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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A19743 A godlie and fruitfull treatise of faith and workes. Wherein is confuted a certaine opinion of merit by workes, which an aduersary to the gospell of Christ Iesu, held in the conference, had in the Tower of London H. D., fl. 1583.; Dod, Henry, attributed name. aut 1583 (1583) STC 6168; ESTC S114042 37,853 104

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number and cōdemned sort Faith therefore may bee without good workes and yet saluation to the beleeuer in Christ. The theefe that hanged on the Gibbet on the right hand of Christ at his death hee did no good workes yet he had Faith and that but at the instant before his death And Christ pronounced him his elect saying To day shalt thou bee with mee in Paradise But rarely may Faith be found without good workes though workes done in ciuill charitie may be without Faith For Turkes and Iewes do as many ciuil charitable workes as all the Christians doe and yet are they without faith in Christ and therfore remaine in the state of damnation and their ciuill workes of charitie auaileth them nothing neither can they be saued by them Therfore Faith which apprehendeth Christ doth onely iustifie but so doth not workes for Faith is aboue good workes and good works are but handmaidens to Faith to wait vpon hir but not to merit saluation because of imperfection For the best works that euer were wrought by man besides Christ if they be brought to Gods tutch-stone they shall be found to be drosse and no fine golde Therefore we are to take hold onely on Christ Iesu by Faith and so shall wee stande sure of our saluation without doubting which workes cannot assure vs of And why then should any man hang vpon good workes which cannot assure vs of our saluation or think his owne workes Friers workes Priests workes or workes of supererogation to merit for them whē as the good works of Christ which were most pure and vndefiled could not saue mankind and because they coulde not saue mankinde Christ therefore would die to purchase that which good workes could not Peraduenture some will aske wherefore Christ should worke all his good works which he wrought in the worlde Was it not to merit our saluation and to purchase heauen for his elect I say no. Neither was it the purpose of the eternitie to send downe from heauen into the world the second person in Trinitie to take our mortall flesh and by fulfilling of the law to merit heauen for his elect But the purpose and end of his comming downe to take flesh was to die for the saluation of his chosen children who could not bee saued nor enter into the kingdome of heauen but onely by the bloudie sacrifice and death of that vnspotted and innocent lambe of God Christ Iesus And so heauen which was lost by Adams fall was not merited by fulfilling of the lawe or by doing the good works of grace either by Christ himselfe or by his chosen children You will aske againe to what end then did Christ all that was commanded in the lawe and fulfilled the same most perfectly if thereby hee should not merit heauen for his elect It is to be answered for fiue causes The first cause is to shewe that Christ by fulfilling of the lawe was a iust person had therefore no cause of death in him and that also hee dying suffered his death most wrongfully For Christ liuing iustly in the world without sin and without spot or blemish of sin fulfilling the whole lawe in such sort as neither the iustice of God nor all the deuils in hel coulde laie anie thing to his charge or could finde any one sparke of sin wheron they might take holde thereby to put Christ iustly to death and shewing him selfe thus to be a iust and most righteous person so fulfilling the whole lawe to the vttermost that might be ought not to haue died but to liue in the same according to the word Doe this and liue And therefore he was most wrongfully put to death But most graciously for poore miserable man whose deliuerance from the wrath of God and fiery lake of hell was wrought by the same death who otherwise must haue liued in perpetuall torments Christ his good works in deed was a fulfilling of the lawe in his owne humaine person alone but not for any others neither could mankind thereby be saued And therefore Christ would suffer his passion and death because that neither by his owne nor by others good workes mankinde could be saued which as afore is said if saluation for mankinde might haue come thereby Christ should neuer haue needed to haue died And now ye childrē of God heare the Trump of Christ Iesu sounding in your eares a conquest a conquest victorie victorie A conquest Victorie By whome Ouer whome And for whome Euen by Christ Iesu the most innocent and vnspotted lambe of God sacrificed slain And he it is that triumpheth ouer death hell and all the power of hell and ouer the wrath and iustice of God the Father and ouer the lawe of God so that now the iustice and lawe of God hath vtterly lost their force and Satan with all the power of hell hath lost their interest which they had woon against the elect by Adams fall And that by the most wrongfull putting to death the most innocent and immaculate lambe of GOD Christ Iesu. And for the chosen children in Christ is this most royall and victorious conquest woon Christ hath suffered the paine and we haue reaped the gaine And this hath the death of the blessed sonne of God Christ Iesu done which all the good workes in the world coulde neuer doe The second cause was that all persons should knowe that God had not commanded that which was impossible to be done by man for Christ beeing man did in his owne person fulfill the whole lawe did worke all the good works that the lawe required to be done euen to the vttermost silable of the lawe all was performed by Christ. The third cause was for example that all persons should follow Christ in well doing to liue in the world as hee liued in the world to hate sin as he hated sin to loue vertue as hee loued vertue that thereby our conscience might stand assured of our election that the world might iudge vs by seeing the workes of Faith to proceed from vs to be the elect of God in Christ Iesu and those whome Christ died for The fourth cause was to shewe the difference betwixt the first Adam the second Adam Christ Iesu. The first Adam in his first creation was the perfect image of God For God saide Let vs make man in our image according to our owne likenesse And hee was good in the sight of God hauing free-will to keepe himselfe so if hee would but hee fell by breaking the commandement The second Adam was borne the verie perfect sonne of God hauing also freewil which held and kept himselfe in the obedience of his heauenly father all the daies of his life and kept all the commandements which God had commanded The first could be tempted with an apple or fruite of the tree The second Adam Christ Iesu coulde not be tempted vvith all the kingdomes of the worlde The first Adam was Of earth earthly and subiect
whole lawe as well the morall as the ceremoniall yea and rather the morall law then the ceremonial law Let vs consider of S. Paule in how many places where he of purpose writeth touching this matter of iustificatiō It is to be considered that S. Paule was the Apostle of the Gentiles amongst whome there was no part of the ceremoniall law vsed and then had S. Paule no cause to write in that sort of the ceremoniall law onely but of the morall lawe also Againe mark wherevpon S. Paule doth entreat before he come to those words By the vvorks of the lavve there shall no flesh bee iustified in Gods sight In the second Chapter to the Iewes he saith Beholde thou art called a Ievve and restest in the lavve and makest thy boasts of God or gloriest in God knovvest his vvill allovvest the thinges that are excellent in that thou art instructed by the lavv Then in the 21. 22. and 23. verse he saith Thou that preachest a man shoulde not steale Doest thou steale Thou that saist a man should not commit adultery doest thou commit adultery c. Thou that gloriest in the lavv breakest thou the lavv Is not this ment trowe you of the morall lawe And so proceeding to the 3. Chap. where he proueth that al are sinners both Iewes Gentils And that there is none righteous none that doth good Their threates an open sepulclre c. VVhose mouth is full of cursing bitternes c. Now when he had thus laide abroad the wicked estate of man and breach of the moral law and seeing a man not able to fulfill the law in that sort as he may bee iustified therby before God Therfore saith Saint Paul in the same chapter By the works of the law shal no flesh be iustified in Gods fight Forby the law commeth the knowledge of sin which lawe must needes bee the morall lawe the law of the x-commandements For that is it that bringeth the knoledge of sinne And moreouer the ceremonial law was cleane taken away by Christ and was no more a law among the christian Iewes after Christes death and ther fore there was no cause why Saint Paule writing against iustification by workes should write as meaning only of the ceremonial law but of the moral law also And therefore master Papist you must yeelde your selfe conuicted and ouerwen in mainteyning that S. Paule doth meane onely the ceremoniall Law and not the morall Lawe Againe to your iustification by the workes of the lawe which S. Iames and Saint Paul speak of this is to bee vnderstoode that Saint Iames doeth meane iustification before men and it must nedes be so taken or els he must be flat against S. Paul who hath a number of places for this one place of S. Iames as before is set down and hereafter shall be if God permitte And if it should bee so that the writer of that epistle that beareth the name of saint Iames shoulde meane as the Papists take it that in plaine meaning workes done by the children of men doe iustifie before god yet I must rather preferre Saint Paule writing in so many places to the contrarie before that one place of Saint Iames and the rather because none doubtes of S. Paules epistles but to be his owne but the learned haue doubted of this Epistle which beareth the name of S. Iames whe ther S. Iames were the author writer therof or not but let it be S. Iames epistle yet he doth not say Ye see then that of works a man is iustified before God He leaueth out before God so that the meaning is then to be takē that good works may iustifie before men but not before God because of imperfection For there is iustification before God iustificatiō before men And the iustification before men is that which S. Iames meaneth Again S. Iames saith was not Abrahā our father iustified through works when he offred his sonne vpon the altar This iusti fication must nedes be taken to be before men and not before god and that it must be so taken let vs see what S. Paul saith of the said Abrahā For if Abrahā saith he wer iustified by works thē hath he wherin to boast or to reioice but not before God For what saith the scripture Abrahā be leued god it was counted vnto him for righteousnesse To him that worketh is the reward not reckned of grace but of duetie To him that worketh not but beleeueth on him that iustifieth the vngodly his faith is coūted for righteousnes he saith if Abraham were iustified by workes he hath wherein to boast or to reioyce and so he hath if he were iustified by workes But yet with God good working Abraham could not boast in his good workes for though Abraham were one of the best among the children of men yet how he had beene able to haue stoode in tryall with God if his workes should haue beene wayed in the righteous ballance of Gods iustice without Christ no question but Abraham must haue fallen to the grounde And who will doubt but that Abraham in offering of his sonne whome hee so entirely loued to bee a sacrifice and to kill him who was begotten in their old age when they were past all hope to haue children and being his onely sonne and he to be the killer of him him selfe must needes haue inwarde conflictes passions combats and grieues in which sinne no doubt appeared before God inough to haue condemned him if God without mercy would narrowly haue looked vnto him And therefore to shew that Abraham was not iustified by workes Saint Paule saith if Abraham were iustified by workes which word if importeth a plaine negatiue in this place that Abraham was not iustified by his works and therfore that it might bee knowen that Abraham could not be iustified by his works before God but was to bee made righteous by faith he saith For what saith the scripture Abraham beleeued God and it was counted to him for righteousnesse But Saint Paul saith that God will rewarde euery man according to his works And therefore wil you say good works merite rewarde But Saint Paul vseth not these words here to teach that works doe merite rewarde And though God doth rewarde of his free mercy yet is it not of duetie or by desert when he rewardeth For he teacheth that Abraham could not be iustified by his works before God Then much les any man els which is not of his perfection The hipocriticall Iewes againste whō S. Paul wrote those words woulde take vpon them to iudge others of those vices which they themselues did cōmit which caused saint Paul to write against them those threatening words that God would rewarde them according to their deedes The like phrase praierwise thogh in the other place threatning wise hee vseth in his praier to the Lord against Alexander the Coppersmith and saieth The Lord rewarde him according to his deedes that is
without alteration of minde not mutable his knowledge certeine not ignorant of any thing All thinges past and to come are still present before him Neither is it with God as with men to be of one mind to day and of an other mind tomorow but God is still faithfull One and the selfe same from the beginning to the ende I say without alteration from his first decree in his secret counsell Thē all this being thus vndoubtedly true it cannot be saide that man can by himselfe otherwise or by any other meanes merit and worke out his owne saluation then hath beene alreadie wrought through the mercy and loue of God in and by Christ our Sauiour the onely ful worker of the same by suffering his most greeuous passion and death For how can it bee saide in any respect that man by his good workes can merit his owne saluation seeing before he was it was made sure to the elect in God his secrete counsell and decreed to stande firme without alteration being aduisedly purposed by God in Christ Before the foundation of the world So that without all contradiction and doubting all the good workes that hath bene wrought by mankind can not be said to merit their saluation The Iesuites in their last disputation in the Tower held those to be the works of Christ that man woorketh for that Christ worketh them in man and being the workes of Christ that are wrought in man they merit saide hee saluation But this cānot be true For electiō being decreed before euer man was and in that election mans saluation made sure and certeine by that decree through Christ his passion death and for his sake onely for that he would giue his life for the same in the appointed time How then can it bee saide without great absurditie and derogation of the maiestie of Christ Iesu his passion and death That mans good workes can merit or deserue that which many thousand yeares before hee wrought any good workes was made sure and certeine vnto him for and by Christ as is aforesaide Surely it is more then extreame doltishnes once to thinke it As for example A prodigall seruant that had consumed his maisters goods and thereby hee greatly indebted to his maister yet his maister in mercy loue not only forgaue him his debt but made him heire to all his landes Now if after that his maister had thus forgiuen his debt and made him heire to all his lands to the end the seruant should be a faithfull friend to him and loue him with all his hart the seruant would yet say I will so please my maister I will worke and doe so much good in his sight that I wil deserue that hee shall not onely forgiue me the debt which I owe him and the euill life which I led towardes him but also make me heire to all his lands Were not this to bee iudged a verie foolishe speach and the speaker a right paterne of an insolent foole To say he would merit or deserue that which before was made sure to him of meere mercie and loue Wisdome would rather haue exspected this kinde of speach from him my maister hath done much for me he hath not onely forgiuen mee the debt which I ought him and am neuer able to pay it but also he hath made mee heire to all his landes I will therefore by the helpe of God according to my bounden dutie extend my whole indeuour to the vttermost of my power to doe him the best seruice I can all the daies of my life and shall thinke all that I am able to doe to be nothing in respect of that more then fatherly kindnesse which hee hath done for mee This had beene rightly spoken and this must bee our speech which are the elect of God For we were elected before the foundation of the world that we by the working of the holie Ghost should be holie and blamelesse and not elected for that God sawe wee would bee holie and blamelesse to merit our owne saluation for that is contrarie to the meaning of the holy Ghost vttered by Saint Paule in the first to the Ephesians And so Gods election and decree vncerteine which is most certeine if our saluation should rest vpon our owne well or ill doing which cannot be For Gods election being once decreed which as Paule saith was before the foundation of the world it standeth sure for euer and resteth not vpon our well doing yet if wee leade not a godlie Christian life we showe our selues to be damned creatures and not of the number elected in whom the holie spirit of God worketh And here we see that God the father by his mercy and loue is the first efficient cause of our saluatiō The sonne of God the seconde efficient cause The passion and death of Christ Iesu the materiall cause and Faith the instrumentall cause For Faith apprehendeth and so cannot works and thereby we take hold on Christ his passion and death and man beleeuing Christ to be the sonne of God God and man and that hee died for his sinnes he thereby is certeinly assured that he is the elect of God the father bought and redeemed by Christ the meritor redeemer and Sauiour and written in the booke of life before the foundation of the worlde Faith now being the instrument wherewith we take hold on Christ assureth vs that wee are elected And good works proceeding from iustifieng faith declareth to the world that wee be the elect of God and we please God by doing of good workes but we merit not saluation thereby neither hath good workes any part in the merit of our saluation but onely Christ Iesu For when wee haue done all the good that euer wee are able to doe yet are we but vnprofitable seruants And how then can wee merit our owne saluatiō The best works that euer were without Faith pleaseth not GOD For without Faith it is impossible to please God Yea if it had not beene appointed that Christ shuld haue died in the world all the good workes that euer Christ did himself in the world without his death could neuer haue merited heauen for vs which if they could Christ would neuer haue died neither should hee haue needed But if Christes good works besides his death were not able to merite our saluatiō much lesse our good works which are as a stained cloth polluted Therefore only Christ by his passion death and not the woorkes of the lawe and of grace neither doth Faith merit saluatiō because it is the proper office of Christ onelie to merit the same much lesse then our good workes yet if we be voide of good workes and haue not Faith chiefly to beleeue that Christ is the sonne of God God and man and that he died for our sinnes then may wee be sure that as long as we remaine in that state wee be none of those whome God hath elected but are of the reprobate
God the father whereby we fulfill the lawe And men by grace fulfilling the lawe doe merite their saluation But forasmuch as this grace cannot be geuen vs but by faith in the death merite of Christ Iesus therfore we say that by grace infused into vs by faith in Christ good works are wrought which are not now our works but the workes of grace and those workes merit saluation Who is able to ouerthrowe this Bulwarke buylded vpon so sure a rocke which being so profound is not possible for a man to vndermine the depth nor come neare the toppe thereof being so high But the God of heauen will with the breth of his mouth ouerthrow such wicked blasphemie whereupon by the helpe of whose power thus I aunswere that this is but a subtle cauill and vntruely spoken to say that they be not our works For although that by grace we receiue the holy Spirite of God who by his mighty power mightely stirreth vp our hearts replenished with faith in Christ Iesus to worke such charitable works as are prescribed in Gods booke though yet vnperfectly perfourmed on our parts yet can it not be saide but that they be our works euen as faith is saide to be our faith which wee receiue by grace As for example who will doubte of the woman which was diseased with an issue of bloud twelue yeares hauing a strong faith in Christ Iesus but that she had the same by grace And yet Christ saide vnto her thy Faith hath made thee whole here you see that Christ called it her faith though shee had the same by grace so of works they be our works though they be done by grace But let it be graunted for trueth that by the grace of God we being renouated receiue the holy spirite of God who worketh in vs all good things yea all the good workes that are wrought by man according to the saying of Saint Paul who saith It is God that worketh in you both the wil and the deede euen of his good pleasure And that wee could not haue obteyned grace from GOD the Father but by faith in the death and merite of Christ Iesus so that they are not now to bee called our workes but the workes of grace Let all this that is saide be graunted yet that by fulfilling of the law by the same grace we merite saluation that is vtterly false and repugnant to the word of God For Saint Iohn saith Beholde the Lambe of God which taketh awaie the sinnes of the world The sinnes of the worlde being taken away what followeth then The kingdome of heauen and saluation to them whose sinnes are taken away by the slaine Lambe Christ Iesus But it is not saide Beholde the good workes of grace which take away the sinnes of the worlde but Behold the Lambe of God which taketh away the sinnes of the worlde Then it is only Christ that meriteth heauen for vs by taking away our sinnes and not the workes of grace nor our fulfilling of the Law And why is hee called a Lambe because of his innocencie For Saint Peter saith He is a Lambe vndefiled and without spot And because hee was to be sacrificed and slaine as a sheepe to the slaughter He was innocent and as the Prophet saith He did neuer violence nor vnrighteousnes neither hath there beene any deceitfulnesse in his mouth He was without sin deserued not to die but he dyed therfore for something Trueth he died for our sins which were laid vpon him for Esay saith The Lord threw them al vpon him and so made him to be sinne for vs which knevve no sinne But by imputation were they made his sinnes And our sins being thus taken from vs and laide vpon him death had therby power ouer him which slewe him for our sinnes So that as by imputation Christ was made the only sinner for the elect and therfore dyed so are all the elect by imputatiō made as innocent Christ. And Christ clothing his elect with his innocencie God the Father beholdeth them no more as sinners to damnation but as Christ Iesus because Christ hath washéd cleane away in Gods iudgement all the filth of sinne from vs with his precious bloud which he hath shed vpon the crosse so as the filthy Chanelraker polluted with the filth of the Chanel durt is by the Barber washed cleane that no spot thereof is to bee seene so hath Christ out blessed Barber washed away all our filth the durt of sin in such sort as our heauenly father for his Christes sake beholdeth them no more And Christ once dying for the sinnes of his elect accordinge to the purpose of God in his secreate counsell before the creation of the world which purpose could not be altered but must stand still for euer hath thereby onely merited saluation for vs then is it great blasphemy to maintaine such an heresie which doth cut away the cause of our saluation by the only death and passion of Christ our Sauiour and attributeth the same to me rites and works by grace whereby they haue made the works of the lawe to put Christ cleane out of office in the merite of our saluation and only the workes of the lawe which are wrought by Faith and grace to be the meane to merite the same And Christ by his death and passion but only the cause of grace who in deede is the onely effectuall cause in the merit of our saluation so that the works of the Lawe and Grace haue no parte in the cause therof but only as effects do de clare vs to be the elect of God Saint Luke saith Feare not litle flock for it is your fathers plesure to giue you a king dome To giue you a kingdome see here is the kingdome of heauen giuen vs and that which is giuen cannot be said to bee bought or merited and if it were either bought or merited it cannot be said properly nor rightly to be geuen Then being geuē vs we by the works of the law and grace haue not merited it And so are we not iustified by them before God so the proposition that the workes of grace or the deedes of the law doe merit or iustifie before God is false though they be wrought through faith by the power of the holy Ghost and by grace because it is the proper office of Christ immediatly that is to say without any o ther mean or cause to purchase mans saluation and not the office of the holye Ghost by grace working in man for saluation coulde not bee purchased but by death and the holy Ghost coulde not die but Christ only by taking our flesh was lead as a sheepe to be slaine and made a sacrifice for sinne Therefore Christ is the onely purchaser of our saluation Neither doe the workes of the Law iustifie vs before God nor merite saluation for vs though they bee done after grace receiued But with what face can you O
an outcry and with a pittifull lamentation saith O wretched man that I am who shall deliuer me from the bodie of this death Where is now Saint Paules righteousnes wherein he is to repose as the Papist say his hope of merit by his righteous works He crieth out on it accounting and iudging all things as afore to bee but dung in respect of the excellent knovvledge of Christ. Thus you see S. Paul beholdeth nothing but Christ onely and laieth all his righteousnesse aside hauing no hope at all therby to merit heauen Then if S. Pauls righteousnes bee laide aside as not meritorious to purchase heauē vvhat shal become of al your popish righteousnes but euē be laid aside as S. Paule hath laid his nay rather cōmit it to the dunghill as not vvorthie to bee compared vvith S. Pauls righteousnesse But methinks I heare one demand a question the same that vvas demanded in the 3. to the Gala. vvhich is this VVherefore thē serueth the lawe if whē we haue done the works of the law we shall not merit by them nor be iustified by thē S. Paule maketh the answer It was added saith he because of the transgressions till the seede came vnto the which the promise was made c. Is the law thē against the promise of God God forbid for if there had ben a lawe giuen which could haue giuen life surely righteousnes shuld haue bin by the law But the scripture hath concluded al vnder sin that the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ should be giuen to all that beleeue but before Faith came wee were kept vnder the law and shut vp vnto the faith which should afterward bee reuealed wherfore the lawe was a schoolemaister to bring vs to Christ that wee might be made righteous by Faith Now heere you see wherfore the law serueth it is as a glasse for vs wherin to behold our sins for our sins were the cause that the lawe was added And the lawe shewing vs our sinnes we finding no helpe therby but damnation because no man can fulfil the law in such sort as it can giue life Therfore it teacheth vs like a good schoolmaster to whō we shall resort for life pointing vs as with a finger vnto Christ Iesu. For the scripture hath cōcluded all vnder sin man all his works no hope in our selues nor in our workes but to runne to Gods promise by Faith in Christ Iesus And this is our last refuge and the verie vpshot of our game wherby the kingdō of heauen saluation is woon for euer And to make an end of this little worke I will ioine 3. verses of Te Deum which the Papists sing daily in their Churches but in the lattin tongue so as neither the singers nor the hearers can vnderstād the same But blessed bee our God that hath planted amongst vs such teachers who hath giuen vnto vs which are vnlearned the same in our naturall tongue so as we may vnderstand the same to our comfort and find therin that you Papists do teach vs false doctrine when you teach vs that by the workes of grace saluation is merited wherby you make Christ no redeemer nor Sauiour but the meanes whereby we receiue grace and by which grace we doe good workes by which works saie you but falsly wee merit saluation But you shall heare vvhat Te deum teacheth you to say to Christ thus it teacheth VVhen thou tookest vpon thee to deliuer man thou diddest not abhor the virgins wombe when thou haddest ouercome the sharpnesse of death thou didst open the kingdome of heauen to all beleeuers we therfore praie thee helpe thy seruants whome thou hast redeemed with thy most precious bloud In the 1. verse of the three vvee say to Christ Whē thou tookest vpon thee to deliuer man c. So that Christ tooke vpon him to deliuer man from the iustice of God from death hell and damnation before he vvas cōceiued in the vvombe of the blessed virgine and before any of you Papists vvere created vvhich vvill bee iustified by your works And deliuered you from the pain of hell if any of you bee deliuered before you did anie good vvorkes And it is not to be saide that he vvoulde deliuer those vvhome he knevve not he knevv them vvhom he vvould deliuer that before the creation of the vvorld And vnto this I am sure you agree but the difference is in this as aforesaide that you Papistes will say that Christ tooke vpon him to deliuer man because hee knew before that they would doe good works to merite to bee deliuered from perpetuall death to eternall life But we by Saint Paul doe maintaine the contrarie as before is sufficiently proued But if it were as you say then should it haue bin said thus When thou with the helpe of our good workes tookest vpon thee to deliuer man c. But it is not so said but when thou tookest vpon thee to deliuer man c. And therfore Christ alone toke vpon him the deliuerance of man without mans works but if the workes of grace merite saluation thē no doubt but the works of grace doe set open the king dome of heauen to all good workers by grace and then what neede haue wee of Christ But because this is false therfore wee say to Christ in the seconde verse when thou hadst ouercome the sharpnes of death Thou not thou and the workes of grace but thou diddest set open the kingdome of heauen to whom I praye you to whom to all good workers by grace no but to all beleeuers that beleue in the passion and death of Christ Iesus In the third verse we pray our blessed sauiour to helpe his seruantes whō what that hath merited heauen by the workes of grace surely that is forgotten No no but those whom thou haste redeemed with thy precious bloud here is not with thy precious bloud and the workes of grace but with thy precious bloud alone without the workes of grace And to confirme all this most true and vnreprouable doctrine of iustification by faith onely in the passion and death of our sauiour Christ Iesus And to stop the mouthes of all the aduersaries of Gods truth from caueling any more against the same Let vs heare the words of the Lord Iesus himselfe which he spake vnto his Apostles saying VVho is yet also of you hauing a seruant plowing or feeding cattell would say vnto him by and by when he were come from the field goe and sit downe at the table and would not rather say to him dresse wherewith I may sup gird thy selfe and serue me til I haue eaten and dronken afterward eate thou drinke thou Doth he thanke that seruant because he did that which was commaunded vnto him I trow not So likewise ye when ye haue done all those things which are commaunded you say we are vnprofitable seruants we haue done that which was our duety to doe Note here the most