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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A11096 The betraying of Christ Iudas in despaire. The seuen words of our Sauior on the crosse. With other poems on the Passion. Rowlands, Samuel, 1570?-1630? 1598 (1598) STC 21365; ESTC S116242 18,820 60

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heau'nly tongue to holy virgins eare All haile in Pilats hall they did abuse That scorning Christ presented Aue there Highest in fauour of all vvomen gain'd it And chiefest sinner of all men profan'd it First vvord it vvas Gods gracious loue tv'nfold Beginning at our sauiours incarnation First vvord vvherewith false Iudas bought and sold Whose trafficke turn'd Christs death his own damnation What profite his that all the vvorld should vvinne With soule in deaths eternall debt by sinne Why com'st thou friend vvhat mean'st thou Iesus said At th'instant houre my praiers and teares commend thee To giue a kisse vvhereby I am betraide And vvith All haile brings troupes to apprehend mee I tearme thee friend vngratefull as thou art That show'st nor friend nor yet disciples part To call thee friend it doth thus much betoken No cause in me hath canseld loues desire But they reuolting hath our friendship broken Vnaltred I remaine the same entire If thou vvith Dauid I haue sinned couldst say His answere thine Thy sinne is done away Returne thee vvith repentant hearts imbrace And mercy shall vvith iustice dome suspend I left not thee vvhy doest thou run from grace Though thou hast sold me still I call thee friend But if thou vvilt not be reclaimed backe Be thou thy selfe thine owne soules vvilfull vvracke When murder had saluted treason kist And bribery imbrac'd vvith signe of gladnesse In vvhich the traitors seruice did consist Then press'd the Iewes on Christ vvith furious madnesse Like hunger-paunched vvolues prone to deuour The lambe subiected to their rauening power Right manly valiant Peter did him beare When no disciple durst attempt the like T'vnsheath his sword and cut off Malcus eare Against an armed multitude to strike Danger and feare are cowards turnd aside When manhood is by resolution tride But Iesus did no humane forces need That legions had of Angels at command And Peter had no charge to fight but feed The flocke of sheepe committed to his hand It vvas Gods vvill to suffer not resist His power gaue power and sinne did vvhat it list He vvas content their violent force should bind him And lead him thence vnto the torturing place To teare his flesh vvith vvhips to mocke and blind him To buffet and to spit vpon his face T'accuse him false by slanders lying breath To dome him sentence shames most odious death Judas in despaire TErrors torment my tortur'd soule perplexed Fell furies fright and hale me on away To Cayphas and the rest vvith horrour vexed Goes Simons sonne Gods son did false bettay Such is my sinne against that guiltlesse blood No baulme in Israel left to doe me good They answer'd carelesse of my vvretched state What's that to vs Looke thou thy selfe vnto it Then vengeance I expect grace comes too late Resolue no lesse for that you brib'd me do it Sathan seduc'd I acted the offence Despaire is come there lies your thirty pence I am perditions child outcast forlorne All haile in vvord but in the heart all hatefull It had ben good so bad had nere ben borne That of all creatures am the most ingratefull Oh had I neuer liu'd suruiuing shame Had vnreported hid my odious name Base couetousnesse no more Gehezies sinne My intrest in that crime doth thine controule Thou vvast but leaper of polluted skinne My leprosie is a defiled soule Thou took'st a bribe against thy maisters vvill But I vvas brib'd to kisse and kist to kill Maries good vvorke Christ promis'd to commend Perpetually in euer-liuing praise But my vile act beyond all stinted end Shall euidence I trod the left hand vvaies My title thus the Scriptures shall record Judas Iscarioth that betrayd the Lord. Three euils in one I did commit in this That gainst the King of glory I haue done Deceit betray'd vvith shew of kind-ment kisse Couetousnesse incenst that sinne begun Impudent boldnesse did intrude the deed Ere any mou'd or vvisht me to proceed I knew the choise and gainefull happie vvay That heauens gate vvas straightest dore to enter I taught the vvorld take heed broad paths doe stray And yet my selfe the vvide-gate vvilfull venter Like Noahs vvorkemen such my state is found They built an arke for him themselues vvere drownd I haue excluded faiths resolued trust In him by vvhom the true repentant liue Cain-like affirming nought but vengeance must Reward my sinnes mercy no such forgiue My heart's indurate hardned vnrelenting Past is the deed the doer past repenting Though ' Dauid found remorse to vvaile his sinne ' And Nathans comfort eas'd his mournfull taske Distrust and horrour haue so hemd me in That might I haue I hopelesse vvill not aske Feare shame and guilt do haunt me at the heeles Of iudgement men and vvhat my conscience feeles My dying soule refusing liuing meane Denies vvith heav'nly Manna to be fed A sea of teares can neuer rince it cleane Yet could one drop that drop should ne're be shed What teares vvhat praiers can his atonement make Whose portion is in vengeance fearefull lake Mine inward conscience doth soules ruine tell Authenticke witnesse and seuere accuser Where I abide I feeling find a hell Tormenting me that am selfe torment chuser Sound conscience well is said like vvall of brasse Corrupted fit compar'd to broken glasse More blind then those vvhose sight sight giuer gaue More deaffe and dumbe then any that he cured More dead then Lazarus in his stincking graue When he deaths vaut till fift daies baile indured Not eies eares limmes tongue body haue defect It is my soule that saluing heauens reiect If first borne man the first of desp'rate mind By vvhom the first of guiltlesse blood vvas shed Did say There vvas no grace for him to find But vengeance must be heaped on his head Let me sinnes monster masse of cursed euill Bid Sathan vvelcome and imbrace the deuill When Christ shall come in clouds and sinnes be scand All Adams sonnes expecting rightfull dome Ivvretch amongst the goats shall trembling stand The right-hand sheepe affoord no traitor roome To crie Lord Lord this answere shall be got Depart you cursed hence I know you not The casting out of deuils then obiected Will cease no vvrath extenuate no dangers Not vvords vvith God vvell doing is respected His Citizens deeds difference from the strangers Me thinkes I heare the iudge sterne full of ire Pronounce my sentence to eternall fire Was I not cald to heav'ns roiall feast I vvas but came as one that little cared How came I brutish like vnreuerent beast Wanting a vvedding garment vnprepared Bold daring vvretch in such a sacred place To presse in sinnes cast suite rent torne and base But fearefull guerdon for so foule attempt All-seeing eies beheld my rags bevvray'd And most seuerely thence he did exempt Bind him both hand and foot his iustice said And cast him out no such may here partake The Lambe vvith Sion Sathan and the Lake Would I had neuer knowne Apostles place Would I had ne're ben messenger of truth
I Thirst fift word on Crosse our Sauiour spake Concluding last of greefes he suffered His last complaint thirst did for vvater make His last request for that he vttered His last torment vvas drinke of bitter gall That cruelty offends his tast vvithall By trauell once leauing Iudea land With vvearie iourney through Samaria He crau'd in Sichar at a vvomans hand Her gift of vvater his great thirst t'alay While she on tearmes delaies and hinderance finds Delaies begotten by vnwilling minds Yet after publicke in Ierusalem He did proclaime to all vvith thirst at strife That plenteously he had to succour them With flowing vvaters to eternall life Inuiting come true comming free attaine That vvhich vvho drinkes shall neuer thirst againe Such thirst-staunch riuers he to thirsty gaue That streames of grace heau'ns dew in soules did shower Yet for his owne thirst vvater he did craue At Iacobs vvell and at his dying hower To come and drinke he free inuites all first And at his last himselfe complaines of thirst As to our thirsty soules he tendereth His grace against all deadly thirst defence So to his thirst soules duty rendereth The purest vvater of obedience There is in him for vvhich our vvants do call There is in vs he vvill be seru'd vvithall To corporall thirst strong Sampson once did yeeld Vntill the chaw-bone of an Asse supplide him And Sisara that vanquish'd lost the field Complain'd of thirst to her vvhose tent did hide him And holy Dauid thirstie vvater needing Did long for Bethlem cesternes most exceeding But different farre soules thirst from bodies is Vnsatisfied vvith springs of vvorldly tast Grace gain'd by Christ doth only answere this A spirituall substance craues the like repast Those foodlesse soules famisht eternall pine Which are vnfed by th'essence pure diuine FINIS Consummatum est EVen vvhen the gaule of odious bitternesse Was offered to our Sauiour on a reed The bitter drinke of bitter vvickednesse The Iewish present to Christs thirsty need To comfort soules his gracious vvords extended And sounding mercy vttered All is ended What tongue till then durst such a speech deliuer That all tooke end vvhich holy vvrit foretold Only the tongue of sinnes true ransome giuer Was powerfull his owne mercies power t'vnfold Holy of holies most vprightly spake All's ended ending life sinnes end to make Not Dauid Esay Ieremy Elias Could in their times affirme sinne tooke conclusion They prophecied alluding to Messias That he should vvorke the viper sinnes confusion And end his life to end foule sinne lifes killer Of all predictions to be full fulfiller By vvhose owne mouth truths soundest euidence We heare sinnes end the old law satisfied How Mercy doth vvith Iustice dome dispence And how the Iudges sonne hath qualified His fathers rigor no vvay to be donne But by th'obedience of Gods dying sonne The vvord All's ended notice giues to all By death of Christ the Law was in exemption The Church began the Synagogue did fall And man obtained perfect full redemption His reconcilement vvas vvith God effected To glories throne by graces hand protected High Mysterie and deepe profound diuine That God by man for man should death sustaine As strange a speech if humane vvit define He being man should die and rise againe Yet God and man vvith God to end mans strife From life to death from death did rise to life Our vlcers curing captiue state inlarging From Sinnes infectious venome Sathans gaile Bonds of damnation canseld soules discharging Descending heau n to be on yearth our baile At price of life vvith blood bought and befriended Sealing saluations trust vvith All is ended FINIS Pater in manus tuas commendo Spiritum meum WIth blood-spent vvounds euen at the point to die The last bequest of heauens high testator Was all eternities rich Legacie His soule the soule of mans true mediator Vnto his Fathers hands he did commit Yeelding to Death by Death to vanquish it The Princely Phrophet on his dying bed Gaue charge vnto his heire apparant sonne To vvorke reuenge on martiall Ioabs head For murdring deed by his offence fore done T'abridge vvhat nature for his date intended And cut him off before his period ended Including vvith reuenge of Abners death The vvrongs that Simei to his person did When Absolon pursued his fathers breath Whose asse became his hangman as he rid And vvretched Simei cursing full of spight Cast stones at Dauid vvith most vvrath he might That testament Reuenge set hand vnto Imposing vvisdomes tutored prince the taske To execute vvhat he vvas vvilled do For shedding blood blood-shedders blood doth aske To Salomon this charge his father gaue Let them not passe in peace vnto their graue How different Dauids from our Sauiours seemes Whose vvill contain'd reuenge for others act Christ at his death forgiues sinners redeemes Solicites pardon for a murdring fact As Dauid dies vvith Sonne let them not liue So Christs yeelds breath vvith Father them forgiue First guiltlesse blood to God most high displeasing Was that iust mans vvhich dide by th'hand of Caine First guiltlesse blood Gods iustice cheefe appeasing Was that most righteous vvhom the Iewes haue staine And as the ones blood vvas a soules damnation So vvas the others many soules saluation The blood of Abel from earths bosome cride And sounded Iustice Iustice through the skies The blood of Iesus at the hower he di'de Vnto his father Mercy Mercy cries Whereby Gods title of reuenge till then Turn'd gracious father to repentant men FINIS The death of Death sinnes Pardon and soules Ransome O Sinfull soule the cause of Iesus passion Put sorrowes on and sighing view thy guilt Bring all thy thoughts fix thē on meditation weep drops of tears for streams of blood christ split Summon thy fostred sins selfe-hatched euils And cast them low as hell they are the deuils Seat vertue riuall vvhere vsurping vice Had seaz'd for Sathan to possesse thy heart And though the traitor flesh from grace intice Yet yeeld thy sauiour his deere purchast part The greatest loue that heav'n or earth dooth know Did heav'ns free-loue on hels bond-slaues bestow He left his fathers glorious right-hand seat To liue euen vvhere his earthly footstoole stands Vnmou'd thereto by our submisse intreat No suite of clay obtain'd it at his hands No power in vs no humane vvill that sought it It vvas his loue grace freely giuen vvrought it O loue of soules deaths victor true life-giuer What charitie did ouercome thee so To die that man might be eternall liuer Being thine aduerse disobedient foe For friends if one should die vvere rarely much But die for foes the vvorld affoords none such An ignominious death in shames account Of odious censure and contempts disgrace On Caluarie a stincking dunghill Mount For murderers the common fatall place There di'de the Angels brightnesse God and man There death vvas vanquisht and true life began Yet there began not Iesus suffering Nor in the garden vvith his soules vexation There he performd victorious conquering His