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B13585 The saints hope, and infalliblenes thereof. or Two sermons preached before the English companie at Middelb. about the moneth of October, 1608. Written by Mr. Iohne Forbes, at the earnest request of the hearers, and now published by them for the generall instruction and comfort of all Gods children Forbes, John, 1568?-1634. 1610 (1610) STC 11134; ESTC S115118 69,305 128

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God is dishonored with as earnest diligēce to preasse forward to that other lyfe which they see to be freed from all vncleannes so from all occasion of offending or dishonoring their God And yet further to weigh the cōfort of this point we must remēber that which is cōtained in the former which instructeth vs that this inheritāce is immortall These two so still accompanie one another that the one that is immortality can not be without this other property of vndefilednes For death is the rewarde of sinne Rom. 6.23 so that were sinne is not there is no death Hereby appeareth that excellēcy of this lyfe in that it is exempt from sinne and so consequently from death so that this propertie may very well be called the cause of the other whiche precedeth that is Immortalitie Like as Immortalitie may be compted the cause of the last property that is vnchangeablenes for sinne is the sting of death 1 Cor. 15.56 saith the Apostle And therefore take away sinne which is the thing that defileth both vs and our lyfe yea the heavens the earth and al creatures death shal have nothing wherewith to annoy vs the strength of death which is sinne being taken away Now to come to the vse of this point it serveth for a threefolde comfort to man when either hee looketh to his estate evē vnder grace in this presēt world or to the estate of man in his first creation or yet to the estate of Angels in their first creation In his estate vnder grace albeit he have begun to live the life of God yet still as wee have said he findeth a rebellion of sinn in his flesh resisting the will of God in his minde which wee have sheweth to be a matter of continuall grief to the godlie now to the heart oppressed with this godlie sorrow for sinne that daylie defileth him what can bee more comfortable then that hope of that lyfe in the which he shall cease from sinne and bee wholy freed from all the bondes cordes of iniquitie in the ful freedome and libertie of holines Herewith did the Apostle take vp him selfe from his griefe in his exclamation wherein he lamented his owne miserie in the seventh Chap. to the Rom. After hee had saide Rom. 7.24 O miserable man that I am who shal deliver me from the body of this death Looking to that blessed estate of perfect holines vnto the which we were called by God in Christ he addeth these wordes of consolation to recreate his owne soule I thanke my God through Iesus Christ my Lorde This maketh the heart to reioyce which never could otherwayes have perfite pleasure nor ioy in the beginnings of grace righteousnes and holines graunted in this lyfe no not in the greatest measure that ever was given by Christ Iesus to any creature but this hope of victorie maketh vs not to faint nor wearie in our mindes striving against sinne but patiently to fight vnto the end wayting for that blessed hope Now if man looke further vnto that case wherein Adam was in Paradise albeit in the estate of perfection without sinne yet sinne did prevayle over him and did both defile him and all other things to him Furthermore the Angels that were created in perfection yet did not stand in their first estate but were overcome by sinn So strong a thing is sin that neither man in his integritie nor Angells in their glorie were able to resist it Here now appeareth vpon the consideration of this propertie of our inheritance how exceeding more happie is our estate in Christ then was the estate of Adam by creation yea the estate of Angells in glorie Their estate was subiect to falling as doleful experience in both did prove but in this estate wherevnto wee are renewed in Christ there is no possibilitie of sinning any more after we are possest with our life in the heavens and so the feare of the like miserie which might arise in our heartes vpon their fall is quite taken away for our life and inheritance is vndefiled For when we shal enioy the fruite of our high Priestes oblation and recōciliation Heb. 7.26 as he is holy harmeles vndefiled seperate from sinners and made higher thē the heavens so shall wee also be holy harmeles vndefiled seperate from sinners and made higher then the heavens So then when our God shal be al in vs all sinne shall haue no more place in our minde in will in affection nor any parte of our flesh And wheras now to those that are defiled nothing is pure Tit. 1.15 but even their mindes and consciences are defiled So then when wee shal be vndefiled all things shall be cleane to vs the heavens the earth and all things because wee our selves our mindes and consciences shal be cleane and therefore is it that wee waite for new heavens and a new earth wherein dwelleth righteousnes For in that kingdome wherin no vncleane thing shall enter all things shal be cleane so established in cleannes that nothing shal be able to defile them for ever Here is the comfort for them that mourne in this life for their owne sinnes and the sinnes and abominations that are committed in the middes of the house of God even that they them selves and the whole house of God Ezech. 9.24 shal be delivered frō filthines of sinn being possest with that everlasting righteousnes which is brought in by the sōne of God The Saints in heaven not subiect to change Now followeth the third propertie of our inheritāce which is that it withereth not This maketh vp the perfectiō of our estate in heaven for nothing can make a man happie which is not constant and stable without change The rich man is not made happie by his vncertaine riches because as Iob he may be turned to povertie and his habitation made desolate So is it of all things earthlie for there is nothing constant vnder the sunne therfore all is but vanitie It is true that not only the wicked but even sometimes the children of God being in prosperite wil be brought to say Iob. 29.18.19 Psal 10.6 Psal 30.6 That they shall dye in their Nest that their roote is spread out by the water and therefore they shall never be mooved nor suffer any changes but they finde when the Lord shall hide his face that they are troubled and their estate changed Moreover albeit all other things should continew after one yet mans owne frayeltie maketh his life miserable for albeit he grew vp in strength and activenes yet age cometh changeth him So that the moysture of his life being dried vp they wither as grasse even as the herbe and grasse of the field trees of the forrest albeit they florish in summer yet in winter they wither and loose all their beautie of their life 1 Pet. 1.24 Therefore doeth de spirit of God compare all flesh to grasse Iam. 1.10 and the glorie of
promised to Abraham when hee prayed that Ismaell might live in his sight Gene. 17 1● that hee would blesse him and make him fruitfull and multiplie him exceedingly that hee should begett 12. Princes and bee made a great Nation but his couenant would hee not establish with him but with Isaac Therfore ought we to beware of this common error of the wordlie who do esteeme so little of sinne that when they so licentiouslie doe commit all vncleanes yet doe they thinke thimselues in no perill at all there is and hath bene euer in the world sinne prophane persons who haue deceiued others with vaine wordes as though the wrath of God should not come vpon men for whoredom couetousnes c. Therfore doth the Apostle to the Ephesians warne vs That we let no man deceyue vs with vaine words For for such things sayeth the Apostle cometh the wrath of God vpon the children of disobedience Let vs therefore learne not to extenuate sinne nor securelie to giue our selves to sinne since no common mercie but an superabundant mercie can obtaine remission of sinne at the hands of our God This poynt serueth next for consolation to all penitent sinners how wearie and loaden soeuer they be since sinne can not abound in so great measure but the mercie of God aboundeth much more yea this is the very custome of God that where he maketh the sence and sight of sinne to abound there he maketh also the sence of his mercie and grace to abound much more Let vs not therfore with Cain esteeme our sinne greater then we can beare and distrust in the mercies of God seeing the Lord himselfe made vs this promise by the Prophet Esai Esai 1.18 Though your sinnes were as crimsin they shal be made white as the snow Though they were redd as scarlet they shal be white as wooll Therefore is it that God hath shewed mercie to the chiefest sinners that we should not dispair in Gods mercies though our iniquities were never so great This doeth the Apostle Paule plainely teach vs by his owne example in the first cha to Tim. 1. Tim. 1.16 shewing that albeit he was chief of sinners albeit he was a persecutour yet was he receyved to mercie by the exceeding aboundance of the grace of God towards him in Christ Iesus And that for this cause that Christ Iesus should first shew on him all long suffering to the example of all them which in time to come should beleeue in him vnto eternall lyfe And therefore declareth that this is a saying both true and by all meanes worthie to be receyued to wit that Christ Iesus came into the world to saue sinners Let not then the haynousnes of our iniquities dryue vs away from God who is able to remooue our sinnes from vs as farre as is the East from the West Psal 103.12 Seeing Christ doth call vpon al that are wearie and loaden and doth promise them relaxation and case Mat. 11.29 witnesseth That hee did come into the world not to call the righteous Psal 106.4.6 and 45. but sinners to repentance but let vs rather with the Psalmist praye that the Lord will remember vs with the fauour of his people and visit vs with his saluation that wee may see the felicitie of his chosen and reioyce in the ioy of his people and glorie with his inheritance For although we haue sinned with our Fathers haue committed iniquitie and done wickedlie yet shall hee remember his couenant and call backe his wrath according to the multitude of his mercies Thirdly this poynt serueth for conuiction of all who doe esteeme that it behooueth that their merites bee added to Gods mercies for obtayning of eternall lyfe as though the mercy of God were not sufficient alone to mooue God to graunt vs this benefite For if grace doth abound much more there where sin hath abounded then needeth there nothing to be added to grace since the measure of Gods mercy givē vs in Christ doth alwayes exceed the measure of our sinne Therfore doth the Apostle reason to the Romanes frō this aboūdance of the grace of God Rom. 5.15.16 17. proveth the certaintie of eternall life by comparison in this similitude betwixt the grace or gift of God in Christ the offēce of Adam in three respects First in respect of Adams sin Christes righteousnes or obedience For the Apostle sayeth that the gift is not so as is the offence he sheweth the reason for sayeth he If through the offence of that one many bee dead Much more the grace of God the gift by grace which is by one man Iesus Christ hath aboūded vnto many Hereby declaring that the righteousnes of Christ givē vs by grace is more aboundantly bestowed vpon vs to life then Adams offence was of power vnto death Secōdly inrespect of that which followeth there are two causes to witt guiltines that cometh throgh that one offence of Adā iustificatiō that cometh of Christs onely righteousnes Neither sayeth hee is the gift so as that which entred by one that sinned And he addeth the reason For sayeth he the fault came of one offence to condēnatiō but the gift is of many offences to iustification shewing that iustificatiō by Christ is farre more large then the cause of cōdemnation in Adā Seeing that not only that one sinne which alone hath brought cōdemnation on all men but al other our sinnes are forgiuē in Christ so the gift of grace aboūdeth much more is of greater measure thē the guiltnes of the sin that was the cause of all mens cōdēnation Thirdlie the Apostle reasoneth from the difference of power betwixt the death that followeth vpon the guiltines of Adams sinne the lyfe that is given to them that are iustified by the righteousnes or obedience of Christ Iesus For sayeth he If by one offence death raigned through one much more shall they which receyue that aboundance of grace and of that gift of it Righteousnes raigne in life through one that is Iesus Christ The reason is implyed in this sentence takē from the aboundance of grace and of the gift of that righteousnes By al which the Apostle will assure our heartes that we who are partakers of the grace mercie of God in Christ shal be saued that in respect Neither is Adams sin so powerfull to make guiltie vnto death as the righteousnes of Christes to iustifie vnto lyfe neither is the guiltines coming from Adams only sinne so aboundant as the iustification which is by Christ only Obedience seeing our guiltines cometh from one finne but our iustification is not only from that sinne and guiltines comming from that sinne but from all sinnes and guiltines of them all Neither is death which followed vpon the guiltines of that one sinne of Adams vpon all men of such force to raigne as the lyfe that commeth to all them that are iustified by that one obedience
Iustice did come by our workes then had we wherein to reioyce and glorie And for this cause also is it that God doth choose the vyle things of this worlde the foolish and the weake 1. Cor. 27. to the end euen that no flesh should reioyce or glory in his presence for wee are that which wee are of him in Christ Iesus and not of our selves nor in our selves saith the Apostle be it Wiesdom iustificatiō sactification or redemption That according as it is written Hee that reioyceth let him reioyce in the Lord. The second reason of the Apostle to the Ephesians Phil. 2.13 is Because the power of doing good is not of our selues nor in our selues because we are the workmanship of God created to good workes And this Creatiō saith the Apostle is in Christ Iesus therefore not in our selues Therfore it is not of our selues that we do good but of God who worketh in vs both the will and the deed and that of his good pleasure Neither haue we the vertues in our selues of working good but in Christ Iesus that we iustly say with the Apostle to the Galathians Gall. 2.10 It is not we that liue any more but Christ that liueth in vs. And therefore with the same Apostle to the Corinthians 2. Cor. 12.2 and 3. Our reioycing should be not in our selues but in the man which is Christ And we ought to acknowledge with him that what we are we are it by the grace of God And when we labour in well doing it is not we but the grace of God which is with vs. This serveth to vs for two things to instruct vs not with Papist or other whatsoeuer to asscribe merites to our workes or to esteeme the cause of our election calling iustification or glorification to be in our selues or our workes but in the free grace of God Therfore doth the Apostle to the Romans declare Rom. 11.5 that the remnant which are saved are reserued according to the election of grace and thervpon concludeth that if election bee of grace it is no more of workes else were grace no more grace And if it be of works then it is no more of grace or els workes were no more works So may we conclude here of our calling to the hope of life since the Apostle saith It is of Gods aboundāt mercy than it is not of merit els were mercy no more mercy and if it be of merite it is no more mercy or els merite were no more merite The cause therefore moouing God to call and elect vs is no wayes in vs but in God himselfe Therefore doth the Apostle say to the Ephesians Ephe. 1.5 that God hath predestinated vs to be adopted through Christ in himselfe And what was the cause in himselfe moouing him the Apostle likewise declareth it According to the good pleasure of his wil. And moreouer in the next verse he maketh it more plaine saying That it is his grace wherewith hee hath made vs freely accepted in his beloved yet more amplie hee cleareth this adding in the 7. verse That the redemption which we haue by the bloud of Iesus Christ is also according to his rich grace Declaring that whither wee look to God in giuing Christ to dye for vs or whither wee consider God iustifying vs in Christ and accepting of vs in him for the merite of his death applying or imputing the same to vs There was nor is nothing that mooueth him to doe so but his owne grace For as it is written Exod. 33.19 I will haue mercy vpon him to whom I will shew mercie wil haue compassion vpon him on whom I will haue compassion So that it is not in him that willeth Rom. 9.15 16. 18 nor in him that runneth but in God that sheweth mercie And therefore hee hath mercy on whom hee will and whom hee will hardeneth The second thing that hereby we learne is that comfortable lesson which the spirit of God teacheth vs by the Apostle to the Romanes reasoning from this mercie and loue of God towardes vs in Christ who when wee were yet of no strength at his time Rom 5.6.7 8.9.10 dyed for the vngodly God setting foorth his merueillous loue to vs that whyle we were yet sinners Christ dyed for vs. Whereupon he concludeth that nowe being iustified by his bloud we shall much more bee saued from wrath through him For as the the Apostle sayeth If when we were enemies wee were reconciled to God by the death of his Sonne Ephe. 2.3.4 and 5. much more being re●ciled we shal be saved by his life For that mercy that mooued God when we were dead in sinne and trespasse being by nature the children of wrath Ier. lament 3.22 to quicken vs in Christ Seeing it remained for euer and his compassions fayle not but are renewed every morning Ephe. 2.3.4 must needes much more mooue him to accomplish the good pleasure of his will in vs Psal 106.1 who nowe are made the children of his loue in Christ Therefore neede we not to feare what man Rom. 8.38 and 39. yea what Deuills can doe to vs For neither death nor life nor Angells nor principalities nor powers nor things present nor things to come nor height nor depth nor any other creature shal be able to seperate vs from the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus For our God is full of compassion and mercie Psal 103.8 c. slow to anger and of great kindnes Therefore he will not alwayes chyde Psal 103.6 nor keepe his anger for euer neither will hee deale with vs after our sinnes nor reward vs according to our iniquities seeing he pitied vs and had mercie on vs when we were his enemies For that mercie that mooued God to beget vs to the hope of lyfe when we were straungers from him without hope and without God much more shall it mooue him to bring vs now being made his children to the enioying of that blessed hope Herevpon it followeth That Gods mercie is the only ground of solide and perfect comfort to man and only sure stay to the soule of him that is in trouble that contrariwise they can haue no stedfast hope nor perfect ioy through their hope who build their hope of lyfe not vpon the mercie of God but on their owne merite or merite of any other creature Therefore is it that in the scripture the most lamentable and sorrowfull cace of the godly is described to bee when as the sence of Gods mercie faileth them For then doe they crie out Will God shewe noe more fauour Psal 77.8 Is his Mercie cleane gone for euer Doth his promise faile for euermore Hath God forgotten to be mercifull Hath he shutt vp his tender mercies in displeasure This is my death sayeth the seruant of God Hereby declaring that mercie is their only comfort and cause of their lyfe And where mercie appeareth
resurrection If in this life only we have hope in Christ we are of all men the most miserable for besides the crosses and calamities wherevnto we are subiect in this life death cometh in betwixt vs our hope in Christ and it seemeth to cutt vs vtterlie from him all fruition of his blisse For if death had dominion over vs so that the sorrowes thereof could not be loosed but that we should be holden of it what avayled it vs to be in ieopardie everie houre 1 Cor. 19.18 and wherefore should we suffer affliction for the name of Iesus for all that sleepe in him were perished as saith the Apostle in the same place to the Corinthians If there were no Resurrection Therefore to comfort vs not only againstal the afflictions of this present life but chieflie against that last and most fearfull tentation of death the Lord doth instruct vs in the resurrection from the dead This was the comfort that Iob had in all his miseries as he saieth himself That although after his skinne wormes destroy his bodie yet shall I see God in my flesh whom I my selfe shall see and my eyes beholde and none other for me though my reynes are consumed within me This also saith the Apostle to the Corinthi was the cause which made him not onely to faint ● Cor 5.1 but also to sighe Desiring to be dissolved even because he did know If this earthly house of this tabernacle were destroyed he had a building given vs of God an house not made with handes but eternall in the heavens So that death was no terrour at all to him who did know that he which raised the Lord Iesus should raise him vp also and give him a glorious bodie And for this cause is it that Christ Iesus in the sixt chap. of Iohn willing to confirme his assertion and saying That of all which the Father had given him he should loose nothing so oft bringeth in this promise And I will raise him vp at the last day And with this he comforted Martha Iohn 11.2 mourning for the death of her brother Lazarus saying Thy brother shal rise againe And the Apostle Paul writing to the Thessalonians willing to comfort them to stay their excessiue mourning for the dead doth bring in this same reason That they which are a sleepe 1 Thes 4.13 shal rise at the cōming of the Lord. This point therefore must we carefullie hold since without it we can haue no comfort And to this effect we haue next to consider what it is that doth assure vs and certifie our soules that we shall rise againe For it is a matter harde to be beleeved The assurance of our resurrection dependeth vpō the resurrectiō of Christ that the body which is once dead turned into dust shal raise againe The thing that giveth certaine hope to vs of out resurrection is the Resurrection of Iesus Christ our Sauiour If he had not risen frō the dead we could never have had any hope that ever our bodies shuld haue received life after death For this is a sure grounde which we must stedfastlie hold that our God mindeth to doe nothing to vs which hee hath not first done to Iesus Christ our head and Prince of our salvation for our cause For he is as the first fruits in all things Col. 1.18 for in all things he hath the preheminence as saith the Apostle to the Colossians therefore also is hee the beginning and first begottē among the dead And againe to the Corinthians the Apostle sheweth vs that he is made the first frutes of them that sleepe 1. Cor. 19.20 Seeing then that in the first frutes the whole is sanctified no otherwayes It must needs follow that Christ behooved to 〈◊〉 so from the dead before wee could be raised our resurrection depending vpon his flowing from his For as saieth the Apostle in that same place to the Corinthians 1. Cor. 15.21 As by man came death so also by man cometh the resurrection from the dead For as in Adam all dye so in Christ shall all be made aliue but euerie one saith he in his owne order the first fruites is Christ thereafter they that are Christes at his appearing Therefore doeth he call him selfe in the 11. Iohn 11.25 chapter of Iohn speaking to Martha The Resurrection and Lyfe Herof it followeth that he who knoweth not Christ to be risen from the dead and beleeveth not that he is risen can no wayes beleeve that ever he shall rise againe to life 1. Pet. 1.21 For this same Apostle Peter in this same Chapter hereafter plainlie witnesseth that God hath raised Christ from the dead and hath giuen him glorie that our faith hope should be in God Wherby he teacheth vs two things concerning our hope First that it must bee in God Secondlie that it can not bee in God but through Christ and therefore that wee could not hope in God that he would raise vs from the dead if he had not first raised Christ our head seeing wee must beleeve in God through him The vse of this point is twofolde First it learneth vs to discerne the trueth and veritie of our hope from the right ground and foundation of it Colos 1.21 For every mans hope must have a foundation to vpholde it even as our faith and hope is the foundation whereby we are vpholden as saith the Apostle to the Colossians Frō the which if we fall we fall from God and from life so our hope hath the same foundation whereby it is vpholden in vs that wee doe not cast away our confidence and reioycing of our hope albeit assailed with innumerable and grievous tentations this foūdation is Christ himself And therfore whyle the Apostle doth exhort vs to constancy in our hope and patient running of the race that is layed before vs vnto the end he willeth vs to looke still vpon Iesus Christ the authour finisher of our faith For if our sight be cast vpon any thing besides him Rom. 4.18 so that we drawe our eyes from be holding him then must our hope faile vs. It is said of Abraham the Father of the faithfull who aboue hope beleeved vnder hope that he should bee the Father of many nations according to the promise that hee considered not his owne body which nowe was dead beeing almost an hundreth yeares old neither the deadnes of Saraes wombe neither did he doubt of the promise but did looke to him who did promise being fullie assured that he was able to performe herein this promise made to Abraham If Abraham had not cast his sight on him that promised that is the Sonne of God but had looked to him selfe or Sara he could haue had no hope of the promise So in the promise of our Resurrection frō the dead to eternall life if we cast our eyes vpon our selues our bodies dying and cōsuming and turning into dust whereof they
conceive of death having no sence nor sight nor hope of a permanent and endles life but the godly man who findeth his inward man renewing daylie and feeling in himselfe the powers of the world to come and being established by hope he is so farre from fainting with present afflictions that he reioyceth in them as saith the Apostle to the Romanes Rom. 5.3 and so farre is hee from being discouraged or affraid of death that he chuseth rather to be dissolved yea many haue refused to be delivered from death that they might receive a better resurrection O if this wretched world did knowe what great advantage the man renewed hath aboue him who is not renewed in the time of trouble and affliction and speciallie in the houre of death which putteth an end to all the ioyes of this life howe much would they esteeme of that renewing grace that bringeth men to the hope of an inheritance immortall and how carefull would they be to finde themselves begotten againe to the hope of this inheritance before that heavie day of death doe come vpō them that they might have comfort against the terrour of it by the sence and feeling of the life of God begunne in their soules which never can be ended but rather perfited by the death of our flesh the soule that hopeth even in dying apprehending eternall life so the hope of this inheritāce which is immortall doth comfort vs against the mortalitie of our present estate and future ruine and destruction of this present world The second vse is to comfort vs against that which we might feare should happē to vs being possest againe with the life of God in heavē evē the losse of that life againe the grounds of this feare may be the experience past in Adam and in Angells Adam being created to the likenes of God being placed in Paradise did nevertheles lose his perfection and lyfe and was thrust out of Paradise Thus left to himselfe hee could neither keepe his lyfe nor the possession of Paradise but loosed both by obeying Sathan who did slay him in making him to sinne Iud. 6. The Angels that were in heaven with God did not keepe their first estate wherein they were created which they did enioy in the presence of God and now are reserved vnder darknes vnto the iudgement of the great day Who would not feare at these examples to be deprived of lyfe although once possessed with it that also in heaven Death having overthrowen the life both of man Angell even then when they enioyed all perfection of life the one in Paradise the other in heaven What then is our consolation evē this that our lyfe which in Christ we recover is more sure then the life which Adam had even then the life whiche Angells had by creation for theirs was subiect to hasarde but our life is exempt from all hasard of death therefore are we not to feare that it shall befall so to vs any more as it did to them For our inheritance which we looke for is permanent and immortall therefore after our resurrection wee shall bee no more in feare nor daunger of death For this corruptible shall put on incorruption and this mortall shal put on immortality 1 Cor. 15.53 and then shall death be swallowed vp into victory mortality shal be swallowed vp of lyfe 1 Cor. 5.4 and death it selfe that last enemie in that day shal be destroyed for death and hell shal be cast into the lake of fire 1 Cor. 15.26 Revel 20.14 1 Cor. 15.55 which is the seconde death then shal we sing most ioyfully that song of triumph O death where is they sting O grave wher is thy victory Thus this first point doth enceedingly comfort vs giveth vs ample matter of glorifying God that hee called vs who are mortall and corruptible creatures frō this miserable estate to a life that endureth for ever yet doth this next property of this life and inheritance much more comfort the true children of God who have no further pleasure in life it self then so farre as it doeth serve to the glory of God albeit the wicked take no care of dishonoring God so being they may live For hee that is truely wyse knoweth that the life which serveth no wayes to the honour of God shall never procure honour to him that enioyeth it And whē the Authour of his lyfe is nothing benefited by his lyfe it were better for him never to have had lyfe seeing it must needes in the end procure his greater harme and therefore seeing God is holines it selfe and so by consequence a mortall enemie of all vncleannes there can be no happines in a lyfe that is vncleane and polluted For it standeth sure which the Apostle sayeth Heb. 12.14 That without holines no man shall see God For this cause it is that the Saints sighe continuallie in this life 2 Cor. 5.4 because of the burdē of sin wherewith they are burdened knowing that a necessitie of sinning is laid vpon vs whyle we walk in this earthly tabernacle and therefore with the Apostle to the Romanes Rom. 7.24 finding that we are solde vnder sin so that in our flesh ther dwelleth no goodnes and albeit by the grace of God to will be present with vs yet we finde no meanes to performe that which is good because although we delite in the Law of God cōcerning the inward man yet we stil see another law in our mēbers rebelling against the law of the minde and leading vs captive vnto the law of sinne which is in our members Therfore I say with the Apostle wee are compelled to crie out against our lyfe O wretched men that we are who shall deliver vs from this body of death ever wishing and desiring to be freed from this lyfe that is polluted and in the which wee can not preserve our selves from vncleanes And this is the second cause why this present life is miserable in all men of what soever estate they be all men without exception being defiled with sinne even from their first conception Psal 51.5 as being both conceyved and berne in sinne and therefore is it that the Saintes desire to be dissolved because they know as saith the Apostle that if their earthlie house of this tabernacle were destroyed 2 Cor. 5.1 they haue a building given of God that is an house not made with hādes but eternal in the heavens In which house they shall sinne no more because corruption shal be swallowed vp of incorruption By this difference now betwixt this present sinful life that blessed life in holines to the which wee are begotten againe doeth appeare the excellēcie of the one aboue the other so doth give iust occasion to al the godlie to cast the love of this life all things in it farre from them being so disposed by the grace of God that they can not love nor like that whereby their
of Christ Iesus seeing the causes of that lyfe are more aboundant then the causes of that death therefore th' effect that is the lyfe must be more aboundant or powerful in raigning Hereby is it euident that they haue never truely tasted of the sauing mercie of God in Christ who doe so thinke of it as if it were not alone without adding something of our merite sufficient to bring vs to lyfe Let vs therefore magnifie the mercie of God which is so aboundant plentifull and running ouer that it giueth full contentement to the heart perfite peace to the soule of man and let vs pray for our selves as the Apostle prayeth for the Ephesians Ephe 3.18 and 19. that being rooted and grounded in loue wee may be able to comprehende with all Saintes what is the bredth and length and depth and height and to know the love of Iesus Christ which passeth knowledge that we may be filled with all fulnes of God and so haue our soules satisfied with his goodnes Now followeth the third poynt The meanes whereby wee are brought to hope which is concerning the meane or fitting midds whereby the Lord bringeth vs to this blessed hope and that is our Regeneration or newe birth For as Christ sayeth to Nicodemus Except a man bee borne againe Ioh. 3.3 he can not see the kingdome of God and consequentlie can haue no hope of it therefore sayeth the Apostle here that God hath begotten vs againe to hope Here haue we to consider two things First what this begetting is And secondly why it is called our begetting againe or second birth Which wordes haue a manifest relatiō to a former begetting and birth As touching the birth it is fully described to vs in the word of God The Apostle in this same chapter of this epistle and 23. verse doth shew vs the sence of this conception and birth both what kinde it is of and which it is As for the kinde he telleth vs it is not mortall and so perishing as all flesh is but immortall which liueth and endureth for ever And that he declareth to bee the word of God which was preached by the Apostle to the world Secondly touching the mother who must beare vs in whose wombe this seed is sowen and out of whose bowelles we must proceed the Apostle to the Galathians speaketh plainlie Galat. 4.26 saying It is Ierusalem which is aboue or heauenlie Ierusalem that is the true Church of God whose propertie is That she is free and shee sayeth the Apostle is the Mother of vs all and was figured by Sara the free woman the mother of Isaac the heire and childe of promise Thirdly the Euangelist Iohn telleth vs who is the Father by whom wee must be begotten Ioh. 1.13 borne againe not of blood nor the will of flesh nor the will of man but God only The first teacheth vs to esteeme much of the blessed worde of God since without it there is no Regeneration and so no hope of lyfe That there is no Renovation but by the word it is plaine by the speach of Christ him selfe in the 17. chapter of Iohn verse 17. Sanctifie them with the trueth thy word is trueth And that without Regeneration there is no hope it is manifest both by the Apostle by the speach aforsaid of Christ to Nicodemus Heb. 12 4● And by the Apostle to the Hebrues where he sayeth that without holines no man shall see God Therefore should we al indeuour to haue the word of God abyding in vs and dwelling in vs plenteouslie according to the exhortation of the Apostle to the Colossians And as the Apostle sayth in the next chap. We should as newe borne babes Colos 3 1● desire that sincere milke of the worde that we may growe thereby For as witnesseth the Apostle to the Hebrues we can not escape if wee neglect so great a saluation which at the first began to be preached by the Lord and afterwards was confirmed to vs by them that heard him Hebr. 2.3 seeing the word spokē by Angells was stedfast euery transgression disobedience receiued a iust recōpence or reward And the Apostle in the 2. epis 2. Thes 1.8 to the Thessalon teacheth vs that Iesus Christ at his appearing shal rēder vēgeāce to al that obey not the Gospel The second point teacheth vs not to forsake nor neglect as sayeth the Apostle to the Hebr. our mutuall gatherings together Heb. 10.25 or the fellowship that wee have among our selves But with Dauid Let vs desire require euen this one thing of the Lord That we may dwell in the house of the Lord al the dayes of our life Psal 27.4 to behold the beautie of the Lord and to visite his Temple Psal 36.8 and that we may be satisfied with the fatnes of his house receyve drinke out of the Riuers of his pleasures Psal 46.4 For ther is a Riuer which maketh glad the city of God evē the Sanctuary of the Tabernacles of the High For this heauēly Ierusalem is faire in situation Psal 48.1.2 and 3. the ioy of the whole earth and Cittie of the great King In the Palaces whereof God is knowne for a refuge Psal 53. and 6. and out of Zion commeth saluation Therfore doe the Tribes of the Lord goe vp to Ierusalem according to the testimonie of Israell to prayse the Name of the Lord. For there are Thrones set for Iudgement Psal 122. euen the Thrones of the house of Dauid And therfore seing this is the place of safetie and saluation where the beautie of the Lord is to be seene where the voyce of the Lord is to be heard from his holy Oracle we should reioyce with Dauid when we heare the people say Psal 84. We will goe vp into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand in the gates of Ierusalem For as witnesseth Dauid Blessed are they that dwell in the house of the Lord Psal 42. for they shall euer praise him Therfore did his soule long and fainte for the Courtes of the Lordes house yea his soule panted after the Lord as the hart after the waters being banished from the publicke worship of God by the persecution of Saul and his heart was poured out when he remembred that he had gone with the multitude and led them in the house of God with the voyce of singing and prayse as a multitude that keepeth a feast Psal 84.11 Because a day in the Courtes of the Lord is better then a thousand other where and better is it to be a doore keeper in the house of the Lord then to dwell in the tabernacles of wickednes Psal 87. for glorious things are spoken of the Citie of our God For of Ziō it is said that many are borne in her Seeing therefore that our spirituall birth is in heauenly Ierusalem where the seed of Gods worde is continually sowen Mat. 13.