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A15341 Large letters Three in number, containing much necessarie matter, for the intruction and comfort of such, as are distressed in conscience by feeling of sinne, and feare of Gods wrath. Written heeretofore by T. W. for some deare friends of his, and now published and printed for the raising vp of such as labor vnder the heauie burthen of an affected spirite. T. W. (Thomas Wilcox), 1549?-1608. 1589 (1589) STC 25624; ESTC S103076 55,013 150

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effectual pledges vnto vs as of Gods great fauor shed abroad into our harts so of the crowning of those his graces in vs with wonde●ful honour and glorious immortality at the last Lastlie it seemeth vnto me Of sin it self that e●en from sinne it selfe though not in it owne nature for so it is abhominable in the Lords sight o Ha●a● 1.13 whose pure eies cannot s●e euill neither yet in the effects that commonly it bringeth foorth for so is it alwaies bytter making a fearefull p Isaiah 59.2 seperation betweene the Lord and vs hauing for the q Rom. 6 2● wages of it eternal death and damnation yet euen in the heynousnes and heyght thereof being accompanied with gods fauour in the forgiuenes of the same we should may reap an inuincible argument of much consolation and singular comfort For wherein shal or can the mercy of God in this life so much appear towards his people as in pardoning the sinnes of his seruants To whom had they not offended neither could gods mercie that way foorth haue bin declared nor Christ for thē haue bin r 1. Tim. 3.16 God manifested in the flesh who therefore came into the world not to call s Math. 9.13 the righteous but sinners to repentaunce and did therefore appeare amongest men not onely that he might t 1 Ioh. 3.5.8 loose the works of the deuil but also that he might take away our sins Outward tokens of Gods fauour All the outward fauours that wee haue in this life if we should reckon thē vp one by one as for example creation preseruation health wealth c. or binde them all in a bundle together cannot so sensibly set before vs Gods loue because some of them are in some sort commō to other creatures with men reach but to the bodie for the most part this time present onely the wicked many times beeing before Gods saintes in some of the same God also v Ps 17.14 filling their bellies with his hid treasure their children hauing inough and leauing inough of their substance for their children Spiritual graces Nay I will say more many of those spirituall graces that God vouchsaseth vnto his Church as h s worde sacraments praier of which the holy ghost saith he x Psal 147.19 sheweth his word vnto Iacob his statutes and his iudgments vnto Israell and he hath not dealt so with euerie nation doe not so plain●iy ex●r●sse the fauour and loue of the Lorde towardes hys people as the free pardon and full forgiuenesse of their transgressions the reason is because y Math 22.14 manye are called and fewe are chosen and diuers bee in the Churche that bee not of the Church This grace also extending it s●●e not onelye to bodye and soule in says lyfe carrying with it comfort and the peace of a good conscience here but reaching euen vnto the life that is to come eternal saluation and life euerlasting being an inseperable companion to the forgiuenesse of our sinnes And that we might the better be perswaded that this is a verie speciall fauour God himselfe taketh vpon himself as a principall point of his glory this great worke of forgiuing laying z ●saiah 42.25 I euen I am he that putteth away thine iniquities for my owne sake and will not remember thy sinnes And in an other Prophet rehearsing the graces that he will vouchsafe vnto his people in the newe Testament he reckoneth vp this as the last and chiefest a Iere 31 34. I wil forgiue their iniquitie b Rom. 5.20 and remember their sinne no more that beeing true here that the Apostle saieth that where sinne abounded there grace abounded much more To conclude then good Madam out of all that is gone before The co●clusion S●●h in thys poynt of the forgiuenes of sins God who is greater than al is b Rom 8 3 on our side therefore wee neede not care who be agaynst vs Iesus Christ standeth for vs who is c Math 3 17 his dearely beloued sonne in whome onely hee is well pleased and thorow whome he hath d 2 Cor 3 19 reconciled the world vnto himselfe the word generally part●cularly the promises in the same which are in Iesus Christ e 2 Cor 1 20 yea and amen speake comfo●table things vnto vs the holy sacramentes ordeined by God for the strengthning of our weake faith seale vp that great and gracious fauor vnto vs the dis●pline and voyce of the Church which is the f 1 Tim 3 16 piller ground of trueth and as it were Gods owne voyce from heauen confirmeth it the particular examples o● his saintes hauing in former time found it and felt it true doe ratifie and confirme the same the peculiar fauo●s that God hath giuen vs our selues in this life and namely faith g 2 Thess 3 2 which all men haue not with the sound tru●tes thereof doe pledge it vp and that god that maketh the h Psal 76 10 rage of men to turne to his praise and in the beginning comma●nded i 2 Cor. 4 6 the light to shine out of darkenesse now maketh sin to serue for the magnifying and manifesting of his mercie and the comfort and good of his children who is it that can distrust or rather who hath not iust cause with the Apostles and saintes of God to sing and say k 1. Cor. death is swallowed vp into victorie O deathe where is thy sting O graue where is thy victorie The sting of death is sinne and the strength of sinne is the lawe But thanks be to God which hath giuen vs victorie thorow our Lord Iesus Christ And againe l Rom. 8 38 39. I am perswaded that neyther death nor life nor angels nor principalities nor powers nor thinges present nor thinges to come nor height nor dep●h nor anie other creature shal be able to separate vs frō the loue of God which is in Christ Iesus our Lord. Thus good Madame I haue as your honour seeth plainely deliuered my poore iudgement in this worthie point touching the comfortable feeling of the forgiuenesse of sinnes and some such assured seales and pledges of the same as by m Deut. 17 18 19 Ioshua 1 8 Psalm 1.2 Iohn 5 39 dayly reading of the holie scriptures and continuall meditation in the same holie duties that I and all other christians of what qualitie or calling so euer are bound vnto by Gods word to performe and woulde to God all did it as may knowe and confesse it the Lorde in much fauor I freely confesse it hath bene pleased in the dayes of my distresse to manifest to me miserable man that I am and that not onely for instruction and comfort vnto my self alone for God neuer bestoweth anie grace vpon vs much lesse such excellent fauors to that ende onely but for the good and consolation of others who being n 2
1.17 as wauering as mutable man and then to be subiect to alteration change when they idessie fantasie or imagine the same Yea they speake contrarie to common sense and reason for if the sins that are from our selues may as they ought indeede iustly cast vs down shall not the graces that are in vs from god be much more mightie to raise vs vp What is God become lesse than man or are his mercies inferiour to mans transgressions But we will put the case that we failed in those good workes that that hitherto hath bin put downe that out of the very word of trueth concerning the fruites of our faith were false yet see what euen in such a case also if it wer so the holy Ghost saith for our full perswasion and resolute comfort e It is not in him that willeth nor in him that runneth The whole worke of s●luation dependeth altogether on Gods mercie in Iesus Christ but in God that sheweth mercy that so the whole worke of our saluation and euerie part and peece of it bee ascribed onely and wholie to his free fauour towardes vs in Iesus Christ For as this is sure that God saueth not vs for our good workes be they neuer so manie or excellent because hee shall haue alwaies some thing for matter or maner or ende and all to saie against them and vs for their sakes and to holde that were indeede to euamate Gods free mercie and to annihilate Christes sufferings and to puffe vp fleshe and bloud beyond all measure and trueth so he will not condemne vs vs I saie and not men because of our eu●ll woorkes though they be neuer so manie and grieuous alwayes prouided that no man abuse this doctrine of trueth and comforte to licenciousnesse and carnalitie nor extend it beyond the persons of whome we meane it namely the elect and faithfull who as they haue receiued this sweete promise from God f 8. ● that to them that are in Christ there is no condemnation so they haue this giuen vnto them that they walke not after the fl●she but after the spirite g Exod. 33.19 Rom 9. ● For hee will haue mercie on him to whome he will shewe mercie and he wil haue compassion on him on whome h●e will shewe compassion And this is it that the Lorde hym selfe sayth in Esaiah h Isa 43 25. I euen I am hee that putteth awaie th●ir iniquities for myne owne sake and will not remember theyr sinnes And in Ieremiah establishi●g as ●t were a newe contract with hys Seruauntes hee make Iesus a principall part of the couenaunt i I●re 31.34 He● 8.12 That hee will forgiue all theyr iniquities and remember theyr sinnes no more or as it is al●eadged by the holie Ghost in the eight Chapter of the Epistle to the Hebrues I will be mercifull to theyr vnrighteousnesse and I will remember their sinnes and their iniquities no more vsing all these wordes of vnrighteousnesse sinnes iniquities c. to assure vs that neyther the heynousnesse nor the multitude of our transgressions shall for euer separate betweene the Lord vs but that of his infinite mercie he will receiue vs though we had not offended A comparison or similitude Of which wee may be the better assured by this that if we would giue credit vnto the worde of an earthly man speciallie if wee had some experience of his fidelitie and that in matter of grea● importance and yet we know mē to be but men that is fraile inconstant we should much more beleeue the trueth of the eternal our God confirmed vnto vs by the deathe and bloudsheding of hys sonne the best pledge of immutabil●●● that can be and that in causes of greatest weight concerning vs who alwais k Mala 3.6 remaineth like vnto himselfe and who rather than he will fayle vs in hys promise or falter with vs in the performance of the same giuing vs lesse th● hee hath said will inlarge himselfe I cannot saie beyond his word and trueth for that remaineth alwaies as large as himselfe and God the God of trueth shall neuer bee found a lier but beyond our heart and hope I am sure And surely for your selfe in my mind this is one point that much perswadeth me and may yeeld you comfort that neuer can be vtterly taken awaie howsoeuer it may for the time be somewhat lessened that you belong vnto the election of God are as it were l Isa 49.16 grauen vpon the palme of his right hand that you haue not onely patiently susteined which is a rare vertue but mightely vanquished and subdued which is a greater grace doubtlesse in him that is the God of your strength many and the same long and bitter temptations which had you not belonged to God and hee himselfe had not reserued you for daies and times not onely of comfort in this life but of eternall ioy you coulde not haue indured much lesse ouercome for as this is a certaine trueth that m Psal 34 19● manie are the miseries of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth him out of all and that h●s children are conquerours ouer many assaults by the strength and power that they haue receiued from n Iohn ●6 33. Rom 8.37 him lo our onely temptation and the same as short and small as may be is able to quaile the strongest Gia●t amongst the reprobate and to throw him downe headlong into the bottomlesse pit of hell as experience of the wicked who in this respect to withstand a●t weaker then wa●er and sundrie particular examples of former ages and of our present time doe playnely p●oue vnto vs if I thought it conuenient to alleadge them Thus you see my minde and poore iudgement concerning your scruples in such measure and maner deli●●red as God hath inabled me Where also I must confesse I woulde gladly end as beeing almost wearie in my selfe and tedious I feare me vnto you sauing that the dutie of holie loue that I beare you will not suffer mee to let slippe a nece●sarie admonition that euen nowe commeth to minde and sauing also that your present distressed estate as I feare calleth for the inlarging of my selfe so farre as I may accomplishe some more particular course of comforte than as yet I haue deliuered Touching the former of these two An admonition let mee intreate you I beseeche you as the trueth is not to imagine as I knowe some doe that there are alwayes like effectes and fruites of Gods grace in the heartes and conuersation of hys people I meane eyther as in regard of feeling or action for wee knowe by that that we haue noted in others and obserued in our selues if euer God gaue vs grace to marke the one or the other that there is euerie day yea almost euery houre in a daye an entercourse of the same God by hys spirite manie tymes mouing vs to good thinges and ouerruling in the strength thereof
I confesse we shall see that we haue singular and speciall consolations and that not fewe in number alone and these weake and feeble also but manie and the same verie mightie yea euerie one of them strong and sufficient it selfe to beate backe this assault though it were muche more powerfull and forcible then it is that so being compassed about and as it were backed with such a r Heb. 12.1 cloud of witnesses our hartes might be the more stedfastly vp held not onely in present comfort but in hope of all good thinges to come I say therefore that whether we respect the father himselfe who otherwise s 1 Tim. 6 16 dwelling in light that no man can come vnto hath yet notwithstanding plentifullie and plainely reuealed himselfe vnto vs in his word or by the eye of a stedfast faith looke vppon Iesus Christ his son and our sauior who is also the brightnesse of the glory and the t Hebrew i. 3. ingrauen forme of his person or regard the blessed word of almightie God in all the parts and peeces of it but specially in the promises thereof propounded for our cōfort or consider as we should and are bound The Sacramente 1 Cor. c. Rom 4.11 the holy sacraments that he hath giuen vs in this world as pledges of his goodnes toward vs seales of the faithe that hee hath wrought in vs or might well as wee ought that right order of discipline gouernment Discipline of the Church that he hath established in his Churche for the repressing of euill or maintenance of all well dooing or diligently marke the singular fauors that hee hath plentifullie shedde out vpon those that haue gone before vs in the fleshe and in the faith or see and feele the great graces that hee of his owne good will hath bestowed vppon vs our selues poore and miserable wretches that wee are or behold with a sound iudgement sin it selfe specially as in regard of the good that God maketh to flowe from it howsoeuer it be odious and vglie in it selfe we shall certainely finde that from all and euerie one of these wee may without doubt gather strong argumentes and forcible reasons assured and continuall comfort for the forgiuenesse of all our sins by consequent also for the sound and Christian peace of our own hearts Nowe to the ende that that which hath bene generallie spoken and shortly deliuered may yet appeare to bee as true and certaine so plentiful and large let vs come more particularly and at length as it were yet without tediousnesse to deduct and laie out these poyntes For the first we haue the verie mercifull nature Of the nature of God himselfe and readie inclination of almighty God in himselfe to shew pitie and compassion to those that are humbled who howsoeuer he declare hims●lf in word and deede armed and that with iustice against the proud Pharisee or benummed and senselesse professor as he hath good cause indeede for their continuance in sinne and want of a trembling spirite standeth yet notwithstanding in his fatherly compassion and loue moste graciously affected to such as quake and sloupe before him Which that we might be the better perswaded of he hath bene pleased plainly to tel vs and that in his holie worde also that hee hath no desire that u Ezech. 18 23 the wicked shoulde die but rather that hee should liue and againe that hee is the x Exod. 34 6 7 Lord strong mercifull and gracious slowe to anger and aboundant to goodnesse and trueth reseruing mercie for thousandes forgiuing iniquittes and transgressions c. and that he wil giue to such as y Isaiah 61.3 mourne in Sion bewtie for ashes and the oyle of ioy for mourning and the garment of gladnesse for the spirit of heauinesse or as it is in the prophet Ezechiell z Ezek. 9 4 c. a marke by which they shal be known and freed from the common calamitie and destruction of the wicked Of the trueth of all which wee may bee the better assured because it is the worde not of a mortall man who will in the hypocrisie and corruption of hys heart doubt and dissemble but of the eternall God who as he is not deceiued so doth hee not deceiue and who beeing of an vnchaungeable nature remayneth fast and sure and the same with a cleare voyce and in wordes of muche euidencie published and proclaymed not once and awaie for then perhaps in the distrustfulnesse of our owne heartes wee might quickly call it into question a Psal 86 5 ●● Psal 103.8.9 The sonne of God and mediator but sundrie times and in manie places of his holy word Secondly who seeth not that euen in Iesus Christ wee haue a mercifull measure of spirituall comfort pressed downe and running euer against this sharpe temptation and sore assault and that not on●ly because as he is God he is b Math. 9.5 able to forgiue sinnes and as man being c Heb. 2 17 made like vnto his brethren hee is pitifull and readie for that and all other good workes but also because in him dwelleth d Colloss 2 9 al the fulnesse of the godhead bodily we hauing in him e Colloss 1 14 redemption thorowe his bloud that as the forgiuenesse of sinnes in whome likewise f 2 Cor ● 20 all the promises of God are yea and amen hee himselfe being made of God vnto vs g 1 Cor 1 30 wisdom righteousnesse and sanctification redemption who alone was h Isaiah 53 5 woūded for our transgressions brokē for our iniquitie bearing the chastisment of our peace healing vs thorowe his stripes he himselfe and nowe other 63.3 treading the wine presse of gods wrath agaynst vs for our sinnes whome sith God hath bene pleased to k Rom. 8.32 giue vnto death for vs all howe shall he not together with him giue vs all thinges also If all things why not then the free pardon and ful forgiuenesse of all our sins Shal you imagine that God wil say al giue vs but some that were to make him a lier who is not Rom. 3.4 onely true but truth it selfe Or shall we deeme that for the testification of the largenesse of hys liberality he wil vouchsafe vs some pety fauours and withhold graces of muche greater excellencie that were to make god deale worse with his dear children then earthlie princes do with their dutifull seruants I say therfore againe if all things why not remission of sinnes speciallie sith in him are hidde yet so as they daylie are plainelie and in good time shall bee plentifullie displaied and aboundantlie yea perfectlie communicated vnto his people m Colloss 2 3 all the treasures of wisedome knowledge mercy and whatsoeuer els is excellent in God as in respect of himselfe or comfortable and profitable as in regard of vs. Thirdlie the blessed booke of God it selfe doeth in
as a naturall passion for so that condition they haue common wyth the wicked of the world Of the feare of the Godly and some of the creatures of God Where it ●●seth as hath in part bene prooued alreadie but prooceedeth also from an vnfaigned loue and a sincere reuerence of God his maiestie and whatsoeuer generallie is in him more particularlie his iudgementes groweth beeing shead abroade into their heartes and effectually planted continued and increased in them thorow the holy exercises of his word and powerfull working of hys blessed spirit accompanieng the same they beeing also styrred vppe thereto not for worldlye respectes or carnall considerations Continueth as shame before men or outward punishment that they must vndergoe for sinne committed or transitory glorie which they must forgoe and loose c. as the wicked and vngodlie but vpon holy regardes euen as wel be seemeth Gods saintes and seruauntes no● onelie professing but sincerelie imbracing godlinesse namely for that they haue set God against them selues not as a iudge sharpe and seuere but as a most louing tender father the remembraunce whereof euen in that respect as vnto them as if it wer the darts of death and the sensible feeling for the time of the verie panges and paines of hell and the state of the damned there being litle or no difference betweene the one the other but as in regard of length of time of this life present and the causes moouing such distresse in also which they are lead not so much to respect themselues for many of them in vnfeigned loue to others haue after a sort desired their own destruction as the glorie of God their most gracious father the honour of that blessed religion which they professe and loue of others that not onely in the flesh but also in the faith are deare and precious vnto them fearing indeede least all or any of these should in them or by them bee any manner of way though neuer so smallie wounded or hurte hauing alwayes and that in such a portion as God seeth fit for his glorie and their good notwithstanding their manifold wantes and vnwoorthynesse that pretious gifte of fai●h which as it commeth from God alone and is begun continued and encreased in his children by the ministerie of preaching perticipation of the sacramentes and powerfull working of his owne spirit so is it peculiar to the elect onelie to appropriate Gods mercies vnto them selues for the cōfort of their own soules and to sanctifie as other things ●o them so this naturall feare within them and to keepe it in so that it b●eake not forth either into sinne against God or offence before men And as concerning the effectes or fruites the which they yeeld and bring foorth which is the seconde difference betweene them wee shall find as great ods and diuersitie as in the causes whereof also there is good reason because such as the cause is such is the effecte which who is it almost that knoweth not and then the causes being sundrie the effectes likewise must be so too Concerning the feare that is in the wicked it either maketh them frefull in themselues as we may see by that little quietnesse they haue whether they be at home or abroad sleep●ng or waking in sicknesse or in health The effects of fe●●● 〈◊〉 the wi●ked their life being nothing els but a sea of continuall troubles which fire though they seeme for a time to rake vp vnder the ashes of counterfeyt rest and dissembled ease In themselues yet will it at the length breake foorth as a mightie flame to consume them or els causeth them to be much disquiet towardes others ●owards o●●ers they plainely bewraying the same either by some hard woordes or sharpe deedes or furious countenances that many times not onely against them whom they cannot abide but against them also that in manifolde respectes should be dear vnto them as their wiues that lie in their bosomes the●r children that issue out of their loines their friēds that be as themselues their seruauntes that haue walked dutifullie towardes them c. Impacience or murmuring against God Or prouoketh them to bee impatient and murmuring euen against God himselfe not only because his hand for sinne lieth hard heauy vpon them but also because they can see or finde no way how eyther to soften or to shift or to auoid the same For though they seek to run away would gladly flie if they could tell how from the face presence of his eternal maiesty as we may see in our first h Gen. 3.8 parents Adam and Heuah and in the practise of all ages and euen of this present time who bitten as it wer with the teeth wounded with the dart of this deadly feare do not only faint in thēselues and i Dan. 5.6 strike their knees together but manifest to men by sorrowful sighes lamentable cōplaints yea and desperate dealings also sometimes against their own soules bodies that without any remorse of heart or godlie griefe at all whereof wee haue manyfold examples both in the holye scrpitures other writers also knowne I am sure vnto you so well exercised in the word as I take and iudge you to be yet they know there is no way to escape his reuenging hand against them for their sinnes and Rom. 2.5 hart that cannot repent and that is it that increaseth their feare and augmenteth their wo and causeth them to enter into these furious both wordes and deeds Th'effectes of feare in the godly But the ●e●e that is in the godly being yet notwithstanding mingled both with hope and ioy as we may perceiue by the Apostles wordes who speaking of the faithfull-saith l 2. Cor. 4 8 We are afflicted on euerie side yet are we not in distresse we are in doubt but yet we despaire not and by that which is reported in the gospell of the women which came to Christes sepul●h●e of whom the Euange● st Matthew affirmeth that m Math 28.8 they d●parted with fear In themselues great ioy maketh them in the daies of their prosperitie considering in what a ticklysh estate In the daies of prosperitie they are and howe easily caried into pride against men I time of a●uersitie and forgetfulnesse of God carefull and watchfull ouer themselues ta walke in a good conscience before God and men according to the measure of mercies both past and present that they haue receiued from God and causeth them in the midd●st of their distresses weighing how quicklie by the remainders of since they may be thrust into impatienc●e to labour the attaining of a quiet spirite within themselues bee●ng assured that n R●m ● 28 all things shall worke toge her to the best for them that loue and feare God yea it prouoketh them to be humble lowly yea and that in all sound maner towards others before