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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05168 A sermon preached before his Maiestie, on Sunday the XIX. of Iune, at White-Hall Appointed to be preached at the opening of the Parliament. By the Bishop of S. Dauids. Laud, William, 1573-1645. 1625 (1625) STC 15302; ESTC S108347 18,305 52

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with vs which God and the King will vse to keepe the State and the Church from melting This Remedy and the Preuention is iust the same is expressed first in the Execution of Iustice. And this God promises for the King and the King promises vnder God I will iudge according vnto right saith God and I saith the King Now Iustice and Iudgement is the greatest binder vp of a State The great bounder of Peace and Warre And it is not possible to finde dissoluing sinews in a Kingdome that is gouerned by Iustice. For if the King flourish the Kingdome cannot melt And the Kings Throne that is established by Iustice. Nay farther Nothing but Iustice can establish the Throne and make it firme indeed But when God blesses the King with a heart full of Iustice when God strengthens the King in the Execution of Iustice when the King followes God as close as hee can with Ego iudicabo I my selfe will looke to the administration of Iustice with which God hath trusted me there can bee no melting about the Throne of the King none in the State none in the Church But then this Iustice which preserues the King and blesses the people must be habituall To doe Iustice casually though the thing done be iust yet the doing of it is not Iustice. The State may melt for all that because the Remedy is but casuall Againe since the whole State hath interest in the Iustice of the King his Iustice must be spreading ouer all persons and in all causes And so 't is plurall in the Text I will iudge Iusticias for euery mans cause so farre as it is iust Why but then must the King doe all this himselfe No God forbid that burden should lye vpon him Moses was not able alone for that It was and it is too heauy What then why then Iethro's counsell must bee followed There must bee inferiour Iudges and Magistrates deputed by the King for this Men of courage fearing God and hating Couetousness These must quit Moses from the inferiour trouble that he may be actiue and able for the great affaires of State For if they be suffered to melt and drop downeward there can be no standing dry or safe vnder them And hence it followes that Ego iudicabo I will iudge according vnto right is not onely the Kings engagement betweene God and the People but it is the engagement of euery Iudge Magistrate and Officer betweene God the King and the State The Kings power that 's from God The Iudges and the subordinate Magistrates power that 's from the King Both are for the good of the people That they may lead a peaceable life in all godlinesse and honestie All Iudges and Courts of Iustice euen this great Congregation this great Councell now ready to sit receiue influence and power from the King and are dispensers of his Iustice aswell as their owne both in the Lawes they make and in the Lawes they execute in the Causes which they heare and in the Sentences which they giue The King Gods High Steward and they Stewards vnder him And so long as Iustice and Iudgement sits vpon all the Benches of a Kingdome either it is not possible for Fluxes and Meltings to begin in the State or if they doe begin their Drip will be cured presently Now while the King keepes close to Ego judicabo I will iudge that which comes to me according vnto right if inferiour Iudges which God forbid iudge other then right they sin against three at once and against God in all For first they sinne against the people by doing them wrong in stead of Iustice. Secondly they sinne against their owne conscience not only by calling but by sentencing Good Exill and Euill Good Thirdly they sin against the King the fountaine of Iustice vnder God in slandering of his Iustice to the people with the administration whereof they are trusted vnder him And once againe for Inferiour Gouernours of all sorts The King is the Sunne Hee drawes vp some vapours some support some supply from vs. T' is true hee must doe so For if the Sun draw vp no vapours it can powre downe no raine and the Earth may bee too hard as well as too soft and too melting Now this Raine which descends and is first caused by the Sunne is prepared in the Clouds before it falleth on the Earth And all Great Men that are raised higher then the rest especially Iudges and Magistrates of all sorts they are the Clouds They receiue the more immediate influence from the King and if they bee Gods Clouds and retaine what hee gaue them thev drop fatnesse vpon the people But if they bee clouds without water they transmit no influence If they bee light clouds in the wind then no certaine influence If they be cloud driuen 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by a whirlewind then it is passionate and violent influence And the Clouds I hope are not I am sure should not bee thus betweene the King and his people There is then Ego judicabo I will iudge according vnto right both for the King and all subordinate Magistrates vnder him But here 's Ego judicabo and I will iudge according to right for God too For many of the Fathers will haue this to be Gods speech or Dauids in the person of God And then whatsoeuer men doe with Iustice and Iudgement God comes two wayes in vpon the iudgements of men to reuiew them For first God comes in when the Earth is melting by violence and iniustice And then Gods Ego judicabo I will iudge is either in Mercy to repayre the breaches to stay the melting of the State or else in Iudgement to punish the debasers of Iustice. And this God sometimes doth in this life But if hee doe it not here yet hee neuer failes to doe it at the last and finall Iudgement to which diuers of the Fathers referre this passage of my Text. Secondly God comes in when the Seats of Iustice supreme and inferiour are all entire And then Gods Ego judicabo I will iudge is alwayes to confirme and countenance the proceedings of Iustice and to blesse the Instruments And my Text hath it full For it is not here said I will iudge the causeonely or the men onely whose cause it is or the Iudges onely that sentence the cause but Ego iustitias I will iudge the very Iudgements themselues how right or otherwise they passe And then this must needs be to confirme and honour them if they bee iust or to condemne and dissolue them if they bee vniust rather then they shall melt or dissolue the State or sometimes to send a melting into that State in which Iustice is peruerted Now howsoeuer men sometimes breake from their dutie in iudging according to right yet there can bee no question of Gods proceedings Hee will bee sure to iudge all things and all men according to right who euer doe not