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cause_n death_n die_v life_n 5,110 5 5.0778 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16796 The copie of a letter vvritten by M. Doctor Allen: concerning the yeelding vp of the citie of Dauentrie vnto his Catholike Maiestie, by Sir VVilliam Stanley knight. VVherin is shevved both hovve lavvful, honorable and necessarie that action vvas; and also that al others, especiallie those of the English nation that detayne anie tovvnes, or other places, in the lovve countries from the King Catholike are bound, vpon paine of damnation, to do the like. Before vvhich is also prefixed a gentlemans letter, that gaue occasion, of this discourse. Allen, William, 1532-1594.; R. A., fl. 1587.; Ashton, Roger, d. 1591, attributed name. 1587 (1587) STC 370; ESTC S112764 16,431 30

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ciuil iustice and moral vertue so they haue their consciences better informed by the rules of Christian Religion for gouernment of their actiōs in al partes of life Such may easely perceiue not only for the causes aforesaid this vvarre on thenglish side to be vniust and that the seruice in the same is sinful dishonorable obnoxious to restitution but principally for that it is vvaged for defēce of Haeresie and Haeretikes and for the euersion of the Catholike faith that is to say directly against God and his holy Church The holy Prophet of God that reprehēded King Iosaphat for geuing succourse of amitie only not of euel meaning in Religion to the vvicked King Achab sayng Impio praebes auxilium ijs qui oderunt Dominum amicitia iungeris idcirco irā Dei merebàris Thou geuest ayde to the wicked art cōfoederate with such as hate our Lord therfore thou deseruedst Gods ire What vvould he haue saide or vvhat may vve deeme of our Princes cōfoederacies only alvvayes vvith Christ his enimies as vvith the Ghevves Ghevves Hugonots Caluinistes in Flaunders Fraunce Scotland vvith most ample succourses cōtinually yeelded to euerie of them for destructiō of christian Religion In vvich not only vnlawful but sacrilegious vvarres al men of conscience must consider that al Coronells Capitaines souldiars that in this case serue the Prince and Haeretikes are partakers of their iniquitie cooperators vvith them in al their sinne executors of the Haeretical Princes sentence against their ovvne Catholike and innocēt bretheren fautors and defenders of Haeretikes and so by the censure of holy Church incurre Excommunication à most pitiful and dangerous state for à christian man to liue or dye in They must marke vvhat an infinite miserie it is for à noble and couragious hart as lightly those men of best seruice be that vvith their svvoorde and armes the vvicked only should be protected the innocent destroyed Churches despoyled Gods Priestes seruantes murthered the blessed Sacramentes profaned yea euen the dread soueraigne holies of Christs ovvne bodie bloud What death should not à true Catholike knight suffer rather then for to see such horrible vvickednes committed Or to be in such base seruitude of Haeresie her dishonorable defenders as vvith their ovvne handes to be ministers of such sacrilegious impietie and vvich is yeat more pittiful that one Catholike man should be brought to destroy an other that in fine euerie one may be the instrument of his ovvne destruction In their ciuil gouuernment at home they cause the Catholike iudge to geue sentence of death against the Priestes vvhose innocēcie they knovve vvhose Religion in hart they beleue to be true They make one Catholike neighbour to accuse an other and one noble man to condemne an other In their vvarres they serue themselues of Catholikes by English Catholikes they destroy Catholikes abrode that forreine Catholikes being ouerthrovven they may more easely ouerthrovve their ovvne at home Alas for my deare bretheren alas for our desolate countrie vvhich no noble hart can novve serue either in Politike or Martial matters but vpō such detestable cōditiōs of assured dānatiō ād in fine to their owne vtter ruine also in this life Of al men in the vvorld the souldiar should most specially attend to his conscience and stand vpon good sure groundes for the iustice of the quarel he hath in hand being hovverly more subiect to death and daunger then any other kinde of men and being assured that if he dye in any knovven euil cause and namely in this fight against God and defence of Haeretikes he is doubtles to be damned for euer As contrarievvise to dye in lavvful vvarres for defence of iustice is euerful of hope And for defence of true Religion Gods honour in most cases plaine martyrdome Let no christian conscience therefore excuse or flatter it selfe in this case vpon the Princes commandemēt or the Superiors authoritie or vpon the daunger of disobeyng the Quenes lavves no mortal creature hauing lavvful povver to commaund nor any subiect bound or permitted to obey in matter directly against God In vvhich case à mā must say to his Prince vvith S. Augustin Tu minaris carcerē Deus Gehennam Thou threatnest prison God threatneth Hel. And as it is vndecent for any Christian for feare of man to offend God so it is most disagreable to the manly courage and constancie of a christian Catholike souldiar for feare of death or daūger vvhat soeuer to enter in to so damnable dishonorable a seruice or to fight or die in à cause cōtrarie to his ovvne conscience Besides al this to serue in an haeretical cause and vnder haeretical capitaines catholikes are inforced to heare continual blasphemies of al Sainctes Sacraments to be present at the vvicked Sermōs profane seruice of the Haeretikes Which is no lesse dānable then it vvas in olde time for such as serued the heathen Emperoures to commit Idolatrie by Sacrificing to Idoles For refusing of vvhich abomination and in particular for disobeying the Emperoure Maximinus his commandement therin the famous Coronel S. Mauritius vvith the legion of Thebs sustayned most glorious martyrdome As diuers others did vnder Iulian the Apostata and the like And many noble souldiars for that they could not exercise their Christian vsages partly vvere driuen to abandon their profession in displeasure of their Princes and partly vvere licensed to depart as may appeare by à Decree in the holy councel of Nice Where it is forbidden to christian souldiars so licēced to returne to those profane vvarres againe For that is the meaning vvhen the Fathers vpon great spiritual paine commanded that none should resumere cingulum militare that is put on the girdle militare againe that for such à cause had leift it once And surely if there vvere nothing els but this that the Catholike souldiar being hovvrely in peril of death can haue no Sacrament nor Sacramētal for his sinnes nor any comfort of conscience nor succour for his soule in the vvorld it must nedes be the most miserable condition that can be thought of Novve to be reliued of this deadlie calamitie distresse of cōscience after à man is once by errour or misfortune entred into the same there is no vvay but to forsake that vniust and irreligious cause and to retire to that part vvhere à mā may serue vvith iustice honour great revvarde in this life and sure hope of saluation And no doubt but most happie be those Gentlemen that haue this occasion commoditie offered them by God to make amendes for their former errour as vvel by seruing of the Church vvich before they impugned as by rendering vp the places vvhich they though not of malice yeat by other mens vniust appointement did from the true Lordes and ovvners detayne Yea I say more to you Gentlemen seing you desire to knovve my meaning fully in