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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00151 Articles to be enquired of in the metropoliticall visitation of the most reverend father, VVilliam, by Gods providence, Lord Arch-bishop of Canterbury, primate of all England, and metropolitan in and for the dioces of [blank], in the yeere of our Lord God 163[blank], and in the first yeere of His Graces translation. Church of England. Province of Canterbury. Archbishop (1633-1645 : Laud); Laud, William, 1573-1645. 1633 (1633) STC 10147.7; ESTC S2092 12,555 18

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Popish Recusants or other Schismaticks doe labour to seduce and withdraw others from the Religion now established Or instruct their families or children in Popish religion or refuse to entertaine any especially in place of greatest seruice or trust but such as concurre with them in their opinions 6 How long haue the said popish Recusants abstained from Diuine Seruice or from the Communion as aforesaid 7 Is there any in your Parish that retaine sell vtter or disperse any Popish bookes or Writings or other Bookes Libraries or writings of any Sectaries touching the Religion State or Gouernement Ecclesiasticall of this Kingdome of England or kéepe any Monuments of Superstition vncancelled or vndefaced 8 Whether haue you any in your Parish which heretofore being popish Recusants or Sectaries haue since reformed themselues and come to Church to heare Diuine Seruice and receiue the Sacraments If yea then who are they And how long since haue they so reformed themselues And whether they still remaine and abide in that conformitie 9 Is there any in your Parish that refuse to haue their Children Baptised or themselues to receiue the Communion at the hands of your Minister taking exception against him and what causes or exceptions doe they alleage or haue any maried Wiues refused to come to Church according to the Booke of Common Prayer to giue God thankes after their Child-birth for their safe deliuerance And whether doe any of or in your Parish refuse to haue their Children Baptized in your parish Church according to the forme prescribed in the booke of common Prayer 10 Doe any of your Parish vsually goe to other Parish Churches to heare Diuine Seruice or Sermons Or doe they communicate or Baptize their Children in any other Parish 11 Whether there be any in your Parish who will come to heare the Sermon but will not come to publike prayers appointed by the Booke of Common Prayer making a Schisme or diuision as it were betweene the vse of publike prayer and preaching 12 What persons within your Parish for any offence contumacy or crime of Ecclesiasticall 〈…〉 excommunicate present their names and for what cause they are excommunicated and how long they haue so stood and what person or persons doe wittingly and vsually keepe them company 13 Whether any not being in Orders doe execute any Priestly or Ministeriall office in your Church Chappell or Church-yard and what be their names 14 Whether any in your Parish that hauing heretofore taken vpon him the order of Priest-hood or Deacon hath since relinquished the same and liues as a Lay-man neglecting his vocation 15 Haue any person in your Parish quarrelled or stricken or vsed any violence to your Minister or haue stricken or quarrelled with any other person within your Church or Church-yard or demeaned himselfe disorderly in the Church by filthy or prophane talke or any other base or immodest behauiour Or haue disturbed the Minister in time of Diuine Seruice or Sermon or haue libelled or spoken slanderous words against your Minister to the scandall of his vocation or defamed any of his Neighbours touching any crime of Ecclesiasticall Conusance 16 Whether any of or in your Parish without consent of the Ordinarie or other lawfull authority haue caused any to doe pennance or to be censured or punished for any matter of Ecclesiasticall Conusance by any Vestry méetings or otherwise by their owne authority Or haue taken any money or commutation for the same Present their names that haue done it And who haue beene so punished In what manner and vpon what cause 17 Whether any person in your Parish doe exercise any Trade or labour buy or sell or kéep open Shops or Ware-houses vpon any Sunday or Holyday by themselues their Seruants or Apprentices or haue otherwise prophaned the said dayes contrary to the orders of the Church of England And whether there be any Inne-kéepers Alehouse-keepers Victualiers or other persons that permit any persons in their houses to eate drinke or play during the time of Diuine Seruice or Sermon or reading the Homilies in the forenoone or afternoone vpon those dayes 18 Whether the fifth day of Nouember be kept holy and thankes-giuing made to God for his Maiesties and this States happie deliuerance according to the Ordinance in that behalfe 19 Whether any of your parish hold or frequent any conuenticles or priuate Congregations or make or maintaine any constitutions agréed vpon in any such assemblies Or any that doe write or publikely or priuately speake against the Booke of Common prayer or anything therein contained or against any of the Articles of Religion agreed vpon in Anno 1562. or against the Kings Supremacie in causes Ecclesiasticall or against the Oath of Supremacie or of Allegiance as pretending the same to be vnlawfull and not warrantable by the Word of GOD Or against any of the Rites or Ceremonies of the Church of England now established Or against the Gouernement of the Church of England vnder the Kings most excellent Maiesty by Arch-Bishops Bishops Deanes Arch-Deacons and other Officers of the same affirming that the same is repugnant to the Word of GOD and that the said Ecclesiasticall Officers are not lawfully ordained Or whether there be any Authors Maintainers or Fauourers of Heresie or Schisme or that be suspected to be Anabaptists Libertines Brownists of the Family of Loue or of any other Heresie or Schisme 〈◊〉 present their names 20 Whether any in your Parish haue maried within the degrées by Law prohibited and where and by whom And whether any couple in your Parish being lawfully maried liue apart one from the other without due separation by the Law or any that haue beene diuorced which kéepe company with any other at Bedde or at Boord 21 Whether doe any persons administer the goods of the dead without lawfull authority or suppresse the last will of the dead Or are there in your Parish any wils not yet proued or goods of the dead dying intestate left vnto administred By authority in that behalfe you shall not faile to present the Executors and all others faulty therein and also how many persons being possessed of any goods and chattels haue died within your Parish since ther day of February 1632. 22 Whether any with-hold the Stocke of the Church or any goods or other things giuen to good and charitable vses 23 Whether your Hospitals and Almes-houses and other such houses and corporations founded to good and charitable vses and the lands possession and goods of the same be ordered and disposed of as they should be And doe the Masters Gouernours Fellowes and others of the said Houses and Corporations behaue and demeane themselues according to the godly Ordinances and Statutes of their seuerall Foundations 24 Whether haue you any in your Parish to your knowledge or by common same or report which haue committed Adultery Fornication or Incest or any which haue impudently bragged or boasted that he or she haue liued incontinently with any person or persons whatsoeuer or
any that haue attempted the chastity of any woman or solicited any woman to haue the carnall knowledge of her body or which are commonly reputed to bee common Drunkards Blasphemers of Gods holy Name common Swearers common Slanderers of their Neighbours and sowers of discord filthy and lascittious Talkers Vsurers Symoniacall Persons Bawdes or Harborers of Women with childe which be vnmaried or Conueying or suffering them to goe away before they haue made satisfaction to the Church or any that hauing heretofore béene presented or suspected of any the aforesaid crimes haue for that cause departed your parish and are now returned againe Or any which haue vsed any inchantments sorceries incantations or witchcrafts which are not made felony by the Satutes of this Realme or any which haue committed any periury in any Ecclesiasticall Court in an Ecclesiasticall cause or which haue committed any forgery punishable by the Ecclesiasticall Lawes and the procurors and abettors of the said offences you shall truly present the names of all and singuler the said offendors and with whom they haue committed the said offences in case they haue not béene publikely punished to your knowledge for the same crimes Phisitions Chirurgions and Mid-wiues 25 HOw many Phisitions Chirurgions or Mid-wiues haue you in your Parish How long haue they vsed their seuerall Sciences or Offices and by what authority And how haue they demeaned themselues therein and of what skill are they accounted to be in their profession Touching the Church-wardens and Side-men 26 VVHether you and the Church wardens Quest-men or Side-men from time to time doe and haue done their diligence in not suffering any idle person to abide either in the Church-yard or Church porch in Seruice or Sermon time but causing them either to come into the Church to heare Diuine Seruice or to depart and ●●●t disturbe such as be hearers there And whether they haue and you doe diligently sée the parishioners duely resort to the Church euery Sunday and Holiday and there to remaine during Diuine Seruice and Sermon And whether you or your predecessors Church-wardens there suffer any Playes Feasts Drinkings or any other profane vsages to be kept in your Church Chappell or Church-yards or haue suffered to your and their vttermost power and endeuour any person or persons to be tipling or drinking in any Inne or Victualling house in your Parish during the time of Diuine Seruice or Sermon on Sundayes and Holydayes 2 Whether and how often haue you admitted any to preach within your Church or Chappell which was not sufficiently licensed And whether you together with your Minister haue not taken diligent héed and care that euery parishioner being or sixtéene yéeres of age or vpwards haue receiued thrice euery yeere as aforesaid and also that no stranger haue vsually come to your Church from their owne Parish-Church 3 Whether haue there béene prouided against euery Communion a sufficient quantity of fine white bread and of good and wholsome wine for the communicants that shall receiue And whether that wine be brought in a cleane and swéet standing pot of pewter or of other purer mittall 4 Whether were you chosen by the consent of the Minister and the Parishioners And haue the late Church-wardens giuen vp a iust account for their time and deliuered to their successors by Bill indented the money other things belonging to the Church which was in their hands And are the Almes of the Church faithfully distributed to the vse of the poore 5 Whether doe you sée the names of all Preachers which are strangers and preach in your Parish Churches to be noted in a Booke for that purpose and whether euery Preacher doe subscribe his name and of whom he had his License 6 Whether any man doe trouble or molest you for doing your duties 7 Whether there be any Legacies witholden giuen to the Church or poore people or to the mending of Highwayes or otherwise by the Testators In whose hands it is by whom it was giuen and by whom it is with-holden 8 Doe you know of any thing that hath béene complained of that is not yet redressed Concerning Ecclesiasticall Magistrates and Officers 1 VVHether doe you know or haue heard of any payment composition or agreement to or with any Ecclesiasticall Magistrate Iudge or Officer for winking at or sparing to punish any person for any offence of Ecclesiasticall Conusance or for suppressing or concealing of any excommunication or any other Ecclesiasticall Censure of or against any Recusant or any other offendor in the cases aforesaid What summe of money or other consideration hath béene receiued or promised by or to any of them in that respect by whom and with whom 2 Hath any person within your Parish paid or promised any summe of money or other reward for commutation of pennance for any crime of Ecclesiasticall Connsance If so then with whom When and for what and how hath the same beene imployed 3 Are your Ecclesiasticall Iudges and their substitutes Masters of Arts or Batchellors of the Lawes at the least Learned and practised in the Ciuill and Ecclesiasticall Lawes Men of good life and fame zealously affected in Religion and iust and vpright in executing their Offices Haue they heard any matter of Office priuately in their Chambers without their sworne Registers or their Deputies presence 4 Doe you know or haue you heard that any Ecclesiasticall Iudge Officer or Minister hath receiued or taken any extraordinarie fées or other rewards or promises by any wayes or meanes directly or indirectly of any person or persons whatsoeuer either for the granting of the administration of the Goods and Chattels of those that haue died intestate to one before another or for allotting of larger portions of the Goods and Chattels of those that haue died intestate to one more than to another or for allowing larger and vnreasonable accounts made by Executors or Administrators or for giuing them Quietus est or discharges without Inuentory or account to defraude Creditors Legataries or those who are to haue portions And what summes of money doe you know or haue you heard that any Ecclesiasticall Iudge or Officer hath taken out of ●he state of any dying intestate vpon pretence to bestow the same in Pios vsus and how haue the same béene bestowed 5 Hath any Ecclesiasticall Magistrate Iudge Officer or any other exercising Ecclesiastical Iurisdiction within this your Diocesse Or any Aduocate Register Procter Clarkes Apparators or other Minister belonging to the same Ecclesiasticall Courts exacted or taken by any wayes or meanes directly or indirectly extraordinary or greater Fées than are due accustomed And whether is there a Table for the rates of all Fées set vp in their seuer all Courts and Offices And whether they haue sent or suffered any Processe to goe out of the Ecclesiasticall Courts otherwise than by Law they ought Or haue they taken vpon them the Offices of Informers or Promoters to the said Courts or any other way abused themselues in their Offices contrary to the Law and Canons in that behalfe prouided 6 What number of Apparators haue euery seuerall Iudge Ecclesiasticall And wherein and in what manner is the Countrey ouerburthened by them And wherein haue they caused or summoned any to appeare in the said Courts without a presentment or Citation first had Or whether haue they threatned any to prosecute them in the said Courts if they would not giue them some rewards and what bribes in that behalfe haue they taken 7 What reward or fées hath any of the Apparators taken to saue the iournies to Canterbury of any persons and what after composition so made haue they or any of them taken and receiued and what acquittance or discharge haue they giuen or promised them and whether haue they not cited some to appeare before the Arch-Deacon or his Officiall after they haue béene ordered by the Commissary and done their pennance accordingly and whom haue they so cited and troubled and what hath it cost them as you know or haue heard or by inquiry can finde If you know of any other default or crime of Ecclesiasticall Comisance you are to present the same by vertue of your Oathes The Minister of euery Parish may and ought to ioyne in presentment with the Church-wardens and Side-men and if they will not present the Minister may and ought himselfe present the defaults and crimes aforesaid and there must be seuerall presentments made to euery seuerall article and the Minister Church-wardens and Sworne-men are to meete and conferre about the said presentments and answering of euery of the aforesaid Articles FINIS