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A06989 The physyke of the soule wherin thou shalt finde many Godly emplastures [and] confortable salues agaynst al spiritual diseases very necessary to be red of the true christians in these last and perilous dayes. Set forth by Thomas Becon. Becon, Thomas, 1512-1567. 1549 (1549) STC 1741; ESTC S109675 7,173 26

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¶ The Physyke of the soule wherein thou shalt finde many Godly emplastures confortable salues agaynst al spiritual diseases very necessary to be red of the true christians in these last and perilous dayes Set forth by Thomas Becon Math. xi Come vnto me all ye that are sycke dyseased and I shal release you of your paynes Imprinted at london the tenth day of Iulii ●nno Domini M.D.xlix And are to be solde by William hill remainig at the Sygne of the Hyll in Paules Churche Yarde Benedic Anima mea Domino The Physyke Of the soule The diseases whe● w t out bodyes are troubled y e death which oure b●dyes ilyke maner must of necessite suffer do very greatelye vexe disquiete oure mindes yea and that with no smal feare and trembling insomuche y t many tymes euen at the namīge of thē●or whē any menciō of th●m is made a● all we shake and tremble for f●are Certes the nature of mā whych had rather not to be thē to be euel at ease or dysquyeted when these euylles are at hand can noue otherwise then waxe pale and be sorowful but yet can ther not chaūce to man a more fearse or more horrible or cruel misfortune thē y e dysease of y e soule y e death of y ● same But for asmuche as euery man doth drede and fle with all haste p●ssyble the punishementes troubles dyseases sicknesses and thys death of the body verely we ought muche more to auoyd and eschue the causes of these euelles I meane sinne and vngodlines and to feare the heauy dyspleasure of God whych throw oure innumerable offences we pro●oke so many tymes agaynst vs. When we be diseased ●n our body we rūne streght way●s vnto a Phisycian wee spare no cost in thys behalfe Nothyng is to deare for the health of our lyfe We lashe out oure monie plenteously in biynge remedyes salues that thys earthly vessel and sheal which notwithstanding shal shortlye after decaye may be recouered and amended Why do we not lykewyse wyth a● muche study and care couete and seeke after remedyes against the diseases of the Soule seing● they bee muche more greuous and beyond al measure more peryllous What should it profyt a man yf he had all the riches of the world lyued an whole thousand yeares and enioyed also al the most denty and fine Pelasures of thys Lyfe and were troubled wyth no paynes of syknes dysease or any other myserye yf yet for al y t hys soul in the meane season were infecte wyth the dāpnable wyckednes and poyson of synne and beinge oppr●ssed with the tyranny of sathā had the displeasure of God after the departure of thys lyfe be dāpned for euer therfore Chryst monisheth vs saiyng watch for ye know not the daye nor the houre whan the Sonne of Man wyll come And becau●e we shoulde not follow lyght Tryf●lynge and Vyle thynges and despyce thynges whyche are muche 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the most nigh certen and suer waye to cōe vnto teue felicitee ▪ welth ioye or pleasure whē he saieth seek ▪ first the kingdome of god and y e ryghtteousnes of it ād al thinges shal be ●ast to you We take thought turmoyle oureselues daye and nyghte to gett vs a liuing to make suer our ritches and suche other vayne and transytory thinges whiche lytyl helpe vs yea whiche many tymes also are y ● cause of most greuous miseries and horrible sines but in sekyng ād ▪ prouidīg for heuenly goodes how sluggysh are we how negligēt how vncircūspect how dastardelyke what more horryble blindnes ād madnes can ther be I beseche you whyl we lyu● wealthly make frolycke chere we neuer remember the lyfe that is to come nor yet the deathe that we 〈…〉 we 〈…〉 red● to dye and whā we should go to y ● battel and fight valiauntly then a● the last we b●gynne to thinke of gettyng ar●ours and wepons agaīst Satan and of amendyng our life Thes t●inges shew euidētly y t we be very weake and slender in fayth but a litel exercised in the christen warefare God haue marcy on vs. AMEN And although it be so y e euery age is apt to repent ād amēd y t no repentance is to late so that it be done before the departure of this lyfe yet I counsel monysh al men euen from the verye harte y t no man do prolonge and differ the act of repentance vnto this last ād most bytter agony For they also do very ●ardly s●onde and remayne ▪ which al the tyme of ther lyfe enioyyng prosperous health haue en●rmed ād Prepared theym selues vnto this howr of departure and yet defend them selfes with great labor and Busynes from the Assaultes graftes gulles ād subt●ltes of that most cruel and crafti enemy What shal become than of them whiche without al feare of God haue ledde a stinckyng dissolut ād vnthryfty lyfe yea and that wythout any repētaunce how I pray you shall they striue hou shal the● resyste ●ut seynge ther is in euery place a gret multytude of men for asmuche as the ministers of y ● Gospell are not alwaye in presence nether can they geue ther dyligence to al menne at al tymes I being greately desyrous to help al menne haue wrytten this maner way forme of confortyng o●deryng ād monyshīg y e sycke gathered out of gods word especyally for them whiche as yet are rude and not perfectly instructed wyth the sentences of the holy Scripture vnto suche chaunces y ● they either redyng thes thinges ▪ or hearyng thes thinges redde before them maye conceaue hope and sure and true comforte that they dispayre not and peryshe in that most bytter agony and conflicte of deathe A man therfore liyng on his bedde thorowe the greuous disease wh●● wyth he is vex●d and beyng i●i●operdye of his Lyfe is assayled and ouerwhelmed with dyuers and greuous temtacions wherwith he must fyght valeauntly But aboue all this is the most bytter and most greuous tentacyon whan y e moste heauy displeasaunt lothesō Image of deathe is prese ●t before owre eyes and whan we see or consyder the most cherful lyght of this lyfe al ower kynnesfolkes or frendes howe we muste forsake theym and go awaye from theym yea and not 〈…〉 in this worlde which be most dere ād pleasaunt to vs. Besydes this the synnes also which we haue cōmitted agaīst y ● wil of god his cōm●ūdement cōe streight wayes into our minde brasting in w t gret vyolēce are renewed waxe fresh and seme manymo yea more heynous abominable thē they euer appeted before ▪ do by thys meanes tormēt vexe trouble disquie● the conscience wōderf●lly For after y ● consideratyō of the ●hīges afore sayd death y e iudgmēt of god hel dāpnaciō feare ●remblīg cō●lockīg together as it w●t a swarm of bees and vexe our olde man w t most
violent t●oublous stormes of most greuous sorowes feates and w t most sharp and bitter engynes of sorow heuynes ●hey shake and assayle our breastes In thes agonies except our breast be strengthened and made sure w t greate and constāt faith it shalbe ●eopardꝰ lest we beīg made wery dashed out of coūtenaūce thorow thes greuous and myghty tētacyons do fall vnto desperacyō For those thīges whych com vnto our remēbraūce when we be sicke seme vnto vs most horryble and moste haynous yea and that for none other cause than that oure fayth is weake and slēder and not as yet growen vnto such perfection that trustīg ō gods word is able to lay hande on those exceadīg and ī●stymable treasures and ryches of the sonnes of god I meane remyssyō of al our sinnes thorow christ the resurrectiō of our flesh y t felouship of al y e elec● so gretely to be desired lōged for to conclude euerlastīg life and y t al these thīges are frely 〈…〉 for christes sake In these articles of our faith should we exercyse our selues dayly after that we haue dyligently weied thē earnestly pondred them repose thē ī our minde We ought also often tymes to come vnto the cōmuniō ād that holy table of the Lord yet so y e we fyrste proue and Examine oure selues dyligētly lest we vn●euerētly handle so holy a thing ād though it be cōueniēt at al other tymes to eatè y ● supper of y e lord for our cōfort yet is it now moste necessarye we haue in the tyme of our sykenes an vrgēt cause to do it Truly it is a pytyfull thing and a thinge worthy to be lamented that now many yeres thys sacrament of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ hath ben both vnworthely ād vnreuerntly handled yea of very many most extremely despited How horrible and haynous a synne 〈…〉 punished now adayes do abūdātly testify and S. Paule spake of it before i Cor. xi God haue mercy on vs and lightē the ●ies of our mind that we leauing so ā vnsemely horrible errour may ones repent and a●end We shal therfor of●ē times come vnto this table with high study of godlynes and deuocyō that our mindes beyng recreated chered cōforted w t that heuēly m●ate of y e soule faith charite maie be ●ncreased and made strōg in vs. Moreouer we ought alwaie dilygentlye to remēbre all the articles ●f our ●atholyke faith but in the agonies of death foure are nerest of al with greate ●iligence to be weied pōdred of vs y t is to saye y ● articles of y e church or congregatiō of sayntes of remyssyon of sines by christes bloud of the resurrecciō of y e flesh and of euerlasting lyfe Fyrst as death is the payne of sine so lykewyse are diseases many tymes sent vs of God for oure synnes as it is manyfest in dyuers places of the scrypture we ar punyshed also oftentymes to proue and try oure fayth for then is it p●rc●aued how derely we loue god how greatly we trust vnto hym whē we be oppressed troubled wyth any heauy crosse Therfor loke y t here before al thynges thou tur●est al thyne hert al thy mynd and al thy sences vnto God ād that thou doest truly repēt and that thou doest lament and confesse thy synnes before God for the whych al we haue deserued eue●n y e most rightuous wrath of God and most greuous p●yne Notwithsta●dyng the most plēteous comfort or absolucion as they cal it or remyssion of synnes whych chryst ordeined in the church thou shal require of y e Gospel of Iohn Thys exceadynge greate treasure is dayly opened ād offred to thee Take ye saith Christ● the holy goost Whose sinnes ye fo●geue ar forgeuen them and whose synnes ye retayne are retayned Note after that we haue prayed ād obteyned the forgeuenes of synnes wythout doubte the payne disease the trouble that is layd vpon vs shall ceasse and leaue vs or els accordyng to the syngular good wyll of God it shall turne vnto the saluacyon of the diseased For beleue this for an vndoubted trueth that theyr payne or cross● seme it neuer so greuous a yoke ād bur●hē to the flesh is a very fa●herly rodde or chastisement wherwith god calleth thee being hys sonne vnto hym and withdrawethe and allureth thee awaye from synninge Certes God loueth vs most tenderly He fauoureth vs euen from the very har●e he doth all thynges for thys purpose euen that he maye amende vs and do vs good For whome he loueth he cor●ecteth ād chasteneth and seourgeth hym in thys vale that he maye not be tormented after thys lyfe wyth y e euerlasting punishement of hel fire Neyther shalt thou doubt but most certenly persuade thy self that G●d is thy most louyng father and m●●t entierly desyreth thee althoughe he pretendeth neuer so greatly to be āgry wyth thee ▪ Thys is not y e anger of a Tiraunt nor of a butcher but of a father that most de●elye louethe vs which would not that we should be destroyed but that we should correcte our maners amēd and obt●ine health and Saluacion Thys is as sure as God is in heauen if we had fayth to beleue it Therfore fyrst of al aske forgeuenes remission of all thy synnes But in Chrstis name But wyth an harte that truly repenteth that thou mayst be at a poynt with God ād that thou mayst haue hym good fauourable and mercyful to thee After y t also mayst y u desire god that he wil deliuer ther frō the affliccion disease that is layd vpon thee So teacheth vs Iesus y ● Sonne of S●●ach Sonne saith he ●espyse not thy selfe in thy sykenes But praye vnto the Lorde and he shal heale thee So praieth Dauid lykewyse rem●ber not our old wickednesses but let thy mercies soone ouertake vs. helpe vs O God ower Sauiour O y u lord god of pou●rs turne vs. how long wil thou be angry ▪ Sh●w vs thy countenaūce we shall be safe First he desireth remissiō of sinnes y ● he ma●e be iustyfi●d by y e grace of god afterward he praieth god to turne awy his wrath And whē y u praiest to be deliuered eased of the crosse whiche do burden thee thou shalt alway adde this vnto it let thy most holye good wyll be don ▪ O heuenly father for we shal not better prouide for oure selfes thē that moste trusty father wyl do which is of infinyt power ● ysoō vnmesurable goodnes which ī no place turneth away his eyes frō vs which taketh great care for vs whiche hathe the heares of ower heade numbred which maketh alyue quickeneth norisheth couerethe cherisheth saueth and defendeth al thinges which aforeseeth ād prouideth for al thinges moch more better then the creatures can wysh There are thre thynges whych in the agony of deathe do most greuously dysquiet vs ād trouble our myndes