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cause_n death_n law_n sin_n 5,839 5 5.9889 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A02672 [A sermon preached at Hitchin in ...] 1587. the of Nouember [...] Harris, Edward, fl. 1587-1590. 1590 (1590) STC 12804; ESTC S112492 25,711 84

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that is commanded be vnlawfull and against the words of God the persourmance thereof can not truely be called by the name of true obedience whereof we speake And as the doing of such vnlawfull matters can not shrwde it selfe vnder the name of obedience so if we looke narrowely and neerelye vnto it it is nothing els but an vngodlie prouoking of the Lorde to shorten the life of princes yea and on our parts which commit or admit such vnlawfull things so many furderances thrustinges forward of the prince vnto death as may easily be discerned by that of Salomon Proue 28.2 where he sayth For the transgression of a land ther are manis princes thereof meaning that sinne which is a transgression of the law of God is a cause wherefore the princes liues are shortned through the iust vengeance of God either against the prince chiefly as one vnworthy to rule Gods people any longer if the people haue sinned at his commandement or against the people as vnworthy to haue a good prince any longer if they haue sinned contrary to the princes will and pleasure 2. For the second point of true obedience to the king some will further aske say But what if a prince wil enfer men to doe otherwise then God hath commanded and to commit such thinges as God hath forbidden vpon paine of punishment or death may not here one withstande their prince by open warre rather then to suffer such punishment vniustly at his hand I answer woe vnto such thoughts as trayterous accursed refolled by the martirdomes of so many thousandes as both in the Scripture and other ecclesiastical histories are read when vnlawfull thinges were commanded them or lawfull thinges forbidden them vpon paine of such punishment to ensue and followe to suffer quietely which is the seconde pointe of true obedience to the prince and not furiously to rise or rebell against them and therefore trayterous aboue measure were and are the practises of such as being commanded nothing but that which was godly haue indeuoured to bereaue our Soueraine of life by open rebellion rather than they would be obedient to iust lawes commandements in the feare of the Lorde as became godlie and christian subiectes to do without grudging 3 The third part of the princes honour is paying of tribute and other such money or commodities of the worlde as by kingly right and authoritie belongeth vnto him This our Sauiour him selfe teacheth both by doctrine and also by example His doctrine is to be found written Mark 12.17 where he saith Giue vnto Cesar that vvhich is Cesars speaking there of tribute as it is manifest For he was demanded whether it were lawful to pay tribute vnto Cesar or no whereupon he requesting the demanders to shew him a pennie and asking whose image and superscription the pennie had on it when they answered Cesars than he replyed saying Giue therefore vnto Cesar that vvhich is Cesars and vnto God that vvhich is Gods His example is to be found Matth. 17.27 where he himselfe albeit the heire of all things yet being now in the forme of a seruant vnder worldly iurisdiction payeth polemony to the officers which came vnto him for it In like manner S. Paul Rom. 13. hauing prooued by sundrie verie forcible arguments how all men are to be subiect vnto the higher powers when he commeth to declare by what practise we are to shew the same subiection he inferreth on this wise Giue therefore saith he tribute to vvhom tribute appertaineth as declaring thereby how one cannot denie the king his tribute but he therewithall dishonoureth the same king and denieth him that subiection which the Lord alloweth him in his word Concerning the third point of our former diuision which was touching the persons who are to yeeld this honour to the king they are people of al degrees and callings whatsocuer of whom the Prince demandeth the same and imposeth it as from the Lord for this the plaine words of the scripture do exact and straightly commande Rom. 13. Let euery soule be subiect saith saint Paul to the higher powers and S. Peter hath a notable reason hereof comprehended in one word when he calleth the king the chiefe among all other For he that is chiefest of all is to be honoured of all of what estate or calling so euer they be The king or Prince is the chiefe of all and therefore all other parties whether they serue the Lord in ciuill or ecclesiasticall vocations are to honour the Prince in manner aforesaid 2 This hath plentiful and sufficient proofe out of those manifold examples of the word wherein as it were a table are set before vs and described all degrees of people honouring the king or prince as be commeth them so that none can plead any right of immunitie in this behalfe If one were a Patriarch he hath an example to reuerence rēce honor the king ministred giuē him in Abrahā who bowed him self before Ephron and before his people Ge. 2.3 If a minister of the church he is taught to reuerēce honor the king by the example of Aaron who submitteth himself to Moses Nu. 12.11 of the priest that obeied Saul 1. Sa. 14.18.19 of Zadok the priest who readily performed the commandement wil of Dauid 1. Re. 1.33.38 of Hilkian the priestwhich doth as Iosiah cōāded him 2. Reg. 22. 12.14 of the Leuits priests which did as Iehoshaphat charged them 2. Chro. 19. If one were a prophet he hath an example in Nathan who doth humble obeysance in the presence of Dauid as we shewed before in Ieremiah which speaketh most humbly reuerētly to Zedekiah calling him his Lord the king c. though he had put him in prison wrongfully Ier. 37.20 in Daniel who honored Nebuchadnezzar ca. 4. Darius ca. 6.21 If one were of royal parētage he hath example to honor the king in Mephibosheth who fel on his face did reuerence before Dauid 2. Sam. 9.6 If a man of verie great substance he hath an example in Barzillai the Gileadite whose reuerend behauiour and dealing toward the same Dauid is set forth and commended 2. Sam. 17. 19. If a most politike counseller he hath example of his dutifulnesse toward the prince in Hushai the Archite the friend of Dauid 2. Sam. 15. If a most valiant captaine he hath example giuen him in Abner 2. Sam. 3.21 in Ioab 1. Chron. 21.3 in the three mightie men 2. Sam. 23.16.17 The like examples we may finde in the word for all other estates and degrees whatsoeuer This doctrine is cleare yet there are which gainsay it as the Anabaptists on the one side the Papists on the other side The Anabaptists denie all magistracie and princely gouernment among Christians imagining it to be a matter that cannot stand with the nature of true christianitie for one to receiue honor as a Prince and another to giue yeeld such honour as a subiect who are easily refelled For to whom is