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A09881 A consideration of the papists reasons of state and religion, for toleration of poperie in England intimated in their supplication vnto the Kings Maiestie, [and] the states of the present Parliament. Powel, Gabriel, 1576-1611.; Colleton, John, 1548-1635. Supplication to the Kings most excellent Majestie. aut 1604 (1604) STC 20144; ESTC S105148 106,538 134

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his Synagogue wee confesse but not from Christ and his true Church 3 The Pope is that Robber that Thiefe that Destroyer of the Sheepe who first departed and fel away frō Christ our Lord. But vve being the Lords Sheepe departed fell away from the Pope We separated our selues not frō the Church but from the robber and worrier of the sheep in the Church 4 Our separation cannot indeede properly bee tearmed a going out a departing a falling away or A●ostasie but a Renunciation of Apostasie VVherein wee haue imitated the Patriarks the Prophets Christ himselfe and his Apostles In the time of Enosch the Godly separated themselues from the rabble of the wicked had their private meetings wherein they applyed the holy exercises of devotion and Religion calling vpon the name of the Lord. Gen. 4.26 Paule separated the Disciples from the rest of the Iewes vvho vvilfully and obstinately resisted the Gospel of Christ 5 We in like manner haue separated our selues not as Heretikes are wont to doe from the Church of Christ but which all good Christians ought to doe from the cōtagion of wicked men and of Hypocrites 6 The Cardinals the false Bishops and all the rest of the Popish faction haue made a plaine and manifest Apostasie from the faith of Christ Iesus because they fell from the wholesome doctrine comprehended in the writings of the Prophets Apostles from the pure worship of GOD from the right administration and vse of the Sacramentes and also from holy discipline in manners And therefore the Papists be they that went out that segregated themselues that made dissentions and scandals contrary to the doctrine they had learned not the Protestants 7 Who appeale vnto this Faith from which they fell away vnto the holy Scriptures albeit they stil inculcate vnto vs the faith of the Popish Synagogue the Decrees and Decretals and the auctority of the Romish Pope for they see they cannot stand if iudgment be made of their doctrine according vnto the rule and square of the holy Scriptures no more then the auncient Heretikes could Tertul. de Resurrect Carnis cap. 3. II To the Consequence The Consequence hath no coherence with the Antecedent For our doctrine is not therefore new because we went out departed and separated our selues from the society and communion of the Popish Church seeing we we are expresly commanded vpon paine of eternal damnation to goe forth of Babylon Apoc. 18.4 Reason of Religion 4 4. REASON OF RELIGION A religion whose first Instituters except Christ his Apostles or after-deuisers a A manifest vntruth neither doth the Argument follow if we could not cānot be named by any of our Adversaries nor can they a shew that peece or fūdamental point of our faith either of la●e or since the Apostles time defined which This is witnessed in the Coūcel of (*) Do these Coūcels witnes that we are not able to shewe that there was nothing lately defined but what was beleeved before A senselesse assertion and a Note which noteth nothing Ephesus in epist Synodi cōtra Nestoriū in the Coūcel of Calcedon act 4.5 6. Item generali 6. Act. 4. 10. genera 7. Act. 2. And by Athanas of the Nicen. Councel in epist ad Afros in epist de Synodis Arimini et Seleuciae And by Socrates of the Councel of Alexandria in historia ecclesiast lib. 1. cap. 5. and others was not formerly beleeved the contrary thereof never taught by the Roman Church Wherfore in our vnderstanding it is evidēt that the religion b Everie false worship is the invention of the Devill and so is Popery we professe is not as it is c A slander with a matter of truth slandered to be a deuise or invētiō of mā nor ever was contrary to it selfe in doctrine but whatsoever hath beene in latter ages explicitiuely defined the same was alwaies not only holdē true from the beginning in d We care not what was beleeved in their church but certainly their doctrine was never beleeved in the true church of Christ our Church but also implicitiuely beleeved for the infallible auctority thereof Resolution of the 4. Reason Popish Religion is that whose first Institutors except Christ and his Apostles or after-devisers cannot be named by any nor can they all shewe that piece or fundamentall point of faith either of late or since the Apostles time defined which was not formerly beleeved and the contrary thereof never taught by the Romane Church Ergo. Popish religion is true and to be tolerated ANSWERE I. To the Antecedent 1 THE Institutor and deviser of Popishe Religion was not CHRIST and his Apostles but the DIVELL of hell by the ministrie of Antichrist his Disciples as shall plainely appeare in examining of the particulars in the reasons following 2 Many points of Popish doctrine were challenged even in the Primitiue Church for even at that time the mystery of iniquitie began to worke to bee false and erroneous Paul challenged the false-teachers which taught differences in meate and drinke observation of daies worshipping of Angels voluntary Religion and will-worshippe and bad the Collosians be warre of such Colloss 2. He reprehended also the false Apostles which taught Iustification by workes in his Epistles to the Romanes and Galathians all which errours and false doctrine the Popish Church embraceth defendeth at this day 3 Also the beginning increase perfection of the Popish Primacie is manifestly knowne When Constantine the Great ordained the cittie Byzantium to be the seate of his Empire which afterwards he called Constantinople of his owne name his departing from Rome was the cause of the first division of the Empire which shortly after ingendred a very schisme The Bishop of Rome began to shew himselfe and to worke the mistory of Antichrist For in the time of Odoacers raigne Anno Dom. 480. Acatius B. of Constantinople wrote to Simplicius B. of Rome desiring him also to condemne Peter B. of Alexandria of heresie for following Eutiches Heereby a sort of ambitious fellowes taking occasion began to reason of the auctority dignity of the Church B. of Rome contending that the church of Rome was the head of all Churches and the Bishop of Rome the Catholike and vniversall head of all Bishopes Albeit those BB. that succeeded Acatius at Constantinople opposed themselues against the ambition of the B. of Rome affirming that the supremacie belonged vnto their Church in asmuch as the Roman Emperours made Constantinople the chiefe seate of their Empire therfore they contended that the Bishop of Constantinople should be called vniuersall or Catholique Bishop or the B. of Bishops This ambicious cōtention cōtinued 112. yeeres vntill Antichrist began to wax stronger For Iohn B. of Cōstātinople caused Mauricius the Emperour to call togither the Greeke BB. vnto Cōstantinople to hold a Councel wherin it was decreed that the Bishop of Cōstantinople should bee called the Occumenicall and Catholique Bishop
not a propertie belonging vnto the Church of God I We BELEEVE the holy Catholike Church But faith is the evidēce of things which are NOT SEENE Heb. 11 II In the visible Church there are many Hypocrites but God only knoweth who are such De occultis non iudicat Ecclesia And Christ ONLY knoweth who are his Ioh. 10.2 Tim. 2. III By examples in the holy Scriptures the Church is described to be invisible 2. Chron. 15.3.4 Now for a long season Israel hath bin without the true God and without Priest to teach and without law But whosoever returned in his affliction to the Lord God of Israel and sought him he was found of them At this time Christ was not without his spouse but albeit the Ministry was corrupted hee had his invisible Church 1. King 19.18 I leaue seaven thousand in Israel that haue not bowed the knees to Baal This company was not seene with corporall eies And in the time of Christs cōming GOD had his invisible Church Marie Ioseph Zacharias Elizabeth the wise men that came from the East Simecon Anna c albeit publike Ministery was corrupted IV Paule saith Rom. 2.28.29 He is not a Iew which is one outward neither is that circumcision which is outward in the flesh But he is a Iew which is one within and the circumcision it of the heart in the spirite not in the letter whose praise is not of men but OF GOD. 2 Those places of Scriptures which the Suppliant quote proue only the durance holynes integrity good workes of the Church not the visibility thereof vnto all persons at all times 4 As for the suppliants Dilemma The vnknowne companie did either professe their faith and refuse to communicate with the false Church or they did not If they did professe their faith and refuse to communicate with the other thē was it not invisible If they did not professe their faith nor refuse to communicate with the false Church they could not be the true Church c. I answere 4 I. If they did not professe their faith c they could not be the true Church Here the Suppliants meane publike profession and open refusall we deny this Position indeed they can never proue it By their reason this is a good argumēt Those seaven thousands which bowed not their knees vnto Ball either professed their faith or did not If they did professe it how could not Elias see them If they did not professe it then they were not the true Church and yet who seeth not the vanity of it 5 II. They adde That vnknowne company cōmunicated with the false Church I marvel how the Suppliants know this Go to let vs vrge them with a Dilemma seeing they affect such kind of arguing so much I that company was vnknowne hovv know they what they did If they were not vnknowne but professed openly then what haue they to obiect 6 The Christian Reader may read in the 8. and 9. Chap. of the Prophecie of Ezechiel concerning those faithfull people that mourned and cryed for the abominations that were committed in Hierusalem how the Lord cōmaunded to set a marke on their forheads least they should perish learne thence that the Lorde wanteth no meanes to vindicate and saue his Church from destruction even in time of greatest calamity Reason of Religion 32 32. REASON OF RELIGION A Religion in whose largenes spreading amplitude over the whole world the predictions and promise of our Saviour are a These predictions are not verified in Popery but in true Christianitie verified not can take their truth and verification in any other sect or doctrine that ever was or is at this day on earth This Gospell of the kingdome saith our Saviour shall bee preached in the whole worlde for a testimony to all Nations Mat. 24.14 And by the pen of another Evangelist That penance shoulde be preached in his Name and remission of sinnes vnto all Nations Luk 24 47. And our Lord also compared this his Gospell to a Mustard seede one of the least of all seeds in the beginning but whē it is growne it maketh great boughes so that the birds of the aire that is as Expositors interprete the greatest Powers and the most wise of the world come and dwell vnder the shadow thereof Mat. 13.31 Mark 4 32. making their residence happynesse and rest therein A resemblance predictions which cannot agree or fall in with any b An evident vntruth other religion saue only with the Catholike Romane Religion and with this very fully as the particulars precedent and subsequent doe cleerely demonstrate Resolution of the 32. Reason Popish Religion is that which is spread over all the world Ergo Popish Religion is true and to be tolerated ANSWERE 1 THis reason is the very same with the 29. and is there answered 2 Those predictions which the Suppliants speake of doe belong only vnto our Church For wee professe that very same doctrin which the Apostles preached vnto the whole world Many Kings great Powers and infinite Wise mē are professours of our Religion Yea our religion at this instant is much more diffused abroad then Popery is For we see that most kingdomes and countries in Christendome haue shaken of the yoke of Popery yea there is no Province nor Citty in Europe but there are therein very many who are addicted vnto the Gospell of Christ disclaime Popery and professe the same religion that we doe Reason of Religion 33 33. REASON OF RELIGION A Religiō that hath alwaies had as the Apostle assureth Gods church should ever haue yeelding also fowre weighty causes of the same a perpetuall visible continuance of knowne a Not Popes Cardinals Pastors and Doctors to the consummation of the Saints the first cause vnto the worke of the ministery the second cause vnto the edifying of the body of Christ the thirde cause that now we be not children wavering and caried about with every winde of doctrine the fourth cause and this vntill wee meete all into the vnity of faith that is to the worlds end Which successiue eve●●ontinuing duration of Pastors and Doctors the same being also promised before to the true Christian Church by severall a Psal 88.31 sequ Esa 59.20 21. Ierem 31.31 sequ Ezech 37.25 Prophets and so greatly materiall in it selfe as without it there can be (b) False See the answere no Church as both b Lib. 4 epist 9. S. Cyprian and c Lib. contr Luciferian S. Hierom doe absolutely affirme hath not nor can bee ever proved to haue beene fulfilled in any other Church saue only in the Catholike Romane Church and in it most apparantly demonstrable by the Ecclesiasticall histories of all ages and by the shorte space or rather momentary blast of time that al other Religions compared with ours haue indured Resolution of the 33. Reason Popish Religion hath alwaies had a perpetuall visible continuance of knowne Pastours and Doctors