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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A13288 Pisgah euangelica By the method of the Reuelation, presenting to publike view those Cananites ouer whom our Lord Iesus Christ and his holie Church shall triumph after seuerall battailes. That which is past is shewed in a briefe ecclesiasticall historie, containing most of the mutations which haue befallen the Church, from the yeere of our Lord 97, vnto the yeere 1603. as they haue been shewed vnto S. Iohn in Patmos, and recorded by such historiographers as are of least suspected faith. Gathered by William Symonds, sometimes fellow of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford. Symonds, William, 1556-1616? 1605 (1605) STC 23592; ESTC S118079 213,424 293

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supper of the Lord vnder one or both kindes Podiebrachius who was next vnto the King was moued by a parasite why he liked not their religion of popery required by the example and authoritie of so many and great Princes rather then the Hussites He answered we doe those sacrifices which we beleeue are pleasing to God neither is it in our owne choyce to beleeue what we list The minde is ouercome with great reasons c. I am perswaded of my ministers religion If I follow thy religion I may perchance deceiue men contrary to my soule I cannot deceiue God which looketh into the hearts of men c. p Bucholcer Par. Vrsp 406. Calistus the third in his second yeere Mahomet with a 150,000 beseeged Belgrade Capistranus a Minorite Frier stoode to encourage the Souldiers But he vsed not any superstitions For crying out he said Iesus looke on vs be present with thy people that suffereth for thee where are thy mercies of old Come and defend thy people least they say among the Gentiles where is now their God c. The Christians got a rich and noble victory In memory whereof the Pope according to his wonted superstition foolishly instituted the feast of the transfiguration of Christ Hunniades who had been a noble victor ouer the Turkes after this his last battaile fell sicke but hee would not haue the Sacrament brought to him as the superstitious manner was but commaunded himselfe to be carried to the Church where after the confession of his sinnes he receiued the Eucharist c. Thus much of the two witnesses and the things which fell out vpon their death and resurrection Thus the remnant giueth to glory to God And now the q cap. 11.14 second woe to the inhabitants of the earth by the Turkes c. seemeth to be past But the third woe will come anon CHAP. XII Of the third a cap. 11.14 woe to the inhabitants of the earth by Kings conuerted to Christ WE are now come to speake of the third woe which shal be inflicted vpon the inhabitants of the earth namely such which doe rather desire to possesse the earth then to inherit heauen And this containeth the abolishing of the kingdome of Antichrist and the victorious reigne and triumph of the word of God That which is spoken hereof is comprehended in the doctrine which came abroad when b cap. 11.15 the seuenth Angell blew the trumpet The summe whereof is manifestly knowne and euidently spoken by all godly men as if there were great voyces in heauen expressing their assurance of the things that are to come to passe And the summe is this that certainelie it can not be but the kings will also be conuerted to the Gospell by whose onely and holy administrations The kingdomes of this world are to be our Lords and his Christs and he shall reigne for euermore Hereupon all godly magistrates and ministers called by the name of the c cap. 11.16 foure and twentie elders which make any consciecne of their places as those which sit before God on their seates First doe humble themselues euen falling on their faces and subiecting themselues to this kind of administration Secondly they doe also leaue the seruice of idols and men and in their places worship God both with praises and administration of iustice As for their praises they do in effect say d cap. 11.17 we giue thee thankes Lord God almightie which art and which wa st and which art to come euen the same God which art euerlasting for that taking the power out of the hands of mortall weake and mutable men who of long time haue trodden thy sanctuarie vnder foote thou hast receiued the entrance and possession of thy great might and hast obtained thy kingdome in due time to bee fully and alone administred by thee As for their sincere administration of iustice they shew that they so regard the faithfull profession of the Gospell that thereupon such which rather professed the vanitie of the Gentiles then Christ euen the Antichristian Papists were a cap. 11.18 angrie The cause of their anger is first that the time is come of the wrath of God to be inflicted vpon whosoeuer shall deserue it without respect of persons Secondly because they see that the time is come of the dead which haue been martyred for the witnes of Iesus that they should be iudged whether they died as innocents or not so that the proceedings against such come to be looked into and examined againe by iustice faithfully which they are angrie should be knowen Thirdly because that God hath raised vp Christian Kings that God by them should giue rewarde vnto his seruants the prophets which doe sincerely speake the truth from the Lord whereas Antichrist did tread them vnder foote Yea because the time was come that he by Princes should giue reward also to the Saints and to them that in deede doe feare his name to small and great whom Antichrist exposed to death and confiscation loading them with reproches c. Fourthly because the time is come that God by Princes should vtterly destroy them which destroy the earth be they Turkes or Papists The aduancement of the godly and destruction of the wicked according to the exact rule of iustice in the word of God being thus drifted by godly Gouernors those of the spirit of Saint Iohn b cap. 15.1 saw another great and marueilous signe in heauen the Church of God Namely that God hath prepared seuen Angels hauing the seuen last plagues which he would inflict vpon his enemies for not by men but by them euen by a diuine hand is now to be fulfilled the wrath of God Of these plagues we are to consider the place whence these Angels doe receiue them and the powring of them forth These plagues are deliuered vnto them in the temple which after the godly doe put on zeale and thankesgiuing is opened Concerning the zeale of the godly first is declared how the true doctrine of Christian baptisme is restored namely that Christians ought to be vndefiled and zealous in the cause of Christ For the lauer of regeneration is now figured a cap. 15.2 by a glassie sea mingled with fire godly Princes and people being baptised b Mat. 3.11 with the holy Ghost and fire whereas hitherto they were baptised vnto repentance with patience Here therefore stand the Boemians which had gotten the victorie ouer the beast the ciuell estate which beareth vp the whore of Babylon and of his image the Ecclesiasticall policie and his marke of superstitious ceremonies and of the number of his name his armies which he sent against them These I say stand constantly at the glassie sea mingled with fire continuing sincere and zealous professors being so farre from being ouercome that contrarily they haue the harpes of God to sing praises vnto their God for their deliuerance from Antichrist And they being deliuered from the kingdome of Antichrist which spiritually
vtter court which also the scripture calleth The temple in which Antichrist doth raigne The speech is taken from the Temple which i 1. King 6.1 c. king Salomon built which was deuided into three parts First the holy and holiest places called by excellencie The temple contained the Arke the Altar of incense the lampes and tables of shew bread all which were couered Secondly there was the open place in which was placed the lauer or sea and the altar of burnt offerings The third part was called the k 2. Chro. 4.9 Courts and was deuided into l 2. Chr. 6.13 Ezech. 44.19 the inner court which was for the Priests and the vtter court where the King and Priests and Prophets and people did assemble for the seruice of God for instruction m Psal 122.4.5 Deut. 17.8 and for iudgement in doubtfull causes ciuil and diuine The doctrine figured n cap. 11.2 in the Temple and altar which are continued in the profession of the Gospel are to be measured and esteemed holy and good though by Antichrist shut vp and blasphemed But that which was represented by the vtter Court namely the publike assemblies for that which is called the seruice of God their courts of iurisdiction as farre as concerneth the causes of the Lord the Angell commandeth S. Iohn to cast out and all holy men to count them common and vncleane The reason whereof is that a Joseph anti lib 12. c. 6. 1. Macc. 1. as the temple of the Iews was deliuered into the hāds of Antiochus Epiphanes so by the temeritie and ignorance of Princes the courts are giuen to such as for their manner of rites are but b cap. 11.2 the Gentiles in effect though in appearance like the c Soc. 1. 17. Maniches they seeme Christians The manner of their behauiour here is not to rule with the key of knowledge d Dan. 8. but to deuoure break in peeces stamp and tread the residue of the holy city vnder foot as Abaddō the son of perdition And although the Papacie from hence forth corrupteth all assemblies with the tyrannies and superstitions of the Gentiles and abhominations of condemned heretickes yet doth e 2. Thess 2.4 August de ciu lib. 20. cap. 19. this Man of Sinne here exalt himselfe as if himselfe were the temple of God and take to himselfe whatsoeuer was figured by the temple of Salomon and his kingly pallace Howbeit in these courts shall bee euer found two witnesses raised vp by the Lord euen a competent number to stablish a truth who shall prophesie by teaching and cōmination cloathed in sacke-cloath poore humble f 2. Macc. 2.7.14 and sorrowfull to see the abhominations and blasphemies in the Church by the Gentiles c. Among such therefore is now the Church to bee sought for These by their g cap. 11.4 c. 10. testimonie must vexe the inhabitants of the earth both by bringing the graces of the spirit of God vpon good men and therefore are said to be two Oliue trees and also to giue holy light vnto them to direct them to the Lord and therefore are called two golden candlesticks standing before the God of the earth and by bringing heauie affliction vpon such as will iniurie them in their prophecie For their word shall be as fire out of their mouthes to deuoure their aduersaries And beeing equall in the power of their ministrie with Elias shall be able to shut the heauens that it raine not in the daies of their prophesie and beeing like vnto Moses in Egypt haue power to smite the earth with all manner of plagues as oft as they will so that the earth is plagued because the witnesses of Christ are despised and persecuted Yea those two witnesses called also 144 000. of those which haue the testimonie of Iesus Christ and keep the commandements of God oppose themselues in the open courts of the temple called now the visible Monarchie of the Church against the beast by h cap. innocencie preaching iudgements praier The manner of the womans sitting vpon this scarlet coloured beast is to tread the holy citie vnder foote Yea shee excelleth her selfe in cruelty For while shee was borne vp by heathen Emperours shee was furious and bloodie and therein as terrible and odious as a red Dragon But now shee cloatheth her selfe with blood as with a cap. 17.4.6 purple and scarlet thinking it her honour for the seruice of God to kill the godly And herein shee is so vnsatiable that shee is drunken with the blood of the Saints and with the blood of the Martyrs of Iesus that in admirable manner For shee doth not content her selfe to kill those that stand against her but also condemneth their memorie b cap. 11.7.9 not suffering them to be put in monuments And though these things to such as are of the spirit of S. Iohn doe euer appeare yet outwardly shee seemeth first to make plentifull prouision for this kind of warre and then she ioyneth battell with the Lambe c cap. 11.7.9 and those that follow him And these things doth this beast accomplish with his wonted lying signes and miracles with false prophesie and other impostures For the more effectuall executing of the d cap. 12.17 wrath of the Dragon which affection hee putteth on in all his oppositions the beast prouideth himselfe with the e cap. 13.3 c. wonderfull fauour and dependance of the whole earth which is called by the name of Christian as also studieth out a most secure discipline The world is said f cap. 13.3 to wonder greatly admiring the beast the Papacie by whose meanes the wounded head of Rome recouered life in the Hierarchie And also they followed the beast which was like the Pantheresse For as when g Gerard. dial creas 114. the Panther which is a beautifull and gentle beast amongst other wilde and rauenous beasts doth wake and come out of his denne and roare other beasts which heare his voice doe gather themselues togither and follow the sweetnesse of his odour which commeth forth of his mouth so also when this Papacie who is beautifull as an harlot and gentle as Absolom amongst men doth speake though it bee like the Dragon all men doe gather themselues together and followe the words of his mouth which seeme pleasant to those which are deluded For from this time those which before were called h cap. 9.3.11 Locust-scorpions haue set ouer them a king the Popes the angel of the bottomlesse pit For those kingdomes which rose of the inundation of the Barbarians one after another began to giue respect to the Bishops of Rome i cap. 17.17.2 Thess 2.11 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfill his decree and to bee of one consent and to giue their kingdomes vnto the beast vntill the wordes of God be fulfilled and then to hate her The fauour that this beast found