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A13178 The unmasking of a masse-monger Who in the counterfeit habit of S. Augustine hath cunningly crept into the closets of many English ladies. Or, the vindication of Saint Augustines confessions, from the false and malicious calumniations of a late noted apostate. By M.S. D. of Exeter. Sutcliffe, Matthew, 1550?-1629. 1626 (1626) STC 23473; ESTC S100147 60,978 98

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gaue the Church Apostles Prophets Euangelists Pastors and Teachers and true Catholikes beleeue that these onely are sufficient for the worke of the Ministerie and building of the Church But the Papists beside these haue in their Synagogue vniuersall Popes Cardinals Inquisitors dumbe Woluish Prelates that neyther feede nor worke any good sacrificing Priests Monkes Fryars and Nunnes which haue no institution from Christ How then are they Catholikes Among Catholikes none were chosen Bishops in time past but by the Clergie and People nor consecrated but by conprouinciall Bishops as our Aduersaries themselues confesse c. nulla ratio Dist 62. and c. in nomine Dist 23. And this was an Ordinance allowed also by Leo the first But Popish Bishops are intruded into their Seats by the Pope without any allowance of the Clergie or the People or any conprouinciall Bishops and the Pope himselfe is neyther elected by the Clergie or People of Rome but onely by a few Cardinals the most part strangers And doe you call them Catholikes that haue no Pastors lawfully instituted by Christ or called by the Church The Apostles and their successors were sent by Christ to preach the Gospell to baptize and to administer the Eucharist according to Christs institution and those are only true Catholikes whole Prelates and Priests doe performe that Office which Christ enioyned them But among Papists Priests are ordained not to preach but to sacrifice for quicke and dead and Prelates are not ordered by the Church but by Antichrist the Aduersarie of Christ and the Church and preach not the Gospell but humane Traditions and the Popes Decrees Further they obserue not Christs institution in administring the Sacraments according to Christs institution How then are they true Catholikes among whom neyther the Word is truly preached nor Sacraments are duly administred and where in Doctrine and Chayre there is no Apostolicall succession Among ancient Catholikes onely the successors of the Apostles preached and baptized but among Papists Monkes and Fryars preach albeit they be no successors of the Apostles nor instituted by Christ but by Antichrist and Women sometime are permitted to baptize as if Women could succeed the Apostles Faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the Word of God sayth the Apostle Rom. 10. and this Faith onely is the Catholike Christian Faith But among Papists no Faith is allowed as good but that which commeth from the proposition of the Church as Canisius teacheth in Catech. c. de Fide Now this Church is nothing but the Pope and their Faith is grounded vpon Traditions not written and the Decrees of the Pope Can this Faith then be Catholike and Diuine Tiue Catholike Faith is also ioyned with firme Hope and assurance of faluation together with the certaine knowledge of God and his will and with feruent Charitie towards God and our neighbour But the Faith of the Apostate and his consorts is onely a bare assent to the word of God Knowledge of God they haue little contenting themselues with an implicite Faith and denying all assurance of saluation and warring against all that submit not themselues to the Pope and his sect But such a Faith is a dead faith a diuelish faith an erronious and wicked perswasion and not a true Catholike and Apostolike faith Finally if any man did well vnderstand the particulars of that Faith which the Apostate seeketh to commend to his Countrimen and which the Church of England reiecteth as comming from Antichrist hee might plainely see that the Papists are neither Catholikes nor hold the Catholike Faith in any thing which the Church of England disliketh Wherefore least any hereafter should boast that his Popish religion is Catholike I will hereafter specifie diuers points thereof which themselues will be forced to confesse to bee vncatholike An Appendix vnto the third Chapter contayning some principall points of the vncatholike moderne Romish Doctrine WHen wee speake against the Church of Rome and her Doctrine wee vnderstand not either the ancient Church of Rome or any Article of her Faith but the new Church of Rome as shee is subiect to the Pope and embraceth his new Faith contained in his Decretals and established in the late conuenticle of Trent and is maintained by the Schoole-men and other his factors And of this Doctrine these are some of the chiefe heads First as wee acknowledge Christ to be the author and finisher of our Faith so Papists deriue their Faith from the Pope as the Author and principall Founder thereof For whatsoeuer God speaketh to vs in Scriptures yet they allow nothing but what the Pope propoundeth We beleeue no head of the Church but Christ Iesus who is also the Sauiour of his body They professe the Pope to be the head of the vniuersall Church Wee are taught 1. Cor. 3. That Christ Iesus is the onely foundation of the Church Stapleton and his followers beleeue That the Pope and his determinations are the Churches foundation also And this is also the Doctrine of Bellarmine The Church being a chast virgin admitteth no Spouse but Christ Iosus But the adulterous Sinagogue of Rome receiueth the Pope as her Spouse as appeareth C. Vbi periculum de elect in 6. When any question ariseth about matters of Faith the Church of Rome will haue the Pope to be supreame Iudge a matter vnreasonable that an Heretike and an enemy should sit judge in matters of Faith and in his owne cause When Christ ascended into Heauen they say he left the Pope to be his Vicar But of this he sheweth no commission or proofe They beleeue also that the Pope is S. Peters onely Successor and the vniuersall Bishop and chiefe Monarch of the vniuersall Church But neither doth he teach or loue Christ. as did Peter nor doth hee demonstrate how this vniuersall Monarchy came vnto him They say he hath power to dispense against the Law the Gospell and the Apostle And so he doth indeed dispensing with periured and most flagitious men and neither regarding Law nor Gospell nor what the Apostle teacheth Suarez lib. 6. Defens Cath. Apost fid c. 4. 6. Teacheth that the Pope hath power not onely to depose Kings but to command them to bee killed Christ fled away when the people sought to make him King But the Pope challengeth not onely to be a Bishop but a King also The Popes Decretals concerning matters of Faith they say are cleare from all errors so doe the Turkes also thinke of their Alchoran Of holy Scriptures they speake euill calling them a dead Letter a dumbe Judge matter of strife a killing Letter a Nose of Waxe a Lesbian Rule They receiue the vnwritten Traditions of the Church of Rome with equall affection as they receiue holy Scriptures and yet doe they not certainly know them nor can demonstrate to others what they are The Doctrine of the Church of Rome they say is the Rule of Faith But what Rule then hath this Doctrine Some say Traditions not written added to the Scriptures make vp
Catholike visible Church but of one blinde Pope that is the Enemie of the Church Fiftly how can the Vniuersall Church conuene to iudge all Controuersies And what reason hath any to follow the Church before Christ or to heare the Church iudging in her owne Cause Sixtly the Traditions of the Romish Church concerning the Popes power the Masse and siue new Sacraments and their formes and matter were neuer knowne eyther to the ancient Church or to Saint Austine Seuenthly hee neuer knew the Moderne Church of Rome or beleeued that the Catholike Church was visible or supreme and finall Iudge Hee declareth what a pestilent thing Heresie and Schisme is as the Apostate confesseth But what is that to vs that are true Catholikes and maintaine the Vnitie of the Apostolike Church It toucheth rather the pestilencie of this Apostate and his Companions who hauing abandoned Christ adhere to Antichrist and beeing diuided from the Apostolike Church embrace the Heresies of Trent and Schooles in part condemned or else not knowne to the ancient Catholike Church or to S. Austine S. Augustine held that which in his time was taught by the Fathers and was beleeued by the vniuersall Church But this Rinegate and his adherents embrace the nouelties of Schooles and errors of the Pope and the Conuenticle of Trent albeit they were neuer beleeued by the Church nor taught by the Fathers And of these erroneous Doctrines I haue touched many particulars heretofore That holy Father Lib. de vnit Eccles declareth how the Church was knowne by Scriptures and not by those false Markes which the Pope and his Supporters thrust vpon it By Scripture also wee plainely discerne that the Apostate and his fellowes are a packe of wicked Heretikes and Schismatikes and no Communion of Saints or Catholike Christians The Donatists denyed the vniuersalitie of the Church and sayd it was perished in all places saue in Afrike and in the Communion of the Donatists S. Austine therefore disputing against them confoundeth this Rinegate and his Apostaticall fellowes who confine the Church within the Limits of the Popes Diocesse and Territories of the Roman Obedience holding it to be fallen and vanished away in all other places As for vs we neyther denie the Church to be vniuersall nor hold that Christs Catholike Church can perish or faile although this shamelesse Companion doth impose this Error vpon vs whom he maliciously calleth Caluinists and Lutherans foming out his rage against his Parents Friends and Countreymen That the true visible Church is Judge of Controuersies and cannot possibly erre is not any Doctrine of S. Augustines but an absurd Error of this Rinegate For first eyther the Church iudgeth her owne Controuersies and so sitteth Iudge in her owne Cause or the Causes of Strangers and Infidels who will not heare her Sentence Secondly S. Austine neuer appealed to the Pope but to Christ and his Apostles Thirdly neuer doth the Church meet to iudge any mans Cause nor ought Bishops to iudge otherwise then according to holy Scriptures iuxta Legem●eius as Moses sayth Deut. 17. Fourthly the Church of Afrike of which S. Austine speaketh contr Epist Fundam c. 5. is not now visible nor extant in the World Fiftly it followeth not because the Church moued him to beleeue the Gospel that therefore the same is supreme Iudge for any man or woman may induce a man to beleeue the Gospel yet euery one is not a supreme and infallible Iudge Sixtly the Church of Ephesus Corinth and Galatia was sometime a true visible Church and yet it is now fayled and subiect to grosse Errors and neuer was the supreme Iudge of matters of Faith Neyther is it materiall that the Truth remaineth in the Belly of the Church as S. Austine sayth in Psal 57. for the Truth remained in the Church of the Colossians Thessalonians and Philippians yet neyther were these Churches supreme Iudges nor did they alwayes abide in Truth and whatsoeuer wee thinke of them yet the Truth abideth not alwayes in the Head Belly Legges or Chayre of the Pope If any feare to be deceiued sayth S. Austine Lib. 1. con Cresc c. 33. let him consult the Church which without doubtfulnesse the holy Scripture doth demonstrate And therein we willingly follow his aduice consulting the Church of England But the Aduersaries doe contrarie consult the Synagogue of Rome composed of Popes Cardinals Inquisitors Woluish Prelates Masse-Priests Monkes Fryars Nunnes and ignorant people knowing nothing of the Faith which neyther Scriptures nor Fathers demonstrate vnlesse it be in Babylon Apocalypse 17. He sayth further that no man can be saued but in the Catholike Church and so say wee But wee denie the Synagogue of Rome despising holy Scriptures and adulterating the Doctrine of Sacraments giuen vs by Christ to be that Church They may pretend to be Catholikes as other Heretikes doe and sing Alleluia De Profundis Aue Sancta Crux and Salue Regina but out of the Catholike and Apostolike Church as they hold the new Creed of Trent and Doctrine of Schooles they cannot be saued Greased and salued they may bee but saued they cannot be And hereof he bringeth another reason De vnit Eccles c. 16. because they haue not Christ for their head and this is proued because they haue the Pope for their head nay they haue Antichrist for their head They also hold the heresies of the Simonians and Carpocratians Angelikes Collyridians Nudipedales Manichees and Pelagians The bookes of Tobia Judith Wisdome Ecclesiasticus and the Machabees S. Austine neuer made equall to the Law and Prophets Nay he denyeth them to haue beene reputed Canonicall by the Church before Christ albeit in regard they contayned Precepts of manners they were read in the Church and in a generall signification might be called Canonicall Of S. Peters primacie this prime Disciple of Antichrist hath little reason to prate For first S. Augustine giueth him no command or superioritie ouer the Apostles but onely a prime Place in order in respect of his feruor Age and Vertue Secondly hee had no power to depose Princes or to make Lawes This belonged to the Councell that neyther to any Apostle nor any Councell Thirdly the Pope neyther feedeth Christs sheepe nor loueth Christ nay he is more like to Nero then to Peter Fourthly the Bishops of Rome had no Apostolicall Prerogatiue nor had they power ouer Scriptures mens Consciences Princes or all other Bishops Lastly the Bishops of Afrike and among others S. Austine thought themselues in no degree inferiour to the Bishops of Rome S. Austine contr part Donat. where hee speaketh of the Rock against which the proud gates of Hell cannot preuaile vnderstandeth S. Peters Confession and Doctrine and not the succession of Popes as this Popelin would haue it For against Marcellinus the gates of Hell preuayled and no strength is there in the Succession of the rest Secondly neither doth hee call S. Peters feat an Episcopall feat of Peter as this false Translator hath turned it but onely an
that hee shut his eyes least hee should behold the Gladiators intimating that we are to auoid all occasions of sinne Why then did not this Translator shut his eyes in Italy and Spaine where are so many baits for sinne Did he drop into the Brothel blind-fold In the Margent Lib. 6. c. 12. he telleth vs that the Diuell is euer putting Tricks vpon him And doe we maruell that he and his fellowes are so lewd and vaine-glorious seeing the Diuell doth put so many Tricks vpon them and hath entangled their feet with his snares Lib. 6. c. 13. he seemeth to insist much vpon Visions and Reuelations But S. Austine sayth Monicaes Visions were vaine and fantasticall and that there was great difference betweene God reuealing and the soule dreaming And such Dreames commonly are the Visions and Reuelations of Monkes and Fryars God therefore directeth vs Isay 8. to the Law and Testimonie and not to Visions nor the Reuelations of Spirits S. Austines Concubine as is related Lib. 6. Conf. c. 11. vowed to God she would no more know man so it may be many beastly women vow they will forsake their lewd life But this is but a simple argument to proue Vowes of Chastitie albeit the best the idle Translator could draw out of Saint Austine who yet hath nothing to say of Nuns or their Rules Lib. 6. c. 16. the Translator noteth Merits in the Margent But he is a poore disputer that out of such Merits as Epicunus had thinketh to prooue that mens Workes doe merit eternall life A fit man rather to follow Epicures then to translate good Bookes Lib. 7. c. 1. he placeth this profound Note in the margent That the Catholike Church is our Mother A point which no man doubteth But if hee beleeue that the Pope and moderne Church of Rome is the true Catholike Church or the Mother of faithfull Christians hee is foully mistaken not discerning the chaste Spouse of Christ from the abominable Whore of Babilon Further when Rome was the Church yet was shee but a particular Church The cause of sinne is our owne will as S. Austine teacheth vs Lib. 7. Conf. c. 3. And this that worthy man M. Caluin knew very well who neuer said nor thought as the damned Apostate chargeth him that God maketh men to sinne that he may afterward damne them neyther doth he say that any doe sinne by necessarie constraint These are the rayling Rinegates vaine and blasphemous Conceits and no Doctrines of M. Caluin as by the Texts by him falsely cited may appeare The Authoritie of the Church commendeth holy Scriptures to particular persons as S. Austine sayth Lib. 7. c. 7. But he sayth not that holy Scriptures receiue their Authoritie from the Catholike Church as the Aduersaries of the Church and Scriptures conceiue and much lesse from the Pope and Church of Rome For if that were so how could the Church beleeue Scriptures May the Church authorise and deliuer Scriptures to it selfe Lib. 7. c. 18. S. Austine maketh Christ his only Mediator shewing that hee was God and man How then can the Schoole-men and their followers accord with him making the Virgin Mary together with Saints and Angels to be Mediators and holding that Christ is our Mediator according to his Humanitie only That the Virgin Mary being a Virgin still did conceiue and beare Christ Jesus is not doubted by any Christian it is also confessed that Christ was knowne to betrue man by Tradition as S. Austine teacheth Lib. 7. c. 19. But that this was knowne by Tradition vnwritten onely or that holy Scripture is knowne by Tradition as the Translator noteth S. Austine sayth not neyther is it true for the natures of Christ are knowne by Scripture one Booke of Scripture testifieth of another Neyther doth he say that the holy Virgin was conceiued liued without sin these be only Friars fancies dreames and not this holy Fathers doctrine We are to finde the ioyes of Heauen not without Penance in this life sayth the Translator worthie to be translated and made the Popes Penitentiarie to impose Penance and to giue pardon to all that are troubled with the Collick in their Braines And this he noteth in Lib. 8. Confess c. 3. Yet S. Austine neuer thought that the way to Heauen was by whipping knocking the breast wearing hayre-cloth and going bare-foot Vpon the 8. Booke of Confess c. 6. the Translator noteth that Anthonie the Aegyptian was a Monke and that he wrought Miracles and that there were many Monasteries before S. Austines time and one neere Milan But out of all these Monasteries he cannot find one that held the Moderne Romish Religion or that liued in obedience to the Bishops of Rome or receiued their Rules from them Further they now worke no Miracles nor are like to them eyther in their liues or studies nay it appeareth they rather dwelt in Cells and poore Cottages then in any sumptuous Buildings S. Anthonie and S. Austine were conuerted by reading holy Scriptures as is testified Lib. 8. Confess c. 12. Why then are Christians denyed libertie to reade holy Scriptures in Tongues vnderstood by them Why are Scriptures reputed to be dumbe Teachers Finally why are Scriptures denyed to haue power to worke Faith vnlesse the Church propose them Out of Scriptures certes Monkish Vowes and their pretended Euangelicall perfection will neuer be proued albeit the Postiller should resolue himselfe into sweat endcuoring to doe it These words Goe and sell all thou hast Matth. 19. and put on the Lord Jesus belong not to Monkes onely nor did the Romans or the young man in the Gospel put on Monkes Cowles vpon hearing these words Finally he that will find out the originall of Monkes and Fryars he must search not holy Scriptures but the Popes Decretals That man had free-will to do euill S. Augustine confesseth Confess Lib. 9. c. 1. but that he had a power by free-will to doe well that is a surmise of the Pelagianizing Translator for albeit grace moue vs to submit our selues to Christs yoke yet is it not our free-will that worketh what is good but Gods grace Lib. 9. Conf. c. 2. the corrupter of S. Austines Confessions endeuoreth to proue Graduall Verses and Procession out of them but his labor is in vaine he may as well out of them draw from thence the Tricks of the Missall Breuiarie But had the Jewes any such Ascension or Procession yet are not the Traditions of the later Jewish Rabbins any warrant for him his Consorts to warrant their superstitious Deuices Scripsi haec in Caera sayth S. Austine Lib. 9. Confess c. 4. And this the Buzzard translateth This I wrote in Waxe As if men did then write in Waxe and not in Tables layd ouer with Waxe mixed with other stuffe so he thinketh they wrote in Dust where the Writing was on Tables plastred ouer with Waxe and Dust That men went bare-foot in Deuotion S. Austine doth not affirme albeit this thred-bare Translator doth hold that to
Scriptures but the Pope challengeth a power to authorize Scriptures which this Apostate also would auow if he durst but S. Austine doth beat downe both the Apostates and the Popes blasphemous pride Fish he sayth is sometimes a figure of Christ in the Sacrament a proper deuice For so the Priests by their Transubstantiation make of Bread Flesh and this Apostiller by a new figure will make it Fish that they may haue in the same Feast both Fish and Flesh Matters neuer though of by S. Austine Neyther doth he in this place by blessing and calling vpon God vnderstand crossing or sprinkling of holy Water such as Masse-Priests vse but blessing and praysing the Name of God In his Notes vpon the 13. Booke of Confessions c. 25. he would be glad to know as he sayth what Benedictions haue come vnto vs from our Ministers and whether their sound be gone ouer all the Earth And I to giue him satisfaction answere That these Blessings we receiue from them We learne to know God and whom he hath sent Christ Iesus and to discerne Antichrist and to flye from him We learne the true Faith and Gods true worship We vnderstand that we are to auoid the Heresies of the Romish Church and her abominable Idolatry and Superstition We learne how to reforme our liues and walke worthie our profession But of him and his Masse-Priests Monkes and Fryars ignorant people receiue nothing but an implicite Faith Crosses Beades holy Water Masses Agnus Dei Indulgences and such Toyes neyther doe they learne any thing except that which we teach but Heresie Superstition Idolatry Rebellion ignorance of Scripture and corruption of manners nor receiue any thing but shame Bishops made by the Pope preach not Masse-Priests teach little Monkes and Fryars teach without authoritie hauing no power but from Antichrist and if they teach any Truth it is mixed with many Errors and Corruptions That which we teach is the Apostles Doctrine the sound of whose Doctrine is gone ouer the whole Earth the Papists Heresies and false Doctrine is onely receiued in the Popes Iurisdiction Our Sauiour Christ promiseth to him that receiueth a Prophet in his name the reward of a Prophet as S. Austine sayth Confess lib. 13. c. 26. But absurdly is this applyed to Masse-Priests and such false Prophets for such destroy Soules vndermine the State corrupt the Manners of their Disciples and seeke onely to vnderprop the ruinous Kingdome of Antichrist Lib. 13. c. 34. S. Austine sayth God hath solidely built the authoritie of his Booke of Scriptures betweene superiors which should learne of God and inferiors which should be subiect vnto them Solidasti authoritatem libri tui inter superiors qui tibi docibiles essent inferiores qui eis subderentur So he giueth authoritie to Scriptures and would haue all men subiect vnto them which is contrarie to this Apostates mind And therefore by his false Notes he goeth about to corrupt the place not willing to denie the Popes authoritie in making Scriptures Canonicall to vs by that authoritie contrarie to S. austines iudgement which would haue Superiors to learne of God He addeth also that the Scripture is subiect to the exposition of Doctors which is contrarie to that holy Fathers meaning Finally S. Austine lib. 13. Conf. c. 38. hopeth to rest in Gods holy place which he calleth his great sanctificaton not for his merites but by Gods grace and mercie And this doe all good Catholikes hope and beleeue not doubting of their saluation grounded on his holy Word that is most certaine and his sweet Promises that are most comfortable But this Apostate and his peruerse companions neyther beleeuing that Gods Word concerneth them nor trusting to his Promises made to all that beleeue and liue according to their holy profession nor hauing good conscience nor feeling of the holy Ghost but measure all by their owne workes and merites are neyther Catholikes nor Christs Disciples And this I trust will suffice to vindicate the holy Father Saint Austine from the violence and wrong offered to him by this impure Apostate As for the wrong that he hath offered to Religion and the Church of England I trust our Superiors will in time vindicate and albeit they neglect it or cannot redresse it I doubt not but God will reuenge his owne Cause his owne selfe Deo vni trino laus honor gloria in sempiterna secula Amen FINIS