forsake the head therof In vnity peace and concord all thynges do florysshe and prosper but through diuisyon and schisme what euell commeth not And that caused the holye emperour Theodosius so greatlye to laboure for vnytye amongest Christes flocke Which thinge nowe earnestly pondered and throughlye weped let vs with all dylygence wyth all studye and prayer endeuoure our selues to kepe vs in the vnitie of christes church and to kepe vp the charet that it fall no more to the grounde Let vs mooste humblye obey vnto Peter and his successors as vnto the heade and chieffe stone
vertuous liuers to the outwarde apperaunce to take his parte beynge his Angels transfygured in to the Angels of lyght So that as ▪ then they dyd euer slaunderouslye blaspheme and reuyle the true christians and woulde theyr own decrees and lawes to be called the trueth their errours the veritie and them selues to be coūted godly that their churche was the catholyke church and they y ● Catholikes and earnest defendours of the trueth euen so was it fullye and whollye within this Realme of Englande in all the miserable yeres nowe paste As then the Arians called theyr secte when they suffred for their heresies holye martirs euen so now at this time theritikes cal their champions which stande obstinate to the fire holy martirs not markinge if I maye speake a word or two by digressiō that the kinde of death maketh not the Martir but the cause not markinge that euen among the Hethē many haue willyngly suffered deathe and yet no christen man so folysshe as to call theym Martyrs of God not markynge agayne that I one of Kent which said christ toke no flesh of y ● virgin deniyng therby his manhode had fauourers whiche bothe thought sayd when she was burnt that she was the Martir of God but then surelye the deuil shalbe called a confessor whiche confessed that Christe was the sonne of God Whose confession was then as true as truly made as either I●●s of Kent or els as any of theirs whiche as obstinate heretykes breake the vnitie of the church diuide Christes coo●e and yet crie the Lordes worde the lor●des worde wrestinge our lordes holy worde to their condēnation Howbeit we may well perceayue that it is no more wonder to se an obstinate heretyke stande stiffe to the fier then it is to se a man kill hāge or drowne him selfe The same deuill which causeth the one cā soone cause the other But of this matter I will speake another time Nowe therfore to retourne from whens I haue a litle while digressed we may easely coniecture that thonlye cause of al these mischiefes and miseryes that we of late haue suffered hath bene the breache of thunity of Christes church When we ones fledde forth of Peters shippe then we fell streyght way headlong into al licentious libertie then we forsaked vtterly al general counsels all ordinaunces frō the beginnīg kept in christes church al iudgemētes vpon scripture saue our owne then of singularytye we did select and chose a new fayth euery daye chaunginge and alteringe and no maruayle after that our noble Prince through counsel of some wicked men aboute him toke that in hande whiche neuer true catholike king did vsurpe before him that is to sai to sit in Peters chere Since what time oh good lord what misery haue we fallen into as wel bodylye as gostlye But nowe thankes be to Iesus Christ which through his mercye hathe broughte vs againe vnto our mother y e catholyke church euen into Peters ship and Iesus longe preserue her amōges vs by whose meanes we were brought agayne into it Now we se that God suffereth as he didde in tharians time heresies ofte to floryshe for a seasō but yet euer ī time of mercy he remembreth vs agayne and wil not heresie stil to preuaile but y t we may haue good cōfort say w t Athā Nolite turbari frēs nubecula est et ci to pertrāsit Let not your hartes faile you brethrē be not dismaied saieth he this heresie is but lik a litle cluod it wil sone vade away Nowe we se also that it was not withoute great cause that S. August sayde that amongest other thinges the succession of the bishops of Rome frō Peters time did kepe him in the true fayth as Ireneus had graūted lōg before Now we se y t y t faith is to be receiued beleued holden whiche hath bene kept of al mē at al times in al places of christendome since y e begīnīg and y t we must leaue onely to y e generalitye to the antiquity to the consēt of the fathers al stil agreīg ī one For experience sheweth no 〈◊〉 onely y e scripture stories doctors y t as heretikꝭ be euer ful of diuissiō scisme euē oft amōges thē selues as appereth by Luther Ecolāpadiꝰ Carolostadiꝰ Swīg●●ꝰ c. being liuely figured ī y e cōfusiō at Babilō so are the catholikes euer most surely knit ī this vnitye wherunto tholy ghost stil doth moue sūdry waies perswade mēs cōsciences Furthermore we se clerely what wickednes misery it is stil to wāder ī palpable darknes frō error to error being ones out of y e vnity for which christ praied saying O father graunt y t as y ● I be one so mai these which beleue ī me be one ioyned knit together ī one faith ī one cōfessiō in one loue in one grace pietye Nowe we se the cause why we fell from this vnitie and vpon what grounde We se the cause was nothing els but to maintayne wyckednes and synne We se what was the progresse and what styll folowed of it that is to saye more synne and more errour vpon errour and heresye vpon heresie We se also that the ende was almost vtter destruction of all together bothe bodely gostly extreme pouertie extreme miserie euen as people quite forsakē of god Finally therfore we se y t there is no way so easie for the deuil to bringe in all kindes of heresies errours diuisions scismes contentions strifes and mischiefes as is to denye the vnitie of Christes churche and to forsake the head therof the Popes holines All heresies sprīg hereout saith Ciprian And for this cause I haue nowe right honourable lorde and most holy father taken this worke in hande and haue dedicate the same vnto your fatherhode a chiefe and head pyller of Christes churche to the entente it myght do more good and the soner be embraced of al catholike people within this realme And herein accordynge to my small talent I haue not onely declared by sundry probations some apparent and some demonstratyue the moste hyghe authoritie aboue al other both spirituall and temporal geuen to Saincte Peter and to hys successoures for euer but also haue answered to all the comē obiections whiche I haue eyther heard or redde deceitfully inuented agaynst the sayd authoritie Beseching your grace well to accepte this my small labour and construe all to the best for Iesus sake Whom I beseche longe to preserue your noble and vertuous estate in continuall honoure ioye and prosperytye to the great comforte and profit of all true faythful people within this realme and after this life to graunt you eternal glory in heauen wyth god almighty and his holy aungels Amen ¶ Here do folow sundrye probatiōs wherof some do set forth onlye S. Peters preeminence aboue the other apostles some declare the most high authoritye and power geuen by
S. Ciprian nameth y e church of Rōe peters see and calleth it the principal churche whereoute the vnitye doth springe Li. i. epist epis iii. ante calcem S. Amb. also bearethe testimonye hereof saying we think it was not without a cause that tholy apostels Peter Paule did suffer martridome ī one day in one place vnder one tirād In one day y t thei might come together vnto christ at one time one place y t Rome should lacke neither of thē vnder one persecutor y ● either might fele like crudeliti The day was appointed them for their merit the place for their glory the persecutour for their vertue What place did they suffer in In the citye of Rhome whiche was the chiefe and head cytye of all the nacions So that there shoulde reste the heade of all holinesse where before was the head of al supersticion there the princes of y e churches shoulde remayne where before y e princes of y e Gētils did dwel Haec amb in cō in natali petri et pauli cō 67 Agayn S. Ambr. saith Peter went forth in the night sawe Christ mete him goinge into y e citye to whō Peter saide lorde whither goest y u christ aunswered I go to Rome there to be crucified againe And thē Peter knew y t christes aūswer did perteine to his crucifyinge or death Haec ambr li. 5. epistolarū in or̄one cō auxentiū And this sam ī effect w t much more hath Egesippꝰ li. ● excid hiera cap. 2 an olde writer euē sone after y e apostels time ▪ yea he being a Greciā which would haue ben loth to haue testified any thing to the glory of Rome if the verye trueth had not compelled him y ● to haue done s Hierome likewise in catalogo illust viro rum in titulo pe● intitulo pauli in titulo philonis saieth Peter prīce of the apostles after that he had bene byshop in Antioch c. came to Rome the seconde yere of Claudiꝰ the emperour and kept y e see there .xxv. yeres euen vnto the last yeare of Nero vnder whom he beyng crucified did suffer mertirdom Orosius thistoriographer affirmeth y e like li. 7. ca. 4. v. And so doth Euse li. ii ca. xiiii etiā in li. croni And holy Bede our coūtremā in his cronacle testifieth y e same of s Peter s Hie againe saith in the place recited Philo fel into gret acquaītāce loue with Peter in the city of Rome c. Ireneus moreouer scholer to s Iohns disc Pol. li. 3. ca. 1. 3. sheweth that peter was byshop ī rome so do chriso hꝭ abbreuiator the ophilat in cōmentariis epistolae poster ad Timo. Yea here now final lie to cōclude s Peter him selfe in his first epistle .v. cha speaking vnder y e name of Babilō for so he calleth ther rome bicause of superstition idolatry then vsed amongest y e infidels sheweth y t he wrot y t his epistle from rome as al authors doe declare whiche do interprete that epistle of Peter and so do Tertu li. con Iudeos pag. 128. Sainte Hierome in catalogo virorū illustr titulo Marci papias disciple to S. Iohn euāg and bishop of Hierusalē Eusebius li. 2. ec his ca. 15. with many mo I nede not here to bring in certayne germayn writers which expoūding the fornamed place of Peter affirme him there to speake of Rhome vnder the name of Babilon where not without great blasphemy ofte they rayle agaynste all godlinesse and yet they be not ashamed to say and write yea and putte forth in printe thousand volumes wherein they denye y t Peter euer was at Rhome ¶ The .xlv. obiection Christ bade peter fede hꝭ flock saying Pasce but this word pasce be tokeneth seruice not preeminence It is I say a word of seruice not preeminence The answere Christe in y t place vsed .ii. wordes twise he saith 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 whiche is pasce fede but after he addeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is both rege et pasce rule or gouerne and fede And so in the Ps god biddeth rule them w t an irne rod and in y e Actes Paule willeth them to take hede to them selues and ●o al the flocke amōge whome y e holy ghost had made them bishops to rule 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the church of god Also in Peters epistle rule ye the churche of Christe though it be fede in the damnable translacions 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Therfore now to cōclude seinge euerye man knoweth that to rule or gouerne is thoffice of superiours heades and rulers we maye well and truelye aunswere that to Peter and to all his successors was geuen not only commaūdement to fede but also to rule his flocke And for this saith Paule which was but an inferiour to Peter will ye that I shal come to you with the rod of correctiō Rebuke sayth he to Timothe and checke in season out of season But of this ye haue more in y e .2 probation ¶ The .xlvi. obiection Ezechias that good kinge as hauing hygh authoritye ouer all geuen vnto him euē by god sayde herken o ye Leuites and priestes be ye halowed make ye pure and cleane the house of our lord put away al wickednes and all vncleanes from the holy place c. ¶ The answere There were in Iuda by goddes permission manye wicked kinges whych did most filthyly pollute gods howse with Idolatrye and but fewe good whych wyth all theyr myghte did seke goddes honour Among whych fewe kyng Ezechias was one of the chyefe But if ye marke the text wel ye shall not fynde that he dyd vsurpe or take vppon him the priestes offyce but wyth his temporall sworde did defende it in all godlye ordre c. The .xlvii. obiection Mokst cōmōly at al times causes of heresies haue ben debated before Emperours kinges princes both in this Realme also in other places of christēdome As appeareth euidentlye by manye chronicles ¶ The aunswere Good Kinges and Princes haue ofte made lawes and ordeined sharpe statutes to preserue the churches ryght therwith as mainteners and defendours thereof but not as chiefe authours or heades of the churche ¶ The .xlviii. obiection Kinges haue graūted many priueleges preeminences and immunities to the clergi wher by appereth plainlye the Kinges authoritye to be aboue theirs c. ¶ The answere Thereby appereth plainlye that all suche godlye Princes were euer redye with all their power to defende Christ his churche and with al their indeuore to set vp his glorye ¶ The .xlix. obiection In tholde testamente the priestes were in subiection to the high Princes And firste to speake of Aaron he euer toke Moises for hꝭ souereigne lord The aunswere Moyses was a figure of Christe as Aarō was a figure of Peter his vicare yea and bothe Moyses Aaron were priestes as y e