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B11843 The tragedies of tyrantes Exercised vpon the church of God, from the birth of Christ vnto this present yeere. 1572. Containing the causes of them, and the iust vengeance of God vpon the authours. Also some notable comfortes and exhortations to pacience. Written by Henrie Bullinger, and now Englished.; Von der schweren, langwirigen Verfolgung der heiligen Christlichen Kirchen. English Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Twyne, Thomas, 1543-1613. 1575 (1575) STC 4078; ESTC S106917 68,333 200

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in the yéere of Christe MDXIX béeinge the tenth Prince and fourth Emperour of the Turkes The same tooke Bellogradum or Alba Graeca a passing stronge Citie and the key of all Hungary which was in the yéere of Christe MDXXI After this in the yéere of our Lord. 1523 hée béesiedged the I le of Rhodes and compelled it to yéeld Then afterwarde in the yéere of Christe 1526 ▪ hée discomfited and slew Ludouick kinge of Hungarie with all his armie Againe in the yéere of our lorde 1529. hée brought an army into Austria béesiedged vienna the head of the cuntrey which although hée obtayned not yet hée woundrouslye indamaged the Region with fier spoylinges murther and captiuity of many thousand Christians whom hée caryed thence Beesides this in the yéere of Christe 1537. hée ouercame the Christians againe in Hungarie and did them verie mutch harme After whiche in the yéere of our Lorde 1541. hée tooke Buda the Metropolitan Cittie of all Hungarie and also the whole countrey But bicause all these thinges are fressh in the memories of men whiche were done within fiftie yéeres I thought it sufficient only to touch them and repete them For it is not vnknowne what greate harme hée did and what autragies hée committed in Hungarie about the time that he dyed which was in the yeere of oure Lorde M. D. lxvi when he tooke Ligethum where either hee slew or caried awaye as prisoners most part of the Christians whiche in deede were verie manie And now last of all what the Christians haue to looke for at the handes of Selimus the .ii. sonne to Solimannus the xi Prince of the discent of Othomannus and the fift Emperour of the Turkes who bega to reigne in y yeere of Christ M. D. LXVI the experience it selfe hath taught in the yéere of our Lorde M. D. LXX in which he tooke the noble Kingdome of Cypres slaying manye thousand Christians whom he had tormented and then slaine or carying thē awaye into perpetuall and most cruell seruilitie I suppose that in this place manie will marueile at this rehersall of the Sarracenicall and Turkish persecutions which are not of opiniō themselues that they should be accompted among persecutions but rather amōg warres wherof the reason and nature is farre otherwise sions are not excused that were infected with errours Semblably in these Sarracenicall and Turkish warres I haue applied the name of y Christian churche like as I admonished in y béeginning of this booke vnto all those that are called Christians whom the Turks for y names sake do persecute by reason of an hatred which they beare to the christian faith although many do much want of y simplicitie and puritie of the Christian religion neither by any meanes therby are the errours of the Romish Churche excused The thinges which first incensed the Sarracens and Turkes to commit these furious cruell tyranycall Tragedies these warres persecutions was cheifly the Diuell himselfe who is excéedingely delyghted with sheadynge of mans blood secondly the hatred of the trew Christian faith and a gréedye desier to rule farre and wide couetousnes to hea●e vp ritches and to liue sumptushoppes theretelye also a zeale and Rome Pope Cache wicked and false which be now at th● met with other causes which her after shalbée declared And this mutch I thought bréefly to set downe concerninge the Sarracenical and Turkish persecutions And it is to bée wisshed that all those which are Christians and would so bée named woulde soundly surely acknowledge that this gréeuous tyrany of the Turkes is a very true persecution laid vpon vs from aboue to sée if haply men would bée brought vnto wisdome wherby to embrace ernestlye the pure doctrine of Christe studeinge more to lead a Christian life then hetherto they haue doone for surely vnlesse wée do soe wée must néedes looke for farre woorse But now in these Sarracenicall and Turkish persecutions to returne vnto that whiche wée haue often admonished béefore I aske this question if ther bée any man of so small or froward discretion that dareth avouche that the Machometan religion is true and the Christian false bycause y followers of machomet in euerie place haue ●● among per●● oppressinge the Chrismōg warres whermously railinge at nature is farre otherwise And who dareth deney that all these religions and Churches which Saynt Paule the Apostle conuerted to the faith of Christe are now ouerturned and destroyed by that filthie and horrible Machometan beast and that the most impious froward faith of Machomet yea rather that lothesome abhomination is there established And who is so presumptious and deuoyde of all religion that bicause God of his iust iudgement permitteth the Turkes to commit so manie thynges which hée coulde easely prohibite will therefore dispute with God and demaunde of him wherfore hée suffreth so mutch bloud to bée shedde so many thousande Christians to bée slayne How hee can abyde so manie vnspeakable calamities miseries and afflictions of the godly and that so many hundred yéeres And why rather hee distroyeth not with Thundre and lightdiffe●● from Heauen the impure and Churche of ●●ire of the Turkes or ca●shoppes thereo● ▪ to gape and swallow Rome Pope Car● abhomination But which be now at this ●e and great causes why God who is true holy and righteous suffereth and permitteth all these thinges Furthermore long sithens hée foretolde by Daniell the Prophete and Christe himselfe prophiseth in the Gospell that the last persecution before the later Iudgmente shoulde bée so sharpe and great that there was neuer the like vpon the earth ether heard or sene And I am of opinion that the final iudgment and the redemption of all the faithfull glorious clarification and blessed rewarding is not far of from vs Lorde Iesus Christe take pittie vpon thine aflicted Church and vouchsaue to comforte and helpe it in this latter cruell and moste rare kinde of persecution Of the. 20. and last Tragical Act or persecution which the Bishops of Rome haue moued and practized against the Chur 〈…〉 of Christ certen hundred 〈…〉 Chapter 〈…〉 THe Papistical pe 〈…〉 next to the 〈…〉 much the more daungerous how much the lesse it was to bée looked for and so much the more cruell because it is practized by those who of all other oughte moste to bée séekers of peace and quietnes and sutch as would bée accoumpted most soundest in relygion and most hollyest of all other in the Church as vnto whom Christe hath giuen all power in the Church that in matters of faith they may rule all thinges accordinge to their pleasure and to bée the head and vniuersall pastours ouer the Catholick church of Christe For all men knowe what titles the Pope and all his spirituall persons do boaste of But in the béeginninge of this booke wée haue declared that there bée sundrie vnderstandynges and distinctions not onely of faith and Religion but of the Church also ouer which the
there amonge them enie that lacked Likewise They continued euerie day with one accord in the temple praisinge God and giuinge thankes beefore all the people In this Church Congregation and fellowship were the Apostels of our Lorde and his threscore and ten disciples Ioseph of Arimathie Barsabas or Barnabas Nicodemus with other woorthie men moe but cheifly the holy and vndefiled virgin Marie mother of the Lorde Iesus Christe with diuerse other vertuous and deuout wemen whose vertue and renoume is disciphered in the Euangelicall history In this Church there were no diuisions no schismes and the numbre of them that béeléeued was aboue fiue thousande To conclude there was no Church in the Earth more excellent holy perfect or more acceptable to God. Howbeit god which suffred his owne sun to bée crucified suffred also this holy Church to fall into sutch afflictions and so general a persecution as we haue declared béefore And who is now so wicked and curious the in respect of this persecution dare step foorth and dispute against God and question with him wherfore he suffred his dearly beloued frends to bée so gréeuously afflicted whiche had deserued much better and so many good godly persons amonge whom christes mother was one whose most pure hart the sharp sword of sorow and heauines had perced through why likewise god gaue vnto the faithlesse Iewes hipocrites so great power ouer godly and iust men why raught he not his helpynge hand to his Church to help it causing the neither Steeuen should bée stoned neither the Church beinge spoyled of their goods be made poore or banished nether they which liued in sutch concorde togither with great sorow so miserably bée plucked a sundre and scatred abroad It pleased God it should be so who is the eternal wisdom doth no vniust thing And that which pleased God pleased also the holly Church which nether murmoured neither disputed agaynste the lord but receaued persecution willingly and by the grace of God endured it paciently knowyng and beléeuing that God who was omnipotent and mercifull would so moderate the persecution that it should tende to the commoditie of the Church as it also came to pas In the same minde it béehoueth all the faythfull to bée in all maner persecutions and patiently to submit themselues to the pleasure of God. Mutchlesse héerby may the reasoning of somme men take place who gather out of persecutions that if the doctrine were true and faith right God would ayde them and not deliuer thē ouer into their power y are altogether out of y way concernyng doctrine and béeléefe For in the persecution of the primitiue church these men as apperteinyng to y body had the victorie whose faith was false and they y were soundly persuaded suffred persecution were driuen away slain which slaughter calamity notwithstāding dyd nothing in damage the true faith And in our age also the case standeth none otherwise neyther for the persecutions which the Churche induereth the faith and doctryne therof is lesse to be regarded or worse therfore to be iudged The true faith and doctrine d●pend vpon no victory but onely vpon God and his worde Of the fourth Tragical Acte or persecution in which Saincte Iames the Apostle was slayne and Peter cast into Prison Chapter iiii ABout the yeare of Christe 45. Herode surnamed Agrippa sunne to Herode the great brother to Antipas moued the fourth persecution against the Churche wherof Luke speaketh in the Actes the. 12. Chapter There he declareth how Herod had decréed to molest certen of the Churche that he had alredy slaine with the sword Iames the brother of Iohn the Euangelist who also was one of the three whome the lord vsed most familiatly and to whom hee opened his secretes and not content with this cruell déed procéeded farther and call Peter into prison to the intent to put him also to death And because these twaine were the cheefest amonge the Apostles the whole Church was strooken in great sorowe and heauines for this persecution and specially Iohn who was mutch greeued for his brothers death The Church feared also least they should lease their faithfull pastor Peter as they had doone Iames wherfore Luke writeth that dayly they powred foorth prayers vnto God for Peter which prayers were not without effect For the Angell of the lorde came into the prison to Peter and deliuered him out of y souldiours hold losed his theines bandes opened the iron gate and set him at libertie in the open streete from whence by ● and by hee departed out of Ierusalem This great affliction the Church indured pacientlye neither murmured against Christ expostulatyng with hym why he gaue vnto Herod that wicked verlet sutch power against his dearly-beloued ones why he suffred his whole Church and specially Iohn his best beloued of all the Disciples to be touched with such heauenesse why he deliuered not Iames as he dyd Peter they knew that God dyd nothing rashly nor without cause but euery thīg wel rightly Wherfore the faithfull in persecutions must likewise be semblably persuaded For if euer men had nede to make their complaynt to God then had they néede neuerthelesse there were heard no complaynts no murmurings but earneste and humble praiers Wherfore in aduersitie let the faithful flie vnto God in praier requiring his grace y hée would gouerne al thing to y glory of his name and vnto our saluation and whatsoeuer he doth that wée submit our selues willingly to his holy will and pleasure Moreouer no man in the Primitiue Church called the doctrine of y Apostles into question because Iames was slaine with the sword and Peter cast into prison For none of them said thus if the apostles doctrine were true iust God would not haue suffered them to haue bin oppressed of y kings which erred in the faith leadyng also a filthy and wicked lyfe Therefore at this day lykewise the doctrine of the Gospell is not to be doubted of for that the teachers and followers therof are by the Lorde delyuered ouer into the enemies hands of the Gospell and miserably and cruelly by them intreated for the truth notwithstandyng is euerlasting inuincible Paul in the same cause writeth that he was afflicted for the gospel euen vnto hands but y word of god was not boūd The cause that stirred Herod to persecute the church was his owne peruerse minde which lothed christ his word Moreouer the Iewes gréedely thirsted the Apostles bloud wherfore Herod to currie fauour with them shed y bloud of the Apostles This Luke witnesseth in these words And when he saw this namely when he had slain Iames with y swoord to be acceptable to the Iewes hee proceeded also to apprehende Peter meaning after Easter to bringe him forth to the people Like as in our age many princes do persecute the faithfull for none other cause but that with their cruel butcherous Tragedies they might gratefie those Fathers
of Rome and their adherentes who also vnsatiably do thirst all their blood which cleaue only to Christe and his Gospell and set nought by abhor their superstition and Idolatrye Of the. 5. tragical acte or persecution wherein Paule and the Christian Church sufferd many thinges and the Apostles ended their liues full of afflictions by sheadyng their bloud Chapter v. THe fifte persecution againste Paule that Apostle continued many yeres the Church also which beléeued the Gospel partly for Paule with whom they suffered and partly for the Gospel of Christ abode sundry troubles and afflictions by that meanes was partaker of this persecution For when Paule had begun to preach the Gospel at Damascus about the yere after Christe xxxiii and iourneynge through Arabya was retourned to Damascus and there disputed earnestly against the Iewes Aretas the King layyng watche at the Cittie gates sought hym to kyll hym when the faithfull not beyng able otherwise to saue hym let downe Paule by a Rope through the wall in a basket and so with great care and dillygence they kept him aliue At Antioch also in Pisidia Paule gathered together a great congregatiō vnto Christ of Gentiles and Iewes but the Iewes which would not imbrace Christ stirryng vp a persecucion against Paule and Barnabas draue them out of that Citie and Region In Iconium also the Iewes agayne mo●ued a tumult against Paul wherhe with his companion Barnabas were in forced to prouide for thēselues by flight Also in Listra the same Iewes brought Paul so far into hatred y being stoned drawn forth of y towne as dead yet christ raised him again to do him seruice At Phillippos in Macedonia Paul and his fellow Silas were taken scourged with rods and cast into a very straight prison out of whiche notwithstanding Christ deliuered him that he might yet preach the Gospell to moe nations Moreouer at Thessalonica there was agreeuous persecution moued againste Paul wher he was constrained through helpe of the faithfull to escape away by night The lyke he suffred at Berroea At Athens the Philosophers and wyse men of this world reprochfully termed him a trifler rayled at hym and mocked hym as the like was done to the lord himself Likewise in the famous citie of Gréece called Corinthe hée was apprended and brought to the lieutenātes seate of iudgment and sharply accused but then also the Lorde deliuered him out of the power of his enemies But what gréeuous thinges Paule suffred in Asia at Ephesus are by himselfe recited in these wordes I woulde not haue you ignoraunt brethern of the trouble and affliction which hapned vnto vs in Asia how we were wonderfully greued aboue our power that we were in dispaire euen of lyfe But we receiued a decree within our selues touchyng death that wee shoulde not trust in our selues but in God whiche raiseth the dead In Luke also in y Act. of the Apostles there is set forth a notable description of the tumult which was at Ephesus Vpon occasion of which tumult there the faithfull remayned in great sorow heauines and daunger also by reason of the continuall waite layyng and persecutions wherwith the vnfaithfull both Iewes and Gentiles persecuted them After so many daungers afflictions and most greuous traueles when Paule was arriued at Ierusalem bringing with him a great and ritch treasure whiche he had gathered as a donatiue for y pouerty of y citie and relm● there againe y Iewes raised a most wofull seditiō apprehending Paul scourged him biterly wher he had bin vtterli destroyd vnles the Tribune cōming in al spéede with his souldiers had taken him out of their handes This beinge doone hée was by the tribune brought into the Ecclesiasticall court where hée was also scourged and vnworthely intreated Afterward bicause of the great treason of the Jewes being guarded with a sufficient power of horsemen and footemen hée was sent from Jerusalem to Caesarea vnto Foelix the lieutenaunt Beefore whom when he came the cheif of the Iewes accused him layinge manie thinges to his charge wherin al though hée could not bee fownd giltie notwithstanding hée was committed to indurance wher hée remayned the space of two whole yeeres Moreouer he was euelly delt with all by Festus also the new lieutenaunt who succeeded Foelix after ward with other prisoners deliuered ouer vnto the Centurians and souldiours imbarked and with a longe and daungerous iourney brought to Rome But Nero then reigninge at Rome hée remayned agayne prisoner there two yeres Some are of opinion that at this time he was slaine with the sword by Nero others thinke that hée was acquited in iudgement by Nero as hée himself witnesseth in the ij to Timoth. the .iiii. chapter and béeinge so set at libertie that hée departed directly intoo Spaine as béefore hée had declared in the Epistle to the Romanes that hée was desierous to take in hand that iourney And traueylinge through Spaine and France they say how hée came the seconde time to Rome in the later yeres of the reigne of Nero and there was slayn with the sworde at Neroes commaundement But this wée leaue as vncertain howbeit this is euident wherin all doo agrée that the most holly Apostle Paule was putte to death at Rome vnder Nero. The traueiles afflictions and sundrie calamities whiche for none offence hée sustayned but for Christ his woord and the Churche the Apostle himselfe imputynge them to his enemies and false Apostles reciteth in a bréeif catalogue in these woordes Are they the ministers of Christe I speake like a foole I am more in labours more abūdant in woundes surpassynge them in prison more commonly in death often Of the Iewes I receaued fiue times fourtie stripes sauynge-one I was thrise scourged with roddes and once stoned thrise I suffred shipwrak night and day haue I beene on the deepe sea In iourneinge often in daunger of waters in daunger of theues indaunger of mine owne countriemen in daunger of the heathen in daunger in the Citie in daunger in the wildernes in daunger in the sea in daunger amonge false brethren In weerines and traueyle in watchinge often in hunger and thirst in fastinge often in colde and nakednes Beeside those thinges which happen outwardly vnto mee for the heape of them dayly riseth against mee which is to say the care for all Churches of Christe Now therfore by so many afflictions which Paule sustained and by the victory good successe of his enemies can it be gathered that Paules doctrine was erronious or else God would haue defended him nether haue suffred him to haue bin ouer whelmed with so many calamities and reproches Shal wée ther fore dispute against god whi he suffreth wicked mē somutch to preuaile against the faithful and his holy ministers or why he permitteth the sacred Churche of Christe to suffre so mutch in it selfe and in the faythful pastor therof Paule The godly men suffred
but rather wisshing to die falsly accused themselues other Christians confessinge that they had set the citie on fire Wherfore immediatly there was a proclamation published by the emperour against christiās in which it was commaunded that in Rome and al prouinces thei should be rooted out as enemies to the gods and religion of the Romanes and men practised in burning setting on fire And this was the beginning of y persecution and blouddy tragedie For some in reproche and for a mockyng stocke were sowed into the skinnes of wild beasts as Tacitus writeth cast vnto dogs to be torne Other were brent some ●a●●●ed and crucified and so destroyed with sundrie and most cruel punishments inso mutch that as Tacitus writeth the common people of Rome were mooued with greate pitie towards them But with Nero ther was no mercy no end of torments In this persecution were slayne as historicians do testifie and we also haue declared before the Apostles Peter Paul. There be also numbred by Chroniclers many notable and godly men whiche in this persecution suffred gréeuous affliction reproches punishment of bitter death not at Rome only but here there in other prouinces of the Romane empire Since therfore this persecution was first moued by Nero for a filthy horrible cause who shall accuse God for graunting such power to a wicked and Sodomiticall person against so many thousands of holy and innocēt men yea freinds of God or why hee suffred the christians to be brent for house burners and did not rather hale foorth Nero the true house burner and beastly Sodomit castinge him into the thickest of the people to bee torne in peces when therfore in our age the lyke do happen let all men humbly submit themselues to the power of God and his mightye hande beare their crosse with pacience which the Lord layeth vpon them giue laud and praise vnto God and constantlye cleaue to his holy worde whiche at Neroes time was also true and iust although it was behouefull that the faithfull should suffer afflictions and Nero ouercome them and haue power ouer them with his prophane and superstitious Relygion After this about the yere of our Lord 97. with intollerable and diuellish pride Domitian the Emperour set foorth him self sunne to Vespasian brother to Titus by whom the Citie of Ierusalem was destroyd the Iewes vanquished in battle and opressed The same was not ashamed to boast himselfe to be God Lord and would so be called and worshipped of al mē and y which no Emperour required before him he commanded y they should kisse his féete wherin no Emperour followinge hym dyd the lyke except Dioclecian onely a cruell Tyrant and a murtherer of holy men This Dominitia set a broch the .vii. persecutions against Christians in the which many holy men were driuen into banishment many flayne or spoyled of their goods and troubled most bitterlye Amongst whom Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist was brought prisoner from Ephesus to Rome vnto the Emperour and there tormented Flauia also and Domicilla of greatest nobilitie in the citie with diuers other mo were by Domitian sent into banishment But Iohn afterward returned vnto Ephesus and there died in the yere of our Lorde 102. after the passion of Christe 68. and the third yéere of the reygne of Traiane the Emperour After this about the yéere of our lord 110. Vlpius Traiane a mightie and victorious Emperour was the cause and authour of the eight persecution against the Christians in Rome and in other places vnder the Romaine Empire Whiche thynge cheifly prouoked him and other Emperours that came after him to persecute the Christians bicause they thought good that there should bee no Schisme suffred in the empire specially in religion but that there should bée one only religion receaued whiche their forefathers had obserued béefore time Now that disagréement in religion nourisheth cōtentions and hatred a thing not to bée suffred in any empire Moreouer y they feared gréeuous calamities and punishments if their gods were not woorshipped after their accustomed maner and therfore the Christians bicause they hated their temples aulters sacrifices images and hollydayes blamyng and disdaynynge the religion of the Romanes were in no wise to be suffred Wherfore if any calamities should chaunce to rise in y Romane empire as are troubles dearth of corne famine warre seditions pestilence diseases with other discommodities by and by y Romans burthened the Christians with y cause of all these anoyances for contemnyng their gods and religion and doyng contrarie vnto the same That they woorshipped one God acknowledgyng Christ alone the sunne of God to bée the only sauiour openly pronouncyng that the Romane religion was false and of the diuel that their faith in Christe was true right nether that God ought to bée worshipped with images and temples sacrifices and hollydayes but in spirite and trueth accordyng to his woorde As for the Romans and other nations abroad in the worlde they were altogether addicted to superstitions valiently sheadyng their blood leesing their goods and liues in defence of their religion exhortyng other firmely to retain y same For they boasted how they receaued y religion of their elders which were no fooles but excellent wisemen Moreouer that there were many learned men in their collegies of priests that their beléef was confirmed with manie notable wounders and miracles y whilst they obserued that religion they obtayned sundry great victories and y who le empire of al the worlde attributyng al their good successe and salftie to their religion which had remained manie thousand yéeres not béeyng so new and but thyrtie yéeres ould as was the christian religion That their Gods were friendly and liberall vnto them helpyng them in sutche sorte that they wanted nothynge on the otherside the christians were poore and vnfortunate wherfore they should doo amisse if they erred the breadth of one heare or spared the sacrilegious enemies of their ancient and victorious religion Wherfore these causes which wee haue now recited prouoked the Romane Emperours to persecute the Christians The causes of the persecutions likewise in our age are not mutche vnlyke whoso weyeth them both vprightly Wherefore in this persecution moued by Traiane there was an vnspeakable deale of Christian bloud shed ▪ At Ierusalem Simeon Byshop of the citie beinge an hundred and twenty yeares ould was crucified S. Ignatius also the seruant of Christe and Disciple of the Apostles was brought from Antioche where he was Bishop vnto Rome cast vnto wilde beastes and by them torne in péeces Their Tragedies were so cruel their slaughters so great the sheadinge of Christian blood so horrible that Plinie the seconde a wise gentleman and lieutenant to the emperour wrate vnto the emperour giuinge vnto the Christians a singulare testimonie of their innocencie This epistle is to bée séene in the 〈◊〉 booke of Plinies epistles By which meanes the state of Christians was some deale the
vngodlye séeke to rule There is also very great difference béetwéene the auntient Churche of Rome and the firste Bisshoppes thereof and the Churche of Rome Pope Cardinalles and byshops which be now at this day The antient Byshopes of the Church of Rome whiche lyued and sate there from the yere of Christ 70. vnto y yere 314. and during the time of Constantine the great were in number 32. who wer all faithfull in their callyng profitynge the Churche by teachinge and otheir meanes and for christe and his Gospels sake were martyred and slayne They medled not at all with the ciuill gouerment there was no Court of Rome no senat of scarlet Cardinalles no guarde for the body no other superfluities which now adayes are frequented by Popes Histories of credit do confirme this same such as were not writen in flatterie of the Popes Also the name of Pope at that time was not proper onely to the Bysshoppe of Rome but other Bishoppes also abroade in other Prouinces were called by the same name For Aurelius and Ciprian Byshops of Carthage Ambrose Byshop of Millaine and other Byshops in other places were also called Popes And lykewise Saincte Ierome termeth S. Augustine whiche was Bysshop of Hippo in certen Epistles by the name of Pope For this woorde Papa Pope in the Syracusian tounge signifieth as mutch as this word Pater a Father as Suidas testifieth For it behooueth the Ministers of the church to be faithfull fathers of the people as Sainct Paule writeth Moreouer amonge all the Byshops of Rome from Constantinus the great and Pope Syluester vnto Gregorye the firste which were in number xxxvi ther was not one within compasse of 280. yéeres that vsed y pompe pride maiestie and power which the Popes vse accustomably now now a daies Their aucthoritie was great amonge other Churches and Byshops because for the most parte they were learned and skilfull men neither infected with heresies as some other Byshops in other Churches were but principally because thei were Ministers of the same Churche whiche the Apostles planted at the béeginninge which was therfore called the Apostolick Churche and the Apostolick seate and Sainct Peters Chaer. Howbeit the title and name of the Apostolick seat was not giuen only to the Romane Church but vnto other Churches also namely Ierusalem and Antioche And this woord seate signifieth not a iudgment seat or a princes throne but an ecclesiasticall preachers pulpit So that our forefathers in the ould time termed the aboue named churches Apostolike seates of the Apostolicke doctrine bycause the Apostles taught in those places and from those Apostolick Churches the Apostolick doctrine stretched foorth vnto other Churches aswell farre as nere Wherfore those places in which is not the Apostolick doctrine can not glory of the Apostolick seat although indéed it were ther many hundred yéeres béefore For there is also a seate of the Diuell as Saynt Iohn declareth in the 2. Chapter of the Reuelation But in the time of Pope Gregory the first whiche was within 300. yéeres after the birth of Christe the Church of Rome was so farre from the dominion which now it obtaineth that Gregorye very vehemently with stood Iohn which was bisshop of Constantinople who ambitiously sought to haue cheif place and superioritie in the Church would also bée called vniuersal bysshop Which title notwithstandinge and greater to the bysshops of Rome do vse at this day but Gregorie said that this was a Deuilish pride and the malice of Antichriste Hée that lust let him reade the fourth sixte books of Saint Gregories Epistles touchinge this matter Howbeit not longe after the death of Gregory Bonifacius the 3. vsurped that title which was graunted vnto him by Phocas the emperour a naughtie and wicked man For Otho bysshop of Frisingen a writer of Cronacles in the v. booke and eight Chapter reporteth how Pope Bonifacius the 3. had obtained of Phocas the Emperour that by his aucthoritie power and commaundement the Churche of Rome might bée cauled and also bée indéede the head of all other Churches Beda also writeth the same And Vrspurgensis saith that Rome ought to bée mother of all other Churches Nauclerus writeth that al other Churches in the worlde ought to obey the Churche of Rome and the Bishop therof Wherby it may bée easely perceaued how that this decrée of Phocas the Emperour whom all Hystoricians do verie mutch reprooue was no decree or institution of the Apostles made by Peter or Paule The Sea of Rome béeyng exalted after this maner the bishops which consequently ensued began more more to busie and medle themselues with ciuile matters neither sought they only for power and dominion but deuised how they might plucke their necks from the emperours iurisoiction and extol themselues aboue them how they might challenge bryng in subiection vnder them their prouinces peoples and maiestie But in y meane season they quight forgot their submission and duty departing far wide from thence became altogether vnlike vnto y first bishops of Rome At length the matter proceeded so farre that they durst boldly withstande y emperours and rise agaynst them for euen so Gregory the .ij. and Gregory the .iij. Popes of Romes opposed themselues against Leo the .iij. and Constantine the .v. emperours For these calling certen coūsels vnto which there assembled a great numbre of learned men and bishops of Asia Grecia and other regions they argued the controuersie of Images namely whether it were lawfull to haue and to woorship the Images of Christe and the holly saincts in the Churches of the Christians Whereas at that time it was concluded and confirmed out of the holy scriptures and doctrine of the auncient fathers that Images ought not to be worshipped nor to be suffred in churches but to bée taken away whersoeuer they were founde But after that th' emperors had giuen foorth cōmaundment to the Popes and vnto other vnder the Roman Empire that all of them accordyng to the woord of God and the meaning therof discussed in this present coūseil should take downe th'images out of their Churches sutch was the presumption of the Popes that béeyng called to y counsel they neither appered and afterwarde by their owne aucthoritie contrary to the cōmandement of the Emperours they called peculyer Counsels of Italian Byshops wherein they decréede y Images ought bée to retained in churches and more worshipped then euer they had bin before Nether presumed they onely thus farre but withdrue the Emperours subiectes from due obedience towards hym excommuncaityng the Emperours themselues withoute cause raising morouer tumults great feditions wherein the Emperours lieutenantes and debites were slayne as namely Paulus at Rauenna and Mauritius with Adriane his sunne in Campania And by this meanes all dutifull seruice and obedience was denied to the Emperours they were driuen from the gouerment of Italye But by what right the Popes brought these thinges to passe by
true reformation reprehending the disorders and abuses and specially y popes vnlawfull aucthorytie the filthye and lecherous lyfe of the Clargye which all men are constrained to confesse to bée very culpable the same men neuerthelesse are condempned for scismatickes and Hereticks ar sharply persecuted For vnto them all are Heretickes whosoeuer do not submit themselues to the Sea of Rome and the Pope in all thinges and beléeue in althinges which that Sea beléeueth and commandeth to bée beléeued accordyng to the aboue named conspiracie and so Lucius the pope defineth Heretickes in his Decretall wherof we haue made mention before in the Chapter Ad aboliendum to abolyshe Wherefore with them it is not sufficient that a godlye man confesse all the articles of the antient true vndoubted and Apostolick faith saying that hée beléeueth in one God the father c. that hée also alowe and confesse the foure orders of our beléefe set foorth by the auntient counselles and S. Athanasius and whatsoeuer are taught and confirmed out of the holy scriptures of both Testaments moreouer doo condemne y heresies which were conuicted condemned in y antient counsels In ould time this kinde of confession was sufficient enough for christiās in y auntient church but amongst these men all these things aveile nothinge neither suffice to the confession of the faith but a man muste néedes confesse and beleue in the church of Rome as it is now vnder the Pope and follow the consent thereof or else he shall léese honour goodes bodie lyfe and all And therefore during the time of the Counsels before and after them haue bin many bateiles murthers and foule wastings committed nether were these things done onely against the Sarracens and vnfaithfull men but with mutche more extreamitie and crueltie against Christians which would bée indéed and named Christians and not papists and which disallowed and also be wayled the pride and tyrany of the Pope his great and manifest abuses and deprauations of holy thinges Wherefore in the ould time it grewe into a prouerbe Euery counsell breedeth warre which is to be vnderstoode of Papisticall counsels and found indéed to be true by proofe For that I may passe ouer in this place warres and moste bloody persecutions of faithfull men but enemies to the Sea of Rome whiche were waged and committed in the reigne of Pope Innocentius the thirde and certen other Popes next ensuing let vs onli examin those thinges which are not farre past the memory of men that are aliue The counsel of Constance I pray you what warres persecutions burninges wastyngs and murthers purchased it vnto Boheme Germanie He that knoweth not this let him learne it at least wise out of Pope Pius the seconde who when he was called as yet Aeneas Syluius wroat these thinges very dilligently in his storye of Boheme The troubles seditions slaughters which the counsel of Basile brought forth are in part recited by Platina in the life of Eugenius the fourth But béesids this we haue a more fresh and certeine example of the Tridentine Counsel which beeing first appoynted at Mantua and afterwarde at Vincentia was at the last by Paule the thirde in the yeare of our Lord. 1542 called at Trident nigh Athesis wholy in manner and fourme as we haue béefore recited whiche was conluded and ended by Pope Pius the fourth in the yéere of our Lorde 1563. Howbeit what thinges were doone certen yéeres before this counsel and also since against holie and faithfull men which only beleeued in the Gospell but not in traditions of Popes nor in the sea of Rome by Leo. x. Clemēt 7. Paul. 3. and ▪ 4. Iulius the 3. Pius the 4. and. 5. and by this present Pope Gregorye the. 13. the space of 53. yéeres I néede not repeat For they are knowen vnto God and al the world and as it were writen in heauen vnto which place the blood of all innocents together with the blood of Abel crieth from the earth vnto God for vengeance Many gréeuous longe and bloodye warres for sundry causes were waged in those yéeres but at the same time no lesse gréeuous and bloody persecutions wer committed against the faithfull for faith and religions sake Faithfull and Godly men were reprochefully and iniuriously dealt withal apprehended thrown out of dores driuen into exile spoyled of their goods beheaded hanged on gallowes burned vexed with al kindes of tormentes and punishment And by this meanes were oppressed tormented slayne hundred thousands of faithfull men and professours of the Gospell both in the higher and lower Germanie in Scotlād England Spaine which found out the new practize of the inquisition in Italie and other regions But cheiflye what hath bin doone in France ther is no man at this day but knoweth And there are extant whole bookes written of the gréeuous and long Papisticall persecution and the thinge doone is yet fresh in memory wherfore it is not néedefull that I should specially declare it againe at large since yet at this present they make no end of their crueltie and sheding of blood Since therfore thei which would séeme to be Fathers and pastours of the church do make themselues executioners of this last papisticall persecution wée may not only compare it w the olde persecutions but in respect of the greatnes prefer it aboue it Moreouer as in auntient times the ould persecutors of the church were egged forwarde to rigour through an vnsatiable desire to rule to th' intent they might kéepe and increase their dignitie pleasures ritches and superstition so likewise is the Papisticall persecution committed for the same cause But like as the Christian faith in the ould time was no whit the lesse estéemed of for the persecutions so at this present the Euangelicall doctrine is nothinge the woorse nor viler bicause the Papists do persecute the professours of the Gospell and manie times ouercome them There are sundrie causes why God suffreth this to bée doone neither ought any man to accuse or call the iudgment of God into question And this mutch I had to saye of the persecutiōs which the Church of Christ hath suffred from the birth of our Sauiour vnto our time comprehendinge breefely the whole summe wherby the matter beeing otherwise verie large might seeme ouerlonge and tedious to the reader Howbeit much more might and oughte to haue bin written of thys manifold and ample argument Of the Sundry causes why God suffreth the Christian Church to be torne with Tyrantes and afflicted with persecutions Chapter xvii HEerafter I intende to declare the causes and effectes of the aboue recited persecutions of y christian church which doo worke in the faithfull And although I haue already almost in euery one shewed them notwithstandyng ther remaine some more speciall which are of vs with more diligence to bée considered Persecutions are sent to the Churche by the iust iudgment of god as the scripture plainely witnesseth were sent vnto Iob the
to mutch be wedded vnto temporall thinges but with more ernest desier séeke for thynges eternall Vnto which purpose and meanyng S. Peter writeth Deerely beloued bee yee not troubled in this heat whiche now is come among you to trie you as though some straunge thyng had hapned vnto you but rather reioyce in as mutch as you are made partakers of Christes passions that when his glory appereth yee may be mery and glad Peter the first Epistle the. 4. chapter Wherunto also tende the wordes of the Apostle S. Paule We reioyce also in tribulations knowyng that tribulation bringeth pacience pacience bringeth experience experience bringeth hope and hope maketh not ashamed Paule to the Romans the. 5. chapter Agayne when the Lorde layeth the Crosse vpon those whom hée loueth and suffereth men which are not altogether wicked to bée afflicted but sutch as feare God and serue him although notwithstandynge they haue some blemishes therwithall hée sheweth what wicked men the children of this worlde must looke for Like as the Lord himself witnesseth who bearyng his owne Crosse when hée was lead to execution sayed It it be thus in the greene tree that beareth frute what shall bee in the drye and vnfrutfull And Saint Peter For it is time saith hée that iudgment begin at the house of god then if it begin first with vs what shalbée the ende of those y obey not the gospel of God And if the iust bée scarce faued where shall the wicked sinful man shew his face By persecutions also God draweth vnto him and directeth in the right way those which before that time walked not strait in the waies of the lord And hée complaineth by his prophetes and blameth his people y being put in mind of their duty with many stripes yet wold they not turne vnto him Moreouer in persecutions afflictions there is geuē vnto vs matter occasion of trouble that we may bring foorth good works w paciēce w a good hope y we may cal vpon god in our passiōs neuer waxe wery with calling like as the lord Iesus hath manifestlye taught vs in Luke the. 18 chap. And in very déed we finde this dayly to be true that wée are slouthfull and cold in prayer when wée are gréeued with no persecution nor touched almost w ani kind of aduersity Last of all God exerciseth the faithful with persecutions swiping from them as it were the dust of worldly desire or fleshly lusts that they should not perish in their sins w the wicked worlde For it is sure and true which S. Paul writeth But whē we ar iudged of the lord we are chastined that we should not be damned with the world 1. Cor. ca. 11. Now when we be thus instructed we must humble and submit our selues vnto the mightye hande of the Lord who when he seeth his time can deliuer vs againe when it shall séeme conuenient vnto his good plesure Wherof we haue an example in Dauid who whē he was persecuted by his owne sun Absolon among other thinges he saide If I haue found fauour in the sight of the Lord he will restore mee But if he say vnto me I haue no delight in thee Behould I am here let him doe vnto mee that which is acceptable in his sight The same Sainct Peter willeth al men to do which suffer persecution writing thus VVherfore let al them that suffer afflictions according to the will of God commit their soules to him with well doyng as vnto a faithfull creator These causes and effectes of the persecutions of the Christian Churche I haue bréefly chosen out amongst many lest that the store and ouer long reciting of them at large should be gréeuous vnto any The End Herode the great firste persecuted our sauiour A cruell slaughter Math. 2. Curious questions touching these Children The cause of this persecution Iohn Baptist firste preacher of the Gospell What Iohn preached Iohn 1. Iohn taken Iohn beheaded Sundry●e opinions of this dede Causes of Herods parsecution Christes doctrine Pharisaical doctrine Christes persecution Accusation aginst christ His passion Apostles Sermons Sorrowe and praiers of the church Steuen stoned Actes 8. Actes 76. Rom. 10. Rom. 9. Cause of persecutyon at this time Actes 8. Actes 4. Actes 2. Wee muste not ask why God suffereth his churche to bee persecuted Iames Apostle slayne 2. Tim. 2. Actes 9. 2. Cor. 12. Actes 13. Actes 14. Actes 17. Actes 18. Actes 19. 1. Cor. 1. Actes 〈◊〉 Act. 23. Act. 25. Act. 2 7. Act. 28. Rom. 15. Paules affliccions 2. Cor. 11. Deut. 25. Al the apostles after afflictions were put to death Peter and Andrevv Iames the elder Iohn Euan. Phillippe Bartelmew Thomas Mathew Iames the lesse Simon and Iude. Mathias Note Nero persecuteth the Christians Rome punished with fire as Sodome was Nero imputeth the fire to Christians Wee must not dispute with God. Diuelyshe pride Note Iohn the Euangelist Read Cyp. against Demetri Traians persecution God is iust and the faith true Polycarp Pionius Iustinus Iraeneus Phoianus Maturus Sanctus Blandina Atalus Triumphyng of the people Quadratus sereous Granius Aristides In the eccles Hist boke 4. cha 9. Iustinus Asianus Appolinaris Milciades Athenagorar Apollonius Tertulian Note Origen Helchesaites heresie Babilas seradion Martirs prouoked with pleasure to reuolt Origin all of Monkes Friers and heremites Eusebius bisshop of Caesarea Abuse of peace Mauritius Foelix and Regula Edictes against christians Done at Nicodemus Nicomedia the Emperours Pallace burned Persecucion in siria In Tyrus In Egipe Phileas A wofull deede Dorothea Sophronia siluanus ●etrus Lucianus Christian Relygion 2. Pet. 4. Abuse of peace Arrius heresye Athanasius Iulians reuoltyng Gentilisme encreased Christians termed Galileans The Romane Ensigne changed A francke confession Although he were very ritche Iulian sendeth the Iewes build the Temple at Ierusalem Dan. 9. Mat. 24. Luk. 21. 80 Legats miserably brent Athanaricus King of the Gothes Genserick King of the vandals To whome Fulgentius wroat The beginning of the false prophet Machomet Alcoran what it signifieth Iohn 9. 2. Thes 21. The whole summe of the turkishe religion God. Christe Remission of sinnes Faith and iustification Workes Eternall lyfe Congregations rites and Sacramentes Holydayes Prayers 1. Iohn 2. Matrymony and deuorcement The wrath of God. What the Sarracens were Machomet is made King. souldanes The holye warre The originall of the Sarracens warre Claromont counsell The. 1. expedition The. 2. expedition The 3. expedition Ierusalem taken The. 4. expedition The. 5. expedition The. 6. expedition The. 7. expedition The 8. expedition The Lateran counsell The. 10. expedition See howe the Pope helpeth the Christians The 11. expedition The. 12 expedition Counsell at Lyons vrspurgēsis pag. 240. Originall of Turkes The popes Iubilee Original of Othoman the firste Prince of Turkes Orchannes the. 2. Amurates the. 3. Baiazetus 4. Machomet 5. Amurates 6. The reward of periurie Machomet the. 7. The firste Emperour of Turkes Constantinople taken Machomets great victories Baiazet 2. second emperour of Turkes Selimus 3. Emperour Soliman 4. Emperour Rhodes Vienna Buda Lige 〈…〉 selimus 5. Emperour Note Motions vnto these persecutions Dan. 2. Mat. 24. Luk. 21. The firste Bishops of Rome were Martirs Papa or Pope what it signifieth 1. Cor. 4. The auntient Popes aucthoritie Apostolick Sea. Tertul. de prescript haeres Frō whēce the Romish church receiued her power How the Byshoppes of Rome vsurped Popes rose against Emperours Anno Domini 739. Emperour of Constant by Popes driuen out of Italy an honest practise Charles made Emperour by the Pope Emperours swere to the pope vrban 2. Paschalis 2. Popes oppresse the emperours 2. Thes 2. Anno 1271. Kinge of Rome without Rome Se Theodor Nyem of scismes 3. booke 43. chap. and sleidan de Monar Pag. 120. 171. 172. Excommunication The popes Legates Warres and sedition Counselles Cruciata or Croysados Mendican● Friers Preachyng Friers The Pope vaunteth himselfe to be Empe. Iohn the. 22 against the emperour Ludou 4. Zurick excommunicated Warres for sicill and Naples Popes rulers of faith and the Church Errours crept into the Church Originall of the Cannon law Gratianus Scholes and Vniuersities vnder the pope Swere to the Pope Peter Lumbard Agreement of the Church A popishe decree Counselles do consent The sum of papisticall counsel Counselles Whom the Pope calleth heretieks Counselles cause wars and persecutions The counsell of Constance The Counsell of Basile The Trident counsel Persecurtions of our time Note Iob. Captiuitie of Babilon The godly suffer persecution The trueth is knowen by persecutions Persecutions are tokens of the iudgment of God vpō the wicked 1. Peter 4. Persecutions awake vs. 1. Pet. 4.
all these things patiently and ouercame them and continued alwaies constant vnder y crosse The cause why the Iewes were enemies to Paul to y church surely was none other then y wherwith being before mooued they persecuted Christ y apostles as we haue declared before Moreouer hystories beare recorde that the twelue Apostles in all their life time and durynge the tearme of their administration in the gospel sustayned gréeuous afflictions and were all of them for Christe and his woords sake persecuted and put to death Although all writers doo not agrée of their kinds of death yet they al cōstanly affirme y thei were miserably slain Peter and his brother Andrew were both crucified Iames the elder as wée haue shewen before was béeheaded by Herod surnamed Agrippa Whose brother Iohn the Euangelist the béeloued disciple of Christ only of them al is reported to haue died a naturall death Notwithstandyng hée was apprehended and brought bounde out of Asia to Rome and conuented béefore Domitiā th'emperour and there as Tertullian writeth plunged ouer head and eares in hot boylinge oyle But after that the lorde graciously prouiding for him this cruell déede nothing indamaged his life hée was banished into y Isle Pathmos Phillip was nayled to a crosse there hangynge was stoned to death Barthelmew thei say was by his enemies most horribly flayne and afterward béeheaded Othersome say hée was burnt The enemies of Christe thrust Thomas through with a sworde and so as it is reported they dealt with Mathew Iames the younger the pastor doctor of the church of Ierusalem was throwne downe headlonge from an high place and afterwarde slayne beinge buffeted with stones vntill hée died Likewise both Apostles Simon and Iudas Thaddaeus ended their liues beinge by the heathen slain in a certen temple of Idols Some also say that Mathias was crucified others say hée was stoned and béeheaded Al these bare witnes of Christe not with their mouth and doctrine only but with ther blood also and for the trueth of the gospell which they preached were contented to die with wel willing and moste valient courage Now for as mutch as all the Apostles were slayn by the enimies of God who obtayned the souerainitye ouer them as apperteyninge to the bodye shall wée therfore say that superstitions of Gods enemies were right and the Apostles religion and doctrine false and erroneous who shall accuse God bycause hée deliuered not his seruantes from a reprochfull death but that hée gaue to the worst men in the whole worlde sutch power agaynst his holly Apostles Who although they were ministers of the trueth and innocent men yet were they put to death for the greatest enemies of God as malifactours and wicked persons for sutche were they accused to bée and therefore at this our age in the lyke cause wee must iudge so of their beléefe doctrine who ar shamefully executed for christs sake as indéede the trueth standeth in the sight of Christe ¶ Of the. 6. Tragicall Acte or persecutiō which was vnder Nero and of the seuenth which was vnder Domitian and of the eight vnder Vlpius Traian Emperours Chapter VI. PAulus Orosius an olde historician who liued in the time of Austine and wrote vnto hym seuene bookes of Storyes beginneth the recitall of the persecutyon of the Christian Churche from the persecution whiche Nero had moued which hée accounteth the first whose order the later Historicians also insued And we lykewise in describing the Tragedies persecutions committed against the Church wyll follow the same order as consequently they follow one another But since it is manifest y the fiue aboue recited persecutiōs were before these as the scriptures do shew that which Orosius maketh the firste we make the sixt although the matter be of no great importāce in this respect Orosius writeth that Nero firste that is to say among the Roman Emperours gaue forth commaundement that at Rome and in al other prouinces belonging to the Roman Empire the Christians shoulde bee molested and slayne And y this was his determination to roote oute the Christian faith all Christians wheresoeuer they were The causes that moued Nero to persecute y Christians are not so dilygentlye set downe by christian historicians as they are by prophane writers Suetonius Tranquillus in the lyfe of Nero and Cornelius Tacitus in the. 15. booke of the lyues of the Emperours Nero y emperour was y sinke of al beastly sinfulnesse fulnesse chiefly of lechery and vnspeakable incest defilyng himselfe against al course of nature so y in all Histories of you shal not finde his match This horrible wickednesse he openly committed at Rome without al shame in sight of y Senate and people But there was no man that durste speake against hym mutch lesse to reproue him or assay to punish hym but euery man winked at hym the most filthy beast in the meane time doyng what he list Wherfore God being offended with the citie of Rome punished it with fire as he did Sodome Gomorrha euen by Nero himself when as for his Sodomitical beastlinesse hée deserued to be burned himself And séeing Rome winked at his naughtinesse and did not y which it ought to haue done the horryble Sodomite Nero caused the citie to be set on fire For being certen places in the cittie wherewith Nero mislyked and the streates and passadges there verye narrow he caused the houses to be sette on fire that after they were brent they might be builded againe more faire and sumptious He himselfe beheld the fire out of Mecoenas tower saying that he much desired to se the burning of Troy which he beheld now som what resembled by that burning of the citie singing therwhiles the destruction of Troy and delighting himselfe with beholdyng the great fire Suetonius reporteth that from that time that Rome was firste built it neuer sustayned so much hurte by fire for it continued alwayes burnning the space of six dayes and so manye nights The same is also diligentlye described by Tacitus But when the fire through the wrath of God had brent farther then Nero had thought it shoulde and indamaged the Citie with an vnrepayrable losse and hinderaunce the citizens which had sustained so great harme were very much moued and ●ffended Wherefore the Emperour Nero to the intent that hee might put ouer from himself the 〈◊〉 of the déede raised a rumour among the commons that this whole mischeif was long of the Christians that they were aduersaries to the Gods and Religon of the Romans and wicked burners of cities and townes who also in that sort had defaced the citie And that this report might séeme to carie some trueth and auctoritie hée cast manie Christians into prison and examined them by tortures and tormentes that they should confesse how the citie was set on fire by them And in dede there were some fownd who not beinge able to abide tormentes