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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A04641 The gales of grace; or, the spirituall vvinde wherein the mysterie of sanctification is opened and handled. By Thomas Barnes ... Barnes, Thomas, Minister of St. Margaret's, New Fish Street, London. 1622 (1622) STC 1476; ESTC S101226 81,318 222

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be in fault of this If euer thou hadst the true sense of preuenting preparing working coworking and perfitting grace it shall neuer vtterly and wholy be taken away from thee Thy folly may slake the degrees of it but it thou be a Saint thou shalt euer haue enough to guide thee and refresh thee in thy voyage to heauen Why then wilt thou O Christian lay such heauy things to thy charge as do not belong vnto thee * Sect 3. Looke thou into thy selfe and see what cause is in thy self that hath lost thee this feeling and endeauour to haue that remoued which is a duty that in the second Vse I may well perswade vnto as fitly streaming from this doctrine Vse 2. Counsell and direction together For seeing it is possible for a Christian to lose his feeling and not alwayes to baue it the same I think there is none will iudge it a needlesse taske for him that hath lost it to seeke the recouery of it by the remouall of those euills which vppon triall hee findes to be the cause of the same and to stand vpon his guard to keepe it while hee hath and when hee shall get it againe Wherefore Motiue because there is a possibility to recouer it let no conceit of an impossibilitie of recouering it hinder the Christian from this duty for then the Diuell hath what hee would haue For howsoeuer as y Hypocrates Aphor. lib. 2. Aph. 24. Physitians say The corporall apoplexy and losse of sense in the body be impossible to be cured if it be strong and hath lien long vpon the body yet the spirituall Apoplexy of thy soule may be cured if the sinne which hath caused it be taken away And though happely thou shalt not as thou faine wouldest attaine vnto that measure of heauenly sense that once thou haddest yet thou shalt recouer as much as shall be sweeter vnto thy taste then the honny and the honny combe Gird vp thy loynes then thou Christian and play the man sift search ransacke and trie all the odde corners and holes of thy soule to finde out this Achan whatsoeuer it be which is such an enemy to thy feeling First of all therefore * Helpes to recouer lost feeling or the spirituall apoplexy in Christiās findest thou vpon enquirie any grieuous sinne against conscience to be the cause of it bewayle it hartily confesse it ingenuously before thy Soueraigne God and gracious father whom thou hast offended by it as holy Dauid did * 1. Help z Psa 51.4 Against thee thee onely haue I sinned and done this euill in thy sight and withall sue hard to the God of heauen rap loude at the gate of heauen and let not that gracious Hearer of prayers alone vntill he hath restored thee to thy former ioyes againe and put that life and feeling into thy soule which thou hast robbed thy selfe of by thy fall 2. Helpe Secondly if thou findest accustomed drowsinesse and fitts of securitie or a sleepy colde humour in going about Christian exercises to bee the cause of it entreate the Lord to direct the Physicians of the Word to deale with thee as the Physicians for the body deale with their Patients in the cure of that same soporiferous and sleepy disease called Coma that they may administer sharp clisters of the Law to purge thee with the sharp goades and needles of reprehension to prick thy conscience and to pull thee violently as it were by the haire and the heart with the hand of sound Doctrine to rowze and awaken thee And againe when thou art alone by thy selfe vse the most violent frictions and rubbings of thy selfe thou canst by the priuate meditation and application of the seuerest terrors and threats against spirituall slouthfulnesse that thou canst meete withall And beseech the Lord himselfe that with the hand of his owne Spirit hee would make whatsoeuer thou shalt so heare and meditate vpon to fume vp into thy braine and to pearce to thy heart to cut insunder those tough humors of pride idlenesse loue of fleshly ease and the like which haue beene the causes of this slumbering and sleepinesse in thee Thirdly 3. Help if spirituall deafenesse hath beene the meanes of the want of this feeling thy meditations hauing been taken vp with thinking vpon iniuries that such and such haue offered or the profits of the world of the pouertie of thy estate and such like trifles when the Word hath beene preached vnto thee get the Lord Iesus to open thine eares to his Word to bridle the vnrulinesse of thy affections to stoppe vp thy eares from listening vnto such charmes and inchantments And to remedy this deafenesse it shal besides be good for thee to holde thy eares ouer water wherein wormewood and maioram haue beene sodden together Simile that the vapour thereof may ascend vp to the braine I meane it shall be excellent for thee to haue thy heart seriously occupied in thinking vpon the bitter threatnings against fruitlesse hearers of the Word and also vpon the sweete promises that are made to such as attend diligently and heare profitably that so the meditation of these two particulars may make thee keepe narrow watch ouer thy heart against those ordinary vncharitable vaine discontented and worldly motions which thou hast found by woefull experience to haue caused thee to let slip many holesome exhortations admonitions consolations threats which might haue wrought vpon thy affections to the continuance of that spirituall feeling which the Diuell and thine owne traiterous heart haue bereft thee of Thus I say if that spirituall sense bee gone which once thou hadst get thy sinne remedied whether it be sin against conscience drowsinesse in thy profession wandering of the minde and dulnesse of apprehension and attention in the hearing of the Word which hath beene the cause of the same And when thou hast thus recouerd thy selfe watch against all these euills and occasions beseech the Lord to continue this feeling in thee Let zeale wisedome and sinceritie season all thy holy endeauours Then thou shalt find that though this sense be at times obscured in the ashes by the speciall hand and prouidence of God yet it shall bee rather in wisedome to proue thee then in wrath to punish thee And still thou shalt haue experience that God is thy God as well when thou feelest Nature resisting grace as when thou findest grace controlling the sauciness subduing the strength of nature and corruption CHAP. XI The fourth and last Doctrine obseruable in the second part of the Text. Sect. 1. Doctr. 8. There are diuersitie of degrees in the feeling of seueral Christians NOw followeth the fourth position as the last from the middle of the verse to bee discoursed vpon Which standeth thus That there is not the like feeling of grace in all Christians There is as good a ground for this point from the Text as for the former It is with the feeling of Grace