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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A10914 A discourse of Christian watchfulnesse Preparing how to liue, how to die, and to be discharged at the day of iudgement, and so enioy life eternall. By Iohn Rogers minister to the Church of Chacombe in Northampton-shiere. Rogers, John, of Chacombe. 1620 (1620) STC 21185; ESTC S103184 154,709 397

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is that they are suddenly taken at vnawares and vnprouided and this makes them vnpatient and to cry for some respit to make them ready for Death that is the Lord must stay for them stil but let them watchfully prepare for Death and wait for the Lord as is meet and say Come Lord Iesu come quickly 2. The vnprepared want faith for had they neuer so little faith it would free them from this feare and would animate them against all terrors as Psal. 46. 1. c. for as the body so long as the soule remaineth therein liueth so man so long as Faith abides in his soule needeth not feare Death no more then we feare sickenesse whiles wee enioy perfect health or pouerty while wee abound in wealth 3. There is no feare of death where there is no sinne for sinne is the cause that God depriueth vs of life but the vigilant and godly in time pull out the stings of Death and in Christ their sins are couered and not imputed vnto them Psal 32. 1. 2. Rom. 4. 7. and they sinne not 1. Iohn 3. 9. yea now to them death it selfe is slaine and swallowed vp in victory by the death of Christ 1. Cor. 15. 54. 55. 56. foreseeing that the prick or sharpnesse of Death is sinne and the power of sinne is death Iesus Christ hath accomplished the Law for vs and thereby taken away the sting of Death so that it shall neuer hurt vs any more and so to vs death now is no death but an entrance to life 4. God is euer with the Elect in their troubles and will not for sake them and though they walke in the valley of the shadow of death they will feare nothing Psal. 23. 1. 4. Gen. 46. 4. Luke 22. 43. hee being with them how can they feare to say nothing that he is in league and couenant with them to doe them all good and to remooue from them all harmes and hurts as Isa. 43. 1. c. Feare not I haue redeemed thee I haue called thee by name thou art mine when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee and through the riuers they shall not ouerflow thee when thou walkest through the fire thou shalt not bee burnt neyther shall the flame kindle vpon thee c. 5. Death is but a passage or vvay to life which now is so broad and smooth beaten by all Gods Saints that a man may blindly in the darke tread it without stumbling 6. Such as die in the Lord rest from their labors and their workes follow them and what labouring man after his dayes toyle and trauell would not rest from his labours and betake him to his bed and sleep so we by death shall rest from all the miseries whereunto this life is subiect and shall sleepe as in our beds and what a blisse is this specially to the godly who of all others in this life bee most miserable for they are subiect not onely to the common calamities of this life as of sicknesse pouerty losses c. but also besides these the world doth hate reuile persecute them that so bitterly and extreamely that many of them be imprisoned racked and tormented and cruelly put to death as Heb 11. 36. c. and 2. Cor. 11. 23. c. So that to them it is a great happinesse to rest from their labours and yet to rest from their labors by Death is but a part and not perfect blisse or happines for then a labouring Oxe or trauelling Horse were happy when they died yet they loath tremble to die but they that die in Christ haue another increase of happinesse for they enter into glory and their workes that is the reward of their workes follow them for they shall bee in euerlasting ioy why then should Gods children feare death seeing it is an end of present euills and a beginning of felicitie eternall 7. Death bringeth vs in glory to see God our Father and Iesus Christ our sweet Sauiour and the Holy Ghost our sanctifier of whom wee haue seene nothing hitherto but his pourtrait described by the Prophets Apostles which one thing ought to moue vs more then any thing to desire our dissolution for if the Queen of Saba came so farre to see Salomon and to heare his Wisedome how farre should wee goe to heare a greater then Salomon Luke 11. 31. Saint Austin wished he had liued to see Roman triumphantem Paulum praedicantem Christum in carne but those sights were nothing to these in the highest Heauens wher Christ with all his Angels Saints triumph in glory for now shall that blessing of our Sauiour in Luke 10. 23. be perfectly in vs fulfilled viz. Blessed are the eyes that see the things that ye see for I tell you that many Prophets and Kings haue desired to see these things which ye see and haue not seene them c. the only contemplation of whom will make vs fully content and will dampe and take from vs the remembrance and sense of all other profits and pleasures whatsoeuer Then with him wee shall see all the Angells Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Martyrs and Saints of God who haue in all ages excelled in vertue and godlinesse with all the holy Preachers who shine as the Sunne and Starres in the firmament of Heauen a sight surpassing that which Socrates hoped after his death to see to wit the Noble Heathens that liued before him as Agamemnon Aiax Vlisses c. 8. By Death our soules shall be separated from our bodies and made more free and capable of the profound mysteries of Gods Hierarchy and Heauenly Kingdome for then the vaile being remoued from our eyes and as Nazianzen writeth Our heauenly soules no longer pressed downe by our earthly bodies wee shall see the Lord face to face and know him as wee are knowne 1. Cor. 13. 2. and plainely behold that which we now worship for them shall we enter into the sanctuary of our God euen to the Holy of Holies there will God shew vnto vs as to his intire friends the whole glory and riches of his house and blessed kingdome and keepe nothing backe from vs. Blessed Death wilt thou not make hast to come and conduct vs thither for thou art the wholesome Physicke which curest vs of all diseases and afflictions and by casting vs into and vnder the earth liftest vs to the highest heauens to liue with God for euer 9. Death is to vs the beginning of life which Epaminondas a Heathen at his Death could see saying to his frends Be merry for now I begin to liue and so Ignatius Now I begin to be Christs Disciple so then in truth death is life and the life wee heere lead is but a limping death onely the one and the other are masked vnder false visages for as writes Chrysostome Our life which is full of misery hath a faire visour on which causeth fooles to loue it and Death which is the beginning
take no care of paying their rent shew they despise their Landlord to their own losse hurt and confusion 6. Study and exercise daily the Art of dying most men lay how to liue in the world but a Christians care should be how to die well out of this world and that master-care carrieth about all the inferiour and subordinate cares and affaires of this life therefore let vs invre and accustome our selues daily by little and little to die before death come for hee that leaues the world before the world leaues him reacheth the hand to death as to a welcome messenger and with Simeon departs in wished peace and as men that are appointed to runne a race exercise themselues before in running that they may get the victory so should we begin to die now while we are liuing that we might die well in the end so Paul 1. Cor. 15. 31. said that hee died daily not so much for that hee was daily in danger of death by reason of his calling but for that in all his dangers and troubles hee inured and exercised himselfe to die for when men do make the right vse of their afflictions and endeuour to beare them patiently humbling themselues as vnder the correction of God then they begin to die well and to doe this indeed is to take an excellent course He that would mortifie his greatest sinnes must begin to doe it with small sinnes which when they are once reformed a man shall be able more easily to ouercome his miseries so likewise he that would beare the crosse of all crosses namely death it selfe must first of all learne to beare small crosses as sickenesse troubles losses which may fitly be tearmed little deaths and the beginning of death it selfe and wee must first of all acquaint our selues with these little deaths before wee can be able to beare the greatest death of all Against the afflictions and calamities of this life are as it were the Harbingers and Purueyors of Death and we must first learn how to entertaine these messengers that when the Master shall come wee may in better manner welcome and cheere him 7. As many as bee able to doe any good seruice eyther for Gods glory or his Church or Common-wealth or to any priuate man or woman because his departure hence is vncertaine and the night of his day draweth on hee must hasten with all speed to doe it lest death preuent him and it be laid to his charge so that hee loose his reward for this point note Eccles. 9. 10. Iohn 9. 4. Galat. 6. 10. And hee that hath care to spend his daies in well-doing shall with much comfort peace of conscience end his life for he that labours for the good of others shall be beloued while he is here and lamented when he is gone but such as onely make worke for themselues as hogs at the trough both liue without being desired nor beloued and dying are neuer missed nor lamented Let vs then doe all to Gods glory and mens good and thus farre of our generall watch Next followes our particular vvatch for death as thus So soone as wee feele sickenesse seize vpon our bodies then is it high time to begin our particular watch and preparation for death where 1. Wee must consider whence our sickenesse commeth euen by the speciall prouidence of God and the cause of this affliction is our sinne as Lam. 3. 30. Mich. 7. 9. Math. 9. 2. Iohn 5. 14. Wherfore is the liuing man sorrowfull Man suffereth for his sinne and though there be no other causes of our death yet sickenesse comes ordinarily and vsually of sinne and therefore speedily must we make a new examination of our hearts and all our liues passed say with Israell Let vs search and try our wayes and turne againe vnto the Lord Lamen 3. 40. and so labour to bee reconciled vnto him in Christ though wee haue formerly beene long assured of his fauour 2. Wee must make a new confession vnto God of our new and particular sinnes not forgetting the old specially the sinnes of our youth and ignorance before our calling and thereto Thirdly make new prayers and more earnest then euer before with vnexpressed sighes and grones of the spirit and that for pardon of the same sinnes and for full reconciliation with God in Christ. In the exercise of these three duties stands the renouation of our faith and repentance whereby they are increased quickened and reuiued and the more sickenesse preuailes in the body the more should we be carefull to put them in vre that spiritual life might encrease as temporall life is decayed then are we to forgiue and desire to be forgiuen of all the world specially of our owne Minister 4. If our paines and sickenesse discourage vs wee are to set speedily our house in order and then send for our Parish Minister who if it may be must not be absent from vs while breath is in our bodie but to exhort perswade encourage answere our doubts pray with vs and for vs help vs in our feares and temptations and as a Bride for her Bridegroome make vs ready attyring vs in the wedding garment and robes royall for the marriage of the Sonne of God neyther must their godly neighbours be now absent but as they haue been formerly privy to our godly liues so if we accuse and condemne our selues they must testifie the truth of vs further then the Ministers knowledge extends and so comfort and set them as eye and care-witnesses of our former life in assured hope of vndoubted saluation 5. And because no godly meanes must be omitted to preserue life till God take it away the Physitians skill is not to be refused obseruing this order that where the Diuine ends there the Physitian must begin and not contrarily for let vs neuer look for health in body vntill wee haue a faithfull and sanctified soule desiring God to blesse the meanes he vseth for vs which we truely cannot doe vntill our Consciences perswade vs of the pardon of our sinnes 6. This done let vs set our soules in order and see how wee stand in the fauour of God and so shall wee die more voluntarily quietly and patiently and let vs labour that our sinnes die in vs before we die in the world and consider we what an excellent thing it is for vs to end our liues before our deaths and in such sort that at that houre wee haue nothing to doe but to die and that then we haue need of nothing no not of time nor of our selues c. but sweetly and comfortably to depart this life 7. This sanctified preparation will cause vs not onely ioyfu●ly and cheerefully to depart this life but withall in ful and hopeful assurance of a glorious resurrection First to commit our wiues and children and people vnto the protection of Almighty God to receiue them at his hand in his b●essed Kingdome againe Secondly then