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A20949 The Iesuites shifts, and euasions; or, his deportment in controuersies of religion. Or, A treatise, wherein the causes are examined why Mr. Arnoux the Iesuite, refuseth to answere to seauenteene questions propounded by the ministers of the church of Paris Wherein also the treatise of fiue euasions which he hath added to the examination of our confession, is likewise examined and answered: by Peter Du Moulin.; Fuites et évasions du Sieur Arnoux. English Du Moulin, Pierre, 1568-1658. 1624 (1624) STC 7328; ESTC S111074 27,667 44

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and yet not ascribe the title of Reformators vnto themselues And although we should call our selues reformers is it not Mr. Arnoux dutie to shew vs that there is nothing to be reformed in the Church of Rome by prouing his beleefe by the Word of God thereby to withdraw vs from this vnprofitable labour and to hinder vs from applying any more plasters where there is no wound Then that likewise should not hinder him from answering vnto vs. 4 That which followeth is no better vntill saith he that they haue confuted my Paper of confrontation against the which they haue written it were a kind of folly in mee to grant them such a disloyall and friuolous digression For answere hereunto I say that we haue in such manner confuted his confrontations that they are become ridiculous His accusations did not merit the paines were tooke therein but we had a respect to the dignitie of the persons in whose presence he pronounced them And when any man moueth vs to render a reason of our beleefe it is no digression to cause him to yeeld a reason of his owne beleefe For a man alwayes to aske questions and neuer to make answere to any thing that another askes him besides the vniust vsurpation it is a confession of his owne Ignorance For he that askes desireth to be instructed and hee that will not answere silently confesseth that he is not able to giue instruction And if when we make these questions vnto him we should vse a digression yet seeing that our people are not seperated from the Church of Rome and because we cannot satisfie their demaunds by the Word of God it is Mr. Arnoux part to supply their want therein and to giue them instruction Seeing that if his cause be good he shall haue lesse paines to produce a place out of the Scripture touching euery one of our 17. demaunds then to seeke for so many shifts He takes more paines to shew the reasons why he answereth not then he should haue had to answere vs. 5 The fift reason is excellent When saith he they shall plainly and freely confesse that they can no more brag and boast of the Word of God and that their confession is wholly abolished and that it is no more to be spoken of Then I will make no difficultie to instruct them in my beleefe and it shall not be to the end to make them account thereof but to winne them to God He will haue me to leaue my owne Religion before he instructs me in his beleefe but in the meane time what Religion shall I hold while I attend his instruction This is excellent counsell to wish me to leaue my Religion without taking another in a certaine time after and that I should renounce my confession of the faith before I know whether he that induceth me to doe it hath a good religion And if after I haue left my Religion without taking another I come to Mr. Arnoux to learne his faith of him and that therein hee doth not content me shall I remaine without Religion or shall I take that againe which I left That is as much as if a man should leaue his owne Religion not knowing wherefore For I cannot know that my Religion is false vnlesse I know that the contrary Religion is true This Doctor hath learned all this from Father Gontri that published diuers small Treaties wherein are found these slender shifts and childish conceipts to learne men to exempt themselues from answering alwayes to aske questions and to bind vs to proue our allegations in as many words and syllables out of the holy Scripture 6 Lastly after so many ouerthwartings Truth giueth Mr. Arnoux a blow and draweth this confession from him Such questions saith hee cannot be made by those that know well that we neuer promised as they haue done neither yet protested in any of our Articles that we ought not to beleeue any thing but that which is formerly set downe in the Scripture and in expresse termes to the contrary wee hold traditions which they reproue and reiect He should haue said so at the first without seeking so many ouerthwartings and delayes Then he confesseth that he cannot answer our questions by the Scripture and that those points whereof we desire a proofe are not proued by the Word of God contained in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles but by tradition and by the vnwritten Word That is to say that these doctrines are neither in the Law of God nor in the Gospell for in the holy Scriptures the Law of God is whole and the Gospell whole and not halfe vnlesse the title be false And yet these 17. points are the principall points of the Romish Religion and which are held to be necessary for saluation which are the causes of our separation Then be it knowne to all the Realme of France that Mr. Arnoux being at this day seated in so eminent a place after hee hath defied vs with so solemne a defiance in the presence of his Maiestie and of the greatest persons of this Realme hath bled at the nose confesseth his own weaknesse and acknowledgeth that his Religion is not grounded vpon the Word of God contained in the holy Scriptures but vpon an vnwritten Word and vpon Traditions which haue no other rule nor certainty then the authority of those that propound them and who by that tradition haue heaped vp infinite riches and builded an Empire vpon earth While the holy Scriptures which is able to make vs wise to saluation is hidden and withdrawne from the peoples sight And that we on the contrary haue from point to point satisfied and answered to all his questions and obiections Blessed bee the Name of God that makes truth to triumph and drawes our aduersaries condemnation out of their owne mouthes Then with good reason he addeth these words saying they did well to conceiue that I would neuer vndertake an impertinent thing and that also which hee saith that wee would haue him lose dayes and nights and spoile his brest and his stomacke with so much writing and abandon his charge and then stay a long time for an answere and striking after one manner he should lose his blowes It is not impertinent to defend his cause by the word of God that paines will neither hurt nor spoile his brest nor stomacke For it is so hard a matter to produce a place out of the Scriptures for euery one of these 17. points and if not formall at the least such as haue some appearance thereof Touching the places of the Scripture alleadged by Pope Boniface the 8. and by the last Counsell of Lateran in so prodigious and prophane a sense Mr. Arnoux Arnoux p. 112. dares not maintaine such cotations of the Scripture nor yet reiect them least hee should condemne the Popes and their Counsels but findes a way betweene both saying That those proofes are not produced in the literall sense but in an accommodated and
rules not thinking thereon being insensibly thrust into them by the force of reason Whosoeuer will haue no consequences produced abolisheth all common sense and all vse of reason which onely consisteth therein The rules of Lodgique are no Articles of faith but instruments to mannage all knowledge by order and certainty and by consequence also matters of Diuinitie CHAP. VI. The third Euasion THe third Euasion which Master Arnoux saith we vse is that we serue our turnes with the circle in this that we proue those things to be Scripture by our particular spirit and proue that particular spirit by the Scripture Which is false and slanderous We leaue that particular spirit to mad men none of vs makes our selues Iudges of the Scriptures That is the Popes and his Prelates property who being assembled boast that they pronounce Iudgement touching points of faith and beleeue they cannot erre And our Aduersaries say that euery particular person of the Church of Rome doth certainly discerne the true Church which spirit or particular iudgement is meere blindnesse seeing that the poore people haue no other proofe to know that the Church of Rome is the true Church then onely the witnesse that the same Church giueth of itselfe Touching the circle if any serue their turnes therewith it is our aduersaries for they ground the authoritie of the Scripture vpon the testimony of the Church and yet ground the authoritie of the Church vpon testimonies of the Scripture as one that hauing placed the walles of a house vpon the foundation afterward should place the foundation vpon the walles When we aske them how they know that wee must beleeue the bookes of the new Testament They answere and say because the Church saith it and ordaines it to be so and when we say that how know you that wee must beleeue the Church because say they that the bookes of the New Testament say so and ordaine it to be so for there it is written Tell it vnto the Church c. Certainely as often as they alledge the Scriptures to ground and authorize their Church they ouerthrow that which they will haue men to beleeue which is that the authority of the Scripture is grounded vpon the authority of the Church And thereby are tyed to rowle the circle as Diogenes is to his tub and ouerturne their owne wits by this circulation But when we aske one of them and say how know you that your Church teacheth the true Doctrine or how know you that it is conformable to the ancient Church There they are at a stay and the circle rowles no more and so they are dumbe by necessity For how shall they know the true Doctrine seeing the rule of the true Doctrine which is the holy Scripture is hidden from them And how should they know whether their Church is conformable to the ancient Church seeing it is not knowne but by an infinite number of Greeke and Latine Bookes which the people vnderstand not Then the people must know that the Church of Rome teacheth the true Doctrine onely because those that teach it say so which is to belieue at hazard and to haue a humane Religion grounded vpon coniectures without the Word of God and to allow a man to be a witnesse and a Iudge in his owne cause Therefore Master Arnoux giueth markes to know the true Church without speaking of the holy Scriptures Pag. 119. which are all false First The consent of the people But there are a greater number of the people that disagree with the Church of Rome than those that agree therewith And Iesus Christ saith that broad is the way that leadeth to destruction Math. 7.13.14 and many there be which goe in thereat because straite is the gate and narrow is the way which leadeth vnto life and few there be that finde it Then he addeth the testimony of Martyrs a false marke for there shall neuer be any Martyrs found that died for calling vpon Saints or for Transubstantiation or for Purgatory They suffered death for the doctrine of the Gospell for the which our poore Churches haue suffered so many martyrdomes by meanes of the Church of Rome which suffereth no more but maketh martyrs suffer For a third marke he placeth the authority of the Fathers But the Fathers are contrary to the Doctrine of the Romish Church the people cannot looke into them And Master Arnoux speaketh by heare-say for in his Booke he alledgeth but foure or fiue places out of the Fathers which are not found to be false and corrupted For a fourth marke hee puts the eminence of the Doctrine I thinke that by the eminence hee vnderstandeth the excellency which consisteth in purity and conformity to the Word of God Without proofe to say that the Church of Rome hath the purity of Doctrine it is without proofe to pre-suppose that which is in question To the contrary we haue proued against Master Arnoux that Poperie is a heape of errours and a corruption of Christianitie And how should the people know that purity of Doctrine seeing they hide the rule of purity which is the holy Scriptures from them For the last marke hee se●teth succession neuer interrupted It he vnderstandeth a succession of doctrine wee deny it if he vnderstandeth a succession of chaires without Doctrine that succession is nothing Many other Churches also which condemne the Church of Rome haue their succession and that ancienter than the Romane And schismes haue often broken the succession of the Romish Bishopricke And how can the people know any thing touching this succession which cannot be learned but by reading of infinite Histories and Greeke and Latine Authors that haue written for the space of one thousand sixe hundred yeares CHAP. VII The fourth Euasion THe aduersary noteth another Euasion wherewith wee serue our turnes as he saith which is to produce diuers places of Scripture one with another whereof the one serueth to interpret the other For example he saith that wee expound these words This is my body by this place I am the Vine wherein hee slandereth vs. We know well that these words I am the Vine are not the exposition of these words This is my body Wee note not those places I am the Vine I am the dore This cup is the Couenant The rocke was Christ to interpret these words This is my body but to shew that whosoeuer will alwaies take the words of the holy Scripture literally and leaue these interpretations whereby the Scripture expresseth it selfe should often fall into great absurdities and to shew that ordinarily the Scripture nameth the signes and Sacraments by the names of that which they represent CHAP. VIII The fift Euasion THe fift Euasion which Master Arnoux imputeth vnto vs is a Chaos of confused calumniations He saith that we attribute things to the Church of Rome which shee beleeueth not That we charge the Popes with injuries That wee reiect the originall Text of the Scripture that is the Hebrew and the Greeke
appropriated sense nothing contrary to the literall sense I will make our greatest enemies Iudges herein whether they would endure that in our confession wee should serue our selues with places of Scripture not agreeing with the literall sense but with an accommodated sense made for our pleasures and drawne for our profit for those places are interpreted for the Popes aduantage in an impious sense to perswade men that he ought to be adored by Kings and that he hath all power in heauen and in earth Are these the men that will binde vs to finde all that in the Scripture which we say and in as many words and syllables who in the meane time take libertie themselues to play with the Scripture with such licentious prophanation and thinke to carry it away by saying that it is an accommodated and not a literall sense which accommodated sense neuerthelesse they receiue for good and most certaine seeing they hold that the Pope and his Counsels cannot erre in faith After this Doctor hath so barely acquitted himselfe hee speaketh as being touched with compassion towards vs and giueth vs counsell full of wisedome saying Yeeld your selues to the Church and she will tell you all as if he should say Ioyne your selues with the Church of Rome and then wee will at leasure answere to your demands for by the Church he vnderstandeth the Romish Church which he will haue vs to beleeue to be the true Church before we know what shee ought to beleeue that shee may be the true and pure Church But why should shee rather be the true Church than the Greeke or the Syrian Churches which are ancienter than the Romane and purer and which Iesus Christ and his Apostles did plant and where S. Peters and the rest of the Apostles chaires are Thereupon Master Arnoux will haue vs plainely to shew which is the true Church if the Church of Rome be not the true Church but he saith that to mocke vs for he speaketh as if he should say Shew vs that but while you shew it wee will shut our eyes for the true Church is that which followeth and teacheth the true Doctrine contained in the holy Scriptures by that we must know it as St. Augustine saith Aug. lib. de vnitate Ecclesiae cap. 16. Vtrum ipsi Ecclesiam teneant non nisi diuinarū Scripturarum canonicis libris ostendatur Et eodem libro Ergo in Canonicis Scripturis eam requiramus Cap. 3. let vs seeke for the Church in the canonicall Scriptures that is that holy Scripture which they hide from the people Then these Doctors will haue vs to shew them the true Church but will not haue men to see that which onely maketh them to know the Church As if a man would haue one to shew him the best gouerned Common-wealth without knowing the rules that make a good Common-wealth He also will haue vs to produce our Commission and the charge that we haue from that Church Whereunto we haue answered in the 123. Section of the first Booke where wee haue handled the vocation of Pastors The effect thereof is that although euery Pastor of our Churches be lawfully called and according to the forme and manner therein required by imposition of the hands of other faithfull Pastors after enquiry made of his life and conuersation and of his capacity and doctrine yet it is not alwaies necessary to haue his commission and allowance from a pure Church and without errour He that is admitted into the charge of a Pastor in an hereticall Church as in an Arian or Nestorian Church and that hath beene receiued vpon oath to teach the truth ought necessarily to accomplish that oath and in the same charge to change his hereticall doctrine and propound the true Doctrine of saluation Not only because the charge of a Pastor in what Church soeuer it be by the nature thereof and the first institution is expresly giuen vnto him and instituted to teach the truth but also because that euery oath made to God concerning any good iust and necessary thing and whereinto a man hath not intruded himselfe ought necessarily to be accomplished And if it hapneth that any Pastors of an hereticall and an idolatrous Church as the Romish Church is changing their hereticall doctrine and taking on them to preach the truth and thereby draw a part of their flockes to follow the truth and that thereupon the other part obstinate in errour expulseth and excommunicateth them I say that they ought to be constant and not to abandon Gods cause that they may not leaue their charge for accomplishing their oathes but conuert their charge into the true vse thereof for they ought rather to haue a respect to Gods will and intent for the which hee hath instituted the charge of Pastors than to the intent of those that imposed their hands vpon them when it is contrary to Gods will and intent for a man is not established in the charge of a Pastor to doe the will of man but the will of God The force of the bond to obserue and keepe his oath proceedeth not from him before whom he taketh his oath or that maketh him to sweare but from God to whom hee sweareth and in whose power the punishments of periury are reserued Such was the commission and the proceedings of those whom God vsed to striue against Papistrie in the Church of Rome and openly to publish the holy Scripture which the Pope had suppressed who hauing beene chosen and elected Priests and Doctors in the Church of Rome to preach the Doctrine of the Gospel to the people and to be sacrificers of the body of Christ did beleeue that they were bound to performe the first because it is the ordinance of God and to leaue the second because it is the inuention of man Master Arnoux addeth a conceipt which hee saith is very strong and of much force the substance whereof is That no Testament is made without there be an heire That the Testament is the Gospel That the Church is the perpetuall assigned heire of this Testament the which by consequence cannot erre as being perpetuall inheritor of the infallible truth I answere that the inheritance which Iesus Christ by his testament hath left to the true faithfull Ephes 1.14.18 Hebr. 9.15 is the Kingdome of Heauen and not the guift not to erre And although the infallible truth of God might be called the inheritance of the Church yet it doth not follow that the Church cannot erre nor sinne against the truth So the law which is the intire rule of righteousnesse is giuen to the Church which neuerthelesse doth sinne against that Law How should the Vniuersall Church be without error seeing it is composed of diuers and particular discordant Churches among the which why should the Church of Rome rather haue the guift not to erre than the Greeke ancienter than the Romane or than the Syrrian much ancienter than the Greeke and where Saint Peters chaire is and which
Papists Churches 9 Or that the ancient Church gaue diuers charges and offices to Saints to one ouer one Country to another ouer another Countrey to another ouer an occupation c. 10 Or that the ancient Church beleeued that the Pope can giue and take away Kingdomes and dispence with subiects touching their oath of fidelity cannonize Saints and dispence with vowes and oathes made to God 11 Or that in the ancient Church the Pope by his pardons distributed the supererogatory satisfactions of Saints for remission of the punishments for other mens sinnes 12 Or that the Pope then set vp pardons in one Church not in another making priuiledged Alters to the which sometimes hee granted two or three hundred thousand yeeres of pardon 13 Or that the ancient Church did beleeue that there is a place called Limbus for yong children 14 Or that it adored the hoste which the Priest holdeth in his hands with Latrian worship and that to the same end the Priest lifteth vp the hoste in the Masse 15 Or that the ancient Church euer esteemed the books of Machabees to be Canonicall bookes 16 Or that it beleeued that the Bishop of Rome cannot erre in the faith 17 Or that the ancient Church did beleeue that Iesus Christ by his death and passion did satisfie for the faults and for the sinnes by men committed before baptisme but that for sinnes committed after baptisme it belongeth to vs to satisfie for them either in this life or in the fire of Purgatory Vpon euery one of these points I will content my selfe with two places alleadged by them out of the foure first ages CHAP. III. The fiue manners or wayes of Euasions set downe by Mr. Arnoux to confute the Ministers THe carefull and zealous reading of the holy Scriptures and the ancient doctors the vnderstanding of the Latin Greeke and Hebrew tongues and the knowledge of histories and of Philosophie are things required to be in a Diuine But the onely intelligence of the Scriptures ought to suffice if all of vs were wise and of one accord But the sickenesse of this age and the starting-holes which error hath digged are the causes that diuers other things are required in a Diuine Father Gontri deceased acknowledging that and feeling himselfe to be destitute of many necessary aides therin as of the knowledge of the Greek Hebrew tongues yet desirous to win reputation inuented certaine means and wayes whereby an ignorant person voide of all learning might maintaine a disputation and to that end published diuers smal Pamphlets which serue to forme and frame the manner and order which those that dispute or conferre with vs should hold to whom he giueth these two counsels The first is neuer to yeeld to make any answere nor to binde themselues to defend the Romish Religion but alwayes to put questions and to force vs to the defence of our confession And if they be pressed to proue their beleefe by the Word of God instead of answering vs that they should say It belongs not to you to examine me of my beleefe for I am in possession and you haue no commission to examine me Seeing you are reformers it belongs to you to reforme mee and to produce your proofes And who told you that this is the holy Scripture The other counsell which hee giueth is that when wee come to make obiections and to produce our proofes not to allow of any thing whatsoeuer we shall say if wee shew it not in the Scripture in as many words and syllables as wee alledge it and that if we frame an argument whereof both the propositions are in the Scriptures to deny that they are bound to allow the conclusion because Aristotles rules doe not binde the faith And that if in our discourse we shall happen to vse these words That is to say or by consequence they should force vs to finde those words That is to say and by consequence in the Scripture And that if we produce a place in the Scripture for the clearing and interpretation of another place in the Scripture they should say vnto vs shew mee a third place in the Scripture which saith that this place ought to be expounded by that place And that if we doe not answere them to their desires then that they shall breake off conference and thereupon make and raise clamors and slanderous libels full of triumphant words that they haue brought the Ministers to their Shifts of that is to say and by consequences and to say that a Caroach also is a consequence because it followeth the horses There is no Cobler in the Countrey but that in a quarter of an houre he may become a Diuine if it be sufficient alwayes to put questions and neuer to answere Certainely all this is but a small masse or lumpe of scould-like wrangling which onely learneth a man to defend himselfe with his clawes like a Cat and to prolong a disputation neuer entring into the matter But this dresser of craftinesse and deceit neuer reaped any benefit by his proceedings for at the first encounter with the least of the Ministers his nose fell a bleeding and all his craft vanished away like a tempest driuen backe with the winde of a Hatte and so withdrawing himselfe like a light horseman vnhorst went into another towne there to be dealt withall in the like manner If we would giue the like measure to those that vse these iugling trickes we could at the first word that they speake aske them who they are and who sent them and vpon their answere that they are Priests and Doctors of the Church say vnto them what know wee whether there must bee a Church or not or that there is a Church and thereupon if they speake any thing say vnto them shew that in as many words in the written or vnwritten word And if they chance to come out with Therefore or for that cause say vnto them shew me that word in the vnwritten word and who shall be Iudge c. And so like them vse that simple wrangling which is fit onely for mad-men and malitious wranglers that feare the touch and dare not shew their faces in open field Mr. Arnoux followeth this instruction fit for a man that is meanely furnished and decking himselfe with other birds feathers hath drawne these subtilties into a kinde of Art and reduced them into fiue heads intitling his discourse Meanes or wayes of euasion Wherevnder pretence to discouer our shifts as they say hee sheweth his owne and frames a discipline of small and slender subtilties fitter rather to stay and hinder disputation then to instruct To each of these Euasions we will say somewhat that we may not let any thing passe without replying CHAP. IIII. The first way of Euasion THe first of our wiles which he noteth is that when we are put from a place of Scripture we produce our own interpretations and saue our credits by That is to say Whereunto I reply That if
hee wanteth common sense to content himselfe to learne the beliefe of his aduersaries by their enemies inuectiues or by popular report rather than by their owne confession Whereby it happeneth that all the disputation is a manner of skirmishing in the ayre which striketh no man and a fantasie of an imaginary controuersie forged to storme or bestirre themselues against But this is the manner which at this day they vse with vs for they that preach or write against vs make vs as blacke as Pitch with slanders and forge another confession for vs. When wee reade our Aduersaries writings wee might imagine that they write against another Religion than ours if we saw not our names at the beginning of their Bookes and in the titles of the Chapters And what protestations soeuer wee make that we beleeue nothing that they make vs to say yet they are resolute and will perswade vs that wee doe beleeue it Master Arnoux Booke written against our confession iustifieth the same which in stead of refuting our confession changeth it in such manner that fighting against his owne inuentions his quarrell is against himselfe Whereupon I am forced in a briefe Table to set downe what kinde of confession of the faith our Aduersaries attribute vnto vs and how they paint out our confession like a horrible Monster which they shew vnto the people to get money thereby Peter Cotton the Iesuite made a Booke intituled Catholique Institution at the beginning whereof hee hath made a Preface to those of the pretended reformed Church wherein hee comprehendeth all our beliefe in 28. Articles which are these that follow 1 THat the Children of Christians may be saued onely by the faith of their Parents without baptisme and therefore that baptisme is not absolutely necessary 2 That the Bread in the Supper of our Lord is onely the figure of the Body of Iesus Christ 3 That the Church may erre 4 That we must not allow of any traditions 5 That Angels and Saints which are in glory know not our necessities and cannot heare our prayers 6 That Priests and religious persons may breake their vowes 7 That single life is not to bee preferred before marriage 8 That the Bookes of Macabees Wisdome Ecclesiasticus Tobias the rest of Daniel and Baruc are Apocripha 9 That the Soule of the Sonne of God did not descend into Hell to fetch the soules of the holy Fathers from thence which there stayed for his comming or that before the Ascension of Iesus Christ the soules of the Saints were receiued into Heauen not into Limbus nor into any other third place 10 That we must confesse our sinnes to God onely 11 That faith onely iustifieth 12 That when the fault of sinne is remitted the punishment also is remitted 13 That God did not create men in one and the same condition but that he created some to be saued and the rest to be damned perpetually 14 That euery particular man hath an Angell that watcheth ouer him 15 That it is not lawfull to salute him nor to call vpon him 16 That God doth not suffer sinne to be done but that he will haue it to be done that hee thrusteth vs forward vnto it and constraineth vs thereunto 17 That the Scripture is easie to be vnderstood and that the vnderstanding thereof is giuen vnto all men 18 That there needes no ordinary or extraordinary vocation to preach the Word of God 19 That we must beleeue nothing but that which is written 20 That God hath not giuen power to the Church to remit sinnes 21 That all sinnes are mortall 22 That a man cannot merit by grace 23 That it is impossible to keepe the Commaundements of God although he ayde vs. 24 That God doth not recompence good workes 25 That there is no distinction of blessednesse among the Saints and that they are all equall therein 26 That we must not vse the imposition of hands which the Apostles vsed vpon those of Samaria and Ephesus 27 That the precept to annoynt sicke persons with oyle whereof St. Iames speaketh ought not to be practised in the Church although it was vsed by the Apostles 28 That prayer for the dead was not vsed in ancient times nor yet in the Machabees time Vpon these eight twenty Articles he asketh vs proofes out of the holy Scriptures but he should aske proofes of all these Articles of those that beleeue such things and not of vs to whom all these poynts are in a manner slanderously imputed Vpon the which I will briefly say something to the Reader and run ouer all these Articles 1 IT is false that we say that Children may be saued onely by the faith of their Parents Touching the necessity of Baptisme with water the Church of Rome beleeueth it not The Councell of Trent is of opinion that a vow supplyeth the want of Baptisme with water and our Aduersaries say that the Baptisme of bloud and the Baptisme of the Spirit that is martyrdome and regeneration without baptisme with water may saue a man 2 It is false that wee beleeue that the Bread in the holy Supper is onely the figure of the body of Christ The Scripture teacheth vs that the Sacraments also are seales to confirme and that the bread which wee breake is the communion of the body of Christ 3 It is false that we simply say that the Church can erre The Church that is spoken of in the Creede which is the Church of the Elect cannot erre in deciding of the doubts in faith because it neuer assembleth to decide any thing Touching the visible vniuersall Church it was assembled in the persons of the Apostles which did wholly gouerne it then it could not erre Now it is diuided into particular contrary Churches seperated from communion It is impossible to assemble the same to decide any causes Touching particular Churches as the Greeke Romane and the Syrian c. There are some that may erre and there are some particular Churches wherein it is impossible to be saued that is those that are idolatrous where the benefit of Iesus Christ is corrupted 4 It is false that we reiect all traditions we reiect those onely which add something to the doctrine of faith contayned in the holy Scriptures 5 It is false that we beleeue that Angels and Saints know not our necessities they doe generally know that the Church of God is persecuted and hath great combats to resist The Angels that God hath appointed to be our gardians know our necessities and what estate we are in 6 It is false that we simply say that Priests ought not to keepe their vowes if they make a vow of possible things and conformable to the Word of God they ought to keepe them 7 It is false that we say that single life is not to be preferred before marriage single life that is continent and hath no euill desires hath great commodities and aduantages aboue marriage and more liberty to serue God 8. 9. The eighth and