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A17219 Questions of religion cast abroad in Helvetia by the aduersaries of the same: and aunswered by M. H. Bullinger of Zurick: reduced into .17. common places. Translated into Englishe by Iohn Coxe. 1572 Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Coxe, John. 1572 (1572) STC 4074; ESTC S113230 103,005 301

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Articles I haue here breefly set folowing in order The Common places which are handled in these Questions 1 OF the holy Trinitie Fol. 1. 2 Of the holy Christian Church and of the Churche of Rome eodem 3 Of Counsels and decrees of the church Fol. 30. 4 Of Free will. Fol. 43. 5 Of fayth and good workes Fol. 46. 6 Of the intercession inuocation and worshipping of Saincts Fol. 58. 7 Of Relikes Images and suche lyke Fol. 70. 8 Of purgatory and prayers for the dead Fol. 75 9 Of Sacraments Fol. 83. 10 Of Baptisme of children and of the Anabaptistes Fol. 85. 11 Of the Lords supper and receyuing thereof Fol. 88. 12 Of the sacrifice of the Masse Fol. 103. 13 Of repentaunce and Confession Fol. 108. 14 Of the authoritie of Priestes Fol. 116. 15 Of Mariage vowes and Chastitie Fol. 120. 16 Of Enoyling Fol. 139. 17 Of the Magistrate and lawefull obedience Fol. 141. The fyrst Common place Of the holy Trinitie The first question What they doe thinke of the holy Trinitie The Answere TOuching the holy Trinitie I doe beléeue all that which the true and sacred woorde of God dothe teache to acknoweledge beléeue To witte that there is one only true and liuing God in Trinitie one I say vndeuided in substāce and thrée distinct parsons God the father God the sonne and God the ho y ghost being of like power and equally to be worshipped So are we taught Deut. 6. Exod. 20. Matth. 18. Luke 1. Iohn 1. 3. 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 14. 15. 16. and 17. Rom. 1. and. 9. 1. Corinth 8. 1. Iohn 5. Likewise we confesse the true faithe of the Trinitie contained in the twelue Articles of our Christian faithe where we say I beleeue in God the father in his only begotten sonne and in the holy ghoste And therefore what so euer in times past hath bene written or taught againste this Doctrine by Praxeas Arius Macedoni● and suche like yea and whatsoeuer the Jewes Turkes Michael Seruetus that Spaniard with their adherentes haue written we abhorre and detest assenting only to the olde holy Apostolike Church The second Common place Of the holy christiā church of the church of Rome The seconde Question Whether they beleue in one holy Catholike and Apostolical church The Answere LIke as there is cōtained and expressed ▪ in the. xij Articles of our christian faith so do I beléeue that ther is one holy and Catholike church and that the same or the Sainctes which are therin be partakers of all the grace and giftes of Christe I call the same one and Catholicke bicause there is but one only true Churche biside the which there is none other And the same is the congregation and felowship of all the faithfull throughout the whole worlde which at any time haue liued on this earthe in what time or place so euer they haue bin or that now are or héereafter shall be And as there is one God and Lorde neither any moe Gods or Lordes ▪ as appeareth ● Corinth 8. and Ephes. 4. so also it is of necessitie that there be but one only churche Wherfore althoughe this churche be dispersed diuers times into diuers sundry members through out the face of the whole earth yet hath it but one spirite one faith beléeueth in one God the father in one sauior our Lord Jesus Christ in the holy ghost And therfore is knit in one charitie and in one mind with all faithfull where and in what place so euer they be And this church is holy that is to say sanctified purged from sinnes beutified endued with holinesse and righteousnes and that through the grace of God the father in the blud of his only sonne by the power effectuall working of the holy ghoste It is called the christian Apostolical church bicause it is grounded built by the blissed Apostles vpō the true rock that only euerlasting foundation Jesus Christ in the which foundation also it is preserued réedified and increased by the doctrine of thapostles as we may lerne by S. Paul 1. Cor. 3. Eph. 2. 4. 1. Pet. 2. And here is to be noted that as the Israelites did beléeue Moses that is to say did beleue the doctrin commaundements which he brought to thē frō God euen so the christiās beléeue the true church Paule also calleth it the piller and foūdation of truth bicause shée heareth the voice only of hir pastor Jesus Christ not the voice of any stranger Nether is it beleued bicause it is the church only that is to say the congregation or felowship of mē but bicause it is the church of Christ heareth only his eternal truth preserueth confesseth teacheth the same and for this cause shée is called the piller foūdatiō of truth Wherfore we beleue the church for Christes sake and for his truthe and doctrines sake which by his faithfull ministers is taught in the same Neither ought any mā to beléeue in the church bicause she is collected of men therfore is of the order of things created And it is manifest that God abhorreth all those which trust in men Ierem. 17. wherfore this preposition ●n is ioyned in the. xij Articles of our faith only to the thrée persones of the holy Trinitie For vve confesse that vve beleeue in God the father in his only begotten sonne and in the holy ghost Furthermore Cyprian and other holy fathers do excellently teach in their interpretations of the Créede that we must beleeue there is an holy church but not to beleue in the church And therfore do we not teache any new thing but that which the fathers before vs haue themselues most plainly diligētly taught The third Question What they vnderstande by the name of the church The Answere WE vnderstande thereby the congregation or cōpany of those which beléeue in christ For the church in the Germain tong is called Kirch as though it were deriued from the Grecians which call our Lord Jesus Christe 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to say lord Wherefore all those which are coupled or knitte to Christ the true head and fruteful vine as his proper members and braunches springing and growing in him are the true Christian churche And this interpretation of the name of the church we haue also in the Articles of our faith for to the confession of the catholike church we adde that we beleue in the Communion or felowship of Sainctes as though we should say the church is none other thing but the congregation of Sainctes And euen in this sort do the blessed Fathers interprete these thyngs The church is called the Communion or felowshippe of Sainctes for these causes First bicause all the faithfull there are partakers of all the giftes and graces which Christe hath purchased that is to say chéefely the remission of sinnes like as it is said in the Créede next after this Article I
but at Rome and that churche whiche agréed not therewith to bée excluded from Chrystes churche And therefore they haue excommunicated the Grecian and Easte churches and haue herevppon stirred vp gréeuous troubles offences and braulings in the whole vniuersall churche of Chryste But to this Question we aunswere thus Bicause the churche of Chryste is catholike or vniuersall it can not be bound tyed or shutte vp into one certayne place for how can it otherwyse be called the catholike or vniuersall church Therefore if it continue to bée catholyke as the vndoubted Truthe dothe testifie then it both hath bene in times paste and is nowe also in those places where the true members of Chryste are for those onely are they which beléeue in him call on him worshippe and honour hym for their onely Pastor and Sauiour and haue those principall tokens whereof I haue spoken before And thus haue I shewed you the place wherein the true and vniuersall Churche of Chryste hathe héeretofore bene and is yet to bée founde And wée speake of the vniuersall Churche whyche is on thys earthe and not of that whiche is in heauen bycause the place thereof is knowen and manyfest vnto the faythfull But what aunswere wil these Prelates make to that that there was a glorious and scattered church of Christ throughout the worlde before there was any Church of Chryst at Rome the whiche was not called the Churche of Rome but the Churche of Chryste and was in euery place where any faythfull were For the Popish Prelates them selues doo confesse that Saint Peter came to Rome the second yere of Claudius the Emperour and that was tenne yeres after the ascention of Chryste and that there he dyd beginne and preache the Gospell For the gospel sprang not vp first at Rome but it dyd spread from Hierusalem to Rome and so into the whole worlde wherevppon some haue called Hierusalem the mother Churche Therefore the Romishe Churche hathe ouer soone and to quickly desired the gouernment of other Churches and for that cause hathe stirred vp turmoyles and discordes no smal confusion and trouble to the vniuersall Church Furthermore not onely in Grecia but also in the south and in the east there are many faythfull whiche not onely doo confesse Jesus Christ but also worship cal vpon him serue him and doo vndoubtedly appertayne to the kingdome of Chryst although they be subiect to the ciuill gouernement of the tyrannous Lurke and such like tyrants Yet none of all these men care any whit at al for the Byshop of Rome the church thereof or for any customes or Ceremonies by the same Churche deuised or ordeined beeing contrary to the worde of God I say they esteeme them no more than we in this our age and in this our countrey esteeme them And doo they not nowe therefore appertayne to the Churche of Chryste Wherfore it is euident that Chryste hathe his church yea euen in those Countreys But when as in tymes paste the Byshop of Rome desired certayne of those Nations to submitte them selues vnder the Churche of Rome they as the Storie testifieth aunswered VVee knowe your power and your pride we can not satisfie your couetousnesse nor wyll suffer your tyrannie and vnlawefull luste and therefore as wee are so wee wyll remayne And yet these godly men refuse not to obey the Chrystian Churche but onely they doo refuse to obey the vnlawefull luste of these pontificall Prelates and yet notwithstanding loue and serue Chryste yea so muche the more for that they submitte not them selues to the Byshop of Rome The. ix Question Whether they do beleeue that without the Churche of Rome there be no saluation or remission of sinnes and whether they doo also beleeue that all those which separate thēselues willingly from that church are to be condemned as Heretikes and Schismatikes The Answere LEt vs make some difference betwéene these questiōs whether there be any saluation or remission of sinnes without the churche of Rome Or again whether there be any saluation or remission of sinnes without the Christian church For thus truely we suppose say that there is no more saluation to be looked for without the christian church than there was health to be loked for in the floud without the arke of Noe. For our sauiour Chryst Jesus the remissiō of sinnes and al other good gifts of God that are declared vnto vs by the preaching of the gospel are written in our herts by the holy ghost vnto eternall lyfe are only to be founde in the communion or felowship of saincts For without the Churche there are many erroures in this world as of the Gentiles Jewes Mahomets diuers other Heresies yea the lawes and superstitious constitutions and Ceremonies of the Popes which all are vnknowne and repugnant to the churche of Christe Wherfore we say that saluation and remission of sinnes may very well be had withoute the churche of Rome For the faithfull which beléeue Christes woorde and féele the power of faith and redemption of Christ and in the meane while beholde what is done in the church of Rome wherein Heauen remission of sinnes and all other holy things are set out to sale and are bidde to be redéemed with oure vnrighteous riches as by the shamefull mart of their indulgences it appeareth doe not long abide in suche a churche nor studie not to be pertakers of these knackes but flée with a quiet and faithfull harte without money to the onely grace of God bicause Esaie in hys 55. Chapter sheweth that euen for thys cause the Lorde speaketh vnto and reproueth men for that they come not to him but lay oute their money for those things which profitte nothing to theyr saluation Let therefore euery man I beséeche you reade the fiue and fiftie chapter of this Prophet And how suche buying and selling in the churche displeaseth bothe Christe yea and Peter of whome the churche of Rome dothe so busily but yet without cause bragge Christe himselfe declareth by his example in that he draue twise out of the Temple the buyers and sellers yea euen with whippes Iohn 2. Matth. 21. In the Actes of the Apostles also it is wrytten That when Simon Magus sawe the holy Ghoste was giuen of the Apostles by laying on of their handes he broughte money vnto them saying Geeue mee also this povver that on vvhome so euer I lay mine hande hee may receiue the holy Ghost but Peter answered him Let thy siluer perishe togyther vvith thee or as some doe interprete it Let thy mony be vvith thee into perdition vvhich thinkest the gift of God may begotten vvith mony For thou hast neyther parte nor felovvship in this doctrine for thy hart is not right before god Act. 8. And bicause God héere by Peter cursseth all those which are not of an vprighte harte and pronounceth them to haue no parte or fellowshippe wyth Goddes electe which make marchandise of his grace and other giftes amongste whome saluation
the eternall wisdome of God sawe not these things before he instituted the cuppe and could not he if it had séemed to him good haue forbidden the lay men the vse of the same But sith the eternall wisedome of God hath giuen the same vnto them let vs content our selues therewith onlesse we would séeme to haue more wisdome than god And may not the priests I pray yée shed the wine as well as the lay men And why then shuld not the same be forbidden vnto them But the Lordes supper is brought into contempt for farre many other causes than when any parte of the Wine falleth by chaunce on the grounde or is shedde vnwillingly For true faithe burning charitie stedfaste hope faithfulnesse mercy iustice and the puritie of those which cōmunicate are the true ornamentes of the Sacramentes Wherefore what offences or what honor they bring to this Sacrament which daily vse the same to gette their liuing thereby yet in the meane time are drunkardes whoremaisters vncleane persones studying all vngodlynesse liue publikely in their naughtinesse to the great offence of many is nowe by the great mercy of God most manifestly knowne Wherefore I hartely beséeche almighty God to graunte all those the true knowledge of their sinnes wherby they may repent and amend their liues Amen The. xij Common place Of the sacrifice of the Masse The. xlviij Question Whether they doe beleue that the true bodie bloud of Christ in the sacrament of the aultar be a true and an acceptable sacrifice vnto God whiche ought to be offered in the Churche of Christ in the blessed office of the Masse vncessantly for the quick the dead vntyll the comming of Chryst The Answere SIth we haue sufficiently before proued that the true body and bloude of Christ is not in the Sacramente corporally it foloweth of necessitie that the same canne not be offered vp in the Masse by the priestes But yet the Romishe churche teacheth that the bodye and bloude of Christe is corporally and substantially present and in the office of their Masse offered vp to God by the Priestes for the sinnes of the quicke and the dead and therefore oughte to be woorshipped But the form of the Masse dothe not agrée with the institution of the Lordes supper but is encreased by the long continuaunce of time wyth diuers additions rights Ceremonies so as Gregorius the seuenth Pope doth confesse that in his time the Masse was not celebrated in all places of the world after one manner wherefore without all doute the Apostles Peter James and Mathewe did neuer celebrate the Masse vsed in the Churche of Rome but were altogyther ignoraunte thereof Therefore the Churches of the gospell haue by good right putte away and abolished the Romishe Masse and in the stead therof haue rightly and godly ordained the supper of oure Lord Jesus Christe which was godly celebrated in the old Apostolical church without any of the Popes or mannes traditions or additions And therfore to the foresaide question we answer that we do not acknowledge nor receiue the Masse for the institution of God but flée from it as being contrary to oure profession partly for causes already shewed and partly for such causes as héereafter we shall shewe But that we may the better knowe what sacrifices are we will héere vnto adde a few words There are amongst the Christians chéefely two kindes of sacrifices the one propiciatorie for the reconciliation and remission of sinnes and the other of thāks geuing in which we exercise our faith serue God geue him thankes bothe wyth wordes and déedes for his benefits bestowed vpon vs In the olde Testament the sacrifice propitiatorie was shadowed and figured by many figures yet was there but one thing which they all did signifie to wit the body and bloud of Christe offered on the crosse Wherefore after that Christ came into the world and remained héere a certaine time that he might offer his body and bloude on the crosse for the remission of sinnes he ordained ●n his supper the Sacrament of the ge●ing of his body and the shedding of his ●loud calling it the cuppe of the Newe ●estament in his bloud Wherfore this Sacrament ought from hence forth on●● to be in stead of all the Sacraments of the Olde testament which were figures and to witnesse that as Christe by the Sacraments of the Olde testament was promised a sauiour so in the ●ewe testament he is come and hathe ●●rformed it and so by the sacrifice of his body and bloud hathe taken away for euer all the sinnes of the faythfull Wherefore when our Lord would of●●r himselfe vppon the crosse and that 〈…〉 houre was come in which he would ●●liuer vp his spirite so by his deathe ●ll sinne death and hell he cried with ●●oud voice It is finished As who shuld ●●y that sacrifice is nowe ended and ful●●lled in which all the figures and pro●isses of the fathers are accomplished 〈…〉 ne fréely pardoned and eternal righ●●ousnesse is obtained vnto euerlasting life And therefore so soone as our Lord was deade and had in this sorte offered vp him selfe a sacrifice to God his heauenly father the vaile of the Temple rente in two péeces greate myracles were séene bothe in the liuing and in the deade yea in heauen and in earthe And thus did the olde Testament the Leuiticall priesthoode and all the other Sacrifices take their ende whereunto they were ordained Therfore nowe resteth but the one only and euerlasting sacrifice of Christ as the chéefest holyest and moste perfecte And suche is the propretie of this Sacrifice that it neither coulde nor yet can be offered of any liuing man bicause not onely for the excellencie and holynesse thereof but also bicause of the imperfection of manne And therefore Christe offered vp him selfe that is to say gaue him self vnto death and so became the one and euerlasting Bishop after the order of Melchisedech as onely Bishop and sacrifice offered to God by him selfe onely Yea this sacrifice which he offered is but one that is to say once offered neither can it any more be offered againe For that hys one sacrifice is hys deathe once made effectuall that it onely and for euer mighte be sufficiente for all ages for the reconciliation and remission of sinnes And bicause Christe hathe suffered for vs dyed was buryed and arose againe from the deade and ascended into Heauen appearing for euer euen vnto the laste daye as one sufficient sacrifice in the sight of God for the full and perfecte redemption of all the Faithfull that is sufficient neither néedeth there any other Sacrifice to be offered in the Churche for the remission of sinnes Wherefore if there be any that wil offer a Sacrifice for his sinnes he dothe manifestly héereby declare that hée dothe not beléeue that his sinnes are forgiuen him by the onely Sacrifice of Christe For if he stedfastly beléeue that they are washed away why then dothe he
kingdome of heauen but are euen as it were in hell and the ministers receiued the keyes of the kingdome of heauen from Christe that is to say the preaching of the Gospell that therby they might open shut Therefore they open when they teache true faithe promisse eternall life and exhort all men to come vnto Christe that they may be saued And they shutte vp the kingdome of heauen when they threaten eternall damnation against the vnbeléeuers wicked men and suche as do not repente testifying vnto them that they are excluded from the kingdome of god But the power or effecte to perfourme appertaineth onely vnto the Lorde like as Paule compareth the ministers of the Churche to husbande men saying Neither is he that planteth any thing neither he vvhich vvatereth but God vvhich giueth the increase VVhat then is Paule or vvho is Appollo are they any other but Ministers by vvhome you haue beleeued euen as God hathe giuen the gifte vnto euery one Therefore it is God onely that dothe forgiue or not forgiue ours sinnes and the ministers which haue receiued the keyes are onely the publishers of this deliueraunce or captiuitie Wherefore some of the Fathers haue vsed in this case a certaine distinction saying that Christe gouerneth in the Churche by his owne proper power and the ministers as seruauntes onely And héereby it manifestly appeareth that these Romishe champions which after so straunge a manner claime vnto them selfe the power of the keyes and persuade the simple people that by the authoritie of them they haue obtained I knowe not what wonderfull power are like those vnthriftie and vntrustie seruauntes who hauing receyued some certaine and limitted office not being therewith content doe vnder the pretence thereof vsurpe the power and authoritie of their Lorde and maister So these good fellowes conuerte the vse of the keyes which they haue receyued to the accomplishing of all that them selues do like off For of the keyes which in déede is the office of preaching these Popish prelates frame vp great and maruellous matters for by them they doe aduaunce and lifte vp them selues and their authoritie aboue Kings Emperors yea ouer the soules of men their dignities goodes and bodyes Furthermore vnder the pretence of these their keyes they heape vp great treasures searche out the conseiences of men and mainetaine theyr purgatorie of which muche mighte be spoken that we heere willingly ouerpasse But we knowe that the office giuen to the priestes and ministers of the church was to preach the word of God and to giue good examples of life to the congregation administer the Sacraments to féede and preserue the flocke of God as S. Paule teacheth bothe to Timothe and Titus And as touching any other greater power which the Romishe prelates chalenge in the churche there is not one woorde spoken in the Scripture sauing that in an other respect there is somewhat written thereof in the Reuelation of S. John the. 9. 11. 13. 17. and 18. chapters The. liij Question Whether mē by this retaining of sinnes are by excommunication seperated from the churche of Christe and are deliuered to the power of sathan And whether he be to be iudged a Publicane or Heathen which will not heare the church The Answere IN good soothe I maruell that these mē dare make once mention of that kinde of excōmunicatiō which the Scripture speaketh of for it it were in vse and mighte haue his force then should them selues be firste excommunicated For euē in the same place wher Paule commaundeth him to be deliuered to Sathan which had committed incest with his mother and that to be don to the destruction of the fleshe euen there also dothe he forbidde the faithfull to haue any company with whooremaisters couetous oppressers drunkardes idolaters c. And in déede we bothe knowe and confesse that the churche of Christe hathe power to admonishe exhorte punishe correcte and to Excommunicate all those who liue in sinnes wickednesse slaunders and Idolatries hauing no regarde to repentaunce and amendment of life But howe I beséeche you haue oure Romish spiritualtie as they call them vsed excommunication in their church who are they whome they haue excommunicated For they neuer vsed the same to the rooting vp of vice and vngodlynesse but to the aduauncing and setting vp of theyr owne glory and couetousnesse yea héereby as with a bridle they haue helde in the godly to be subiecte to theyr Tyranntcall power And therefore diuers Popes and Bishoppes by meanes of this Excommunication haue not onely Excommunicated but also persecuted Kings Emperoures Princes whole Common weales and sundry honest menne yea héereby setting them together by the eares and that onely to the ende this proude spiritualtie might beare the sway alone and purchase to them selues all the authoritie and power giuen by God to the magistrate and so make Kings and Princes subiecte to them Reade the Histories of Gregorie the seconde of Gregorie the thirde and Gregorie the seuenth of Paschalis Gelasius Innocentius Alexander Bonifacius and other Popes what they did to Leo the thirde Henrie the fourth and Henrie the fifthe to Phillip and Fredericke what they did to the Princes and kings of Germanie and France with diuers others whome these Popes moste miserably bothe against the lawe of God and man excommunicated and vexed with their whole kingdomes In like manner we confesse that all those which will not heare the Church according to the woordes of oure Lorde and Sauioure Jesus Christe in the eightienthe Chapiter of Mathewe are like vnto the Publicanes and heathen But what I pray yée is this vnto the Papistes Doe they thincke that all those which speake and doe against the Church of Rome are Publicanes and Heathen Lette them selues firste become the Churche of Christe and then shal they be Publicanes and Heathen that will not heare them But if these Romishe sorte be Publicanes and Heathen themselues then shall all those be called and be in very déede true Christians which sette themselues againste their churche To conclude admonition exhortation reprouing correction and punishment ought to be in the churche of Christ and must be applied as cause requireth to edifying and therefore who so euer resisteth this good order doth gréeuously offend The. xv Common place Of Matrimonie Vowes and Chastitie The. liiij Question Whether mariage be lawfull and free for all men The Answere OUr Lord Christ after he had in the. 19. of Mathewe taught that a man mighte not put away his wife for euery cause and there vppon the disciples had said If the matter bee so then is it better not to marie He answereth All men cannot receiue thys saying saue they too whome it is geuen and then making mention of thrée sorts of chast addeth Hee that is able to receiue this let hym receiue it By which wordes in déed he testifieth and manifestly teacheth that the gifte to liue chast and without mariage is not common or giuen to all mē
within a whyle after perceyueth him selfe not able to kéepe them yea that it is a cause of whooredome lustes and manye other sinnes but he dothe well and godly if he kéepe not that foolishe Uowe that is to saye if he cut off those causes of sinne And so the Fathers teache saying In euill promisses breake thy promisse And that vvhich thou haste vnaduisedly vovved doe it not c. But that which we do vow with good aduise béeing iust and honest according to the lawe of God that let vs faythfully and constantly obserue without all disceite For the iuste God is a reuenger of all lying and wicked men that kéepe no promise wyth God or man And I speake thys from the bottome of my hart least any man should mistake our doctrine and say that we teache lybertie and that men shoulde not kéepe their fayth and promyse For wée doo euen from our hearts detest all filthy and vngodly libertie The. lvj Question Whether Chryst be not able to giue vnto those the gyft of chastitie whiche doo desyre and craue the same frō the bottome of their heart chiefly to those which labour and apply them selues earnestly to their studie and moderate them selues in meates and drinke The Answere AS it oughte not to bée sought so may wée not héere séeke what God may or can doo but what he hathe commaunded and what he wyll doo And wée muste moste warely obserue thys precepte Thou shalte not tempt the Lorde thy God. Wée all knowe that all thinges are possible to God and yet muste we knowe that this rule is for euer obserued in Chrystes Churche that it followeth not that he dothe all things that he can but wée must diligently marke what he commaundeth and byddeth vs to doo And this rule if wée apply it to this place it will appeare that thys is the commaundement of God that he which perceiueth him selfe to haue the gyfte of chastitie should vse the same so that he well perceyue that he hathe grace so to doo and that he which hath not this gyfte shoulde marry and not put him selfe in danger or tempt god For Saincte Paule speaketh of thys matter saying That he would intangle no man. 1. Corinth 7. And howe diligently they applye their Bookes in Monasteries howe they labour and what abstynence they vse in meates and drinkes I leaue it to the iudgement of any wyse man to discusse For it is euident that they seldome apply their Bookes but gyue them selues altogither to idlenesse dayntinesse and satisfying of their paunche In déede their talke hathe a goodly shewe but yet wyse men can well ynoughe perceyue what they are and therefore wyll not suffer them selues to bée seduced alwayes wyth thys spirituall babbling when they so manyfestlye perceyue their wyckednesse But if there bée any that wyll bée wylfull blynde then let their owne confusion fall on their owne pate The. lvij Question If any man be caste into pryson and fed hardly he doth not feele any great temptations Therefore is it not possible he shoulde keepe his vowe which he hathe made to Chrysts church which keepeth him selfe vnder by abstinence The Answere ALthough you haue made no mentiō in these your questions of the imprisoning torments with which you haue so gréeuously tormented the honest and godly maryed men either for mariage or for some other poynte of Religion neuerthelesse those good men whiche lyue nowe in this age may know and those which shall lyue after vs shall manyfestly sée that you are tootoo cruell in persecuting and tormenting I beséeche you consider with your selues why and wherefore you doo it If it so greatly delight you to chasten naughtie wycked men with imprisonment and with harde fare why then doo you not imprison whoremongers and adulterers and not those which liue chaste in mariage why do you not looke vpon you selues And why doo you not keepe vnder with abstinence those drunkards and horrible offendors But those men you neuer punish but you punish those whom God cōmaundeth to fauour and whom God commaundeth you to punish those you let goe You are nothing seuere towardes vyce and too cruell towardes goodnesse which God hath forbidden to punish I beseech you remember the auncient Histories of all ages and you shall sée that God dyd neuer forsake his for although he kepte them a long tyme vnder the crosse yet at the laste he delyuered them at his pleasure and they which dyd afflitte them for righteousnesse sake he terribly rewarded them with moste sharpe and gréenous punishments You would fayne be called spiritual and then fauour and mercy would better become you than thys rigor and crueltie But if you do rather delight in crueltie take héede least that corner stone agaynst whome you thus stryke bée found ouer harde vnto you and least it fal vpon you and grind you to péeces Feare God and take héede in tyme for all thinges haue an ende VVoe sayth the Lorde to those that spoyle for they shall be spoyled Oftentites in déede it commeth to passe that in the tyme of miserie men are least prouoked or moued wyth affections and that by reason of the gréefe of sicknesse or other myseries and yet hereby it followeth not that they should kéepe them selues vnmaryed all their lyfe tyme Saincte Paule who very well knew and had good experience of the grace and helpe of God and the infirmitie of our flesh dyd permit those that are maried to separate them selues for a time but yet by the consent of both the parties that therby being in some great distresse they might the more feruently giue them selues to prayer and yet he addeth héere vnto And come togyther agayne least Sathan tempt you for your incontinencie And why I pray you doo not these which would so fayne bée called Apostolike men giue suche counsell to those which are troubled and specially sithe wée haue so many wofull examples before our faces of those which whylest they professe chastitie fall into suche daunger that they at the last lose soule honors body and goodes The. Lviij Question Whether a Priest whiche marieth a wyfe by name and as he supposeth contrary to the vowe which he hathe made do not greeuously sinne and whether suche a mariage bee not double whordome and inceste and ought to be punished by the sworde according to lawe The Answere I Beseche you speake more fauourably for this kynde of speache is too filthy declareth what you are and encreseth most gréeuous iudgement agaynst you For that mariage whiche is done in the feare of god and for lawfull causes is bothe iuste and lawefull and béeing celebrated betwéene those whom no cause which God hath ordeyned dothe separate And the lawefull causes are declared Gen. 2. 3. Cor. 7. But the vowes of the Spiritualtie are neuer once named amongest the impediments of mariage wherefore they may marry notwithstanding their vowes And the mariage of those are true and holy and suche
beleue the remission of sinnes the resurrection of the body and life euerlasting Secondly it is called the Communion or felowship of Sainctes that is to say of the faithfull for as appeareth by the Epistles of S. Paul the Apostles and other blessed Fathers called the faithful or Christians Sainctes Bicause as I said before they are sanctified by Christ in his blud through the holy Ghost But bicause the church is a congregation or companie peraduenture therfore it is called in our mother tong Kuch by this letter L and not as some other Germanes do sound it by the letter R. For in the Hebrewe tonge the people or churche of God is called K●ha● and Keh●●a● whereuppon the Germanes say Kilcha But whether it be deriued from the Hebrue or from the Gréeke it is all one For ech of those wordes signifie the congregation or felowshippe of Gods people euen as this worde Ecclesia amongest the Latines dothe also signifie which worde is borowed of the Grecians And although the vniuersall Churche of God in thys earth can not be brought into one company or felowshippe before the last day yet notwithstanding is the same neuerthelesse a spirituall and inuisible body perfectely compacte vnder one heade Jesu Chryste euen as diuers members hauyng sundry operations are ioyned in one body The vniuersall Churche of Chryst is deuided first into the congregation of them whych hauing finished the course of this their lyfe and passed ouer all corruptible things do now reioyce with christ their head in heauen prayse God for euermore Secondely it is deuided into the congregation of those which do yet liue here on this earthe in dayly battell in the Churche of Chryst and haue thys hope that at the time appointed by god they shall come to Chryst their heade and the felowship of their elect brethrē And in this cōgregation there are some which haue true faythe and therefore are the liuely members of the Church vnder their head Chryste some lacke that liuely fayth and therfore are hypocrites being yet numbred in the visible Churche so long as their wickednesse springeth not foorthe nor they bewray thēselues Touching these S John writeth thus They went out from vs by this it appeareth they were reckned in the Church for else could they not haue gone out thē●e but they were not of vs that is to say they were not the liuely members of the church true beleuers for if they had ben of vs they wold haue remained with vs. And herevpon it commeth to pas that many deuide the church into the inwarde and inuisible and into the outwarde and visible Churche Yea furthermore it is deuided into the congregation of those which haue liued frō the creation of the world vnto the cōming of christ into the cōpany of those faithful which haue ben since the tune of christ and shal be to the end of the world And euery congregation of eche these parts are called the Catholike or vniuersall church yea eche of those churches which are scattered in this worlde haue but one spirite or faithe hath eche the name of vniuersall churche For in the scriptures there is mention made of particulare churches in this earthe as that Paule wryteth to the church of Rome Corinth Ephesus and suche others And therfore euē as many Cities and Prouinces are contained in one kingdome and of many members is made one perfect body so also those churches which are dispersed vpon the face of the earth make but one church one kingdom and one spirituall body of Christe be being the head therof The fourth Question Whether they beleeue that the vniuersal church of Christ be guided ruled and gouerned by the holy Ghost The Answere GOd hathe alwayes euen frō the beginning of the world bene present with his people and churche gouerning the same by the ministerie of the Patriarkes Prophetes and Apostles and that throughe the holy Ghoste For oftentimes God speaketh in the old Testament saying Beholde I am alvvayes vvith you I vvill guide and defende you c. And in the new Testament our Lord Christ saith Beholde I am vvith you for euer vntill the ende of the vvorlde And againe I vvill giue my spirite vnto you that he may abide vvith you for euer And againe vvhere tvvo or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the middest of them But the purpose of this Question is to bring the godly and simple into perplexitie and doubte For when they confesse that god gouerneth his church by his holy spirite forthwith the popish bishops conclude therof that the churche neither hathe nor can erre and héereby they suppose that all other things are sufficiently proued to wit that what soeuer they vnder the tytle and name of the Church shal thrust vppon men are bothe good and enspired by the holy Ghost But vnto these mates we answere Firste that we doo not acknowledge that church whereof they bragge to be the true primatiue apostolike church as hereafter we shal proue Secondely we d●● not confesse that the Churche can not altogither or in all points erre For so long as she is gouerned by the holy ghost and onely harkeneth vnto him dooing nothing but by his motion and worde she neither doth nor can erre But if she swarue at any time from the gouernement of the same spirite and gouerneth after hir owne luste then truely shée not onely may but also dothe erre But if any wyll aske whether the Church may swarue from the direction of Gods spirite I answere that it is euident and may in no wyse be denied that the Churche of God héere vpon this earthe often times vnder Moses the Iudges and the Kings of Israell and Iuda hath erred Yea and that the Disciples of Chryst who yet neuerthelesse were the church of christ did erre and had their falles For who is ignoraunt what happened to Dauid Aaron Peter and other the holy Sainctes and Disciples of Chryst Yea wée must note that the Church is gathered not of Angels but of men Wherefore although it be inspired and gouerned by the spirite yet it is not thereby turned into the spirite for it keepeth still hir fleshe and the infirmities thereof yea euen vnto death Who is ignoraunte of those writings which Sainte Paule hathe generally vttered touching the battell betwéene the fleshe and the spirite and that not in the vngodly and vnbeléeuers onely whiche are not of the Churche but euen in the faythefull also and members of the Church And this battell is so vehemente and sharpe that euen thereby the godly are forced not to doo that good and iuste thyng whyche they knowe but to doo that which they ought not to doo Read S. Paules fifth chapter to the Galathians also the seuenth to the Romanes Yet neuerthelesse the same Apostle calleth the Galathians and Corinthians the true church of Christ as purified by his bloude and gouerned by his