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cause_n day_n holy_a sabbath_n 1,515 5 10.0460 5 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72034 Articles to be inquired of, and answered vnto by the churchwardens and inquirers, in the ordinarie visitation of the right Worsh. M. archdeacon of Norwich. anno Dom. [blank]; Visitation articles. 1606 Church of England. Archdeaconry of Norwich. 1618 (1618) STC 10301.5; ESTC S125224 5,607 18

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authority vnder him 25 Whether your Minister in time of diuine seruice or ministring the Sacraments doth weare a decent and comely surplice with sleeues and vpon it if hee be a graduat an hood sutable to his degree in the Vniuersitie 26 Whether doth he performe his duty in visiting the sicke and burying of the dead if the sickenesse be not infectious As also vsing no frustratorie delay to christen any child according to the forme appointed by the booke of Common-prayer 27 Whether doth your Minister vpon euery Sunday and holy day for halfe an houre before Euen-song instruct and examine the children seruants and youth of your parish in some part of the Catechisme And whether doe Parents Masters and Dames send their youth thereunto And whether doth the Minister euery Sunday giue open warning in the Church to that effect 28 Whether doth hee commonly vpon Sundayes and holy dayes after the reading of the second lesson at morning and euening prayer admonish the Churchwardens to note such as without iust cause doe absent themselues from diuine seruice 29 Whether haue your people obserued the Sabbath day in all Christian and godly conuersation Or be there any which haue prophaned the same either by working or by vsing any vnlawfull games or sports vpon that day 30 Whether all and singular dwellers and soiourners within your parish doe diligently resort to your parish Church with their seruants and children to morning and euening prayer vpon euery Sunday and holy day And there with due attention do orderly abide during the whole time of common prayer seruice and sermon reuerently behauing themselues as well inwardly as also by outward gesture of their bodies in keeping their heads vncouered in kneeling standing and other decent behauiour 31 Whether haue any rudely behaued themselues in the church by walking talking laughing sleeping or keeping their hattes on their heads in time of diuine seruice 32 Whether any without iust cause haue departed out of the Church in time of diuine seruice sermon or celebration of baptisme 33 Whether euerie one in your parish being aboue sixteene yeares of age and of discretion haue receiued the holy communion at your parish-church thrice as the least euery yeare as they ought to doe and specially at or about Easter yearely for once and with such due and humble reuerence as becommeth true Christians 34 Whether doth your Minister giue publike warning openly in the Church at morning praier the Sunday before euery communion for better preparing of the communicants thereunto 35 Whether doe the Churchwardens with the aduise of the Minister prouide a sufficient quantity of fine white bread and also of wholesome wine for the number of the Communicants and that to be brought in a faire pot or stoop of pewter or purer mettall 36 Whether hath your Minister admitted to the holy Communion any open notorious euill liuer adulteres fornicatour common drunkard periured or malicious person before they be reconciled by the Ordinarie Or any Churchwardens which without regard of their oath haue wilfully omitted to present notorious defects or offences Or hath he put backe any parishioner from the communion of malice or for any light or friuolous occasion Whether they which intend to be partakers of the holy Communion doe signifie their names to the Minister or to the parish clarke according to the rule in that behalfe in the booke of Common prayer 37 Whether haue any deferred the baptizing of their child any longer then vntill the next Sabbath or holiday after the birth thereof 38 Whether any child haue died vnbaptized within your parish and by whose default was that Sacrament not administred 39 Whether hath your Minister admitted any to be a godfather or godmother to any child at christening before such person so vndertaking haue receiued the holy communion And whether he doth vse the crosse in baptisme 40 Whether haue you any woman which hath not decently and orderly come to the Church with a vaile or other graue attire thereby discerned from the rest of the company to giue God thanks after childbirth giuing the Minister notice thereof before 42 Whether is your parish clarke sufficient for his place and of honest conuersation can he write read and sing is he diligent in his office dutifull to your Minister and no drunkard 43 Whether doth he meddle with any thing aboue his office as churching of women burying of the dead reading of prayers or such like 43 Whether doth he keep the Church cleane and the dores safe locked is any thing lost by his default and doth he suffer excessiue ringing 44 Whether doe any refuse to pay and allow to the clarke and Sexten accustomed wages and duties 45 Whether be the Churdwardens chosen yearely in Easter weeke according to the Canon And whether doe they at the end of their yeere or within a moneth after giue a true account before the Minister and Parishioners of such money and things as they haue receiued 46 Whether do the Churchwardens or questmen euery Sunday and holiday looke vnto the seats and take note of all such as without iust cause be absent from diuine seruice 47 Whether haue any Churchwarden lost sold or detained any ornaments bells or implements of the Church or any legacies bequeathed thereunto 48 Whether haue any married within the degrees of affinity or consanguinity by the lawes of God forbidden 49 Whether haue any persons been married either secretly in any priuate house or openly in the Church without sufficient licence or bands thrice published in time of diuine seruice three seuerall Sundayes or holy daies before the Congregation who were present at such marriage and what Minister did marrie them 50 Whether haue any persons been married within your parish within any of the times prohibited and by whome were such persons married and who was present at such marriages 51 Whether be there any couples which being lawfully married doe liue asunder without lawfull diuorce or any diuorced which both beeing aliue doe marrie againe 52 Whether haue any contracted Matrimonie vpon your knowledge or by fame and doe not proceede to the solemnization thereof 53 Whether haue you in your parish any that teach publikly or priuately is he licenced by the Ordinarie of the place vnder his hand and seale 54 Whether doth he teach or is suspected to teach any of his schollers in Poperie superstition disobedience or contempt of the truth and Christian religion now established within this Realme or to contemne orders Ecclesiasticall 55 Whether haue you any which to your knowledge or by common fame haue committed incest adultery or fornication Either any malicious and vncharitable persons bawds commō drunkards vsurers brawlers slaunderers swearers cursers blasphemers commō scolds ribbalds periured persons or such like 56 Whether haue any conueied receiued or harboured any light or lewde woman or any vnlawfully begotten with childe or vehemently suspected thereof and haue suffered them to depart before they haue performed penance enioyned by the Ordinarie 57 Whether be there any in your parish which liue incontinently or any woman vnlawfully begotten with child before their marriage Or which be thereof vehemently suspected 58 Whether haue any vnreuerently abused your Minister or laid violent hands vpon him or otherwise disgraced his office and calling by word or deede 59 Whether haue any miscalled or railed vpon any of the Churchwardens or Questmen for doing of their duties according to their oathes 60 Whether doe you know or heare of any which without authority doe administer the goods of the dead or conceale any testament or neglect to pay legacies bequeathed to the Church or poore or to the repaire of high waies or to other charitable vses 61 Whether haue you any which to your knowledge or by common fame vse witchcraft sorcery charmes vnlawfull praier of inuocation in Latin or English Or any that resort to such for counsell or helpe 62 Whether haue any Innekeepers alewiues victualers or tipplers receiued harboured or suffered any persons to eate drinke stay or play in their houses in time of common prayer sermon or homily on Sundayes or holy dayes And what persons were so receiued harboured or suffered And haue they set open their shop-windowes or sold forth any drink or victuals at the like time And haue any of your parish loytered or been gaming abroad at the same time 63 Whether haue any laboured wrought or gone to cart on the Sunday or holy day And haue any artificers or others set open their shoppe windowes or vsed their trade or any manuell occupation vpon any of those dayes And hath any mill bin set to grinde vpon the Sabbath day or any holy day 64 What persons stand excommunicated and how long haue they so stood 65 Whether doe you know or heare by common fame of any other matter to bee presented belonging vnto the Ecclesiasticall Iurisdiction although not in these Articles contayned Make your answer seuerally and distinctly to euery Article The Minister who by the Canon hath authoritie to present shall informe the Ordinarie vnder his hand of such notorious faults as the sworne-men leaue vnpresented And also shall exhibite the names of those which beeing of sufficient yeeres can not say or doe neglect to learne the Lords prayer the Articles of beleefe and the tenne Commandements in English And although it seeme by the Canon that onely two bills shall be exacted in the yeere yet it is lawfull for the Minister alone or for the sworne Officers to present as often as occasion requireth FINIS