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cause_n church_n civil_a ecclesiastical_a 2,893 5 8.1068 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15754 A display of dutie dect vvith sage sayings, pythie sentences, and proper similies: pleasant to reade, delightfull to heare, and profitable to practise, By. L. Wright. Wright, Leonard, b. 1555 or 6. 1589 (1589) STC 26025; ESTC S102227 30,145 48

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fire against a wall without heate it small preuaileth the Iewes to boast themseluēs to be Abrahams children being degenerate from the fayth and maners of Abraham It is better sayth Chrysostome for the parents to boast of their vertuous sonne than the sonne to vaunt of his noble Parents and there●ore such as couet to excell in honor must labour to excéed in vertue or else the higher their calling is seated by fortune the déeper will their fall be ouerthrowen by their follie Finally whosoeuer is a gréedy couetous snudge in getting a hard pinching nigard in spending a craftie dissembling foxe in dealing sterne in countinance churlish in spéech and hoggish in behauiour though he were as personable in shape as Absolon as rich in possessions as Cressus and discended from the bloud of great Alexander he is but a miserable prowling carle vnworthy the name of a man much lesse of a Gentleman A caueat to the couetous COuetousnesse is the roote of all euill the ground of all vice and the originall cause of all mischiefe Which in paine of eternall damnation is straightly forbidden of God himself There is nothing worse saith Iesus Syrach then a couetous man who for his intollerable gréedinesse is aptly compared to a gryping cormorant a deuouring caterpiller a rauening wolfe a shamelesse dogge that is neuer satisfied and a noysome hogge that is neuer profitable till he dye Whose eares in respect of any goodnes are as deafe as a doore nayle his eyes as blinde as a béetle his hart as hard as a flint stone his pouch as gréedie as hell mouth And therefore in the common wealth of Israell they had a speciall regard to chuse such men for Captaines Officers and Gouernours as feared God and hated couetousnesse Yea it was not lawfull for the Prince himselfe much lesse for a subiect to gather too much siluer and gold But in this our miserable age there is such gréedy prowling for pelfe hurding of money racking of lands abusing of law preuie conueighing of corne beife bakon butter chéese and such other commodities to féede the gréedy appetites of churlish Naball vncharitable Diues and their vnsatiable companions as the common wealth is almost brought to common beggerye Againe such ioyning of house to house ground to ground farme to farme and liuing to liuing to maintaine their superfluity as the meaner sort can not haue to ayde necessity Yea if the Lorde himselfe should not come quickly and call them to account For bribing gryping wringing plucking off the skinne and grinding the very faces of his poore members whose liues are made euen a notamy of mysery and a sea of bitternes they would shortly looke to dwell vpon the earth alone These only do prosper flourish and deuour the fat of the lande Their barnes are filled with graine their coffers stuft with coyne their tables furnished with daintie dishes and their houses safe from feare of the rodde They ly vpon soft beds of Iuory grope their soules in rest and eate their bread alone Their children go foorth in flockes and lead the dance spending their time in riote and vanitie They sit in the chaire of wilfulnesse speake what they list whose conceites must stande for reason their might for right their liking for law As the ruler will so sayth the Iudge y t he may do him the like pleasure againe Thus haue they deuoured Iacob taken away his portion by violence and laid waste his dwelling place They gape vpon him with disdainefull countenance as it were a ramping and roaring Lyon whose lamentable complaints are come vp vnto the eares of y e Lord of hosts yea the ve●y stones in the wall cryeth out against it And therefore t● the conuersion or confusion of all such pitilesse worldlings thus sayth the Lord Wo be vnto them that couetously gather together euill gotten goods that they may set vp their nests on high to scape from misfortune they haue deuised the very shame cōfusion of their own house I saw the Lord stand vpon the altar saith the Prophet and he sayde smite y e doore chéeke that the posts may shake withall for their couetousnes shall fall vpon their owne heades Go to now you rich worldings and Rams of the flocke that liue in pleasure and wantonnesse sayth the Apostle wéepe and howle for the myseries that shall come vpon you Gehefie for couetousnesse was plagued with leprosie Naball striken to death and Diues tormented in hell where without spéedy repentance and restitution all gréedy prowlers shall shortly perish and come to a fearefull ende The dutie of subiects to their Prince THe ciuill Magistrate is a minister armed with lawes sword appointed of God as a nurse to his Church and a father to the common-wealth To order rule and gouerne the people committed to his charge execute iustice and kéepe outward discipline as well in causes Ecclesiasticall as temporall Whose hart is in the hands of the Lord to turne it for the benefite of the good and punishment of the euill which way as pleaseth him Unto whose authoritie power and gouernement euery Christian subiect is bound in dutie and conscience humbly to submit himselfe Reuerently to feare him as the roaring of a Lyon thankfully to honor and pray for him as Gods Leuetenant vpon earth willingly to yéeld all tributes taxes and duties vnto him and obediently to obserue and kéepe his lawes statutes ordinances and procéedings in al things In matters contrarie to faith saluation expresly cōmanded in the sacred word only excepted Yea though he were as gréeuous a persecutor as Saul king of Israel as wicked an oppressor as Pharao king of Egypt or as cruell a tyrant as Nabugodonozer king of Babylon much more being so mercifull vertuous and godly a Prince as good Elizabeth Quéene of England So God by the prophet doth straightly command Our Sauiour both by his doctrine and example doth plainely teach And the holy Ghost by the Apostle doth vehemently exhort Submit your selues vnto all the ordinance of man for the Lordes sake sayth he whether it be vnto the king as chiefe and supreme head next vnder God or those that be appointed in office to gouerne vnder him Whosoeuer therefore resisteth the authoritie of the ciuil Magistrate resisteth not man but the ordinance of God himselfe to his owne damnation He that prouoketh his soueraigne vnto anger sayth Salomon offendeth against his owne soule Yea he that shall but euen thinke euill against the Lords annoynted sayth he the very bird of the ayre with the fluttering of her wings will bewray his secret thoughts The rebellious Israelites for resisting against Moses the ciuill Magistrate Aron the high Priest were some of them plagued with pestilence some stoong with fiery serpents some consumed with fire from heauen and some