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A06199 Cum bono Deo Raine from the clouds, vpon a choicke angel: or, A returned answere, to that common quæritur of our adversaries, VVhere was your church before Luther? Digested into several meditations, according to the difference of points. Extorted off the author, for stilling the vncessant, and no lesse clamorous coassation of some patmicke frogges, against the lawfulness of our calling. Logie, Andrew. 1624 (1624) STC 16694; ESTC S108810 39,602 80

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That the lyke case may befall anie Church else To vse yet a fewe particulare instances for the fuller and clearer conviction of our Adversaries Vbi Mahumetismus omnia in Oriente obtinuit nay Vbi totus orbis ingemuit sese Arrianum factum esse miratus est ubi visibilis illa Ecclesiae facies quaeso videris Whereas Mahumetisme obtayned throughout the whole East nay and the whole worlde groaned vnder the heavie Yoake and Burden of Arrianisme vvhere was the visible face of the Church Truelie there is nothing more certaine than that there were manie most flowrishing Churches in the East which are to daye proh dolor transformed in Muscetas Mahumetanorum Nay I haue it of those who had it ex 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that they saw in Greece manie flowrishing Cities wherein there was not so much as the least trace of anie Church nor vestige of anie Christian doctrine omnia quippe occupaverat Mahumetica colluvies But lest I might seeme heere vel è sinu proferre testem as is ordinarie with our Adversaries I sticke not to deferre this to their owne testimonie or the testimonie to themselues I pray you then what letteth mee to reason heere by way of Analogie and so conclude That what hath behappened this or these particular Churches may befall others their Sisters nothing more heere priviledged against the same danger That wee may come yet nearer and strike home let mee demande of our Adversaries Whether or not the Church vnder Grace should haue her flight to the Wildernesse and that with Eagles wings not onlie for pernicitie in flying but for continuing of the flight in respect of tract of tyme and so lurke there for a goodlie space I hope our Adversaries dare not so farre foorth rubbe their fore-heads heere as openlie to disavow this the Scripture beeing heere so expresse and formall Now this beeing laide the answere to the maine quaestion prooveth easie Our Church was lurking in the Desert fleeing the persecution of the Dragon as that Church of Israel lurked vnder that persecution of Achab and Iezabel Nay this affordeth vs an infallible demonstration for vs and against our Adversaries to this sense That must needs bee the true Church which according to Sainct Iohns prophesie hath had her flight to the Wildernesse But so it is such onlie is ours and not theirs according to their owne confession and concession whereas they stand to the constant visibilitie thereof Ergo with vs still is the true Church Thus who seeth not except a borne-blinde that our Adversaries wrong their cause mightilie through imprudencie or impudencie whereas they contende That their Church was not onlie visible but still actuallie seene for differunt haec duo quantum actus potentia adeoque non statim desinit esse visibile quod non actu videtur it ceaseth not straight to bee visible which is not actuallie seene which our Adversaries still confound in this argument as who deny straight the visibilitie of a Church except shee may bee still actuallie pointed at by the finger as if the Sunne ceased to bee visible whiles the sight thereof is intercepted from vs by the interjection of a Cloude or through the weaknesse of our seeing facultie vnseene of vs. Thus you see how variable a Church is and may bee us to her outward policie so that our Adversaries haue heere no just matter offered them of offence whereas tracing heerein the Fathers in whose words else they sweare yea their fayth resolveth wee liken the Church to the Moone propter varios labores defectus eclipses deliquia Hitherto Sainct AUGUSTINE Ipsa est quae aliquando obscuratur tanquam obnubilatur multitudine scandalorum aliquando tranquillitate temporis quieta libera apparet aliquando tribulationum tentationum fluctibus operitur atque turbatur But let vs heare the Church of her selfe and for her selfe Micab Chap. 7.8 Rejoyce not against mee O mine Enemie though I fall I shall aryse when I shall sit in darknesse the LORD shall bee a light vnto mee c. Heere this is spoken in the person of the Church which calleth the malignant Church her enemie Now 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 praesupponeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or Est of the third adjacent Est of the second Then the true Church may fall and sit in darknesse Hitherto reade we Isaiah Chap. 1. vers 8 where the Daughter of Zion is likened to a Cottage in a Vine-yarde to a Lodge in a Garden of Cucumbers and to a besiedged Citie c. which if committed with these other places importing at least poynting at her conspicuitie and visibilitie serue to shew foorth her variablenesse and shadowing by turning I know that our Adversaries except against the former part of my Discourse where I concluded from the Iewish Church to the Christian because of the great oddes heere and diverse priviledges of the Christian Church aboue the Iewish wherefore it standeth vs vpon to eye a little into these alleadged Priviledges as wee would haue my prior Discourse to remayne in its full vigour The Priviledges of the Christian Church aboue the Iewish at least alleadged vnto in this Argument I finde in speciall to bee these two The first The vniversalitie of the one aboue the other and this to this sense As that there is no salvation without the Christian but was not so of the Iewish The seconde is That the Christian hath farre fayrer and larger promises made to her As to the first taken from the vniversalitie of the Christian Church lest they might seeme heere to stand but to a bare and naked Assertion they thus instance the matter from Iob and some yet from Melchisedecke That I may proceede heere the more orderlie first I will treate a little in the generall of the whole matter and then come to the particulare exceptions and their probations To the generall then I would first inquire and learne of our Adversaries Whether the Church vnder the Law and vnder Grace bee two different Churches or but one and the same in matter and substance though differing in respect of the externall scheme or Vesture Iewish or Christian as still the grace dispensed vnder both the Covenantes was but one and the same the manner of dispensation but varying Next I would vnderstand Whether or not Eadem fit analogia partium similarium so that what behappeneth anie one part may befall another and so all in common are lyable to the same dangers Last the Apostle vvideth this processe heere to our advantage Rom. 11. where hee showeth That the Christian Church of the Gentiles is capable of excision incase shee persevere not as was the Iewish Synagogue nay hee reasoneth from rhe more to the lesse Now to the particular exceptions As to the first I avouch That the Iewish Church ceedeth not the least heere to the Christian and That without her there was no salvation For proofe heereof besides diverse other passages making heerevnto let vs advise the Apostle Ephes
〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 must not bee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 would bee 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 so 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or potestas as they speake in Schooles hee must bee instructed with commission Hitherto the LORD is said to haue called Bezaleel by name and to haue filled him with his spirit for working in his Tabernacle Exod. 31. Hitherto the LORD commanded Moses to take Ioshua the sonne of Nun in whom the spirit was and to put hands vpon him Num. 27. vers 18. Hither-to wee see Numbers 17. amongst all the twelue Roddes of the Princes of Israel onelie AARONS Rodde to haue budded blossomed and borne rype Almondes where-by wee are taught symbolicallie that the LORD will onelie blesse their Ministrie whom hee setteth aworke himselfe Matth. 28.19 Hitherto wee see the marriage of these three in unum Spiritum Ite Docete Baptizate Matthew the last at the vpshot whereas CHRIST sent foorth his Disciples to that publicke Ministrie Hitherto wee see with what care the whole Prophets at least in common alleadged still in the entrie of their prophesie to their warrand of Calling Yea last wee see quàm severè à DEO hic animadversum in sacri bujus ordinis temeratores but the least regard to their qualitie But in respect our Adversarie goeth no farther length but contenteth him simplie to amasse some passages together enforcing the necessitie of Vocation or Calling I might vel citra tenuissimum pulvisculum hoc labore defungi by subscrybing to this granted and acknowledged trueth in common the quaestion still remaining with whom this vocation or calling is Alwayes I shall lay hold on the matter even from so farre and impose here a necessitie on my selfe whereas there is none so much as deferred or but barelie offered not out of the least consciousnesse of anie vnlawfulnesse of our Calling or the least weaknesse therein Neither yet heerein sillilie to subserue the humour of our Adversarie Neither yet out of the least praesumption on my part but fiduciâ bonae causae as lykewise to satisfie in some measure as the expectation of all so the most earnest expetition of the well affected as last of all lest else I might justlie seeme overpassing it with a dry foote to overleape it lyke a Ditch from whence I feared danger Yea and bee misconstrued as to detrect the Combate whiles being so pointlie poynted at c. Out of these considerations then one word en passant with a running pen of this so much ventilated quaestion of our Church her being before Luther which our Adversaries with so opē full mouth noyse so much to day yea fill both Heaven and Earth with the brute hereof and wherein they place the strength of their cause as Sampsons strength lay in his haire Truelie to vntye and vnloose this their Gordian knot non expectandus hîc nobis Elias aliquis aut 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Primum Meletema FIrst of all this maine ground would be laide and headilie adverted vnto in the Frontispice of this Worke to wit That the Church is still one and the same though not alwayes alyke affected as a man remaineth one and the selfe same man in sicknesse and health Now from hence the ridiculous follie of these demands of our Adversaries appeare of will to wit Of the being of our Church before LVTHER as lykewyse If shee was in Poprie or not Certes Papatus invasit Ecclesiam Poprie hath invaded the Church for accidentis est inesse subjecto but not on the contrarie subjecti inesse suo accidenti so that the Church throughout her diverse conditions before Poprie vnder Poprie and delivered or come foorth of Babel is but one and the same remaining thus one common subject lyable to diverse alterations and lyke heerein to the naturall or physicall bodie of man diverslie affected Hitherto it is that you see the two witnesses Revel 11.3 to bee cloathed in sacke-cloath ob tristem videlicet Ecclesiae statum and againe the Angels comming foorth with the seaven Plagues ad sumendum debitas de Antichristo poenas to be cloathed in signe of victorie triumph sutablie in pure bright linnen Revel 15. ob laetum Ecclesiae statum Now Est of the third adjacent praesupponeth Est of the second as they speake in Schooles And so it remaineth quòd subinde alia atque alia sit Ecclesiae facies Whitherto shee is well likened by the Fathers to the Moone which remaineth one and the same etiam vel ubi patitur deliquium even while shee is eclipsed For closure then as the Church remained the same even whilst holden in captivitie in that Easterne Babylon so did shee remaine one and the same whilst thralled and enbondaged in that Westerne and mysticall Babylon c. Secundum Meletema WEE acknowledge all in common the Church for the ground and Pillar of the Trueth the word Pillar heere being taken aright ratione scilicet forensi and not Architectonicâ for else all shoud proue confused in that speach of Sainct Paules as if domus id eui innititur domus that is the Trueth and the Church were one and the same as our Adversaries heere confound yea as if the Church were not built on that foundation of the Prophets and Apostles their doctrine as lykewyse allusion heere being made ad domum illam Salomonis totam columnis conspicuam I leaue to speake of the different interpunction which as it would cleare all heere so hath it no little probabilitie because of the synapticke or copulatiue particle Kaì in the beginning of the next verse which would seeme to knit these wordes with something going before to this sense That CHRIST or GOD manifested in the flesh is the ground and pillar of the Trueth without controversie the great mysterie of godlinesse But to follow the received interpunction interpretation ne crabrones irritemus it is cleare frō hence that we must needs acknowledge that pillar for the Church wherevpon wee find the Trueth appended since that ad Ecclesiam tanquam ad columnam prostat veritas in ea demum comparet so that from the doctrine judgement must bee given of the Church and not on the contrarie Whitherto Gregorie Nazianzen sayeth well 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Wherefore thus are wee ledde by the hand to institute a tryall penes quod sit veritas where and with whom the Trueth is this proveth in the ende the last analysis or resolution of this quaestion If I durst make bolde I would pose our Adversaries heere a little of their judgement Whether it bee safer and surer worke with Tertullian personas ex fide or on the contrarie fidem ex personis aestimare now our Adversaries holde this latter and so must needes promiscuouslie receiue the leaven of the Pharisees because they sit in MOSES Chaire for sound and true Doctrine That I may make this farther tributarie to the errand in hand from hence I thus argue