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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A17642 The commentaries of M. Iohn Caluin vpon the Actes of the Apostles, faithfully translated out of Latine into English for the great profite of our countrie-men, by Christopher Fetherstone student in diuinitie; Commentarii in Acta Apostolorum. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Fetherston, Christopher. 1585 (1585) STC 4398; ESTC S107377 721,474 648

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Iacob to the ende he may declare vnto the people that hee meaneth nothing lesse than to lead them away from the old and auncient worship of the true God which they had receiued of the Fathers Furthermore God hath giuen himselfe this title that he might disseuer and distinguish himself by some marke from Idols For wee doe not comprehend God in his essence which cannot be seen and which is infinite Therefore hee vseth such meanes as agree best with vs to bring vs to the knowledge of him The Turkes doe boast that they do worship God which is the Creator of heauen and earth but before they come at heauen they vanish away Therefore to the end God might keepe his people from vaine and erronious inuentions he kept them in his couenant Therfore when he calleth himselfe the God of Abraham Deut. 30.12 he did briefly teach that which Moses declareth more at large Say not Who shall ascend into heauen who shall goe downe into the depth Or who shall saile ouer the Seas The worde is nigh c. Furthermore as amongest the Iewes the name of the holy Fathers was in high estimation so Peter doth closely tel them that they were no better than other men without the only begotten sonne of God And at this day God will bee knowen by a more euident marke yet when as he calleth himselfe the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ Let vs now returne vnto Peter He saith that he bringeth in no new religion that he may draw away the people from the law and the Prophets For if he should attempt this God had forbidden them to heare him Deut. 13.3 1. Cor. 3.11 Deut. 13. Like as Paule teacheth that we must retaine one foundation in the spirituall building because so soone as we depart euen but a little from Christ there can nothing ensue but ruine And hereby also we may easilie discern in what sense he calleth God the god of the Fathers For neither doth he take this for a generall maxime that what manner worship soeuer the fathers had wee must continue the same as the Papists doe foolishly vaunt that they doe follow the manner of worshipping whiche was vsed amongest the fathers For Peter doth expresly reckon vppe Abraham Isaach and Iacob from whom true religion did proceed and by whom it was diuinely deliuered whereby hee doeth signifie vnto vs that we must not follow all fathers whereof manie did growe out of kinde and became altogether vnlike to the first fathers that this honor is due to the children of God alone and that others are to bee refused Eze. 20.18 Which thing the Prophets doe also beat in euerie where Walk not in the waies of your fathers c. Whom ye haue deliuered Hee mingleth with doctrine a most sharpe chiding according as the matter did require For it was vnpossible to bring them truly vnto God vnlesse they were first brought to the knowledge of their sinnes Neither doth he only lightly touch them but hee doeth very grauely shewe them the horriblenesse of that offence which they had committed To this ende tendeth that comparison that they deliuered him to be put to death whom Pilate would haue loosed And againe that pardoning a murtherer they put the prince of life to death that they did reiect the iust holy Men must bee so stricken that being brought to knowe their giltines they may earnestly flie vnto the remedie of pardon Such vehemencie and earnestnesse did Peter also vse in his first sermon He saith afterward that God raised him vppe Whereby they ought to know that in putting Christe to death they did striue against God Although Peter had respect vnto an higher thing to wit that their crueltie did no whit impayre the glory of Christ because God had neuerthelesse restored him to life When as he saith that he and his fellowes in office were witnesses of the resurrection his meaning is that they saw it with their eyes Luk. 24.48 Therefore this is referred not onely vnto the Apostolicall function but because they saw Christe with their eyes after that hee was risen from the dead Although I doe also graunt that this seconde thing is comprehended vnder these wordes Because it is likely that Peter doeth make mention of that function which was committed vnto him to the ende hee may purchase the greater authoritie 16 And in the faith of his name When as he saith In the faith of his name and His name and again The faith which is by him this repetition is a token of a feruent affection For because hee was wholie giuen to set foorth the glorie of Christe hee beateth in the same thing oftentimes Moreouer wee see that when Paule is occupied about the shewing and setting foorth of the grace of Christ he thinketh that he hath neuer spoken enough touching the same And surely such is the wicked nature of men that Christ cannot be so highly extolled so preached that his honour can remaine sounde vnto him Let vs therefore remember that Peter did vse such varietie and plentie of wordes to the ende he might stay vs in Christ As touching the phrase when as he saith his name in the faith of his name hath strengthened hee sheweth both the cause the maner The power of Christ had healed the Creeple but by faith When as he saith the faith which is by him by this worde hee signifieth vnto vs that our faith cannot arise vp vnto God vnlesse it bee grounded in Christ and so consequentlie that this our faith doth look vnto Christ and stay it selfe vpon him and so he sheweth that there can bee no right faith in God when we passe ouer this meane Furthermore as he said before that he and the other Apostles were witnesses of Christes life so he doth nowe declare that this life was manifestly proued vnto the Iewes by a signe or effect because they see the creeple healed in whom they hadde an excellent and euident token of the diuine power of Christ And when as in this last member he maketh faith the cause of this soundnesse hee layeth vnthankfulnesse to their charge by the way vnlesse they giue faith her due prayse And although faith may be referred as well vnto the man that was healed as vnto the Apostles yet we neede not to stand much about this matter because the power of the Gospel is set foorth by Synecdoche 17 And now brethren I knowe that through ignoraunce you did it as did also your rulers 18 And God hath fulfilled all thinges which hee had spoken by the mouth of his prophetes that Christe should suffer 19 Repent therefore and bee conuerted that your sinnes may be forgiuen 20 When the times of refreshing shall come from the presence of the Lorde and hee shall send him that was “ Or set before your eyes represented preached before Iesus Christe 21 Whom heauen must containe vntill the time that all thinges bee restored which he hath spoken by
and so Gods predestination doth abolish all preparations which Sophisters imagine as if man did preuent Gods grace by his owne free will In calling him the God of the Fathers hee reneweth the rembrance of the promises that the Iewes may know that the newe calling of Paul is ioyned with them and that those fall not away from the Lawe who passeouer vnto Christ Therefore Paul confirmeth that by these wordes which hee auouched before in his owne person that hee had not made any departure from the God of Abraham whome the Iewes had in times passed worshipped but that hee continueth in the auncient worshippe which the Fathers did vse which hee had learned out of the Lawe Wherefore when the question is about religion let vs learne by the example of Paule not to imagine any newe God as the Papistes and Mahometistes haue done and as all heritikes vse to doe but let vs retaine that God who hath reuealed himselfe in times past to the Fathers both by the Lawe and also by diuerse Oracles This is that antiquitie wherein wee must remaine and not in that whereof the Papistes boast in vaine who haue inuented to themselues a straunge God seeing they haue forsaken the lawfull Fathers The same is to bee said at this day of the Iewes whose religion seing it disagreeth with the Lawe and the Prophets their God must also bee degenerate and feigned For hee who would in times past be called the God of Abraham and of the fathers appeared at length in the person of his sonne that hee may nowe be called by his owne name or title the Father of Christ Therefore he which reiecteth the sonne hath not the father who cannot bee seperated from him And Ananias saieth that it commeth to passe through the free Election of God that the truth of the Gospell doeth now appeare to Paule whereuppon it followeth that he did not attaine vnto this by his owne industrie which the experience of the thing did also declare For nothing was more stubberne than Paule vntill Christ did tame him And if wee desire to knowe the cause and beginning Ananias calleth vs backe vnto the counsell of God whereby hee was appointed and ordained and assuredlie it is a more precious thing to knowe the will of God then that men can attaine vnto it by their owne industrie That which Ananias affirmeth of Paul ought to bee translated vnto all that the treasure of faith is not common to all but it is offered peculiarly to the Elect. Furthermore it appeareth more plainly by the next member what this will of God is for God spake at sundrie times and many wayes by his Prophetes but last of all hee reuealed and made knowne his will and himselfe whollie in his sonne To see the iust Seeing all the Greeke bookes in a manner agree togither in the Masculine gender I wonder why Erasmus woulde rather translate it in the Neuter Which is Iust which sense the readers see to be colde and farre fet Heb. 1.1 Therefore I doe not doubt but that Iust is taken in this place for Christ and the text runneth very finely thus because it followeth immediatly after Heare a voice from his mouth And it is certaine that all the godly and holy men did most of all desire that they might see Christ Thence flowed that confession of Simeon Lord now lettest thou thy seruāt depart in peace bicause mine eies haue seene thy saluation Therfore this seing which godly kings and prophets did most earnestly desire as Christ himselfe doeth witnesse Luke 2.29 Luk. 10.24 is not without cause extolled as a singular benefite of God But because the sight of the eyes should profite little or nothing which wee knowe was to manie deadly hee adioyneth the hearing of the voice Ananias setteth downe the cause why God did vouchsafe Paul of so great honour to wit that hee might be to his sonne a publike witnesse and hee doth so prepare him that he may learne not onely for himselfe alone but that he may haue so much the more care to profit because he shal be the teacher of all the whole Church 16 And now why tarriest thou It is not to be doubted but that Ananias did faithfully instruct Paul in the principles of godlinesse for he would not haue baptized him if hee had beene voide of true faith But Luke passeth ouer many things and doth briefely gather the summe Therefore seing Paul doth vnderstand that the promised redemption is nowe giuen in Christ Ananias saieth for good causes that nothing ought to stay him from being Baptized But when hee saieth why tarriest thou hee doeth not chide Paule neither doeth hee accuse him of slackenesse but hee doeth rather amplifie the grace of God by adding Baptisme The like sentence had wee in the tenth Chapter Cha. 10.47 Can any man let those from being Baptized with water who haue the holy Ghost giuen them euen as wee But when hee saieth Wash away thy sinnes by this speech hee expresseth the force and fruite of Baptisme as if hee had saide Wash away thy sinnes by Baptisme But because it may seeme that by this meanes more is attributed to the outwarde and corruptible element than is meete The question is whether Baptisme bee the cause of our purging Surely for as much as the bloode of Christ is the onely meanes whereby our sinnes are washed away and as it was once shedde to this ende so the holy Ghost by the sprinkling thereof through faith doeth make vs cleane continually this honour cannot be translated vnto the signe of water without doing open iniurie to Christ and the holy Ghost and experience doeth teach howe earnestly men be bent vnto this superstition Therefore manie godly men least they put confidence in the outwarde signe doe ouermuch extenuate the force of Baptisme But they muste keepe a measure that the Sacramentes may bee kept within their bounds least they darken the glorie of Christ and yet they may not want their force and vse Wherefore wee must holde this first that it is God alone who washeth vs from our sinnes by the blood of his sonne and to the ende this washing may be effectuall in vs he worketh by the hidden power of his Spirit Therefore when the question is concerning remission of sinnes wee must seeke no other authour thereof but the heauenlie Father we must imagine no other materiall cause but the blood of Christ and whē we be com to the formal cause the holy ghost is the chief but ther is an inferiour instrument and that is the preaching of the word baptisme it self But though God alone doth worke by the inward power of his Spirite yet that doth not hinder but that he may vse at his pleasure such instruments and meanes as he knoweth to be conuenient not that he includeth in the element any thing which he taketh either from his spirite or from the blood of Christ but because he will haue the signe it selfe to be an