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A07781 A notable treatise of the church in vvhich are handled all the principall questions, that haue bene moued in our time concerning that matter. By Philip of Mornay, Lord of Plessis Marlyn, gentleman of Fraunce. And translated out of French into English by Io. Feilde.; Traicté de l'église. English Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623.; Fielde, John, d. 1588. 1579 (1579) STC 18159; ESTC S107520 167,479 400

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for the ordinarie nourishment of his children The Latine Church to the end she might nourish them with huskes and shales hath hidden it from them buried it in the earth or if for shame she hau● sometimes deliuered it vnto them it hath bene altogether couered with poyson In stead that this worde shoulde haue directed vs to God for our saluation shee hath sent vs to men which are nothing but perdition yea to the sonne of perdition him self Whereas she should haue assured vs in the infinite merites of one Christ the infinite God the papacie hath turned vs to our own merits which merite nothing but hell and death The whole law was giuen to no other end but to make vs feele our sinnes to search the remedie thereof in the grace of Christ but contrariwise the Romane Church maketh vs to play the Iewes more then the Iewes promising vs saluation of our selues to the ende that making vs to search for it that wayes more feruently shee might therein shewe vs hell She hath receyued the deuill into the Lordes house she hath mingled in his bread of life death and into his cuppe she hath put poyson to conclude if through Baptisme which she hath notwithstanding many wayes profaned she enrouleth children to God as a mother yet is it certaine on the contrary part that through her false worships she nourisheth them vp to the deuil And as concerning saluation in Iesus Christ which is the necke that ioyneth the head with the body Iesus Christ with his Church it is so cut of by mans merits by the merits of Saintes by the Popes pardons and such other wickednesses that the life of the Church holdeth but by a very litle thread the which had bene straightway quite cut off Antichrist had so wel laboured therein had not God through his great mercy sent his seruants in time to represse him As long then as this threade remained there we deny it not the name of the Church no more then vnto a man the name of a man as long as he liueth what sickenesse soeuer he haue yea we are content to call her the spouse so that therewithall shee suffer vs in like maner to call her an adulteresse But we say that she is an heretical Church worse then al the Churches that euer haue bene a wife which prouoketh God to a diuorce a mother which nourisheth vp her children to the diuell and we pray God that he will vouchsafe to take her in childhood being defiled in her blood and that he will washe her in her olde age in the blood of his sonne that he will remember as he promiseth to Ierusalem Samaria the couenant made with her from her youth and that as he hath done alreadye in a good parte of her members it woulde please him to restore her againe to her first puritie and integritie See then as concerning the hereticall and impure Churches in doctrine whereof we mayntaine the Romane and Latine Church to be in the chiefest degree Concerning the Schismatical Churches whether they are plainely schismatical or whether heresie foloweth after a schisme as a feuer doth after a woūd heretikes schismatikes in this sense are all one Of Heretikes we haue spoken as before Of Schismatikes we make here two distinctiōs The cause sayth the Canon maketh a schismatike not the separatiō therfore we say that they which haue giuen others a iust occasion to separate thē selues from their corruptions are the schismatikes not they who haue taken it For this cause the Apostles were not schismatikes although they separated them selues from the Scribes Pharises cut themselues of from their assemblies But rather the Priestes Scribes which put them to death when they submitted them selues to verifie the comming of Christ amidst the Church we shall proue in his proper place that the selfe same in like maner is come to passe in our time of those which haue verified Antichrist in an open councill For the second we say that we must distinguish betwixt the author of a schisme those which followe it That the authors of Schisme forasmuch as they rent thēselues from charitie so by cōsequence from the body of Christ they may be cōpared to Dathan Core Abiram cutting themselues asmuch as in them lyeth out of the booke of life Concerning the others we say that they are the flocke of Christ but euil gouerned by their pastors and principally those which are borne vnder the Schisme forasmuch as neither of both are without blame neither can in any wise excuse themselues And therefore Dathan and his companions were swallowed vp and the congregation which cleaued vnto him was spared but in that it sawe the horrible punishmēt of those whom it had followed it was warned to separate it selfe for feare of the like In like maner Ieroboam his successors which through ambition had made a schisme in the Church were accursed and yet Samaria ceased not therefore at the least to be in the couenant of God neither by reason of her false worships halfe Iewish halfe heathenish To be short ambition the want of charitie wherof it proceedeth these make schismatikes therefore the poore people which do not holde thereof but are caried away with the faction of the mightiest as it were with a streame this although it be a separatiō yet properly it is not a schisme And euen as in factions which are made in a kingdome against the common wealth a good prince punisheth the Captaines through his clemēcie pardoneth the people who were let alone either to go through ignorance or in respect of their authoritie c. euen so it is to be presumed that the father of mercy doeth towards his poore children which for the most part do mourne vnder the ambition of the prelates are not partakers of their subtill coūcels This be simply spoken of the Schismaticall Churches that is to say which haue no notable heresies ioined with their schismes The like thing also may be foūd in the Churches of the heretikes for oftentimes the leaders of the Church are heretikes by their subtilties in certaine things not the people who vnderstand thē not contenting themselues with the simplicitie of the worde which alwayes is most true But we will speake of this more amplie in another place We wil conclude then that the workes of the pure Church are fayth and charitie the worde and the Sacramentes purely lawfully administred The markes of the impure Churches are whē therin they faile in part or be impure the which thing many times falleth out ordinarily together To be short howsoeuer it be when it hath no religion nor no doctrine nor no visible signes to distinguish it frō others We say that the Christian Churches haue their doctrine comprised in the olde newe Testament their Sacraments which are Baptisme the Supper that those which minister the one the other purely
as Athanasius also a fewe of the best sort with him at Rome during the time that the Arriās beeing fauoured of Constantius the Emperor spoyled and infected his Church of Alexandria And euē so likewise we at this daye in right are of the poore Church of Fraūce of Italie and other places which Antichrist holdeth by the throte to cause thē to abandon their saluation And assoone as Antichrist and his mayntainers shal be gone with al the infection which they haue brought into the church we shal be altogether ready to draw neere vnto thē to ioyne with them as nye as euer wee did and to runne to the Churches with them there to reioyce together for their deliuerance Let the wolfe be gone out of their fold behold vs al ready to enter in In meane time we wil pray vnto god to driue him away that it wil please him to deliuer thē from vnder his claw will shew thē this mercie we wil enforce our selues all that we can to deliuer thē To be short we are kuit with them in doctrine if they haue regard to the aunciēt doctrine of the Church of Rome but we cōdēne that of the popes where with he oppresseth their consciences Also we are in true charitie for what greater charity cā there be in the world thē to rid the world of such a one But we renounce that Tyranne which strangleth their soules and seeing that God by his singular grace hath deliuered ours frō him we proclayme opē warre against him for their sakes with all our heartes These things beeing wel considered it is very easy for vs to distinguish who are schismatikes that is to say the aucthors of that separation which was made in our time in the west churches either we or our enemies The canon lawe sayeth that Schisme must not be considered neither in the nomber nor place but by the cause that he is a schismatike which is the cause of schisme not he which beginneth the separation euen altogether like as he which denyeth the lawe is the cause of processe and not he which first beganne Now we haue required the pope and his prelates to reforme the Church according to the Scriptures and to the auncient forme desiring to remaine vnited with our brethren and in steade of agreeing vnto vs they haue excommunicated vs without euer hearing vs The prelates therefore of the Romaine Church are the Schismatikes and not we who demaunde nothing else but Reformation to make vs at one Also the Canon sayeth that the essentiall and materiall cause of all Schisme is want of charity Nowe for our parts we haue offred our liues to death to recouer our brethren from errour and contrariwise the prelates of Rome to drawe vs frō that they say we are what earnest request soeuer we could make they would yet neuer graunt vnto vs a free Councill But when they haue called vs to their assemblies it was to burne vs and not to teach vs and all their Councils were but conspiracies to kill vs and not consultations to heale vs And therefore the lacke of charitie is in them and so consequently the cause of Schisme Also the Canon lawe teacheth vs that is to saye the Pope him selfe That the Pope which suffreth a controuersie to waxe olde in the church concerning saluation he is one that seeketh after deuision heresie And that if he be required to helpe it by a generall Councill and do it not of Apostolique which he should be he maketh him selfe an Apostata and Schismatike That as from such a one the Cardinalles Prelates Priestes peoples and prouinces ought to separate them selues for that asmuch as lyeth in him he suffreth the people children that are borne to growe vnder two heads into two churches That all those that winke in that matter specially hauing a charge and a calling to withstand it they are partakers with his faulte and are schismatikes as well as hee notwithstanding all their othes homages obligations which they haue made vnto him And in deede by the counsell of the diuines of Paris folowing the foresaid coūsell king Charles the sixte declared him selfe his realme all his subiects to be separated from the cōmunion of pope Iohn the 22. afterwards by the same counsell cut of him selfe from the obedience of Benedict the thirtenth from Gregory the 12. admonishing and requiring all princes to do the like For that saith he in his protestation they will mainteine diuisions in the Churche by their tretcheries and vvill not submit themselues to the ordinarie meane of a free councill and to the determination of the church Now it was eight score yeeres agoe that this strife began in the Church after threescore yeres or thereabouts it was spread ouer all Europe The princes and people called still for a free councill and alwayes sometimes by one meane sometimes by another the Popes went scot free During all which time they sought all the wayes they could for their liues ordinary extraordinary to make an end of vs They therefore their mainteiners though the saluation of Christendome was not in controuersie as now it is are by their own canons foūd schismatikes they who haue winked at it fautors of schisme they who haue with drawē themselues frō their obedience admit that their Popes had bene sometime heads of the Church no Antichrists are grounded in the trueth exempted from all suspicion of schisme and blamelesse of all the mischiefes and disorders which through schisme haue arisen in Christendome Now cōtrariwise if as we hold the Pope be Antichrist the papall doctrine contrary to saluatiō in Iesus Christ and al the seruice that they do in al the churches that acknowledge him which they cal the church of Rome polluted with idolatrie thē there needs no longer disputatiō whether men do well to separate thēselues from him or no but rather to conclude ful and wholly That we are traitors to God who hath created vs to Christ who hath saued regenerated vs to the Church who hath borne vs to be short to our brethren to our selues if we protest not against his blasphemies if we withdraw not our selues from his obedience if we renounce not his cōmunion to be shorte if we do not our vttermost to make him knowē to euery one and to deliuer the world from his tyrannie Hereupon thei obiect vnto vs that Moses for the idolatry cōmitted amongst the people of Israel to the golden Calfe separated not himself I graūt it But they must adde that Moses chid Aaron chastised the people ground the golden calfe into powder and cast it into the water There was no cause then that he should flye Idolatrie because hee coulde driue it out Nowe wee will not bee more scrupulous then Moyses Let them suffer vs to beate their Idols to powder to cast Idolatrie out of their Church and
as there is no true fayth nor charitie nor Christ so also we ought not to seeke any saluation but in her And therefore if a man would speake properly we should call the Churche a company onely of those whom God hath chosen to euerlasting life in al times places which is to man inuisible who can not enter so farre as to knowe Gods will neyther the hart of man himselfe but is only visible to God who knoweth those that are his as the Apostle saith hath sealed them with his owne seale Notwithstanding forasmuch as charitie hath commaunded vs to presume particularlie of all those that are called the Churche of Christ that they are of the nōber of his elect that as they are bodily there assembled together so also that they are there spiritually incorporated albeit on the contrarie part the doctrine of fayth generally teacheth vs that the wicked to the end of the world are mingled with the good the Goates with the Sheepe the chaffe with the graine the tares with the good corne yet will we commit vnto God the searcher of hartes the knowledge of the inuisible Church will content our selues to search for the visible in his word into which all they must retire themselues in this world which wil be gathered into the inuisible Churche in the world to come Notwithstanding by the way we will note the differences that are betwene these two The inuisible Church cōtaineth none but the good The visible Church contayneth both the good and the bad to witte that onelye the electe this all those indifferently which are brought into her by the preaching of the trueth And for this cause S. Augustine saith of that that she tooke her beginning by Abel and not by Caine who was the elder and contrarywise of the other he saith that the self same begate Abel Enoch Simon Peter all Christians c. as one people hauing also begotten Caine and Cham Ismael and Esau and Simon the sorcerer with his cōfederates The inuisible Church is partly considered in heauen partly in earth cōprehending aswell those which triumph already with their head Iesus Christ our Lord as those which yet fight here beneath in the earth for his name against the world against themselues which shal fight in the same church after vs The visible church is considered properly to consist in them who not onely fight here in earth for the name of Christ but as well those that fight vnder his name with false markes standerds ensignes And for this cause that is considered euen from the first faythfull vnto the last bringing all the states ages of the church into one this according to certaine places times forasmuch as she is not vniuersally visible and to be seene at one push but according to the ages and in her degrees In the inuisible there is a great many sheepe which neuer were gathered into the visible and contrarywise in the visible a great many wolues which neuer shal be receiued into the inuisible And therefore S. Augustine sayth that there are a great many sheepe without and a great many woolues within and S. Paul saith also they are not al Israel which are of Israel For to be in the church or rather to say of the church is to be vnited with Christ incorporated in the company of the faithfull through true faith towards God and charitie towards our neighbor And there is no doubt but that many here and there vnder Paganisme it selfe had this desire which yet bodily they could not accomplish the which notwithstanding they are bound to doe with all their power as contrarywise to be separated from the church is not onely to be without the assemblie but to haue no participation of Christ nor vnion of faith and charitie with his faythfull Of the inuisible it is sayd that the gates of hell shal not preuaile against her Of the visible that she shal be so troubled that a mā shall not finde faith on the earth that charitie shal be as it were quenched insomuch that the elect themselues if it were possible should vtterly quaile And therefore it is not without cause that we say in our Creede that we beleeue the church For if we ought to hold nothing for certaine but that which we see with these carnall eyes there is no dout but that in all the states ages of the church there should many times be foūd such a confusion as the good graine should be altogether hid vnder the chaffe without any appearance of the Churche and yet notwithstanding this was then whē God sayd to Elias that he had reserued in the same 7000. whereof the chariot of Israel the Seer of the Lord I say he to whom the good people ought especially to haue beene knowen could not outwardly knowe one and euen then there when the state of the Church was such as God could not be serued visiblye but in Iewrie All these differences notwithstanding we do not beleeue two Churches nor two espouses of Christ but we beleeue one onelye considered diuersely one in the blade and the other in the graine one in the threshing floore another in the garner one in the mine another now already fyned the one inwrapped yet in the minglings of the world the other before her husband without spotte or wrinckle Altogether like as by a familie we properly vnderstand the children only although speaking more generally we comprehend the seruants them selues by a Citie we vnderstand the vnion of Cittizens albeit many times one part be at cōtention considered apart by it selfe deserueth not but to be rooted out Returning then to our purpose we will call the visible church the company of those which make profession to serue the true God in Christ of which we haue presently to intreate This Church hath had three principall states or ages one without the lawe then say some of the auncient Fathers when man was but in some sort corrupted by the sinne of the first when he was notwithstanding in some sort a lawe to him selfe naturally felt himselfe conuinced of his sinne that is to say he felt his euil to seeke for remedy for the same although in very trueth this state and age of the Church found it selfe no lesse corrupted then the rest The second was vnder the lawe when it began in such sort to accustome it selfe to sinne that it grewe into a natural habite through the same and then for to shewe the sinne therof the lawe was giuen as a glasse in which she might consider her filthinesse and how farre of she was from that shee presumed to the ende she might returne again to be clensed The thirde was vnder grace in Iesus Christ promised to our first parents by by after their fal and who when the fulnes of time was come was sent of the Father who brought remedy to all them that
his word cherished nourished vp in the faith and she at the first giuing vs sucke and afterwards more fast and strong meate through the Communion of Christ his bodye in the Supper we are more and more vnited to him and by this meane inuested into that heauenly inheritance It followeth then that she is the pure Church and true mother who bringeth foorth vs her children through Baptisme regenerateth norisheth vs through the worde knitteth vs to Christ and so a-amongst our selues one to another through the Sacrament of his Supper that is to saye shee is the true mother in which the worde of God is purely preached and the Sacraments according to the same worde duely administred In the Church of Iuda and Israel Circumcision occupied the place of Baptisme the Passeouer of the Supper the worde of God alwayes keeping his place as the ordinarie nourishment of the children of God and therefore we see that after their entrie into the land of Canaan Iosue being admonished by the Lord to repaire those faults committed in the desert made the people to be circumcised and bound them by an othe if they would be his people to keepe the word of God that is to saye if they would bee his Church Likewise Iosias after so great confusions and mingle mangles when he would reforme the Church in which there was not so much as that visible marke which circumcision had left in the flesh we see that he began there first digging vp as it were the law which had bene buried published the same and made the people to sweare solemnly vnto it And cōsequently he caused a Passeouer to be proclaymed in these woordes Celebrate the passeouer of the Lord your God as it is written in the booke of this couenant that is to say according to the ordināce of the Lord your god Esdras also after he was returned frō Babylon for to reedifie the temple and to restore the Church he began at these foundations he expoundeth the lawe vnto the people and maketh thē to sweare in the forme of that couenant and after to nourish and fortifie them in the hope of their saluation to come he restoreth againe the true vse of the Paschall according to those things sayeth he which were written in the booke of Moses To be short al the true seruants of God after that there came any great scattering of the Church being willing to redresse it they haue alwaies before al other things restored these markes no otherwise then a good Captaine who after a great slaughter confusion raungeth his men into an aray and planteth his standerds in some high place to the end they may shew them selues to all sides Iesus Christ who is the true husband hath giuen vs no other markes to knowe his espouse by For this cause that he calleth the Church his wife he teacheth her her duety which is to obey his worde and not to hearken to the voyce of a straunger not to lose the tokens nor to defile the Iewels and pledges of her mariage but marke how he speaketh in expresse wordes He that is of the trueth heareth my voice And againe My sheepe heare my voice and I knowe them and they followe me and in another place Ye heare not because you are not of god The pure wife and Church then of the trueth is onely she which heareth the voyce of Christ Not a voyce in the ayre or an imaginatiue voyce but that voyce which hath it Echo out of the scriptures and which will resound vntill the end to witte the same that is pronounced by the mouth of his Prophets Apostles vpon which Saint Paul teacheth vs that the Church is founded Christ Iesus being the chiefe corner stone This is the cause why sending foorth his Apostles to erecte the Christian Churches he saith vnto thē Goe and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father c. and teaching them to keepe all that I haue commanded you And in the Actes we reade that the faithfull continued in the doctrine of the Apostles in the Communion breaking of bread in prayers which is no other thing but a briefe description of the true Church of Christ instructed by the worde in true faith and knit together in true charitie through the Communion that is in him The which thing S. Ambrose teacheth vs saying that the Catholique Church is that where God speaketh with his seruāts and S. Augustine also whē he placeth the ministerie of ministers pastors of the Church in the word of God Sacramēts Let vs yet adde hereunto the third mark of this church albeit it be not of the substance but outward to wit the lawful vocation of pastors ministers of the Church which haue the administration of the things aforesaid For seeing that there is question of preaching be it by the word or by the Sacraments which are vnto vs as a word that may be felt and that to preach it behoueth that the ministers be sent it is very necessary that the Church of God haue an order to send forth their pastors But more shal be seene of this point in another place We wil call then the true pure Churches all those wherein we finde the worde of God and Sacraments purely and lawfully administred that is to say as Cyprian saith according to the institution of the Lorde And we nothing doubt to communicate with them that God is there president howsoeuer in some certaine pointes of doctrine there haue bene some errour and in the outward policie some abuse and corruption and impuritie in maners for it behooueth that alwayes we resort thither when the chiefe pointes of the foundation of our saluation be there truly taught seeing we are men the Churches are compounded of men as speache and language consist of syllables and letters of the qualities of which men as long as the Church is in this world she is alwayes a partaker As concerning the false and impure Churches they are not so easely to be defined Trueth soundnes and right are but of one sort but errors diseases crookednesses are without nomber Againe there are many kindes degrees of impure Churches notwithstanding we can say in one worde that al those Churches are impure in which the word of the Lord and his Sacraments are impurely ministred that is are administred both against the honor of God and the saluation of our neighbour and because that the whole Gospel is nothing else but faith and charitie and whole Christ nothing but head and body we may make two principall kindes thereof calling those Heretikes which erre in the faith doctrine of Christ those schismatikes which sunder themselues from charitie and from the communion of his body which is the Church yea although they agree otherwise to the trueth of doctrine in all pointes Nowe as there are many pointes in the
are that pure Churches that those which minister them impurely are the impure Churches the Church of Rome the most impure of all others which hath so villanously defiled both the one and the other that there remayneth not any more so much as any shewe of the institution of Christ That the other markes which our aduersaries alledge are common both to the pure and the impure Church such as for the most part hold not CHAP. III. THey that perceyue thēselues vanquished in this that they haue not the essential markes of the pure sound Church they would quite cōtrary make vs beleeue that the true Church can not be knowen by the pure sincere administration of the worde Sacraments but by certaine outward markes to wit by antiquitie multitude succession of places and persons by miracles reuelatiōs no otherwise then false coyners which wil not haue men to knowe their money by the finenes of Golde and by the touchstone but by the wayght by the sounde by the coyne the colour which they may easely falsifie They alledge therefore vnto vs antiquitie following that which is sayd vnto Iob of one of his friends Aske for the auncient generation prepare thy selfe to seeke after the fathers Againe dayes shal speake or the multitude of yeares shal teache wisedome To whō I could answere by Iob him selfe euen in the verse next following The masters are not alwaies wise neither do that olde men alwaies vnderstand iudgement Also it is the spirite of God not yeres that ought to speake in man But forasmuch as they make an instance so lowe it behooueth that we giue them a more full answere The questiō is here of the puritie of the Church Nowe the Church is compared to a litle barke or ship and the more she is vpon the Sea the more she leaketh and vnto a house which with age decayeth and falleth to ruine and to a Citie and the policie of it corrupted if once a man drawe it to any other beginning and to a mans body to which yeeres doe bring an heape of al kinde of euils To be short to the most healthful and temporate body in the world age is euen as sickenes it selfe I saye then that antiquitie alone ought to make vs thinke that in the Church there is a great sickenesse and much filthynes and that euen for this cause alone without any longer confutation it behooueth vs to bring a broome to purge it and to call for a Physition so farre is it of that for these things a man should mayntayne that she is pure and sound as they do Furthermore I demaund howe they will aunswere vnto the heathen yea to Saynt Austine him selfe who sayeth that Ierusalem began by Abel and Babylon by Rain Also that the promise was by Isaac and the bastardise by Ismael which was the elder Consequently what would they haue answered vnto the Iewes in the time of our Sauiour Iesus Christe if that antiquitie had beene a true marke of the Church They sayde that they were the children of Abraham Nowe he was called the Father of the beleeuers For they had their genealogie from the creation of the first man They could haue alledged the couenantes that were made of olde betweene God and them And after that Christe was sent vnto them according to these promises vnder the shadowe of this antiquitie they called him the Carpenters sonne a Samaritan one that hath the deuill a Preacher of noueltie and there is great likelyhood that if our masters had beene then there in that time seeing that they keepe the selfe same argumentes they would haue holpen to haue crucified him Nowe we say likewise that Antichrist who was foretolde vnto vs entered into this ruinous house whiles the most part was a sleepe in this dead sleepe of antiquitie in steade of that was said vnto them Watch pray that the subtillest lent him their hād till he had turned all topsituruie and yet men would not know him Furthermore I demaund what they wil aunswere vnto the Greeke Churches the Armenians Ethiopians c. founded by the Apostles as olde as the Church of Rome yea and elder too seeing that the Church of Christ as we know tooke her beginning from the East to the West If antiquitie be a marke of puritie they are pure if they be pure the Latine Church in comparison to their iudgemēt is most impure If they be heretikes impure as the Latine Church doth hold them then it followeth that antiquitie is not a marke to proue the puritie or veritie of the Church Howe then shal we reiect antiquitie nay rather we embrace it with all our heartes a great deale better then our aduersaries but in such fort we embrace it as the auncientest of tymes be asked heard before al our fathers and alwaies according to this most certaine rule that Primum quodque verissimū that the first things are truest that is to say that when there shal be any question of a pure Church we looke into the word of God what she hath bene of olde time that we draw her from the rust of our euils which she hath gotten through age so restore her vnto the beauty integritie of her youth See then how we ought to honour antiquitie to reforme our selues according vnto it and not to suffer our selues to be corrupted with the rust and so to perish vnder the shadow of it This is the rule which our master hath giuen vs When there was question concerning diuorce that Moses had agreed vnto the people for the hardnes of their heartes they had a prescription long inough if prescriptiō might haue had place against the institution of God Notwithstanding he answereth in one woorde It was not so from the beginning that is to say there was no such ordināce of god Tertullian saith Prescriptiō is nothing against the trueth neither time nor authority of persons nor priuiledges of kingdomes For there is no foolish custome which can haue authority against the trueth Now Christ is called the trueth and not custome And if Christ be alwaies more aūcient then al then also is trueth more auncient then al customes Heresies haue alwaies bin vāquished by the trueth not by noueltie and whatsoeuer is contrarie to this trueth it is heresie although it be neuer so olde a custome Cyprian saith we must not regard that which any other hath done before vs but we must regard that which Christ hath dōe which is before all for we must not followe the custome of men but the trueth of god Againe he saith custome without trueth is an old errour the Lord hath said I am the trueth and not I am custome Ignatius saith all my antiquitie is Iesus Christ whō not to heare is manifest perdition See then howe the most auncient sende vs alwaies to laye holde vpon the trueth which is
most auncient of all For this is alwaies a ryght rule and to be receiued that those thinges which are nought worth in the beginning are no whit better in the continuāce of time and if a mā cannot prescribe against kings and against the Church in their possessions much lesse he can doe it against God and against the trueth which is the only treasure of the Church Nowe let vs come to multitude it is saide expressely thou shalt not follow a multitude to do euill Also the gate is wide that leadeth to perdition Cōtrary wise feare not my little flocke for it is my fathers pleasure to giue you a kingdome Moreouer we see that all the worlde was brought to one onely Noah and afterwards to Abraham Then God chose one people of Israel the least as he hath said of al peoples and finally of all peoples the least part to wit Christendome which for this cause he calleth a litle flocke According to which S. Austin saith that the Church was sometimes in one Abel and in one Enoch Multitude then shoulde be rather a presumption of the false then of the true Church of impuritie rather then of puritie for asmuch also as man in all things is prone by nature to euill and tendeth not vnto good vnlesse he be as it were drawen by force vnto it If we looke to the number of Painims they will set against vs in al nations almost many against one and againe all nations against one only nation yea and in that nation it selfe all the families of one time against one or two as namely in the time of Noah those which were called the childrē of God mocked him his religion Likewise amongst this chosen people of God the Samaritans bare themselues against Iuda for there were ten tribes against two and in Iuda Israel the idolaters gained against the people of God for Elias cōplaineth that he was left alone against the good Prophet Micheas there arose vp foure hundred false the Prophets crie that all the people were deceiued euen from the Kings to the Priests Prophets In the Christian Church also there shall be as fewe in that place for euen at the beginning it was saide Who hath beleeued our word to whom hath the arme of the Lord bin reueiled we read that it was brought to a small number of persons the schoolemen themselues hold that after the death of our Sauiour in one instant it consisted in the virgine Marie alone In the greatest floure of it we reade that after the death of Constantine his sonne being of the same name fauoring the Arrians there were so few sounde professors amongst the Christians that the Emperour reproched thē that foure or fiue persōs with their Athanasius would trouble the peace of the whole worlde to whom Liberius the Byshop of Rome answered that his solitude or fewenesse did no whit diminish the word of faith In the end we are aduertised that when that sonne of man shall come before which that sonne of perdition must seduce the worlde he shal finde neither faith nor charitie on the earth and that those daies shall be as the daies of Noah Lot c. The eclipse thē of this Moone shal be as it were vniuersall all the whole earth being put betweene the Church and the Sunne therefore if we haue no other direction in these darkenesses then the multitude we shall haue no part with that little number Moreouer the Christians which reiect the Pope in Asia and in Affrica are a great many moe in number then the others If the Pope hold them for pure Churches then is the Romaine Church an heretike for she condemneth them and excōmunicateth them for diuers points of doctrine If not then multitude which is a common argument to the impure Churches themselues can not be alledged for a marke of puritie And yet for all this we cease not to praise GOD for the blessing which he hath giuen vnto his woorde making the same to fructifie and encrease to hundreds and to thousandes likewise we pray that as he hath already drawen a part of Christendome frō vnder the yoke of Antichrist so it wil please him to continue it more more But we say that if in certayne places it seeme that God do retire but few as the Pastor that saueth from the mouth of the Lion an eare of his sheepe as saith the Prophet Amos or according to Ieremie taking one of one towne two of one tribe for to retire them into the restauratiō of his Church yet for this cause we must not cal the trueth into doubt for asmuch as the selfe same trueth hath foretolde vs this the great number is no marke of puritie veritie nor the litle number of falshood and heresie Nowe followeth the succession of place and of persons which they alledge against the succession of true doctrine which we require in the Church As concerning the place there is no doubt but that this is to play the Iewes to enclose Orbem in Vrbe that is the whole worlde in one citie For the Church is not any longer tyed to Ierusalem but we see euery day that God calleth his people euen those which seemed not to be his people and contrarywise he hath permitted by his righteous will that many Christian Churches haue bene turned into the Temples of the Turkes as that of Ephesus foūded by S. Paul and S. Iohn and that of Bōne in Barbary wher S. Austin preached c. And further that is said expressely that the Church of God for a long time by reason of the persecution of Antichrist shall retire her selfe into the wildernes as the common glose it selfe doth expound Moreouer the Church is a citie that is to say one vniō of Citizens vnder the iust gouernement of Christ Now betweene a citie and a towne there is this difference that the one cōsisteth in walles the other in the vnion of the people gouerned vnder the same lawes therefore the citie of Rome was at Veies with Camillus being a banished man though the towne of Rome was in the hand of the enemie And Themistocles saide that Athens was in shippes which the Romanes had taught the poore Carthagians to their cost when they made their Citie to be caried out of their towne To be short the Popes thē selues haue maintayned for lxxx yeeres together that the Romish Church had her sea in Auigniō although they had forsaken Rome Moreouer this argument is common to the Churches Greekes Syrians Armenians Ethiopians c. whom the Pope condemneth in many poynts of doctrine To conclude if euer there were Church that might alledge succession of place it was Ierusalem For of it was said The Lord wil euermore dwel in this Temple Also I haue chosen and sanctified this house to the ende that my name may
the pure Church Concerning miracles if a man speake of those which were wrought either in the publication of the lawe by Moses or in the confirmation of the Gospel by Iesus Christ his Apostles it is certaine that they were generally wrought aswel for the Samaritans as for the Iewes for heretikes as for sincere sound professours for the pure churches as for the impure forasmuch as the onely question is towards one to shewe the true God giuing forth the lawe towards the others the true Christ promised in the lawe whom both the one the other make profession to receiue worship And therefore this argumēt is common to both two Concerning the other which they alledge specially in that same state in which we say Antichrist heareth dominiō I say they are false in effect because they heare witnesse to falshood but if they had any true yet they are not therefore sure testimonies of the trueth The heathen had their deuilish miracles in the temples of their false gods some in effect true as may appeare by all their histories Simon Magus who would be ack nowledged for Christ wrought miracles So likewise did Apollonius Tianeus and Apuleus of Madaure But these for the most part might be illusiōs the which the deuil wrought to abuse fooles hauing nothing as S. Augustine saith more agreeable to this then their outward senses But God wrought those great miracles among the Samaritanes in their strongest Idolatrie as when he made the Assyrians to be eaten of Lyons for to reuenge his contēpt among his enemies not to authorize the faultes abuses of the people He wrought some in the time of those heresies next before the cōming of Christ to shewe the power of his name to al nations Yea it should not seeme straunge when he will worke such in lands newly found for to vāquish the deuils which reigned there Al this then is too litle to be a marke of the pure Church vnlesse the churches of the Samaritans the heretikes of the former times had bene pure churches This is that which S. Augustine answered to the Donatists which would proue their doctrine by miracles You alledge sayth he miracles in which a man is not to be heard in respect of the place but in regard of his desire We wil not proue our church neither by succession of Bishops neither by the authoritie of councels nor by the nūber of miracles nor by visions nor dreames All such things are to be allowed so farre foorth as they are done in the Catholike Church but they proue not that the Church is Catholike for that dependeth vpon the scriptures Our Sauiour Christ hideth not this from vs that he wil cast into euerlasting fire those that haue wrought miracles in his name This is not then as our aduersaries say a gift that sanctifieth them that do them It is also foretold vs that many false Christes shall come with miracles to seduce if it were possible euen the elect And S. Paul saith that Antichrist shal come according to the efficacie of Sathan in all power signes miracles of deceit This then is as litle a gift of the spirit sāctifying and purifying the Church This is more for some of these miracles shal not be altogether false in effect but onely in their end that is because they tend to a false end to establish the seate of Antichrist as saint Augustine hath taught vs vpon this place and Saynt Iohn Chrysostome when hee saith that there are miracles not onely of illusion but true and effectuall tending to bring in falshood Now if miracles approue the puritie of the Church and the trueth of doctrine then Antichrist hath gained his cause if not it is so farre of that the miracles wrought vnder the Papall sea ought to be alledged for confirmation of puritie that rather quite contrary seeing that no other miracles are promised before the comming of Christ but his owne we should suspect that the Romane Sea is that prodigious sea of Antichrist which was before foretolde vs Let vs folow thē amiddest these difficulties the instruction that Iesus Christ hath giuen to all Christians in the person of his Disciples There were miracles wrought before his birth but none were nere accōpanying his owne birth therfore there could be no abuse in it In his life time there were an infinit sort wrought of which they were made eye witnesses he being fastened to the crosse dead buried afterwardes they sawe him eate and drinke with them But of al those famous Magiciās their inchantments died with them neither was there euer one raysed vp againe For it was inough for him to say vnto them at his departure You haue seene the singular miracles which I haue wrought You ought therefore no more to doubt that I am that same anoynted which was promised vnto you Contrariwise he sendeth them to the Prophetes to Moses to the Psalmes and to be short to the holy Scriptures to the ende they may there marke what they haue seene and what was therefore told them by the Spirite of God and that what he had foretold them was now also accomplished Touching reuelations and visions which are a kinde of miracles we haue the plaine text which decideth this matter If there shall arise saith the Lorde amiddest thee a false propher or a dreamer of dreames and that the signe or miracle which he hath told thee come to passe saying Let vs followe straunge gods c. hearken not to the words of this Prophet c. There are then both Prophets and visions true in effect and yet false in theyr ende and triall which triall is doctrine as is to be seene in this place Lykewyse when Saint Iohn to the ende to keepe vs from false prophetes exhorteth vs to proue the Spirites by and by he addeth Hereby shall you knowe the Spirit of God Euery Spirite that confesseth that Iesus Christ is come in the fleshe is of God c. that is to say proue the spirites by the doctrine which they preach Therefore Saul Cayphas haue prophecied but as S. Augustine saith as Balaās Asse once spoke and yet for all that they myght haue once spoken the trueth For the deuil him selfe to couller his lying some times speaketh trueth We conclude then that all the foresaide markes are not the infallible markes of the sounde and pure Church First because they be not substantial but outwarde Secondly because they are common aswell to falsehood as to trueth But that they may be markes they ought to put a difference Thirdly they neede to be proued and approued by another marke to witte doetrine to be short seeing it is said that in the ende Antichrist shall come and seduce the greatest part of the people and that he shall sitte in the Temple of GOD that is to saye in the Churche it selfe and in one of the
by this argument as much or more aucthoritie ouer the Scriptures then it I aske of the indifferentest amongest them who shal iudge but the Scriptures And if they iudge the Scriptures who shall pronounce sentence ouer them If the Easte Churches shall then the Romishe Churche hath loste her Cause If the Church of Rome then thys shall hee in another respecte then of keeping the Scriptures If they saye it bee by their pretended prerogatiue of Saynt Peters Seate it is meete that they prooue it by the Scriptures And therefore marke Peters Sea which doeth take vpon it to iudge the Scriptures beyng yet subiecte to the Scripture it selfe Furthermore I praye euerye man to examine this conclusion The Church of GOD hath kept the Scripture The Church beareth witnesse of the Scripture Ergo shee is aboue the Scripture The edictes of a Prince are registred in all his Countries The lawes are gathered together and written by Clarkes All Contractes and bargaines are subsigned by witnesses And yet for all that he that woulde saye that they were aboue the Kinges aboue the lawes contracts hee shoulde make him selfe a laughing stocke If they say that the Lawes of God haue no place neyther more nor lesse then edictes of some Princes except they be agreeable to the worde of God I answere them that it is not the Church of God that hath this priuiledge for shee is the Spouse of Christ and hath learned to obey her husbande without anye examination of his commaundement and must by and by holde her peace assoone as shee heareth his woord For she knoweth also that the wisedome of her husband whose will is the rule of doctrine is not like that of Princes which it is necessarye to examine whether it bee honest and profitable Ciuile or vnciuile but if they be so stiffe for the obteyning of this priuiledge yet let them agree with mee herein that this is that assemblie which hath lyfted vp it selfe aboue all that is called GOD which fearing to bee discomfited by the Spirite of his mouth woulde therefore moussell and stoppe vp hys mouth all that it might The place of Saynt Augustine which they alledge maketh nothing agaynst that which hath bene sayde before I woulde not sayeth hee beleeue the Gospell vnlesse the aucthoritye of the Church constrained or moued me Ni me Ecclesiae Catholicae commoueret authoritas where it is specially to be noted that according to the style of Affricke Commoueret is taken for commouisset that is to say I had not beleeued the Gospell vnlesse the consent of the vniuersall Church had moued mee thereto hee meaneth not that the holy Ghost had not such a style as myght make it selfe sufficientlye knowen from other wrytings of men For he him selfe instructeth vs in this matter in many places Much lesse meaneth hee that the Church shoulde be aboue the Gospell For it is by the Gospell that hee examineth all the Churches of his tyme but rather that the vniuersall consent of the Churches the which receiued such such bookes for the Gospels of Christ made that he could not doubt but that they were so and that the apostles whose names thei did beare were true authours of them No otherwise then as the consent of manye ages acknowledging such and such bookes to be Ciceroes Hippocrates and Platoes doe assure vs that they were theirs These were his very words against the Manichees themselues who denyed part of the holy scriptures in another place Oh vnhappie enemies saith he of your owne soules What Scriptures shal be had in price if the Euangelicall and Apostolicall bee not Of what booke shall men hold the certaine authour if a man doubt that those holy books which the Church holdeth were of the Apostles shoulde not be theirs Who shall knowe whether the bookes of Plato Hippocrates Aristotle Cicero were theirs vnles it be for that frō their time euen vnto ours alwayes mē haue bene perswaded that they came frō hand to hand c. Like as then I beleeue that the books of Manichee are his because men haue beleeued that they came thence frō hand to hand so also I beleeue the booke of S. Matth. because euē vntil vs the church hath so held The questiō is not thē in this place whether the writings of the Apostles haue any voice to determine matters in the church for as we haue already shewed S. Aug. teacheth vs that in a M. places but only whether such and such scriptures were the Apostles yea or no. For the heretikes denied not but that the books of the Apostles had such authority as they must be obeyed but they denyed that they were theirs because that if they had once allowed thē they knew that they must of necessity rest in them And yet they pretēded that they were neuer a whitte lesse the church then the Romane church doth For they helde that Manichee the chiefe of their secte was the holy Ghoste him selfe But this was a blasphemie not yet knowen to the most damnablest heretikes that euer were that the holye Scripture was subiect to the Church and that without her as one of the Popes Chāpions of our time saith it hath no more aucthority thē Esops fables The Iewes haue taught the Gentiles that the Olde Testament was the worde of God and manye of the Gentiles beleeued it better thē the Iewes The Gentiles haue kept for the Christians many good and auncient bookes and haue taught them that such and such were the authours of them and yet for all that they haue not giuen anye credyte vnto them The bookeseller will teach vs that such a booke is Hippocrates woorke and yet for all that hee shall not be a physitian as Hippocrates was For it is one thing to beleeue the word of any some man an other thing to be the authour of a booke This is that which was saide long agoe by a great learned man That the Church is true or vndouted but as we say by occasiō because she beleeueth the trueth of the Scripture but the holye Scripture is simplie true of it selfe For it is the trueth it self There foloweth another argument that the Church is before the Scripture Ergo it is aboue the Scripture When we speake of the Scripture we vnderstand the word of God the which at the first was not written and afterward was written aswell by Gods owne finger as by the pennes of his seruants inspired by his holy spirite as we haue before declared But now I would demaund of them from whence they fetch the beginning of the Church If from the creation of man and before sinne entred immediatly after they were created God gaue them a commaundement that they should not touche the tree of knowledge of good and euill and we must not dispute whether they had authoritie aboue this word for why they hauing disobeyed it all the world from man to beastes sighes and grones for it But will they not
ignorance and vanitie wherein we are all borne can vaunt them selues that they are able to walke vprightly without this worde Our aduersaries for to auoyd this place do lessen the sinne of Adam as much as they can lyking rather to accuse God of ●uiltie who for byting of an Apple through simple disobedience hath punished al mankinde and to make of no effect the Crosse of his dearely beloued Sonne whom he hath deliuered to death for the reconciliation of the worlde then to confesse that the Church can erre in the matter of saluation But the doctors of the Christian Church and those that are most sound amongst the Iewes themselues doe teach vs farre otherwise to wit that the sinne of Adam was specially in this that he was turned wholly from God and that he more beleeued the promises of the deuill then the threatnings of his Creator that he pretended to make him selfe equall with God that he sought his felicitie and his knowledge without him and without his worde To be shorte that this was an heresie so neere to infidelitie and a sinne linked with so many sinnes that none other but the Sonne of the eternall God by the only sacrifice of his death coulde be able to repaire and redeeme it Hee forsooke sayth Saint Augustine his God for to be of him selfe and such condemnation followed his pride that he who otherwwyse had a spirituall fleshe had nowe a carnall soule Some man will say that this was a great punishmēt but he that shal think it great cannot be able to measure what a great iniquitie that was to sinne seeing it was so easie for him not to haue sinned For as Abrahams obedience is praised because when he was commaunded to offer vp his sonne being a thing so hard which notwithstanding he obeyed euen so also as great and as incomprehensible a disobedience must it be in Paradise where the commaundement had not any kinde of difficultie Now the obedience of Abraham saith the Scripture proceeded from faith whereof it is that he was called the father of the beleeuers The disobedience then of Adam proceeded from infidelitie whereof it is that he is father of all infidelitie which since that time hath bene and is in all mankinde See then for the first sort of the Church in which one shall see nothing but a growing and continuance from worse to worse euen till the second as maye be seene in the corruption confusion which was in the time of Noah and Abraham and amongest the Israelites in Egypt where GOD reprocheth them that they were bestayned and defiled with all kinde of idolatrie Nowe the whole seconde state of the Church to wit vnder the lawe is full of such like examples God made a couenant with his people of Israel to be their God and that they should be his people the promises of this same couenant they are very great and excellent I will walke in the middest of you I will haue my tabernacle amongst you for euer my name shal be in Ierusalem I haue sanctified it to the ende it may be there alwaies I will answere betweene the two Cherubins But alwayes this condition was set to this couenaunt If you shall be my people if you shall serue me if you shall walke in my commaundements if you shall aske counsell at my mouth c. otherwise he sayth first I wyll chastice you with my roddes to cause you to returne vnto me but if you shall make no accompt of it he addeth straightway afterwards I will reiect the people that shall forsake my lawe I will cast of Iuda from before my face as I haue reiected Israel I wil reproue the Citie of Ierusalem which I haue chosen the house whereof I haue said my name shal be there Euen as I haue done to Silo sayth he euen so will I doe to you yea euen vnto you This is that that the Spirite of God sayth in the time of Asa by the Prophet Azarias The Lorde is with you because you are with him If you seeke him you shall finde him If you forsake him he vvill forsake you And a little after he addeth Wherefore haue ye beene so long time without the true God without a Priest without a Teacher and vvithout the Lawe c. Nowe when the Lorde sayth in a thousand places If ye shall forsake me he putteth not downe any false matter nor impossible thing but a thing that not only oftentimes commeth to passe and is possible but also is so easie and so ordinary or rather so natural to euery assembly of men that in this same Church here which may enioy the manifest presence of the Lord and may heare his voyce when it tooke counsell at his mouth we see by a great many of examples Aaron was a Prophet and a litle after was made high Priest he had seene the wonderful works of God though he had seene them both day and night to go both before behinde him yet notwithstanding he made vnto himself a golden Calfe and he saith vnto the people Beholde O Israel the gods which brought thee out of Egypt If in this question they will vnderstand by the Church the people behold then a strange Idolatrie if they wil vnderstand as they speake the Cleargie then beholde not onely Idolatry but the Church of God euen prostituted to Idols that is to say beholde an adulterous wyfe prouoking her husband as much as lyeth in her to make a diuorce from her Vnder the iudges also so many tyrants as there were which oppressed the Church of Israel so many markes there were of their adulteries Gedeon himselfe after he had felt the power of God by his hand he made an Ephod and the people went a whoring after it Michas also did euen the like the spirite of God hath told vs the cause thereof because that there was not any to gouerne in Israel euery one did that which was right in his owne eies for that the word of the Lord was rare and scant in this time amongst them They had notwithstanding the law of God the arke of the couenant but the mischiefe was that they did neither reade it nor take coūsel of it Now this is not only said Haue the light but walke in it follow it In the daies of Saul it is said that no man sought the Lorde in the arke of the couenant that is to say that no man toke counsel of God in his word and herein we may see the iudgement of God when the Arke was taken by the Philistines to wit that it was for the contempt of God and his worde Vnder Joram Baal was worshipped in Iuda euen vntil the time of Ioas who renued the couenant with the Lorde Vnder King Achas there was a straunge altar euen within the Temple it selfe vpon which he sacrificed to false gods and Vriiah the Priest was
he which made it to be set vp Vnder Manasses Idolatrie was so monstrous so publique and so smitter sall that there appeared not any face of the people or Church of God and the cause thereof is by and by added as before to wit that the lawe of God had beene a long time hidden and buried in such sort that none coulde knowe any more what it was And if men marke what was the state of the Church of Israel he shall see that it was nothyng but publique continuall Idolatrie euen from the beginning of their schisme vntill theyr vtter ouerthrowe These impieties then in the visible Church of that time were not as a folly or sicknesse which passeth lightly away but rather which is here clearely seene vnder the raigne of three or foure Kinges the true seruants of God was tanquam lucida quaedam in furiosis interualla that is to say were as certaine good modes and seasons of right reason in a common rage folly This is that time of which the Prophets cried out You you are called by the name of Israel and you sweare by the name of the Lorde but you serue him not in trueth and in righteousnesse You haue said vnto a piece of wood thou art my father to a stone thou hast begotten me You you haue prostituted your selues vnder euery greene tree You haue abandoned me by the space of innumerable dayes and you haue gods according to the number of your Cities c. To be short all the Prophets which were sent euen vntill the comming of Christ and in all the Prophets all the Chapters are in a maner nothing els but testimonies of the idolatries and adulteries of the Church with strange gods who for the same threatten her and signifie vnto her a diuorce if she do not returne vnto the lord In meane while he that shal marke what maner of band companie that was in this time which our aduersaries call the Church vnderstanding the Cleargie the Priests the Scribes the ordinary prophets a man shal find that the true Prophets which were sent frō God had no greater enemies then they were that they were these that imprisoned them put them to death as troublers of the Church yea so farre foorth that our sauiour Christ sayth that it could not be that a prophet must be murthered out of Ierusalē And whē they said vnto them Turne you vnto the law of the Lord reforme the Church forsake your Idolatries burden not the people with so many of your vaine traditions c. they had the selfe same answere that our aduersaries haue We are the temple of the Lord we are the Church we are the watchmen of the people the law shall not perish from the Priest nor the counsell from the wise nor the word from that Prophet our Church whatsoeuer they say cannot faile Come then let vs strike them with our tongue and let vs not harken to their words But the Prophets shew them very wel how the promises of God ought to be vnderstoode Say ye not Here is the temple of the Lord for I haue abandoned Silo which I haue chosen and I wil reiect you also if you continue c. Say ye not that the lavv shall not perish frō the priest c. for for a lōg season Israel and Iuda was without the true God without a Priest without a Teacher c. Seeke therfore the Lord c. Your Priests saith the Lorde haue broken my lavve and they haue defiled my holy places They haue not saide Where is the Lorde thei vnderstood not my word thei haue not knowē me Your Prophets haue prophecied lies saying The Lorde hath saide thus wheras the Lord neuer spake it They haue prophecied in Baal haue gone after the things that are vaine Your watchmen are blind your prophets are snares of the fouler Thou vvilt demaund a vision of the prophet but the lavv shall perish frō the Priest and the counsell from the auncient the night shal be vnto you for a vision c. The Sunne shall go dovvn ouer the prophets the day shal be darke ouer thē They shal all couer their lips because they shall receiue no answere from god Seeke therfore the Lord you shal find him c. Beholde how the true Prophets who in comparison of these prelats were accompted the of scouring and muck of the world beate backe all their vaine presumptions that they had of not being deceyued To be short the Church of that time was throwen downe farre beneath that of Samaria and of Sodom Her prelates were called the princes of Gomorrha her Councils and assemblies conspiracies and coniurations against the Prophets of God her sacrifices whorish and adulterate And of all those that the Lorde sent to exhort them to reformation there can hardly be found any one that a little while escaped the crueltie of this assemblie which drewe all the titles and prerogatiues of the Church to it selfe In the middest notwitstandyng of this horrible confusion God knew his Church For if the Lorde sayth Esai the Prophet had not restored euen a small remnant they had bene as Sodom and should haue ben like vnto Gomorrha And he saith in another place Behold me Lord my children that is to say the disciples that thou hast giuen me Finally when the Iewes would not hearken to the wholesome exhortations of the Prophetes God would euen constraine them by his mercy and therefore sent them euen saluation it self from heauen to witt Iesus Christ his onely Sonne our lord But the Church behaued it selfe towards him euen likewise He had no greater enemies then the Priestes the Scribes the Doctors the Pharisees that is to say as our aduersaries speake the cleargie and those which had the Lawe committed vnto them and those which seemed to be the light of the Iewishe Church If he spake any thing of the reformation of the Church then said they he would destroye the Temple if of the grace of God by the Messias then he blasphemed against the Lawe if of the kingdome of heauen then he strooke at the maiestie of Cesar if he wrought any miracles that was by the deuil if he alledged the Scriptures then they demaunded of him where were the letters of his Doctourship reproching him that hee was a Carpenters sonne To be short all their arguments against Christ are euen the same that our masters vse against vs We are the children of Abraham we are the keepers of the Scriptures It belongeth to vs to expounde them and not to you who haue not receyued holy orders as we haue done And yet notwithstanding all this these were they that with their gloses traditions and vnwritten verities with their successions interpretations and councills most cruelly persecuted him euen to the snatching him out of the hande of the heathen magistrate who iudged him innocent that
they deeme spoyled him selfe of his Empire to enriche them Chrysost sayeth Whosoeuer of the Bishoppes shall desire primacye in earth he shall find confusiō in heauen he that shall desire to be the chiefe he shall not be reputed in the nomber of the seruaunts of Christ Gregory the great Bishop of Rome when the Bishop of Constātinople would attribute vnto him selfe that Supremacy he sayth not that he doeth wrong to Saint Peter or that hee withholdeth vsurpeth the right of the Bishoppes of Rome but rather he protesteth that this vvas a prophane title full of sacriledge and the fore-running of Antichrist and that this was to say with Lucifer I will ascend aboue the cloudes and will make my selfe equall to the high God. That none of his predecessours tooke vpon them to be aboue their brethren cōpanions And if there vvere any such amongst thē he falling downe al the Church should stūble fal vvith him That this vvere to destroy all christianitie And after many such other woordes he pronounceth this generall sentence That vvhosoeuer shal call himselfe vniuersal Bishop or shall desire to be so called that he is the forerunner of Antichrist forasmuch as through pride he axalteth him selfe aboue all As touching him self he flatly refused it and prayed Eulogius the Bishop of Alexandria not to giue him this proude name Hee acknowledgeth that the Bishoppes of Alexandria and Antioche are as well in Peters chaire as they of Rome to be short that Peter Paul Andrevv Iohn c. they are al particular heads of the people vvhom they gouerne but all members vnder one head vvhich is Christ hovvsoeuer they holde Peter for chiefe amongest them I beseech the readers that they will take paines to reade vpon this matter the epistles of Saint Gregory and there they shall finde the condemnation of this Supremacie more expressely then yet I haue said To conclude the Emperours haue called generall Councils the patriarks and. Metropolitanes those that were Nationall and prouincial They that were Patriarkes euery one was president ouer the See of his patriarchshippe and not the Bishoppe of Rome nor his deputies in general councils The patriarks or chiefe Bishoppes went not to seeke their Palls at Rome but were Canonically elected ouer those places The Bishoppe of Rome as appeareth by those Epistles them selues of Gregorye the great when hee was chosen exhibited vnto them the confession of hys fayth by a Synodall Epistle as they did to him Eche one of them had an Ecclesiasticall iudgement ouer his owne and none appealed from them no not the Bishoppes them selues beyond the Sea who had no Patriarke in the Sea of Rome I demaunde then by what marke they can shewe vs that Supremacy in the aunciēt Primitiue church be it but by the positiue lawe of man And yet notwithstanding wee see the course from time to time and from Councill to Councill vntill the yeere of our LORD sixe hundred and more when Phocas the Emperour killed his master Maurice and inuaded the Empire and to get fauour of the Romanes after so cursed and detestable murther gayned Boniface the third their Bishop declaring him to be head of the Church and Bishoppe of Bishoppes against that that Gregory his predecessour had a litle before so hotelye fought against If the Church had bene so long time without a head what did the members then And if Iesus Christ were the head then why lesse nowe Also whēce commeth it that when the Bishoppe of Rome was not acknowledged for such a one it had such strength and alwayes afterwards grewe weaker and decayed Againe is it not notable that all the auncient Churche was ignorant of so healthfull a doctrine hidden in the holy Scripture and that Boniface the third shoulde be the firste that shoulde fynde it out That such so necessary priuiledges should be concealed for the space of sixe hundred yeeres in the most happy ages and to the most quick sighted persons which euer were That so many Christian Emperors should make no account of it and one Phocas an execrable murtherer should be the first to giue authority vnto it But as the papacie must needes spring of the ruines of Rome the second beast of the Carrion of the first so also must it needes he that the supremacie of the Bishop of Rome as that of the first kings was must bee founded and buylded vpon murther Against these decrees of the generall councills they blush not to alledge vnto vs those goodly bookes of Clement whereof we haue spoken a litle before that same ridiculous epistle of Anaclet That Cephas is asmuch to say as head of the church that same authentical reuelation of Pope Marcellus of Peters seate to be remoued from Antioch to Rome and such other beggerly trumperie of that decree which some euen of their owne side do deride Also certaine other epistles of Pope Leo who laboureth therby asmuch as he can to make vs credit the latine Church But we know that none must be iudge in his owne cause and if as Gerson Panormitan say One lay man may set himselfe hauing the holy Scripture on his side against a vvhole generall councill vvhich erreth from it By a more strong reason maye the whole primitiue Church oppose it selfe all the whole Scripture hauing al the general councils on her side that were for the space of 600. yeres against the tyrānie of one man alone which cannot alledge any thing but his owne ambition yea against the decretall epistles of some Popes yet for the most part but shuffled in vnder the name of some of the auncient fathers I will not denie notwithstanding that a good time the bishops of Rome had not attempted to establishe a spirituall monarchie at Rome according to the example of the temporall which made them to be enuied For the Church of God began by Abel as Saint Augustine saith and Babylon by Cain and likewise it is not to be doubted but that very quicklye after the foundations of the Christian Church were layde Sathan layd also the foundations of Antichrist In Paul his time the mysterie of iniquitie began to worke when one said that hee was of Apollo another that he was of Paul and another of Cephas Victor the bishop of Rome enterprised to excommunicate all Asia for the feast of Easter but he was most liuely reprooued by Irenee Steuen also receiued the schismatiques of Affricke against the Sentence of the Churche that they should not appeale beyond the Sea but Cyprian calleth him proud and ignorant and the councill of Affricke holden about the selfe same time setteth it selfe against him Iulius in the time of Constantine beganne to establishe his Empire but the councill of Nice limitted him his power bringing him to the bound and skantling of others Yea in the sixth council of Carthage where Saint Augustine was present three bishops of Rome one after another
were so impudent as to falsifie a decree of the council of Nice bringing foorth in steade thereof the articles of the councill of Sardes yet corrupted and falsified pretending that from all parts men might appeale to the bishop of Rome But the fathers of the councill had learned well to saye that they would not beleeue those productions and therfore sent to the originalls and they being seene they pronounced the quite contrary Leo the first receiued Eutyches condemned by Flauianus the bishop of Constantinople for a time mainteyned him against him whereupon his heresie first tooke footing and grewe which might then at once haue bene quenched But none approued this vsurpation To be short in the time of Chrysostome this ambition was so great amongest them that he complained that to obteine supremacie the bishops of Rome had filled the Churches with blood had defiled the Supper of the Lord with murthers vntill they had vtterly for it destroyed whole cities And he that will see the ciuil warres for they likewise name them which were at Rome betweene Damasus and Vrsicius in the time of Saint Hierome whether of them should be bishop and afterwards betweene Laurence and Symmachus he maye reade them in Ruffinus Amian Marcellin and their owne Pontificall it selfe And howsoeuer it were all the contentions that were made by the bishops of Rome in the auncient Church yea till the time of the murthering of Phocas for the supremacie looke how many they were they were alwaies arguments from age to age and as determined sentences against them in so much that they alwayes lost their cause whatsoeuer instāce they made or whatsoeuer diligence they vsed in pleading of it But they will obiecte vnto me that neuerthelesse the bishop of Rome hath helde the chiefe place amongst the Patriarches I agree thereto but yet I deuie that it was to commaunde others And in deede it is expressely said that he shall not be called vniuersall bishop but onely the bishop of the first See. I say moreouer that this is not in respect that he was the successour of S. Peter and lesse by vertue of those places alledged out of the holy Scripture But because that in seates there must be a first a second place according to humame order I say that this was ordeyned in consideration of that order wherby the citie of Rome was set aboue others If it had bene by the Scriptures it should haue bene a wonderfull thing that for 600. yeeres together these mysteries should haue bene hidden from the Church If in respecte of the founder why not rather at Antioche and at Alexandria after Gregorie or to all other bishopricks after Cusan who saith that all bishops are Peters successors equall in the essentiall dignitie although they differ in the administration and gouernment as the bishops of Spaine themselues haue disputed in the last councill of Trent Moreouer that Hierusalem should be the first and not the fourth seeing the Saluation of the world did there gouerne Or why is Antioche whereof Saint Peter was bishop put after Alexandria which can alledge nothing but the succession of Saint Marke his disciple To be short what hurt hath Saint Iohn the welbeloued disciple of our Lord done vnto them who so long time preached in Ephesus which notwithstanding is not nombred amongst the patriarchall cities Or what newe Apostle hath founded Constantinople three hundred yeres after the death of our Lord to attribute vnto it the second See But there is none that hath but a litle iudgement that doth not well enough marke that all the preeminences of these Sees rather proceede from the rancke and places which their cities holde then from the establishment of Christian religion Rome was then the seat of the Empire and the glorie of all the world good learning there flourished it was the chiefe of all the peoples of the earth and therefore when all the bishops were gathered together they gaue the bishop of Rome the first place for ciuilitie and courtesies sake Likewise wee reade in the histories that Alexandria and Antioch were after Rome the most famous cities and according to that degree which their gouernours helde they also helde their bishopprickes And concerning Ierusalem that was so greatly accompted of for the first originall of true Religion and therefore likewise was not reckoned in the least place for Plinie calleth it the head of all the East but yet her place was ill kept after she had lost her first glorie Afterwards Constantinople came to be builded which was called the second Rome And then also we see the councill of Constantinople where there were sixe hundreth bishops who gaue vnto it the second place which had not bene done if they had had regard to the degree of the founder and not to the degree of the citie by reason of whose might also this dignitie was confirmed vnto it by the Emperour Iustinian Aquila in Italie was called the second Rome Also there was a Patriarchship there established yea Rauenna it selfe was a long time holden not to be subiecte to Rome and it had her owne Cardinalls apart and by themselues and as Venice beganne to growe great so it had the Patriarchship of Grado for it To be short he that shall marke from countrey to countrey the erection of patriarchships and archbishopricks he shal finde no other consideration then this the same that Pope Lucinus saith alledged by Gratian That at the first they instituted Primates of the Church according to temporall policie Also Pope Clement himselfe saith That where there were chiefe Priests of the Painims there they established Primats of Christians the which is repeated in the same wordes by Peter Lombard in his fourth booke of Sentences The councill of Chalcedon wherein notwithstanding the earnest requests of Pope Leo the first the second See was giuen to the Citie Constantinople vseth also the same woordes The fathers vpon good righte with one consent agreed that the priuiledge of the first See should belong vnto olde Rome because of the Empire there and wee also moued with the same consideration agree that the second shal be at new Rome And in the 12. Act of the same council the reasoning betwixt the bishop of Nice of Basianopolis is grounded vpon the dignitie of the cities And to cut of all such controuersies this Canon was there passed That these Cities onely shoulde be holden for Metropolitans to which Kings and Princes had done this honor by their statutes And the Council of Thurin there addeth That if the earthly superioritie were translated from one Citie to another that then the right of the Archbishoprick should be translated likewise To be short when the seate of the Empire was translated to newe Rome that is to say to Constantinople we see that the Bishop of that place by by tooke vnto himselfe the primacie whereof they held euen as much as they coulde and when that
which for the agreeing of two persons onely woulde refuse to handle againe a processe whereof there had bene a determinate sentence giuen by the Parliament before This therfore is in the Romish Cōsistory where there is manifest doubt of their doctrine or else foule and shamefull lacke of charitie and that in such a wayghtie case as concerneth the saluation of the more part of Christendome To be short we agree and are knitte together in the doctrine of the Bible with all Christians but we reiect the pestilent gloses and traditiōs of the Pope we haue bene willing brotherly to communicate the trueth to our brethren with the danger of our life in the middest of their Churches and contrarywise the Pope in stead of hearkening vnto vs fearing to be discouered hath excommunicated chased and driuen vs out It is therfore the Pope and his greasie ones which haue broken the Communion of the vniuersall Church not we who to keepe vs in are readie to submitte our selues to al reason to abide all dangers Secōdly that they alledge altar against altar if we shall consider the nature of the Christian Church it is not much from the purpose In auncient tyme vnder the law there was but one Temple and one altar without which they were forbidden to sacrifice whereupon we see yet that the Iewes which were scattered throughout the world myght not sacrifice And therefore those which set vp altars in Dan and Bethel albeit that they had not sacrificed but to the true God and according to the sacrifices ordayned in the lawe yet they were guiltie of death because they had broken the expresse ordinaunce of God who woulde haue obedience and not sacrifice and because that in Iesus Christ to come figured by one citie of Hierusalem by one Temple and by one altar they ought to withdrawe themselues from the societie of all other people This is the cause that we reade not that the Prophetes established any order of the seruice of God in any other place although that the Temple of Hierusalem were defiled with idolatrie but rather that they preached opēly against those which mayntained it yet without sacrificing any where else But by the cōming of Iesus Christ as we haue often sayde it is altogether otherwyse For all the worlde is Hierusalem the temple and the altar of the Lorde We pray not any longer towardes the East but on euery side to which we turne vs wee turne to God we looke alwayes to Iesus Christ When therefore the Apostles preaching Christ coulde not be receyued into Hierusalem preaching Christ in the temple they preached him in houses and when they were yet dryuen away they shooke of the duste of their feete in witnesse agaynst them and went and preached else where When also they were forewarned by the holie Ghost of Gods vengeance to come vpon that Citie that had crucified Christ the anoynted they made no difficultie sayeth Eusebius to withdrawe the assemblie that is to say the true Ierusalem and the true children of Abraham from thence to gather them together into the little towne of Pella neere Iordan If therefore the temples of Constantinople are turned into the temples and Churches of Mahomet Christians may serue God and sacrifice to him the sacrifices of prayse and thankesgiuing at Pera harde by Constantinople And if Antichrist bee sette downe in the Church of Rome amiddest his temples we may serue Christ in the porche and if we may not preache agaynst him vnder the roofe of the Church we wyll doe it vnder the roofe of heauen which is euen aswell the Temple of the Lorde And this is the cause why being forbidden by kings and Princes vpon payne of rebellion to preache in Temples agaynst the Idolatrie which is there committed and agayne beyng likewyse expressely commaunded by God to auoyde Idoles and to publishe the trueth wee haue gathered the true faithfull thyther where we myght serue God together according to his worde and we haue withdrawen Hierusalem into the towne of Pella by the example of the Apostles and according to the libertie which Iesus Christ hath gyuen to the Vniuersall Church But by separating our selues from Rome we haue remayned in the heauenly Ierusalem founded vpon the doctrine of the Apostles from which it hath separated it selfe and wee haue not buylt an altar against the altar of the Lorde for Rome is not the peculiar seate of the Lords altar but rather an altar of Christ against the altar of Antichrist a temple of lyuing stones founded vpon the chiefe master stone of the corner agaynst the temples of idoles buylded vpon the stone of offence which is Antichrist There is therefore a notable difference betweene Hierualem and Rome and consequently it is one thing to separat from the faction of Rome that can hardly deserue the name of a member and an other from the Catholique and Vniuersall Church Hierusalem was the Temple of the Lord and at this day the whole worlde is his Temple in comparison of which Rome is nothing To Hierusalem was promised the Sonne of God to Rome the sonne of perdition And from this peculiar Temple of God the Apostles withdrewe themselues for that it refused saluation yea that they myght not perishe in her destruction they remoued the Christians into another place From the cōmunication or fellowshippe therefore of the Church of Rome which worshippeth and vpholdeth perdition wee holde our selues bounde to withdrawe our selues if we will not draw vpon vs the heauy vēgeance of God which is prepared for all those that remaine therein Thirdlye it is one thing to withdrawe our selues from the papacie and another thing to goe away from the poore Church that is there holden vnder captiuitie Euen altogether like as it is one thing to flie from a Citie and another to flie from the pestilence that is in the Citie And it is one thing for a man to withdrawe him selfe from the common Wealth and another from the power of a tyranne that vsurpeth the common weale They that flie the pestilence are ready to come to the Citye againe when the plague is gone and they that auoide tyrannie are readye to ioyne them selues againe to the Citizens that were vnder tyrannie as soone as it shall be banished Yea which is more they are in the Citye and in the Common weale in heart and spirite suffering together with their fellowe Burgesses and Citizens bewayling their bondage and purchasing their deliuerance by all the meanes they can deuise where as the tyrants that keepe that Citie they that are there seeme rather to be shut vp frō all cōmunaltie or fellowship not onely of the common weale but also as Cicero sayeth from all mankinde euen as Thrasibulus was beeing gone aside frō Philes during the time that thirtie Tyrantes did teare in pieces the common weale of Athens And as Camillus at Veies during the time that the Gaules wasted the citie of Rome And