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A04328 An apologie for Iohn Wickliffe shewing his conformitie with the now Church of England; with answere to such slaunderous obiections, as haue beene lately vrged against him by Father Parsons, the apologists, and others. Collected chiefly out of diuerse works of his in written hand, by Gods especiall providence remaining in the publike library at Oxford, of the honorable foundation of Sr. Thomas Bodley Knight: by Thomas James keeper of the same. James, Thomas, 1573?-1629.; Wycliffe, John, d. 1384. 1608 (1608) STC 14445; ESTC S108215 68,345 90

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truly to see his Lawes executed and iustice d Kings are bound to see their Subiects haue right De fundam Legū Anglioe l. c. 36 sincerely administred and if he happen to be defectiue in his duty by suffering the sword of iustice to rust in the scabbard and his people to perish for want of gouernment then he telleth him that he is not properly and truly a king that is e Perdens nomen officij ordinis in effectu lb. pag. 513. in effect and operation which words are spokē by way of exhortation but so farre was he from f This crime of rebellion and treason was obiected vnto him in his life time De Ver. Scrip pag. 179. p. 570. which he answereth very fully lb. mutinie himselfe or perswading others to rebellion that I dare bee bolde to speake it that neuer any man of his ranke for the times wherein he liued did more stoutly and valiantly g His maine argument is out of the common Law of this land quia a liter non haberent Reges in Regnis suis plenae pacis custodiam maintaine the kings Supremacie in all causes as wel as ouer al parsons Ecclesiastical and ciuil against al vsurped Primacie and forraine Iurisdictions and his maine reason was this to omit al others else h The King should ●ot be able to doe right to his subiects De fundam legum Angliae l. c. 36. He writes directly and plainly against those th at saie Rex Angliae non est Rex totius Angliae sed Regulus paruae partis super residuum vero mortificatum est Papa Dominus veruntamen non disputandum inquiunt de ista materia quousque●uerit in effectu potentius stabilita sed tole●●ndae sunt iniuriae Dominorum Secularium quovsque arisent opportunitas temporis ●b pag. 424. This he takes to be treason and against this he writes he should not be King ouer al England but regulus parua partis a pettie gouernour of some small parts of the Realme And as touching his i He noted thē of Treason in many points for giuing our gold to Al●ēs and ●omtimes our enimies for enabling the Pope to fight with the King with his owne● money di●abling the King by ●eseruations prouisions dispensations Collations presētations of so many barbarous ●ud e' vnlettered straingers who neuer saw ne came to see their parishioners finally by threatning the King that if they might not haue what they would they would goe out of the land come againe with bright heads And as he'saies looke whether this be treason or no Contra Frat. mend Cap. 27. pag. 45. pag 358. rebellious followers mutinous k He that set the writing vpon the d●re at Paules was one walter Disse a Friar Carmelite therin he shewed the abhominable liues of Sodomittie treason a●d murders of the Friars he had preached the same before in London and was readie to iusti●ie his accusation and therfore I see little reason whie it should be caled a Libel Wa●sg pag. 358. Libellers if euer there were any such as the Apologists recite out of Stowes Walsingham I trust it is not imagined or looked for that he should be better attended on thē Christ was which had followers of al sorts sōe which followed him for bread some to see the miracles that he did some to take him in his words and so it might fare with VVickliffe and his schollers But if I be not deceiued the matter of rebellion sedition is wholly mistaken and wrongfully imputed to l Walsingham recitans opiniones haere●icas lo. Ball do● uit inquit peruer●a d●gmata pe●fidi lo. Wickl●ffe pag 292. See the Catholike diu●ne in his pretended answere to S Ed. Cook pag. 308. Iohn VVickliffe out of whose works I speake of as many as haue yet come vnto my hands though you rack them to the worst there is not so much as the least suspition to be drawne of words tending to disloialty but I read in m Froissard vol. 2 pag. 80 Y estoit vngfol prestre de la Conte de kent qu●● appelloit tehan ●alle pour les folles parolles ●l auo●● este mys en p●●'on devers l' larceu●●que de Cantorbie p●r ●rois fois lb. estoient bien soixante m●lle avoientvng Souuerain Capitaine qui● appelloit Watre T●llier auecques luy estoient de sa compaignie Iaques Straw Iehan Balle lb. p. 80. Fraissard of one Iohn Ball one of Bals Priests for ought that I know who drew multitudes of people after him was the chiefe cause of that great rebellion of the Commons vnder the cōduct of VVat Tyler and Iacke Straw which n Il-preschoit leur disoit Bonnes gens les choses ne peuuent pas bien aler ● n Angleterre ne yront iusques a tant que biens yront tout d● commun quil ne sera ne villains ne gentil● hommes que nous soio●s tous vniz que les Seigneurs ne soient plus grans maistres que nous c. lb. Lan ●il trois cens quatre xx sept lb. taught this doctrine to condemne al Laws despise the Cleargie and to rebell against there Soveraigne because there was an equalitie of al men and communion of al things which is pure Anabaptisme or Diabolisme rather and because he liued about the time of VVickliffe therefore this foule and monstrous heresie is by a malitious kinde of o Vide Tho. Walsingham pag 29● mistaking laid to VVickliffes charge which was as p lo Ball seditionem excitat ad wickliffianorum inuidiam ex illa secta proditione prodijsse quidam fingunt falso equidem ignoranter-Tunc sparsa Wicklefi doctrina-sed vt in omni nouitate ac mutatione fierisolet atque ho●iernis temporibus factitatum est nūciata luce Euangelij libertate Christiana insana plebs scelerum impunitatem omnium in Ecclesia atque Rep ordinum per●urbationem sperat Auctor Antiq Britannicarum pag. 2●9 far from preaching anie such doctrine as they ● are frō any truth sincerity or ingenuity that affirme it as hath beene obserued by one very iudicious in collecting the Antiquities of our Land The 7. Obiection Apol. Tract 2. Cap. 2. p. 108. He was more giuen to scoffing and prating then became a sober Diuine The Answere This fault was obiected vnto him in his life time whervnto heshapeth this modest most Christiā answere q Testis sit mihi Deus ego principaliter intendo honorem Dei vtilitatem Ecclesiae ex veneratione Scripturae ex obseruantia Legis Christi quod si surrepserit cum ista intentione sinistra intentiovan●e gloriae questus seculi et zeli vindict●e ego de h●c d●leo per dei gratiā praecauebo De Ver. Scr. p. 145. God is my witnesse that I principally intende his glory and the weale of the Church by seeking to honor the Scripture and obserue Christs
ouer al persons 2. Admit he were so whether he may intermedle with the Temporal affaires of Kings and Princes Thirdly supposing that also whether he be of that temper and making that he cannot erre in his finall Conclusions Fourthly and lastly whether he be Antichrist or no. Sect. 1. Touching the 1. point it cannot be denied but that Iohn VVickliffe supposing the Donation of Constātine which afterwards proued but a counterfeit did for a while hold that the Pope was to bee consulted in the greatest points of Religion and that he had b De Verit. Scrip. p. 122. plenā solam potestatem plenarie and ful power of himselfe and c Peccatum paganitatis incurrit quisquis dum ●e Christianum a●●erit sed i. Apostolicae ob edi re contemnit De Verit. Scr. pag 426. that he did incurre peccatū paganitatis the crime of Paganisme which did not obay his mandats But what of all this Was VVickliffe a Papist No verely For first his plenarie power was built vpon a rotten d Tempore Constantini translatio● Sacerdotij nec fuit decretum quod● Episcop illius Ecclesiae haberet necessario primatū in alios vt hic supponitur De Ver. Scrip. pag. 565. foundation which afterwards fel to the ground of it selfe 2. It was giuen him only e Habet plenā solam potestatem ad ae● dificandum Ecclesiam De Ver. Scrip. pag. 122. ad aedificandum Ecclesiam for to edifie not to destroy or demolish the Church 3. It was so limited that he could doe nothing f lb. pag. 455. contra Deum or contrarationem against the Law of God or against the law of reason Lastly if his lawes g Certum est ex fide Scripturae quod quicunque Secularis vel Clericus maxime obuiat Christi legibus hic est potissimus Antichristus De Verit. Scrip. pag. 590. did obviare Christi legibus an h Oportet inferiorem nomine tenus Superiorem ●uum corrippete lb. p. 524. Inferiour might and in conscience ought not only to disobey him but to reprooue correct and contradict him as i lb. pag. 524. Paule did withstande Peter vnto the face and wil our Papists grant this Farthermore he grants the Pope no greater auctoritie or superiority over his fellow-brethren k Pe●●●s ipse Apollo exclusi à Dominatu suorum conuer●●rum imo ipsos esse quasi nihil abiectos seruos D ●esu cui omnis scientia omnis amor vel honor Christiani debet attribui cum nullum creatum debet sciri amarivel honorari nisi Christus vel in habitu diuino ad ipsum De Verit Script pag. 494. then Peter and Apollo had over there new Converts whom he excludeth and debarreth flatly from any such Soveraintie taking away all honour from them and giving it vnto Christ Iesu to whō all knowledge all loue all duty from al Christians is to be ascribed so far that no Creature is to be acknowledged loued or honored but Christ or in respect of Christ. l Nec credo quenquā Catholicum ad ●antum desipere quod credat quod vbi Christi● vicatius sc●ibit Fiat ipse qui dixit facta sunt non approbat ad quiritur ius aliquod impetranti cum de isto solo verificatur hoc metricum-sic volo sic iubeo sit pro ratione voluntas in Expos. Decal p. ● Nether is it possible as he thinketh for any Catholike to be so vnadvised or inconsiderate as to follow the Popes fiat Let it be done when he that spake and it was done shall say no. Because this verse can be true of no earthly man but of our blessed Saviour Christ Iesus Sic volo sic iubeo sit pro ratione voluntas This is my will this I commande My will for reason good shall stand Finally to conclude this point he was m Quod Papa sit summus Pontifex est ridiculum Christus nee in Petro ne● in alio talem approbauit dignitatem Art 17. damnat in Syn. Const. condēned as an heretike for denying the Popes Supremacy and therfore cannot verie wel be accounted of the Romish Church Sect. 2. The 2. questiō whether the Pope may intermedle with the Temporal affaiers of Princes NOw we come to the 2. question where we consider his civile dominion or right in Temporall estates which question VVickliffe doth n In ciuili dominio non possunt esse duo dominantes aequo oportet quod vnus sit capitalis Dominus alter subdominans-Regem nostrum nolumus in hac parte sibi ●ubijcere cum donans quicquid ad manum mor tuam sibi reseruat capital e dominium Wickliff de Ciu. Dom. p 67. euerie where determine against the Pope for the king his regalty and that of set purpose in an especiall Treatise of his o Extant in the publike Librarie De Civili Dominio strengthning his opiniō verie plainly out of the p The contrary opiniō a● he saieth videtur impugnare iura consuetudines Regni de Ciuili Dominio pag. 66. Tenendo quod iura Angliae in hac parte sunt nullo modo Iuri contraria lb. I knowe the particular and approued custome of euerie na●ion is the most vsual binding assured Law my L. Cook in his 5. l. of Reports in praes Fūdamētal laws of this lād with great iudgement and knowledge of the common law which I speake in fide aliena being not able to iudge of that which is beyond my profession but I do verily beleeue it to bee so becauseth he seemeth vnto me to vrge the verie same reasons lawes and arguments which that thrise q My L. Cook Chiefe Iustice of the Common pleas in his 5. booke of Reports Wickliffe maintaineth it as an old Custome the which our King Lords Prelats beene sworen to sustaine maintaine-as pertaining to the Kings Regalty and of Common Law In supplicat por recta ad Parliam pag 9. The kinglie head of this politique body is instituted and furnished with p'enarie and entire power prerogatiue and iurisdiction to render iustice and right to euerie part and member of this bodie of what estate degree or calling soeuer in al causes Ecclesiastical or Temporal otherwise hee should not be head of the whole bodie My L● Cook in his 5. book of Reports pag. 9. The verie same reason is vrged by Wickliffe in sundrie places else he were not King of al England but of a little part thereof In supplicat ad● Parliam pag. 10. Non haberet plenae pacis custodiam De Verit. Script pag. 453. Non ●oret ' Rex totius Angliae sed Regulus paruae partis De Verit. Script pag. 424. The Title of his book is this Controuersiarū Rob. Bel larmini Defensio Auctore Iac. Gretsero Soc. Iesu S S. Theol. Doct. et in Academia Ingolstadiensi Professore Ingol Anno. 1607. in fol. Reverend and learned Iudge doth faithfully mention in his fift booke
Sect. 15. Of Dispensations HE helde likewise against y Eiusmodi dis pensationes creditur Ecclesiam nimium perturbare De Ver. Scrip. pag. 399. false and vnnatural z Dispensations for marriages in case of neerenes of bloud gainful Lib. de 7. Pecc Mort. pag. 33. dispensations for mariage in case of neerenes of bloud Sect. 16. Of Acquivocation HE held against damnable a Vide Capitu lum 15. de Ve rit Scrip. vbi rem prolixe tractat Aequiuocatiō and lying that the Pope nor no man else could absolue thē from lying or wilful periurie or breach of their b lb. p. 207. oaths of allegeance Sect. 17. Of the kings Supremacie HE held that the Kings Maiestie hath power within his Realmes -- to whom the Chiefe gouernment of all Estates of this Realme c Aliternon haberent Reges in Regnis ●uis plenae pacis custodiam De Ver. Scrip. pag. 453. 37. Article of Religion whether they be Ecclesiastical or Ciuil in al causes doth appertaine and is not nor ought to be subiect to any forraine Jurisdictiō according to the 37. Article of Religion not intending hereby as slaunderous Jesuits doe giue out to giue the Prince the ministring of Gods word or Sacramēts or to make and establish what Religion he list as if we Englishmen d Iac. Gretserus Angli corpora animas suas Capiti suo Saeculari prostituerunt in defē● Bel p. 1261 had prostituted so the lewd Jesuit speaketh both our souls and bodies vnto the King Sect. 18. Of Christian mens goods AGaine he held the riches and goods of Christiās not to be common as touching the right title and possession as the Anabaptists now a certaine e Io. Balle see Froissard Bald Priest in his time did hold notwithstanding by f Omnes homines debent charitatiue habereomnia in communi De Vet. Scrip. pag. 449. a ¶ See the 38. Article of Religion Christian charitie they were to be made cōmon as he teacheth Sect. 19. Of Oathes AGaine hee helde against g Lib. Miscell p. 124. the perilous custome of swearing against fallacious blasphemous h lb p. 125. De Ver. Scrip p. 252 253 284. In Expos in Decal pag. 63 The 39. Artic of Religion Acguivocall Oathes not against swearing the contrarie is most euident throughout al his bookes and as cleere as the Sunshine in a faire Sommers day this is an Article of our Religion Sect. 20. Of Excommunications For Excommunications he held the same with our l De Ver. Ser. pag. 614 Art 33. of Rel Church that the partie excōmunicated being deliuered vp once vnto Sathan by the Church ought to be taken of the whole multitude of faithfull as an Heathen and Publican vntil he were openly reconciled by Penance and receiued into the Church and this made him write against the abuses of Excommunication viz that those greater k Scribit contra leuiter ex communican tes De Verit. Scr. pag. 368. Contra excommunica ti ones iniustas In Expos. Dec pag. 124. dānantes alios fine debito ex amine De Ver. Scrìp pag. 612. Excommunicatio non inuenta propter decimas lb. pag. 437 ad tertendum homines Laicos In Expos. Decal pag 123. Excommunications were thundred forth too often too suddainly vpō no dew information and for no good end Sect. 21. Of the Discipline of the Church HE held a reuerend opinion of the bookes l Quos decreu●t Ecclesia nec damnare nec explicite canonizare cum satis sit pro sua militia habere 22. Libros de vet Testamento De Ver. Scrip pag. 110. He writesagainst those that wil not honor their Prelats Lib. Miscell p. 260 shewes howe we should honour them In Expos. Decal pag. 93. Apocrypha For the governmēt of the Church by Archbishops Bishops Archdeacons and Officials he was to my seeming a plaine conformitan There were noe doubt of it some Reuerend learned and vncorrupt Prelats in his time and therefore he obserued this rule in all his sharpe Treatises against the Cleargie parcere personis dicere de vitijs to note the abuses in general without ¶ He names not any one of his aduersa ties Monk or Friarthrough out al these books that I haue seene of his naming anie man in particular to his disgrace for Rites and m That which he blamed was that plus appretiabantur Tradi● quam Scripturam sacrā De Ver. Scrip. p. 96. That they did Traditiones Lucrationes preponderare legi dei lb. pag. 359. pe Ceremonies such as were laudable and approueable by the Church he himselfe obserued and wished others so to do Lastly though Hee were soule and bodie for n Shewing that to preach Gods word is highest Seruice Lib. de 7. Pecc Mor● pag. 19. quod praedicatio sit praecipuum opus Episcopi Lib. De Ver. Scrip. p 331. Maior quam Eucharistia lb. 345. Necessario in Archi●● iscopo Episcopo lb. 347. Audacter assero quod non sit Episcopus nisi praedicet aliquo tempore lb. 392. lo 21. 15. 16. preaching and teaching the people yet he held it a matter of no necessitie but of indifferēcie for the Priest to preach vnto the Lay-people by weekes or months or otherwise in their discretions so the people were wel taught likewise he was not so seuere and sharpe an inueier against Non-Residents as to allow them no time of absence or recreation by inculcating and thundering in there eares Christs pasce pasce pasce feed feed feed for he sheweth that a man may be absent vpon occasion from his liuing either at the o Licet Rectoriad tempis collige●e semen fidei in scholis Theologi● is extra parochiā De Ver. s●r pag. 437. Vniuersities or elsewhere for the encrease of his knowledge p Pascat eos continue in sancta sacerdotal● conuersatione in sub fritu●i●donca preparatione opportuna pro horis congruis absentiae rectificatione Ib. deputing a sufficient man in his place and liuing wheresoeuer a godly and vertuous life and for q Cum-pastus spiritualis nō debet este tā continuus sed maioris effica ciae ac permanentiae quam pastus corporeus sufficit quod horis congruis in anno pascat subditos lb. continual feeding he shewes the difference betweene corporal food and spiritual food the one a man of a strong bodie and complexion cannot wel want twise a day the other a man may want manie daies and weekes yet hee thinketh it not convenient that they should so do if it might be otherwise Finally he was not for hedge Priests such as our Familists which refuse the Church as prophane and chuse the open fields or there houses for their disordered cō venticles and meetings he loued preaching r Necesse vtile est orare In Expos. Decalogi est spiritualis Tyriaca contra Diabolum lb. 8● oftendit locum tempus formā orandi lb. praying
locum c. lb. 109. Homini creditur non vt sibi ●ed vt promulganti divinam sententiam De Ver. Scrip. pag. 205 Non debet credi creaturae nisi de quanto Ioquitur confōrmiter ad Scripturam De Verit. Scrip pag. 206. Non sunt de capitulo eorum de quibus sequitur Ipsi sic aslerunt ig●tur verum lb. pag. 151. no man liuing is to bee credited per locū ab auctoritate for his auctorities sake nisi in quantum praconizat verbum Domini vnlesse he vrge Scripture for the maintenance of his opinion And thus we see VVickl●ffe in this third point also an absolute Conformitan vnto our Church Sect. 4. THe 4. point determinable is The 4. questiō whether the Scripture should be trāslated into the vulgar tonge whether it be behoueful and necessarie that the Scripture should be trāslated communicated in English to edifie the simple people Wherein it shal suffice out of S. b Lib de verit Scrip. p. 331. Gregory to note his earnestnes in this point in writing against c Lib. Miscel pag. 24. this wicked sin which would that the Gospell slept d lb pag. 34. did let it to be preached e lb. pag. 24. The truth of God saith he stādeth not in one language mor̄e thē other f lb. pag. 25. Christ taught the Pater noster in a language vnderstood and therfore g lb. pag. 24. why maie not men write in English the Gospell and other things For h lb. pag. 26. Clarks should ioy that the people knew Gods law and certainely i lb. pag. 24. this Heresie and Blasphemie should men cast out from there harts for it springeth vp of the Fiend k lb pag. 24. who is cursed of God but he that letteth this meane And this moued this worthie instrumēt chosen vessel of Gods glorie to carrie his name before the Gentiles to translate the whole l extant in his Maiesties Librarie at White-hall Bible to comment vpon some part● therof chiefly those parts of Holy Scripture which are most in vse as the m Extant in the publike librarie verie faierly bound of the guift of M. Doct. Bond the worthie president of Magd. Col. in Oxford a true favourer furtherer of al good learning Psalmes of David the Te Deū Nunc dimittis the Magnificat and other Hymnes now read and retained to this day in the vsage and Liturgie of the Church of England And so we see that in this point as wel as in the three former nothing letteth vs to pronounce him to be an absolute Protestant The 2. Chapt. Of Traditions THe next questiō followeth about Traditions wherin although he hath sufficiently manifested his iudgment of them positiuely by teaching vs that n Habemus completam notitiam necessariorū ad salutem ex fide Scripturae De Veritate Scrip. pag. 108. Though there be not a particular decision of al questions that maie be moued in Diuinity touching doctrine or discipline yet sententia dati iudicij est inuenibilis in Scriptura-vnde'pateat quomodo esset in casibus particularibus indicandum In Expos. Decal pag 6. Status statu●a et ritus a diecti secundum traditiones humanas omnes inseparabiliter peccant cum difficultant legem Dei impediunt cursum Sermonis sui Art 41. Oxon. condemnatus Regist Acad. we haue a compleat ●ure knowledge of things necessarie to salvation out of the faith of the Scripture yet exclusiuelie By remouing the contrarie opinion he farther manifesteth his detestatiō of al Popish or humane traditions such as are contrarie to the word of God which are of diuerse natures and conditions some inuented o De verit ate script p. 487. pro questu for gaine some profastu of pride a thirde sorte p Traditiones humanae com mixtae cum ve ritate Eu angelica lb. pag 330. mixed partly humane and partly divine partly good and partly bad the which came in with the q Tempore Christi coepit calumnia● tempore Mahometi am plius dissipata est et a tempore editionis Decretalium decreuit honor et ponderatio Legis Scripturae continuè quae videtur esse via praeparatoria Antichristo lb p. 207. Canon Lawe you must obserue that hee doth not blame or reprehend al rites and Ceremonies in the Church for some are lawful some expedient● but willeth vs to obserue these few precepts only in the obseruation or establishing of them 1 That our rites and Ceremonies be surely r Obseruantie fundabiles in Scriptura lb. 529. Sunt Deo Ecclesia sua o dibiles nisi de quanto sundātur in Script p. lb. 411. founded and grounded on the word of God 2 s Cauendum est Principibus Ecclesiae ne onerent ●ubditos rituum multitudine ●b 529. That the chiefe Prelates of the Church doe not surcharge or lade them with too many Ceremonies 3 t Videtur probabile qu●d nuliae constitutionez Pra positorum Ecclesiae sunt licitae vel ā populo obligare admittendae nisi de quanto sunt media facilitantia ad obse●uantiam Legi● Christ● Expos● Decal pag 18. That we admit of none but such as are meanes facilitating the observation of Christs law Lastly that in obseruing them we prefer not u Conquirimus non manda●a saluatoris led Caesaris non pra●cepta Capitis Ecclesiae qui est Chris●us sed Temporalis Pontificis De Verit Scrip. Pag 68.2 Our Lord Iesu Christ very God and very man is head and P●elat of this Religion In supplicat ad Parl. pag. 1 anie Caesar ' before our Saviour ' or any Pope before Christ which is Supreame head of the Church and chiefest Prelate of our religion and hence it was that hee reiected there popish superstitions traditions of salt x Artic. 43. in syn Const● damnatus spittle chreame oile and ●uch like y Artic Var. damnat there 5. Sacraments and 5. Orders and the like which were z Propriae adinuētiones plus pecuniae lucratiuae De Verit. script pag. 333. omnes sonant ad lucrum Ecclesiae lb. plus pecuniae lucratiuae established more for mony then for religiō rather propriae adinuentiones commanded by men then commended by God Such as he blameth euerie where in his writings a Optarē quod omnes ritus nostri forent à Deo confirmati De Ver. Scrip. p. 581. wishing that no Rite or Ceremonie might be received in the Church but such as are confirmed by God Which opinion of his I am sure wil be receiued for currant amongst al the true professors of the Gospel throughout al Protestant Churches The 3. Chapt. Of the Pope THis controuersie about the Supremacie or Primacie of the Pope being the verie soule and life of Poperie may be resolued into sundrie questions 1. It maie be questioned whether the Pope bee supreme Iudge here vpon earth in al causes