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A13236 Monsig[neu]r fate voi. Or A discovery of the Dalmatian apostata M. Antonius de Dominis, and his bookes. By C.A. to his friend P.R. student of the lawes in the Middle Temple. Sweet, John, 1570-1632. 1617 (1617) STC 23529; ESTC S107581 174,125 319

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and were preferred to Ecclesiasticall dignity could be allowed to read any such authours Thirdly he sayth that from the first yeare of his Clergy he had nourished in himselfe an inborne desire of the vnion of al Christian Churches inquyring what might be the cause of their Schisme which did excruciate and torment his mynd and doth still consume and wast him as you may perceiue by looking vpon him with such grief and sorrow as is wonderfull Fourthly telling you vnder hand pag. 11. That leauing the Society of Iesus where he had read Mathematickes Rethoricke Logicke and Philosophy preached often done them other domesticall seruice for the which they were very sory to leaue him he sayth Fiftly page 11. and 12. That being made a Bishop and falling to read bookes of printted Sermons Quadragesimalls and others for the exercise of his Episcopall function in preaching he found great abuse of Scripture in them apocriphall and ridiculous examples inuentions of Auarice and Ambition not without superstition wherewith the people were deluded Sixtly he sayth pag. 13. That in reading the Fathers he obserued that his maisters had taught him many thinges against them and that the Ecclesiasticall discipline of our tyme did differ very much from the auncient practise therof These considerations I haue called dispositions which somewhat prepared his mynd to make mutation of Religion because as he saith they made him to see as it were a farre off that matters went not well and because all this while he did not fully consent but made some kind of resistance vnto them Wherein before we passe any further not to confound you with too much matter togeather let vs consider whether that which he hath brought be of any moment to perswade his Reader that his new beleefe proceded from God And to begin with his vehement suspition which was the first seed from whence his vocation sprung wherein and in the other three assertions which follow I wil be content to do him that courtesy which he refused to shew vnto his Maisters and to suppose he cyteth the booke of his conscience aright though none but himselfe can looke into it it appeareth euidently thereby that this new seed of suspition was nothing els but the worst kind of cockle which our enemy and his the Father of Heresy is wont to sow vpon the good Corne of Christ For suspition is nothing els but an opinion of euill without any iust or sufficient ground as the Rhetoritians S. Thom. 2.2 q. 60. art 3.4 Philosophers and Deuines define it And therefore it alwayes importeth some fault and some iniury done to the party who is thereby wronged because vniustly suspected whereof I maruell how your learned Bishop could be ignorant Wherefore to suspect and concerue an ill opinion of so many as he did in a matter of such importance without any reason or sufficient cause was a sinne and that a great one especially in him who at that tyme thought himselfe bound in conscience to belieue entirely the whole doctrine of the Church of Rome For if to doubt of any article of Faith without inclyning to either side be an act of Heresy as all Deuines do affirme then much more to suspect which is to inclyne and to giue some consent to any motion contrary to the very ground of Faith must needs be Heresy But you will say the Bishop made resistance thereunto and therefore he did not sinne against his conscience To which I answere If when the thought therof came first to his mynd he did repell it that then in that case it neuer grew to be any suspition but if once it came to be suspition as he affirmeth it was then hauing cōceiued an opinion of so great euil vpon sleight occasion or rather no occasion at all it cannot be denyed but that he sinned in admitting the same though he might do well afterward in changing his mynd and in opposing himselfe against it And therefore this suspition being so great a sinne it could not be inspired into him from God Almighty So as it can no way be denyed but that this first motion arising in the Bishops mynd against the Catholike Religion was the bad seed sowne by the Diuell which sprung vp out of his owne Malice Pryde Leuity and Inconstancy from whence neither a good tree nor good fruite can be expected For as you know Paruus error in principio magnus in fine and if the light it selfe wherewith he began to worke be darkenes then the works themselues that proceded from it must needs be the workes of extreme darkenes Let vs now proceed to the increase of this his strong and vehement suspition as he tearmeth it occasioned as he saith by the strict prohibition of such books as are cōtrary to the Roman doctrine Which likewise we shall find that as it begun without reason so was it augmented vpon a very false and friuolous reason and as it sprung out of pryde and leuity so was it fed and nourished with pryde and curiosity And therefore the new strength or force which it receiued could not proceed from the spirit of God For supposing as all Catholikes do and as he then did that such kind of bookes are full fraught with the poyson of Heresy which is the most damnable vice of all other it standeth with great reason that they should in no case admit such dangerous warres amongst them for such bookes being once admitted they easily passe from maisters and learned men to the hands not only of Schollers but also of other simple people who not knowing what they are but feeding of all the bread that comes from the Baker and of all the dishes that are set before them insteed of wholesome meat should fall vpon poyson for whose soules their negligent pastors should answere to God at the day of Iudgment For I pray you if some vnquiet and ambitious spirit in other Countreys should make clayme to the Crowne of England and call in question the Kings title though neuer so cleere with vs do you thinke that the Pleas and Processe of such a man should be remitted to the reading of euery yong student or Counsellour at Law in the Ins of Court especially if this Claymer or Pretender had got some Lawyers to be of his side and had made a party which followed him and sought to set footing in England Much more is it necessary for those that haue the gouerment of soules to be iealous of their safty to be vigilant for the preseruation of peace amongst them But you will say vnto me why then are Catholike Latin writers permitted to be read by our ministers and others here in England to which I answere that the case is farre different For first England was neuer yet fully Protestant the Catholike number remayning still very great and therefore the state of England in this respect might do well to follow the example of the primitiue Church wherein after that the Christian Religion
defended his Suffragans against him as was no lesse then sufficient to make a man in his state and of his opinion become a formall Heretike This therefore I take to be the last disposition that made him a fit instrument for the spirit of Heresy and whereby his enemy intred into him as he entred into Iudas and tooke full possession of him To the which I am rather induced because a man may easily see that his ouerthrow in his Suite against his Suffragans sticks deeply in his mynd moueth him to seek reuenge by the ouerthrow of that authority which stood against him For afterward page 22. he maketh it one of the principall causes of his departure and complaineth with no lesse vntruth then malicious spirit and extreme bitternes of hart that Bishops now a dayes vnder the Pope haue but the name of Bishops that al their Iurisdiction is taken from thē that they are become vile contemptible and miserable subiect not only to the Pope but also to Cardinalls Congregations Legates Inquisitors and innumerable Orders of Religious men who now haue greater facultyes then Bishops and drowne their authority Where also he sayth that the Pope is now a temporall Monarch and that the Church is become a vineyard to make him drunke and a flocke to feed him with her owne bloud All which considered I do thinke verily that they who intend to write against him and to accuse and calumniate as he sayth his departure from them will hardly be able to produce more pregnant and vehement arguments to shew that he was expulsed and driuen forth by the Diuell then he himselfe hath derected in his owne discourse which he maketh to proue that he was sent away by God Almighty For besides his leuity and inconstancy without any cause suspecting the Catholike Church to be erroneous his disobedience and Apostasy in forsaking his Order his ābition in seeking one preferment after another being most vnworthy of any his vniust contention with those that were vnder him he paynteth out his owne malice and euny against the Pope togeather with the occasions therof in such manner as if he desired the whole world should take notice of it Whereunto if we adde his extreme pride which he discouereth in the manner of his conuersion disdayning to read any booke or to speake with any man about it and in all the passages of his former natration also in that which followeth where he sayth that he hath no Superiour aboue him making himselfe equall with the Pope in spirituall matters and in authority to reprehend and amend all other Bishops What can be imagined that his aduersaries will bring against him which himself vnder the pretence of his own prayse hath not heere confessed Tatianus the authour of the Encratite Heresy as Nicephorus reporteth being blowne great with the swelling opiniō of much learning Niceph. l. 4. hist c. 4. as Superiour to others in knowledge began to promulgate a particuler doctrine This man contemning the counsel or help of others protesteth to promulgate that doctrine which he neuer receiued of any Thebutes one of the seauen first Arch-heretikes depraued the virginity of the Church Euseb l. 5. cap 5. as Eusebius reporteth because he had the repulse in his suit for a Bishopricke This man seeketh to defame the Church because he was ouerthrowne in his sute against the Bishops that were vnder him Nouatus Valentine Niceph. l. 5. cap. 4. and Aerius separated themselues from the Church Tertull. Epiphan her 75. because they could not obtaine to be Bishops of Rome as Nicephorus Tertullian and Epiphanius do record And this man deuydeth himselfe from the same Church because he would not be subiect to the Bishop of Rome Now therefore to go forward this zealous man by those two occasions of discontentment cōming to read the Fathers and other records of the Catholike Church with those spectacles of Pryde Ambition Malice and the rest whereof I haue spoken before let vs see what he findeth in them For now he saith that his eyes were opened and that he saw easily plainely and perfectly that the Churches whome Rome had made her enemyes which are very many saith he did differ little or nothing frō the pure doctrine of the ancient Church That in Rome there are coyned euery day innumerable articles of Faith without any foundation with extreme violence That Rome hath puld out the eyes of the Church of Christ by suppressing the sacred Councells That the Catholike Church is now confined to be made the Court of Rome That in it nay in the Pope alone the whole spirit of Christ promised to the Catholike Church is belieued to reside That whatsoeuer hath been spoken heertofore in honour of the vniuersal Church is now most wrongfully inforced vpon the Court of Rome alone whereof it followeth that the soules of men being thereby miserably deceiued and blinded they fall togeather with their blind guydes into the pit of perdition Thus he these are the principall causes which he setteth downe for the chang of his religiō But what proofe what euidence what instance what reason or probability doth he alledge to persuade his reader of the truth of these things or any of them truely none at all but only this that himselfe sayth it A man altogeather a stranger to you no way recommended either for wisedome honesty or learning but rather if not iustly to be suspected of worse yet at the least to be iustly condemned of that extreme Malice Pryde and Vanity of hart which himselfe discouereth If any man be made of such rotten earth as to suffer this Ignoramus to set in him such leekes as these without any other stick but with his finger or to shew himselfe such an vncouered pot as I said before as to receiue what liquor soeuer this strang Bishop should please to infuse into him such a one is worthy to be guld indeed by this Dalmatian But he that is wise should cōsider at least with what false eyes he found these things if it be true that he hath read any part of the Fathers the Canons and the Councells as himselfe reporteth For he that considereth this will no more belieue him though he should speake as he thinketh which I thinke he doth not then he will belieue the Father of lyes that doth delude him If the question had been whether or no he would haue sayd as much as here he doth he had indeed conuinced his reader and confounded all those that should haue writ against him But the question being not what he could say but what he could proue and whether it be true that he sayth and intending as he doth to arme his reader against the accusations that are like to come against him to make it manifest that his spirit is from God and in fine to edify all the world with his narration you must needes graunt that he sheweth extreme weaknes in making no better defence no
world God is one sayth S. Cyprian and Christ is one and the Church is but one and the Chayre therof but one founded vpon Peter by the voice of our Lord. Where he sheweth that as Christ is one with God so the Church being founded vpon S. Peter is one with Christ and according to the prayer of our Sauiour to his Father saying That they may be one as we are one And then followeth in S. Cyprian No other Altar or Priesthood can be established whosoeuer gathereth els where scattereth Lib. de past c. 13. To which purpose S. Augustine also hath these words For Peter himselfe to whome he commended his sheep as one man should do to another he our Sauiour made one with himselfe that so he might commend his sheep vnto him that is to say as to the other part of himselfe that as one was the head the other might beare the figure of the body to wit of the Church and that like the Brydegrome and the Bryde they might be two in one flesh Whereby he meaneth that S. Peter representing the whole Church as the head vnder Christ was made one with Christ the Supreme head thereof according to his owne words in other places saying That Peter the Apostle in respect of the Primacy of his Apostleship did beare the person of the Church by a figuratiue generality And againe Tract vlt. in Ioan. he is acknowledged to beare the person of the Church in respect of his Primacy and as holding the principality of the Apostleship More expresly In psal 108. Ser de verbis Dom. Ser. 2. de an assum S. Leo declareth this vnity saying For so he Peter was ordinated before the rest as while he is called a Rocke whil he is pronoūced to be the foundation while he is constituted the Porter of the kingdome of Heauen we might vnderstand by the misteryes of these appellations the society which he had with Christ. And yet more fully els where Serm. 3. de an assump As my Father manifested vnto thee my diuinity so also I make known vnto thee thy excellency for thou art Peter that is though I be the Rocke inuiolable the stone of the corner which maketh both to be one I the foundation besides which no man can lay another yet thou also art the Rock because by my vertue thou art made solide to the end that those thinges which by my power are proper to me by participation with thee might be made cōmon with thee and me By which wordes these holy Fathers labour to declare the vnspeakable vnity of Christ and his Church teaching how the head thereof in earth is made one by Gods diuine grace in name in place and dignity with the head in heauen For the further explicatiō wherof you shall vnderstād that the vnity which the Church possesseth by this means doth especially consist in 3. thinges the first is vnity of Iurisdiction or Iudiciall power which that it dependeth wholy of one head vpon earth and of the authority giuen to S. Peter is manifestly proued out of those places of the Fathers wherein he is acknowledged to haue the Primacy to be the head Pastour and gouernour of the vniuersall world which also shal be further cōfirmed when we come to speake of the Popes succession to S. Peter The second is vnity and consent in fayth for the mantainance whereof that solidity and strength was giuen to the fayth of Peter vpon which the Fathers according to the Scripture do aknowledg the Church of Christ to be built so strongly as that the gates of hell shall not preuayle against it And therfore S. Cyprian in his booke de vaitate Ecclesiae hauing declared that the Diuell to diminish the great mulutude of the beleeuers increasing so fast had denised Schismes and Heresyes wherby many were blinded and carryed away discouereth the cause therof in these words This is done sayth he beloued brethren because men haue not recourse to the origine of the truth neither seeking the head nor following the doctrine of their celestiall maister And then expounding himselfe he addeth Our Lord speaketh vnto Peter I say vnto thee Thou art Peter and vpon this Rocke c. And againe after his resurrection he sayd vnto him Feed my sheep In which words this glorious Martyr sheweth that according to the doctrine of Christ our maister for the finding out of the truth we must haue recourse to Peter the foundation of the Church and the Pastour therof And thereof he concludeth that albeit the Apostles were all equall in honour and power that is to say of Apostleship yet the Primacy was giuen to Peter that there might be one Church and one Chayre one flock fed by many Pastors with one mynd and consent The like words he also vseth in his epistle to Pope Cornelius where he sayth Lib. 1. ep 3. ad Cornel. For neither from any other cause do Heresyes come vp or Schismes do arise but only from this that obedience is not giuen to the Priest of God and that one Priest for the tyme or one Iudge for the tyme is not acknowlelged in the Church in the place of Christ. Whome if according to the diuine documents of their Maister the whole fraternity obeyed no man would or could moue any thing at all against the colledge of Priests that is to say collected vnited vnder one Priest one Iudge vpon earth in the place of Christ Epist 46. inter epist Cypriani And Pope Cornelius himselfe writing to S. Cyprian signifieth that some being repentant of their Schisme which ignorantly they had made against him confessed their errours in these words We know that Cornelius was elected by God almighty and by Christ our Lord to be the Bishop of the holy Catholike Church c. Our mind was alwayes in the Catholike Church For we are not ignorant that there is one God one Christ one holy Ghost and that in the Catholike Church there ought to be one Bishop so they which is the same in effect with the doctrine related out of S. Cyprian himselfe with which confession of theirs Cornelius sayth that he was much moued willed S. Cyprian to send his letters of the relation thereof to other Churches And to conclude this poynt the saying of S. Hierome is common in euery booke of Controuersy Among the twelue one was chosē that an head being established the occasion of schism might be taken away Thirdly therefore the vnity of the Church is increased and perfected by the vnity in power of Ecclesiasticall Order which as it dependeth of one alone to be rightly conferred so it is more then probable that our Sauiour ordayned it should descend from onealone Epist 1. so I vnderstand with Bellarmine those words of Anacletus that in the new Testament after Christ the Sacerdotall Order came from Peter by which he must meane not the order of Priests who were ordayned by our Sauiour himselfe in
Lib. 1. ep 4. ad Imperatores that the clemency of the Pope should be intreated not to suffer the head of the whole Reman world the Romā Church and that inuiolable Fayth of the Apostles to be disquieted because from thence did flow the Lawes of venerable communion vnto all Saint Cyprian besides that he teacheth as you haue heard the cause of an Heresy Schisme to be Epist 55. ad Cornel. Epist 40. Ib. lib. 4. epist 8. for that one Priest and one Iudge for the tyme is not acknowledged in the Church of God And that there is one chayre buylt by the voyce of our Lord vpon S. Peter that whosoeuer gathereth els where scattereth which S. Hierome expoundeth as you haue heard not to be with Christ but with Antichrist being to signify vnto the Pope that one to whome he wrote did communicate with the Pope expounding himselfe he sayth Epist 52. that is with the Catholike Church Where he also maketh it all one to communicate with the Pope and to accord with the Catholike Church And complayning of certayne Heretikes he vseth these words Epist 55. ad Cornelium They are so bold as to sayle vnto the chayre of Peter to the principall Church from whence Priestly vnity doth proceed not considering that they are Romanes whose Faith is praysed by the preaching of the Apostle vnto whome no falshood can haue accesse Giuing thereby to vnderstand that it was in vayne for Heretikes to imagine that the Sea of Peter or the Roman Church could be deceiued by them S. Cyril desired to know of Pope Celestine Cyril ep 18. tom 1. Concil Ephes cap. 10. cap. 14. whether he would communicate any longer with Nestorius the Heretike for that he presumed not to separate himselfe frō him without the Popes knowledge vnto whome Pope Celessine answered that with the authority of his Sea the Popes and with the power of his place as his Vicar he should with all diligence execute the sentence of excommunication c. Whereunto S. Cyril obayed Who also in his booke called the booke of Treasury as S. Thomas doth alledge him hath these words as Christ receiued most full power from his Father Opusc 1. cont err Graec. cap. 32. §. Habetur so also most fully he committed the same to S. Peter and his Successours Againe vnto no other then vnto Peter but vnto him alone he gaue quod suum est plenum the fulnes of his power And againe D. Thom. in catena Matt. 16. according to this promise of our Lord meaning that of the 16. of S. Matthew the Apostolike Church of Peter doth remayne immaculate from all seduction and Hereticall circumuention in the Bishops thereof in the most full Faith and authority of Peter ouer all the Primates of the Churches and their people Againe D. Tho. op cōt Graec. all according to the diuine law bow downe their heads to Peter and the Primates of the world obayed him as our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe And S. Thomas sayth further that it is necessary to saluation to be vnder the Roman Bishop prouing the same out of other words of S. Cyril in the same booke saying Therefore brethren if we follow Christ let vs heare his voyce as his sheep remayning in the Church of Peter which testimonyes albeit now they are not found in that volume of S. Cyrils because as it is knowne many bookes thereof haue perished yet in respect of the authority of S. Thomas no question can be made of the true allegation of them Lastly not to be ouer tedious I will conclude with the testimony of S. Bernard who imploring the Popes authority against a new Heresy then arising saith All dangers and scandalls arising in the Kingdome of God especially which concerne Faith ought to be referred to your Apostleship For I thinke it conuenient that the domages of the Faith should there especially be amended where Faith can feele no defect For this is the prerogatiue of that sea c. SECTION XII The Popes Supremacy is proued by his being priuiledged from errour in doctrine of Faith out of the Authorityes of the Popes themselues HAVING thus proued the Popes Supremacy by the foure first general Councells and by the testimonyes of the Fathers not only in generall but also in the particuler poynt of their infallible doctrine which is most in Controuersy betwene you and vs according as your patience and the straitnes of a letter will permit It is now expedient in this place to shew how the Catholikes demonstrate the same by the authorityes of the Popes themselues For how much lesse the protestants esteem of them so much the more the holy Fathers as you haue seen do magnify and extoll them submitting themselues no lesse to their decrees then to the sentences and definitions of generall Councells Suarez in his answere to the Kings booke alleadgeth the authorityes of more then fourty Popes within the first 600. yeares for the power dignity and succession of their Supremacy Who being men chosen by the spirit of God and of the primitiue Church in respect of their wisedome and excellent gifts for the gouerment thereof and the most of them being declared and acknowledged for Saints and Martyrs by the whole Christian world I cannot tell with what face any man that beareth but the name of a Christian can deny their authority For breuities sake omitting the most and greatest part I will first produce some of those Popes that challenge to themselues the like stability in Faith and doctrine as the Fathers grant vnto them according to the word and promise of our Sauiour made to S. Peter their predecessour and afterwards I will likewise proue their Supremacy in gouernment and Iudiciall power ouer the Church of Christ Fabianus acknowledgeth that he was bound by the diuine precepts and Apostolicall ordinations to watch ouer the state of all Churches Epist 1. That others were bound to know the sacred rites of the Roman Church which was called their Mother Epist 3. ad Hilarium And that he was aduanced to that Priestly height to forbid those things which were vnlawfull and to teach those things that were to be followed Lucius the first in his Epistle to the Bishops of Spayne and France saith Epist 1. that the Roman Church is Apostolike and the Mother of all Churches which was proued neuer to haue erred from the path of the Apostolike tradition nor to haue byn depraued with Hereticall nouelty according to the promise of our Lord saying I haue prayed for thee c. which promise you know can neuer fayle and therefore the Roman Church can neuer erre as being vnited to S. Peter and his successours to whome the promise was made Felix the first likewise sayth that as the Roman Church receiued in the beginning Epist ad Benignū the rule of Christian Faith from her authours or founders the Princes of Christs Apostles so it remayneth vntouched
according to that I haue prayed for thee c. Agatho likewise in his Epistle to the Emperour Constantine which was read and and approued in the 6 generall Councell sayth This is the rule of the true Faith which the Apostolike Church of Christ both in prosperity and aduersity hath liuely held c. because it was sayd to Peter I haue prayed c. here our Lord promised that the Faith of Peter should not fayle and admonished him to confirme his brethren which the Apostolike Bishops the predecessours of my littlenesse as all men know haue alwayes fulfilled Simplicius Epist 1. in his Epistle to Zeno the Emperour calling him sonne and exhorting him to defend the Faith he sayth for the same rule of Apostolicall doctrine doth abyde fast in his successours speaking of Pope Leo to whome our Lord inloyned the care of his whole flock where you see he acknowledgeth tho doctrine of the Pope to be a rule of Faith which was to remayne according to the institution of our Sauiour And els where he saith notably as followeth The doctrine of the holy memory of our Predecessors being extant against the which it is not lawfull to dispute whosoeuer doth seeme to be rightly wise hath no need of new instructions Eusebius in his Epistle to the Bishops of Tuscany and Campania sayth Epist 3. that the sentence of our Lord Iesus Christ cannot be pretermitted which sayth thou art Peter c. And those words which were then spoken are proued true by the effects of things because in the Apostolike sea the Catholike religion hath alwayes byn kept without spot Gelasius likewise sayth That the Apostolicall sea is very carefull not to be stained with any contagion of prauity or false doctrine because the glorious confession of the Apostle Peter is the roote For sayth he If any such thing should happen Epist ad Anastas August which we assure our selues can neuer be how should we presume to resist any errour c. Where you see he proueth that the Apostolike seat is priuiledged from errour being grounded vpon the confession of S. Peter whereunto our Sauiour promised that stability which is fit for the roote and rocke of truth Felix the 2. in his answere to Athanasius and to the Aegyptian Bishops vnderstandeth likewise the words of Christ Matthew 16.23 to be meant of the Roman Sea Lib. 4. ep 32. cont Ioan. Ep. Constant Gregory the Great sayth That it is manifest to all that know the Ghospell that vnto S. Peter the prince of the Apostles the care of the whole Church was committed to whome it was sayd Feed my sheep Lib. 6. indict 15. c. 37. alias 201. I haue prayed for thee c. thou art Peter c. And els where he relate than epistle of Enlogius the Patriarch of Alexandria acknowledging the Chayre of Peter to be the sea of Rome and then he addeth Who is it Lib. 7. ep 125. that knoweth not the holy Church to be founded on the solidity of the prince of the Apostles For the which cause he teacheth also that those things Lib. 3. ep 41. which haue beene once decreed by the authority of the Apostolike sea do need no other confirmation And he admonisheth Bonifacius in one of his epistles to take heed that his soule be not found deuyded from the Church 〈◊〉 Blessed Peter least he being despised heere in this worth should shut the gate of life against him in the next And to adde one or two more of some what latter tymes Nicolaus 1. in his epistle to Michael the Emperour sayth The priuiledges of that 〈◊〉 the Roman are perpetually rooted and planned by God they may be thrust at they cannot be transferred they may be pulled they cannot be placked vp The same which were before your raigne remaine God be thanked hither to vntouched and shall remaine after you and as long as the name of Christ is preached they shall not leaue to subsist To conclude Leo the 9. auoucheth That by the sea of the Prince of the Apostles the Roman Church and as well by S. Peter himselfe as by his successours the deuices of all Heretikes haue beene reproued conuicted beaten downe and the harts of the brethren haue beene confirmed in the fayth of Peter which hitherto hath not fayled nor shall euer sayle hereafter SECTION XIII The Popes supremacy in Iudiciall authority is proued out of the testimonies of the Popes themselues THVS far we haue alleadged the authority of the Popes themselues for their supremacy in matters of Fayth and for the infallibility of their doctrine It followeth now to produce the like restimonyes of Popes for their Supremacy in some speciall poynts of Iurisdiction and gouernement ouer the Church of God ●●rst therfore concerning their authority in calling and confirming of Councells besides that which hath beene sayd already out of the first foure generall Councells Marcel Marcellus who dyed about the yeare of Christ 310. in his epistle to the Bishops of the prouince of Antioch affirmeth that ●o Synod or Councell can be lawfully made without authority of the Roman sea Iulius Iulius the first in his epistle ad Orientales calling the Roman sea the first sayth That vnto it belongeth the right of assembling Synodes of iudging Bishops and of reseruing the greater causes vnto it selfe because it is preferred before the rest not only by the decrees of Canons and holy Fathers but also by the voice of our Lord and Saniour Leo. Epist 47. Leo the first in his epistle to the Calcedon Councell signifyed that it was the will of the Emperour that the Councell should be assembled sauing the right and honour of the most blessed Peter the Apostle And further he sayth That by his vicar he was the President therof And in his epistle to Putcheria the Empresse speaking of the decrees of that Synod concerning the honour of the second seat to be giuen to the Church of Constantinople he sayth that by the authority of Blessed Peter the Apostle with a generall definition he did vtterly disanull them and make them voyd Gelasius likewise Gelasius in his epistle ad Dardanos doth auouch that the Apostolicall seat confirmed all Synods and that no Bishop can auoyd his iudgment More in particuler concerning the Iurisdiction of the Roman sea ouer Bishops and in greater causes Anicetus in his Epistle doth say Anicetus That it belongeth to him to determine the iudgments of all Bishops The like hath Elcutherius in his epist cap. 2. Eleutherius Victor And Victor in his epistle to Theophilus sayth that to do the contrary is nothing els but to transgresse the bounds of the Apostles and their successours to violate their decrees Felix likewise sayd Felix ep 1. that the greater causes of the whole Church were reserued vnto him Melchiades in his epistle to the Bishops of Spaine saying that it appertayned vnto him to iudg of Bishops addeth these wordes
did put the Church in danger of pernicious dissention But it is no maruell though his intention were not bad that an ill cause should be no better defended wherein the greatest commendation of S. Cyprian in my opinion is this that as it is most credible he repented himselfe both of the matter and of the manner SECTION XXXIII VVherein the Bishop is manifestly conuinced of schisme out of the Authority and example of S. Cyprian alleadged by himselfe and the same authority for as much as it seemeth to concerne the Pope is sufficiently answered VVHERFORE this one authority alone produced by the Bishop being almost all the matter of substance and almost the only proofe which he bringeth for any thing he sayth in his whole booke taking vp all things vpon trust as hath been obserued you see notwithstanding how that out of this one place of S. Cyprian alleadged by him we haue proued the Popes Supremacy and the necessity not only of tradition but also of the iudgment of the Church for the defyning of matters in Controuersy and for the condemning of heresy Besides we haue shewed how notoriously he falsifieth the Ecclesiastical history how he cōdemneth not only S Stephen most impiously but also S. Cyprian most absurdly whome he sought most to commend And now that you may perceiue how much this authority of S. Cyprian maketh not only against his cause in generall and his owne credit in particuler but also against himselfe in the very poynt for the proofe and declaration whereof it is inserted by him Thus I argue He that without authority condemneth any other Bishop and refuseth to hold communion with him according to S. Cyprian may be iudged a Schismatike or to giue occasion of schisme but Marcus Antonius condemneth without authority not only his Colleague but also his Superiour the Bishop of Rome not of one errour but of inumerable heresies not of any ordinary fault but of suppressing the Councells of deprauing the Scriptures and ancient Fathers of vsurpation and tyrany ouer the Church of God oppressing pilling and spoyling the same and sucking the bloud of the members thereof And by consequence he condemneth likewise all other Bishops that communicate with him and are subiect to him calleth the vniuersall Church which is vnder the obedience of the Pope by the name of Babylon that is to say the Citty or congregation of the Diuell Therefore Marcus Antonius is a Schismatike according to his owne discourse and according to the words of S. Cyprian which he fondly alleadgeth to proue the contrary Secondly according to the processe of his owne discourse I argue thus He that goeth against the example of S. Cyprian proposed to the vniuersall Church for the auoyding of schisme falleth into the cryme of schisme But Marcus Antonius goeth directly against the example of S. Cyprian propounded by himselfe as a rule for the auoyding of schisme Therfore Marcus Antonius according to his owne rule is falne into the cryme of schisme That Marcus Antonius hath proceeded against his owne rule and the example of S Cyprian which he propoundeth is a thing most manifest For whereas S. Cyprian notwithstanding that he reputed the Pope almost all the vniuersall Church to be in manifest errour would neuer depart from the communion of the Pope but respected him so much that he communicated with those whome he held impure only because the Pope receiued them into his communion Marcus Antonius in the same case hath not only forsaken the Pope but also all those that are vnited with him whome otherwise he thinketh not impur e only because they do not separate themselues from the Pope but still remayne in his communion Wherfore these two arguments produced by himselfe are so conuincing that there needeth nothing els to confound him So that this proofe of his out of S. Cyprian being the substance of his booke and being withall so contrary to his cause to his credit and to himselfe in the poynt of Schisme whereof he intended to cleare himselfe therby may be sufficient to giue you to vnderstand of what substance the matter of his other booke is like to be when it shal be printed For my part I am verily perswaded if it be well vnderstood it wil be found to be more against the Protestants then the Catholikes and more contrary to himselfe then to either of the other And now to draw towards an end of this matter in the allegation of this authority out of S. Cyprian he is so much the more to be blamed in that being of such force against himselfe for as much thereof as concerneth the Popes authority it may full easily be answered For those words of S. Cyprian That none of them made himselfe the Bishop of Bishops c. may very well be vnderstood of those that were present at that Councell and not to conclude in that sentence the Bishop of Rome who truly may be sayd to be the Bishop of Bishops the Father of Fathers the Bishop and Father of the vniuersall Church and the like as hath been shewed That which he sayth A Bishop cannot be iudged but by God alone as he receiueth his authority from God alone ought to be vnderstood that he cannot be iudged in those things which are doubtfull obscure and hidden Aug. l. 3. de baptis cap. 3. For so S. Augustine himselfe doth expound him For hauing recited these words of S. Cyprian As I take it sayth he he meaneth in those questions which are not yet discussed with most cleere perspection And that S. Cyprian belieued that Bishops in cases of heresy or schisme Cyp. lib 5. epist 13. might be iudged and deposed by the Pope is euident in one of his Epistles to Pope Stephen where he exhorteth him that he would commaund the Bishop of Arles in France to be deposed and to appoint another in his place So that you see the childish arrow of this Bishop as it is shot vpward against the Pope doth not aryue vnto him but returneth with greater force to fall vpon his owne head and woundeth him in many places as hath been declared But now to do him a pleasure let vs suppose that Cyprian in these words did glance at S. Stephen and that he meant to taxe him for proceding as he thought too rigorously against him with what conscience or with what honesty I pray you can this strange Bishop alleadge these words of S. Cyprian spoken in the defence of a wrong cause as he knoweth and in his cōmotion anger against the Pope of the which it is most probable and according to S. Augustine we ought to thinke that he repented himselfe against so many playne places expresse doctrine of S. Cyprian as I haue cyted before and which for the full satisfactions of your selfe and the Reader in this poynt I shal be content to repeat in part at this present SECTION XXXIIII Many testimonyes and playne places are produced out of S. Cyprian wherby
the Bishop is euidently conuinced both of Schisme and Heresy IN the tyme of S. Cyprian as the Nouatian Heretikes on the one side denyed that such as were once fallen Cyp. ep 55 ad Cornel. were to be receiued into the Church againe vpon any tearmes whatsoeuer so there were other heretikes who affirmed that all were to be receiued without any pennance or satisfaction for their former sinne For the which cause S. Cyprian sayth of them that they endeauored that sinnes might not be redeemed by iust satisfaction lamentation that wounds might not be washed by teares That weeping and wayling might not be heard to proceed from the brest and from the mouth of such as were fallen that such as were inuolued in defrauding and deceyuing or defyled with adultery or polluted with the cōtagion of sacryfiee to Idols might not make confession of their crymes in the Church whereby all hope of satisfaction and pennance being taken away they lost both the sense and the fruit thereof Which heresy whether it be reuiued by the Bishop or by those congregations wherunto he hath vnited himselfe I shall leaue to your iudgment to consider But one of those heretikes called Florentius Pupianus writing vnto S. Cyprian in the same māner as heere the Bishop in the latter end of his booke addresseth his speach to thē Pope to giue them satisfaction and to purge himselfe of his proceeding against them S. Cyprian to abate his Pryde to make him acknowledge that it was the cause of the schisme and heresy wherinto he was fallen vseth these words among others and sayth From hence Schismes and Heresyes haue risen and do arise because the Bishop which is one and gouerneth the Church is cōdemned by the proud presumption of some and the man whome God hath vouchsafed to honour is iudged of men to be vnworthy And after a while he sayth There speaketh Peter vpon whom the Church was buylt shewing and teaching in the name of the Church That albeit the proud stifnecked multitude of those that would not obay departed from Christ yet the Church departeth not wherefore thou oughtest to know sayth he that the Bishop is in the Church and the Church in the Bishop And so he who is not with the Bishop is not in the Church wherof he concludeth that such do flatter themselues in vayne who not hauing peace with the Priests of God thinke it sufficient to communicate with others The like words S. Cyprian vseth in his epistle to Pope Cornelius where he sayth Cyp. lib. 1. epist 3. That there is no other cause of Heresyes and Schismes but that the Priest of God is not obayed and that one Priest and one Iudge is not acknowledged in the place of Christ in the Church for the tyme. Where also hauing sayd as before that the Church was built vpon Peter at length speaking of the former Heretikes that presumed to go and complaine of him to Pope Cornelius he sayth That they were so audacious as to sayle vnto the Chayre of Peter and to the principall Church from whence the vnity of Priesthood did proceed not considering that they were Romans whose fayth was praysed by the mouth of the Apostle and vnto whome perfidiousnes or error in fayth can haue no accesse The like words againe he wrote in his Treatise of the vnity of the Church where he sayth That men are transported by the Diuell into Heresy and Schisme out of the Church of God because they do not returne to the origen of truth nor seeke the head nor follow the doctrine of their heauenly Maister Which if they considered there were no need of any long treatise or argument but that the tryall of Fayth would be very easy And then shewing what was this heauenly doctrine and what the head and origen of truth which is taught vnto vs he addeth immediatly Our Lord sayd vnto Peter I say vnto thee thou art Peter and vpon this Rocke c. and vnto the same man after his resurrection he sayd Feed my sheep and so concludeth that our Sauiour built his Church vpon him alone and committed vnto him his sheep to be fed and gaue him the Primacy that there might be one Church c. And a little after he addeth This vnity of the Church he that doth not keep doth he beleeue that he keepeth the Fayth He that resisteth the Church and striueth against the same he that forsaketh the Chayre of Peter doth he confide that he is in the Church And to the same purpose els where he sayth Epist 8. ad plevē vniuersam God is one Christ one and the Church one and the Chayre one built vpon Enter by the voyce of our Lord any other Altar or new Priesthood beside one Altar and one Priesthood cannot be erected and made Whosoeuer gathereth els where scattereth Out of which places because it is euident that our fugitiue Bishop with proud presumption cōtemneth that one Bishop who hath the chiefe place in the gouernement of Gods Church and likewise that he contemneth the Successor of him vpon whom the Church was built and who is in the Church and the Church in him because the Chuych is nothing els but the people vnited to the Priest and the flocke adhering to the Pastour And againe because it is euident that he disobeyeth the Priest of God and doth not acknowledge one Priest and one iudge for the tyme in the place of Christ and forsaketh the Chayre of Peter and the principall Church from whence the vnity of Priesthood proceedeth and wherunto no falshood in Fayth can haue accesse that he obserueth not the dostrine of our heauēly Maister neither returning to the origen of truth nor seeking the head which is S. Peter vpon whome alone our Sauiour built his Church and committed the feeding of his sheep vnto him which course according to S. Cyprian is the only cause and occasion and only meanes whereby the Diuel transporteth men out of the Church into Schism and Heresy it cannot be denyed but that your Bishop forsaking the successor of S. Peter the Chayr of Peter who holdeth the place of Christ in the Church forsaketh the Church and in vayne beleeueth to be therein and gathereth not with Christ but scattereth with Antichrist And thus much cōcerning the obiections which he pleased to frame against himselfe SECTION XXXV The conclusion of the Bishops booke togeather with a short Conclusion of this whole Treatise THERE remayneth only the conclusion of his booke wherein because I haue wearied my selfe too much already with sweeping a way the cobwebs of his idle discourse whereunto in respect of the sleightnes and vnprofitablenes and foulnes of the matter the substance thereof may fitly be compared I will only note two or three things vnto you very briefly First therefore as Iudas saluted Christ and sayd Marc. 14.45 hayle Maister and kissed him whom a little before be had sould to the Iewes as a false Prophet
ad Eulogium Alexan. yet the only seat of the prince of the Apostles preuayled in authority of principality which was of one man in three places For he aduanced the seat wherein he was pleased to rest and to end this present life that is to say Rome He honored the seat to the which he sent his disciple the Euangelist that is to say the seat of Alexandria whither he sent S. Marke He confirmed the seat wherein he sate six years before he left it that is to say wherein he left Euodius to succeed him Thus S. Gregory And as S. Peter S. Marke and Euodius were in Order one aboue another so also the seat wherin S. Peter dyed was the first that of S. Marke was the second and the other of Euodius was the third And each of the three hauing been some wayes the seat of Peter was in respect thereof preferred in honour authority before all the other seats of the rest of the Apostles Epist 3. Epist 53 ad Anatholiū Of this also do make mention S. Anacletus and S. Leo. And in particuler in the honour of the seat of Rome the Church did anciently celebrate a feastiual day called the Feast of the Chayre of Peter which also hath beene euer since obserued August serm 15. de SS Whereof S. Augustine sayth in one of his sermons the institution of this dayes solemnity by our Elders tooke the name of the Chayre c. Worthily therefore do the Churches celebrate the originall day of that Chayre which the Apostles vnder tooke for the welfare or safty of the Churches Vnto these testimonyes which are more then sufficient I will adde some other authorityes which make mention of gouernement to declare what manner of superiority it was that was conferred to S. Peter Eusebius (a) Euseb serm de S. Ioan. Euā Emissenus calleth him the Pastour of Pastours S. Augustine (b) In cap. 21. Ioan. sayth he committed to Peter his sheep to be fed that is to be taught gouerned S. Chrysostome (c) In cap. 21. Ioan. Others omitted he speaketh to Peter alone to whome he committed the care of his brethren c. and the care of the world S. Ambrose (d) Serm. 48. detem pore He Peter was assumed to be the Pastour and receiued the others to be gouerned And againe (e) ad Gallatas 1. vnto him among the Apostles our Sauiour delegated the care of Churches And againe (f) Lib. 4. de fide c. 3. Could he not confirme his fayth Peters to whome with proper authority he gaue a kingdome S. Cyprian (g) De vnitat Eccl. vpon him alone he built his Church and commaunded him to feed his sheep and although he gaue all his Apostles c. equall power yet that he might shew vnity he appointed one Chayre alone where also he calleth him the head the well and the root of the Church S. Chrysostome (h) Ho. 11. in Matt. he made Peter the Pastour of the Church to come and after God only can grant that among so many and so great flowds breaking in with fury the Church to come may remaine immoueable whose Pastour and head is but a poore fisher ignoble And againe God the Father did set Hieremy ouer one Nation alone but him Peter Christ hath set ouer the whole world Theophilact (i) In cap. vlt. Ioan. dinner being ended he commended to Peter the Prefectship of the sheep of all the world not vnto another but vnto him he gaue it And againe (k) In cap. 22. Luc. S. Peter after his denyall was to receiue the Primacy of all men and the Prefectship of the world Damascene (l) Orat. de transfig as Prclate he receiued the stern or gouernemeut of the whole Church S. Maximus (m) Ser. 3. de Apost of how great merit was S. Peter with our Lord that vnto him after the Oare or guidance of a little boat the sterne or gouernement of the whole Church should be deliuered Leo (n) Ser. 3. de an assū out of the whole world Peter alone was chosen who was set ouer the vocation of al Natiōs ouer all the Apostles and all the Fathers of the Church that there being in the people of God many Priests and many Pastors Peter might properly gouerne all whome Christ also doth principally gouerne Eusebius Emissenus (o) vbi supra He Peter gouerneth subiects and Prelates therfore he is the Pastour of all because besides lambs and sheep there is nothing in the Church Bernardus (p) Lib. 2. de confid Thou alone art the Pastour of all not only of the sheep alone but also of the Pastours You will aske me how I proue it out of the words of our Lord to which I do not say of the Bishops alone but also of the Apostles were all the sheep committed so absolutly and without distinction feed my sheep sayth he to whome is it not plaine that he designed not some but assigned all Nothing is excepted where nothing is distinguished And not to cloy you with ouer many testimonyes in a matter so euident I will conclude with our Countrey man S. Bede (q) Hom. in vigil 3. Andreae Therefore sayth he did S. Peter specially receiue the keyes of the kingdome of heauen and the principality of Iudiciall power that all the faithfull through the world might vnderstand that no such as separate themselues any kind of way from the vnity of his fayth and society can be absolued from the bands of their sinnes nor enter into the gate of the kingdome of Heauen Out of that which hath beene so copiously alleadged if you please to reflect a little thereupon you may gather the reason and ground of this institution of one Supreme herd in the Church of God Which also because it doth more confirme the truth of that which hath beene sayd I will open a little briefly declare vnto you First then there is no question to be made but that our Sauiour Christ whose workes are perfect did therfore ordayne his Spouse the Church to be gouerned by one alone in his owne place vpon earth because this is the most excellent and most perfect kind of Gouernement as Bellarmine proueth at large out of all the ancient Fathers and Philosophers And therefore the gouernement of the Church and Commonwealth of the Iewes in the old Testament being ordayned by God himself was Monarchicall or of one in chief Which was also a Type and figure of the same kind of gouernement of the Church of Christ to be established in the new Testament The originall cause therfore and formall reason of this kind of gouernement and institution in the Church of Christ was the perfect vnity of the members therof which our Sauiour specially intended For the which also he prayed Ioan. 17.21.22 Ioan. 13.35 Lib. 1. ep 8. and would that his Disciples might be knowne thereby from the rest of the
his last supper but of Bishops who according to Anacletus receiued their Episcopal ordination from Peter as Peter receiued the same from Christ Which Innocentius doth signify more expresly saying Innocent epist 91. ep 93. inter epist August From whome Peter ipse Episcopatus the Episcopall power it selfe and all the authority of this name proceeded And againe whensoeuer any matter of fayth is called in question I thinke all our brethren and fellow-Bishops should defer the same to none but to Peter that is to the authour of their name and honour The like words hath Iulius the first in his first epist to the Bishops of the East Which fault you should not haue incurred if from whence you receiued the honour of consecration from thence you had taken the law of all obseruance And the seate of the blessed Apostle S. Peter which is the mother vnto vs of sacerdotall dignity was also the Mistresse of Ecclesiastical discipline Which is further confirmed by S. Leo Leo ser 3. de assump saying If his will were that any thing should be common with Peter and the rest of the Princes meaning the Apostles he neuer gaue but by him whatsoeuer he denyed not to others And againe Epist 89. Our Lord would that the sacrament of this function should so appertayne to the office of all the Apostles that in the most blessed Peter Hom. vlt. in illud sequere me the chief of all the Apostles it should be principally placed to the end that his gifts might be diffused frō him as it were from the head to all the body With these also notably agreeth S. Cyprian saying (a) Ep. 27. Our Lord disposing the manner or forme of his Church speaketh in the Ghospell and sayth to Peter I say vnto thee that thou art Peter c. And a little after from thence with the changes of tymes and successions the ordination of Bishops the state or forme of the Church doth follow If any body aske me sayth S. Chrysostome how Iames got the seat of Hierusalem I answere that Peter the Maister of the whole world did set him therein These three poynts of vnity in gouernment in faith and in the ordination of Bishops are further confirmed out of S. Cyprian (b) Lib. de vnit Eccle. by his comparisons of the Church to many sunne beams many bowes and many brookes proceeding from the same sunne the same tree and the same fountaine For so sayth he that albeit the Church haue many beames and many branches and many riulets diffused through the world yet there is but one head one origen one mother of all this fecundity Likewise out of the authour of the question of the old and new Testament amongst the workes of S. Apud S. Thomam opusc 1. cont err Grec c. 23. §. Habetur Augustine saying As in our Sauiour were all the causes of maistership so also after our Sauiour they were all conteyned in Peter Also out of S. Cyrill who doubted not to say that as Christ receiued most full power from his Father so also most fully he committed the same to Peter and his Successours And againe vnto no other then vnto Peter but to him alone he gaue quod suum est plenum fully that which was his And briefly the same is gathered out of the vnspeakable vnion which the Fathers acknowledge in the Church of Christ with their head on earth and of her head on earth with her head in Heauen SECTION VIII The conclusion of the first poynt of this Controuersy which is also further confirmed by the Confession of the Protestants themselues AND thus much may suffice for the first poynt of this Controuersy wherein I haue shewed how the Catholikes demonstrate the Primacy of S. Peter by two especiall places of holy Scripture and by the vniforme consent and exposition of the holy Fathers who thereupon do giue such titles and appellations to Peter as are giuen to no other Apostle in particuler but were only communicated by Christ to S. Peter alone who do also expresly teach out of the former places that he was the head the Prince and the supreme gouernour of the Church of Christ and that to him alone in particuler manner was committed the care of his brethen of the Churches and of all the faythfull throughout the world And lastly they agree that the cause of the institution of this kind of gouernement in the Church of Christ was for the mantainance and preseruation of perfect vnity therein as well among the members as also of all the members with the head thereof from whence it deriueth that vniformity of Fayth and that singular vnity both of Iudiciall power and Episcopall order wherewith it shyneth like the Sunne throughout the world A thing so euident that albeit the Bishop could not find it in the Fathers because he looked another way and neuer sawe them or neuer vnderstood them yet the greatest part of the Protestant writers being ashamed to deny a matter so manifest haue thought it better to accuse them then to bely them And namely they reprehend S. Hierome Conturiatores S. Hilary S. Gregory Nozianz●n S. Cyprian Origen and in one word many Fathers for affirming the Church to be built vpon Peter reprouing also others for calling him the head of the Apostles M. Fulk and affirming that in these poynts the Church then in those pure tymes was corrupted bewitched and made blynde with errour That many of the ancient Fathers were deceiued and in particuler S. Leo and S. Gregory of whome the last liued about the yeare 590. with the long contynuance of this errour And that the mistery of iniquity wrought in the seat of Rome neer 500. or 600. yeares before them And many Protestants proceed so far as that they do not only confesse but also defend the same as doth M. Doctor Whitegift saying Whitegift Among the Apostles there was one chiefe c. that had chiefe authority ouer the rest that Schisms might be compounded Caluin Who also citeth Caluin affirming that the twelue Apostles had one among them to gouerne the rest Musculus and Musculus in these words the celestiall Spirits are not equall the Apostles themselues were not equall Peter is found in many places to haue beene chief among the rest which we deny not Maister Doctour Couell likewise Couel doth not only defend it but also layeth downe the generall receiued reason therof If this sayth he were the prin ipall meanes to preuent Schismes and dissentions in the Primitiue Church when the graces of God were far more abundant and eminent then now they are Nay if the twelue were not like to agree except there had beene one chiefe among them For sayth Hyerome among the twelue one was therefore chosen that a chief being appoynted occasion of dissention might be preuented c. So he And againe how can they thinke sayth he of the Puritans that equality
would keep all the Pastours in the world in peace and vnity c. For in all societyes authority which cannot be where all are equall must procure vnity and obedience Thus Doctor Couell who goeth further and sayth If it concerne all persons and ages in the Church of Christ as surely it doth the gouernement must not cease with the Apostles but so much of that authority must remayne to them who from time to time supply that charge c. Which also is the doctrine of Melancthon who further confesseth Melanthō that as certayn Bishops are presidēt ouer many Churches so the Bishop of Rome is President ouer all Bishops Luther And Luther himselfe is inforced to acknowledge that for the vnity of the Catholike Church consisting of al Nations with infinite diuersity of māners conditions it was necessary that one should be chosen vnto whome and his Successors the whole world being made one fold might belong or pertayne Cart wright M. Cartwright likewise vrgeth the Protestāt Doctors with their owne argument saying that the peace of the whole Church requireth as well a Pope ouer all Archbishops as one Archbishop ouer all Bishops in a Realme Iacob And to conclue M. Iacob another Puritan sayth if a visible Catholike Church be once aknowledged there is no place in all the world so likely as Rome to be the visible and spring head of the gouernement thereof Protestant Apology See the Protestants Apology tract 1. sect 3. subdiu 10. And thus appeareth the force of this truth which God almighty hath caused to be iustifyed euen by the mouthes of our aduersaries themselues And now by the resolution of this first point alone hauing clearly ouer throwne and disproued whatsoeuer the Bishop can say in the fiue first books of his Commonwealth against the Monarchy Primacy and Papacy of the Church of Rome the succession therof the subiection of other Bishops therūto and in fine against all Iurisdictions of the Church of Christ I come to the explication and proofe of the second poynt concerning the succession of the Bishop of Rome to S. Peter wherein the folly and impudency of this man will be more discouered and his whole Volume of Ecclesiasticall Cōmonwealth either extant or not extant will be sufficiently answered SECTION IX The continuance of S. Peters authority is proued by Scripture and by the Fathers and by the confession of many Protestants and therof is inferred the succession of the Pope to S. Peter IN the beginning of the former point concerning S. Peters authority I shewed how the Catholiks considered and distinguished a double power in the Apostles of Christ the one extraordinary Apostolicall whereby they had equall Iurisdiction ouer the Church of Christ which is therfore called Extraordinary because it dyed with them for if others had succeeded them therin their successours also by vertue therof had beene all Apostles The other ordinary and Episcopall wherein others were to succeed them for the gouernement of the Church and which in S. Peter alone was supreme absolute and independant but in the rest it was limitted to particuler places and therefore albeit as Apostles they had all equall authority ouer the rest of the Church yet they were not equall amongst themselues but S. Peter by vertue of his supreme Episcopall authority was the chiefe Pastour and head of the rest And now likewise for your greater light in the handling of this second poynt we must distinguish in S. Peter a double Episcopall power the one in particuler proper to the diocesse of Rome wherof he was the immediate Bishop the other vniuersall ouer the whole Church of Christ whereby albeit he be not the immediate Bishop of the particuler Churches yet is he the vniuersall supreme Pastour ouer them all As the Bishop of Canterbury for example although he be the immediate Bishop of Canterbury alone yet as he is Archbishop he hath the care of those other Churches and Bishopricks of our Nation which are vnder his charge This distinction therefore being granted first there is no question to be made but that the Bishop of Rome doth succeed vnto S. Peter as he was the immediate Bishop of that Diocesse For this is euident not only by the catalogue of the Bishops of Rome and tradition of the Church but also by the testimony of all Historiographers and ancient Fathers and in particuler of S. Irenaeus Tertullian S. Hierome S. Augustine Optatus and others as we shal see anone Which being commonly granted by all the learned Protestants because if the supreme authority of S. Peter did not dye with him as the generall power of the Apostles ouer the whole Church did cease with them but remayned and continued in the Church after his death thereof it would follow that the Pope who succeeded him in the one should succeed him also in the other as he who is made Bishop of Canterbury is thereby also made Archbishop and Primate of all the kingdome For this cause diuers Protestants haue affirmed that albeit the Pope do succeed to S. Peter as he was Bishop of Rome yet they deny that he succeeded him in his vniuersall Pastorall function because they say it dyed with him And therefore on the other side if the Catholikes can shew that the Primacy of S. Peter doth still remayne in the Church that being proued there will be no difficulty but that the Pope doth succeed to S. Peter as wel in his Primacy ouer the whole Church as in his particuler authority ouer the Church of Rome especially no other Bishop hauing euer pretended or made claime to that Succession but only the Bishop of Rome Wherefore that the Primacy of S. Peter was to descend and remayne to his successors is proued by these two places of Scripture Matt. 16. Ioan. 21. alleadged for the proofe of his Supremacy For in the first place our Sauiour promised that he would make him the foundation and build his Church vpon him in such manner as the gates of Hell should not preuayle against it Whereby as he signifieth that the Church was to remayne and indure perpetually so much more he promised that the Foundation therof was likewise to remayne from whence the Church it selfe was to receiue her perpetuall strength and duration origen in 16. Matt. Which Origen considering sayd very well that it was manifest albeit not expressed that the gates of Hell cannot preuaile neither against Peter nor against the Church for if they preuailed against the Rock whereon the Church is founded they should also preuaile against the Church it selfe The like also may be easily inferred out of the second place where S. Peter was made the vniuersall Pastour of the sheep of Christ and by consequence the sheep of all ages were commended vnto him and therfore not only to him in person but also to his seat and to his successours represented and contayned in him as in theyr seed and foundation In which
the most Blessed and most Apostolike man the Pope of Rome who is head of all Churches whereby his Apostleship hath pleased to cōmaund that Dioscorus the Archbishop of the Alexandrians should not sit in the Councell all the Councell obayed And afterwards the letters of Pope Leo being read Act. 2. all the Fathers of the Councell sayd so we belieue Peter hath spoken so by Leo. And in the third action Leo is often called vniuersall Patriarch and vniuersall Archbishop And Iutianus one of the Bishops sayd vnto one of the Popes Legates that they held the Primacy of the most holy Leo and desired them as holding his place to giue sentence against Dioscorus wherunto the Councell consented and sentence was giuen accordingly in the Popes name against him In which Councell also Theodoretus who was deposed by a Synod of Ephesus being restored by the Pope was admitted to enter with these words Let the most reuerend B. Theodoret come in and be made partaker of the Councell because the most holy Archbishop Leo hath restored his Bishoprick vnto him S. Thomas of Aquin recitoth out of the same Councell the confirmation of appeales of all Bishops accused of any great cryme to the Pope of Rome and that other things defined by him should be held or receiued as from the Vicar of the Apostolike Throne and that the whole Councel made this acclamation to Pope Leo Let the most holy Apostolike and vniuersall Patriarch liue many yeares Lastly the same Coūcell in their Epistle to Leo confesse him to be their head and they the members speaking of the wickednes of Eutiches after all this say they ouer and aboue he extended his madnes euen against him to whom the custody of the vineyard was committed by our Sauiour that is against thy Apostolicall Holynes and he thought to excommunicate thee that doest hasten to vnite the body of the Church And in cōclusion with many faire words they desire him to grant vnto them that the Church of Constantinople might haue the second place after the Apostolike Sea which notwithstanding he would not grant them nor was it granted by his successours for a long tyme after And thus much of the foure first generall Coūcells which they that receiue them according to the Statute must needs grant that the Pope hath always had Primacy that he is the successor to S. Peter the head of the whole fayth of all the rest of the Apostles and the vicar of Christ the like That his care and study is the ground and foundation of the Church that he is the vniuersall Archbishop head of the Church that no Councells ought to be celebrated without his sentence that it is necessary the Councells should declare vnto him what passed in them that whatsoeuer he defined should be receiued as from the vicar of Christ That causes of great difficulty must be referred vnto him that all Bishops may appeale vnto him to the Church of Rome as to their Mother that he commaundeth in Councells that he may depose Patriarches restore them that be deposed And lastly that the decrees of Councells take no effect without his confent and confirmation SECTION XI The Popes Supremacy is proued out of the point of the infallibility of his doctrine by the Authorityes of the ancient Fathers FOVRTHLY therefore the Catholikes in defence of this doctrine of the Popes Supremacy produce the authorityes of all the ancient Fathers nubem testium a bright and great cloud of witnesses to inlighten the obscurity of fayth in this vale of darknes Which if I should go about to set downe at large I should be infinite Wherefore to contract this copious matter I will alleadg some of those who teach that the authority of the Pope of Rome and the Church of Rome as vnited with the Pope ought to be receiued in matters of Faith whereof it must needs follow that the Pope succeedeth S. Peter and that as vpon S. Peter in respect of his faith so also in his place vpon the Pope the Church is so built in such manner as that the gates of Hell shall not preuayle against it But before I begin I would haue you obserue that it is all one to affirme the sea of Rome to be the Rocke of the Church or the Pope to succeed S. Peter in his Pastorall Office or to giue vnto the Pope any of those titles which are proper to S. Peter as to say expresly that neither the one nor the other can fayle in teaching the true faith because these former assertions and the like do imply that the promise made vnto S. Peter doth belong also to the Pope his seat and that the fayth or doctrine which the Pope teacheth can suffer no defect because according to the words of our Sauiour the stability and duration of the Church dependeth of it And therefore it is manifest that the Fathers do signify thereby that the Church of Rome was not only the true Church in their dayes or that the Pope did not teach any false doctrine in their times as some Protestants seeme to vnderstand them but also that the truth was alwayes to continue therein and that the Pope could neuer erre in matter of Fayth grounding themselues as I haue sayd vpon the promise of Christ to S. Peter and that you may not doubt of this I thought good to proue the supremacy of the Pope out of the infalibility of doctrine which the Fathers acknowledge to be inseparable from the Pope and sea of Rome The first that I thinke fit to produce in this matter is the great Athanasius who withstood himselfe alone the force and fury of foure Emperours and sustained the persecution of all the Arian heretikes and a man may say of all the Easterne world against him He was Patriarch of Alexandria at that tyme the second seat after Rome was a principall man both in the Councell of Nice and also in that of Sardis In which sacred Schooles in respect of his excellent vertues it might perchance be truly sayd that he deserued the place of a maister But it is prayse sufficient that he shewed himselfe a most renowned scholer of those renowned maisters He therfore that had receiued the spirit of the Nicen Councell and wrote according to the sense and doctrine of the Fathers therof saluted Marke the Bishop of Rome in this manner Athan. ep ad Marc. To our most holy Lord venerable with Apostolicall dignity Marke the Father of the holy Roman and Apostolicall seat and of the vniuersall Church Athanasius the Bishops of East health and afterwards in his letters he acknowledgeth the Roman Church to be the Mother of all Churches and vseth also these words We are yours and vnto you with all those committed to our charge we are obedient and euer will be And in his epistle to Felix the second he with the other Bishops of Aegipt do say In tom 1. Concil that they suggest
to his holy Apostleship that it would please him according to his custome to haue care of them that they and theirancestors had receiued help from his holy Apostolike seat that according to the decrees of the Canons they beseech the sayd Apostolike highest seat to giue them help from whence their Predecessours had receiued ordinations rules of doctrine and other helpes that they haue recourse vnto the Roman Church as to their Mother that he was Peter and vpon his foundation the pillars of the Church that is the Bishops say they are set and confirmed that they presume not without his counsell to define any matter of fayth the Canons commaunding that without the Roman Bishop in the more weighty causes nothing ought to be determyned that the iudgment of all Bishops is committed to his seat And they expound the place of Matthew 16. of the Primacy thereof and confirme all that they say with the authority of the Nicen Councell whereupon you must needs grant that none can write a better cōment then those excellent men that were present at it After Athanasius shall follow those other Fathers who haue recorded the succession of the Popes of Rome to S. Peter thereupon compare the fayth of the one with the faith of other the fayth of the Catholike Church with that of Rome in regard of the Popes person in whome the immediate gouernement of that sea the supremacy of S. Peter are both vnited Ireneaeus lib. 3. cap. 3. Ancient Irenaeus scholler to Policarp the disciple of S. Iohn teacheth that the Church of Rome is the greatest and the most ancient that it is knowne to all men founded and established by the two glorious Apostles Peter and Paul and that the Catholikes shewing the tradition which it receiued from the Apostles and that faith which was deliuered to all comming downe by succession of the Bishops thereof euen vnto their tyme they did thereby confound all those that gathered otherwise then they ought by selfe conceit or vayne glory or blindnes or false knowledge Wherein you see he supposeth the true fayth to be preserued in the Roman seat by meanes of the succession of the Bishop therof to S. Peter and S. Paul and that all those are confounded thereby that do hold any contrary doctrine whereof immediatly after he giueth the reason saying For necessarily euery Church must haue recourse and accord with the Church of Rome in respect of her more powerfull principality So that all those that do not accord therewith hauing their principality from the Apostles are vtterly confounded by it And a little after The blessed Apostles sayth he founding and instructing the Church deliuered the Episcopall care of the gouernment therof to Linus setting downe successiuely the names of all the Popes vntill his tyme. Where I would haue you note that he maketh no difference betweene the Roman Church and the Church in generall which he sayth the Apostles instructed and left to Linus Epiphanius also relating exactly the same succession of the Popes to S. Peter Epiphan har 27. addeth that no man should meruaile why the same is so particulerly recounted For sayth he by those thinges that is to say In ancorat circaprinc by this particuler succession clarity is alwayes shewed meaning that the knowledge of this succession was necessary for the clarity and knowledge of the Catholike doctrine And therefore els where he sayth that his succession is the firme Rocke vpon the which the Church is built and that the gates of hell which are Heretikes and Arch-heretikes shall not preuayle against it For absolutely the fayth is firmed in him that receiued the keyes and looseth in earth and bindeth in Heauen So Epiphanius who teacheth plainly as you see that the true Fayth cannot be separated from the Seat of S. Peter S. Hierome likewise (a) Lib. de praescript Eccles in Clemen briefly declareth this succession and notably (b) Epist. ad Dam. deliuereth his sentencè concerning his doctrine Although sayth he to Pope Damasus thy greatnes doth feare me yet thy humanity doth inuite me being a sheep I craue the help of my Sheepheard I speake with the successour of the Fisher and with the disciple of the Crosse I following no chiefe but Christ do associate my selfe with the communion of thy Beatitude that is of the Chayre of Peter Vpon that Rocke I know the Church to be buylt whosoeuer out of this house shall eate the lamb he is prophane whosoeuer is not found in the Arke of Noë shall perish with the floud And a little after he that gathereth not with thee scattereth that is he that is not of Christ is of Antichrist Where most euidently he calleth the Chayre of the Pope the Chayre of Peter and the Rocke of that Church out of which there is no saluation and that he who gathereth not with the Pope is not of Christ but of Antichrist Yea so much he grounded him selfe vpon the authority of the Pope that he affirmed he would not be affrayd to say that there were three hypostases in the Trinity if the Pope should bid him And againe in the end of his exposition of the Creed to Pope Damasus This is the Catholike fayth sayth he most blessed Pope which we haue learned of the Catholike Church wherein if any thing be lesse skillfully or lesse warily set downe we desire that it may be corrected by thee that dost hold the fayth and the seat of Peter But if this our confession shall be approued by thy Apostleship whosoeuer will accuse me shall shew himselfe either to be ignorant or maleuolous or perchance no Catholike but me to be an heretike he shall not proue Where he fignifyeth that none can be heretikes Lib. 1. appol cont Ruff. who suffer themselues to be corrected by the Popes authority And concerning the Roman Church speaking against Ruffinus he sayth What fayth is that which he calleth his If he answere the Roman fayth ergo Catholici sumus then are we both Catholikes where he teacheth plainly the Catholike and the Roman fayth to be the same Lib. 3. appol cont Ruff. And in the same treatise know sayth he that the Roman fayth praysed by the voyce of the Apostles doth not receiue any such illusions although an Angell should teach otherwise then hath beene once preached With S. Hierome must go accompanyed S. Augustine who in his answere to the letters of a certaine Donatist vrging the perpetuall duration of the Catholike Church built vpon Peter according to the promisse of our Sauiour recounteth aboue fourty Popes deducing them successiuely from S. Peter to Anastasius who was Pope at that tyme and then concludeth that in all that order of succession Epist 165. no Donatist Bishop could be found by which discourse he would proue that the Donatists were not the true Church because no Pope or head of the Church was euer Donatist Which in the same place he further confirmeth by
answering a secret obiection that the Pope might erre because a wicked man might be Pope For sayth he though some traytor or Iudas should haue entred into that rancke or order yet this could nothing preiudice the Church nor the innocent Christians or beleeuers for whom our Lord had prouided by saying of euill gouernours do what they say but do not what they do for they say and do not to the end that the assured hope of the faythfull relying it selfe not vpon mā but vpon God or vpon the word of our Sauiour they might neuer be deuyded by tempest of sacrilegious Schism Where he proueth that no euill Pope can erre because if that could be the innocent Christians following our Sauiours commaundment should be thereby deceiued Cont. ep Fundamēti cap. 4. and deuyded in Schisme And therfore he also professeth that the succession of Priests from the seat of Peter vnto the Bishop liuing in his time held him in the Catholike Church making that an argument of the true doctrine therof And comparing the communion of the Apostolike head with the members to the vnion of the mystical vine with the branches In psal cont part Donat. he exhorteth the Donatists thereunto in these words Come brethren if you please that you may be grafted in the vyne It is a grief vnto vs when we see you to lye thus cut off Number the Priests euen from the very seat of Peter and in that order of Fathers see who and to whome each one succeeded That seat is the Rocke which the proude gates of Hell do not ouercome vnder standing thereby that they who were cut off from the communion of that seat and succession were also cut off from the Church of Christ and that according to the promise of our Sauiour neither they nor their errours should be able to prouayle against it Lib. 2. cōt duas epist Pelag. Lib. 1. cont lūli cap. 4. And affirming against the Pelagians that the antiquity of the Catholike fayth was cleerly knowne by the letters of venerable Innocentius the Pope he inferreth that to departe from his sentence was to straggle from the Roman Church making it by this inferrence a certaine signe of departure from the Church of Christ And rebuking a certaine Pelagian Me thinkes sayth he that part of the world should suffice thee meaning for his beliefe in matters of fayth wherein our Lord would that the chiefe of his Apostles should be crowned with a most glorious Martyrdome vnto the President of which Church being the blessed Innocentius if thou wouldest haue giuen care long since in the dangerous tyme of thy youth thou hadst freed thy selfe from the snares of Pelagians For what could that holy man answeare to the Affrican Countells but that which the Apostolike seat and the Roman Church doth anciently hold with other Wherein he teacheth that the definition of the Pope ought to suffice vs and that he cannot determine otherwise then according to the ancient Fayth Optatus likewise recounteth the lyneall succession of the Popes and beginneth the same in this manner Therefore the Chayre is vnited which is the first of her gists therein Peter sate the first to whome succeeded Linus c. numbring the rest vnto Siricius who liued in his tyme. And a little before he sayth it ought to be seene who sate first in the Chayre where he sate And afterwards tho● canst not deny but thou knowest that the Episcopall Chayre was giuen first to S. Peter in the Citty of Rome wherin Peter the head of all the Apostles sate in which one Chayre vnity ought to be kept of all men Signifying therby that Peter the head of all the Apostles sate first therin to shew that all those that are members of the Church are bound to vnite themselues vnto it Tertullian is also one of those that describeth the Catalogue of the Roman Bishops which he composeth in verse beginning with S. Peter and ending with Higinius Pius Anicetus And in his booke of Prescriptions he sayth thou hast Rome whose authority vnto vs also is ready at hand so giuing his reader to vnderstand that the authority of Rome was an argument euer ready to confute an heretike And thē followeth A Church happy in her state to whō the Apostles powred forth or gaue abundantly their whole doctrine togeather with their bloud meaning no doubt that they powred forth their whole doctrine into it to be preserued therin for euer in respect wherof he tearmeth it happy per excellentiam which Irenaeus doth more fully expresse when he sayth that we must not go to others to seeke the truth which we may easily haue from the Church Irenaeus l. 3. cap 3. wherein the Apostles as it were in a most rich treasure haue layd togeather all those things which are of truth that from thence euery one who will may receiue the same And thus much of those Fathers that do not only set downe the Popes succession to S. Peter Tom. 1. Cōcil ante Concil Calced but also plainly teach that his fayth cannot fayle because he holdeth the place of Peter wherein none of the other Fathers disagree or dissent from thē Petrus Chrysologus in his epistle to Euthiches the Heretike condemned afterward in the Calcedon Councel exhorteth him in this māner We exhort thēe venerable brother to attend attentiuely vnto those things which are written from the most blessed Pope of the Citty of Rome For blessed Peter liuing and gouerning in that his proper seat gaue the truth of fayth to all those that secke it which may serue for a cleere exposition of the words of Tertullian and Irenaeus afore sayd Prosper S. Augustines Scholler inferreth as most absurd Prosp cōt Collit cap. 20. that according to the cēsure of his aduersary Pope Innocentius should haue erred a man sayth he most worthy of the Seat of Peter And likewise that the holy Seat of Blessed Peter should haue erred which spake vnto the whole world by the mouth of Pope Sozimus Cap. 41. And againe that Pope Innocentius strock the heads of wicked errour with the Apostolicall dagger And that Pope Sozimus with his sentence gaue force to the Affrican Councells and armed the hands of all the Fathers with the sword of Peter to the cutting off of the wicked And that Rome by the principality of Apostolicall Preisthood De vocat gentium lib. 2. was made greater by the Arke of Religion then by the Throne of secular power S. Ambrose sayth Ambros cap. 3 1. ad Tim. that though all the world be of God yet his house is sayd to be the Church wherof at this day Damasus is the Rector And els where He demaunded the Bishop sayth he whether he agreed with the Catholike Bishops that is whether he agreed with the Roman Church Orat. in Satyrum In which words he maketh it all one to agree with the Church of Rome and with the Catholike Church And againe he saith
the professed doctrine of the ancient Fathers in the first 500. yeares after Christ and consequently out of those rules which the Protestants admit for currant and authenticall he proueth that it was likewise taught in the most Apostolicall tymes The second fol. 207. where he sheweth that the Protestants do not deny very many of their opinions to haue been condemned for heresyes within the aforsayd tyme by the auncient Fathers The third fol. 127. where he alleadgeth the Protestants condemning the Fathers Out of which places also to saue you a labour if need should be I will serue my selfe of many things in the poynts that follow You shall therefore vnderstand that the Fathers of the Church being those Pastours and Doctours of whome S. Paul speaketh Ephes Esa ●6 6 Ephes 4.14 who were to continue by suecession for euer and must not be silent but to the end we be not carryed away with euery wind of new doctrine norcircumuented with the malice of men and craft of errour they must alwayes resist euery new and false opinion arising in the Church of God and as hitherto they haue withstood the innouations of the Valentinians Tacians Manicheans Arians Pelagians Nestorians Donatists c. so while the Church was pure by the Protestants owne confession that is to say within the space of the first 500. yeares after Christ they impugned also diuers others for attempting to bring in sundry poynts of doctrine which are now professed by the Protestants whom for the same cause they haue not spared to record for Heretikes In Aerius therfore they condemned the denyall of prayer Aug. haer 53. Epiph. haer 75. Hier. cont Vigil c. 2. Aug. eccl dog c. 73. and of offering sacrifice for the dead and the denyall of appointed fasts In Vigilantius they reprehend in like māner the denyal of prayer to Saints and of worshiping Saints reliques wherof S. Augustine speaketh thus The bodyes of Saints and especially of blessed Martyrs are most sincerely to be ●●●●●…ed as the members of Christ whosoeuer goeth against this semece is belieued not to be a Christian but an Eunomian and Vigilantian In Xenaias they condemne the denyall of Images which Nicephorus recordeth in this manner This Kenaias was the first o audacious soule and face impudent who vemited forth that voyce Nieeph bist lib. 16. cap. 27. that the Images of Christ and of those that were pleasing to him ought not to be worshiped In Vigilantius and others they condemned the denyall of voluntary pouerty monasticall profession against whome S. Hierome writing Hier. cont vigil prope finem vseth these words amongst many other Neither are Monkes to be terrified by thee from their good purpose of whome vsing thy viperous tongue and biting most fiercely thou disputest saying If all should shut themselues vp or abide in the desert who should frequent the Churches And S. Augustine reprouing Petilian for the same errour sayth thus of him From hence Aug. cont literas Fetil lib. 3. c. 40. he did put himselfe foward with a foule speaking mouth in disgrace of Monkes and Monasteryes In the Nouatians they condemned the denyall of the power of Priests to remit sinnes of whome S. Ambrose writeth thus But they affirme that they giue due honour vnto God to whome alone they reserue power of remitting sinnes Nay sayth he none do greater iniury vnto him then such as go about to repeale his commaundments for when our Sauiour himselfe had sayd in his Ghospell Receiue the holy Ghost whose sinnes you forgiue they are forgiuen c. And a little after he concludeth Who therefore is he that doth most honour him he who ●…yeth his commaundment Amb. lib. 1. de paeniten cap 2. 7. or he that doth resist him 〈…〉 the 7. Chapter why do you baptize if it be not lawfull to forgiue sinnes Pacian in ep ad Simthō Noua For in Baptisme all sinnes are forgiuen What matter is it whether the Priests do challenge this power to be giuen vnto them either by prunince or by Baptisme Soc. in hist tripart l. 2. cap. 23. in both which there is the some mystery And Pacianus writing to a Nouatian heretike vseth these words This thou wilt say God alone can do it is true but that which he doth by his Priests is his owne power For what is that which to the Apostles he sayth that which yee bind in earth c. And Socrates reporteth that when Acetius affirmed that hope of remission was not to be expected from Priests but from God alone the Emperour Constantine reproued him merily and sayd O Acetius set vp a ladder if thou canst clibme alone to Heauen meaning that he could not climbe thither vnles the Priest vnbound him In the Manichees (a) Hier in Symbol Aug de fide cont Mantch cap. 9. Whitaker l 10. cont Duraetem pag 883. they condemned the denyall of free will and of remission of sinnes and of grace conferred in Baptisme The affirming of God to be the authour of sinne in Symon Magus (b) Vincent Iren. August ad artic sibi falso art 10. and others The denyall of the necessity of childrens Baptisme in the (c) Aug. haeres 88. Cyril ad Calosyr Pelagians The denyall of the reseruation of the blessed Sacramēt in the Anthropomorphites for the which S. Cyrill sayth they were mad for that sayth he the vertue of the blessing and the liuely grace giuen vnto it do alwayes remaine in it They condemned the impugning of vowed Chastity in (d) Hier. cōt Vigil cap. 1. Iouinian The denyall of the vowed and vnmarried life of Priests in (e) Hier l. 1. cōt Iou. ad Pamach Apol. c. 8. Vigilantius Iouinian and others The denyall of enioyned tymes of pennance in the heretikes called (f) Theod. l 4 haer fab Andiani The denyall of the diuersity of merits for the which S. (g) Aug. ser de tempore 191. Augustine sayth we condemne the errours of Iouinian And S. (h) Hier l. 1 cōt Iouin cap. 2. Hierome reproueth him for teaching that marriage virginity were of equall merit And (i) Coneil Te len reserip Ambr. all Syric ib. S. Ambrose and others do call it a sauage howling speach c promiscuously confounding al thinges thereby c. and abrogating the degrees of diuers kinds of merits In others they condemne the denyall of the possibility of keeping the commaundments We do execrate or curse sayth S. Hierome (k) Hier. expl Simb Aug. ser detempore 191. Prot. Apol p. 218. August de nuptijs l. 2. cap. 29. Epiphan haer ●4 the blasphemy of those who say that God hath commaunded any thing to man which is impossible which are also the very words of S. Augustine Whereupon Christopher Hoffman whom Melancton greatly condemneth asked this question Why Hierome should not rather be accursed who wrote Anathema against those who say that God had commaunded things impossible In Iulianus
as long as they could they haue run themselues out theyr brookes are dry their memory is scarce to be found or that they haue been (y) In psal 203. con 1. Thou shalt alwayes be firme if thou departest not from this foundation for she is the predestinated piller and foundation of truth (z) In psal 110. con 1. It shall not be inclyned from age to age because it is predestinated the foundation and piller of truth Tyconius (a) cōt ep Parm. l. 1. cap. 1. all the voyces of the sacred Leaues beating about him awaked and he saw tho Church diffused ouer all the world as it was foreseene and foretold by the harts and mouths of the holy Prophets Which hauing perceiued he began to auouch and to make manifest to his fellows that no foule sinne or wicked cryme of any man whatsoeuer could preuaile against the promises of God nor effect that Gods word of the Church to come to be diffused euen to the ends of the earth which was promised to the Fathers and is now exhibited or performed should come to nothing (b) De vnitat Eccl. Why do you make voyde the testament of God saying that it is not fullfilled in all Nations and that the seed of Abraham hath fay led in all those Nations where it was (c) In psal 47. But perchance that Citty which hath possessed all the world shall one day be ouerthrowne God forbid God hath founded it for euer If therfore God hath founded it for euer what doest thou feare least the foundation should fayle (d) In psal 101. conc 2. But that Church which was the Church of all Nations is now no more it is perished So say they that are not in her Oh impudent voyce Is not she because thou art not in her Take heed least for the same cause thou thy selfe be not for she shall be though thou art not This abhominable speach detestable full of presumption and falshood not supported by any truth not inlightned by any wisedome not seasoned with any salt vayne temerarious head-strong pernicious the spirit of God foresaw c. Thus S. Augustine whome perchance you neuer imagined to haue spoken so much so playnly and so vehemently for the infallible authority and vniuersall extension with equall visibility and perpetuall continuance of the Church of Christ as you see he hath and yet this is the least part of that which might be alleadged out of S. Augustine alone to the same purpose Whereunto if you add those former testimonyes for the proofe of the Popes Supremacy which I haue cited in the 11. Section of this Treatise thereby you may easily iudge if S. Augustine had been an English man and were now aliue whether he deserued not to be hanged at Tyborne as well as other Priests and Iesuits that haue been martyred there That is to say whether hearing your Ministers teach that the Pope with the whole Catholike Church haue erred and deceiued the world or that the Church hath fayled or remayned inuisible for more then a thousand yeares togeather he would not haue admyred as much as we do now at their deafnes to the voyce of the Prophets at their blyndnes in reading the Scriptures at their impudency temerity and madnes of their abhominable and detestable doctrine and whether he would not pronounce them many tymes accursed as he did the Donatists and other Heretikes of his tyme for the same opinions And now that you may the better perceiue with what great reason S. Augustine was so vehement against this their pernicious doctrine Let vs consider a little I pray you the consequence and effects therof in many of the greatest Maisters and Apostles of the Protestant religion For this made Sebastian Castalio in his Preface to the great Latin Bible dedicated to King Edward the 6. to doubt of those promises of God to his Church set downe in Scripture See Prot. Apology p. 106. sequent For if any man sayth he will affirme that they haue been performed I will demaund of him when If he say in the Apostles tymes I will demaund how it chaunceth that neither then the knowledge of God was altogeather perfect and afterward how in so short a tyme it vanished away which was promissed that at should be eternall and more aboundant then the flouds in the sea The more I do peruse the Scriptures the lesse do I find the same performed howsoeuer you vnderstand the foresayd Prophesies And Dauid George vpon the same grounds came to deny Iesus our Sauiour to be Christ For if that he had beene the true Christ the Church erected by him should haue continued for euer Whereupon also he fell to that madnes that he tooke to himselfe the name and office of Christ and secretly drew many to his opinion for the which he was taken vp burned three yeares after his death by the Protestants of Basil vnto whom he fled before being expelled from the low Countrys for holding the opinion of the Sacramentaries against the doctrine of Luther then there professed His story was written by them of Basil about the yeare 1559. In like manner Bernardinus Ochinus a man so renowned amongst the Protestants as Caluin demaundeth whom Italy it selfe could oppose against him and Iohn Bale sayth of him That he made England happy with his presence and miserable in his absence This renowned man as he confesseth in the preface of his dialogues began to wonder how it was possible that the Church which was founded by the power wisedome and goodnes of Christ washed with his bloud and enriched with his spirit should be vtterly ouerthrowne wherof he sayth the Popes were the cause and afterwards began to teach Circumcision and wrote a booke of Poligamy which Beza sayth that the aforsayd Sebastian Castalio translated out of Italian into Latin and finally became as Beza sayth an impure Apostata against the diuinity of Christ Alinianus a learned Swynglian for the same cause came to be of opinion that the Messias was not yet come so renouncing Christianity became a blasphemous Iew. And to omit Adam Neuserus a learned Caluinist chiefe Pastour at Heidelberg who in the end turned Turke and was circumcised at Constantinople and diuers other Protestants as well of forraine Countreyes as of our owne Nation who haue at length denyed the diuinity of Christ Caluin himselfe was greatly suspected therof in so much as Doctor Hunnius publick Professor in the Vniuersity of Wittemberge wrote a booke called Caluinus Indaizans and since that tyme there is another booke published by a Protestant Lutheran with this title A demonstratiō out of Gods word that the Caluinists are not Christians but only Baptized Iewes and Mahomets which was also reprinted And of this argumēt you may see sufficient matter in that learned booke of M. William Reynolds intituled Caluino-Turcismus which euidence also that according to the Protestants opinion God hath fayled of his promise in aduancing and defending his
Church according to the Scriptures must needs haue been one chiefe cause of those swarmes of Athiests in Protestant Countreyes whereof their principall writers do so much complayne Whereat I wonder nothing at all For to what end did our Sauiour come into the world but only to espouse his Church in Faith To what end did he instruct her with his preaching redeeme her with his death and Passion and sanctify her with his holy Spirit augment and confirme her with the labours of his Apostles and with the bloud of so many millions of Martyrs but only to make her such a glorious Kingdome euen vpon earth according to all the former Prophesies so constant so stronge so imoueable that she should vphold the glory of his name against Princes and Potentats against Kings and Emperours against Schismaticks Heretikes and wicked Christians and against all the force of the world and on the Diuell himselfe that would seeke withall his arts and engines to suppresse it Wherefore if our Sauiour be the true Messias whose Name was foretold to be Deusfortis Emmanuel Esa 9 6. Esa 7.15 the strong God God with vs and who according to his owne speach came into the world to bynd the strong man which is to say the Diuell that held all the world in peaceful captiuity before his comming then it must needs follow that the Kingdome which he erected shall stand for euer Matt. 16.18 and that the Gates of h●ll shall not preuaile against it But on the contrary side if it were true which the Protestants affirme that his Church hath erred ceasing to be the true Church or which is all one that his Kingdome was destroyed and that there came one after him stronger then himselfe that is to say the Diuell who did bynd his body whereof he was the head defiled his Spouse bereaued him of this Kingdome Matt. 12.20 and tooke his vessells and riches from him then of necessity it must be granted either that the former Prophesies of him were not true and that the Scripture is false or els that our Sauiour was not the true Messias who contrary to the Prophets and to his owne promises and protestations to maintayne his Church for euer hath suffered it to perish and therfore was not able to defend it This argument therefore of the largnes glory contynuance visibility and inuincible constancy of the Church is of great force to induce any man whatsoeuer whether he haue the Name or not so much as the Name of a Christiā to become a Catholike For the Scriptures euen as they are in the hands of our enemyes the Iewes ●i●t full of the Prophesies of those excellent perfectiōs of the Kingdom of Christ which according to the present tymes and according to the historyes of all former ages we shewe to haue been performed since the death of Christ in the Catholike Church that was planted by himselfe and propagated by his holy spirit which according to his promise was giuen to his Apostles and their successours after them to remayne with them for euer And if it be manifest that this world in respect of the beauty and perfection therof Rom. 1. is the worke of Gods hand condemning all those that do not acknowledge him to be the Creatour of it much more manifest is it Eph. 5.27 that this glorious Kingdome and Church is the worke of God wherein he sheweth the riches of his power of his wisedome and of his infynit goodnes condemning all those that will not acknowledge it and subiect themselues to the gouerment therof SECTION XXIIII Foure other particuler motiues of the Conuersion of Nations of the Miracles of the Martyrdoms and of the vnion of the members of the Catholike Church are briefly propounded VNDER these generall tearmes of Holy Catholike Church are comprised many other partiticuler gifts and graces which being all supernaturall and diuine ech of them is a sufficient motiue to perswade any mans cōscience that the Catholike Church is the only blessed of God and the elected spouse of Christ our Sauiour Whereof being entred into this matter of Motiues I thinke good to giue instance in some few remitting you for the rest to other Catholike authours who haue treated more largely of this matter Diuers therfore haue been induced to belieue that the Catholike Fayth is the only true Religion by obseruing that all Nations and Countreys which at any tyme professed the Name of Christ haue been conuerted by Catholikes alone And in this last age since the Protestant religion began they haue reduced and subiected very many Kingdomes vnto the yoke of Christ whereof Philippus Nicolaus Coment de reg Christil 1. pag. 315. p. 52. Sym. Lyth in respons altera ad alteram Gretseri Apol. p. 331. Tertul. de praescrip c. 42. a Protestant numbreth more then 20. In so much as another Protestant in his answere to Gretser the Iesuit sayth The Iesuits within the space of a few yeares c. haue filled Asia Affrick and America with their Idols Whereas in the meane tyme the Protestants haue only sowne tares among the wheat attēding as Tertullian sayd of the Heretikes of his tyme not to conuert the heathen but to peruert those that were before conuerted And although they haue sundry tymes attempted to conuert some heathen with hope to possesse their Countreys yet no King or Kingdome or Countrey or Prouince Sarauia in defension tract de diuersis gradibus Ministrorum pag. 309. was euer conuerted by them And Beza sayth plainly that the Protestants may leaue such peregrinatious to those locusts that belieue the Name Iesus Which conuersions of so many sauage and barbarous Nations by the words of a few poore men with a little broken language to imbrace a Religion so far aboue the reach of Nature and in respect of the austerity therof so contrary to flesh bloud and especially to their former intemperate liues and brutish customes as it shewath Gods promises by the Prophets to be dayly fullfilled in them and proueth our Church thereby to be the Church of Christ So it is most euident that their conuerters were supernaturally assisted by the strength of Gods Arme which is sufficient to perswade any indifferent man that the doctrine they preach can be no other then the true Ghospell reuealed by Christ to his owne Apostles Which also is a manifest token that the grounds of Christianity and of our Catholike doctrine are the very same And that the Protestants for want of them can neuer conuert any Heathen Nation to Christian religion denying as they do the grounds therof which are the same with the grounds of the Catholike doctrine Secondly therefore many haue submitted themselues to the obedience of the Catholike Church by consideratiō of those notorious miracles which in all ages haue beene wrought therin being such marks of truth as no man can deny them to be the seales of God and the signes of his owne hand If I should
be not altogeather improbable that he feared poyson and punyards as he sayth and it may very well be that he had deserued no better of some priuat Citizens in the place wher he liued yet it is more likely that herein he would only shew his Rhetorike thereby to draw the Pope into suspition and enuy And that he feareth no other poyson but the fire nor any other knife but the sword of the hangman which I must needs say setting all other causes apart he well deserueth for these monstrous slaunders and foule imputations alone wherwith he chargeth so worthy a Prince as the Pope and a Seat so reuerend and sacred as the Church of Rome Where he sayth That now adayes the controuersies of the Church are not cōmitted to the deciding of Deuines or Councells but for the defence of Rome from Rome to Parricides villaines and murtherers who knoweth not that all the poynts in Controuersy at this day were for many yeares togeather disputed and discussed in the Councell of Trent and that the learned Deuines of the Church of Rome haue defended thēselues most gloriously as well by their excellent writings as constant sufferings wherof you need not go far to seeke examples Not striking others treacherously as this wolf pretendeth but being strucken vniustly not giuing blowes but receauing blow after blow not murthering others but willingly suffering themselues to be murthered not seeking other mens liues but giuing their owne liues for the testimony of their cause and for the saluation of the soules of others The Bishop being thus couragiously resolued to run away with most extreme feare to be stayed or taken he telleth you of a great conflict betweene himselfe on the one party and his hand-maid Agar with her Sonne Ismaell on the other viz. betweene the flesh and the spirit Of what colour the spirit was I make no question but what flesh he meaneth whether his own or some other bodys that tempted him to stay I cannot so easily resolue For his own flesh stood in feare of torture and torment as you haue heard and was already cloathed with the infamy of heresy that was bruted in him and therefore by al reason should take part with his spirit that did so vehemently perswade him to run away But the flesh that heere he bringeth into combat putteth him in hope of ease of pleasure preferment and in feare of the infamy that might meet him in his iourney Besides it moueth a doubt vnto him whether he were wiser then other innumerable Bishops that stayed behind him which his owne flesh could neuer haue done For he knew that he made no question of the matter and therfore he neuer admitted any of them to counsell as he confessed before nor heere doth he vouchsafe any answere at all to that needlesse obiection On the other side considering how like his flesh is to the flesh of Agar Gen. 16.4 that despised her Mistresse and being therefore corrected by her fed from her vntill at length not only her selfe but also her son Ismaell were both cast forth into the desert as this man despised the Pope his Maister being reprehended for it ran quite away in the end was thrown forth out of the family of Christ into the desert of heresy and infidelity I say all this considered me thinks by Agar he should meane no other flesh but his owne But whose flesh soeuer this Agar was I haue reason to thinke that when he came to you he carryed her sonne Ismaell with him into England As concerning the spirit which pleaded as he sayth against the flesh did so much sollicit his hasty departure vnlesse himselfe had written it I should not haue thought that with any reason I could haue accused the Diuell to haue beene the authour of it For what should any spirit need to pray him go that was already vpon running and nothing els but a chayne could hold him But now I see that his old acquaintance not content with his readynes did push and driue him healong on that as before he had cast him out of his order so at this tyme he was at hand to cast him forth out of the Catholike Church This spirit he calleth Diuine and sayth that with vehement impulsion it did not permit him to make any longer delay And that he followed the same as Abraham followed the voyce of God Gen. 22.10 Alas poore man if he be of any religion whereof I haue great cause to doubt for the causes aforesayd he is not the first that trusting to his owne iudgment and confiding himselfe in the pleasing phansy of a priuate spirit insteed of God hath adored the Diuell by whose meanes also he further saith going from Venice towards England he hopeth that his fame or good name of what forme and beauty soeuer it be shal be preserued from all blemish euen in the hands of the Barbarous Which new Name of Barbarous for any thing that I can see you must be contented to receiue at the hands of your new God father instead of a better blessing And surely albeit some insolent Italians haue not spared to lay this rude imputation vpon other Nations yet this Dalmatian being scarsely an Italian himselfe and going to liue among them and to be mayntained by them both in discretion and ciuility should haue affoarded them some better title As touching the preseruation of his fame whereof he speaketh with great zeale and no little feare as it seemeth both heere and in other places of his booke I cannot so easily coniecture what it is he would haue or what it is he feareth For to be reputed an Heretike in Italy in respect of his departure thence and his going into England is a thing farre off and being of his mynd and where he is a man would thinke he should rather glory therein then be ashamed thereof Wherefore it is very probable that there is some great matter in the straw which is not yet discouered that either he feareth the workes he left behind him will come after him thither and claime him for their Father or els he is troubled with such passions still as will quickly discredit him if prouision be not made that his infirmityes may either be cured or well couered And to this purpose perchance he insinuateth the reward of Abraham whose beautifull wife was preserued from reproach in the hands of Pharao and the saying of S. Ambrose that neither Countrey nor Parents nor wife nor children ought to withdraw vs from the execution of Gods will For God saith he giueth all things to vs which words I would haue you marke and is able to preserue that which he giueth Whereby it may be that his modesty would giue you to vnderstand that either he hath a wife already which I will not say or that he would haue one which is more likely for the preseruation of his same amongst you Which if it be so he need not to haue
been so much ashamed thereof as to conceale it if he had knowne in what playne termes some of his ancestours whose course he followeth domaunded the like sauour And that you may the lesse maruell thereat if such a thing should happen I will set you downe part of an Epistle to the Bishop of Constance written and subscribed vnto by Swinglius Leo Iude Erasmus and 8. other Ministers who all of them cry out for wyues therein and after some intimation made of the heauenly doctrine so long hydden Prot Apol. fol 572. sequent and in their tyme restored confesse and say Hitherto we haue tryed that this gift of Chastity hath been denyed vnto vs we haue burned O for shame so greatly that we haue committed many things vnseemely To speake freely without boasting we are not otherwise of such vnciuill manners that we should be euill spoken of among the people to vs committed this one poynt only excepted Thus they Which if you please to see in the Protestāts Apology when you are at leasure you shall find also another longer petition to the purpose that will either make you laugh or lament at the weaknes of your first Apostles But thus the Bishop recommending his good name vnto you concludeth his 2. first Motiues of change of place and saith That being admonished by these dangers drawne by this vocation and thus animated therein he toke himselfe to flight then most nimbly SECTION XXVIII VVherein the Bishop his zeale and desire to try which is the last Motiue that induced him to forsake his Countrey is discussed HIS third Motiue which he seemeth all this while to haue forgotten he beginneth in this manner pag. 28. Charuas tamen Christi super omnia vrget me but yet the Charity of Christ vrgeth me aboue all things Which when I read I could not chuse but smyle remēbring how one that was troubled with vermyne in Italy went shrugging vp and downe and singing that verse of Petrarch S'amor non è che dunque è quel ch'to sento If loue it be not what is that I feele For it is very probable that pouerty and famine began to pinch him as not hauing sufficient to feed his maw after he had resigned his poore Bishoprike to his Nephew as I haue shewed And the Italian might better compare his life to naughty loue then the Bishop his counterfeit charity to the diuine loue of Iesus Christ so that the one if he had thought his life to be loue should haue been no lesse mistaken then the other This charity sayth he did vrge him to cry And to get him vp to some high place that his cry might be heard the further if you had euer been in Venice you would imagine him to be possest with the spirit of some Montebanck not only in respect of his mounting and crying but also in respect of his discourse For with a great many arrogant tearmes and boasting words cōfusedly vttered you would thinke he meant to sell the wares of his new booke as Montebancks sell boxes But for orders sake I will reduce all that he sayth to three heads For either he sheweth what it is that he intendeth to cry or what authority he hath to cry or answereth certayne obiections that might be made against his crying I expected iudgement Isa 5. 7. and behold iniquity and iustice and behold a cry Me thinkes as S. Augustine said to a Donatist that part of the world should suffice him wherein our Lord would that the chiefe of his Apostles should be crowned with a most glorious Martyrdome For what could the President of that Church answere but that which the Apostolike Seat and the Roman Church doth anciently hold with others or at least that the authority of Christendome which S. Augustine calleth the Confession of mankind might haue suffised to haue kept this man in quietnesse and obedience but insteed of iudgment behold iniquity and insteed of iustice behold a cry For this man is so farre from hearing and obaying the Church which our Sauiour hath appointed to teach him that being worse then an Infidell he cryeth against the Church and with extreme arrogancy would inforce the Church to belieue him and to be obedient vnto him That which he intendeth to cry is the matter of his booke of Christian Common Wealth whereof he vaunteth as if therby the world should know Pag. 28.33 what a champion the Protestants haue gotten for them For by meanes thereof the errours of Rome must be made manifest and the purity of the Protestant doctrine shal be no longer hidden and a number of their Churches reiected by that of Rome shal be declared Catholike and the way of making peace and vnion ouer all the world shal be cleerly manifested And all this he pretendeth with such confidence and presumption as if with him the Catholike verity were turned Protestant or as if he had gotten a Monopoly of the doctrine of Christ and that no part thereof were warrantable without his marke or licence and with his approbation that any Religion might passe for currant Of this booke of his he speaketh euery where with such admiration as a man may easily perceiue it is the Idol that he adoreth and was doubtlesse the principall cause of his fall and for the loue of it more then any thing els he was content to renounce both his Faith and Countrey But as Idolls are nothing so I haue shewed sufficiently that this Idoll of his contayneth nothing And though it were neuer so strong and substantiall yet cōming once forth and falling vpon the stone of Peter which is the Rock of the Church wherat it aymeth it must needs be broken all to peeces And considering with my selfe what the cause might be that all this while it is not published I am perswaded that the Protestants themselues perceiuing the deformity thereof and especially the clouen foot of the Diuell I meane the deniall of all Iurisdiction in the Church of God which is the crutch wheron it standeth were either affrayed or ashamed to prynt it which if it be true we shall shortly heare that either he will take the course that Achitophel did when his Counsell was contemned or els that before it be long forsaking Kent and Christendome he will turne himselfe towards the Turkes and Gentiles And indeed intending as he doth to take away the occasion of Schisme not by establishing one head vpon earth as our Sauiour did but by beating downe the same not by order of Iurisdiction but by the disorder of licentious liberty any man may perceiue it is a Diuellish deuice not to bring forth vnion but to breed confusion nor to gather with Christ but to scatter with Antichrist And therefore the Cryer himselfe considering the matter a little better and being ashamed to discouer in playne tearmes his wicked meaning correcteth himselfe afterward and instead of demonstrating the way of this vnion which he promised before he saith afterward that
treason Especially charging the Pope as he doth with false doctrine which he would haue you belieue to be the cause of his schisme For the Pope being the immouable Rock and the foundation of true Fayth which Christ himselfe hath layd the Bishop in this case fitly resembleth one that launching from the shore whereupon he fixeth his eye should sweare and contest that the land departed from the boat and that the boat it selfe stood still or remayned imoueable In which case I cannot tell whether he in the boat should shew himselfe more ridiculous to the beholders then the Bishop doth manifest himselfe by this occasion to his iudicious Readers And thus much may suffice for the Bishops schisme Heresy is defined by S. Augustine August de vera Rel. c. 5. 6. 7. to be a peruerse doctrine contrary to the rule of truth which himselfe doth better expound where he sayth That it is an opinion declyning from the rule and turning men away from the cōmunion of the Catholike Church where he vnderstandeth the rule of truth to be no other then the doctrine of the Catholike Church for without this ground all other rules are insufficient as hath been shewed and the same if it were necessary might easily be confirmed out of the rest of the Fathers Wherefore the doctrine of the Catholike Church being made knowne and manifested vnto vs either by the common beliefe of all the faithfull or by the vniforme consent and common doctrine of all the Fathers or by a generall Councell or by the definition of the Pope as before I noted hauing conuinced the Bishop of schisme though much against his will let vs see how he can cleare and shift himselfe from the imputation of heresy For first it cannot be denied That whatsoeuer the Catholikes at this day do maintaine to be the doctrine of Christ and his Apostles against the Protestants was the generall beliefe of the vniuersall Church when Luther began to broach his new doctrine And therefore the Bishop condemning the Pope of many errours in poynts of Controuersy betweene him and the Protestants Vbi supra condemneth likewise the vniuersall Church of that tyme which as S. Augustine sayth is most insolent madnes extreme impiety and hayre-braynd or furious ignorance Secondly you haue heard how the auncient Fathers of the primitiue Church haue condemned for heresyes aboue twenty seuerall opinions of the Protestants And therefore the Bishop being now a Protestant is likewise aboue twenty tymes condemned by them And to omit that other seuerall sects of Protestants do all condemne him in like manner the generall Councell of Trent hath defined the doctrine of the Pope against the Protestants to be Orthodoxall and the contrary opinions to be likewise hereticall And the Bishop seeming to belieue that a generall Councell lawfully called and confirmed cannot erre in matter of fayth as hauing the speciall assistance of the holy Ghost leading vnto all truth according to the promise of our Sauiour hath no more reason to contemne the Councel of Trent then to reiect the Councell of Nyce or any other generall Councell Lastly hauing proued by the common doctrine of all the Fathers that the Bishop of Rome being successour of S. Peter cannot erre in defyning of Controuersyes that belong to fayth and that the Fathers put no difference betweene the Catholike and the Roman Church but that the same Church which is surmaned Catholike because it is vniuersall is also called the Roman Church because the Roman Church being founded in the Seat of Peter is alwayes conioyned and vnyted with the Catholike Church it followeth thereof that the Bishop being condemned for an Heretike by the Bishop of Rome successour vnto S. Peter and by the Church of Rome founded in the Seat of Peter according to the iudgment of the auncient Fathers standeth likewise condemned in this respect also by the whole Church And therefore hauing so many dreadfull sentences lying heauily vpon him vnlesse he amend and make peace with his aduersary Mat. 5.25 while he is yet vpon the way what can he expect at the day of iudgement but that Christ himselfe withall his Saints and Angells togeather with the whole world should condemne him And with this we will proceed to his second defence which is the authority and example of S. Cyprian wherein he seemeth to set vp his rest SECTION XXXI VVherein is shewed that the authority and example of S. Cyprian alleadged by the Bishop against the Pope ouerthroweth the principall grounds of the Protestant Religion THE words therfore of S. Cyprian in the Councell of Carthage to the Bishops there assembled alleadged by him are these that follow Iudging no man sayth S. Cyprian or depryning no man of our communion though he shal be of a contrary opinion For none of vs doth make himselfe Bishop of Bishops or compelleth his followers with tyrannicall terror to the necessary of yeilding to him whereas euery Bishop is to haue his owne proper iudgement in respect of the liberty and power which is giuen vnto him so that he cannot be iudged of another as he himselfe cannot iudge another But let vs all expect the iudgment of our Lord Iesus Christ who only and alone hath power to place vs in the gouernement of his Church and to iudge of our actions The example of S. Cyprian he propoundeth in such manner as that accusing S. Stephen of indiscretion and that with his excommunications he was falling headlong into the mischiefe of schisme he sayth That S. Cyprian dissenting from the Roman and almost from the vniuersal Church about the Baptisme of Heretikes and being strong in his owne opinion and esteeming Stephen the Pope to erre vehemently and all the rest to be in manifest errour yet notwithstanding he neuer suffered the band of vnion and Christian charity to be broken betweene them but chose to communicate not only with Stephen being of a contrary opinion and indeauour against him but also with those whome he reputed to be altogeather impure being moued thereunto because Stephen had receiued them into communion with him rather then by schisme to make a diuision in the Church of God By which authority and example of S. Cyprian he thinketh to haue clearely discouered where the fault lyeth and to whom the crime of Schisme is to be imputed and so thinke I too And here to curry a little fauour with him or rather to curry him with some fauour because he hath so well deserued it in this allegation of S. Cyprian albeit I cannot learne that euer he read or heard Rhetorike among the Iesuits as he himselfe affirmeth yet I will not deny it but rather I will acknowledge that he hath not been altogeather a Truant in the Schoole of Eloquence For though his booke be very small yet he hath been able to deliuer little or no matter at all in very many words And he seemeth to couer many vntruths vnder the colour of Rhetoricall Hyperboles And in this
place by way of a friendly exhortation to peace and amendement he accuseth the Pope of many foule crymes and addresseth his speach vnto him in this manner Let vs obserue the famous saying of S. Cyprian iudging no man excōmunicating no man let vs imitate Cyprian c. as if he being free from all fault himselfe he had great compassion of the Popes vniust proceeding perswading him with all charity to reforme himselfe only he hath one trick which I know not how it can stand with the art of Rhetorick and it is this that commonly through all his booke he speaketh against himselfe or produceth such matter as most easily and most strongly may be vrged against him Whether it be his ill luck or a fault in Nature or the iudgment of God vpon those that falling from the Catholike Religion attempt to write against it I know not But this I dare say that he neuer learned this poynt of Rhetorike among the Iesuits First therefore as in other passages of his booke you haue seene all that he hath sayd to haue been retorted against him so in the same manner we will examyne in this place how much this allegatiō of S. Cyprian doth make for his purpose For the Cōtrouersy betweene S Stephen and S. Cyprian being about the baptizing of those that were before baptized by heretikes which could not be determyned by Scripture alone the decision thereof by the tradition of the Church and the condemnation of S. Cyprians opinion by the Nicen Coūcell doth euidently proue the necessity of tradition against the Protestants of whome the Bishop hath made himselfe one and that the Scripture alone cannot be in all matters a sufficient Iudge of Cōtrouersyes For as S. Augustine sayth that custome which was opposed to Cyprian Aug. de bapt cont Donat. l. 5. c. 23. ought to be belieued to haue taken his beginning from the tradition of the Apostles as there are many things which the vniuersall Church doth hold and for this cause are rightly belieued to haue been commaunded by the Apostles albeit they be not found to be written Thus S. Augustine Secondly I would know the reason of this great change and strang conuersion of things why as Vincentius sayth the authors of the selfe same opinion should be acknowledged for Catholikes and the followers therfore should be iudged Heretikes the Maisters should be acquitted the disciples condemned The writers of the same bookes should be receiued into heauen and the mayntainers of them shut vp in hell For the latter did no more oppose themselues against the Scripture then the former and both of them seeme to haue alleadged more Scripture in the defence of their opinions then the Catholikes that opposed themselues against them Wherfore no other reason can be giuen thereof but only this That in the time of S. Cyprian and his predecessors who were the authors of this opinion of rebaptizing Hereticks the controuersie was no way defined which being afterwards determined the Donatists that reuiued the same against the beleife of the whole Church were iustly condemned and this kind of condemnation being once admitted the Protestants that haue broached and retayned so many opinions against the generall beleife of the vniuersall Church since the time of Luther and haue been most authentically condemned by the generall Councell of Trent can neuer be secured from the infamy of Heresie which followed the Donatists in this life nor from the same eternall punishment which they receiued in the other Thirdly wheras S. Cyprian sayd to the rest of the Councell that none amongst them did make himselfe the Bishop of Bishops because Marke Anthony would haue it seeme that he taxed Pope Stephen therin who subscribed his letters with that title it must needs be graūted that those words were improuidently alleadged by this Protestant Apologer For as to haue vsurped so great a title had bene as great a crime as could be imagined and such as that all the Bishops in the world had bene bound in conscience to haue opposed themselues against S. Stephen for it more then against any heresie which those times produced so S. Stephen liuing in the 2. age and being a man so renowned for sanctity and martyrdome as he is by the vse of this title affordeth vs a most forcible and inuincible argument of the Popes Supremacy For writing himselfe the Bishop of Bishops he could intend no lesse nor be no otherwise vnderstood then that he professed himselfe the head and the chiefe of all other Bishops Which also may be further confirmed because he inuented not this title of himself but receiued it from his predecessors Wherof his zeale in preseruing the tradition of antiquity against all kind of nouelty may serue for a sufficient argument and Baronius proueth out of Tertullian that it was an ancient custome before the time of S. Stephen which is also confirmed by other titles giuen to the Pope by S. Athanasius and other Bishops in the foure first generall Councels as hath byn shewed SECTION XXXII VVherein is declared how the Bishop in alleadging the example of S. Cyprian and S. Stephen falsfieth the truth of the story against himselfe HAVING shewed how much the authority and example of S. Cyprian alleadged by the Bishop doth make against his owne cause ouerthroweth the principall grounds of all Protestant Religion that you may the better perceiue what a notable Champion he is like to proue of the Protestant faith I may not omit to shew you with what falshood he relateth the story of S. Cyprian and S. Stephen and how much to his owne disgrace For first in my opinion he wrongeth S. Cyprian not a little whom he semeth so much to extoll For he maketh him so stiffe in his owne opinion his words are propria opinione firmatus as to oppose himselfe not onely against the Roman but also against almost the vniuersall Church and so voyd of conscience as both to dissent almost from all others in matter of faith and yet to communicate with them For with what conscience could he eyther perseuere in his owne opinion wherein he condemned almost the whole Church of errour or condemning allmost all the members therof in such manner as this man sayth he did with what conscience could he communicate with them These things therefore as they redound very much to the dishonour of S. Cyprian so in themselues they are not true Cyp. ep 2. but are most vniustly layd vpon him by this back friend of his as may easily be proued For S. Cyprian was not the first that began to defend the baptisme of heretikes to be of no force but he receiued this custome from his predecessour Agrippinus as himselfe declareth in these words But with vs it is no now or sodayne matter that we should thinke that they ought to be baptized which come vnto the Church from heretikes there hauing passed now many years a long age sithence that vnder Agrippinus very many Bishops agreeing
so the charity of this man is no lesse to be obserued and admired in calling the Pope his most holy Father and the Bishops vnited with him his most blessed Brethren giuing them thereby his kisse of peace whom before through all his booke he had sould to the Protestants for blind guydes teaching innumerable errours for corrupters of Gods word tyrants oppressors of the Church Babylonians and the like Which termes albeit no lesse falsely then impiously they are applyed by him to the Pope and his Bishops whether you respect the former wherein he should shew his loue or the later wherein he expresseth his hatred vnto them yet because as it appeareth by his owne words he describeth therein his owne spirituall kindred it cannot be denyed but that he is ready to acknowledge if need were the author of lyes himselfe for his holy Father and his wickedest children for his most blessed Brethren Wherefore considering his zeale wherof he boasteth so much to be so large and the armes of his charity to be so far extended from East to West as to imbrace the fellowship of Babylon which is the Citty of the Diuell it is manifest that he excludeth neither Turks nor Iufidells from his Communion And therefore me thinks that as no good Protestant can be much delighted with it so euery good Christian should abhorre and detest it The second poynt to be noted in his conclusion is this that he rather ordereth commaundeth then aduiseth the Pope to restore peace and charity to all those Churches that professe to receiue the essentiall Creeds of Fayth By which he must needs meane the three Creeds of the Apostles of the Councel of Nice against Arius and of the Councell of Constantinople against Macedonius and therefore supposeth all other poynts of Cōtrouersy not contayned in those Creeds to be matters indifferent not sufficiently defyned and not to be beleeued as articles of Fayth Which is such a monstrous opinion as doth euidētly shew him to be of no Religion at all and therefore I maruell how he could be suffered to publish such wicked doctrine in England For if the Pope must haue peace and communion with all those that receiue the Creeds alone howsoeuer they please to vnderstand them thereof it will follow that all Councells which haue beene celebrated since the making of those Creeds haue beene the authors of Schisme and dissention in condemning later Heresyes and that albeit a man should deny al Sacramēts yea and al Scripture at this day yet according to this Antichristian doctrine it should be Schisme to refuse him or to accompt him no good Christian for the same And how easy a matter is it not beleeuing the Scripture to contemne the Creeds or rather how impossible contemning the one to beleeue the other This therefore may be another signe to be added vnto those which I haue touched before that the Bishop being fallen frō the Church is fallen likewise to Neutrality in Religion may be a cause of greater mischiefe and of greater dishonour to our Countrey then they that feed him haue yet discouered in him I cannot omit his incredible ignorance which he discouereth where among other poynts of idle Counsell which he pleaseth to bestow vpon the Pope and the rest of the Bishops of the Catholike Church himselfe being so wyse as to admit no Counsell at all neither from them nor any other he telleth them that he will haue them belieue for certaine that Schisme in the Church is a greater euell then Heresy it selfe Wherin it is to be admyred how he could presume to teach the whole Church such a notable falshood with such arrogant temerity as heere he doth For as he that hath no faith can haue no charity so Heresy that destroyeth Faith bringeth also schisme with it which is opposed to Charity So that albeit there may be schisme in the Church without heresy as faith may remayne without charity yet charity without faith or heresy without schisme there cannot be And therefore all Deuines haue euer held that heresy is far the greater mischiefe which bereaueth a man of all supernatural vertue and maketh him worse then an Infidell The rest of his conclusion is much of the same nature wherein no lesse insolently then ignorantly he taketh vpon him to schoole and to catechize the Pope all his Prelates prescribing vnto them what they ought to belieue and with what tearmes and conditions they may giue him satisfaction make their peace and concord with him Whereunto I thinke no better answere can be giuen in the Popes behalfe then that which S. Cyprian made to Florentius Pupianus of whom we haue spoken before for no man can be thought of so fit as S. Cyprian to rebuke his Pryde whom a little before vnder the colour of much respect he so much abused And in his arrogant and insolent behauiour towards the Pope he doth so perfectly resemble the presumptuous demenour of Pupianus towards S. Cyprian Cyp. ep 65. as that the one seemeth to haue been but the figure of the other the words therefore of S. Cyprian are these that follow What swelling Pryde is this what arrogancy of hart what inflation of mynd to call vnto the trybunall of thy Iudgment the Priests that is to say the Bishops and those that are set ouer thee that vnlesse we can purge ourselues to thee and be absolued by thy sentence now for so many yeares for more then a thousand the Fraternity must be condemned to haue had no Bishop the people no Prelate the flock no Pastour the Church no Gouernour Christ no Antistes and God no Priest Let Pupianus or Marcus Antonius be pleased to help vs let him giue his sentence and be contented to make good the iudgment of God of Christ that so great a number of faythfull people ranged vnder vs may not be thought to haue departed without hope of saluation and that so many Nations of new beleeuers be not accompted to haue receiued from vs no grace at all of the spirit of God that the Communion and reconcilement giuen by vs to so many that haue repented be not dissolued and taken from them by the authority of thy decree vouchsafe at length to grant our request giue vs thy fauourable sentence confirme vs in our place by thy iudiciall authority that God and his Christ may giue thee thanks that by thee their Prelate is restored to their Alter againe and their Rector to the gouernement of their people Truly me thinks these words of S. Cyprian being so applyable to your Bishop as they are should make any man that seemeth to respect him euen to blush and to be ashamed for him And as concerning his Vertue of peace and concord S. Cyprian in the same place doth answer him so fitly as if he had penned the same directly for Marcus Antonius vnder the name of Florentius Pupianus For the which cause it being no way seemly for me to adde any thing
corrupt stomache in him who like the prodigall child when he was at worst loathing the bread of his Fathers house tooke such delight in Swynes meate that it seemeth he can receiue no other nourishment And to say nothing that the queasy stomake of this holy man can now so well disgest the manners and examples of our Court Citty and Country which by your leaue speaking of the die● of the soule is a signe that he hath not beene vsed a long time to any cleane and wholesome feeding it cannot be denyed but that for a Prelate to abhorre the Court of Rome and to god well in Venice for edification is no lesse ridiculous sauing the honour of many Noble Gentle and Worthy Cittizens therein then if he should haue gone from some Colledge of the Iesuites wherein he liued vnto some handsome stewes for his recollection For besides that hath been sayd before in Rome the law is most seuere against Wantonnes and Licentiousnes in the Clergy which is punished not only with degradation and perpetual infamy but also with the strappado at least And in my tyme a Priest of good exteriour quality being taken in a vineyard-house with a naughty woman his coach horses were confiscate she was whipt and he himselfe was sent to the Gallies But in Venice the more is the pitty there is no punishment at all for those crymes but that Prelates and Religious men if they should be so affected without publique rebuke or any great note of infamy might frequent dishonest houses at their pleasure which perchance made the Bishop like the better of the seruice or rather of the freedome of that Citty And now as touching his merits with the Venetians whereof he speaketh in the next place I feare they are no better then may well be compared to the merits of Iudas with the Sinagogue For as i● appeareth by his owne discourse a little after he ioyned with thē in the time of the Interdict against the Pope his Lord and Maister And albeit among other his good offices he wrote those Bookes in their defence wherof now he vaunteth yet he went so farre and discouered so much Heresy in them as the Venetians themselues could not chuse but be ashamed of them And therefore he could not expect at their hands any recompence for such a labour What riches he had I know not nor whether or no they were sufficient for that moderate mind which God had giuen him But considering that he left the Iesuites where he wanted nothing and thereupon sought am bitiously one preferment after another Pag 7.10.11 considering also how he was in strife suite of law with his owne Suffragans wherein he was ouerthrownas it should seeme by his owne relation Pag. 14. it had beene better perchance that he had knocke his breast with the Publican crauing pardon for his vnbridled passion then with the Pharisy to haue pray sed God for the moderate mind he gaue him As concerning that which in this case he sayth he hath left for Gods sake You must vnderstand that although he were a Primate yet the rents of his Bishopricke might be somewhat lesse then the fruits of a good benefice are there with you And I haue heard it very credibly reported that they scarsly amount to the value of two hundred pounds per annum And though they were more yet I dare say that hauing leaue to come for England he neuer thought that he should loose much by the bargaine especially imagining himselfe a much greater and worthyer man then Isaac Casaubon was whome the Clergy of England was inforced to pay sweetly and to reward so bountifully as the world knoweth for his comming thither But the truth is and so you will find it that at his comming away he was neither Primate nor had any Bishopricke at all for long before he had resigned the same to his Nephew reseruing a pension to himselfe of three hundred crownes a yeare or there about which not sufficing to maintayne his fat paunch it is most probable that he came into England for the same cause amongst other that the prodigall child went to feed Swyne that is to say for meer want as not hauing sufficient to fill his belly Lastly therefore before I make an end with his second reason because he sayth that he hath read Logicke amongst his Fathers of the Society do but marke a little I pray you the conclusion of his argument wherein you must needs see that the summe of his accompt is a great deale more then the particulers of his reckoning For hauing sayd that neither Ambition nor Auarice did draw him from his countrey he concludeth that no vnbridled affection no temporall necessity no strange euent nor grieuous mischance did compell him to depart which you see is a great deale more then these two particulers alone of the absence of Ambition and Auarice can excuse him from But it is no meruaile the old man should haue forgot the Art of reason whome Pride and discontentment haue made to forget in great part euen reason it selfe The halfe wherof which concerneth his Pride I haue shewed already and the other halfe concerning his discontentment if I be not deceiued you shall heare him confesse himselfe anone for he saith he will tell vs sincerely without fraud or guile what it was that moued him to this departure SECTION IIII. Of the Bishop his Affirmatiue proofes and in particuler of those things that disposed his mind to make mutation of Religion AND with this he beginneth pag. 7. those his proofes of spirit which I call affirmatiue and which reducing them into three heads I wil briely set downe vnto you that you may see the substance of his booke and afterward I shall examine them as I shall haue occasion In the first ranke he setteth downe certaine dispositions as I take it which might prepare his mind to this change In the second he layeth down the reasons that moned him to alter his Religion In the third he produceth those considerations that inforced him to leaue his Countrey and so shewing how much he confided in the prouidence of God that conducted him he laboureth to defend himselfe from Schisme accusing the Pope as the authour thereof and concludeth his whole booke inuiting the Pope to accept of the conditions he offereth and to come to agreement with him Beginning therefore with those thinges that somewhat a far off might dispose his mind to change Religion he saith first pag. 7. That from a boye he was much troubled with a vehement suspition that the Roman doctrine was not true which suspition he euer resisted Secondly he sayth pag. 8. and 9. That this suspition was much increased in him because he saw that neither students were permitted to read such writers as were contrary to the doctrine of Rome being inforced to beleeue that the opinions of those writers were truly deliuered vnto them by their Maisters nor such as had heard their deuinity