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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A09026 The grounds of diuinitie plainely discouering the mysteries of Christian religion, propounded familiarly in diuers questions and answeres: substantially proued by scriptures; expounded faithfully, according to the writings of the best diuines, and euidently applyed by profitable vses, for the helpe and benefite of the vnlearned which desire knowledge. To the which is prefixed a very profitable treatise, containing an exhortation to the study of the word, with singular directions for the hearing and reading of the same. By Elnathan Parr minister of the word, at Palgraue in Suffolke.; Grounds of divinitie. Parr, Elnathan, d. 1622. 1614 (1614) STC 19314; ESTC S103147 128,560 328

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particulars contained in it Sixtly None can dispence against this Law but God onely either in whole or in part Vse 1. First we are to praise God for giuing the Law without the which wee could neuer attaine to the knowledge of sinne and so of our wretchednes thereby for by the Law comes the knowledge of sinne Of the which Rom. so long as wee are ignorant we neuer séeke for remedy by Iesus Christ euen as that man neuer séekes the Physition which knoweth not that he is sicke Many thinke aswell of themselues as the Pharise till the Law come and then they appeare as blacke as hell Therefore when the pride of thine heart discouereth it selfe by any vaine conceit of thy owne worthinesse Looke thy selfe in the true glasse of the law that thou maist be humbled Vse 2. With all reuerence heare and with all care obey this Law for if the gining of it were so terrible how terrible shall the reuenging of the transgressions thereof be thinke you Vse 3. From the number of the Precepts being tenne we may profitably remember that as they are not many but few not confused but orderly and distinct not long and tedious but excéeding short that we should in no wise be ignorant of them the Lord hauing framed them so that they may be carried in minde as readily as the number of our fingers and toes Vse 4. In asmuch as the Lord forbiddeth all transgressions vnder the names of the greatest sinnes of that kinde as all oppression vnder the name of Murther all deceit vnder the name of Theft c. We are carefully to auoyde all euen the least sinnes euen sinfull thoughts for whatsoeuer we thinke no sinne is little but in the account of God euen vniust anger is murder Extenuate not therefore nor minse thy sinnes saying Oh this is a trifle I would no body did doe worse I hope I am neither whoore nor thiefe c. for all vnchaste and wanton lookes speaches c. is whoredome all couetousnesse deceit and griping in bargaining c. is theft in the sight of God But rather be humbled for them by true repentance that they may be forgiuen For the least euill thought shall damne a man without Christ according to the tenour of this law Gal. 3.10 Cursed is euery one that continueth not in all things written in the Law to doe them Quest But is not this Morall Lawe abrogated by Christ Ans Not as it is a rule of our life for so it is eternall not to be abolished eyther heere or in the life to come Math. 5.17 18. but in regard of the appurtenances of it as the Threatnings and Curse Rom. 6.15 and 7.6 Galat. 3.13 and 4.5 and the seuere exaction of obedience in our persons vnto Iustification it is abolished to the children of God Explic. There are thrée voyces of the law The first is Thou shalt doe this and auoyde that This is neuer to be at an end but the law this way as it is a doctrine commaunding good and forbidding euill shall by vs be most perfectly fulfilled in heauen where we shall most perfectly loue God and our neighbour which is the whole law and Saint Paul saith 1. Cor. 13.8 That loue neuer is to be abolished The 2d voice of the lawis if thou dost this in thine own person thou shalt liue The third If thou doest it not or doest the coutrary thou arte accursed Now the Morall law is abrogated and the mouth thereof stopped to the children of God in these two last respects The Gospel teaching life and saluation by another which is Christ who also hath for vs and in our stead borne the curse of the law but of the vngodly the law still exacteth their personall obedience and thundreth out the plagues and iudgements of God against them for the want thereof Vse 1. Christ hath purchased thée liberty but not of the flesh that thou shouldest liue as thou list without a law but onely from the necessity of Iustification by the law and from the curse thereof But to the obedience thou art bound to doe thy vtmost endeuour more then before euen for the Redemption sake which thou hast obtained c. Vse 2. Hereby also we perceiue that Redemption from the Law is a benefite not to be valued by Gold Wée feare sathan and sinne as wée haue great cause But neither sathan without sinne nor sinne without the Law can any way harme vs for the sting of death is sinne 1. Cor. 15.55 and the strength of sinne is the Law Whether the Law require perfect obedience in our owne persons or threaten damnation for the least disobedience the voyce of it is more vnpleasant then the croking of the Frogs and Toads in Egypt more terrible then the noyse of thunder yea then the roaring of the deuils For euen the Iustest men how much more the wicked and profane euen the Iustest men I say are guilty of many sins and if there be no meanes to quiet the Law they must néeds bée subiect to the terrours of an accusing Conscience in this life which are the very flashings of hel-fire alas who can beare them and bee euerlastingly damned in the world to come And besides in as much as the Law requireth perfect obedience of parts and degrees euen to a haires bredth What peace can the best man or woman in the world haue in any thing they do for they must néeds méete with the curse euen in their best actions in as much as the best are imperfect and that which is imperfect is cursed by the Law No maruell then that the Papists and our Ignorants so do vpon the Law séeking to be iustified thereby Surely if there were no other way to Iustification but by the Law we should all be damned but there is another way which is the obedience of I ESUS CHRIST apprehended by faith c. Vse 3. If thou comfortably seekest the benefite of Redemption from the Law in thy conscience labour to preserue it by Faith Obedience Repentance Prayer and other holy exercises and carefully beware of all sinne least thou come within the dynt of the Law for sinne subiects vs vnto it as therefore the burnt child dreads the fire and euen the Bird that hath bene once shaken in the Net is not easily taken againe so if thou beest free keepe thy selfe so Sinne bringeth into bondage As therefore wee reade how the Romanes in detestation of the name of proud Tarquine who tyrannized ouer them banished a good Cittizen onely because h ehad that name euen so if thou truely knowest what a precious thing thy Redemption is it will make thee hate the very mention much more the practise of sinne which frustrateth the same c. Quest What is then the vse of the Law Ans The vse of the Law is three-fold First to restraine corruption from breaking forth into externall transgression Gal. 3.19 Rom. Ezech. 20.19