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A72164 The conquest of temptations, or Mans victory over Satan especially, the great assaults, at the agony of death, full of very strong and effectuall consolations, to sustaine and comfort the weakest heart, in the greatest conflicts which can befall a Christian in the vvhole course of of life, and approach of death / gathered by the holy and deuout labour of Iohn Gerard, doctor of diuinitie, and superintendent of Heldburge ; newly Englished by Rich. Bruch, minister of Gods word. Gerhard, Johann, 1582-1637.; Bruch, Richard, minister of Gods word. 1614 (1614) STC 11767.5; ESTC S5215 71,686 143

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momin pag. 21. God giues altogether fréely saues altogether fréely because he findes nothing for which to saue and hée findes much for which to damne Of grace is giuen not onely to the iustified good life but also to the glorified eternall life and therefore death is said to be wages but eternall life is said to be grace because that is rendred as due this is giuen as frée Bern. Ser. innat Mar. Col. 213. Therefore let another séeke for merit doe thou studie to finde grace let the mercie of the Lord be thy merit thou art not plainely poore in merit as long as he is not wanting mercies Serm. 67. in Cant. There is no place for grace to enter where merit hath alreadie taken vp the roome Thou doest detract from grace whatsoeuer thou doest depute vnto merit It sufficeth to merit Serm. 68. in Cant. to know that merit doth not suffice Place all thy confidence altogether on God Embrace his mercie séeke thy merits in the wounds of Christ thou shalt not haue any want of merits XXIII The accusation of the Law The Tempted I Acknowledge our works not to be meritorious neither to appease God but that out of faith they may please him And how can they chuse but displease him when they are not perfectly conformable to the law of God The law is an eternall vnchangeable rule of iustice condemning all whatsoeuer is not conformable there-vnto Therefore the dart of damnation is shaken against me my works vnlesse thou shew me what shield I may oppose against it The Comforter Gal. 3.13 CHrist hath redeemed thée from the curse of the Law being made a curse for thee Cursed is euery one that hangeth on the wood When the fulnesse of time came Cap 4.4 God sent his owne Sonne borne of a woman made vnder the Law that he might redeeme those which were vnder the Law Ver. 5. Rom. 10.4 Cap. 8.1 that we might receiue the adoption of Sonnes The end and fulfilling of the Law is Christ to righteousnes to euery one that beleeueth Therefore there is no damnation to thée and all which are by faith in Christ and walke not according to the flesh Vers 2. Vers 3. there is no feare of the Law the Law of the spirit of life in Christ Iesus hath fréed thée from the Law of sinne and death For that which was impossible to the Law because it was made weake through the flesh that hath GOD performed Vers 4. sending his Sonne in the likenesse of the flesh of sinne and by sinne condemned sinne in the flesh that the iustification of the Law might be fulfilled in vs which walke not after the flesh but after the spirit Therefore if by true faith thou doest apply the benefits of Christ vnto thy selfe there is no cause that thou shouldest feare the curse of the Lawe The sting of Death is sinne 1 Cor. 15.55 56. the strength of sinne is the Law but thankes be vnto God which hath giuen vs victorie through Iesus Christ our Lord Hee hath ouercome our death by his death hee hath satisfied for our sinnes by his Passion and hée hath most perfectly fulfilled the Law in our stead by his most holy obedience Neither yet is there an abolishment of the Law made but a translation onely Neither do the Law and the Gospell destroy themselues mutually séeing the Law is not against the promises of God Gal. 3.21 but is established by faith For what the Law doth require of vs Rom. 3.31 that the Gospell doth tell vs was performed of Christ in our steade What the Law commands this Christ obtaines The Law condemneth sinne and vs for sinne Christ doth performe satisfaction for sinnes and giues his righteousnesse vnto vs. The Law therefore is satisfied by the obedience of Christ because it is perfect Againe that fulfilling of the Law through Christ is performed for vs to good because it is not due Chyt li. 1. de vita et morte p. 43. Therefore as thou oughtest not to behold death in thine owne body but in Christ raised vp againe the conquerour of death and the giuer of life and saluation eternall sinne not in thine owne conscience but in Christ the Lambe of God bearing and taking away thy sinnes and the sinnes of the whole world hell and the tentations of being euerlastingly cast away not in thy selfe and in that innumerable multitude of the damned but in Christ sustaining on the Crosse and ouer-comming for vs the tentation of being cast away so thou oughtest to behold the Law not as it is written in thy hart but as it is fulfilled by Christ and with him fastned to the Crosse XXIIII The accusation of Conscience The Tempted MY conscience doth witnesse together with the accusation of the Law that as an vncorrupt iudge riseth vp against mee Chrysost hom 64. in Gen. and is an accuser of mee while no man reproues mee or brings any thing forth against mee I cannot escape that domesticall iudgement seate In this great volumne I see and altogether tremble at all my sinnes Nazian orat 26. Bern. de conuers ad Cler. c. 3. Col. 114 written with the stile of truth wretch that I am who shall deliuer me from this Court of iudgement in which the same is the guiltie the pleader the witnesse the iudge the torturer the scourge the executioner the hangman The Comforter Ioh. 3.20 IF thy heart doth condemne thée yet God is greater then thy heart If the memory of thy faults passed doth accuse and torment thée yet Christ the Redéemer which hath satisfied for thy sinnes is a mightier Col. 2.14 he absolues thée frées thée and saues thée Hee indéed hath blotted out that hand-writing which was written against and was contrary to vs hee hath taken it cleane away and hath fastned it with him to the Crosse By the nailes of Christ crucified is that accusing hand-writing of thy conscience together fastened that it is of no force and validitie before God Rom. 5.1 for being iustified by faith thou hast peace with GOD peace of conscience quietnes of hart and the most blessed tranquillitie of the soule which Christ the conquerour of sinne death and Satan hath brought backe with him from the graue and giuen the same to his Disciples Therefore Bern. de conuer cap. 6. col 415. if thou féelest the worme of conscience thou oughtest to strangle him forthwith in this life present not cherish him to immortalitie for a putrified conscience begets the immortall wormes Strangle therefore the worme of conscience by serious repentance pray to God for rest of the heart and forgiuenesse of sinnes and take héed of the new wounds of conscience that is the worst relapse of sinnes In this life there is as yet a time of pardon a time of grace a time of quieting the conscience In this life the booke of conscience may as yet be amended out of the booke
beleeuest on the Sonne thou shalt not be iudged Ioh. 3.18 that is to say with that seuere and condemning rigour of iudgement If thou hearest the word of Christ Ioh. 5.24 and beleeuest him thou commest not into iudgement thy cause shall not be discust in that rigorous examination of iudgement 1 Thess 1.10 August in Psa 100. seeing Christ hath freed all that beleeue on him from the wrath to come Truly the day of iudgement is to be feared of the wicked for the punishment but is to be loued of the good for the crowne to them it shall be a day of grace and of large remuneration Luk. 21.28 Lift vp your heads saith the Son and know that your redemption draweth neere The Bride doth not feare the comming of her Bridegroome now thy soule is espoused to Christ by faith hée will appeare in the day of iudgement to that end Apoc. 197 that hée may bring her in as it were ●●is Bride to the heauenly marriage what place therefore can there be here for terrour or feare That day shall be th● day of deliuerance because it shall frée vs altogether from the wretched captiuitie of sinne and death Into the perfect seruice of Christ it is the day of deliuerance because it shall plucke vs away from all the heape of euils and waight of calamities it is the day of deliuerance because it shall redéeme vs wholly from that continuall wrastling of the flesh and perillous warfare It is the day of refreshing because it shall set vs thirstie and out of breath into a place of rest by the fountaine of liuing water from the heate of calamities Act 3.20 Apoc. 22.2 Therefore let our Bridegroome Christ come let him come whatsoeuer soule is the true Spouse of Christ sealed by the earnest of the spirit led by the loue of Christ let her say Come Lord Iesu August in Psa 147. If wée loue Christ truly surely wée also desire his comming for it is a peruerse thing to feare least he come whom thou louest to pray let thy Kingdome come and to feare least thou be heard But from whence is the feare because hée is to come a Iudge What is hée vniust doth hée beare vs ill-will is he enuious doth he expect to know thy cause from another least perhaps he whom thou hast instructed either deceiue thée by collusion or failing in lesser elequence or abilitie be not able in words to shew the goodnesse of thine innocencie None of these Who therefore is to come Wherefore doest thou not reioyce Who is to come to iudge thée but he which came to be iudged for thee Feare not the accuser of whom he hath said the Prince of this world is cast forth Feare not an euill Aduocate for he will be thine Aduocate which shall be thy Iudge He will be both thy selfe and thy cause The word of thy cause the testimonie of thy Conscience All this of Augustine Whosoeuer therefore thou be that fearest the Iudge to come correct now thy conscience There is no cause therefore why thou shouldest feare the Iudge to come He shal be thy Iudge which also is thine Aduocate He shall be thy Iudge which hath giuen a promise to his Saints that by his testimonie and example they are to iudge the world He shall be thy Iudge in whom from euerlasting thou wert chosen to life Hée shall be thy Iudge which was thy King how shall a King destroy his owne people He shall be thy Iudge whose true member thou art by faith how shall the head destroy his members Rom. 8.33 Who shall accuse the chosen of God It is God which iustifies who shall condemne It is Christ which is dead nay which is risen againe which is at the right hand of God and makes intercession for vs how shall hée destroy those whom he hath taken into his tuition for whom least they should be destroyed Rom. 2.16 he came into the world Christ shall iudge according to the Gospell but now the beleeuers haue not despised it but receiued it with true faith They haue heard the voice of Christ inuiting them to conuersion Matth. 11.28 Come vnto me all yee which labour and are heauie loaden and I will refresh you therefore they shall also heare his voice inuiting them to the heauenly possession Come ye blessed of my Father Matth. 25.34 receiue the inheritance of the Kingdome of heauen which was prepared for you from the beginning He shall be the Iudge before whose face goe grace and truth grace hath abolisht the sinnes of the beléeuers truth hath giuen vnto them the promises of eternall life Neither is there any cause that thou feare the horrible vniuersall destruction of heauen and earth Heauen and earth shall passe away Luk. 21.33 Esa 40.8 but the words of Christ shall not passe away The word of the Lord abides for euer if thou sticke to this word with true faith thou likewise shalt abide for euer Thou hast lost nothing where by inordinate loue thou hast possessed nothing thy treasure is not the riches of this world but the delight of the heauenly Kingdome let the world be on fire it is sufficient for thée that Christ thy treasure liueth Let the frame of heauen and earth perish flie passe away thou hast most faithfull promises of a new heauen and a new earth Esa 65.17 2 Pet. 3.12 Apoc. 21.1 Behold I create a new heauen and a new earth saith the Lord in which shall dwell righteousnesse so that no man remembreth the former things any more Let the lodging of thy pilgrimage fall downe the euerlasting house of the heauenly Countrey doth abide Neither is there any cause why thou feare the accusation either of Satan or of the Law or of thine owne sinnes thy sinnes are cast into the depth of the Sea suppose into the bottomlesse p●t of Gods mercy Mich. 7.19 Es 38.17 Eze. 18.24 Psa 32.1 Psal 51.1 GOD hath cast them behinde his backe so that hée will not remember them hereafter Beléeue Satan shall not draw vp those sinnes out of the Sea nor dare to bring them into the sight of the Iudge Thy sinnes are forgiuen they are couered they are blotted out they shall not be brought againe into iudgement The accusation drawne against the godly of the Diuell shall be vaine because the blotting out of the hand-writing made by the bloud of Christ Colos 2.14 shall be turned against it The accusation of sinne shall be vaine because the pardon giuen by Christ shall be turned against it The accusation of the Law shall be vaine because reconciliation with God through faith hath gone before in this life To conclude there is no cause that thou feare the sodaine returne of Christ to iudgement for although the day of the Lord shal come as a Thiefe in the night 1 Thess 5.2 yet God hath not appointed vs to wrath but that wée may attaine saluation through our Lord Iesus Christ Vers 9. which hath dyed for vs that whether we wake or sléepe we may alwaies liue with him The day of iudgement is not to be feared of them for whom the Kingdome of heauen was prepared from the beginning Matth. 25.34 Eph. 1.4 which were chosen in Christ before the foundations of the earth were laid Commend therefore into the faithfull hands of God the pretious pledge of thy soule he will keepe it in death and iudgement and he will bring it vnited to the body into the Palaces of the heauenly Court to euerlasting glorie FINIS A PRAYER in Sicknesse HEare mee O God giuer and restorer of life in whose hands is life and death health and sicknesse Heare mee not according to the desire of my will but according to the good pleasure of thy will If thou wilt thou canst make mee whole say but one word onely and I shall be whole thou art the length of my dayes in thy hands are my lots but if thou now callest me by the way of Death to the heauenly Countrey mortifie first in mee all inordinate loue of this life giue me the strength of the spirit that I may ouercome the sorrowes of death and in the midst of the darknesse of mine eyes when they waxe dimme kindle and encrease in me the light of heart with thee is the fountaine of true life and in thy light I shall see light Thy death O good Iesus is the medicine of my death and the merit of eternall life I embrace thy vvord vvith a faithfull heart therefore I am sure that thou dwellest by faith in my heart I will not let thee depart out of my heart before thou blesse me and lift me vp with quickning consolation Thou hast said He that beleeueth on mee shall not die for euer this word my heart doth set before thee and in this faith I draw neere to the throne of grace thou wilt not correct nor put back him that comes vnto thee Let thy pretious bloud vvash mee from my sinnes let thy wounds hide mee from the wrath of God and rigour of iudgement I wil die in thee thou shalt liue in mee I will abide in thee and thou shalt abide in me thou wilt not leaue me in death and dust but wilt raise me vp to the resurrection of life Thou hast fought and ouercome for mee now fight and ouercome in me let thy strength be performed in mine infirmitie My soule cleaues vnto thee I will not suffer my selfe to be pluckt away from thee let thy peace which passeth all vnderstanding keepe my heart and senses Into thy hands I commend my spirit thou hast redeemed me thou God of truth take vp the poore soule which thou hast created which thou hast redeemed which thou hast washed from sins with thy bloud which thou hast sealed with the earnest of the holy Ghost which thou hast fed with thy body bloud It is thine thou hast giuen it vnto mee take vp that which thine is and remit the guilt of my sinnes wherewith I haue defiled it Let not the fruit of thy Passion perish in me let not thy precious bloud waxe barren in me In thee O Lord haue I hoped let me not be confounded for euer Amen
that wee may apply our hearts vnto wisedome therefore a great part of Christian wisedome consists in the perpetuall Meditation of death That must a long time be learned which that it may once rightly be done stands vpon our eternall saluation It is appointed for all men once to dye but to dye godlily to dye in Christ to dye blessedly befalls not all men therefore our minde must be prepared to that blessed good disposition of dying yea it must be garded with the shield of the Word and Prayers For if at any surely in that last time of our life the enemie that hath a thousand wiles doth lay a snare for our saluation and endeauours with all his strength to wrest the possession thereof from vs whether some of the auncients doe apply it that the infernall Serpent is said especially to bite the heele for he knowes very well I say he knowes that all the matter is in safety if that last conflict be valiantly ouercome of vs on the other side that it will be ioyned with our euerlasting reproach and losse if the other parts of our life as it were of a Comedie being well acted wee behaue our selues not so comelily valiantly in this last Catastrophe Hence come those diuers tentations with which as it were with Rammes he assaults our hearts in diseases and in the agonie of death hence come those fierie Darts which he casts against vs with all his strength hence comes that horrour and anguish which wee feele when wee are set before the gates of Death Blessed is hee which shall heere ouercome blessed is he which shall be faithfull to death Apoc. 2.3 hee shall be made partaker of all those good things which are promised to the stout Souldiers of Christ in the Reuelation What is our life t' is Death we doe deface Our age by dying life and death doe pace Hand ioyn'd in hand But Christ the Captaine is And gate of life our death is slaine by his He that doth firmely trust in him shall bee From wound of death eternall safe and free But this our hope with diuers stormes is tost When in Deaths agonie we are neere lost To ouercome these stormes will most auaile vs Least life in lifes first entry chance to faile vs. Wherefore whereas I haue endeauoured by such an explication of the Historie of the Passion and death of Christ as I could make which I did set forth of late to instill into godly mindes the Meditation of the death of Christ I haue thought that I shall do a worke worth the labour if I propose vnto them also the Meditation of our death To which end I haue written this Manuell of Consolations to be opposed to the terrours of death and tentations in the agonie of death for mine owne priuate vse onely for I carrie about a sickly bodie a weake vessell Moreouer Death now of late hath made a very lamentable slaughter in my house and there are some causes for which it is feared that I shall not liue long Therefore I would prepare and arme my minde betimes to this last battell and hemmed in as I am with so many domestique euils I bestowed some dayes on the godly Meditation of this Booke which Meditations of mine such as they are seeing perhaps they may also be profitable to others I haue not gaine-sayed that they should be made common But this I would haue men admonished in the very entrance of this writing that I haue not written these things to secure impenitent and hard hearts but to the contrite broken and weake consciences Exhortations to true pietie haue another place this whole labour is imployed in consolations to be opposed to death and temptations in death Whosoeuer therefore desires to receiue this oyle of Consolations let him bring the vessell of a contrite heart For what is consolation vnto him which is not yet contrite broken or made sad But to you men very Reuerend and most famous Masters Friends and Brethren in Christ singularly beloued I would entitle this Manuell that there might be extant a publique testimonie of that most straight friendship and brotherhood which hitherto we haue obserued betweene our selues one to another seeing that of all and amongst all I esteeme you dearest in this world as of whose pietie curtesie faithfulnesse and other many vertues I haue had plentifull experience in our fiue yeeres conuersation You also carrie about you a sickly body neither can it chuse but that the memory of Death should daily come into your minds Therefore I doe not doubt although your faith doth not want those props which I haue gathered together in this little Booke for mine owne and other mens vse yet that the reading thereof will not be vnpleasant vnto you Especially seeing whatsoeuer is in it it doth proceede from a friendly well-affected minde The Lord Iesus with his grace and with his spirit euery way blesse vs and the labours of our Ministerie Giuen at Coburg the Kalends of May. Anno. 1611. RR. VV. DD. Studiosiss I. G. D. THE TABLE of Temptations 1 THe fore-runners of death 2 The three-forked Mace of death 3 The vexation of sinne 4 The memory of Actuall sinne 5 The doubting of the application of the benefites of Christ 6 The false perswasion of faith 7 Insufficient griefe 8 The waight of griefe 9 Desperation 10 Blasphemie 11 The particularity of the promises 12 The absolute decree of reprobation 13 The application of the merit of Christ 14 The want of the euidence of the words 15 Falling out of the couenant of Baptisme 16 Vncertaine taking into the couenant of Baptisme 17 The vnworthy vse of the holy Supper 18 The weakenesse of faith 19 The want of the feeling of faith 20 The want of power to beleeue 21 The small number of good workes 22 The want of merits 23 The accusation of the Law 24 The accusation of conscience 25 Too late repentance 26 Doubting of the grace of God 27 Defect of due preparation 28 The doubting of the inhabitation of the holy Spirit 29 The doubting of perseuerance 30 The snares and strength of Satan 31 The Apostasie of many 32 Doubting of the writing into the Book of life 33 The feare of Death 34 The sting of death 35 The sorrowes of death 36 Too timely death 37 Seruices farther due to the Church 38 Our life abridged by our owne default 39 The loue of this life 40 Separation from Wife Children and kinsfolke 41 The stopping vp of the eares in death 42 The apparent inutilitie of the redemption 43 The horrour of the dust 44 The absurdity of the resurrection 45 The flames of Purgatorie 46 The rigour of the last iudgement In conclusion is added a prayer in sicknes FINIS Consolations to be opposed to all Temptations in generall but more specially to Death and to the Temptations in the agony of Death I. The fore-runners of Death The Tempted A Disease 2 Cor. 1.9 the vsher and forerunner of death