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The charter of the Bahama Islands
England and Wales. Sovereign (1660-1685 : Charles II).
Wing C3724AA; ESTC R173810
any Judges or Justices Magistrates or Officers whatsoever as well within the said Islands as at Sea in such Manner and Form as unto the said Christopher Duke of Albemarle William Earl of Craven John Lord Berkeley Anthony Lord Ashley Sir George Carterett and Sir Peter Colleton or their Heirs shall seem most convenient Also to Remit Release Pardon and Abolish either before Judgment or after all Crimes and Offences whatsoever against the said Laws and to do all and every other thing and things which unto the compleat Establishment of Justice unto Courts Sessions and Forms of Judicature and Manners of proceedings therein do belong although in these Presents express Mention is not made thereof and by Judges by him or them delegated to Award Process hold Pleas and determine in all the said Courts and Places of Judicature all Actions Suits and Causes whatsoever as well Criminal as Civil Real Mixt Personal or of any other kind or nature whatsoever which Laws so as aforesaid to be Published Our will and pleasure is and we do enjoyn require and command shall be absolute Firm and Available in Law and that all the Leige People of us our Heirs and Successors within the said Islands do observe and keep the same inviolably in those Parts so far as they concern them under the Pains and Penalties therein expressed or to be expressed Provided nevertheless that the said Laws be consonant to Reason and as near as may be conveniently agreeable to the Laws and Customs of this our Kingdom of England And because such Assemblies of Free-holders cannot be so suddainly called as there may be occasion to require the same We do therefore by these Presents Give and Grant unto the said Christopher Duke of Albemarle William Earl of Craven John Lord Berkeley Anthony Lord Ashley Sir George Carterett and Sir Peter Colleton their Heirs and Assigns by themselves or their Magistrates in that behalf lawfully Authorized full Power and Authority from time to time to make and ordain fit and wholsome Orders and Ordinances within the aforesaid Islands or any County Barony or Province of or within the same to be kept and observed as well for the keeping of the Peace as for the better Government of the People there abiding and to publish the same to All to whom it may concern which Ordinance we do by these Presents strictly Charge and Command to be inviolably observed within the said Islands under the Penalties therein expressed so as such Ordinances be reasonable and not repugnant or contrary but as near as may be agreeable to the Laws and Statutes of this our Kingdom of England and so as the same Ordinances do not extend to the binding charging or taking away of the Rights or Interest of any Person or Persons in their Free-hold Goods or Chattels whatsoever And to the end the said Islands may be the more happily encreased by the multitude of People resorting thither and may likewise be the more strongly defended from the Incursions of Salvages and other Enemies Pirates and Robbers Therefore we for us our Heirs and Successors do Give and Grant by these Presents Power License and Liberty unto all the liege People of us our Heirs and Succenors in our Kingdom of England or elsewhere within any other our Dominions Islands Colonies or Plantations excepting those who shall be especially forbidden to transport themselves and Families into the said Island with convenient Shipping and fitting Provisions and there to settle themselves Dwell and Inhabit any Law Act Statute Ordinance or other Thing to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding And we will also and of our more especial Grace for us our Heirs and Successors do strictly Enjoyn Ordain Constitute and Command that the said Islands shall be of our Allegiance and that all and singular the Subjects and Liege People of us our Heirs and Successors transported or to be transported into the said Islands and the Children of them and such as shall descend from them there born or hereafter to be born be and shall be Denizons and Leiges of us our Heirs and Successors of this our Kingdom of England and be in all things Held Treated and Reputed as the leige faithful People of us our Heirs and Successors born within this our said Kingdom or any other of our Dominions and may inherit or otherwise purchase and receive take have hold buy and possess any Lands Tenements or Hereditaments within the said Places and them may Occupy and Enjoy Give Sell Alien and Bequeath As likewise all Liberties Franchises and Privileges of this our Kingdom of England and of other our Dominions aforesaid may freely and quietly have Possess and Enjoy as our leige People born within the same without the molestation lett vexation trouble or grievance of us our Heirs and Successors any Statute Act Ordinance or Provisions to the contrary notwithstanding And farthermore that our Subjects of this our said Kingdom of England and other our Dominions may be the rather incouraged to undertake this Expedition with ready and cheerful mind Know Yee That we of our especial Grace certain Knowledg and meer Motion do Give and Grant by vertue of these Presents as well as to the said Christopher Duke of Albemarle William Earl of Craven John Lord Berkeley Anthony Lord Ashley Sir George Carterett and Sir Peter Colleton and their Heirs as unto all others as shall from time to time repair unto the said Islands with a purpose to inhabit there or to trade with the Natives thereof free Liberty and License to Lade and Fraight in any Ports whatsoever of us our Heirs and Successors License to transport Goods and Merchandise and into the said Islands by them then Servantsand Assigns to transport all and singular their Goods Wares and Merchandizes as likewise all sorts of Grain whatsoever and any other Thing whatsoever necessary for their Food and Cloathing not prohibited by the Laws and Statutes of our Kingdoms and Dominions to be carried out of the same without any lett or molestation of us our Heirs and Successors or of any other our Officers and Ministers whatsoever saving also to us our Heirs and Successors the Customs and other Duties and Payments due for the said Wares and Merchandizes according to the several Rates of the Places from whence the same shall be Transported We will also and by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors do give and grant License by this our Charter unto the said Christopher Duke of Albermarle William Earl of Craven John Lord Berkeley Anthony Lord Ashley Sir George Carterett and Sir Peter Colleton their Heirs and Assigns and to all the Inhabitants and Dwellers in the Islands aforesaid both present and to come full Power and absolute Authority to import or unlade by themselves or their Servants Factors or Assigns all Merchandizes and Goods whatsoever that shall arise of the Fruits and Commodities of the said Islands either by Land or Sea into any the Ports of us our Heirs and