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A17121 An historicall narration of the iudgement of some most learned and godly English bishops, holy martyrs, and others (whereof III; viz. Archbishop Cranmer, B. Latimer, and Bishop Hooper, suffred martyrdome, in the dayes of Q. Mary, for the truth and Gospell of Christ Iesus) concerning Gods election, and the merit of Christ his death, &c. J. A., of Ailward.; Ailward, John, attributed name. aut; Andrewes, John, fl. 1615, attributed name. aut 1631 (1631) STC 4; ESTC S100399 62,871 120

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both their Goods and their Lives against that Fil●●y and detestable Sect. And as for those Errours which Pelagius the old Hereticke with Calestinus and Iulianus his Adherents did hold and also Revoked the same in the Iudiciall Councell of Palestine I thinke it good to Rehearse them First in Latine● and after in English as they are gathered together by St. Augustine And then to shew according to your request what part of their Doctrine which they teach under the name of Predestination My selfe and others doe mislike To the end that you and others may the better Iudge who are indeed worthy to bee called Pelagians and whether some part of their Doctrine be not for just cause misliked The words of St. Augustine are These Obiectum est Eum dicere 1. Quia Adam sive peccaret sive non peccaret Moriturus esset 2. Et quòd Peccatum ejus Ipsum solum ●eserit Non genus Humanum 3. Et. quòd Infantes in Illo statu sunt quo Adam fuit ante praevaricationem 4. Et quòd neque per Mortem vel praevericationem Adae Omne Genus humanum moriatur neque per Resurrectionem Christi Omne Genus Humanum resurgat 5. Et Divites Baptizatos nisi Omnibus abrenuncient si quid Boni ●●s● fuerint facere non Reputari illis nec cos habere posse Regnum Dei 6. Et Gratiam Dei Adjutorium non ad Singulos Actus dari sed in Libero Arbitrio esse vel in Lege atque in Doctrinâ 7. Et Dei Gratiam secundùm merita nostra dari 8. Et Filios Dei non posse vocari Nisi omninò absque peccato fuerint effecti 9. Et Non esse Liberum Arbitrium si Dei indiget Auxilio quoniam in propriâ voluntate habet vnusquisque facere aliquid vel non facere 10. Et victoriam nostram Non ex De● adjutorio esse sed ex libero Arbitrio 11. Et quòd Poenitentibus venia non Detur secundùm Gratiam Misericordiam Dei sed secundùm Meritum Laborem eorum qui per Poenitentiam Digni fuerint misericordiâ Haec omnia Pelagius Anathematizavit The First of Pelagius's Errors which St. Augustine heere citeth is That ADAM should have Dyed whether hee had Sinned or not Sinned This is as you heare One of Pelagius his wicked Errors That Sinne is not the Cause of Reprobation or casting away Death sprung out of Gods Ordinance or some other way and came not of Mans Sinne. For saith Hee Whether Man had Sinned or Not sinned yet Hee should have Dyed Contrary to the Manifest Scripture which sayth That By One man Sinne entred into the world and Death by the Meanes of Sinne. And the Wiseman saith That GOD Created man to bee undestroyed And againe hee saith God hath 〈◊〉 made Death neyther hath Hee pleasure in the Destruction of the living Hee created All things that They might have their Beeing yea All the people of the Earth hath Hee made that they should have Health That there should bee no Destruction in Tlum And that the Kingdome of Hell should not bee upon the Earth For Righteousnesse in everlasting But Vnrighteousnesse bringeth Death Wicked therefore and abominable was This Error of Pelagius which affirmed That whether Man had Sinned or not Sinned Hee should have Dyed And heere in the very Beginning of Pelagius's errours I report me to Themselves even to Them I say that blow the Trumpet of Defamation against others with the Tearmes of pestilent Pelagians whether Those whom they so accuse now to bee Pelagians doe hold this Errour Or whether they Themselves which would take some Mote of Errour out of other mens Eyes have not this Pelagius Beame sticking fast in their owne Let they-themselves be Iudges or ●et their owne Doctrine Iudge both in Print and Preaching whereof some part shall bee hereafter rehearsed Ye● let All the world judge which haue heard the Doctrine of both parties who they are which in this point ought worthily to bee called Pelagians The Second Errour which St. Augustine rehearseth is That ADAMS Sinne did onely hurt Himselfe and not the whole generation of Man This is another vile and Detestable errour which Pelagius held That the Sinne of Adam brought not Misery and Death upon all his Posteritie Contrary to the open Scripture which sayth That By the sinne of One condemnation came upon All men And the Holy man Esdras sayth O Adam what hast th●n done For though it was Thou that sinned yet Thou art not fallen alone but All wee that come of thee The Third depending also upon the Second is this Thas Infants being new borne are in that state that Adam was in before his Transgression Which Errour seemeth onely or chiefly to extend to the Innocencie of Children For if his mind were that in All points Infants were in Adams state then should it bee over-Brutish For who seeth not that Babes new-borne suffer oftentimes Paine and Griefe Which Adam did not before his Transgression But to affirme that Infants are not Borne and Conceived in si●ne is to deny Originall sinne which is an old ard a Dive●●sh errour and utterly against the Scripture which sayth plainely Behold I was borne in wiskednesse and in sinne hath my Mother conceived Mee The Fourth errour is That Neyther by the Death and Transgression of Adam All the Generation of Man dyeth nor that by the Resurrection of CHRIST All the Generation of Man doth rise againe I doe no● understand that Felagius here spake of the last Resurrection at the Day of Iudgement as though hee had after the manner of the Sadduces denyed the Resurrection of our Soules and Bodies at the last Day For then were all their Disputation in vaine of the Manner how wee should bee saved Whether by the Grace of GOD or by the Deserving of Man if Salvation or Resurrection had of eyther part beene denied altogether Neyther doth the Scripture attribute the last Resurrection unto CHRIST as though the Soules and Bodies of Men should have dyed like Beasts and not have rison againe unto Iudgement if CHRIST had Not come yea no Doubt all men should have risen againe and That unto the Iudgement of everlasting Damnation if CHRIST had not come But I understand that Pelagius in this Article denyed the Genera●●tie of Redemption by the Death of CHRIST by which wee 〈◊〉 as it were arise from Death because of the State of Life and Salvation whereunto we are brought in Christ by Redemption like as wee were in the state of Death and Damnation in ADAM by sinne Not that any Man is purged from the Corruption of Sinne unto the Innocency of ADAM but because the Sinne is covered in Christ and pardoned for His sake And further there is to bee Noted that the First part of this Errour is manifestly the very same which is the Second and Third Errour before rehearsed and by the same
Everlasting damnation are Iust rewards of Mans Evill-deserving But the Love of GOD and Everlasting life are free guifts of GOD for CHRIST'S sake without any part of Mans owne deserving Take therefore this Saying of theirs No Sinne neyther Originall nor Actuall is the Cause of Gods hate or Eternall death and put the same into the one side of the Ballance then take and put into the other side this saying of Saint PAVL to the Romans Was that then which was good made Death unto me GOD forbid but Sinne was made Death unto me Then weigh both these Sayings together with the hand of good advisement in the indifferent Ballance of upright Iudgement and put not in above three graines of wilfull Partiality thus shalt thou plainly see that the Apostle agreeth farre better with the Maiesty of GOD and hath a much more Reverend opinion of his Iudgements than these men have yea thou shalt easily perceive whatsoever they say that neyther GODS Pleasure nor GODs Ordinance or Predestination nor none other thing that is good is made Death or the Cause of Gods hatred against any man But Sinne is the very grounded Cause why God hateth taketh vengeance and punisheth Man by Death and destruction According to that which the same Apostle sayeth Death is the reward of Sinne. And the wordes of HOSEA are also manifestly plaine where hee sayth O Israel thou doest destroy thy selfe but in Mee onely is thy helpe In which wordes of the Holy Ghost thou seest how manifestly God doth as it were purge himselfe from being the Cause or worker of Mans destruction so that the Perdition and destruction of Man is altogether to bee attributed unto Himselfe And GOD beeing cleere neyther accessary nor partaker thereof as the chiefe and high Iudge of Heaven and Earth unspotted and without blame giveth sentence of Everlasting death upon Man for his owne wicked deserving and offence But on the other side sayeth God unto Man In Me onely is thy helpe In GOD onely onely in God is our helpe and Salvation In him onely and of him altogether and not of our selves commeth our Salvation and all whatsoever belongeth thereunto The same is also set forth by all those Scriptures which are before rehearsed to proove that Sinne and Evill commeth not of Gods Predestination For upon that Conclusion dependeth also this Proposition That Sinne is not the cause of Reprobation or of GODS hatred towards Man And upon the same Article dependeth also another part of Doctrine which they Teach worthy to be misliked of All men as well for that it importeth a Sophisticall search of bottomlesse Secrets in the very Essence and Nature of GOD as also for that it clearely withdraweth us from CHRIST the onely stay and comfort of our weake Conscience delivered unto us in the Word of GOD. For that they might bee surer to hold fast the former Principle That All thinges come of GODS Predestination as Running streames out of a deepe Fountaine They affirme that the free Mercy of GOD in Christ is but an Inferiour cause of Election and that wee are taught to ascend unto a higher Cause as unto the Eternall Purpose and Predestination of GOD which hee determined onely in Himselfe So sayth the Printed Booke before named Translated out of French into English That same thing wee reade also late set foorth in English Print in the Glosse of the last Translated Bible Rom. Cap. 9. With these Words AS The onely Will and Purpose of GOD is The chiefe Cause of Election and Reprobation So his Free Mercy in CHRIST is an Inferiour cause of Salvation c. But for my part I trust in minde never to ascend unto that high cause of Election and in Heart never to taste of that Eternall Purpose or Predestination which GOD hath determined onely in Himselfe without or above his Free-mercy which is in CHRIST For surely That Eternall Purpose which commeth not of GODS free Mercy in Christ is to Destroy and not to Save Againe if that Eternall Purpose spring out of Gods Free-mercy then is that Free-mercy of GOD the Chiefe cause and not an Inferiour cause why hee purposeth to save us For a great dishonour it were to the Mercy of GOD To bee put in an Inferiour place touching Election and Salvation of Man For if Ever GODS Mercy bee above all it is in the Saving of miserable Man And Mercy there is not in God towards Man but onely in Christ. Therefore St. PAVL calleth it the Eternall Purpose which hee purposed in CHRIST IESU our Lord In CHRIST therefore was this Eternall Purpose and For his onely sake GOD the Father Eternally purposed to Elect and save us Consider and marke it well whence commeth this Purpose or Will of GOD to save us But of his free Mercy If his Purpose to save us spring out of his Free mercy why is then his Mercy inferiour to his Purpose Or how is the Fountaine inferiour to the Springs that come thereof Also what may bee sayd in GOD at any time or in any respect to bee higher or greater than his Mercy Seeing it is written That his mercy is as great as Himselfe Yea and most especially it is so to bee sayd That his Mercy passeth All when we speake of this matter For of this it is written That mercy reioyceth against Iudgement and why All the Iudgements of God in this behalfe are not to be compared unto his Mercy For though it were not true which DAVID sayth That his mercy is above all his workes Yet were in cleare that in Election Redemption and Salvation of man GODS mercy in Christ hath Ever the highest place And Those which in the Salvation of our Soules make the Free mercy of GOD an Inferiour cause how base a Roome will they assigne 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 mercy in nourishing and preserving our bodyes Let them reach as high as they can I trust to goe no further but to hold me fast by the Everlasting Mercy of GOD and by the Hemme of CHRIST's garment For the Scripture describeth GOD unto me without Christ as a wrathfull and most terrible Iudge but in Christ and for his sake as a Father whose wrath is pacified and Hee well pleased reconciled agreed and at one And to speake of a higher cause or purpose to Elect and Save onely in GOD beside or without this Free-mercy in Christ or that Christ and Gods free-mercy in him is not the chiefest Cause which worketh and obtayneth the decree and purpose of God to Elect and save it is plainly nothing else but to deny the mercy of God in Election Reconciliation Redemption and Salvation by Christ in Christ and for Christ As easily it may be perceived if a man doe but weigh and consider what Eternall purpose an Election and a Reconciliation is Seeing Christ is our Advocate Mediator Peace Reconciliation and Attonement as in these Scriptures following and many other it doth plainely appeare Psal 84. a.
we well and then we my bee sure that we are ordained to Everlasting life But you will say How shall I know that I am in the bookof life How shall I try my selfe to be Elect of God to evelasting Life I answere First we may kn●w that wee may and time be in the booke and another time come ●t againe as it appeareth by DAVID which was writen in the booke of life But when he sinned hee at that same time was out of the booke of the favour of God until hee had repented and was sory for his faults So we●ay ●ay bee in the booke one time and afterward when we ●rget God and his word and doe wickedly we come out of the booke that is out of Christ which is the booke And in that Booke are written all beleevers But I will tell you how you shall know when you are in the booke And there are three especiall notes whereby wee may know the same The first note is if you know your sinne and feele your owne wretchednesse and filthinesse which is a great matter for the most part of people are so drowned in sinne that they no more feele the same for sinne greeveth them no more According to the saying of Salomon Impius quum in medium peccatorum venit contemnit That is The ungodly man when he entreth into the middest of all sinne and mischiefe despiseth the same he regardeth Sin nothing at all neither is he sory for it But as I said the first note is when you know your sinne and feele the same then are they heavy unto you and greeve you Then followeth the second point which is faith in Christ that is when you beleeve most stedfastly and undoubtedly that God the Heavenly father through his Sonne will deliver you from your sinnes When you beleeve I say that the bloud of our Saviour is shed for you for the cleansing and putting away of your sinnes and beleeving this most stedfastly with an unfained heart then you have the second Point The third point is when you have an earnest desire to amendment and hatred against Sinne study to live after Gods will and Commandements as much as is possible for you to doe then have you the third Point And when you finde these three Points to bee in you Namely first when you know your sinne and be sory for the same and afterwards beleeve to bee saved through the passion of Iesu Christ And Thirdly have an earnest desire to leave sinne and to fly the same when you find these three things in your hearts then you may be sure that your names are written in the booke and you may be sure also that you are elect and predestinate to everlasting life And againe when you see not your wickednesse and that sinne grieveth you not neither have you faith or hope in our Saviour and therefore are Carelesse and study not for amendment of life then you are in a heavy case and then you have cause to cry and lament your wretchednesse For truely you are not in the booke of life but the Devill hath power over you as long as yee are in such a state Here you see now how you shall try your selves whether you be in the booke of life or no c. And againe THe Evangelist saith hee when Iesus was borne What is Iesus Iesus is an Hebrew word and signifieth in our English tongue a Saviour and Redeemer of all Mankind borne into this world This title and name to save appertaineth properly and principally unto him for he saved us else had we beene lost for ever Notwithstanding the name of Saviour is used in common speech as the King is called a Saviour for he saveth his subiects from all danger and harme that may ensue of the Enemies Likewise the Physitian is accompted a Saviour for hee saveth the sicke man from the danger of his disease with good and wholesome medicines So Fathers and Mothers are Saviours for they save their Children from bodily harme that may happen unto them So Bridges leading over the waters Likewise Ships and Boates great and small Vessels upon the Seas are Saviours for they save us from the fury rage and tempest of the Sea So Iudges are Saviours for they save or at least should save the people from wrong and oppression But all this is not perfect saving for what availeth it to bee saved from Sicknesse Calamities and Oppression when wee shall bee condemned after our death both body and soule for ever to remaine with the Devill and his Angels Wee must therefore come to Iesus which is the right and true Saviour And he it is that hath saved us from sinne Whom hath hee saved His people how saved hee them First by Magistrates he saveth the poore from oppression and wrong The Children hee saveth through the Tuition of the Parents from danger and perill by Physitians hee saveth from sicknesse and diseases but from sinne hee saveth onely through his Passion and bloudshedding Therefore he may be called and is the very right Saviour for it is hee that saveth from all infelicitie all his faithfull people and his salvation is sufficient to satisfie for all the world as concerning it selfe but as concerning us hee saved no more but such as put their trust in him And as many as beleeve in him shall bee saved The other shall be cast out as Infidels into everlasting damnation Not for lacke of Salvation but for Infidelitie and lacke of Faith which is the onely cause of their damnation He saved us from what even from sinne Now when he saved us from sinne then hee saved us from the wrath of God from affliction and calamities from Hell and Death and from Damnation and everlasting paine for Sin is the cause and fountaine of all mischiefe Take away sinne then all other Calamities wherein mankind is wrapped are taken away and cleane gone and dispersed Therefore hee saving us from sinne saved us from all affliction But how doth he save us from sinne In this manner that sinne shall not condemne us Sinne shall not have the victory over us He saved us not so that we should be without sinne that no sinne should be left in our hearts No he saved us not so For all manner of imperfections remaine in us yea in the best of us so that if God should enter into Iudgement with us wee should all be damned For there are more nor ever was any man borne into this world which could say I am cleane from sinne except Iesus Christ Therefore he saved us not from sinne in taking cleane away the same that wee should not be inclined unto it but rather the power and strength of the same sinne he hath so vanquished that it shall not be able to condemne those which beleeve in him for sinne is remitted and not imputed unto the beleevers So likewise he saved us from sinne not taking
part Exod. 19 3. c For whom the Law was made and given Gen. 3. Gen. 6 6. Math. 25 24. Deut. 9 5. 7 8. Onely Mercy provoked God to the covenant Deut. 9 6. Gen. 3 15. 12. 3. 15 5. 1● 4. The Death of Christ the meanes Heb. 9 28. Heb. 7. 1. Apoc. 13 8. Gen. 3 ●0 All the prom 〈…〉 se● made in and for Christ Iohn 10. 9. Iohn 14. 6. Iohn 1. 12. 3. 16. c. 6. 32. c. Esa 53. 4. 5. Iohn 1 29. Iohn 14 30. Rom 5 17 18. Gen 3 15. Gen. 15. 4 5. 17. 1. Galat. 3 28. Colos 3 11. Rom. 5 15. 2 Pet. 2 1. 3. Malac. 1. 2. 3. Rom. 9 13. See B. Iati 〈…〉 part 2. fol. ●2 Christ shed as much blood for Iudas as for Peter c. Ionas 1 2. Gen. 25. 23. Mal. 1. 2 3. Gen. 25. 23. 27 28 29. Rom. 9 11 c. Rom. 11. 32. Galat. 3 22 Mark 16 16. Math. 11. 28. Rom. 11. 32. 1. Tim. 2. 4. How Faith b●ing unperfect is accepted of God Rom. 11. 32. Galat. 3 20. Esa 53. 4 5. Iohn 1. 29. Rom. 5 8. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Vid. Melanet 2. part Operum pag. 268. Quanto magis Pater vester dabit sp Sanctum petentibus cum Non ait Cantemnentibus How wee are called the enemies of God Rom 8 7. Rom. 5 8. How wee are excluded from the promise of Grace that is extended to all Christ received our infirmities but not the contempt of the Law and of God The cause of Damnation in man Psal 5 4. Ose 1 3 9. The cause of mans Election Rom. 9 16. Ephes 1 5. Rom. 8 29. Rom. 8 15. 15 16. What declareth a lively Faith Iohn 6. 44. How God draweth unto Christ a Nec tamen habeut se Mens voluntas vt statua ideo diuerūt ●eteres Praecedente gratia comitante voluntate bona opera fieri Melau●th part 2. Operū p. 268. pag. 248. b In illo loco Ieannis decitur Omnis qui aud●t a Patre et discit veniet ad me Discere iubet id est Audire vocem Doctrinae traditaem a● ipso assentiri non indulgere di●●edentia Melan●●h ibid. Exod. 14. 1. Sa 〈…〉 18. 11. See B Latimer part 2. fol. 54. Math. 12 32. Mark 3 29. Luk. 12 10. 1. Iohn 5 16. Heb. 10 26. Gen. 3 45. D. F. Handum pag 214. a Sinnes of Infirmity are committed against the Power of the Father Sinnes of Ignorance against the Wisdome of the Soun● Sins of Malice against the goodnesse and grace of the Holy Ghost 1. Sam. 15 15. Iohn 8. 26. Psal 145. 17. The iustice of God intendeth it selfe to two divers ends Ionas 2. Mat. 25. 31 c. 1. Cor. 11. 32. The fourth impediment Deut. 19. 29. Deut. 30 19. Deut. 29. 4. Deut. 30. 19. Deut. 29. 27. Ezech. 33. 1. Cor. 11 Psalm 119. Reuel 3. Esay 26. Hebr. 12. Deut. 30. 1. 2 Iohn 15. Cic. lib Epist 16. a First they of the Church of Rome b Meaning the Popes of Rome Deut. 30 1● Enthusiasts Luk. 16 29. Rom. 1. 21. Rom. 2 15. a Nemo adeo ferus est vt non mitoscere possit Simodo c. b Hoc est nes●ire sine Christlo plurimas●ir● Curious interpretations of Scriptures are wicked and odious Enter not into the inscrutable Mysteries of God Enter into Christ and there seeke thy Salvation Christ is the Booke of Life wherein our Names be written if we bele●ve in him Iohn 6. Iohn 1 3. How you shall know when you are in the Booke of life Psal 19. Rom 10 18. 1 Tim. 2 4. God would that All should be saved Our stubbornnesse and lacke of Faith is the Cause of our Damnation A right Doctrine to try our Election Iob 34. Ioh. 3 10. Christ is the Booke of Life The unbeleevers are not in the booke of Life The right way how thou maist be assured of everlasting life Idem Part. 3. sol 207. In his Sermon on the First Sunday after Epiphani● 1 Tim. 2. 5. We ourselves are causes of our owne damtion I'●m Part. 3. fol. 198. In his Sermon on the third Sunday after Epiphanic Act. 13 48. A lewd opinion of Predesti nation 1 Tim. 2. We our selves procure our owne Damnation Christ the Booke of Life How we may know when we are in the state of Salvation and when Not. Three markes whereby wee may know whether we be in the booke of Life or no. The first The second The third An evident and plaine Doctrine that sheweth you when you are out of the ●●●or of God Idem Part. 3. fol. 183. In his Sermon on the first Sunday after Epiphani● The terme Saviour is used in sundry common speeches Iesus Christ is our onely Saviour How many wayes Christ saveth us Christs Death is onely our Salvation Si is the onely cause of Dam How wee be saved from Sinne. Christ onely is ●oyd of sinne The Power and Force of Sinne is taken away by Christ Idem Part. 2. fol. 64. In his First Sermon preached in Lincolushire Anno 1553. upon These words The Kingdome of Heaven is like unto a certaine King Math. 22. There is a Sin against the Holy Ghost So long as men are alive wee cannot Iudge whether they have committed the Sinne against the Holy Ghost or not Christ knew the hearts of the Pharisees and therefore iudged of them Christs promises are generall to All Mankind Ioh. 6 47. Rom. 5 20. 15 v. Mat. ●● 28. Idem Part. 2. fol. 92. In his fourth Sermon preached in Lincolnshire upon Philipp 3. Iudas lacked beleefe and therefore was not saved Idem Part 2. fol. 132. In his eight Sermon in Line upon Luke 21 25. Erunt Signa Iohn 3. V●● In the destruction of Ierusalem c. Bzech 33 11. The Cause why God sware The reward of the Obstinate and sti●uecked People Idem Pag. 114. In a Sermon preached on Rom. 13. 11. Idem lib. 51. pag. 372. A plaine declaration of the Sacrifice of CHRIST B. Iewel De●eus Apolog. Cap. 19. Devis 1. 〈◊〉 Oenus 〈◊〉 Mankind that is All that haue the Nature and Kind of Man in them all that are 〈…〉 ted of Men.