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cause_n court_n justice_n law_n 3,065 5 4.7299 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A53029 The charter of the city of New-York; Charter (1686) New York (N.Y.).; Limerick, Thomas Dongan, Earl of, 1634-1715. 1694 (1694) Wing N828; ESTC W18936 13,186 11

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or Deputy Mayor and Aldermen of the said City of New-York by Deed Grant Conveyance or otherwise howsoever To hold to their Several and Respective Heirs and Assigns forever And I do by these Presents Give and Grant unto the said Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of New-York All the Waste Vacent Unpatented Unappropriated Lands lying and being within the said City of New-York and on Manhattens Island as aforesaid extending and reaching to the Low-Water-Mark in by and through all Parts of the said City of New-York and Manhattans Island as aforesaid To gether with all Rivers Rivolets Coves Creeks Ponds Water Water-courses in the said City and Island or either of them not heretofore given or granted by any of the former Governors Lieutenants or Commanders in chief under some of their hands and Seals or Seal of the Province or by any of the former Mayors or Deputy Mayors and Aldermen of the said City of New-York to some respective Person or Persons late Inhabitants of the said City of New-York or Manhattans Island or other parts of the said Province And I do by these presents Give Grant and Confirm unto the said Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of New-York and their Successors forever the Royalties of Fishing Fowling Hunting Hawking Mineral and other Royalties and Privileges belonging or Appertaining to the City of New-York and Manhattans Island aforesaid Gold and Silver Mines only excepted To Have Hold and Enjoy all and singular the Premises to the said Mayor Alder-men and Commonalty of the said City of New-York and their Successors forever Rendering and paying therefor unto his Most Sacred Majesty his Heirs Successors or Assigns or to such Officer or Officers as shall be appointed to receive the same yearly forever hereafter the annual Quit-Rent or Acknowledgement of one Beaver Skin or the value thereof in Currant Money of this Province in the said City of New-York on the 25th day of March yearly forever And moreover I will and by these presents do grant appoint and declare that the said City of New-York and the Compass Precincts and Limits thereof and the Jurisdiction of the same shall from henceforth extend to reach it self and may shall be able to reach forth and extend it self as well in length and in breadth as in Circuit to the furthest extent of and in and throughout all the said Island Manhattans and in and upon all the Rivers Rivolets Coves Creeks Water and Water Courses belonging to the said Island as far as low water mark And I Do also for and on the behalf of His most sacred Majesty aforesaid his Heirs and Successors firmly enjoyn and Command That the afore-said Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City aforesaid and their successors shall and may freely and quietly Have Hold Use and enjoy the aforesaid Liberties Authorities Jurisdictions Franchises Rights Royalties Priviledges Exemptions Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premisses aforesaid in manner and form aforesaid according to the tenor and effect of thè aforesaid Grants Patents Customs and Letters Patents of Grants and Confirmation without the Let Hinderance or Impediment of me or any of my Successors Governours Lieutenants or other Officers whatsoever And also I do for and on the behalf of his Most Sacred Majesty aforesaid his Heirs and Successors Grant to the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of New-York and their Successors by these presents That for the better Government of the said City liberties and precincts thereof There shall be forever hereafter within the said City A Mayor and Recorder Town Clerk and six Aldermen and six Assistants To be appointed nominated elected chosen and Sworn as herein after is particularly and respectively mentioned who shall be forever hereafter called The Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New-York And that there shall be forever one Chamberlain or Treasurer one Sheriff one Coroner one Clerk of the Market one High Constable Seven Sub Constables and one Marshal or Serjant at Mace To be appointed chosen and Sworn in manner hereafter mentioned And I do by these presents for and on the behalf of his Most Sacred Majesty aforesaid his Heirs Successors and Assigns Declare Constitute Grant and Appoint That the Mayor Recorder Aldermen and Assistants of the said City of New York for the time being and they which hereafter shall be the Mayor Recorder and Aldermen and Assistants of the said City of New-York for the time being and their Successors forever hereafter be and shall be by force of these presents one Body Corporate and Politick in deed fact and name by the name of the Mayor Aldermen Commonalty of the City of New-york and them by the name of the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New-York one Body Corporate Politick in deed fact name I do really fully create ordain make Constitute and Confirm by these presents And that by the Name of the Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of New-York they may have perpetual succession and that they and their Successors forever by the Name of Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of ●ew-York be and shall be forever hereafter Persons able and in Law capable to have get receive and possess Lands Tenements Rents Liberties Jurisdictions Franchises and Hereditaments to them and their Successors in see simple or for term of Life Lives or years or otherwise and also Goods and Chattels and also other things of what nature kind or quality soever and also to give grant let set and assign the same Lands Tenements Hereditamants Goods and Chattles and to do and execute all other things about the same by the name aforesaid And also that they be and forever shall be hereafter Persons able in Law capable to plead and be impleaded answer be answered unto defend be defended in all or any the Courts of his said Majesty and other places whatsoever and before any Judges Justices and other person or persons whatsoever in all all manner of actions suits complaints demands pleas causes matters whatsoever of what nature kind or quality soever in the same and in the like manner and form as other People of the said Province being Persons able and in Law capable may plead and be impleaded answer and be answered unto defend and be defended by any lawfull wayes and means whatsoever And that the said Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of New-York and their Successors shall and may forever hereafter have one common Seal to serve for sealing of all and singular their affairs and businesses touching and concerning the said Corporation And I shall and may be lawfull to and for the said Mayor Aldermen and Commonalty of the said City of New-York and their Successors as they shall see cause to break change alter and New make their said Common Seal when and as often as to them it shall seem convenient And further know ye That I have Assigned Named