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cause_n death_n sin_n sin_v 3,111 5 9.7434 5 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A00931 A bright burning beacon forewarning all wise virgins to trim their lampes against the comming of the Bridegroome. Conteining a generall doctrine of sundrie signes and wonders, specially earthquakes both particular and generall: a discourse of the end of this world: a commemoration of our late earthquake, the 6. of April, about 6. of the clocke in the euening 1580. And a praier for the appeasing of Gods wrath and indignation. Newly translated and collected by Abraham Fleming. The summe of the whole booke followeth in fit place orderly diuided into chapters. Nausea, Friedrich, d. 1552.; Fleming, Abraham, 1552?-1607. 1580 (1580) STC 11037; ESTC S102280 47,166 126

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neuer heard of in the land of Italie The wars of the Carthaginians were they not foreshewed by Earthquakes many daies ere they came to passe Furthermore what great mischéefe misfortune an Earthquake happening in the time of the Emperour Lotharius did signifie the French men Italians to their great paine and perill haue learned Then were kindled betwéene the Emperour Lotharius and his brethren sore dissentions and disagréements and not long after meruellous greate warres insued therevpon the Normans ouerrunning and laieng wast all Aquitania spoiling Abbies with fire and sword and making hauocke of certein townes in France by murther without mercie In the time of the Emperour Frederike the second of that time what casualties Earthquakes foreshewed to come to passe as it is terrible to tell so is it horrible to heare Not long after as recordes do testifie the whole countrie of Frisland was almost drowned with waters which issued out of certeine riuers maine streames néere vnto the sea The Tartars inuaded Scithia Georgiana Armenia the greater laieng them in manner euen with the grounde Poland Hungarie also felt the force of their fiercenesse to their no small hurt and detriment Herevnto I may adde the vtter ouerthrow of Ierusalem by the power of Cardirius the sonne of the great Saladinus the fift time attempted and atchieued the temple of the Lord and his Sepulchre onely and alone left vnspoiled at the praiers and supplications of the Christians An Earthquake also happening in the time of the Emperour Frederike the third of that name was a foretoken of that lamentable slaughter most worthie of memorie which chanced at Constantinople and of the conflict or battell betwéene the Christians and the Turkes at the towne Taurinus a hole and a horrible battell I say nothing all this while what mischéefes miseries happened in the time of the Emperour Maximilian euen within the compasse of our memorie huge heaps of misfortunes were séene and fealt in those daies and after that not long the Churche abounding with all kind of abuse and enormitie day by day diminished c. I am the more tedious and fuller of wordes in this case without rebuke that wée might fall a reckoning what this last Earthquake in our quarters should signifie there is none but may easily ghesse euen by the obseruation of that litle which we haue written and by the like estate and condition of this our age and time that little good is to be looked for The signification thereof I leaue to euery ones particular iudgement knowing that Christian godlines and perfect religion hath vtterly cast away that vaine and superstitious obseruation of the ancient Romanes and other Heathen nations touching signes and wonders and referreth all things both wisely and godly to the prouidence of the Almightie To the which prouidence submitting my selfe I suppose euery Christian reader sufficiently resolued staid in mind if with me they ascribe that to Gods prouidence which the vaine idle dotage of our Elders superstitiously obserued otherwise auouch with liuely voice that there is nothing done either in Heauen aboue or in the earth beneath but either at the commaundement of God or by his sufferance and that almightie God according to his vnspeakeable wisedome wherby he ordereth all things aright yea euen in such wonders as we sée come to passe by the course of Nature as also aboue the course of Nature and against it in like manner that God I say euery way hath a secrete counsell and doth nothing either by commandement or sufferance but to some end setting before our eies by sundrie spectacles more than one or two his patience long sufferance his anger and vengeance calling and bidding vs whome he hath created to life and saluation not to death and damnation vnto the banket of repentance This God therefore which foretold vs of Earthquakes hereafter to come in diuerse quarters as signes and tokens of his wrath against vs and according to his foreknowledge sendeth them at times appointed vseth this kinde of visitation to this ende namely to teach vs that he will not destroy all mankind at once but that he will iudge them by parts and portions nowe some and then some still leauing place to repentance and time to conuert amend Now if neither by earthquakes nor other plagues which are the beginnings of sorrowes we will be redressed no doubt it shall go woorse with vs in the ende For if we continue in the custome of sinne which we are growne into by the trade of our life we shall be sure that such vengeance is like to light vpon vs as is due and answerable to such a wicked woont And this is it which the Lord him selfe spake of fortelling what things should chaunce before the comming of Doomes day saying Yee shall heare of warres rumors of warres be ye not troubled for such things must needes be but the end shall not be yet For nation shall rise against nation and kingdome against kingdome and there shall be earthquakes in diuerse quarters and there shall be pestilence and famine These are the beginnings of sorrowes Which one onely warning teacheth vs what the Earthquake which we lately had forsheweth herafter to come to passe among vs if we manifestly séeing féeling the wrath of God kindled against vs neglect to be penitent and sorie for our sinnes Séeing that the Author of this treatise of méere loue as it séemeth hath vttered his minde still beating vpon this aboue the rest euen sinne sinne as the crieng cause of all calamities which happen vnto man and for that more cannot be said in that matter than he hath alreadie mentioned vnlesse by annexing later examples which haue chaunced since the time of his death I account them gratious that by others harmes can learne to take heede And if sinne be the cause as it is in déede so doeth the holie Ghost report in the sacred Scripture alwaies after the denouncing of any plague adding the prouoking cause if sinne I say be the cause of so many miseries méete and conuenient I iudge it be that we come home againe with the lost childe and crie mercie for our time mispent Father I haue sinned against heauen and against the c. That we séeke after our saluation in whome it is to be founde namely Christ Jesus not in the morning onely that is to say not in our flourishing yeares nor yet in the euening alone that is to say in our decrepite and stooping age but euerie houre and moment both at midnight at the cockcrowing and at the dawning of the day that hauing oile in our lampes we may be readie to enter with the bridegroome as bidden ghestes to his heauenly banquet To rehearse the examples which are alreadie touched and more pathetically or effectually handled than I can by skill comprise it were superfluous A good thing cannot be too much perused and though