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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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time or worthines of the Churches Authors that wrote them or other such like circumstance the●fore it seemed good without anie enuie or preiudice of other Confessions either more auncient or more famous to giue the first place to the latter Confession of Heluetia ●oth because the order thereof seemed more fitie and ●he wholl handling of doctrine more full and conuenient and also because that Confession was publiquelie approoued subscribed vnto by verie manie Churches of d●uers Na●●on● Farther vpon ●his do the re●t fitly follow to wit ●he former confession of Heluetia then all other without any ●ho●s● indifferentlie saue that we had rather ioyne together th● Confessions of Germanie then s●uer them ●ach 〈…〉 according to ●h● argument of euerie Section 〈…〉 info●●ed to p●t that Confession of th● 〈…〉 as rece●u●d somewhat ●●te in the la●● pl●ce 〈…〉 if it shall not seeme fitte and conuenient to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 may easilie be altered in the second edition as other Confessions also if anie such beside these shall be wanting may in their due place be adioyned To conclude that the godly Reader may want nothing and that no man may suspect anie thing to be taken awaie or added to anie of those Confessions we haue here set downe the articles or chiefe points in the order wherin they were first written Which we desire euerie man fauourably to interprete and to enioy this our labour rather seeking peace and agreement then malitiouslie hunting after occasions of dissensions PROPER CATALOGVES FOR EVERIE CONFESSION CONTEINED IN THIS HARMONIE AFTER THAT ORDER WHEREIN They were first written THE ARTICLES OF THE FORMER CONFESsion of Heluetia SCripture 1 Interpretation 2 Fathers 3 Humane Traditions 4 The drift of the Scripture 5 God 6 Man and his strength 7 Originall sinne 8 Free will 9 The eternall Counsell touching the restoring of man 10 Iesus Christ and those benefites which we reape by him 11 The drift of the doctrine of the Gospell 12 Faith and the force thereof 13 The Church 14 Of the Ministers of the word 15 Ecclesiasticall power 16 The choosing of Ministers 17 The head and Shepherd of the Church 18 The dueties of Ministers 19 Of the force and efficacie of the Sacraments 20 Baptisme 21 The Eucharist 22 Holie assemblies 23 Of Heretikes Schismatikes 24 Of thinges indifferent 25 Of the Magistrate 26 Of Holie Wedlocke 27 THE CHIEFE POINTS OF THE LATTER CONfession of Heluetia Of the holie Scripture being the true word of God 1 Of Interpreting the holie Scripture and of ●athers Councels and Traditions 2 Of God his vnitie and the Trinitie 3 Of Idoles or Images of God Christ and Saintes 4 Of the Adoration worshippe and In●ocation of God through the onelie Mediatour Iesus Christ 5 Of the Prouidence of God 6 Of the creation of all thinges of Angells the Deuill and man 7 Of the fall of man sinne and the cause of sinne 8 Of free w●ll and so of mans power and abilitie 9 Of the Predestination of God and Election of the saintes 10 Of Iesus Christ being true God man and the onlie Sauiour of the world 11 Of the lawe of God 12 Of the Gospell of Iesus Christ of the Promises also of the spirit and the letter 13 Of Repentance and the Conuersion of man 14 Of the true iustification of the faithfull 15 Of Faith and good workes and of their reward and the merit of man 16 Of the Catholique holy Church of God and of the onely head of the Church 17 Of the Ministers of the Church their institution dueties 18 Of the Sacramentes of the Church of Christ 19 Of holie Baptisme 20 Of the holy Supper of the Lord. 21 Of holie and Ecclesiasticall assemblies 22 Of the Praiers of the Church of singing Canonicall houres 23 Of Holy daies fastes and choise of meates 24 Of Comforting or visiting the sicke 25 Of the buriall of the faithfull and the care that is to be had for the dead and of Purgatorie and the appeering of Spirites 26 Of Rites Ceremonies and thinges Indifferent 27 Of the goods of the Church 28 Of single life Wedlocke and the ordering of a Family 29 Of the Magistrate 30 THE ARTICLES OF THE CONFESSION OF Basill Of God 1 Of man 2 Of the care of God toward vs. 3 Of Christ being true God and true man 4 Of the Church 5 Of the Supper of our Lord. 6 Of the Magistrate 7 Of Faith and workes 8 Of the last daie 9 Of thinges commaunded and not commaunded 10 Against the error of the Anabaptistes 11 THE CHIEFE POINTS OF THE CONFESSION OF Bohemia Of the holy Scripture and of Ecc●siasticall writers ● Of Christian Catechizing 2 Of the vnitie of the diuine essence of the three Persons 3 Of the knowledge of himselfe Also Of sinne the causes and fruites hereof and of the promises of God 4 Of repentance 5 Of Christ the Lord and of Iustification through faith in him 6 Of good workes which be holie actions 7 Of the holie Catholique Church the order and discipline hereof and moreouer of Antichrist 8 Of the Ministers of the Church 9 Of the word of God 10 Of the Sacraments in general 11 Of holy Baptisme 12 Of the Supper of the Lord. 13 Of the keies of Christ. 14 Of thinges accessorie that is of rites or Ecclesiasticall ceremonies 15 Of the politique or Ciuill Magistrate 16 Of Saints and their worship 17 Of fasting 18 Of single life and Wedlocke or the order of maried folke 19 Of the time of Grace 20 THE ARTICLES OF THE FRENCH CONFEssion Of God and his one onelie essence 1 Of the knowledge of God 2 Of the Ca●onicall bookes of the holy Scripture 3 Of distinguishing the Canonicall book● from the Apocryphall 4 Of the authoritie of the word of God 5 Of the Trinitie of the Persons in one onely essence of God 6 Of the Creation of the world 7 Of the eternal Prouidence of God 8 Of the fall of man and his free will 9 Of Originall sinne 10 Of the propagation of Originall sinne and of the effectes thereof 11 Of the free Election of God 12 Of the reparing of man from his fall through Christ 13 Of two natures in Christ 14 Of the hypostaticall vnion of his two natures 15 Of the death and resurrection of Christ and of the fruit thereof 16 Of the merit and fruit of the sacrifice of Christ 17 Of the remission of sinnes and true Iustification 18 Of the Intercession or Mediation of Christ 19 Of iustifying Faith and the gift and effectes thereof 20. 21. 22 Of the abolishing of Ceremonies and true vse of the Morall lawe 23 Of the intercession of Saintes Purgatorie and other superstitious traditions of the Popish sorte 24 Of the Ministerie of the Gospell 25 Of the vnitie of the Church and the true notes thereof 26. 27. 28 Of Ecclesiasticall functions 29 Of the power and authoritie of the ministers 30 Of their lawfull calling and election 31 Of Ecclesiasticall discipline 32
we should thinke that then onelie we obteine remission of sins when we had deserued it by our former workes or when our repentance were well worthie of it For in true terrours the conscience findeth no worke which it maie oppose against Gods wrath but Christ is giuen and set forth vnto vs to appease the wrath of God This honour must not be transferred from Christ vnto our owne works therefore Paull saith Yeare saued freelie Againe Therefore by faith freelie that the promise might be sure that is thus shall remission be certaine when we know that it dependeth not vpon the condition of our vnworthines but is giuen vs for Christ his sake This is a sure and necessarie comfort to all godlie mindes that are terrified with the conscience of their sinnes And thus doe the holie fathers teach and there is a notable sentence in Saint Ambrose worthie the remembring in these wordes This God hath appointed that he which beleeueth in Christ should be saued without any work by faith alone receiuing the remission of sinnes Now this worde Faith doth not onelie signifie a knowledge of the historie of Christ but also to beleeue and assent unto this promise that is proper vnto the Gospell wherein remission of sinnes iustification and life euerlasting are promised vnto vs for Christs sake For this promise also doth pertaine to the history of Christ euen as in the Creede vnto the historie is added this article I beleeue the remission of sins And vnto this one the other articles touching the history of Christ are to be referred For the benefitte is the end of the historie therefore did Christ suffer and rise againe that for him remission of sinnes and euerlasting life might be giuen vnto vs. These things are found thus in an other edition ALso they teach that men cannot be iustified before God by their owne power merites or workes but are iustified for Christs sake thorough faith when they beleeue that they are receiued vnto fauour and their sinnes forgiuen thorough Christ who by his death hath satisfied for o●● sinnes This faith doth god impute for righteousnes vnto them before himselfe Rom. 3. 4. For this cause Christ hath appointed the ministerie of teaching the gospel which preacheth repentance remission of sinnes and the preaching of either of these is general and laieth open the sinnes of all men and promiseth remision of them vnto al that beleeue for to the end that remission might not be doubted of but that all distressed mindes might know that they ought to beleeue that remission of sinnes is vndoubtedlie granted vnto them for Christ not for their owne merits or worthines All these doe certainlie obtaine remission of sinnes And when as we doe in this sort comfort our selues by the promise of the gospell and doe raise vp our selues by faith therewithall is the holie spirit giuen vnto vs. For the holie spirit is giuen and is effectual by the worde of god and by the Sacraments When as we do heare or meditate of the gospell or doe receiue the Sacraments and comforte our selues by faith therewithall the spirit of god is effectuall according to that of Saint Paull Gall 3. That the promise by the faith of Iesus Christ might be giuen to them that beleeue And to the Cor. The Gospell is the ministerie of the spirit And to the Rom. Faith commeth by hearing When as then we doe comforte our selues by faith and are freed from the terrours of sinne by the holie spirit our hearts do conceiue the other vertues acknowledge trulie the mercie of god and conceiue the true loue and the true feare of god trust and hope of gods helpe praier such like fruites of the spirit Such therefore as teach nothing concerning this faith whereby we receiue remission of sinnes but will haue mens consciences stand in doubt whether they obteine remission or no and doe adde further that this doubting is no sinne are iustlie condemned And these also doe teach that men maie obteine remission of sinnes for their owne worthines but they doe not teach to beleeue that remission of sinnes is giuen freelie for Christ sake Here also are condemned those phantasticall spirites which dreame that the holie ghost is giuen or is effectuall without the worde of god Which maketh them contemne the ministerie of the gofpel and sacraments and to seeke illumination without the word of god and besides the gospell And by this meanes they draw awaie mens mindes from the worde of god vnto their owne opinions which is a thing verie pernitious and hurtfull Such were in olde time the Manichees and Enthusiasts And such are the Anabaptists now a daies These and such like frensies we doe most constantlie condemne For they abolish the true vse of gods worde and doe falslie imagine that the holie spirit may be receiued without the word and sticking too much to their owne fancies they inuent wicked opinions and are the cause of infinite breaches These things are found thus in another edition FOr the obteining of this faith the ministery of teaching the gospell and ministring of the sacraments was ordeined For by the word and Sacraments as by certaine instruments the holie ghost is giuen who worketh faith where and when it pleaseth god in those that heare the gosspell faith I saie to beleeue that god not for our owne merites but for Christ doth iustifie such as beleeue that they are receiued into fauour for Christs sake They condemne the Anabaptists and others who are of opinion that the holie ghost is giuen vnto men without the outward word thorough their preparations and workes Also they teach that when we are reconciled by faith the righteousnes of good workes which God hath commaunded must follow of necessitie euen as Christ hath also commaunded If thou wilt enter into life keepe the commaundements But for somuch as the infirmitie of mans nature is so great that no man can satisfie the lawe it is needfull that men should be taught not onelie that they must obey the lawe but also how their obedience pleaseth God lest that their consciences sinck downe into despaire when they see that they doe not satisfie the law This obedience therefore pleaseth god not because it satisfieth the lawe but because the person that performeth it is reconciled by Christ through faith and beleeueth that the reliques of sinne which remaineth in him be pardoned Wherfore we must alwaies holde that we do obtaine remiss● no of sinnes and that a man is pronounced iust freelie for Christ through faith And afterward that this obedience towardes the law doeth also please god and is accounted a kinde of iustice and deserueth rewards For the conscience cannot oppose it owne cleannes or workes vnto the iudgement of God as the Psal witnesseth Enter not into iudgement with thy seruant for no man shall be iustified in thy sight and Iohn saith If we saie that we haue no sinne we deceiue our selue● if we confesse
the Church but yet with this caution that mens consciences be not burdened so as they should account them as things necessarie to saluation and thinke they did sinne when they break anie one of them without offence of others as no man would saie that a woman doth offend if she come abroade with his head vncouered without the offence of anie Of this sort is the obseruation of the Lords day of Easter of Pentecost and such like holie daies and rites For they that thinke that the obseruation of the Lords daie was appointed by the authoritie of the Church in stead of the Sabboth as necessarie they are greatlie deceiued The scripture requireth that the obseruation of it should now be free for it teacheth that the Mosaicall ceremonies are not needful after ●he gospel is reuealed And yet because it was requisite to appoint a certeine daie that the people might know when to come together it seemeth that the Church did for that purpose appoint the Lords daie which daie for this cause also semed to haue better liked the Church that in it men might haue an example of Christian liberty and might know that the obseruation neither of the Sabboth nor of any other daie was of necessitie There are extant certeine monstrous disputations touching the chaunging of the law and the ceremoies of the new law and of the change of the change of the Sabboth which did al spring vp of a false persuasion that there should be a worship in the Church like to the Leuiticall worship and that Christ gaue the charge of deuising new ceremonies which should be necessarie to saluation to the Apostles and Bishops These errors crept into the Church when as the doctrine of faith was not plainly inough taught Some dispute that the obseruation of the Lords daie is not in deed of the law of God but as it were of the lawe of God and touching holie daies they prescribe how farre it is lawfull to worke in them What else are such disputations but snares for mens consciences OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SAXONY Of Anointing MOre ouer that which now is called Extreame anointing was in times past a kinde ofhealing as it is euident out of the Epist of Saint Ieames cap. 5. Now it is become a shew full of superstition They saie that sinnes be forgiuen through these anointinges and they adde there-unto inuocation of the dead which also must of necessitie be disliked Therefore these ceremonies are not kept in ou● Churches neither in times past did the Church thinke tha● they were necessarie But for the sicke we doe make godlie praiers publiquelie and priuatlie as also the Lorde hath promised that he will asswage euen corporall griefes in the● that aske it of him according to that saying Psalme 49 Call vpon me in the daye of trouble and I will deliuer thee Also we vse burialles hauing there at a decent assemblie godlie admonitions and songes c. The first part of this .19 Article which is of confirmation was placed in the thirteenth Section Hitherto also pertaineth the beginning of the 20. Article so farre as it speaketh of a certaine time appointed for the seruice of God NAtural reason doth know that there is an order and the vnderstainding of order is an euident testimony of god neither is it possible that men should liue without any order as we see that in familes there must be distinct times of labour rest meate and sleepe and euerie nature as it is best so doeth it chiefelie loue order throughout the whole life Also Paull commaundeth That all things in the Church be done decently and in order Therefore there hath beene at al times euen from the beginning of mankinde a certaine order of publique meetinges there hath beene also a certaine distinction of times and certaine other ceremonies and that without doubt full of grauitie and elegancie among those excellent lightes of mankinde when as in the same garden or cottage there satte together Sem Abraham Isaac and their families and when as that Sermon which Sem made concerning the true God the Sonne of God the distinction of the Church and other nations being heard afterwarde they together vsed inuocation That which followeth because it treateth of indifferent Traditiditions in generall is placed in the next Section OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of Fasting WE think that Fasting is profitable not to this end that either by the merit of it worke it might purge sinnes before God or applie the merit of Christ to him that doth Fast but that by sobrietie it maie bridle the flesh lest that man being hindered by surfeting and dronkennes he be the lesse able to obeie the calling of God and discharge his duetie negligentlie But we shall haue a fitte place hereafter to speake of Fasting Also Article 28. Of fasting FAsting hath it praise and vse But now we do not speake either of necessarie fasting when as a man must needs fast for want of meat or of an allegoricall fasting which is to abstaine from all vices but we are to speake of two vsuall kindes of fasting whereof the one is a perpetuall faste and this is a sobrietie which is alwaies to be kept in meate and drink throughout the wholl course of a mans life for it is neuer lawfull for vs to rauine and to follow surfeting and dronkennes There is another fast which is for a daie when as sometimes we abstaine from meate the wholl daie such as was vsed in the olde Testament Leuit. 16. Also the examples of Iosaphat of the Niniuites and others doe witnes the same thing This kinde of fasting was also vsed after the publishing of the Gospell as appeereth Act. 13. and 14. But afterward there folowed a great difference in Churches touching the obseruation of such a kinde of fasting and as this difference brought no discommoditie to the Church so it testified that the vse of this fasting was free And there is a worthie saying among the auncient fathers touching this varietie The difference saie they of fastings doeth not break of the agreement of faith Now although some men doe thinke that Christ by his example did consecrate the fast of Lent yet it is manifest that Christ did not commaunde this fast neither can the constitution of our nature abide it that we should imitate the example of Christ his fasting who did abstaine full 40. dates and 40. nightes from all meate and drinke Also Eusebius doth declare and that not obscurelie That the vse of this Lenten fast was very free in the Church Moreouer Chrysostome in Gen. cap. 2. Hom. 11. saith If thou canst not fast yet thou maist abstaine from sinnes and this is not the least thing nor much differing from fasting but fit to ouerthrow euen the fury of the Deuill Neither was there anie choise of meates appointed because the Apostle had saide To the cleane all thinges are cleane But in the obseruation of such fastes we must chiefely marke the
and Sauiour namelie his conception in the wombe of the Virgine Marie and his birth of her also for he was made the seede of the woman also his afflictions his rising againe from death his sitting at the right hand of God where he hath obtained the dignitie of a Priest and King of which thing the wholl life of Dauid was a certaine type for which cause the Lorde calleth himselfe another Dauid a Shepheard And this was the Gospell of those holy men before the law was giuen and since And Chapter the 6. a litle from the beginning For this is verie certaine that after the fall of Adam no man was able to set himselfe at libertie out of the bondage of sinne death and condemnation or come to be trulie reconciled vnto God but onelie by that one Mediator betweene God and man Christ Iesus through a liuelie faith in him who alone by his death and blood shedding tooke from vs that image of sinne and death and put vpon vs by faith the image of righteousnes and life For he made vnto vs of God wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption But firstmen are taught that these things are to be beleeued concerning Christ namelie that he is eternal of the nature of his heauenlie father the onelie begotten sonne begotten from enerlasting and so together with the Father and the holie Ghost one true and indiuisible God the eternall not created worde the brightnes and the Image or ingrauen forme of the person of his Father by whome all thinges as well those thinges which maie be seene as those which can not be seene and those thinges which are in heauen and those which are in the earth were made and created Moreouer that he is also a true and natural man our brother in verie deed who hath a soule and a bodie that is true and perfect humane nature which by the power of the holie Ghost he tooke without all sinne of Marie a pure Virgine according as S. Iohn saith The worde was made flesh And thus of these two natures their properties not being changed nor confounded yet by a wonderfull communication thereof there is made one indiuisible person one Christ Immanuell our King and priest our redeemer our Mediatour and perfect reconciler full of grace and trueth so that of his fullnes we all doe take grace for grace For the law was giuen by Moses but grace and trueth was giuen and exhibited by Iesus Christ being God and man in one person This grace and trueth are our men taught to acknowledge and by faith to beholde in all those sauing and wonderful works or affections of Christ which according to the meaning of the holie Scripture are by a stead fast faith to be beleeued and professed such as are his comming downe from heauen his conception birth torments death buriall refurrection ascension vnto heauen sitting at the right hand of God and his comming againe from thence to iudge both the quicke the dead In these principal affections as in a chest wherin treasure is kept are al those holsome fruits of our true iustification laide vp and are taken out from thence for the elect and those which doe beleeue that in Spirit and conscience they may be partakers thereof through faith which all hereafter at the daie of our ioyfull resurrection shall be fullie and perfectlie bestowed vpon vs. And towardes the ende of that Sixth Chapter these words are added In this Chapter also particularlie and for necessarie causes to shunne and auoide many pernicious and Antichristian deceites it is taught concerning Christe his presence namelie that our Lorde Christ according to his bodely cōuersation is not amongest vs any longer in this worlde neither wil be vnto the ende of the worlde in such sort and manner as he was here conuersant amongest vs in his mortalitie and wherein he was betraied and circumcised nor yet in the forme of his glorified bodie which he got at his resurrection and in the which he appeared to his disciples the for●●eth day after his resurrection departing from them ascended manifestly into heauen For after this manner of his presence companie he is in the high place with his father in heauen where al tongues professe him to be the Lord and euerie faithful one of Christ must beleeue that he is there worship him there according to the scriptures as also that part of the Catholike Christian faith doth expresselie witnes which is this He ascended into heauen he sitteth as the right hand of God the father almightie Also that other article from thence shal he come that is from an higher place out of heauen with his Angells is iudge both the quick the dead So doth Paul also say The Lord himselfe shall descend from heauen with a shoute and with the voice of an Archangell and with the trumpet of God And S. Peter saith Whom heauen must cōtaine vntil the time that al things be restored And the Euangelist Marke But when the Lord had spoken with thē he was taken vp againe into heauen sitteth at the right hand of God And the Angels which were there present whe he was taken vp into heauen said This Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen shal so come againe as you haue seene him go into heauē Furthermore this also doe our men teach that the selfe same Christ verie God and verie man is also with vs herein this worlde but after a diuerse manner from that kinde of presence which we named before that is after a certaine spirituall manner not obiect to our eies but such a one as is hid from vs which the flesh doth not perceiue and yet it is verie necessarie for vs to our saluation that we may be partakers of him whereby he offereth and communicateth himselfe vnto vs that he may dwell in vs and we in him and this truelie he doth by the holie Ghost whome in his owne place that is in steede of his owne presence whereby he was bodelie amongst vs he promised that he would send vnto his Church and that he would stil abide with it by the same spirit in vertue grace and his holsome trueth at al times euen vntill the ende of the worlde when he said thus It is good for you that I go hence for except I go hences the comforter will not come vnto you but if I goe away I wil send him vnto you And againe I wil praie the father and he shal giue you another comforter that is another kinde of comforter then I am that he may abide i● you for euer euen the spirit of trueth whome the worlde cannot receiue because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwellesh in you shal be in you I wil not leaue you comforth but I wil come to you namelie by the selfe same spirit of trueth Now then euen as our Lord Christ
remission of sinnes which is promised to euerie one that beleeueth euen as euerie one is baptized and doe testifie of it that it doth particularlie appertaine to all Neither doe we imagine that this absolution is made anie whit more effectual for that which is mumbled into some priests eare or vpō some mans head particularly yet we iudge that men must be taught diligentlie to seeke remission of sinnes in the bloode of Christ and that euerie one is to be put in minde that forgiuenes of sinnes doth belong vnto him But how diligent and carefull euerie penitent man ought to be in the endeuour of a new life and in sleying the olde man raising vp the new man the examples in the gospel do teach vs. For the Lord saith to him whome he had healed of the palsie Behold thou art made hole sinne no more lest a worsse thing come vnto thee Likewise to the adulteres woman which was deliuered he said goe thy waie and sinne no more By which wordes he did not meane that any man could be free from sinne whiles he liued in this flesh but he doth commend vnto vs diligence and an earnest care that we I saie should endeuour by al meanes and begge of god by praier that we might not fall againe into sinne out of which we are risen after a manner and that we maie not be ouercome of the flesh the world or the deuill Zacheus the publicane being receiued into fauour by the Lorde he cryeth out in the gospell Beholde Lorde the halfe of my goods I giue to the poore if I haue taken from anie man anie thing by forged cauillation I restore him foure folde After the same manner we preach that restitution and mercie yea and giuing of almes are necessarie for them which doe truelie repent And generallie out of the Apostles words we exhort men saying Let not sinne raigne in your mortall bodie that you should obey it through the lustes thereof Neither giue ye your members as weapons of vnrighteousnes to sinne but giue your selues vnto God as they that are aliue from the dead and giue your members as weapons of righteousnes vnto God Wherefore we condemne all the vngodlie speaches of certeine which abuse the preaching of the Gospel and saie To returne vnto God it is verie easie for Christ hath purged al our sinnes Forgiuenes of sinnes is easily obteined What therefore will it hurt to sinne And we neede not take anie great care for repentance c. Notwithstanding we alwaies teach that an enterance vnto God i● open for all sinners and that this God doth forgiue all the sinnes of the faithful onelie that one sinne excepted which is committed against the holy ghost And therefore we condemne the olde and new Nouatians and Catharines and especiallie we condemne the Popes gaineful doctrine of penance and against his Simonie and Simoniacall indulgences we vse that sentence of Simon Peter Thy 〈◊〉 periesh with thee because thou thoughest that the gift of god might be bought with mony Thou hast no parte or fellowshippe in this matter for thy heart is not vpright before God We also disalow those that think that themselues by their owne satisfactions can make recompence for their sinnes committed For we teach that Christ alone by his death passion is the satisfaction propitiation and purging of all sinnes Neuertheles we cease not to vrge as was before said the mortification of the flesh and yet we adde further that it must not be proudly thrust vppon God for a satisfaction for our sinnes but must humblie as it becommeth the sonnes of god be performed as a new obedience to shew thankfull mindes for the deliuerance and full satisfaction obteined by the death and the satisfaction of the sonne of God OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA CHAP. 5. NOw that we know what sinne is in the next place we are taught concerning holie repentance which doctrine doth bring great comfort to all sinners and generallie it is verie profitable and necessarie to saluation for all men as well for Christians which beginne to learne as for those which haue profited yea euen for sinners that haue fallen yet such which by the grace of God being conuerted doe repent Of this repentance Iohn Baptist did preach and after him Christ in these words Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand Afterwarde also the Apostles preached thereof throughout the wholl world for so it is written And thus it hehooued that repentance and remission of sinnes shoulde be preached in his name among all nations Now this repentance doth whollie arise out of a true knowledge of sinne and the wrath of God And to attaine vnto this knowledge we must vse the full and entire helpe of the ministerie by peaching to laie open vnto vs both the doctrine of repentance or the law touching that righteousnes which is due vnto God and the sentence of God pronounced against sin also of faith in Christ Iesus and of that holy satisfaction which he hath made for vs by suffering moste greeuous torments This repentance and sauing conuersion doth our mercifull God by his peculiar gifte offer and bestowe and he writeth the same in the hearts of the faithfull euen as he saith I will giue you a new heart and I will put my spirit in the midst of you and I will cause you to walke in my waies Againe That you maie repent of your sinnes and of your Idolatrie And againe When I was conuerted I did repent This sauing repentance which doth differ verie much from the repentance of Esau and ludas taketh it true and right beginning from this gifte of God who bestoweth it and from the sermons of the word of God whereby sinne is reprooued and it hath this in order first that it is a feare and terrour of the secret heart before God and that by repenting and sorowing it doth tremble at this iust and seuere iudgement and reuengement whereupon ariseth a heauie trembling and vnquiet conscience a troubled minde a heart so sorrowfull carefull and bruised that a man can haue no comfort with himselfe and of himselfe but his soull is full of all griefe sadnes anguish and terrour wherby he is much troubled because of the feare of that burning wrath which he seeth in the seuere countenance of God We haue an example in Dauid when he saith There is nothing sound in my flesh because of thine anger neither is there rest in my bones because of my sinnes I am become miserable and crooked verie sore I goe mourning all the daie Such a terrour and true sense of sinne doth worke in the faithful an inward chaunge of the minde and the soule and a constant detesting of sinne and the causes and occasions thereof Hereunto it is streightwaie added by diligent teaching of the troubled terrified repentant that such men ought in a sincere affection of the heart with repentance an humble
Christ is and that afterward in the daie of resurrection this soule shall be ioyned againe with the bodie to take full possession of that ioy and eternall glorie which can not be expressed in words For they shall not c●●e into condemnation but by making a waie through it they shall passe from death into life The epistle to the Hebrewes to stirre vs vp to vse such exhortations saieth Exhort your selues among your selues exhort ye one another dailie so long as it is said to daie Let no man among you be hardned by the deceit of sinne For we enter into the rest which haue beleeued that is which haue obeied the voice of God while wee had time giuen vs. On the other side we must also holde this moste assuredlie that if anie man beeing polluted with sinnes and filthie deedes manifestlie contrarie to vertue do in dying departe out of this worlde without true repentance and faith that his soule shall certainlie goe into hell as did the soule of that rich man who wanted faith in the bottomeles pit whereof there is no droppe of grace and that in the daie of iudgement that moste terrible voice of the Sonne of God sounding in his eares shall be heard wherein he shall saie Departe from me ye curssed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the Deuill and his Angells for they which haue done euill shall come forth to the resurrection of iudgement Therefore in teaching they doe continuallie vrge this that no man differ repentance and turning vnto God till he come to be olde or till he lieth sicke in his bed and in the meane time doe boldelie practise his wantonnes in sins and in the desires of the flesh and the world because it is written Doe not saie The aboundant mercie of the Lord will purge my sinnes for mercie and wrath doe hasten with him and his indignation shall lie vpon the sinners Make no tarying to turne vnto the Lord and put not of from daie to daie For suddenlie shall the wrath of the Lorde breake forth and in thy securitie thou shalt be destroyed and thou shalt perish in time of vengeance But that especiallie is a moste daungerous thing if anie man after he hath receiued the gift of the grace of God and that in the testimonie of a good conscience doth of set purpose and wantonlie sinne and contemne and make no account of all those exhortations and allurements proceeding ou● of a louing heart and that to this ende that he maie in time thinke on that which is for his health and repent and moreouer doth persist in a bold and blind perswasion of the mercie of God and trusting thereto doth sinne and doth confidentlie abuse it and goeth forward in that sort withou● repentance euen vnto the last pinch and then beginne●h being forced thereunto by the terrours of death and the feare of infernall punishments so late to conuert himselfe and to call for the mercie of the Lorde as when the seuere and intollerable anger of the Lord wa●eth hot●● and punishments rush and breake foorth as doth the great violence of floodes which can not be resisted Therefore of such a man which thing we speake with sorowe it is hard to beleeue that he can trulie repent and therefore it is to be doubted lest that be fulfilled in him which the Lord doth threaten by the Prophet Micheas That insteed of grace he shall feele the wrath of God and that it will come to passe that the wrath of God shall sley him For in a fearefull speach doth he saie thus Then shall they crie to the Lord but he will not heare them but he will hide his face fo● them at that time because they haue continuallie liued wickedlie Yea the Lord himselfe saith Although they crie in mine 〈◊〉 with a loude voice yet will I not heare them seeing they would no● heare my voice when as all the daie long I spread out my hands to them and gaue them large time and space for grace For the which cause the holie Ghost crieth out and saith Todaie if ye will heare his voice harden not your hartes as in the gi●uing in the daie of that tentation in the wildernes Therefore according to all these thinges our men doe diligentlie and out of the groundes of the Scripture exhort that euerie man do in time vse and follow this faithful counsell and necessarie doctrine that so he maie turne awaie the feare of this moste heauie daunger yea that he doe not betraie the health of his owne soule For vndoubtedly this horrible daunger is greatlie to be feared lest whatsoeuer here that doth rashlie or stubbornelie condemne or neglect this time of grace so louinglie graunted of the Lord he doe receiue and that worthelie that rewarde of eternall punishment which is due thereunto euen as saint Ambrose also amongst manie other thinges which he handleth diuerslie to this purpose doth thus write and in these wordes If any man at the verie point of death shall repent and be absolued for this could not be denied vnto him so departing out of this life dieth I dare not saie that he departeth hence in good case I do not affirme it neither dare I affirme or promise it to anie man because I would deceiue no man seeing I haue no certeintie of him Doe I therefore saie that be shall be damned neither doe I saie that he shall be deliuered For what other thing I should say I know not Let him be commended to God Wilt thou then O brother be freed from doubting repent whiles thou art in health If thou will repent when thou canst not sin thy sinnes haue left thee and not thou thy sinnes Yet that no man maie dispaire they teach this also that if anie man in the last hower of his life shew out signes of true repentance which thing doth fall out verie seldome for that is certainlie true which is written in the epistle to the Hebrues And this will we also doe so that God giue vs leaue to doe it that such a one is not to be depriued of instruction comforte absolution or remission of sinnes For the time of grace doth last so long as this lise doth last wherfore so long as we liue here it is meete that we should thinke of that Propheticall and Apostolicall sentence To daie seeing yee haue heard his voice harden not your heartes Now herein doe our men labour and endeuour them selues moste earnestlie that all men maie obeie this louing commaundement and counsell and that they speedelie repent before the sunne be darkened after a strange manner and the hilles be ouerwhelmed with darknes that laying sinne aside they would turne them selues to god by flying vnto him in true confidence and with a constant inuocation from the bottome of the heart and that they do their faithful indeuour that they be not repelled from the glorie of eternall life but that they maie liue with Christ
in baptisme the outwarde signe is the element of water and that washing is visible which is done by the minister The thing signified is regeneration the clensing from sinne Likewise in the Lordes Supper the outwarde signe is breade and wine taken from things commonlie vsed for meate and drinke The thing signified is the bodie of Christ which was giuen and his bloode which was shed for vs and the communion of the bodie and bloode of the Lorde wherefore the water bread and wine considered in their owne nature and out of this holie vse institution of the Lord they are onelie that which they are called and which they were saide then to be But let the word of God be once added to them together with inuocation vpon his holie name and the renewing of their first institution and sanctification then these signes are consecrated and declared to be sanctified by Christ For Christes first institution and consecration of the sacraments standeth yet in force in the Church of God in such sort that they which celebrate the sacraments no otherwise then the Lord himselfe from the beginning hath appointed haue stil euen to this daie the vse and benefit of that first and most excellent consecration And for this cause in the administration of the sacraments the verie wordes of Christ are repeated And forasmuch as we learne out of the word of God that these signes were appointed vnto an other end and vse then commonlie they are vsed vnto therefore we teach that they now in this their holie vse doe take vpon them the names of the thinges signified and are not still called bare water bread or wine but water is called regeneration and washing of the new birth and the bread and wine the bodie and blood of the Lord or the pledges and sacraments of his bodie and blood not that the signes are turned into the things signified or cease to be that which in their owne nature they are for then they could not be sacraments which should consist onelie of the thing signified and haue no signes but therefore do the signes beare the names of the things because they be mysticall tokens of holie things and because that the signes and the things signified are sacramentallie ioyned together ioyned together I say or vnited by a mysticall signification and by the purpose and will of him who first instituted them For the water bread and wine are not common but holie signes And he that instituted water in baptisme did not institute it with that minde and purpose that the faithful should onely be dipped in the water of baptisme and he which in the supper commaunded the bread to be eaten and the wine to be drunke did not mean that the faithfull should onelie receiue bread and wine without anie further mystery as they eat bread at home in their own houses but that they should spiritually be partakers of the things signified and by faith be truelie purged from their sinne and be partakers of Christ also And therefore we cannot allowe of them which attribute the consecration of the Sacraments to I know not what syllables to the rehearsall of certaine wordes pronounced by him that is consecrated and that hath an intent of consecrating or to some other accidentall thinges which are not left vnto vs either by the word or by the example of Christ or his Apostles We doe also mislike the doctrine of those that speake no otherwise of the Sacramentes then of common signes not sanctified nor effectuall We condemne them also who because of the inuisible thinges doe despise the visible signes and thinke them superfluous because they doe alreadie enioy the thinges themselues such were the Messalians as it is recorded We doe disallow their doctrine also who teach that grace and the things signified are to be so tied and included in the signes that whosoeuer doe outwardlie receiue the signes must needes inwardly participate the grace and the thinges signified what manner of men soeuer they be Notwithstanding as we esteeme not the goodnes of the sacraments by the worthines or vnworthines of the ministers so likewise we doe not weigh them by the condition of the receiuers For we knowe that the goodnes of the Sacraments doth depend vpon the faithfulnes or trueth and the meere goodnes of God For euen as Gods worde remaineth the true worde of God wherein not onelie bare words are vttered when it is preached but therwithall the things signified by the words are offered of God although the wicked and vnbeleeuers heare and vnderstand the words yet they enioy not the thinges signified because they receiue them not by a true faith Euen so the sacraments consisting of the worde the signes and the thinges signified continue true and perfect Sacraments not onlie because they be holy things but also for that God also offereth the things signified howsoeuer the vnbeleeuers receiue not the thinges which are offered This commeth to passe not by anie fault in God the author and offerer of them but by the fault of men who doe receiue them without faith and vnlawfullie whose vnbeleefe cannot make the truth of God of no effect Now forasmuch as in the beginning where we shewed what the sacraments were we did also by the waie set downe to what ende they were ordeyned it shall not be necessarie to trouble our selues with repeating anie thing which hath beene alreadie handled Next therefore in order it remaineth to speake seuerallie of the sacraments of the new Testament OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of the force and efficacie of the Sacraments THe signes which in the Church of Christ be called Sacraments are two Baptisme and the Lordes supper These being tokens of secret thinges doe not consist of bare signes but of signes and thinges also For in Baptisme water is the signe and the thing it selfe is regeneration and to be taken by adoption to be the people of God In the Lords Supper bread and wine be the signes * but the thing is the communication of the bodie of Christ saluation purchased for vs and the remission of sinnes These thinges are receiued by faith as the signes be receiued with the corporall mouth the wholl fruit of the Sacraments is in the thing it selfe Whereupon we affirme that Sacraments are not onelie tokens of humane societie but also pledges of the grace of God by which the ministers do worke together with the Lord to that end which he doth promise offer and bring to passe yet so as we said before of the ministerie of the word that all the sauing power is to be ascribed to the Lord alone Out of the declaration of the same confession Of holie signes SAcraments are visible paterns instituted of god of the grace good will and promises of God towardes vs sure testimonies and holie remembrances the which vnder earthlie signes doe represent vnto vs and set before our eies heauenlie giftes and doe withdrawe the minde from
Purgatorie it is flat contrarie to the Christian faith I beleeue the remission of sinnes and life euerlasting and to the absolute purgation of sinnes made by Christ and to these sayings of Christ our Lord Verilie verilie I saie vnto you he that heareth my word and beleeueth in him that sent me hath euerlasting life and shall not come vnto condemnation but hath passed from death vnto life Againe He that is washed needeth not saue to wash his feete but is cleane euerie whitte and ye are cleane Now that which is recorded of the spirits or soules of the dead sometime appearing to them that are aliue and crauing certaine duties of them whereby they maie be set free we count those apparitions among the delusions crafts and deceits of the deuill who as he can transforme himselfe into an Angell of light so he laboureth tooth and naile either to ouerthrow the true faith or else to call it into doubt The Lord in the olde Testament forbad to enquire the truth of the dead and to haue any thing to do with Spirits And to the glutton being bound in torments as the trueth of the gospell doeth declare is denied anie returne to his brethren The Lord by his worde pronouncing and saying They haue Moses and the Prophets let them heare them if they heave not Moses and the Prophets neither will they beleeue if one shall arise from the dead OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASIL THe Church of Christ doth herein labour all that she can to keepe the bondes of peace and loue in vnitie Therefore she doth by no meanes communicate with sectes and the rules of orders deuised to make a difference of daies meates apparell and ceremonies No man can prohibit that which Christ him selfe hath not prohibited For this cause we know that auricular confession holy daies dedicated to saints and such like thinges had there beginning of men and were not commaunded of God as on the other side we know that the mariage of ministers was not forbidden And againe No man can forbid those thinges which God hath permitted therefore we thinke that it is not by anie meanes forbidden to receiue meates with thankesgiuing OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA Hitherto perteine first those thinges which are to be found in the 15. Chap. about the middest concerning the keeping of hole daies and fastes IN like sorte manie of the auncient ceremonies and such as were brought in by custome so neere as may be are reteined among vs euen at this daie of this sort be certein daies appointed for feastes and holie daies the mattens that is morning sermons euening assemblies the Lords daies which be holie daies and speciall feast daies added thereunto which are consecrated to the celebrating of the workes of Christ as to his natiuitie his Passion resurrection c. and such as be dedicated to the remembrance of holie men as of the Virgine Marie of the Apostles and of other Saints and chiefely of those saints of whome there is mention in the holy scriptures and all these thinges be done of vs that the word of God may be taught that God maie be worshiped and serued and that he may be glorified among vs. That which followeth and is to be referred to this place is taken out of the 17. Chap. IN like sort also our ministers as it is meete for christian men to do to the glory and praise of God do celebrate holie daies consecrated to the Virgine the remembrance of hi● do make and sing godly and christian songs of hir with pleasure both diligentlie and that they maie confirme them-selues rehearse those great thinges wherewith God hath adorned hir aboue al other women and they al reioyce one with another and shew them-selues moste thankfull for the saluation which is purchased to mankinde and with all Christian people they confesse professe that shee is happie and they praise God for all these things and so much as lieth in them they do faithfullie follow and imitate the holy life and good manners of that Virgin and they do indeed execute that which she commaundeth to them that ministred in the Marriage at Cana and doe alwaies desire to be in heauen with her And all these things they do according to the meaning of the holie scriptures And a litle after And thus do we teach that the Saints are truely worshipped when the people on certaine daies at a time appointed do come together to the seruice of God and do call to minde and meditate vpon the benefits of God which he hath bestowed vpon holie men and through them vpon his Church and therewithall doth admonish it selfe concerning their calling or place which they held their doctrine faith life and exercises of godlines and the last end of their life to the end that it maie be as it were built vp in the same trueth by the word of God and maie praise God and giue him thankes for those men and in their name and may sing profitable songs and such as are free from superstition and maie raise and stirre vp themselues to the like obedience imitation of their faith workes and deedes godlines holines and honestie and that they maie call vpon God that he would vouchsafe to giue vnto them to enioy their companie and fellowship as well here in the time of grace as hereafter in eternall glorie All which things are in few wordes comprehended in the epistle to the Hebrewes where it is said Remember them which haue the ouersight ouer you which haue declared vnto you the word of God whose faith follow considering what hath bene the end of their conuersation Of Fasting CHAP. 18. TOuching true and Christian fasting we teach that it is an outward work of faith comprehending in it worship which is done by exercising the bodie to abstinencie ioyning therewithal praiers and giuing of almes and that it is due to God alone and that among Christians according as their strength will suffer and their affaires and busines desire and permit at what time soeuer they vse it in anie societie either generall or particular it must be done without hypocrisie or superstition as the holie scriptures do witnes and Paull among other thinges doth thus write of it Let vs approoue our selues as the ministers of God by fasting c. And Christ saith Then they shall fast And againe Paull saith in another place That ye maie giue your selues to fasting praier Now fasting doth not consist in the choise of meat which a man vseth but in the moderate vse of meat and in exercising chastising and bringing vnder the vnrulie flesh before god and chiefelie the matter consisteth in the spirit and in the heart to wit how for what cause with what intent and purpose a man doth faste and how and by what meane the godlie maie exercise a wholsome and acceptable faste vnto God and on the other side to know
is it lawfull either to restore the olde ceremonies of the law or to deuise new to shadow forth the truth allreadie laide open and brought to light by the Gospell as in the daie light to set vp candles to signifie the light of the Gospel or to carie banners and crosses to signifie the victorie of Christ through his crosse Of which sort is al that wholl furniture of massing attire which they say doth shadow out the wholl passion of Christ many other things of that kinde Much lesse is it lawfull to ordaine ceremonies and holie rites by the merit whereof sinne may be purged the kingdome of heauen purchased For of that former kind of ceremonies and holie rites Christ out of Esay preacheth saying In vaine doe they worshippe me teaching for doctrines the precepts of men And Paull saith Let no man iudge you in meat or drink or part of an holie daie or of the new Moone c. Hitherto may be added the testimonies of Augustine others touching the obseruation of such ceremonies But touchgin the latter kinde of ceremonies it is manifest that they are wicked rites and reprochful to the death and resurrection of Christ by whose onelie merit we haue deliuerance from sinne and inheritance of eternall life by faith OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of humane traditions CHAP. 14. FVrthermore touching the traditions of the Fathers or such as the Bishops and Churches doe at this daie ordaine this is the opinion of our men They reckon no tradirions for mens traditions but such as are condemned in Scripture but such as are contrarie to the law of God such as binde the conscience about me at and drinke and times and other outward things such as forbid mariage to them who haue neede therof to liue honestlie and the rest of that stamp For such as agree with the Scripture and were ordeined for good manners the profit of men although they be not word for worde expressed in the Scriptures neuertheles in that they proccede from the commaundement of loue which ordereth all things most decentlie they are worthely to be accounted rather of God then of man Of this sort were those set downe by Paull that women should not praie in the Church bareheaded nor men with their heades couered that they who are to communicate together should tary one for another that no mā should speak with tongues in the congregation without an interpreter that the Prophets without confusion should deliuer their Prophecies to be iudged by them that sit by Many such the Church at this daie for good cause obserueth and vpon occasion also maketh new which who so refuseth he despiseth the authoritie not of men but of God whose tradition it is whatsoeuer is profitable For whatsoeuer truth is saide or written by his gift it is spoken and written who is truth as Saint Augustine hath godly written But often times there is disputing about that what tradition is profitable what not that is what set forward godlines what doth hinder it But he that shall seeke nothing of his owne but shall wholly dedicate himselfe to the publike profit he shal easily see what things are agreable to the law of god what are not Furthermore seing the estate of Christians is such that they are also helped by iniuries the Christian will not refuse to obey no not vniust lawes so they haue no wicked thing in them according to the saying of Christ If any man compell thee to goe with him one mile go with him two Euen so surelie the Christian ought to become all vnto al that he may studie to do and suffer all things so that they be not contrarie to the commaundements of God to pleasure and profit men withall Hence it commeth to passe that euerie man so much the more willinglie obeyeth the ciuill lawes which are not repugnant to religion the more fullie he is indued with the faith of Christ THE EIGHTEENTH SECTION OF WEDLOCKE SINGLE LIFE AND MONASTIcall vowes THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of single life wedlocke and householde gouernement CHAP. 29. SVuch as haue the gift of chastitie giuen vnto them from aboue so as they can with the heart or wholl minde be pure and continent and not be grieuouslie burned with lust let them serue the Lord in that calling as long as they shall feele themselues indued with that heauenlie gift and let them not lifte vp themselues aboue others but let them serue the Lord dailie in simplicitie and humilitie For such are more apt for doing of heauenlie thinges then they which are distracted with priuate affaires of their familie but if againe the gift be taken away and they feele a continuall burning let them call to minde the words of the Apostle It is better to marrie then to burne For wedlocke which is the medicine of incontinencie continencie it selfe was ordeined by the Lord God himselfe who blessed it most bountifully and willeth man and woman to eleaue one to the other inseperablie and to liue together in great loue and concorde Whereupon we know the Apostle said Mariage is honourable among all the bedde vndefiled And againe If a Virgine marrie she sinneth not We therefore condemne Poligamie and those which condemne second mariages We teach that mariages ought to be made lawfullie in the feare of the Lord and not against the lawes which forbid certein degrees to ioine in matrimony lest the mariages should be incestuous Let mariages be made with consent of the parents or such as be in steed of parents for that ende especiallie for the which the Lord ordeined mariages and let them be confirmed publiquely in the church with praier and blessing of them Moreouer let them be kept holilie with peace faithfulnes duetifulnes loue and also puritie of the persons coupled together Therefore let them take heede of brawlings debates lusts and adulteries Let lawfull iudgements and holie Iudges be established in the Church which may mainteine mariages and may represse all dishonestie and shamefulnes and before whom the controuersies in matrimonie may be decided and ended Let children also be brought vp of the Parentes in the feare of the Lord and let Parentes prouide for their children remembring the saying of the Apostle He that prouideth not for his owne hath denied the faith and is worsse then an infidell But speciallie let them teach their children honest sciences whereby they may mainteine themselues let them withdraw them from idlenes and plant in them a true confidence in god in al these things lest they through distrust or ouermuch careles securitie or filthie couetousnes wax lose and in the end come to no good Now it is most certaine that those workes which Parents doe in a true faith by the dueties of mariage gouernment of their families are before God holie good workes in deed and doe please God no lesse then praiers fastings and almes deeds For so the Apostle hath taught in his
one may see that our Churches deale well in abolishing and condemning that law of the Pope And we beseech the moste renowmed Emperour that he wil not defile himself wirh defending that vncleane single life and with the blood of the Priests for it is written Blessed is he that hath pittie o● the poore and needie the Lorde shall deliuer him in the cuill day This article we found elsewhere placed in the second place amongest those wherein the abuses that are chaunged be mentioned Of the mariage of Priests Art 2. THere was a common complaint of the examples of such priests as were not cōtinent For which cause also Pope Pius is reported to haue said that there were certaine causes for which marriage was forbiddē to priests but there were many waightier causes why it should be permitted again For so Platina writeth VVhen as therefore the Priests among vs sought to auoide these publike offences they married wiues and taught that it was lawfull for them selues to ioyne in marriage First because that Paull saith To auoid fornication let euerie man haue his wife Againe It is better to marrie then to burne Secondlie Christ saith All men doe not receiue this worde where he sheweth that all men are not fitte for a single life because that God created man for procreations sake Gen. 1. It is not in mans power without a speciall gifte and worke of God to alter his creation Therefore such as are not meet for a single life ought to ioyne in matrimonie For no lawe of man no vowe can take away the commaundement of god and his ordinance By these reasons our Priests doe prooue that they maie lawfully marrie wiues And it is wel knowne that in the auncient Churches Priests were married For Paull saith that a Bishop must be chosen which is a husband And in Germanie about 400. yeares ago the Priests were by violence compelled to liue a single life who then were so wholy bēt against the matter that the Archbishop of Mentz being to publish the Pope of Rome his decree in that behalfe was almoste murdered in a tumult by the Priests in their anger And the matter was handled so contrarie to law that they did not onlie forbid mariages for the time to come but also such as were then contracted contrarie to all lawes diuine and humane contrary to the Canons themselues that were before made not onelie by Popes but also by moste famous Councels And seing that the world decaying mans nature by litle and litle waxeth weaker it is behoouefull to looke well to it that no more vices doe ouerspread Germanie Furthermore God ordained mariage to be a remedie for mans infirmitie The Canons themselues doe sa●e that the olde rigour is now then in latter times to be released for the weaknes of men Which it were to be wished might be done in this matter also It is verie like that if mariage be forbidden any longer we shall at length want Pastours in the Church Seing then that there is a plaine commaundement of God seeing the vse of the Church is well knowne seing that the impure single life bringeth forth verie many offences adulteries and other enormities worthie to be punished by the godlie magistrate yet it is a maruell that greater crueltie should be shewed in no other thing then against the marriage of Priests God hath commaunded to honour marriage the lawes in all well ordered common welthes euen among the heathen also haue adorned marriages with verie great priuileges But now men are cruellie put to death yea and Priests also contrarie to the minde of the Canons for no other cause but onelie for marriage Paul calleth that a doctrine of Diuells which forbiddeth mariage 1. Tim. 4. which may now verie well be seene when as the forbidding of mariage is mainteined by such punishments But as no law of man can take awaie the law of God no more can anie vow whatsoeuer Therfore Cyprian giueth counsel that those women should marry which do not keep their vowed chastity His words are these in the first book the 11. Ep. If they wil not or are not able to indure it is far better they should marrie then that they should fall into the fire by their importune desire In any wise let them giue no offence to their brethren or sisters Yea and the Canons vse a kinde of equitie towards such as before their ripe yeares did vowe chastitie as hitherto the vse hath beene To this place also belongeth the 6. Art Of the vowes of Monkes WHat is taught amongest vs touching the vowes of Monkes shall be better vnderstoode if you call to minde what was the state of Monastaries and how many thinges were euerie daie committed in the Monasteries contrarie to the Cannons In Augustines time Colledges were free but afterward when discipline was corrupted euerie where vowes were laid vpon them that as it were by a new deuised prison the discipline might be restored againe Ouer and besides vowes by litle and litle many other obseruations were added And these bands and snares were cast vpon many before they came to ripe yeares contrarie to the Canons Many through errour fell into this kinde of life vnawares who though they wanted no yeares yet they wanted discretion to iudge of their strength and abilitie They which were once got within these snares were constrained to abide in them though by the benefit of the Canon some might be set at libertie And that fell out rather in the Nonneries then in the Colleges of Monks because the weaker sexe was more to be spared This rigour seuerity misliked many good men hertofore when they saw young maides and young men thrust vp into Monasteries there to get their liuing and saw what an vnhappie successe this counsell had what offences it bred and what snares it laide vpon mens consciences They were grieued that the authoritie of the Canons was wholly neglected and contemned in a thing most dangerous To all these euills there was added such a perswasion of vowes which as it is well knowen did in former times mislike the Monks themselues if any of them were somewhat stouter then the rest They taught forsooth that vows were equal to B aptisme touching single life they taught that it merited remission of sinnes iustification before God yea farther that the Monkes life did not onelie merit righteousnes before God but more then that because it obserued not onelie the commaundements but also the Counsells in the Gospell And thus they taught that the Monkes profession was better then Baptisme that the Monkes life did merit more then the life of Magistrates of Pastours and such like which in the obedience of Gods commaundement followed their calling without any such religion of mans making None of these things can be denied they are to be seene in their writings What fell out afterwarde in the Monasteries In olde time there were Schooles for the studie of Diuinitie and other artes which were profitable
Section and the 7. obseruation the 9. Section and the second obseruation vnto the same Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same The Pastours of the Churches doe consecrate c. By the name of consecration we vnderstand no other thing then the vse of Christs ordination by whose blessing and power the elements are sanctified vnto vs whereof dependeth the wholl force and dignitie of the sacraments Vpon the same Euerie holie daie and other daies also if any be desirous to vse the sacrament c. Of holie daies is spoken afterwards in the 16. Section But in our Churches certaine daies by publick warning are appointed wherein if any refuse to receiue the Supper they answere for it in the Consistorie Vpon the same about the ende of the 2. Article of abuses And because that the parting c. This verilie is one cause why the carying about of the Sacrament is condemned yet neither the onlie cause nor the chiefest Vpon the Confession of Saxony ANd that he is in thee c. This we admit touching the spirituall efficacie not concerning the verie essence of the flesh the which is now in heauen and no where else as hath beene before shewed in the 1. obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same Neither are any admitted to the Communion c. This we alow as being vnderstood of Catechizing or instruction As for priuate absolution how farre we thinke it to be required it hath bin shewed of vs heretofore namelie in the 8. Section and 1. obseruation both vpon this and also vpon the Confession of Bohemia Vpon the same That Christ is trulie and substantiallie present c. Looke the 1. and 2. obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same That Christ witnesseth that he is in them and doth make them his members c. Both these also we doe imbrace as is contained in the worde of God namely so that this wholl dwelling be by his power and efficacie and that the flesh of Christ be communicated vnto vs yet after a spirituall and mysticall manner as hath bin declared of vs before both in the Confession of Bohemia and of Auspurge Vpon the same And lessons appointed c. How farre we doe alow this distribution of the holie scripture looke the 1. obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia the 1. Section Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge That the true bodie of Christ c. Looke before in the first obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same Of the bodie of Christ being onelie absent c. We doe beleeue out of the word of God and by the perpetuall and euident agreement of the wholl auncient and true Church that the bodie of Christ hath alwaies bin is and shall be circumscribed and locall Wherefore as when he liued vpon the earth he was no where else so now also beeing aboue in heauen he is there and no where else in his substance as Vigilius plainlie affirmeth against Eutiches Yet for all that we doe not affirme that the verie body of Christ is onelie or simplie absent or that the bread and wine are onlie simple and naked signes or bare Pictures or nothing else but certaine tokens of Christian profession For in this sence is there one onlie action of the holie Supper that yet notwithstanding it should be partlie corporall and celebrated vpon the earth in which respect we doubt not to say that Christs body is as farre distant from vs as heauen is from the earth partlie heauenlie the minde and faith lifting vp the heart vnto God in the which respect we acknowledge that the body of the Lord is present in the Supper to our minde and faith But that they be bare and naked signes how can we possiblie affirme which so often and so euidently haue beaten vpon this that the things signified are no lesse certainly giuen vnto the mind then the signes themselues vnto the body Vpon the same Or else chaunge them into the bodie and blood c. We se not how God may be said to be able to doe that which is manifestly repugnant to his owne will concerning the euerlasting truth of Christs body as it hath bin opened vnto vs in the word of God Vpon the same But for the truth of the sacramentes c. The truth of the Sacrament we affirme whollie to consist in this that there be not any vaine signification of the signes but that that which is signified vnto them by the bodie is indeed giuen vnto the minde to be receiued by faith As hath more fully beene spoken heretofore in the first obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same But that whole Christ c. But we say by the institution of God that the body by the deliuering of the bread is giuen vnto vs as true meate and that his blood by the powring of the wine is giuen vnto vs as distinctlie as true drink yet both of them to be receiued with the minde and with faith not with the mouth Notwithstanding that by this dispensation which in respect of the thing signified is distinctlie made and in regard of the signes themselues seuerally distributed that nothing is deuided in the humanitie of Christ Vpon the same Therfore to the right action of the Eucharist c. This we do so graunt to be true that notwithstanding we doe also knowe that the supper of the Lord is not priuate vnto two but that it appertaineth to the wholl Church or at the least to some one part of the same IN THE 15. SECTION Vpon the former Confession of Heluetia TO the people euerie daie c. to wit where it may be done commodiouslie but in other places as oft as may be IN THE 16. SECTION Vpon the Confession of Bohemia OF this sort be certaine daies appointed for fasts holydaies c. And a litle after to the remembrance of holy men as of the Virgin Marie c. Also a litle after in the 17. Chap. Holy daies consecrated to the Virgin c. Also That the Saints are truely worshiped c As certaine Churches doe so farre submit themselues to the infirmitie of them with whome they be conuersant as to obserue these things though they doe disagree very much yea though they be altogether contrarie in the manner thereof so most Churches not being compelled by any such necessitie haue without the offence of other Churches vtterly abolished euen these things also not onelie as vnprofitable but as hurtfull Vpon the same Doe make godlie and Christian songs of hir c. Also a litle after and sing profitable songs and such as are free from superstition c. Herein also let the Churches vse their libertie to edifying and let that be very carefully auoided in this song which hath hapned in extolling the praises chieflie of the Virgin Marie lest that whilst God seemeth to be praised in his Saints the