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A19502 A most comfortable and Christian dialogue, betweene the Lord, and the soule. By Mr. William Covvper, minister of Gods word Cowper, William, 1568-1619. 1617 (1617) STC 5930; ESTC S115089 12,528 72

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Is it not among my praises that I am able to doe exceeding abundantly aboue all that my Children can aske or think of me Knowest thou not that as the Heauens are aboue the Earth so my thoughts are aboue thine hast thou not considered that my mercy is aboue all my workes how much more then is it aboue thee who art nothing in comparison of my works and if it bee aboue thee how much more aboue all that thou canst do why thē wilt thou match thy sins with my mercies If require such mercy in my childrē that I will haue one of them to forgiue another not onely seuen times but seuenty times seuen times what pitty and compassion and readinesse to forgiue is in my selfe Therefore my beloued despaire not for the multitude of thy sins but be cōforted with my promises of mercy I haue made them without any exception of time For at what time soeuer a sinner doth repent him of his sins I haue promised to put away his wickednes out of my remembrance I haue made them without exception of sins for albeit your sins were as skarlet they shall be made as white as snow I haue made them without exception of persons for whosoeuer shal depart from his wicked waies turne to me I shall receiue him Let this threefold vniuersality of my promises sustaine thee that thy infidelitie contract not my mercies into narrower bounds then I haue extended them The SOVLE BE mercifull O Lord to my infidelity I beleeue in part Lord helpe my vnbeliefe stablish confirme my vnstable heart with thy good and holy spirit My conscience doth in such sort condemne mee that I stand in feare of thy iustice for thou art greater then the conscience wilt much more condemne me if thou dost enter into iudgement with me The LORD O My beloued consider that the cause of thy present vnquietnes is because with the one eye thou lookest to thy sins my Fathers iustice with the other lookest not to me in whome his iustice is satisfied and thy sins punished already Tell me I pray thee thinkest thou to get in thy selfe and the holines of thy dispositiō that which shall exempt thee from the feare of his Iustice Or art thou content to seeke it in me If in thy selfe thou seekest it remember what thou art doing wilt thou haue the Lord bound and obliged to thee wilt thou be thine own Sauiour or shall it be sayd his mercy saued thee not if no miserie were in thee whereupon should his mercy be manifested and if thy disposition in the earth were such as it should be then what remaineth but that the prais of his mercy should fall to the ground turne thee therefore to mee and seeke thy life in mee If thou wilt know what is thine thou art a sinner let my praise bee reserued to my selfe I am thy Sauiour Esteemest thou that my wounds are ineffectuall or that there is no force in my sufferings countest thou thy sinnes so deadly that my merit and vertue cannot cure them Will any Phisicion powre out a rare oyntment either where no need is or else where it cannot profit and thinkest thou that my Father would haue my bloud to be shed in vaine If his iustice terrifie thee remēber his iustice was satisfied in mee and that he pronounceth this sentence himselfe This is my wel-beloued Son in whom I am well pleased I came into the world not to call the righteous but sinners to repentance Tarry not from mee because thou art a sinner but for that cause come to mee and I will refresh thee The SOVLE O Lord I know that there is a clensing and reconciling vertue in thy bloud that life is in thy death but still I feare my sins deserue thou shouldest neither apply thy vertue nor thy merit to me for alas I find that yet the old man is strong and liuely in mee and that yet the motions of sinne haue power in mee to bring foorth fruite vnto death The LORD BE not I pray thee iniurious to the worke of my Grace in thee complaine not so of thy corruption but that thou maist giue vnto mee mine own praise Canst thou deny but that thou hast felt my power working in thy Soule Haue I not sprinkled thy conscience many times with the pacifying bloud of Christ frō which hath flowed to thee such a witnessing of good things such a sense of mercy as for the time hath filled thy heart with ioy and thy mouth with song of praise Haue I not sometime stirred thee vp in great feruencie to call on the Name of the Lord Haue I not made thee to giue Christs name a publike testimonie with thine owne disaduantage and how oft hath thine heart been effectually moued at the hearing of my word in such sort that it hath wrought in thee an holy remorse an inward contrition for thy sins which hath broken out into teares haue I not made thee a wrestler against thy inordinate lusts haue I not giuen thee strength many a time to stand against Sathans temptations whereas if I had left thee to thy selfe how oftē haddest thou bin made a prey to thine enemie Remembrest thou not that the Tempter hath assaulted thee but I haue with-drawne the occasion of sin and when the occasion serued did not I restraine and hold back the Tempter 〈◊〉 when both the Tempter and occasion were present haue I not filled thy heart with the feare loue of my name and so kept thee from sinning against me wheras many times of thy weaknes thou hast offended did I not with a melting heart mourning eye raise thee againe and renew my former familiarity with thee so that thou canst neuer say from the first houre that I begun to renew thee that I suffered thee to lie in thy sin as I haue done others that are strangers from my grace And many moe notable effects of my working in thee thou canst not deny Are not these the vndoubted tokens of my Grace in thee will Nature doe such things mayest thou not feele by these that I haue begun to apply to thee Christs merit for the remission of thy sin and Christs vertue for quickening thee to a new life Therefore think of thy selfe as basely as thou wilt but let the worke of my grace be esteemed of thee according to the excellencie of it be humble cast downe when thou lookest to thine owne corruption I finde no fault with thee but I reioyce am glad at the new Workmanship which I haue begunne in thee Indeed if there were nothing in thee but that which thou hast of nature thy estate were miserable but seeing thou seest a new workmanship in thee be comforted art thou so in darknesse that there is no light in thee or doth sin so possesse thee that beside it also there is not in thee a will to do good a loue to righteousnesse If thou saist thou hast no sin
A MOST COMFORTABLE AND Christian Dialogue betweene the Lord and the Soule BY Mr. WILLIAM COVVPER Minister of Gods Word MATTHEVV 11. 28. Come vnto mee all yee that are wearie and heauy laden and I will refresh you The seuenth Edition LONDON Printed by G. P. for Iohn Budge and are to be sold at the great South-doore of Paules and at Brittaines Bursse 1617. TO THE RIGHT Worshipfull Sir DAVID MVRREY Knight speciall Gentleman of the Prince his Bed-chamber IT is right Worshipfull the common condition of all Christians howsoeuer disioyned in place that they are militant in one warfare against Sathan with his Principalities Powers and spirituall wickednesse whose stratagems are innumerable and the manner of his assaults manifold he troubleth not all Gods children one manner of way for so euery one might easily espie wherein his strength lyeth but makes choise of the temptation as by long experience he hath learned it may bee most effectuall to worke vpon our naturall disposition Like as on the other hand the Grace by which God strengtheneth his Children to resist him is much more manifold whereby they are instructed to vse the Armour of God with such variety of heauenly wisedome that is a wonder to see how by one and the selfesame sentēce of Gods word at sundry hands sundry manner of wayes Sathan is confounded therefore it is very needfull that in the spirituall warfare there should be a mutuall intelligence among the Souldiers of Christ as well for discouering of Sathans seuerall sleights in assaulting for the more his policie is detected the better may we eschew it as also for the manifestation of GODS rich mercy in assisting For this cause haue I been induced to communicate vnto others these Meditations as it pleased God by experience to communicate them vnto me for in the middest of darknesse which couered the mind and restlesse feare which disquieted the conscience the Lord made them sodainely to breake out like sparkles of light sent from his owne Throne of Grace bringing with them light peace and ioy which in a moment remoued the former feares and pacified the perturbations of my troubled soule As they were vnto me so I wish they may be meanes of comfort vnto others but I know that the same argument of comfort which hath comforted one in temptations doth not alwaies comfort another Nay not in the selfe-same temptation for the Lord will haue his praise reserued to himselfe that hee onely is the God of al comfort It is not the word saith Dauid but God by the word that did quicken him Psal. 119. 9. Yea the most comfortable promise of the Gospell is most terrible to the troubled conscience except the Lord by it worke in the heart a sence of his mercy and therefore such as want comfort let thē seeke it from the God of comfort Neuerthelesse that which we haue we giue euen as we haue receiued it that it may stand as a memoriall of my thankfulnes to God who shewed his great mercy vpon me when within my selfe I had receiued the sentence of death and a testimonie of my loue toward them who are militant against Sathan And specially of that Christian remembrance I haue alway of you in the Lord Iesus to whose grace I commend you now and for euer Your Worships in the Lord Iesus William Cowper Minister at Perth A RIGHT COMFORTABLE DIAlogue betweene the Lord and a troubled SOVLE The LORD O My beloued why fearest thou and art so cast downe and disquieted within thy selfe dost thou well to bee angry with my chastisements and why art thou offended that I should make thee like to my selfe causing thee to walke in that way of inward outward griefes which I did tread before thee why refusest thou to take vp my crosse and follow me and to taste of that cup which I dranke before thee and for thee The SOVLE O Lord giue mee of thy Spirit and all trouble with thee or for thee shal be sweete vnto me what euer thou didst beare O Lord it was for me and if I were so disposed as I should then would I be content to beare all that thou my God shouldest please to lay on me But alas it is my cursed corruption that makes me think thy crosse my burden Lord therfore vphold mee with thy grace that I may count thy yoke easie and finde ioy in these sufferings with thee The LORD I Know the cause of thy griefe and terror to bee the cōsideration of thy sins but I pray thee why lookest thou so to thy sins that thou lookest not also to my mercies why wouldest thou so extoll thy euill deeds that thou shouldest extenuat my rich mercies or in any way cōpare the one with the other was it for thy good deedes that first I entered into friendship with thee thinkest thou now that for thy euill deeds I will vtterly forsake thee seeing it is among my praises that the worke which I begin I perfect it I like it well indeed to see thee grieued for the sinnes thou hast done against me but I would haue thee also comforted in the mercies that I haue shewed thee Call to minde my workes of old and what I haue done to thee since thou canst remember how cared I for thee in thy young and tender yeeres Looke backe now see did not the Angel of my presence leade thee whē thou haddest neither wisedome nor strength to gouerne thy selfe did I not then begin to acquaint thee with the knowledge feare of my Name canst thou denie now that my mercy preserued thee from many sins whereunto thy nature was prone and ready to haue declined and when thou sinnedst with what long patience haue I wayted thy turning how louingly haue I winked at thy transgressions when I had giuen thee grace to repent of thy sins and to seeke my fauour mercy for the sins of thy youth with a melting heart a mourning eie canst thou denie that I haue filled thy heart with my ioyes and made thy toung burst out in glorying speeches and why thē wilt thou not trust in my mercies to the end The SOVLE I Were O Lord most vnthankfull if I should not confesse that many a time in the multitude of my thoughts thy mercies haue comforted me but alas I haue not answered thy louing kindnesse for after many mercies receiued I haue sinned against thee contrary to my light my sins are now before me witnessing that I am vnworthy to taste of the sweetnesse of thy mercy any more The LORD IS my mercy onely for a day or for a yeere or is it for euer euer toward those whom I haue made mine in Christ Iesus wilt thou restraine my mercies and limit them within so narrow bounds as to think they cannot be extended ouer all thy transgressions wilt thou measure my mercies with so narrow a span as to think I haue no more to giue then thou hast an heart to receiue