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cause_n disease_n nature_n symptom_n 2,067 5 11.8165 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B07982 A direction to death: teaching man the way to die well, that being dead, he may liue euer. Made in the forme of a dialogue, for the ease and benefite of him that shall reade it. The speakers therein are Quirinus and Regulus. Perneby, William. 1599 (1599) STC 19766.7; ESTC S94700 255,346 516

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sure of that for many are so niggish as they had as liue spoile themselues as spend their money If they might bee cured for God haue mercie they would oftner then they doe seeke for remedie but because they cannot haue health without wealth they will rather hazard their health then empaire their wealth Q. I feare me they often therefore speed accordingly R. You need neuer feare it for assuredly you may almost any where find it Q. Are not the Phisitions themselues in this respect somewhat to bee blamed thinke you R. I know not and I thinke not so they neither know of their sicknes ne yet be called to helpe them in their sicknesses Q. But many make experiments of their new deuised medicines vpon the bodies of their patients and that makes a number stay of seeking their aide do they not well in so doing R. Surely no though they shunne the aid of such as they know doe so yet they might seeke the helpe of those they either know or hope do not so for as those Phisitians are to be blamed which doe as you say so they that vtterly therefore renounce the vse of Phisicke are not to bee excused for as there are moe maides then maulkin so there are moe Phisitions then such as make experiments of their new deuised medicines vpon the discrased bodies of their diseased patients and to them they may resort their aid and assistance they may craue their prescripts they may follow Q. I but there are but a few of these R. Though there be not yet those fewe they may seeke to Q. The labour may be much the charge great to seeke vnto them R. Yet should the health to be had by vsing them be more regarded then either labour or charge in seeking them For what will not a wise man do for health Syr. 30. 15. Health and strength saith the wise man is aboue all gold and a whole body aboue infinite treasure There is noriches aboue a sound body Better is the poore being whole and strong then a riche man that is afflicted in his body Q. As true as all this is that ye haue said yet a number had rather fall into their hands which will temper with them if they vse the aduise of any then seeke to such as you speake of that will temper for them R. The more vnwise they if they will not be aduised let them doe as they will for me I pray God blesse me out of their hands and so all those that make accompt either of life or health for more hardy are such practitioners than harmeles For often through such their practise the health of their patients is decaied if sometime their liues be not shortened And herevpon it is that prouerbially it is said Hee liues miserably that liues medicinably The wise and discrete physitian will neither so practise nor make himselfe a prouerbe Q. Why what will he doe R. That which euery good physitian should doe vz. perpend the causes crises symptomes and effects of the disease and then worke accordingly And that so as both the nature of his patient may be preserued and his decayed health restored Q. But these things considered will he euer minister physicke or vse phlebotomie without the direction of iudiciall astrologie R Yea that he will or else he should not be such as he would be taken to be nor as I would wish him to be Q. Why can you or doe you esteeme amisse of those which minister no physicke at any time neither yet vse phlebotomy without the direction of iudiciall astrologie R. I neither can nor doe well esteeme of them for if they follow this course continually they must needes kill many a man By astrologie a man must not be let bloud till the Moone be out of Leo the house of the sunne but by physicke a man full bodied taken with a pleurisie the Moone being in Leo must presently be let bloud or else it will goe hard with him for if he stay till the Moone be remoued out of Leo he may by all likelyhoode die either by inflammation of the bloud or by consumption of the lungs For in the time the Moone makes her abode in Leo the aposteme increases so much by the gathering togither of the humours as it can neither be dissolued nor ripened Through the defect of either of which it comes to passe that either the bloud is inflamed or the lungs consumed of which two whether soeuer betides the life will soone be shortened But to leaue this and learne more by astrologie againe a man must not be let bloud the Moone being in malignant aspects with any of the vnfortunat planets but by physicke Lang. lib. 1. epist 35. Ganiuetius called Amicus medicorum a man being sicke of the squinancie or of the feuer called Synachus the Moone being as is said dies if he be not let bloud ere euer the Moone be freed from the foresaid malignant aspects By the consideration of these things be you your selfe iudge whether I may esteeme well of those or no which will minister no purgations nor let any bloud otherwise than they are counselled by astrologicall directions Q. If I be iudge I must iudge no otherwise than you your selfe haue alreadie iudged Your iudgement me thinke is so good as other I can giue none For this I haue seene by that which you haue said that they which in ministring of physicke striking of a veine do stay wholly vpon iudicial astrologie do oftē neglect to do what in conscience they should earnestly labour to do R. In seeing that you haue seene what well you might see and what euery one in dutie is bound to see For where a man must not stand vpon astrologie he must not stay vpon the directions of astrologie The directions of astrologie are like vnto astrologie The one vnsure the other vncertaine Neither of both such as any man is to builde vpon But this is enough of this at this time Q. Ynough also if you will let it be for the physitions the sicke man is to seeke vnto R. As you will let that bee For I now goe as you draw me Q. I will draw you then from the conditions of the physitions whose aid and counsell the sicke man is to craue vnto the office of the physitions which they are to practise when their patients haue their presence R. And what would you touching that Q. What is that R. It is neither one nor simple Q. Be they fewer many acquainte me with them R. And I will First in defect of such as are to put the sicke in minde of their sinnes they are to aduertise thē that are their patients to humble themselues truely vnder the mightie hand of God and feruently to pray vnto him in the name of Christ for the free and full pardon of all their sinnes This is as it were a preparatiue to the phisicke they shall giue This if they do ere euer they minister