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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A14251 The olde fayth of greate Brittaygne, and the newe learnynge of Inglande wherunto is added a symple instruction, concernynge the Kinges Maiesties procedinges in the co[m]munyon. Compyled by R.V. R. V., fl. 1549. 1549 (1549) STC 24566; ESTC S119007 13,729 40

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❧ The olde Fayth of greate Brittaygne / and the newe learnynge of Inglande Wherunto is added a symple instruction concernynge the Kinges Maiesties procedinges in the cōmunyon Compyled by R. V. ¶ Nume xvj ⁋ In this ye shall knowe that the lorde hath sent me / for to do all those thinges whyche ye see and that I haue not inuented them of myne owne harte IMPRINTED at London by Anthony Scoloker Dwellynge in the Sauoy rentes Wythoute Temple-barre Cum Priuilegio ad Imprimendū solum THe Euangelist Math. 2● Witnesseth that Chryste sayd all power is geuē me in heauen and earth Go therfore teach al natiōs Baptisīg thē in the name of the father and of the sōne ād of the holyghost teaching them to obserue all thynges whatsoeuer I commaunded you Theys wordes therfore go teach all nacions may proue the woorde of God to haue bene taught here in this Realme euen in the tyme of the Apostles and discyples of Chryst for then this realme was tributory or payd tribute to the Romaynes and in estimaiton wyth them And for a farther profe Eulebius in his Ecclesiasticall hystory the thyrd booke and fyrst chapter / sayth the Iewes beyng persecuted wyth all euels the apostles and disciples of our sauiour departed to go preache by all partes of the worlde And farther the great Chronicle of lytle brytaygne recyteth that Co●llus sonne of Maruis / was king in thys realme after hys father Who in hys yonge age was brought vp in Rome And for so muche as he knewe the maners of the Romaynes he had them all his lyfe in honoure and payd them ye●elys tribute For he sawe the whole worlde trybutours to htem He had the prynces and the nobylytye of hys realme in greate reuerence and many tymes shewed great lyberalytie in geuing them gyftes presentes And also vnto those whyche lyued vertuously and for this cause was he so beloued of all folkes that after hys death they ceased not to wepe He reygned longe and left a sonne called Lucius whyche was kynge after hys father In whose tyme as the same chronicle recyteth was a great nombre of Chrystyans baptysed whych openly preached the gospell of oure sauyour and Redemer Iesus Chryst Who Kyng Lucius gladlye hearde / and he beynge in spyred wyth the grace of the holyghost had a desyre to be chrystened and for to obteyne the same / sent messengers to Elether / then beynge Bysshop of Rome for lerned menne / Who sent hym twoo Famous menne one called Faganus and the other Damianus Who also at ther commynge / preached before Kynge Lucius / the whole lyfe and lawe of oure sauyour and redemer Iesus Chryste At whose preachynge the Kynge wythe hys whole housholde was Chrystened in the yere of Chryst 185. And vnder y● fayth or belefe of one only god were edified diuers Temples And thus we see the firste fayth receued in thys Realme to be taught accordyng to the Gospell For at that tyme were fewe Ceremonyes vsed amonge the Chrystiās other then were cōteyned in the gospell And thys pure syncere fayth contynued among the Brytaynes in thys Realme tyll the yere of Christ 544. In which tyme as Ranolph of Chister recyteth in the .v. boke the. 9 chapter of Polichronica Ethelbert was kyng ouer kent To whō Austen the monke came from Rome vnsent for then beyng bysshop of Rome Gregory the great Whiche Austen at his comming raysed vp a banner of the Crosse / shewed a Table that he brought wheron was paynted a crucyfyx and song the Popes Letany / and sayd masse which the kig wolde not receaue at the fyrst But shortly after Austen persuaded the king ād hys people after suche a sorte / that he receaued Austens ware And Gregory his master / hearing of this sent Austen more helpers and with them sent bokes reliques of holy saits and thus was that new lernīg brought ito this reame of which we se much yet remaynyng in the church / at this present daye / al the Britaynes at that time wolde in no wise receaue as apeareth in the same ix chapter Whervppon Austen called a counsel of vij Britysh bysshoppes and of the most famous monkes of Bangorin wales Who at their comming to the counsell an Heremite meting with them demaunded whether they were going and they answered / to Austens counsel Then sayd the Heremyte to them When ye come there if Austen ryse and mete wyth you lyke a meke Dysciple of Christe then receaue his doctrine If not returne agayne Which they did in that Austē shewed not him selfe meke wherat Austē was displeased and sayd vnto them Consēt to me in thre thinges / if ye wyll not agree to the rest That is kepe Easter in dewe tyme and Christen after the maner of the church of Rome and preache Gods worde to the Inglysh But they wold not consent to him Whervppō Austē made them answere saying he was warned by inspyracyon that they whiche wolde not receaue peace of theyr brethern / shulde of hym receaue warre and wrath Which he brought to passe For he caused Ethelbertus kyng of Northumberlād to ●●a .ij. M. L. mōkes of Bāgor which lyued by the sweate of theyr browes hauing nothīg to spēd And y● syese how this new fayth was brought into this realme 409. yeares after the fyrst And howe in the fyrst was preached the whole lyfe and law of our sauiour Redeamer Iesus Christ And in the last wyth bloude was set vp a banner a crucifix the popes Letany and Masses with bokes and relykes of holye saynctes / Austē denieth not that the Britaynes kept easter and Christened but it was after the institucion of the apostles and not after y● vse of the Romaynes whiche Crucyfyed Chryston good frydaye raysed hi vp on easterday y● Romaynes vsed in theyr christening oyle creame salt and spyttie as we see at these dayes Which vsage / in those dayes / the Brytaynes wolde not receaue Foganus and Damianus taught the Brytaynes to buylde diuers Temples vnder y● fayth of one only God Austē taught to buyld churches of peter and of paule And sence hys successours haue taught to build churches of Austen Dunstone / Ancelme / Blasy and Thomas becket So that we may see that by these meanes y● pure and siynceare trueth hath bene darkened Full wel might Peter say there shal be false teachers among you 2. Petri. 1. Which pryuely shall bring in dampnable sectes denying the lorde that bought them I pray you Is not the popish priesthod a dampnable sect / whiche saye / they can make theyr maker in their masses and offer him vp for a sacrifice whiche preuayleth the quicke and dead Peter myght well say / that all such shuld bryng vnto them selues swift dampnaty ō and that many shuld follow their dampnable wayes ' by which the way of truth shal be euell spoken of How say you O ye popish bisshops ād priestes which maynteyn Austens dampnable Ceremonyes do ye not cause