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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14710 An hundred, threescore and fiftene homelyes or sermons, vppon the Actes of the Apostles, written by Saint Luke: made by Radulpe Gualthere Tigurine, and translated out of Latine into our tongue, for the commoditie of the Englishe reader. Seene and allowed, according to the Queenes Maiesties iniunctions; In Acta Apostolorum per Divum Lucam descripta, homiliƦ CLXXV. English Gwalther, Rudolf, 1519-1586.; Bridges, John, d. 1618. 1572 (1572) STC 25013; ESTC S118019 1,228,743 968

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that in Claudius dayes they were all driuen out of Rome and Italie And surelye it might seeme a grieuous attempt for Iewes defamed persons almost with all men to prescribe lawes vnto the Romanes the Lords seigniors of the whole world And this accusation was of such force and effect that all the people ranne vpon the Apostles as it had bene to the quenching of some great fyre begun Thou shalt in this place consider what the crafts of the enimies of the truth are We heard how they were incensed led with the desire of priuate lucre aduantage But bicause it was an vnhonest poynt to disturbe the whole citie for a fewes sake they make of a priuate case a publike with marueylous arte and craft so proceeding as though they tooke the publike weales cause in hande Thus we heare Caiaphas played the Rhetorician when he sayde vnto the Scribes consulting agaynst Christ It is expedient for vs that one man dye for the people and not all the Nation perishe And now a dayes nothing is so common a thing as to set a pretence of common weale vpon priuate affections when men desire the doctrine of truth to be banished This craft they haue learned of their Captaine the Deuill who we reade vsed the same trickes euen from the beginning For did he not this wayes entyce our fyrst parents to breake Gods commaundement so propose his matter as though he had sought no whitte for his owne auayle but was onely carefull for theirs When he begoonne also to dispute with Christ he seemed to go about to cause Christ to declare his Godheade vnto the worlde by some woonderfull and myraculous wise and not to holde the worlde anye longer in suspence and doubt what he was For to this ende were his sayings touching turning of stones into breade and casting himselfe downe from the pinnacle of the Temple We haue euerywhere examples of such sleyghtes the chiefe ende whereof is to warne vs that we suffer not our selues to be circumuented and beguiled eyther with the craftes of the deuill himselfe or of his members This place also teacheth vs with what crimes commonly the truth is charged in this worlde Namely that she troubleth and disquieteth common weales and beguyleth the simple Commons with new and false religion Hereof commeth it to passe that the Ministers and teachers of the truth are counted for seditious fellowes seducers and beguilers The faythfull seruauntes of God Moses and Aaron are so called of Pharao the tyrant For thus he aunswereth them desiring him that the people myght be set at libertie You Moses and Aaron why pluck you the people away from their labour But the wicked Achab more bitterly vpbraydeth the Prophete Elias with the same saying Art not thou he that troublest Israel Yet is that more grieuous that Amasias the Priest layeth to Amos the Prophetes charge before king Ieroboam in these wordes Amos hath made a conspiracie against thee in the middest of the house of Israel and the lande cannot away with his sermons Yea the wicked Courtyers of Sedechias the king accuse Ieremie of treason and of flying to his enimies the Assirians saying he is the onely authour of all their miseries and destruction But this is no marueyle considering these were the poynts of accusation that were layde vnto Christes charge For the Priestes sayde vnto Pylate wee founde this man peruerting the whole Nation and forbidding to paye tribute vnto Caesar saying he was Christ a king Agayne If thou let him loose thou art not Caesars friend Whosoeuer maketh himselfe a king speaketh against Caesar. These are grieuous matters and argue the great impudencie of the worlde And yet they may seeme tollerable being compared with the things done in our dayes These thinges in times past did they saye which were the professed enimies of the Prophetes and Apostles and which knewe not that Christ was their sauiour But nowe adayes they that will be taken and counted for Christians which challenge vnto them the chiefe gouernaunce of the Church which professe themselues to be the nurses shepeheardes and defenders of the Church vse to persecute the ministers of Christ and his Gospell and call that a newe doctrine a seditious and a deceytfull which according to the scriptures of the olde and newe Testament sheweth that all our saluation is onely in Christ Iesus which teacheth vs the right vse of the sacraments innocencie and puritie of life the duties of charitie commaundeth vs to loue our enimies leaueth lawes and priuiledges free vnto Magistrates biddeth vs giue vnto Caesar that is Caesars and vnto God that belongeth vnto him which commendeth vnto vs principally the desire of peace and commaundeth vs asmuch as lyeth in vs to haue peace with all men Who may not therefore crie out ô maners ô tymes Let vs therfore acknowledge the blindenesse of this world and not esteeme their slaunders one myte whereby they go about to defame and bring in suspition the wholesome doctrine of the Gospell It remayneth for vs to consider what the iudgement of the Gouernour of Philippi was concerning this present cause But what saye I the iudgement whereas without all iudgement they raged like madde men against the Apostles Sreyghtways they tare and rent their garments as though there wanted Ministers of such mischiefe Then they commaunde them without hearing their aunswere and being guiltlesse to be beaten with roddes And when they had bene well scourged at length they cast them in prison commaunding that they shoulde be well watched as though they were worthye of more punishment than other malefactors Which thing was the cause that they were put in an inner prison and their feete thrust into the stockes But what more iniustice coulde Magistrates and men in office shewe He offendeth that doth but denie him leaue that is accused to excuse himselfe But these men besides beate straungers with roddes and when they haue beaten them thrust them in prison meaning afterwarde at leysure to heare their aunswere The cause of this rage was for that they suffered other that slaundered them to much to kindle their choler Therfore let them that sitte in iudgement flie this pestilent plague and remember that they haue two eares giuen them for this cause that one maye be kept open for the Plaintife and that other for the defendant Let them also remember that God is the President of iudgements to whome they also shall one day giue an account of their iudgements In the meane season we are admonished what the state of the godly is in this worlde Notorious malefactors maye liue in safetye but the godlye are hated and persecuted of all men and where they hurt none but doe good vnto all men they haue least thanke of all men in the worlde It was a singular benefite to deliuer the Damsell out of the thraldome of Satan But for their good turne they are punished with strypes and imprisonment as publike enimies of the Citie Hereof we haue euery
and newe testament commended 1 H ante O Holy Ghost the author of prophecy Pag. 484 Holy Ghost promised 1 Holy historie hath fiue vses or commodities 16 Honour is due to them that labour earnestlye to set foorth Gods glorye 757 They that will be honored as Gods what wee maye thinke of them Pag. 570 Hope must be reposed in God and not in men 46 Hope of the promises made to the fathers consisteth in Christ. 848 Hospitalitye 678.765.891 Hospitalitie hath rewards 891 House of God is the Church or congregation 122 House comprehendeth vnder it all sortes and degrees of men 127 Householders that are diligent are commended 427.431 H ante V Humanitie or curtesie 812.888 Humblenesse and obedience in Paule to be imitated 395 Humilitie 740 Humble tractable minde in Paule Pag. 395 Humilitie how much is vnderstanded by it 378 Hunger and persecution go togither Pag. 487 H ante Y Hypocrites and lande leapers are enimies to the truth 650 Hypocriticall boldenesse sette foorth in Sapphira 234 Hypocrisie declared to be a greeuous euill by the example of the Iewes Pag. 795.796 Hypocrites how they must be esteemed 228 Hypocrites are the slaues of Satan Pag. 231 Hypocrites arguments 414 Hyppocrites conditions sette foorth in Ananias 232.233 Hyppocrites properties 797 Hypocrites tiranny reprooued 801 Hypocriticall confidence 235 I ante A IAcob went downe into Aegipt and why 310 Iacob nourished through the liberalitie of his sonne whome hee mourned for so bitterly ibidem Iames is slaine with the sworde Pag. 490 Iames subscribeth to Peters opinion 600 I ante C Iconium 559 I ante D Idolatrie offendeth both God and Godly 338 Idoles worship 337 Idolatrie defendors 100 Idolators ioye 338 Idolatries beginning and encrease Pag. 336 Idolatrie among Christians howe euill it is 344 Idolatrie popish described 337 Idolatrie vnlawfull and abhominable 602 Idolatrie in the Israelites plagued Pag. 341 Idolatrie is of three kindes 342 Idolatrie in the Israelites deepelye rooted 339 Idolatrie of men must not be wited to God. ibidem Idle and riotous persons cause of much euill 651 I ante E Iereboam renewed the superstition of the Calues 340 Iesus is geuen vs of meere fauoure Pag. 530 Iesus is borne of the seede of Dauid according to the promises Pag. ibidem Iesus called Christ that is to saye annoynted 451.127 Iesus Christes name is hated of the wicked 170 Iesus Christ his office 330.331 Iewes howe grieuously they offended in denying Christ. 164 Iewes being pricked in heart seeke counsell at Peter and the other Apostles 129 Iewes worshippe not God. 823 Iewes beare witnesse of Paules innocencie 896.897 Iewes desire to heare the Gospell Pag. 898 Iewes the children of the Prophets and of the Testament 178 179 Iewes are Hypocrites 795.796 Iewes delyuered out of Egipt thorowe fauour and not through workes 314 Iewes moued with the preachinge of Peter and prycked in harte Pag. 129 Iewes Paules enemies 774 Iewes incumerable malice and hatred 798 Iewes howe they receyue the preachinge of Chryst. 423 Iewes weapons and sleyghtes against Christ. 551 Iewes fresh attempt against Paule Pag. 832 Iewes cōtention about the doctrine of the Gospell 903 Iewes erroure touchinge Christes kyngdome 24 Iewes destruction 59 Iewes importunate malice 795 Iewes vnhappie estate 843.681 Iewes indignation agaynst Paule Pag. 798 Iewes miserable condition 678 Iewes what the name signifyeth Pag. 91 Iewes priestes in goyng aboute too hindre Christes kingedome set it forward 219 Iewes crueltie coulde not hindre Christ. 165.166 I ante G Ignoraunce how it excuseth 170 I ante M Image woorship what euill it hath bred among Christians 339 Images woorking myracles 726 Images condempned 672 Images made of GOD are lyes Pag. ibid. I ante N Inchauntments and magicall why God permitteth them 0 Incarnation of Christ and the consideration thereof 178 Inconstantie and lightnes in Commons 288 Incredulitie of the Iewes was wilfull 901 Incredulitie or vnbeliefe what an euill it is 31 Incredulities punnishment 902 Increase of gods church 148 Industrie or diligence of Paule Pag. 610 Industrie of Paule Silas and Barnabas in setting forth the kingdom of Christ. 610.611 Industrie an example 814 Ingratitude of the people ought to offend no man. 322 Ingratitude in sinning against Christ layde to our charge 323 Ingratitude punished 902.875 Ingratefuls punishement 323 Innocencie of Christe purgeth oure sinnes 535 Innocentes muste not bee deliuered at the pleasure of the enemyes Pag. 838 Insolencie or pryde of men that see the examples of Goddes power euery day and yet boldely holde on therein 3●3 Intercession of saintes ouerthrowne Pag. 0 Integritie of the Prophetes and Apostles commended 794 Intencions of mē must not be thrust into the church 20.21 Inuocation must bee made with affiaunce in gods mercy 102.103 Inuocation is due to GOD onely Pag. 103 Inuocations fruite ibid. Inuocations order 102 Inuocation must bee vsed in the beginning and ende of all our doings Pag. 150 I ante O Iobs fayth touching the resurrection of our bodies 14 Iohn Marke withdraweth him selfe from the ministery of the gospell Pag. 518 Iohn Baptistes testimonie of christ Pag. 531 Ioye euerlasting 115 Ioye of the godly what it is 270 Ioye of the vngodly what it is Pag. 115 Ioye of the spirit 641 Ioye eternalles cause efficient is the beholding of god 120 Ioye of the godlye howe great it is Pag. 125 Ioseph saued of grace and fauoure Pag. 307 Ioseph a figure of Christ. 308 Iourney of Paule and Barnabas to preache 511 Iosephes loue and trustinesse toward his maister 311 Iosephes historie 307 Ioses why hee was called Barnabas 227 Ioses liberalitie 226 I ante S Isaac Iacobes fayth what it was Pag. 853 Israelites accused of Idolatrie by the Prophetes 339 Israelites gyuen vp into a reprobate sence by goddes iuste iudgement Pag. ibid. Israelites the peculiar people of god Pag. 95 Israelles multiplication in Egypt is to bee ascribed to gods fauoure Pag. 314 I ante V Iudas the Galilean 265 Iudas sinneth not alone in betraying Chryste but the whole Nacion with him 59 Iudas fielde 56.57 Iudas sorrowes 57 Iudas horrible death ibid. Iudas horrible ende 56 Iudas offences what they are 55 Iudas who they bee that followe Pag. 230 Iudas punishements foreshewed by the Prophetes 58 Iudas posterities estate 59 Iudas first dignitie 55 Iudgement of god against the Iewes Pag. 60 The last iudgement 457 The last iudgement is a tyme of refreshing and restitucion 175 The latter Iudgement 674 Iudgementes of god muste bee diligently marked 156.157 Iudgement and estimacion that men haue vs in muste not prouoke vs to be proude 72 Iudgement gyuen in haste for fauour of men is an hurtful thing 800 Iudgements of god how they ought to be vsed 725 Iudgement partiall is a pestilent thing 838 In Iudgement both partes must be heard 821 Iudge must haue two eares one for the plaintif an other for the defendant 635 Iudges must heare causes withoute delayes 842 Iudges in the Councell at Ierusalem are amazed wote not what to doe 203